diff options
4 files changed, 49 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/bugs/Webedits_without_comment_don__39__t_make_it_through_git.mdwn b/doc/bugs/Webedits_without_comment_don__39__t_make_it_through_git.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ac75c441a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/bugs/Webedits_without_comment_don__39__t_make_it_through_git.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+If you edit via web, and don't enter a comment, the commit message for the ensuing Git commit is empty. Git by default will not commit with a blank commit message, so the edited file is still there in the working files for Ikiwiki but not committed into Git.
+A subsequent commit (including another web page edit with comments) will pull this change in with any new editing. We found this by having spam edits suddenly appear on various pages with no corresponding commits to match.
+IkiWiki/plugin/git.pm checks for a version of git greater than 1.5.4, and if greater, commits with a blank message and '--cleanup=verbatim'. The cleanup option doesn't let the message get committed. Relatively new versions of git support '--allow-empty-message' but I haven't been able to identify when that feature was added. Instead I opted for a default message.
+ 544,545d543
+ < # git will not commit with a blank comment, though this
+ < # can be overridden in later versions.
+ 547c545,553
+ < $params{message}.="No commit message specified.";
+ ---
+ > # Force git to allow empty commit messages.
+ > # (If this version of git supports it.)
+ > my ($version)=`git --version` =~ /git version (.*)/;
+ > if ($version ge "1.5.4") {
+ > push @opts, '--cleanup=verbatim';
+ > }
+ > else {
+ > $params{message}.=".";
+ > }
+The other option would be to change only line 549:
+ push @opts, '--cleanup=verbatim';
+ push @opts, '--allow-empty-message';
+[[!tag bugs patch]]
diff --git a/doc/forum/Cannot_write_to_commitlock.mdwn b/doc/forum/Cannot_write_to_commitlock.mdwn
index 05490a799..07e53453a 100644
--- a/doc/forum/Cannot_write_to_commitlock.mdwn
+++ b/doc/forum/Cannot_write_to_commitlock.mdwn
@@ -26,3 +26,7 @@ Ian.
The user is logging as ian, the same user as the laptop. I can push and pull git repos on the same server owned by the same user via ssh with no problem. I have deleted and re-started from scratch several times. However, for my use case I think it's simpler to keep the repo on my local computer and just rsync the web pages to the server.
+Ian, you've copied over the repo created by ikiwiki --setup, which contains hook/post-update - just remove that file which is not required anymore on the git server side.
diff --git a/doc/forum/Using_reverse_proxy__59___base_URL_is_http_instead_of_https/comment_2_00fee67cc30b7c337710b37c27216a68._comment b/doc/forum/Using_reverse_proxy__59___base_URL_is_http_instead_of_https/comment_2_00fee67cc30b7c337710b37c27216a68._comment
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..26674f98c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/forum/Using_reverse_proxy__59___base_URL_is_http_instead_of_https/comment_2_00fee67cc30b7c337710b37c27216a68._comment
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+[[!comment format=mdwn
+ username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawn1IY7Q6CUIdfPRp2foUdFSIKgaPpMI934"
+ nickname="Martin"
+ subject="comment 2"
+ date="2013-12-23T20:52:17Z"
+ content="""
+I think the option to treat the URLs in the config as hard-coded (effectively ignoring the address from the HTTP request) would be most useful.
diff --git a/doc/ikiwikiusers.mdwn b/doc/ikiwikiusers.mdwn
index 1094f0bb0..c00b8e74e 100644
--- a/doc/ikiwikiusers.mdwn
+++ b/doc/ikiwikiusers.mdwn
@@ -91,6 +91,12 @@ Projects & Organizations
* [Börn og tónlist](http://bornogtonlist.net/) - an Icelandic open-content site, primarily for kindergarten teachers, about music and music-related activites with children. Migrated from MediaWiki to IkiWiki in June 2013. Heavily changed appearance with only minimal changes to page.tmpl. Also its sister site [Leikur að bókum](http://leikuradbokum.net), about children's books in a kindergarten/pre-school context.
* [Réseaulibre.ca](http://wiki.reseaulibre.ca) - a mesh project in Montréal, most data is stored in the wiki, including IP address allocation and geographic data. Features map ([[plugins/osm]]) integration.
* [Foufem](http://foufem.orangeseeds.org/) - Foufem, a feminist hackerspace
+* [[Grésille|http://www.gresille.org]] - A French hactivist group.
+* [[Grenode|http://www.grenode.net]] - A French non-profit Internet access provider.
+* [[Rézine|http://www.rezine.org]] - A French non-proft Internet service provider.
+* [[Nos oignons|http://nos-oignons.net]] - Tor exit nodes funded by the community.
+* [[CAS Libres|http://cas-libres.poivron.org]] - A French feminist radio program.
+* [[Les Barricades|http://barricades.int.eu.org]] - A French socialist choir (CSS has been adapted from the one of [[Grésille|http://www.gresille.org]]).
Personal sites and blogs