diff options
authorChristopher Baines <>2019-11-02 22:03:09 +0000
committerChristopher Baines <>2019-11-03 08:26:19 +0000
commit897c2747b30a6e52434891520467a0d80029a178 (patch)
parenta643f9a12779494ed35813b7906229728cf282e2 (diff)
Add the initial implementation of the code
6 files changed, 573 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/haunt.scm b/haunt.scm
index a945372..3ce7a6a 100644
--- a/haunt.scm
+++ b/haunt.scm
@@ -1,17 +1,47 @@
-(use-modules (haunt asset)
+(use-modules (srfi srfi-1)
+ (srfi srfi-19)
+ (haunt asset)
(haunt builder blog)
(haunt builder atom)
(haunt builder assets)
- (haunt reader commonmark)
- (haunt site))
+ (haunt site)
+ (haunt post)
+ (src reader)
+ (src theme))
-(site #:title "Built with Guile"
- #:domain ""
- #:default-metadata
- '((author . "Eva Luator")
- (email . ""))
- #:readers (list commonmark-reader)
- #:builders (list (blog)
- (atom-feed)
- (atom-feeds-by-tag)
- (static-directory "images")))
+;; Set the timezone to UTC, otherwise the dates can get confused.
+(setenv "TZ" "utc")
+(define (filter-posts-remove-future-drafts posts)
+ (filter (lambda (post)
+ (time<? (date->time-utc
+ (post-ref post 'start-date))
+ (current-time)))
+ posts))
+(define (filter-posts-remove-drafts posts)
+ (filter (lambda (post)
+ (time<? (date->time-utc
+ (post-ref post 'end-date))
+ (current-time)))
+ posts))
+(site #:title "Guix Weekly News"
+ #:domain ""
+ #:readers (list post-reader)
+ #:builders
+ (list
+ (blog #:theme weekly-news-theme
+ #:collections
+ `(("Recent posts" "index.html"
+ ,(compose (lambda (posts)
+ (take posts 8))
+ filter-posts-remove-future-drafts
+ posts/reverse-chronological))
+ ("All posts" "all.html"
+ ,(compose filter-posts-remove-drafts
+ posts/reverse-chronological))))
+ (atom-feed #:filter
+ (compose filter-posts-remove-drafts
+ posts/reverse-chronological))
+ (static-directory "static")))
diff --git a/src/date-utils.scm b/src/date-utils.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b977f13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/date-utils.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+(define-module (src date-utils)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-19)
+ #:export (lookup-start-date-for-week
+ lookup-end-date-for-week
+ next-week-with-year
+ previous-week-with-year
+ move-date-by-days
+ %week-start-lookup-data))
+(define (move-date-by-days date days)
+ (let ((time-utc
+ (date->time-utc date))
+ (duration
+ (make-time time-duration
+ 0
+ (* 24 60 60
+ days))))
+ (time-utc->date
+ (add-duration time-utc duration))))
+(define (end-of-week-date date)
+ (let ((time-utc
+ (date->time-utc date))
+ (duration
+ (make-time time-duration
+ 0
+ (- (* 24 60 60 7)
+ 1))))
+ (time-utc->date
+ (add-duration time-utc duration))))
+(define %week-start-lookup-data
+ (let* ((week-start-day 1) ; Monday
+ (years (iota (+ 2
+ (- (date-year (current-date))
+ 2019))
+ 2019))
+ (first-week-mondays-by-year
+ (fold (lambda (year data)
+ (let* ((fourth-of-january
+ ;; At least according to Wikipedia, the first week
+ ;; of the year defined by ISO 8601 contains the
+ ;; 4th of January
+ ;;
+ (make-date 0 0 0 0 4 1 year 0))
+ (fourth-of-january-week-day
+ ;; date-week-day starts on Sunday, so adjust the
+ ;; numbering so that 0 is Monday, 1 is Tuesday,
+ ;; ...
