path: root/tests/test_transport.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/test_transport.py')
1 files changed, 573 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/test_transport.py b/tests/test_transport.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fcc786
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_transport.py
@@ -0,0 +1,573 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Robey Pointer <robey@lag.net>
+# This file is part of paramiko.
+# Paramiko is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# Paramiko is distrubuted in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with Paramiko; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
+Some unit tests for the ssh2 protocol in Transport.
+import sys, time, threading, unittest
+import select
+from paramiko import Transport, SecurityOptions, ServerInterface, RSAKey, DSSKey, \
+ SSHException, BadAuthenticationType, InteractiveQuery, util
+from paramiko import OPEN_SUCCEEDED
+from loop import LoopSocket
+class NullServer (ServerInterface):
+ paranoid_did_password = False
+ paranoid_did_public_key = False
+ paranoid_key = DSSKey.from_private_key_file('tests/test_dss.key')
+ def get_allowed_auths(self, username):
+ if username == 'slowdive':
+ return 'publickey,password'
+ if username == 'paranoid':
+ if not self.paranoid_did_password and not self.paranoid_did_public_key:
+ return 'publickey,password'
+ elif self.paranoid_did_password:
+ return 'publickey'
+ else:
+ return 'password'
+ if username == 'commie':
+ return 'keyboard-interactive'
+ return 'publickey'
+ def check_auth_password(self, username, password):
+ if (username == 'slowdive') and (password == 'pygmalion'):
+ if (username == 'paranoid') and (password == 'paranoid'):
+ # 2-part auth (even openssh doesn't support this)
+ self.paranoid_did_password = True
+ if self.paranoid_did_public_key:
+ return AUTH_FAILED
+ def check_auth_publickey(self, username, key):
+ if (username == 'paranoid') and (key == self.paranoid_key):
+ # 2-part auth
+ self.paranoid_did_public_key = True
+ if self.paranoid_did_password:
+ return AUTH_FAILED
+ def check_auth_interactive(self, username, submethods):
+ if username == 'commie':
+ self.username = username
+ return InteractiveQuery('password', 'Please enter a password.', ('Password', False))
+ return AUTH_FAILED
+ def check_auth_interactive_response(self, responses):
+ if self.username == 'commie':
+ if (len(responses) == 1) and (responses[0] == 'cat'):
+ return AUTH_FAILED
+ def check_channel_request(self, kind, chanid):
+ def check_channel_exec_request(self, channel, command):
+ if command != 'yes':
+ return False
+ return True
+ def check_channel_shell_request(self, channel):
+ return True
+ def check_global_request(self, kind, msg):
+ self._global_request = kind
+ return False
+class TransportTest (unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.socks = LoopSocket()
+ self.sockc = LoopSocket()
+ self.sockc.link(self.socks)
+ self.tc = Transport(self.sockc)
+ self.ts = Transport(self.socks)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.tc.close()
+ self.ts.close()
+ self.socks.close()
+ self.sockc.close()
+ def test_1_security_options(self):
+ o = self.tc.get_security_options()
+ self.assertEquals(type(o), SecurityOptions)
+ self.assert_(('aes256-cbc', 'blowfish-cbc') != o.ciphers)
+ o.ciphers = ('aes256-cbc', 'blowfish-cbc')
+ self.assertEquals(('aes256-cbc', 'blowfish-cbc'), o.ciphers)
+ try:
+ o.ciphers = ('aes256-cbc', 'made-up-cipher')
+ self.assert_(False)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ o.ciphers = 23
+ self.assert_(False)
+ except TypeError:
+ pass
+ def test_2_compute_key(self):
+ self.tc.K = 123281095979686581523377256114209720774539068973101330872763622971399429481072519713536292772709507296759612401802191955568143056534122385270077606457721553469730659233569339356140085284052436697480759510519672848743794433460113118986816826624865291116513647975790797391795651716378444844877749505443714557929L
