path: root/t/07_apply.t
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Diffstat (limited to 't/07_apply.t')
1 files changed, 129 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/07_apply.t b/t/07_apply.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..368bc3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/07_apply.t
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+#!/usr/bin/guile -s
+; Additional Pyguile tests - python-apply tests.
+; Tests added to complete code coverage.
+; Copyright (C) 2008 Omer Zak.
+; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+; version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+; along with this library, in a file named COPYING; if not, write to the
+; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
+; Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+; For licensing issues, contact <w1@zak.co.il>.
+(use-modules (guiletap))
+(use-modules (pyguile))
+(plan 18)
+(python-eval "import sys;sys.path = ['']+sys.path\n")
+(python-eval "from t.scripts.t4apply import return_args")
+(python-eval "def myfunc():\n return('this was myfunc')\n")
+(define myfunc-smob (python-eval "myfunc" #t))
+(is-ok 1 "string funcname" "positional: ('xyzzy',) keywords: {}"
+ (python-apply "return_args" '(xyzzy) '()))
+(is-ok 2 "symbol funcname" "positional: () keywords: {'arg': 7}"
+ (python-apply #:return_args '() '((#:arg . 7))))
+(is-ok 3 "pysmob func" "this was myfunc"
+ (python-apply myfunc-smob '() '()))
+(is-ok 4 "list consisting of pysmob func" "this was myfunc"
+ (python-apply (list myfunc-smob) '() '()))
+; python-apply funcname tests
+(is-ok 5 "funcname not in list and is illegal"
+ '(wrong-type-arg ("python-apply" "Wrong type argument in position ~A: ~S" (1 42) #f))
+ (catch #t
+ (lambda () (python-apply 42 '("a") '((#:arg1 . "b"))))
+ (lambda (key . args) (list key args))))
+(is-ok 6 "funcname in list and is illegal"
+ ;like 6: "^\\(misc-error \\(\"python-apply\" \"Python exception: ~A\" \\(\"<class exceptions.TypeError at 0x[0-9a-f]{8}>\"\\) #f\\)\\)$"
+ "(misc-error (\"python-apply\" \"function denoted by ~S is not callable\" ((45)) #f))"
+ (catch #t
+ (lambda () (python-apply '(45) '("a") '((#:arg1 . "b"))))
+ (lambda (key . args) (object->string (list key args)))))
+(is-ok 7 "non-imported module"
+ "(misc-error (\"python-apply\" \"could not dereference ~Ath level attribute in ~S\" (1 (\"math\" sin)) #f))"
+ (catch #t
+ (lambda () (python-apply '("math" sin) '(3.14159) '()))
+ (lambda (key . args) (object->string (list key args)))))
+(define t2conv (python-import "t.scripts.t2conv"))
+; Run python-apply under catch harness.
+(define catch-test
+ (lambda (func posargs kwargs)
+ (catch #t
+ (lambda () (python-apply func posargs kwargs))
+ (lambda (key . args) (object->string (list key args))))))
+(is-ok 8 "finding attribute in module by string"
+ -5
+ (catch-test '("t.scripts.t2conv" "return_Int_5") '() '()))
+(is-ok 9 "nonexistent attribute in module by string"
+ "(misc-error (\"python-apply\" \"could not dereference ~Ath level attribute in ~S\" (1 (\"t.scripts.t2conv\" \"return_jnt_5\")) #f))"
+ (catch-test '("t.scripts.t2conv" "return_jnt_5") '() '()))
+(is-ok 10 "finding attribute in module by symbol"
+ -5
+ (catch-test '("t.scripts.t2conv" return_Int_5) '() '()))
+(is-ok 11 "nonexistent attribute in module by symbol"
+ "(misc-error (\"python-apply\" \"could not dereference ~Ath level attribute in ~S\" (1 (\"t.scripts.t2conv\" return_jnt_5)) #f))"
+ (catch-test '("t.scripts.t2conv" return_jnt_5) '() '()))
+(is-ok 12 "finding attribute in module by pysmob"
+ -5
+ (catch-test (list t2conv "return_Int_5") '() '()))
+(is-ok 13 "nonexistent attribute in module by pysmob"
+ "(misc-error (\"python-apply\" \"could not dereference ~Ath level attribute in ~S\" (1 ((python-eval <module 't.scripts.t2conv' from 't/scripts/t2conv.pyc'> #t) \"return_jnt_5\")) #f))"
+ (catch-test (list t2conv "return_jnt_5") '() '()))
+; Python function raises uncaught exception during its work.
+(define t7except (python-import "t.scripts.t7except"))
+(like 14 "exception inside Python code"
+ "^\\(misc-error \\(\"python-apply\" \"Python exception: ~A\" \\(\"<class t.scripts.t7except.myexception at 0x[0-9a-f]{8}>\"\\) #f\\)\\)$"
+ (catch-test (list t7except 'raiser) '(script7) '()))
+(is-ok 15 "kw argument is datum rather than list"
+ "(wrong-type-arg (\"guileassoc2pythondict\" \"Wrong type argument in position ~A: ~S\" (1 \"shut up\") #f))"
+ (catch-test '("__builtin__" repr) '((3 4 5)) "shut up"))
+(is-ok 16 "kw argument is pair rather than list"
+ "(wrong-type-arg (\"guileassoc2pythondict\" \"Wrong type argument in position ~A: ~S\" (1 (\"shut\" . \"up\")) #f))"
+ (catch-test '("__builtin__" repr) '((3 4 5)) '("shut" . "up")))
+(is-ok 17 "no proc specified"
+ "(wrong-type-arg (\"python-apply\" \"Wrong type argument in position ~A: ~S\" (1 ()) #f))"
+ (catch-test '() '() '()))
+(is-ok 18 "nonexistent module"
+ "(misc-error (\"python-apply\" \"could not dereference ~Ath level attribute in ~S\" (1 (\"no.such.module\" repr)) #f))"
+ (catch-test '("no.such.module" repr) '((3 4 5)) '("shut" . "up")))
+; End of 07_apply.t