path: root/res
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* Update for beta release.Christopher Baines2012-03-14
* Major progress on implementing the new search stuff.Christopher Baines2012-03-11
* Merge branch 'dev' of github.com:cbaines/SouthamptonUniversityMap into devChristopher Baines2012-03-11
|\ | | | | | | | | | | Conflicts: AndroidManifest.xml src/net/cbaines/suma/MapActivity.java
| * More search improvements.Christopher Baines2012-03-09
* Merge branch 'dev-search' into devChristopher Baines2012-03-09
|\ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Conflicts: gen/net/cbaines/suma/R.java res/values/strings.xml src/net/cbaines/suma/DataManager.java src/net/cbaines/suma/MapActivity.java src/net/cbaines/suma/POI.java
| * Basic searchable stuff.Christopher Baines2012-03-06
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| * New Search stuff.Christopher Baines2012-03-06
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* | More changes for welcome dialog.Christopher Baines2012-03-09
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* | Beginings of a welcome dialog, and overlay improvements.Christopher Baines2012-03-08
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* | Bump version to 0.7.Christopher Baines2012-03-07
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* | Got the config file loading working for ormlite.Christopher Baines2012-03-07
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* | Finaly got the progress things centered...Christopher Baines2012-03-07
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* | More bug fixes, and commented out some of the more verbose debugging stuff.Christopher Baines2012-03-07
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* | Better BusActivity.Christopher Baines2012-03-07
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* | Small UI improvements, BusActivity still needs more work.Christopher Baines2012-03-06
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* | Improved Bus activity, and U6 route overlay.Christopher Baines2012-03-06
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* | Better BusActivity.Christopher Baines2012-03-06
* Stuff for 0.6.5 release.Christopher Baines2012-03-04
* More improvements to the toasts.Christopher Baines2012-03-02
* Transparent toasts, and more improvemens.Christopher Baines2012-03-01
* Better toasts in the BusStopActivity, many other improvements.Christopher Baines2012-03-01
* Fixed route movement, now tested.Christopher Baines2012-03-01
* Fix the bus stop movement, havent fully tested this yet as the live bus data ↵Christopher Baines2012-03-01
| | | | | | | | is not working... Conflicts: gen/net/cbaines/suma/R.java
* Better toasts implemented.Christopher Baines2012-03-01
* New Toast stuff, needs some work.Christopher Baines2012-02-29
* Next release, many improvements.Christopher Baines2012-02-28
* Fixed two bugs relating to the query on the database not being ordered?, and ↵Christopher Baines2012-02-28
| | | | implemented a new preference option.
* Added a BusRoute activity, and moved more stuff over to the new uri system.Christopher Baines2012-02-28
* Fixed another bug to do with a unreactive bus stop, improved the U1 route ↵Christopher Baines2012-02-26
| | | | overlay.
* Move to version 0.4Christopher Baines2012-02-26
* Optimised the custom overlays.Christopher Baines2012-02-26
* Added a BuildingActivity, with a photo, and am begining to use rdf data :)Christopher Baines2012-02-24
* More bug fixes and stuff.Christopher Baines2012-02-19
* Bumped the version in preperation for the 0.3 release.Christopher Baines2012-02-18
* More bug fixes, working non uni link bus times, just need to get the non uni ↵Christopher Baines2012-02-18
| | | | link bus stops working :)
* Fixed a bug in the constructor of BusRoute, and rebuild the database ↵Christopher Baines2012-02-18
| | | | acordingly. Also made improvements to the preferences system.
* ARRRRRRRGHH, bus routes dont work, the U6 route loops over the same ground ↵Christopher Baines2012-02-16
| | | | twice by wessex lane, traveling in the same direction, breaking the BusRoute.moveInRoute code :(
* More changes to support the BusActivity.Christopher Baines2012-02-14
* Stuff moving towards getting BusActivity working.Christopher Baines2012-02-14
* Improvements to the POIView, use this ↵Christopher Baines2012-02-13
| | | | http://mobile.tutsplus.com/tutorials/android/android-sdk_table-layout/ next to make the layout better.
* Fixed fav dialog title.Christopher Baines2012-02-08
* Lots of changes related to the dialogs...Christopher Baines2012-02-08
* More stuff.Christopher Baines2012-02-08
* Moved the route movement stuff to a branch.Christopher Baines2012-02-08
* Improvements to the Preference management, begin allowing more bus data, ↵Christopher Baines2012-02-02
| | | | need to rethink the data storage and retreval, perhaps using more semantic web stuff...
* Merge branch 'dev' of github.com:cbaines/SouthamptonUniversityMap into devChristopher Baines2012-02-02
| * Beginings of management of non Uni-Link data.Christopher Baines2012-02-02
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| * Slightly better working view dialog.Christopher Baines2012-02-02
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| * Bring dev back up to what it should be like?Christopher Baines2012-02-02
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* | Fixes in AboutActivity, and some string stuff.Christopher Baines2012-02-01