path: root/examples/rebuild
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Bug#553594: rebuild/buildall tries to download with epoch in filename•••Here's the patch I forgot yesterday... Steve M. Robbins2012-01-25
* rebuild/buildall tries to download with acepack when building ack Bug#553607:•••tags 553607 + patch thanks One-line patch attached, which I have tested. -Steve Steve M. Robbins2012-01-25
* Do not mention codename of testing where possible•••Avoid mentionning the codename of the current testing distribution where possible as this gets out of date -- except in the rebuild README where the current testig is really what we want. Loïc Minier2009-12-14
* Declare bashisms explicit in buildall script. (closes: #530157)Junichi Uekawa2009-05-31
* * add example rebuild script from Bastian Venthur••• (http://people.debian.org/~venthur/stuff/2007-06-rebuild/) Junichi Uekawa2007-06-07