+ self.tc.H = util.unhexify('0C8307CDE6856FF30BA93684EB0F04C2520E9ED3')
+ self.tc.session_id = self.tc.H
+ key = self.tc._compute_key('C', 32)
+ self.assertEquals('207E66594CA87C44ECCBA3B3CD39FDDB378E6FDB0F97C54B2AA0CFBF900CD995',
+ util.hexify(key))
+ def test_3_simple(self):
+ """
+ verify that we can establish an ssh link with ourselves across the
+ loopback sockets. this is hardly "simple" but it's simpler than the
+ later tests. :)
+ """
+ host_key = RSAKey.from_private_key_file('tests/test_rsa.key')
+ public_host_key = RSAKey(data=str(host_key))
+ self.ts.add_server_key(host_key)
+ event = threading.Event()
+ server = NullServer()
+ self.assert_(not event.isSet())
+ self.assertEquals(None, self.tc.get_username())
+ self.assertEquals(None, self.ts.get_username())
+ self.assertEquals(False, self.tc.is_authenticated())
+ self.assertEquals(False, self.ts.is_authenticated())
+ self.ts.start_server(event, server)
+ self.tc.connect(hostkey=public_host_key,
+ username='slowdive', password='pygmalion')
+ event.wait(1.0)
+ self.assert_(event.isSet())
+ self.assert_(self.ts.is_active())
+ self.assertEquals('slowdive', self.tc.get_username())
+ self.assertEquals('slowdive', self.ts.get_username())
+ self.assertEquals(True, self.tc.is_authenticated())
+ self.assertEquals(True, self.ts.is_authenticated())
+ def test_4_special(self):
+ """
+ verify that the client can demand odd handshake settings, and can
+ renegotiate keys in mid-stream.
+ """
+ host_key = RSAKey.from_private_key_file('tests/test_rsa.key')
+ public_host_key = RSAKey(data=str(host_key))
+ self.ts.add_server_key(host_key)
+ event = threading.Event()
+ server = NullServer()
+ self.assert_(not event.isSet())
+ self.ts.start_server(event, server)
+ options = self.tc.get_security_options()
+ options.ciphers = ('aes256-cbc',)
+ options.digests = ('hmac-md5-96',)
+ self.tc.connect(hostkey=public_host_key,
+ username='slowdive', password='pygmalion')
+ event.wait(1.0)
+ self.assert_(event.isSet())
+ self.assert_(self.ts.is_active())
+ self.assertEquals('aes256-cbc', self.tc.local_cipher)
+ self.assertEquals('aes256-cbc', self.tc.remote_cipher)
+ self.assertEquals(12, self.tc.packetizer.get_mac_size_out())
+ self.assertEquals(12, self.tc.packetizer.get_mac_size_in())
+ self.tc.send_ignore(1024)
+ self.assert_(self.tc.renegotiate_keys())
+ self.ts.send_ignore(1024)
+ def test_5_keepalive(self):
+ """
+ verify that the keepalive will be sent.
+ """
+ self.tc.set_hexdump(True)
+ host_key = RSAKey.from_private_key_file('tests/test_rsa.key')
+ public_host_key = RSAKey(data=str(host_key))
+ self.ts.add_server_key(host_key)
+ event = threading.Event()
+ server = NullServer()
+ self.assert_(not event.isSet())
+ self.ts.start_server(event, server)
+ self.tc.connect(hostkey=public_host_key,
+ username='slowdive', password='pygmalion')
+ event.wait(1.0)
+ self.assert_(event.isSet())
+ self.assert_(self.ts.is_active())
+ self.assertEquals(None, getattr(server, '_global_request', None))
+ self.tc.set_keepalive(1)
+ time.sleep(2)
+ self.assertEquals('keepalive@lag.net', server._global_request)
+ def test_6_bad_auth_type(self):
+ """
+ verify that we get the right exception when an unsupported auth
+ type is requested.
+ """
+ host_key = RSAKey.from_private_key_file('tests/test_rsa.key')
+ public_host_key = RSAKey(data=str(host_key))
+ self.ts.add_server_key(host_key)
+ event = threading.Event()
+ server = NullServer()
+ self.assert_(not event.isSet())
+ self.ts.start_server(event, server)
+ try:
+ self.tc.connect(hostkey=public_host_key,
+ username='unknown', password='error')
+ self.assert_(False)
+ except:
+ etype, evalue, etb = sys.exc_info()
+ self.assertEquals(BadAuthenticationType, etype)
+ self.assertEquals(['publickey'], evalue.allowed_types)
+ def test_7_bad_password(self):
+ """
+ verify that a bad password gets the right exception, and that a retry
+ with the right password works.
