diff options
authorhttp://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~willu/ <http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~willu/@web>2008-09-18 08:58:56 -0400
committerJoey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>2008-09-18 08:58:56 -0400
commit6d22987b4e82a978bb37229db210fc9ba14f44bd (patch)
parentdb2178d5ae9e1b0079e881451213110c1702b1dd (diff)
Update patch.
1 files changed, 247 insertions, 709 deletions
diff --git a/doc/todo/tracking_bugs_with_dependencies.mdwn b/doc/todo/tracking_bugs_with_dependencies.mdwn
index 53b5fc070..8435e9f58 100644
--- a/doc/todo/tracking_bugs_with_dependencies.mdwn
+++ b/doc/todo/tracking_bugs_with_dependencies.mdwn
@@ -185,715 +185,253 @@ The following three inlines work for me with this patch:
>>> I think this is ready for people other than me to have a play. It is not well enough tested to commit just yet.
>>> -- [[Will]]
+I've lost track of the indent level, so I'm going back to not indented - I think this is a working [[patch]] taking into
+account all comments above (which doesn't mean it is above reproach :) ). --[[Will]]
-diff --git a/IkiWiki.pm b/IkiWiki.pm
-index e476521..532aaf5 100644
---- a/IkiWiki.pm
-+++ b/IkiWiki.pm
-@@ -1524,7 +1524,16 @@ sub globlist_to_pagespec ($) { #{{{
- sub is_globlist ($) { #{{{
- my $s=shift;
-- return ( $s =~ /[^\s]+\s+([^\s]+)/ && $1 ne "and" && $1 ne "or" );
-+ return ! ($s =~ /
-+ (^\s*
-+ [^\s\(]+ # single item
-+ (\( # possibly with parens after it
-+ ([^\)]* # with stuff inside those parens
-+ (\([^\)]*\))*)* # maybe even nested parens
-+ \))?\s*$
-+ ) |
-+ (\s and \s) | (\s or \s) # or we find 'and' or 'or' somewhere
-+ /x);
- } #}}}
- sub safequote ($) { #{{{
-@@ -1605,7 +1614,7 @@ sub pagespec_merge ($$) { #{{{
- return "($a) or ($b)";
- } #}}}
--sub pagespec_translate ($) { #{{{
-+sub pagespec_makeperl ($) { #{{{
- my $spec=shift;
- # Support for old-style GlobLists.
-@@ -1624,9 +1633,11 @@ sub pagespec_translate ($) { #{{{
- |
- \) # )
- |
-- \w+\([^\)]*\) # command(params)
-+ define\(\s*~\w+\s*,((\([^\(\)]*\)) | ([^\(\)]+))+\) # define(~specName, spec) - spec can contain parens 1 deep
-+ |
-+ \w+\([^\(\)]*\) # command(params) - params cannot contain parens
- |
-- [^\s()]+ # any other text
-+ [^\s\(\)]+ # any other text
- )
- \s* # ignore whitespace
- }igx) {
-@@ -1640,16 +1651,23 @@ sub pagespec_translate ($) { #{{{
- elsif ($word eq "(" || $word eq ")" || $word eq "!") {
- $code.=' '.$word;
- }
-+ elsif ($word =~ /^define\(\s*~(\w+)\s*,(.*)\)$/) {
-+ $code .= " (\$specFuncsRef->{$1}=";
-+ $code .= "memoize(";
-+ $code .= &pagespec_makeperl($2);
-+ $code .= ")";
-+ $code .= ") ";
-+ }
- elsif ($word =~ /^(\w+)\((.*)\)$/) {
- if (exists $IkiWiki::PageSpec::{"match_$1"}) {
-- $code.="IkiWiki::PageSpec::match_$1(\$page, ".safequote($2).", \@_)";
-+ $code.="IkiWiki::PageSpec::match_$1(\$specFuncsRef, \$page, ".safequote($2).", \@_)";
- }
- else {
- $code.=' 0';
- }
- }
- else {
-- $code.=" IkiWiki::PageSpec::match_glob(\$page, ".safequote($word).", \@_)";
-+ $code.=" IkiWiki::PageSpec::match_glob(\$specFuncsRef, \$page, ".safequote($word).", \@_)";
- }
- }
-@@ -1657,8 +1675,16 @@ sub pagespec_translate ($) { #{{{
- $code=0;
- }
-+ return 'sub { my $specFuncsRef=shift; my $page=shift; '.$code.' }';
-+} #}}}
-+sub pagespec_translate ($) { #{{{
-+ my $spec=shift;
-+ my $code = pagespec_makeperl($spec);
- no warnings;
-- return eval 'sub { my $page=shift; '.$code.' }';
-+ return eval $code;
- } #}}}
- sub pagespec_match ($$;@) { #{{{
-@@ -1673,7 +1699,7 @@ sub pagespec_match ($$;@) { #{{{
- my $sub=pagespec_translate($spec);
