path: root/README.md
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1 files changed, 87 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 3362013..67456b6 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -41,6 +41,93 @@ levelControl.addEventListener("levelchange", indoorLayer.setLevel, indoorLayer);
+### Usage Instructions
+The data should be a GeoJSON feature collection (or an array of GeoJSON
+features). With the standard configuration, each feature must have a property
+attribute "level", which can be a integer, string or array of either (or both).
+ type: "FeatureCollection",
+ features: [
+ {
+ type: "Feature",
+ geometry: ...,
+ properties: {
+ ...
+ level: 1
+ ....
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ type: "Feature",
+ geometry: ...,
+ properties: {
+ ...
+ level: [2, 3]
+ ....
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+If the data is not in this format, you can pass in a replacement getLevel
+function, that will be used to get the level for each Feature.
+var indoorLayer = new L.Indoor(data, {
+ getLevel: function(feature) {
+ return feature.properties.otherLevel;
+ }
+ onEachFeature
+ markerForFeature
+L.Control.Level is the user interface component that allows for the easy
+switching of levels. It takes in some levels (which you can get from the indoor
+layer by using getLevels()), and displays a list.
+var levelControl = new L.Control.Level({
+ level: "0",
+ levels: indoorLayer.getLevels()
+When using the L.Control.Indoor, if the levels are not integers, by default,
+the levels will be converted to integers for the ordering in the control. If
+the levels given to the control are not integers, then the parseLevel option
+can be used to replace the default function that uses parseInt(level, 10).
+var levelControl = new L.Control.Level({
+ level: "1A",
+ levels: indoorLayer.getLevels()
+ parseLevel: function(level) {
+ var levels = {
+ "1A": 1,
+ "1B": 2,
+ "1C": 3,
+ "2": 4
+ };
+ return levels[level];
+ }
+You can then bind the "levelchange" event, to change the level displayed by the
+layer. Note that the levels that the control has must match that used by the
+layer, if the levels in the control have been set via getLevels), this should
+be the case.
+levelControl.addEventListener("levelchange", indoorLayer.setLevel, indoorLayer);
## Events
L.Control.Level will fire levelchange events when a level is selected.