+ (modulo (- (date-week-day fourth-of-january)
+ 1)
+ 7)))
+ (cons
+ (cons year
+ (move-date-by-days fourth-of-january
+ (* fourth-of-january-week-day -1)))
+ data)))
+ '()
+ (append years
+ (list (+ 2 (date-year (current-date))))))))
+ (fold (lambda (year data)
+ (let ((first-week-monday
+ (assoc-ref first-week-mondays-by-year
+ year))
+ (time-for-first-week-monday-for-next-year
+ (date->time-utc
+ (assoc-ref first-week-mondays-by-year
+ (+ 1 year)))))
+ (cons (cons
+ year
+ (fold (lambda (week data)
+ (let ((start-date
+ (move-date-by-days
+ first-week-monday
+ (* 7
+ (- week 1)))))
+ (if (time>=? (date->time-utc start-date)
+ time-for-first-week-monday-for-next-year)
+ data
+ (cons (cons week start-date)
+ data))))
+ '()
+ (iota 53 1)))
+ data)))
+ '()
+ years)))
+(define (lookup-start-date-for-week year week)
+ (assq-ref (assq-ref %week-start-lookup-data
+ year)
+ week))
+(define (lookup-end-date-for-week year week)
+ (end-of-week-date
+ (assq-ref (assq-ref %week-start-lookup-data year)
+ week)))
+(define (next-week-with-year year week)
+ (let* ((year-weeks
+ (assoc-ref %week-start-lookup-data
+ year))
+ (last-week
+ (apply max (map car year-weeks))))
+ (if (eq? week last-week)
+ (if (eq? year
+ (apply max
+ (map car %week-start-lookup-data)))
+ #f
+ (list (+ year 1)
+ 1))
+ (list year
+ (+ week 1)))))
+(define (previous-week-with-year year week)
+ (let* ((year-weeks
+ (assoc-ref %week-start-lookup-data
+ year)))
+ (if (eq? week 1)
+ (let ((previous-year-weeks
+ (assoc-ref %week-start-lookup-data
+ (- year 1))))
+ (if previous-year-weeks
+ (list (- year 1)
+ (apply max
+ (map car previous-year-weeks)))
+ #f))
+ (list year
+ (- week 1)))))
diff --git a/src/reader.scm b/src/reader.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90d90eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/reader.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+(define-module (src reader)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-19)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 regex)
+ #:use-module (json)
+ #:use-module (commonmark)
+ #:use-module (haunt reader)
+ #:use-module (haunt post)
+ #:use-module (src date-utils)
+ #:use-module (src urls)
+ #:export (post-reader
+ compare-data-filename-for-week))
+(define %placeholder-content
+ '("No specific news this week, if you know of something happening \
+related to Guix, please submit it for the next issue!"))
+(define %filename-regexp
+ (make-regexp "^posts\\/([0-9]{4})\\/([0-9]{2})/(.*)\\.md$"))
+;;; Comparison function data handling
+(define (compare-data-filename-for-week year week)
+ (format #f "data/~d/~2'0d/compare.json" year week))
+(define (lookup-compare-data-for-week year week)
+ (let ((filename
+ (compare-data-filename-for-week year week)))
+ (if (file-exists? filename)
+ (call-with-input-file filename json->scm)
+ #f)))
+(define (get-compare-data-packages-list compare-data key)
+ (stable-sort
+ (map
+ (lambda (package-data)
+ (assoc-ref package-data "name"))
+ (vector->list
+ (or (assoc-ref compare-data key)
+ (vector))))
+ string<=?))
+;;; Post reader
+(define post-reader
+ (make-reader
+ (make-file-extension-matcher "md")
+ (lambda (file)
+ (call-with-input-file file
+ (lambda (port)
+ (let ((filename-match
+ (regexp-exec %filename-regexp file)))
+ (unless filename-match
+ (error "Unknown file " file))
+ (let* ((year (string->number
+ (match:substring filename-match 1)))
+ (week (string->number
+ (match:substring filename-match 2)))
+ (locale (match:substring filename-match 3))
+ (start-date (lookup-start-date-for-week year week))
+ (end-date (lookup-end-date-for-week year week)))
+ (values
+ `((slug . ,(weekly-news-post-slug year week
+ #:locale locale))
+ (title . ,(format #f "Week ~2'0d, ~d"
+ week year))
+ (year . ,year)
+ (week . ,week)
+ (date . ,end-date)
+ (start-date . ,start-date)
+ (end-date . ,end-date)
+ ,@(let ((metadata (read-metadata-headers port)))
+ (if (assoc-ref metadata 'synopsis)
+ metadata
+ `(,@metadata
+ (synopsis
+ . ,(string-append
+ (date->string start-date "~1")
+ " to "
+ (date->string end-date "~1")))))))
+ (let ((compare-data
+ (lookup-compare-data-for-week year week)))
+ (append
+ (let ((content (commonmark->sxml port)))
+ (if (null? content)
+ %placeholder-content
+ content))
+ `((h3 "Package changes")
+ (h4 "New packages")
+ ,@(match (get-compare-data-packages-list compare-data
+ "new-packages")
+ (()
+ '("None"))
+ ((packages ...)
+ (list
+ (string-join packages ", "))))
+ (h4 "Removed packages")
+ ,@(match (get-compare-data-packages-list compare-data
+ "removed-packages")
+ (()
+ '("None"))
+ ((packages ...)