- return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("syntax error in pagespec \"$spec\"") if $@;
-- return $sub->($page, @params);
-+ return $sub->({}, $page, @params);
- } #}}}
- sub pagespec_valid ($) { #{{{
-@@ -1722,11 +1748,71 @@ sub new { #{{{
- package IkiWiki::PageSpec;
--sub match_glob ($$;@) { #{{{
-+sub check_named_spec($$$;@) {
-+ my $specFuncsRef=shift;
-+ my $page=shift;
-+ my $specName=shift;
-+ my %params=@_;
-+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("Named page spec '$specName' is not valid")
-+ unless (substr($specName, 0, 1) eq '~');
-+ $specName = substr($specName, 1);
-+ if (exists $specFuncsRef->{$specName}) {
-+ # remove the named spec from the spec refs
-+ # when we recurse to avoid infinite recursion
-+ my $sub = $specFuncsRef->{$specName};
-+ $specFuncsRef->{$specName} = undef;
-+ my $result = $sub->($specFuncsRef, $page, %params);
-+ $specFuncsRef->{$specName} = $sub;
-+ return $result;
-+ } else {
-+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("Page spec '$specName' does not exist");
-+ }
-+sub check_named_spec_existential($$$$;@) {
-+ my $specFuncsRef=shift;
-+ my $page=shift;
-+ my $specName=shift;
-+ my $funcref=shift;
-+ my %params=@_;
-+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("Named page spec '$specName' is not valid")
-+ unless (substr($specName, 0, 1) eq '~');
-+ $specName = substr($specName, 1);
-+ if (exists $specFuncsRef->{$specName}) {
-+ # remove the named spec from the spec refs
-+ # when we recurse to avoid infinite recursion
-+ my $sub = $specFuncsRef->{$specName};
-+ $specFuncsRef->{$specName} = undef;
-+ foreach my $nextpage (keys %IkiWiki::pagesources) {
-+ if ($sub->($specFuncsRef, $nextpage, %params)) {
-+ my $tempResult = $funcref->($specFuncsRef, $page, $nextpage, %params);
-+ return $tempResult if ($tempResult);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ $specFuncsRef->{$specName} = $sub;
-+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("No page in spec '$specName' was successfully matched");
-+ } else {
-+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("Named page spec '$specName' does not exist");
-+ }
-+sub match_glob ($$$;@) { #{{{
-+ my $specFuncsRef=shift;
- my $page=shift;
- my $glob=shift;
- my %params=@_;
-+ if (substr($glob, 0, 1) eq '~') {
-+ return check_named_spec($specFuncsRef, $page, $glob);
-+ }
- my $from=exists $params{location} ? $params{location} : '';
- # relative matching
-@@ -1750,17 +1836,23 @@ sub match_glob ($$;@) { #{{{
- }
- } #}}}
--sub match_internal ($$;@) { #{{{
-- return match_glob($_[0], $_[1], @_, internal => 1)
-+sub match_internal ($$$;@) { #{{{
-+ return match_glob(shift, shift, shift, @_, internal => 1)
- } #}}}
--sub match_link ($$;@) { #{{{
-+sub match_link ($$$;@) { #{{{
-+ my $specFuncsRef=shift;
- my $page=shift;
-- my $link=lc(shift);
-+ my $fulllink=shift;
-+ my $link=lc($fulllink);
- my %params=@_;
-- my $from=exists $params{location} ? $params{location} : '';
-+ if (substr($fulllink, 0, 1) eq '~') {
-+ return check_named_spec_existential($specFuncsRef, $page, $fulllink, \&match_link);
-+ }
-+ my $from=exists $params{location} ? $params{location} : '';
- # relative matching
- if ($link =~ m!^\.! && defined $from) {
- $from=~s#/?[^/]+$##;
-@@ -1778,17 +1870,21 @@ sub match_link ($$;@) { #{{{
- }
- else {
- return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$page links to page $p matching $link")
-- if match_glob($p, $link, %params);
-+ if match_glob($specFuncsRef, $p, $link, %params);
- }
- }
- return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$page does not link to $link");
