path: root/doc/plugins/contrib
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3 files changed, 87 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/plugins/contrib/ikiwiki/directive/jssearchfield.mdwn b/doc/plugins/contrib/ikiwiki/directive/jssearchfield.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5d338901d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/plugins/contrib/ikiwiki/directive/jssearchfield.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+The `jssearchfield` directive is supplied by the [[!iki plugins/contrib/jssearchfield desc=jssearchfield]] plugin.
+This enables one to search the structured data ("field" values) of
+multiple pages. A search form is constructed, and the searching is
+done with Javascript, which means that the entire thing is self-contained.
+This depends on the [[!iki plugins/contrib/field]] plugin.
+The pages to search are selected by a PageSpec given by the "pages"
+The fields to search are given by the "fields" parameter. By default,
+the field name is given, and the user can type the search parameter for
+that field into a text input field.
+**pages**: A PageSpec to determine the pages to search through.
+**fields**: The fields to put into the search form, and to display
+in the results.
+**tagfields**: Display the given fields as a list of tags that can
+be selected from, rather than having a text input field. Every distinct
+value of that field will be listed, so it is best used for things with
+short values, like "Author" rather than long ones like "Description".
+Note that "tagfields" must be a subset of "fields".
+**sort**: A SortSpec to determine how the matching pages should be sorted; this is the "default" sort order that the results will be displayed in.
+The search form also gives the option of "random" sort, which will
+display the search results in random order.
+The search form that is created by this directive contains the following:
+* for each search field, a label, plus either a text input field, or a list of checkboxes with values next to them if the field is also a tagfield. Note that the lists of checkboxes are initially hidden; one must click on the triangle next to the label to display them.
+* a "sort" toggle. One can select either "default" or "random".
+* A "Search!" button, to trigger the search if needed (see below)
+* A "Reset" button, which will clear all the values.
+The searching is dynamic. As soon as a value is changed, either by tabbing out of the text field, or by selecting or de-selecting a checkbox, the search
+results are updated. Furthermore, for tagfields, the tagfield lists
+themselves are updated to reflect the current search results.
diff --git a/doc/plugins/contrib/jssearchfield.mdwn b/doc/plugins/contrib/jssearchfield.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2d41ee24f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/plugins/contrib/jssearchfield.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+[[!template id=plugin name=jssearchfield author="[[rubykat]]"]]
+[[!tag type/search]]
+IkiWiki::Plugin::jssearchfield - Create a search form to search page field data.
+This plugin provides the [[ikiwiki/directive/jssearchfield]] directive. This
+enables one to search the structured data ("field" values) of multiple pages.
+This uses Javascript for the searching, which means that the entire thing
+is self-contained and does not require a server or CGI access, unlike
+the default IkiWiki search. This means that it can be used in places such
+as ebook readers. The disadvantage is that because Javascript runs
+in the browser, the searching is only as fast as the machine your browser
+is running on.
+Because this uses Javascript, the htmlscrubber must be turned off for any page where the directive is used.
+This plugin depends on the [[!iki plugins/contrib/field]] plugin.
+## Activate the plugin
+ # activate the plugin
+ add_plugins => [qw{goodstuff field jssearchfield ....}],
+ # disable scrubbing for search page
+ htmlscrubber_skip => 'mysearchpage',
+ IkiWiki
+ IkiWiki::Plugin::field
+ HTML::Template
+* browse at GitHub: <http://github.com/rubykat/ikiplugins/blob/master/IkiWiki/Plugin/jssearchfield.pm>
+* git repo at git://github.com/rubykat/ikiplugins.git
diff --git a/doc/plugins/contrib/newpage/discussion.mdwn b/doc/plugins/contrib/newpage/discussion.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb186463d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/plugins/contrib/newpage/discussion.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+How is this better than creating an inline with `rootpage` set,
+which creates a similar new page form? I sometimes make the inline match
+nothing, while still creating pages, in the odd cases where I have a map
+or such displaying the pages. --[[Joey]]
+> I wanted something that would automatically be available on every page, but only when editing was enabled.
+> One of the sites I maintain as webmaster (<http://www.constrainttec.com/>) has a two-stage publication process. The "working" site is on an internal server, where it is set up as a wiki that authorized users in the company can edit. When they're satisfied with the changes they've made, the "working" site gets pushed (with git) to the "production" site, which is on a different server. The ikiwiki setup for the production site has editing completely disabled, because it is the site which is exposed to the outside world.
+> For that site, I want all sign that it's a wiki to be hidden. Therefore using an inline directive would be unsuitable.
+> --[[KathrynAndersen]]