+ (list
+ (string-join packages ", "))))
+ (h4 "Version changes")
+ ,@(match (get-compare-data-packages-list compare-data
+ "version-changes")
+ (()
+ '("None"))
+ ((packages ...)
+ (list
+ (string-join packages ", "))))
+ (p
+ (a (@ (href
+ ,(data-guix-gnu-org-compare-by-datetime-url
+ start-date
+ end-date)))
+ "View comparison data")))))))))))))
diff --git a/src/theme.scm b/src/theme.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1d7004
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/theme.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+(define-module (src theme)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-19)
+ #:use-module (haunt post)
+ #:use-module (haunt site)
+ #:use-module (haunt builder blog)
+ #:use-module (src urls)
+ #:use-module (src date-utils)
+ #:export (weekly-news-theme))
+(define (weekly-news-layout site title body)
+ `((doctype "html")
+ (html
+ (@ (lang "en"))
+ (head
+ ,(if (null? title)
+ `(title "Guix Weekly News")
+ `(title ,(string-append title " — Guix Weekly News")))
+ (meta (@ (charset "UTF-8")))
+ (meta (@ (name "viewport")
+ (content "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0")))
+ ;; Base CSS.
+ (link (@ (rel "stylesheet") (href "/static/css/base.css")))
+ ;; Feeds.
+ (link (@ (type "application/atom+xml") (rel "alternate")
+ (title "GNU Guix — Activity Feed")
+ (href "feeds/blog.atom")))
+ (link (@ (rel "icon") (type "image/png")
+ (href "/static/img/icon.png")))
+ (link (@ (rel "icon") (type "image/svg+xml") (sizes "any")
+ (href "/static/img/icon.svg"))))
+ (body
+ (header
+ (a (@ (href "/"))
+ (h2
+ (@ (style "color: white; margin: 0.4em; font-size: 2em;"))
+ (img (@ (style "height: 1.1em;")
+ (src "/static/img/guix-logo.png")))
+ "Guix Weekly News")))
+ (main
+ (article
+ (@ (class "page centered-block limit-width"))
+ ,body))
+ (footer
+ "Made with " (span (@ (class "metta")) "♥")
+ " by humans and powered by "
+ (a (@ (class "link-yellow") (href ,(gnu-url "software/guile/")))
+ "GNU Guile") ". "
+ (a
+ (@ (class "link-yellow")
+ (href "//"))
+ "Source code")
+ " under the "
+ (a
+ (@ (class "link-yellow")
+ (href ,(gnu-url "licenses/agpl-3.0.html")))
+ "GNU AGPL") ".")))))
+(define (is-year-and-week-a-draft? year week)
+ (time>? (date->time-utc
+ (lookup-end-date-for-week year week))
+ (current-time)))
+(define (weekly-news-post-template post)
+ (let ((year (post-ref post 'year))
+ (week (post-ref post 'week)))
+ `((div
+ ,@(or (and=>
+ (previous-week-with-year year week)
+ (lambda (previous-week-and-year)
+ `((a (@ (href ,(apply weekly-news-post-url
+ previous-week-and-year)))
+ (span (@ (id "left-nav"))
+ "Previous week")))))
+ '())
+ (h1 (@ (id "center"))
+ ,(post-ref post 'title))
+ ,@(or (and=>
+ (and (and=> (next-week-with-year year week)
+ (lambda (next-week-and-year)
+ (not (apply is-year-and-week-a-draft?