- } #}}}
--sub match_backlink ($$;@) { #{{{
-- return match_link($_[1], $_[0], @_);
-+sub match_backlink ($$$;@) { #{{{
-+ my $specFuncsRef=shift;
-+ my $page=shift;
-+ my $backlink=shift;
-+ return match_link($specFuncsRef, $backlink, $page, @_);
- } #}}}
--sub match_created_before ($$;@) { #{{{
-+sub match_created_before ($$$;@) { #{{{
-+ my $specFuncsRef=shift;
- my $page=shift;
- my $testpage=shift;
-@@ -1805,7 +1901,8 @@ sub match_created_before ($$;@) { #{{{
- }
- } #}}}
--sub match_created_after ($$;@) { #{{{
-+sub match_created_after ($$$;@) { #{{{
-+ my $specFuncsRef=shift;
- my $page=shift;
- my $testpage=shift;
-@@ -1822,8 +1919,12 @@ sub match_created_after ($$;@) { #{{{
- }
- } #}}}
--sub match_creation_day ($$;@) { #{{{
-- if ((gmtime($IkiWiki::pagectime{shift()}))[3] == shift) {
-+sub match_creation_day ($$$;@) { #{{{
-+ shift;
-+ my $page=shift;
-+ my $time=shift;
-+ if ((gmtime($IkiWiki::pagectime{$page}))[3] == $time) {
- return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new('creation_day matched');
- }
- else {
-@@ -1831,8 +1932,12 @@ sub match_creation_day ($$;@) { #{{{
- }
- } #}}}
--sub match_creation_month ($$;@) { #{{{
-- if ((gmtime($IkiWiki::pagectime{shift()}))[4] + 1 == shift) {
-+sub match_creation_month ($$$;@) { #{{{
-+ shift;
-+ my $page=shift;
-+ my $time=shift;
-+ if ((gmtime($IkiWiki::pagectime{$page}))[4] + 1 == $time) {
- return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new('creation_month matched');
- }
- else {
-@@ -1840,8 +1945,12 @@ sub match_creation_month ($$;@) { #{{{
- }
- } #}}}
--sub match_creation_year ($$;@) { #{{{
-- if ((gmtime($IkiWiki::pagectime{shift()}))[5] + 1900 == shift) {
-+sub match_creation_year ($$$;@) { #{{{
-+ shift;
-+ my $page=shift;
-+ my $time=shift;
-+ if ((gmtime($IkiWiki::pagectime{$page}))[5] + 1900 == $time) {
- return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new('creation_year matched');
- }
- else {
-diff --git a/IkiWiki/Plugin/attachment.pm b/IkiWiki/Plugin/attachment.pm
-index f1f792a..a410e48 100644
---- a/IkiWiki/Plugin/attachment.pm
-+++ b/IkiWiki/Plugin/attachment.pm
-@@ -291,7 +291,8 @@ sub attachment_list ($) { #{{{
- package IkiWiki::PageSpec;
--sub match_user ($$;@) { #{{{
-+sub match_user ($$$;@) { #{{{
-+ shift;
- shift;
- my $user=shift;
- my %params=@_;
-@@ -311,7 +312,8 @@ sub match_user ($$;@) { #{{{
- }
- } #}}}
--sub match_ip ($$;@) { #{{{
-+sub match_ip ($$$;@) { #{{{
-+ shift;
- shift;
- my $ip=shift;
- my %params=@_;
-diff --git a/IkiWiki/Plugin/conditional.pm b/IkiWiki/Plugin/conditional.pm
-index 7716fce..c0dbb50 100644
---- a/IkiWiki/Plugin/conditional.pm
-+++ b/IkiWiki/Plugin/conditional.pm
-@@ -70,7 +70,8 @@ sub preprocess_if (@) { #{{{
- package IkiWiki::PageSpec;
--sub match_enabled ($$;@) { #{{{
-+sub match_enabled ($$$;@) { #{{{
-+ shift;
- shift;
- my $plugin=shift;
-@@ -83,13 +84,14 @@ sub match_enabled ($$;@) { #{{{
- }
- } #}}}
--sub match_sourcepage ($$;@) { #{{{
-+sub match_sourcepage ($$$;@) { #{{{
-+ my $specFuncsRef=shift;
- shift;
- my $glob=shift;
- my %params=@_;
- return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("cannot match sourcepage") unless exists $params{sourcepage};
-- if (match_glob($params{sourcepage}, $glob, @_)) {
-+ if (match_glob($specFuncsRef, $params{sourcepage}, $glob, @_)) {
- return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("sourcepage matches $glob");
- }
- else {
-@@ -97,13 +99,14 @@ sub match_sourcepage ($$;@) { #{{{
- }
- } #}}}
--sub match_destpage ($$;@) { #{{{
-+sub match_destpage ($$$;@) { #{{{
-+ my $specFuncsRef=shift;