+ """
+ host_key = RSAKey.from_private_key_file('tests/test_rsa.key')
+ public_host_key = RSAKey(data=str(host_key))
+ self.ts.add_server_key(host_key)
+ event = threading.Event()
+ server = NullServer()
+ self.assert_(not event.isSet())
+ self.ts.start_server(event, server)
+ self.tc.ultra_debug = True
+ self.tc.connect(hostkey=public_host_key)
+ try:
+ self.tc.auth_password(username='slowdive', password='error')
+ self.assert_(False)
+ except:
+ etype, evalue, etb = sys.exc_info()
+ self.assertEquals(SSHException, etype)
+ self.tc.auth_password(username='slowdive', password='pygmalion')
+ event.wait(1.0)
+ self.assert_(event.isSet())
+ self.assert_(self.ts.is_active())
+ def test_8_multipart_auth(self):
+ """
+ verify that multipart auth works.
+ """
+ host_key = RSAKey.from_private_key_file('tests/test_rsa.key')
+ public_host_key = RSAKey(data=str(host_key))
+ self.ts.add_server_key(host_key)
+ event = threading.Event()
+ server = NullServer()
+ self.assert_(not event.isSet())
+ self.ts.start_server(event, server)
+ self.tc.ultra_debug = True
+ self.tc.connect(hostkey=public_host_key)
+ remain = self.tc.auth_password(username='paranoid', password='paranoid')
+ self.assertEquals(['publickey'], remain)
+ key = DSSKey.from_private_key_file('tests/test_dss.key')
+ remain = self.tc.auth_publickey(username='paranoid', key=key)
+ self.assertEquals([], remain)
+ event.wait(1.0)
+ self.assert_(event.isSet())
+ self.assert_(self.ts.is_active())
+ def test_9_interactive_auth(self):
+ """
+ verify keyboard-interactive auth works.
+ """
+ host_key = RSAKey.from_private_key_file('tests/test_rsa.key')
+ public_host_key = RSAKey(data=str(host_key))
+ self.ts.add_server_key(host_key)
+ event = threading.Event()
+ server = NullServer()
+ self.assert_(not event.isSet())
+ self.ts.start_server(event, server)
+ self.tc.ultra_debug = True
+ self.tc.connect(hostkey=public_host_key)
+ def handler(title, instructions, prompts):
+ self.got_title = title
+ self.got_instructions = instructions
+ self.got_prompts = prompts
+ return ['cat']
+ remain = self.tc.auth_interactive('commie', handler)
+ self.assertEquals(self.got_title, 'password')
+ self.assertEquals(self.got_prompts, [('Password', False)])
+ self.assertEquals([], remain)
+ event.wait(1.0)
+ self.assert_(event.isSet())
+ self.assert_(self.ts.is_active())
+ def test_A_interactive_auth_fallback(self):
+ """
+ verify that a password auth attempt will fallback to "interactive"
+ if password auth isn't supported but interactive is.
+ """
+ host_key = RSAKey.from_private_key_file('tests/test_rsa.key')
+ public_host_key = RSAKey(data=str(host_key))
+ self.ts.add_server_key(host_key)
+ event = threading.Event()
+ server = NullServer()
+ self.assert_(not event.isSet())
+ self.ts.start_server(event, server)
+ self.tc.ultra_debug = True
+ self.tc.connect(hostkey=public_host_key)
+ remain = self.tc.auth_password('commie', 'cat')
+ self.assertEquals([], remain)
+ event.wait(1.0)
+ self.assert_(event.isSet())
+ self.assert_(self.ts.is_active())
+ def test_B_exec_command(self):
+ """
+ verify that exec_command() does something reasonable.
