path: root/doc/incentives.txt
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diff --git a/doc/incentives.txt b/doc/incentives.txt
index d217b1bfa..8c1ee7738 100644
--- a/doc/incentives.txt
+++ b/doc/incentives.txt
@@ -55,6 +55,11 @@
accept claims from every Tor user and build a complex weighting /
reputation system to decide which claims are "probably" right.
+ One possible way to implement the latter is something similar to
+ EigenTrust [http://www.stanford.edu/~sdkamvar/papers/eigentrust.pdf],
+ where the opinion of nodes with high reputation more is weighted
+ higher.
3. Related issues we need to keep in mind.
3.1. Relay and exit configuration needs to be easy and usable.
@@ -98,6 +103,10 @@
also through indirect interaction (middle of the circuit). That way
you can never be sure when your guards are measuring you.
+ Both 3.2 and 3.3 may be solved by having a global notion of reputation,
+ as in 2.3 and 2.4. However, computing the global reputation from local
+ views could be expensive (O(n^2)) when the network is really large.
3.4. Restricted topology: benefits and roadmap.
As the Tor network continues to grow, we will need to make design
@@ -164,6 +173,15 @@
maybe it's an argument in favor of a more penny-counting reputation
+ Addendum: I was more thinking of measuring based on who is the service
+ provider and service receiver for the circuit. Say Alice builds a
+ circuit to Bob. Then Bob is providing service to Alice, since he
+ otherwise wouldn't need to spend is bandwidth. So traffic in either
+ direction should be charged to Alice. Of course, the same attack would
+ work, namely, Bob could cheat by sending bytes back quickly. So someone
+ close to the origin needs to detect this and close the circuit, if
+ necessary. -JN
3.7. What is the appropriate resource balance for servers vs. clients?
If we build a good incentive system, we'll still need to tune it
@@ -255,15 +273,106 @@
third approach is to remember which connections have recently sent
us high-priority cells, and preferentially read from those connections.
- Hopefully we can get away with not solving this section at all.
+ Hopefully we can get away with not solving this section at all. But if
+ necessary, we can consult Ed Knightly, a Professor at Rice
+ [http://www.ece.rice.edu/~knightly/], for his extensive experience on
+ networking QoS.
+3.11. Global reputation system: Congestion on high reputation servers?
+ If the notion of reputation is global (as in 2.3 or 2.4), circuits that
+ go through successive high reputation servers would be the fastest and
+ most reliable. This would incentivize everyone, regardless of their own
+ reputation, to choose only the highest reputation servers in its
+ circuits, causing an over-congestion on those servers.
+ One could argue, though, that once those servers are over-congested,
+ their bandwidth per circuit drops, which would in turn lower their
+ reputation in the future. A question is whether this would overall
+ stablize.
+ Another possible way is to keep a cap on reputation. In this way, a
+ fraction of servers would have the same high reputation, thus balancing
+ such load.
+3.12. Another anonymity attack: learning from service levels.
+ If reputation is local, it may be possible for an evil node to learn
+ the identity of the origin through provision of differential service.
+ For instance, the evil node provides crappy bandwidth to everyone,
+ until it finds a circuit that it wants to trace the origin, then it
+ provides good bandwidth. Now, as only those directly or indirectly
+ observing this circuit would like the evil node, it can test each node
+ by building a circuit via each node to another evil node. If the
+ bandwidth is high, it is (somewhat) likely that the node was a part of
+ the circuit.
+ This problem does not exist if the reputation is global and nodes only
+ follow the global reputation, i.e., completely ignore their own view.
+3.13. DoS through high priority traffic.
+ Assume there is an evil node with high reputation (or high value on
+ Alice) and this evil node wants to deny the service to Alice. What it
+ needs to do is to send a lot of traffic to Alice. To Alice, all traffic
+ from this evil node is of high priority. If the choice of circuits are
+ too based toward high priority circuits, Alice would spend most of her
+ available bandwidth on this circuit, thus providing poor bandwidth to
+ everyone else. Everyone else would start to dislike Alice, making it
+ even harder for her to forward other nodes' traffic. This could cause
+ Alice to have a low reputation, and the only high bandwidth circuit
+ Alice could use would be via the evil node.
4. Sample designs.
4.1. Two classes of service for circuits.
+ Whenever a circuit is built, it is specified by the origin which class,
+ either "premium" or "normal", this circuit belongs. A premium circuit
+ gets preferred treatment at each node. A node "spends" its value, which
+ it earned a priori by providing service, to the next node by sending
+ and receiving bytes. Once a node has overspent its values, the circuit
+ cannot stay as premium. It can either breaks or converts into a normal
+ circuit. Each node also reserves a small portion of bandwidth for
+ normal circuits to prevent starvation.
+ Pro: Even if a node has no value to spend, it can still use normal
+ circuits. This allow casual user to use Tor without forcing them to run
+ a server.
+ Pro: Nodes have incentive to forward traffic as quick and as much as
+ possible to accumulate value.
+ Con: There is no proactive method for a node to rebalance its debt. It
+ has to wait until there happens to be a circuit in the opposite
+ direction.
+ Con: A node needs to build circuits in such a way that each node in the
+ circuit has to have good values to the next node. This requires
+ non-local knowledge and makes circuits less reliable as the values are
+ used up in the circuit.
+ Con: May discourage nodes to forward traffic in some circuits, as they
+ worry about spending more useful values to get less useful values in
+ return.
4.2. Treat all the traffic from the node with the same service;
hard reputation system.
+ This design is similar to 4.1, except that instead of having two
+ classes of circuits, there is only one. All the circuits are
+ prioritized based on the value of the interacting node.
+ Pro: It is simpler to design and give priority based on connections,
+ not circuits.
+ Con: A node only needs to keep a few guard nodes happy to forward their
+ traffic.
+ Con: Same as in 4.1, may discourage nodes to forward traffic in some
+ circuits, as they worry about spending more useful values to get less
+ useful values in return.
4.3. Treat all the traffic from the node with the same service;
soft reputation system.
@@ -300,7 +409,10 @@
one way through: if there are few exits, then they will attract a
lot of use, so lots of people will like them, so when they try to
use the network they will find their first hop to be particularly
- pleasant. After that they're like the rest of the world though.
+ pleasant. After that they're like the rest of the world though. (An
+ alternative would be to reward exit nodes with higher values. At the
+ extreme, we could even ask the directory servers to suggest the extra
+ values, based on the current availability of exit nodes.)
Pro: this is a pretty easy design to add; and it can be phased in
incrementally simply by having new nodes behave differently.
@@ -337,5 +449,16 @@
5. Recommendations and next steps.
+5.1. Simulation.
+ For simulation trace, we can use two: one is what we obtained from Tor
+ and one from existing web traces.
+ We want to simulate all the four cases in 4.1-4. For 4.4, we may want
+ to look at two variations: (1) the directory servers check the
+ bandwidth themselves through Tor; (2) each node reports their perceived
+ values on other nodes, while the directory servers use EigenTrust to
+ compute global reputation and broadcast those.
+5.2. Deploying into existing Tor network.