- shift;
- my $glob=shift;
- my %params=@_;
- return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("cannot match destpage") unless exists $params{destpage};
-- if (match_glob($params{destpage}, $glob, @_)) {
-+ if (match_glob($specFuncsRef, $params{destpage}, $glob, @_)) {
- return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("destpage matches $glob");
- }
- else {
-@@ -111,7 +114,8 @@ sub match_destpage ($$;@) { #{{{
- }
- } #}}}
--sub match_included ($$;@) { #{{{
-+sub match_included ($$$;@) { #{{{
-+ shift;
- shift;
- shift;
- my %params=@_;
-diff --git a/IkiWiki/Plugin/filecheck.pm b/IkiWiki/Plugin/filecheck.pm
-index 6f71be3..3592342 100644
---- a/IkiWiki/Plugin/filecheck.pm
-+++ b/IkiWiki/Plugin/filecheck.pm
-@@ -66,7 +66,8 @@ sub humansize ($) { #{{{
- package IkiWiki::PageSpec;
--sub match_maxsize ($$;@) { #{{{
-+sub match_maxsize ($$$;@) { #{{{
-+ shift;
- my $page=shift;
- my $maxsize=eval{IkiWiki::Plugin::attachment::parsesize(shift)};
- if ($@) {
-@@ -87,7 +88,8 @@ sub match_maxsize ($$;@) { #{{{
- }
- } #}}}
--sub match_minsize ($$;@) { #{{{
-+sub match_minsize ($$$;@) { #{{{
-+ shift;
- my $page=shift;
- my $minsize=eval{IkiWiki::Plugin::attachment::parsesize(shift)};
- if ($@) {
-@@ -108,7 +110,8 @@ sub match_minsize ($$;@) { #{{{
- }
- } #}}}
--sub match_mimetype ($$;@) { #{{{
-+sub match_mimetype ($$$;@) { #{{{
-+ shift;
- my $page=shift;
- my $wanted=shift;
-@@ -138,7 +141,8 @@ sub match_mimetype ($$;@) { #{{{
- }
- } #}}}
--sub match_virusfree ($$;@) { #{{{
-+sub match_virusfree ($$$;@) { #{{{
-+ shift;
- my $page=shift;
- my $wanted=shift;
-@@ -180,7 +184,7 @@ sub match_virusfree ($$;@) { #{{{
- }
- } #}}}
--sub match_ispage ($$;@) { #{{{
-+sub match_ispage ($$$;@) { #{{{
- my $filename=shift;
- if (defined IkiWiki::pagetype($filename)) {
-diff --git a/IkiWiki/Plugin/meta.pm b/IkiWiki/Plugin/meta.pm
-index b2c85c8..788f248 100644
---- a/IkiWiki/Plugin/meta.pm
-+++ b/IkiWiki/Plugin/meta.pm
-@@ -263,6 +263,7 @@ sub pagetemplate (@) { #{{{
- sub match { #{{{
- my $field=shift;
-+ shift;
- my $page=shift;
- # turn glob into a safe regexp
-@@ -291,23 +292,23 @@ sub match { #{{{
- package IkiWiki::PageSpec;
--sub match_title ($$;@) { #{{{
-+sub match_title ($$$;@) { #{{{
- IkiWiki::Plugin::meta::match("title", @_);
- } #}}}
--sub match_author ($$;@) { #{{{
-+sub match_author ($$$;@) { #{{{
- IkiWiki::Plugin::meta::match("author", @_);
- } #}}}
--sub match_authorurl ($$;@) { #{{{
-+sub match_authorurl ($$$;@) { #{{{
- IkiWiki::Plugin::meta::match("authorurl", @_);
- } #}}}
--sub match_license ($$;@) { #{{{
-+sub match_license ($$$;@) { #{{{
- IkiWiki::Plugin::meta::match("license", @_);
- } #}}}
--sub match_copyright ($$;@) { #{{{
-+sub match_copyright ($$$;@) { #{{{
- IkiWiki::Plugin::meta::match("copyright", @_);
- } #}}}
-diff --git a/IkiWiki.pm b/IkiWiki.pm
-index e476521..0751d56 100644
---- a/IkiWiki.pm
-+++ b/IkiWiki.pm
-@@ -1524,7 +1524,16 @@ sub globlist_to_pagespec ($) { #{{{
- sub is_globlist ($) { #{{{
- my $s=shift;
-- return ( $s =~ /[^\s]+\s+([^\s]+)/ && $1 ne "and" && $1 ne "or" );
-+ return ! ($s =~ /
-+ (^\s*
-+ [^\s(]+ # single item
-+ (\( # possibly with parens after it
-+ ([^)]* # with stuff inside those parens
-+ (\([^)]*\))*)* # maybe even nested parens
-+ \))?\s*$
-+ ) |
-+ (\s and \s) | (\s or \s) # or we find 'and' or 'or' somewhere
-+ /x);
- } #}}}
- sub safequote ($) { #{{{
-@@ -1605,7 +1614,7 @@ sub pagespec_merge ($$) { #{{{
- return "($a) or ($b)";
- } #}}}
--sub pagespec_translate ($) { #{{{
-+sub pagespec_makeperl ($) { #{{{
- my $spec=shift;
- # Support for old-style GlobLists.