+ """
+ host_key = RSAKey.from_private_key_file('tests/test_rsa.key')
+ public_host_key = RSAKey(data=str(host_key))
+ self.ts.add_server_key(host_key)
+ event = threading.Event()
+ server = NullServer()
+ self.assert_(not event.isSet())
+ self.ts.start_server(event, server)
+ self.tc.ultra_debug = True
+ self.tc.connect(hostkey=public_host_key)
+ self.tc.auth_password(username='slowdive', password='pygmalion')
+ event.wait(1.0)
+ self.assert_(event.isSet())
+ self.assert_(self.ts.is_active())
+ chan = self.tc.open_session()
+ schan = self.ts.accept(1.0)
+ self.assert_(not chan.exec_command('no'))
+ chan = self.tc.open_session()
+ self.assert_(chan.exec_command('yes'))
+ schan = self.ts.accept(1.0)
+ schan.send('Hello there.\n')
+ schan.send_stderr('This is on stderr.\n')
+ schan.close()
+ f = chan.makefile()
+ self.assertEquals('Hello there.\n', f.readline())
+ self.assertEquals('', f.readline())
+ f = chan.makefile_stderr()
+ self.assertEquals('This is on stderr.\n', f.readline())
+ self.assertEquals('', f.readline())
+ # now try it with combined stdout/stderr
+ chan = self.tc.open_session()
+ self.assert_(chan.exec_command('yes'))
+ schan = self.ts.accept(1.0)
+ schan.send('Hello there.\n')
+ schan.send_stderr('This is on stderr.\n')
+ schan.close()
+ chan.set_combine_stderr(True)
+ f = chan.makefile()
+ self.assertEquals('Hello there.\n', f.readline())
+ self.assertEquals('This is on stderr.\n', f.readline())
+ self.assertEquals('', f.readline())
+ def test_C_invoke_shell(self):
+ """
+ verify that invoke_shell() does something reasonable.
+ """
+ host_key = RSAKey.from_private_key_file('tests/test_rsa.key')
+ public_host_key = RSAKey(data=str(host_key))
+ self.ts.add_server_key(host_key)
+ event = threading.Event()
+ server = NullServer()
+ self.assert_(not event.isSet())
+ self.ts.start_server(event, server)
+ self.tc.ultra_debug = True
+ self.tc.connect(hostkey=public_host_key)
+ self.tc.auth_password(username='slowdive', password='pygmalion')
+ event.wait(1.0)
+ self.assert_(event.isSet())
+ self.assert_(self.ts.is_active())
+ chan = self.tc.open_session()
+ self.assert_(chan.invoke_shell())
+ schan = self.ts.accept(1.0)
+ chan.send('communist j. cat\n')
+ f = schan.makefile()
+ self.assertEquals('communist j. cat\n', f.readline())
+ chan.close()
+ self.assertEquals('', f.readline())
+ def test_D_exit_status(self):
+ """
+ verify that get_exit_status() works.
+ """
+ host_key = RSAKey.from_private_key_file('tests/test_rsa.key')
+ public_host_key = RSAKey(data=str(host_key))
+ self.ts.add_server_key(host_key)
+ event = threading.Event()
+ server = NullServer()
+ self.assert_(not event.isSet())
+ self.ts.start_server(event, server)
+ self.tc.ultra_debug = True
+ self.tc.connect(hostkey=public_host_key)
+ self.tc.auth_password(username='slowdive', password='pygmalion')
+ event.wait(1.0)
+ self.assert_(event.isSet())
+ self.assert_(self.ts.is_active())
+ chan = self.tc.open_session()
+ schan = self.ts.accept(1.0)
+ self.assert_(chan.exec_command('yes'))
+ schan.send('Hello there.\n')
+ # trigger an EOF
+ schan.shutdown_read()
+ schan.shutdown_write()
+ schan.send_exit_status(23)
+ schan.close()
+ f = chan.makefile()
+ self.assertEquals('Hello there.\n', f.readline())
+ self.assertEquals('', f.readline())
+ self.assertEquals(23, chan.recv_exit_status())
+ chan.close()
+ def test_E_select(self):
+ """
+ verify that select() on a channel works.
