path: root/Gruntfile.js
diff options
authorChristopher Baines <cb15g11@soton.ac.uk>2015-05-02 10:36:03 +0100
committerChristopher Baines <cb15g11@soton.ac.uk>2015-05-02 11:58:01 +0100
commite7e1494e3384cc5904fb79a7f6c0f5a8776f1718 (patch)
treec07af64606c0148878c92f34dcc77afe6671de73 /Gruntfile.js
parentc0da98f318a637a91df6655b1c63385adb41e5ab (diff)
Change build system to make
This is shorter, simpler, and works without random hacky javascript. The Makefile also now incorporates the download-libraries script, and will either use the system versions of leaflet and jquery if available, or attempt to download them from the web. The following web pages were helpful: http://aeflash.com/2014-10/make.html http://vmrob.com/colorized-makefiles/
Diffstat (limited to 'Gruntfile.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 116 deletions
diff --git a/Gruntfile.js b/Gruntfile.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e2f8b3..0000000
--- a/Gruntfile.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-module.exports = function(grunt) {
- grunt.initConfig({
- pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
- concat: {
- js: {
- options: {
- separator: ';'
- },
- src: [
- 'libraries/jquery/dist/jquery.js',
- 'libraries/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.js',
- 'libraries/typeahead.js/dist/typeahead.bundle.js',
- 'libraries/list.js/dist/list.js',
- 'libraries/leaflet-soton/resources/leaflet/dist/leaflet.js',
- 'libraries/leaflet-soton/resources/leaflet-markercluster/dist/leaflet.markercluster.js',
- 'libraries/leaflet-soton/resources/leaflet-locatecontrol/src/L.Control.Locate.js',
- 'libraries/leaflet-soton/resources/leaflet-hash/leaflet-hash.js',
- 'libraries/leaflet-soton/resources/leaflet-indoor/leaflet-indoor.js',
- 'libraries/leaflet-soton/resources/leaflet-route/leaflet-route.js',
- 'libraries/leaflet-soton/resources/leaflet-textpath/leaflet.textpath.js',
- 'libraries/leaflet-soton/resources/uos-live.js/uos-live.js',
- 'libraries/leaflet-soton/resources/uos-live.js/libraries/pollymer/pollymer.js',
- 'libraries/leaflet-soton/src/leaflet-soton.js',
- 'scripts.js'
- ],
- dest: 'dist/scripts.js',
- nonull: true
- },
- css: {
- src: [
- 'libraries/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css',
- 'libraries/leaflet-soton/resources/leaflet/dist/leaflet.css',
- 'libraries/leaflet-soton/resources/leaflet-markercluster/dist/MarkerCluster.css',
- 'libraries/leaflet-soton/resources/leaflet-locatecontrol/src/L.Control.Locate.css',
- 'libraries/leaflet-soton/src/leaflet-soton.css',
- 'style.css'
- ],
- dest: 'dist/css/style.css',
- nonull: true
- }
- },
- uglify: {
- options: {
- banner: '/*! <%= pkg.name %> <%= grunt.template.today("dd-mm-yyyy") %> */\n'
- },
- dist: {
- files: {
- 'dist/scripts.js': ['<%= concat.js.dest %>']
- }
- }
- },
- cssmin: {
- add_banner: {
- options: {
- banner: '/* My minified css file */'
- },
- files: {
- 'dist/css/style.css': ['<%= concat.css.dest %>']
- }
- }
- },
- clean: {
- build: ['dist']
- },
- copy: {
- index: {
- src: 'index.html',
- dest: 'dist/index.html',
- nonull: true
- },
- data: {
- src: 'libraries/leaflet-soton/data.json',
- dest: 'dist/data.json',
- nonull: true
- },
- fonts: {
- src: 'libraries/bootstrap/dist/fonts/*',
- dest: 'dist/fonts/',
- expand: 'false',
- flatten: true,
- nonull: true
- },
- images: {
- src: 'libraries/leaflet-soton/resources/images/*',
- dest: 'dist/images/',
- flatten: true,
- expand: 'false',
- nonull: true
- },
- logos: {
- src: 'libraries/leaflet-soton/resources/images/logos/*',
- dest: 'dist/images/logos/',
- flatten: true,
- expand: 'false',
- nonull: true
- },
- locateimage: {
- src: 'libraries/leaflet-soton/resources/leaflet-locatecontrol/src/images/*',
- dest: 'dist/css/images/',
- flatten: true,
- expand: 'false',
- nonull: true
- }
- }
- });
- grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-uglify');
- grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-cssmin');
- grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-concat');
- grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-clean');
- grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-copy');
- grunt.registerTask('default', ['clean:build', 'concat', 'copy']);
- grunt.registerTask('release', ['clean:build', 'concat', 'uglify', 'cssmin', 'copy']);