-@@ -1624,7 +1633,9 @@ sub pagespec_translate ($) { #{{{
- |
- \) # )
- |
-- \w+\([^\)]*\) # command(params)
-+ define\(\s*~\w+\s*,((\([^()]*\)) | ([^()]+))+\) # define(~specName, spec) - spec can contain parens 1 deep
-+ |
-+ \w+\([^()]*\) # command(params) - params cannot contain parens
- |
- [^\s()]+ # any other text
- )
-@@ -1640,16 +1651,23 @@ sub pagespec_translate ($) { #{{{
- elsif ($word eq "(" || $word eq ")" || $word eq "!") {
- $code.=' '.$word;
- }
-+ elsif ($word =~ /^define\(\s*~(\w+)\s*,(.*)\)$/) {
-+ $code .= " (\$params{specFuncs}->{$1}="; # (exists \$params{specFuncs}) &&
-+ $code .= "memoize(";
-+ $code .= &pagespec_makeperl($2);
-+ $code .= ")";
-+ $code .= ") ";
-+ }
- elsif ($word =~ /^(\w+)\((.*)\)$/) {
- if (exists $IkiWiki::PageSpec::{"match_$1"}) {
-- $code.="IkiWiki::PageSpec::match_$1(\$page, ".safequote($2).", \@_)";
-+ $code.="IkiWiki::PageSpec::match_$1(\$page, ".safequote($2).", \%params)";
- }
- else {
- $code.=' 0';
- }
- }
- else {
-- $code.=" IkiWiki::PageSpec::match_glob(\$page, ".safequote($word).", \@_)";
-+ $code.=" IkiWiki::PageSpec::match_glob(\$page, ".safequote($word).", \%params)";
- }
- }
-@@ -1657,23 +1675,36 @@ sub pagespec_translate ($) { #{{{
- $code=0;
- }
-+ return 'sub { my $page=shift; my %params = @_; '.$code.' }';
-+} #}}}
-+sub pagespec_translate ($) { #{{{
-+ my $spec=shift;
-+ my $code = pagespec_makeperl($spec);
-+ print "Spec '$spec' generated code '$code'\n";
- no warnings;
-- return eval 'sub { my $page=shift; '.$code.' }';
-+ return eval $code;
- } #}}}
- sub pagespec_match ($$;@) { #{{{
- my $page=shift;
- my $spec=shift;
- my @params=@_;
-+ my %params=@_;
- # Backwards compatability with old calling convention.