+ """
+ host_key = RSAKey.from_private_key_file('tests/test_rsa.key')
+ public_host_key = RSAKey(data=str(host_key))
+ self.ts.add_server_key(host_key)
+ event = threading.Event()
+ server = NullServer()
+ self.assert_(not event.isSet())
+ self.ts.start_server(event, server)
+ self.tc.ultra_debug = True
+ self.tc.connect(hostkey=public_host_key)
+ self.tc.auth_password(username='slowdive', password='pygmalion')
+ event.wait(1.0)
+ self.assert_(event.isSet())
+ self.assert_(self.ts.is_active())
+ chan = self.tc.open_session()
+ self.assert_(chan.invoke_shell())
+ schan = self.ts.accept(1.0)
+ # nothing should be ready
+ r, w, e = select.select([chan], [], [], 0.1)
+ self.assertEquals([], r)
+ self.assertEquals([], w)
+ self.assertEquals([], e)
+ schan.send('hello\n')
+ # something should be ready now (give it 1 second to appear)
+ for i in range(10):
+ r, w, e = select.select([chan], [], [], 0.1)
+ if chan in r:
+ break
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ self.assertEquals([chan], r)
+ self.assertEquals([], w)
+ self.assertEquals([], e)
+ self.assertEquals('hello\n', chan.recv(6))
+ # and, should be dead again now
+ r, w, e = select.select([chan], [], [], 0.1)
+ self.assertEquals([], r)
+ self.assertEquals([], w)
+ self.assertEquals([], e)
+ schan.close()
+ # detect eof?
+ for i in range(10):
+ r, w, e = select.select([chan], [], [], 0.1)
+ if chan in r:
+ break
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ self.assertEquals([chan], r)
+ self.assertEquals([], w)
+ self.assertEquals([], e)
+ self.assertEquals('', chan.recv(16))
+ chan.close()
+ def test_F_renegotiate(self):
+ """
+ verify that a transport can correctly renegotiate mid-stream.
+ """
+ host_key = RSAKey.from_private_key_file('tests/test_rsa.key')
+ public_host_key = RSAKey(data=str(host_key))
+ self.ts.add_server_key(host_key)
+ event = threading.Event()
+ server = NullServer()
+ self.ts.start_server(event, server)
+ self.tc.connect(hostkey=public_host_key,
+ username='slowdive', password='pygmalion')
+ event.wait(1.0)
+ self.assert_(event.isSet())
+ self.assert_(self.ts.is_active())
+ self.tc.packetizer.REKEY_BYTES = 16384
+ chan = self.tc.open_session()
+ self.assert_(chan.exec_command('yes'))
+ schan = self.ts.accept(1.0)
+ self.assertEquals(self.tc.H, self.tc.session_id)
+ for i in range(20):
+ chan.send('x' * 1024)
+ chan.close()
+ # allow a few seconds for the rekeying to complete
+ for i in xrange(50):
+ if self.tc.H != self.tc.session_id:
+ break
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ self.assertNotEquals(self.tc.H, self.tc.session_id)
+ schan.close()
+ def test_G_compression(self):
+ """
+ verify that zlib compression is basically working.
+ """
+ host_key = RSAKey.from_private_key_file('tests/test_rsa.key')
+ public_host_key = RSAKey(data=str(host_key))
+ self.ts.add_server_key(host_key)
+ self.ts.get_security_options().compression = ('zlib',)
+ self.tc.get_security_options().compression = ('zlib',)
+ event = threading.Event()
+ server = NullServer()
+ self.ts.start_server(event, server)
+ self.tc.connect(hostkey=public_host_key,
+ username='slowdive', password='pygmalion')
+ event.wait(1.0)
+ self.assert_(event.isSet())
+ self.assert_(self.ts.is_active())
+ chan = self.tc.open_session()
+ self.assert_(chan.exec_command('yes'))
+ schan = self.ts.accept(1.0)
+ bytes = self.tc.packetizer._Packetizer__sent_bytes
+ chan.send('x' * 1024)
+ bytes2 = self.tc.packetizer._Packetizer__sent_bytes
+ # tests show this is actually compressed to *52 bytes*! including packet overhead! nice!! :)
+ self.assert_(bytes2 - bytes < 1024)
+ chan.close()
+ schan.close()