+ next-week-and-year))))
+ (next-week-with-year year week))
+ (lambda (next-week-and-year)
+ `((a (@ (href ,(apply weekly-news-post-url
+ next-week-and-year)))
+ (span (@ (id "right-nav"))
+ "Next week")))))
+ '()))
+ (div
+ (@ (style "text-align: center;"))
+ ,(date->string (post-ref post 'start-date) "~1")
+ " to "
+ ,(date->string (post-ref post 'end-date) "~1"))
+ (br)
+ ,(post-sxml post))))
+(define (weekly-news-collection-template site title posts prefix)
+ (define (post-uri post)
+ (string-append (or prefix "") "/"
+ (site-post-slug site post) ".html"))
+ (define (date->string* date)
+ (date->string date "~a ~d ~b"))
+ `((ul
+ (@ (id "post-list"))
+ ,@(map (lambda (post)
+ (let ((draft
+ (time>? (date->time-utc
+ (post-ref post 'end-date))
+ (current-time))))
+ `(li
+ (@ (class ,(if draft "draft-post" "")))
+ ,(if draft
+ `((time
+ "Week " ,(post-ref post 'week)
+ (div
+ (@ (style "font-size: small;"))
+ "Beginning "
+ ,(date->string*
+ (post-ref post 'start-date))))
+ ,(string-append
+ "Will be published on "
+ (date->string (move-date-by-days
+ (post-ref post 'start-date)
+ 7)
+ "~A (~1)")))
+ `(a (@ (href ,(post-uri post)))
+ (time
+ "Week " ,(post-ref post 'week)
+ (div
+ (@ (style "font-size: small;"))
+ "Beginning "
+ ,(date->string*
+ (post-ref post 'start-date))))
+ ,(post-ref post 'synopsis))))))
+ posts)
+ ,@(if (string=? title "Recent posts")
+ '((li
+ (a (@ (style "margin-bottom: 1em;")
+ (href "/all.html"))
+ "All posts")))
+ '()))))
+(define weekly-news-theme
+ (theme #:name "Weekly news"
+ #:layout weekly-news-layout
+ #:post-template weekly-news-post-template
+ #:collection-template weekly-news-collection-template))
diff --git a/src/urls.scm b/src/urls.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfa83ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/urls.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+(define-module (src urls)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-19)
+ #:use-module (src date-utils)
+ #:export (gnu-url
+ weekly-news-post-url
+ weekly-news-post-slug
+ data-guix-gnu-org-compare-by-datetime-url))
+(define* (gnu-url #:optional (path ""))
+ "Append PATH to URL.
+ PATH (string)
+ An optional relative URL path to a resource. For example:
+ 'software/guile/'.
+ RETURN VALUE (string)
+ A URL. For example:"
+ (string-append "" path))
+(define* (weekly-news-post-url . args)
+ (string-append
+ "/"
+ (apply weekly-news-post-slug args)
+ ".html"))
+(define (is-year-and-week-a-draft? year week)
+ (time>? (date->time-utc
+ (lookup-end-date-for-week year week))
+ (current-time)))
+(define* (weekly-news-post-slug year week #:key (locale "en_US"))
+ (string-append
+ (if (is-year-and-week-a-draft? year week)
+ "drafts/"
+ "")
+ (format #f "~a/~d/~2,'0d" locale year week)))
+(define* (data-guix-gnu-org-compare-by-datetime-url
+ base-datetime
+ target-datetime
+ #:key (json #f))
+ (define (date->string* date)
+ (date->string date "~1%20~T"))
+ (string-append
+ ""
+ (if json ".json" "")
+ "?base_branch=master"
+ "&base_datetime=" (date->string* base-datetime)
+ "&target_branch=master"
+ "&target_datetime=" (date->string* target-datetime)))
diff --git a/update.scm b/update.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7de35e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/update.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+(load "haunt.scm")
+(use-modules (srfi srfi-11)
+ (srfi srfi-19)
+ (ice-9 format)
+ (ice-9 match)
+ (rnrs bytevectors)
+ (web client)
+ (web response)
+ (json)
+ (src urls)
+ (src reader)
+ (src date-utils))
+(define (mkdir-p filename)
+ (fold (lambda (next-part done-parts)
+ (let ((filename
+ (string-append done-parts
+ "/"
+ next-part)))
+ (unless (file-exists? filename)
+ (mkdir filename))
+ filename))
+ "./"
+ (string-split filename #\/)))
+(define (download-data-for-week year week)
+ (define (date->string* date)
+ (date->string date "~1%20~T"))
+ (let-values
+ (((response body)
+ (http-get
+ (data-guix-gnu-org-compare-by-datetime-url
+ (lookup-start-date-for-week year week)
+ (lookup-end-date-for-week year week)
+ #:json #t))))
+ (let ((output (compare-data-filename-for-week year week)))
+ (mkdir-p (dirname output))
+ (let ((data
+ (scm->json-string
+ (json-string->scm (utf8->string body))
+ #:pretty #t)))
+ (call-with-output-file output
+ (lambda (port)
+ (display data port)))
+ (simple-format #t "written ~A\n" output)))))
+ (match-lambda
+ ((year . weeks)
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (week)
+ (let ((week-string
+ (format #f "~2'0d" week)))
+ (let ((week-end-date
+ (lookup-end-date-for-week year week)))
+ (when (time>? (current-time)
+ (date->time-utc week-end-date))
+ (unless (file-exists?
+ (compare-data-filename-for-week year week))
+ (download-data-for-week year week)))
+ (let ((filename
+ (format
+ #f "posts/~d/~2'0d/"
+ year week)))
+ (mkdir-p (dirname filename))
+ (when (not (file-exists? filename))
+ (call-with-output-file filename
+ (lambda (port)
+ (display "---\n" port)))
+ (simple-format #t "written ~A\n" filename))))))
+ (map car weeks))))
+ %week-start-lookup-data)