- if (@params == 1) {
-- unshift @params, 'location';
-+ %params = { location => $params[1] };
- }
-+ $params{specFuncs} = {} unless exists $params{specFuncs};
- my $sub=pagespec_translate($spec);
- return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("syntax error in pagespec \"$spec\"") if $@;
-- return $sub->($page, @params);
-+ return $sub->($page, %params);
- } #}}}
- sub pagespec_valid ($) { #{{{
-@@ -1722,11 +1753,84 @@ sub new { #{{{
- package IkiWiki::PageSpec;
-+sub check_named_spec($$;@) {
-+ my $page=shift;
-+ my $specName=shift;
-+ my %params=@_;
-+ print "Checking named spec $specName\n";
-+ error("Unable to find specFuncs in params to check_named_spec()!") unless exists $params{specFuncs};
-+ my $specFuncsRef=$params{specFuncs};
-+ print "A\n";
-+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("Named page spec '$specName' is not valid")
-+ unless (substr($specName, 0, 1) eq '~');
-+ $specName = substr($specName, 1);
-+ if (exists $specFuncsRef->{$specName}) {
-+ # remove the named spec from the spec refs
-+ # when we recurse to avoid infinite recursion
-+ my $sub = $specFuncsRef->{$specName};
-+ $specFuncsRef->{$specName} = undef;
-+ my $result = $sub->($specFuncsRef, $page, %params);
-+ $specFuncsRef->{$specName} = $sub;
-+ return $result;
-+ } else {
-+ print "Invalid specname\n";
-+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("Page spec '$specName' does not exist");
-+ }
-+sub check_named_spec_existential($$$;@) {
-+ my $page=shift;
-+ my $specName=shift;
-+ my $funcref=shift;
-+ my %params=@_;
-+ print "(Existential) Checking named spec $specName\n";
-+ error("Unable to find specFuncs in params to check_named_spec()!") unless exists $params{specFuncs};
-+ my $specFuncsRef=$params{specFuncs};
-+ print "B\n";
-+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("Named page spec '$specName' is not valid")
-+ unless (substr($specName, 0, 1) eq '~');
-+ $specName = substr($specName, 1);
-+ if (exists $specFuncsRef->{$specName}) {
-+ # remove the named spec from the spec refs
-+ # when we recurse to avoid infinite recursion
-+ my $sub = $specFuncsRef->{$specName};
-+ $specFuncsRef->{$specName} = undef;
-+ foreach my $nextpage (keys %IkiWiki::pagesources) {
-+ if ($sub->($specFuncsRef, $nextpage, %params)) {
-+ my $tempResult = $funcref->($page, $nextpage, %params);
-+ return $tempResult if ($tempResult);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ $specFuncsRef->{$specName} = $sub;
-+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("No page in spec '$specName' was successfully matched");
-+ } else {
-+ print "Invalid specname\n";
-+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("Named page spec '$specName' does not exist");
-+ }
- sub match_glob ($$;@) { #{{{
- my $page=shift;
- my $glob=shift;
- my %params=@_;
-+ if (substr($glob, 0, 1) eq '~') {
-+ return check_named_spec($page, $glob, %params);
-+ }
- my $from=exists $params{location} ? $params{location} : '';
- # relative matching
-@@ -1756,11 +1860,16 @@ sub match_internal ($$;@) { #{{{
- sub match_link ($$;@) { #{{{
- my $page=shift;
-- my $link=lc(shift);
-+ my $fulllink=shift;
-+ my $link=lc($fulllink);
- my %params=@_;
-- my $from=exists $params{location} ? $params{location} : '';
-+ if (substr($fulllink, 0, 1) eq '~') {
-+ return check_named_spec_existential($page, $fulllink, \&match_link, %params);
-+ }
-+ my $from=exists $params{location} ? $params{location} : '';
- # relative matching
- if ($link =~ m!^\.! && defined $from) {
- $from=~s#/?[^/]+$##;
-@@ -1785,12 +1894,25 @@ sub match_link ($$;@) { #{{{
- } #}}}
- sub match_backlink ($$;@) { #{{{
-- return match_link($_[1], $_[0], @_);
-+ my $page=shift;
-+ my $backlink=shift;
-+ my %params=@_;
-+ if (substr($backlink, 0, 1) eq '~') {
-+ return check_named_spec_existential($page, $backlink, \&match_backlink, %params);
-+ }
-+ return match_link($backlink, $page, %params);
- } #}}}
- sub match_created_before ($$;@) { #{{{
- my $page=shift;
- my $testpage=shift;
-+ my %params=@_;
-+ if (substr($testpage, 0, 1) eq '~') {
-+ return check_named_spec_existential($page, $testpage, \&match_created_before, %params);
-+ }
- if (exists $IkiWiki::pagectime{$testpage}) {
- if ($IkiWiki::pagectime{$page} < $IkiWiki::pagectime{$testpage}) {
-@@ -1808,6 +1930,11 @@ sub match_created_before ($$;@) { #{{{
- sub match_created_after ($$;@) { #{{{
- my $page=shift;
- my $testpage=shift;
-+ my %params=@_;
-+ if (substr($testpage, 0, 1) eq '~') {
-+ return check_named_spec_existential($page, $testpage, \&match_created_after, %params);
-+ }
- if (exists $IkiWiki::pagectime{$testpage}) {
- if ($IkiWiki::pagectime{$page} > $IkiWiki::pagectime{$testpage}) {
+ diff --git a/IkiWiki.pm b/IkiWiki.pm
+ index 4e4da11..2cc5f09 100644
+ --- a/IkiWiki.pm
+ +++ b/IkiWiki.pm
+ @@ -1550,7 +1550,16 @@ sub globlist_to_pagespec ($) { #{{{
+ sub is_globlist ($) { #{{{
+ my $s=shift;
+ - return ( $s =~ /[^\s]+\s+([^\s]+)/ && $1 ne "and" && $1 ne "or" );
+ + return ! ($s =~ /
+ + (^\s*
+ + [^\s(]+ # single item
+ + (\( # possibly with parens after it
+ + ([^)]* # with stuff inside those parens
+ + (\([^)]*\))*)* # maybe even nested parens
+ + \))?\s*$
+ + ) |
+ + (\s and \s) | (\s or \s) # or we find 'and' or 'or' somewhere
+ + /x);
+ } #}}}
+ sub safequote ($) { #{{{
+ @@ -1631,7 +1640,7 @@ sub pagespec_merge ($$) { #{{{
+ return "($a) or ($b)";
+ } #}}}
+ -sub pagespec_translate ($) { #{{{
+ +sub pagespec_makeperl ($) { #{{{
+ my $spec=shift;
+ # Support for old-style GlobLists.
+ @@ -1650,7 +1659,9 @@ sub pagespec_translate ($) { #{{{
+ |
+ \) # )
+ |
+ - \w+\([^\)]*\) # command(params)
+ + define\(\s*~\w+\s*,((\([^()]*\)) | ([^()]+))+\) # define(~specName, spec) - spec can contain parens 1 deep
+ + |
+ + \w+\([^()]*\) # command(params) - params cannot contain parens
+ |
+ [^\s()]+ # any other text
+ )
+ @@ -1666,16 +1677,23 @@ sub pagespec_translate ($) { #{{{
+ elsif ($word eq "(" || $word eq ")" || $word eq "!") {
+ $code.=' '.$word;
+ }
+ + elsif ($word =~ /^define\(\s*~(\w+)\s*,(.*)\)$/) {
+ + $code .= " (\$params{specFuncs}->{$1}="; # (exists \$params{specFuncs}) &&
+ + $code .= "memoize(";
+ + $code .= &pagespec_makeperl($2);
+ + $code .= ")";
+ + $code .= ") ";
+ + }
+ elsif ($word =~ /^(\w+)\((.*)\)$/) {
+ if (exists $IkiWiki::PageSpec::{"match_$1"}) {
+ - $code.="IkiWiki::PageSpec::match_$1(\$page, ".safequote($2).", \@_)";
+ + $code.="IkiWiki::PageSpec::match_$1(\$page, ".safequote($2).", \%params)";
+ }
+ else {
+ $code.=' 0';
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ - $code.=" IkiWiki::PageSpec::match_glob(\$page, ".safequote($word).", \@_)";
+ + $code.=" IkiWiki::PageSpec::match_glob(\$page, ".safequote($word).", \%params)";
+ }
+ }
+ @@ -1683,23 +1701,36 @@ sub pagespec_translate ($) { #{{{
+ $code=0;
+ }
+ + return 'sub { my $page=shift; my %params = @_; '.$code.' }';
+ +} #}}}
+ +
+ +sub pagespec_translate ($) { #{{{
+ + my $spec=shift;
+ +
+ + my $code = pagespec_makeperl($spec);
+ +
+ + # print STDERR "Spec '$spec' generated code '$code'\n";
+ +
+ no warnings;
+ - return eval 'sub { my $page=shift; '.$code.' }';
+ + return eval $code;
+ } #}}}
+ sub pagespec_match ($$;@) { #{{{
+ my $page=shift;
+ my $spec=shift;
+ my @params=@_;
+ + my %params=@_;
+ # Backwards compatability with old calling convention.
+ if (@params == 1) {
+ - unshift @params, 'location';
+ + %params = { location => $params[1] };
+ }
+ + $params{specFuncs} = {} unless defined $params{specFuncs};
+ +
+ my $sub=pagespec_translate($spec);
+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("syntax error in pagespec \"$spec\"") if $@;
+ - return $sub->($page, @params);
+ + return $sub->($page, %params);
+ } #}}}
+ sub pagespec_valid ($) { #{{{
+ @@ -1748,11 +1779,78 @@ sub new { #{{{
+ package IkiWiki::PageSpec;
+ +sub check_named_spec($$;@) {
+ + my $page=shift;
+ + my $specName=shift;
+ + my %params=@_;
+ +
+ + error("Unable to find specFuncs in params to check_named_spec()!") unless exists $params{specFuncs};
+ +
+ + my $specFuncsRef=$params{specFuncs};
+ +
+ + return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("Named page spec '$specName' is not valid")
+ + unless (substr($specName, 0, 1) eq '~');
+ +
+ + $specName = substr($specName, 1);
+ +
+ + if (exists $specFuncsRef->{$specName}) {
+ + # remove the named spec from the spec refs
+ + # when we recurse to avoid infinite recursion
+ + my $sub = $specFuncsRef->{$specName};
+ + delete $specFuncsRef->{$specName};
+ + my $result = $sub->($page, %params);
+ + $specFuncsRef->{$specName} = $sub;
+ + return $result;
+ + } else {
+ + return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("Page spec '$specName' does not exist");
+ + }
+ +}
+ +
+ +sub check_named_spec_existential($$$;@) {
+ + my $page=shift;
+ + my $specName=shift;
+ + my $funcref=shift;
+ + my %params=@_;
+ +
+ + error("Unable to find specFuncs in params to check_named_spec_existential()!") unless exists $params{specFuncs};
+ + my $specFuncsRef=$params{specFuncs};
+ +
+ + return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("Named page spec '$specName' is not valid")
+ + unless (substr($specName, 0, 1) eq '~');
+ + $specName = substr($specName, 1);
+ +
+ + if (exists $specFuncsRef->{$specName}) {
+ + # remove the named spec from the spec refs
+ + # when we recurse to avoid infinite recursion
+ + my $sub = $specFuncsRef->{$specName};
+ + delete $specFuncsRef->{$specName};
+ +
+ + foreach my $nextpage (keys %IkiWiki::pagesources) {
+ + if ($sub->($nextpage, %params)) {
+ + my $tempResult = $funcref->($page, $nextpage, %params);
+ + if ($tempResult) {
+ + $specFuncsRef->{$specName} = $sub;
+ + return $tempResult;
+ + }
+ + }
+ + }
+ +
+ + $specFuncsRef->{$specName} = $sub;
+ + return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("No page in spec '$specName' was successfully matched");
+ + } else {
+ + return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("Named page spec '$specName' does not exist");
+ + }
+ +}
+ +
+ sub match_glob ($$;@) { #{{{
+ my $page=shift;
+ my $glob=shift;
+ my %params=@_;
+ + if (substr($glob, 0, 1) eq '~') {
+ + return check_named_spec($page, $glob, %params);
+ + }
+ +
+ my $from=exists $params{location} ? $params{location} : '';
+ # relative matching
+ @@ -1782,11 +1880,16 @@ sub match_internal ($$;@) { #{{{
+ sub match_link ($$;@) { #{{{
+ my $page=shift;
+ - my $link=lc(shift);
+ + my $fulllink=shift;
+ my %params=@_;
+ + my $link=lc($fulllink);
+ - my $from=exists $params{location} ? $params{location} : '';
+ + if (substr($fulllink, 0, 1) eq '~') {
+ + return check_named_spec_existential($page, $fulllink, \&match_link, %params);
+ + }
+ + my $from=exists $params{location} ? $params{location} : '';
+ +
+ # relative matching
+ if ($link =~ m!^\.! && defined $from) {
+ $from=~s#/?[^/]+$##;
+ @@ -1811,12 +1914,25 @@ sub match_link ($$;@) { #{{{
+ } #}}}
+ sub match_backlink ($$;@) { #{{{
+ - return match_link($_[1], $_[0], @_);
+ + my $page=shift;
+ + my $backlink=shift;
+ + my @params=@_;
+ +
+ + if (substr($backlink, 0, 1) eq '~') {
+ + return check_named_spec_existential($page, $backlink, \&match_backlink, @params);
+ + }
+ +
+ + return match_link($backlink, $page, @params);
+ } #}}}
+ sub match_created_before ($$;@) { #{{{
+ my $page=shift;
+ my $testpage=shift;
+ + my @params=@_;
+ +
+ + if (substr($testpage, 0, 1) eq '~') {
+ + return check_named_spec_existential($page, $testpage, \&match_created_before, @params);
+ + }
+ if (exists $IkiWiki::pagectime{$testpage}) {
+ if ($IkiWiki::pagectime{$page} < $IkiWiki::pagectime{$testpage}) {
+ @@ -1834,6 +1950,11 @@ sub match_created_before ($$;@) { #{{{
+ sub match_created_after ($$;@) { #{{{
+ my $page=shift;
+ my $testpage=shift;
+ + my @params=@_;
+ +
+ + if (substr($testpage, 0, 1) eq '~') {
+ + return check_named_spec_existential($page, $testpage, \&match_created_after, @params);
+ + }
+ if (exists $IkiWiki::pagectime{$testpage}) {
+ if ($IkiWiki::pagectime{$page} > $IkiWiki::pagectime{$testpage}) {