path: root/doc/plugins/contrib/screenplay.pm.mdwn
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc/plugins/contrib/screenplay.pm.mdwn')
1 files changed, 320 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/plugins/contrib/screenplay.pm.mdwn b/doc/plugins/contrib/screenplay.pm.mdwn
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index 000000000..5ff082da5
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+++ b/doc/plugins/contrib/screenplay.pm.mdwn
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+This plugin works for me. It follows the standard for a movie screenplay pretty closely, I am not aware of any errors in format. Please let me know if you find any.
+Right now all it does is display your pages properly in a web browser. What I would like to add is the ability to output a file that could easily be printed once the screenplay is finished. We keep all the scenes we work on in one folder and eventually we will want to print a script out of that folder. It would be great if an up to date PDF or TXT script could be put in the folder when a scene is saved. I will do it, it just isn't a priority yet.
+I am not a published writer and not an authority on script formatting. I got what I know out of a book.
+Briefly, you type a command on a line, like ".d", then on the next line (for the dialog command) you type a person's name. Then you hit return again and write the words he is supposed to speak out all on one line. When you save your document this simple text will become a properly formatted script.
+Thank you Joey for having me here.
+ Most headings should begin with a transition. The list of valid commands is:
+ .fi => FADE IN: a gradual transition from a solid color to an image
+ .fo => FADE OUT.
+ .ftb => FADE TO BLACK.
+ .ftw => FADE TO WHITE.
+ .ct => CUT TO: indicates an instantaneous shift from one shot to the next
+ .shot => lack of an explicit transition assumes a cut
+ .hct => HARD CUT TO: describes a jarring transition
+ .qct => QUICK CUT TO: describes a cut sooner than expected
+ .tct => TIME CUT TO: emphasizes time passing
+ .mct => MATCH CUT TO: image in first shot visually or thematically matches image in second
+ .dt => DISSOLVE TO: gradual transition from image to another implies passage of time.
+ .rdt => RIPPLE DISSOLVE TO: indicates transition into daydream or imagination
+ .wt => WIPE TO: new image slides over top of last one
+ Example transition:
+ .fi (or any transition command) <= Writes a transition line, except .shot which omits it.
+ type shot heading here <= this line will be capitalized
+ First direction. <= these lines are not capitalized.
+ Second direction.
+ Third direction, etc...
+ Direction without a shot heading:
+ .dir
+ First direction.
+ Second direction.
+ Third direction, etc...
+ Some items aren't implemented in dialogue yet:
+ 1) you must watch that you don't leave a " -- " dangling on a line by itself,
+ instead, carry the last word onto the line with a dash
+ 2) observe lyrical line endings in dialogue by indenting wrapped lines by two spaces
+ 3) you must watch that the four line limit for parenthetical direction is not exceeded
+ Example dialogue:
+ .d
+ char name <= this line will be capitalized
+ this is what he's saying <= Dialogue
+ raises hand to wave <= Parenthetical direction
+ this is more of what he's saying <= Dialogue
+ this is going to be in parenthesis <= Parenthetical direction
+ this is more of what he's saying, etc... <= Dialogue
+ .note
+ Allows you to add a temporary note to a script without getting an error.
+ All notes need to be removed eventually because they are a format violation.
+ ###name this file screenplay.pm and pop it in your Plugin folder. Then you need to add the plugin to your Ikiwiki setup file.
+ #!/usr/bin/perl
+ # Screenplay markup language
+ package IkiWiki::Plugin::screenplay;
+ use warnings;
+ use strict;
+ use IkiWiki 3.00;
+ use Text::Format;
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+ Log::Log4perl->easy_init($INFO);
+ #Log::Log4perl->easy_init($ERROR);
+ sub import {
+ hook(type => "getsetup", id => "screenplay", call => \&getsetup);
+ hook(type => "htmlize", id => "screenplay", call => \&htmlize, longname => "Screenplay");
+ }
+ sub getsetup () {
+ return
+ plugin => {
+ safe => 1,
+ rebuild => 1, # format plugin
+ section => "format",
+ },
+ }
+ sub htmlize (@) {
+ #set up variables and fill with defaults
+ my %params=@_;
+ my $content = $params{content};
+ my @lines = split(/\r\n|\r|\n/, $content);
+ my @chunk;
+ my @formatted;
+ my $current_line = shift(@lines);
+ my $current_command = "";
+ my $current_chunk = "";
+ while (scalar(@lines) > 0) {
+ until ( &dot_command($current_line) || scalar(@lines) == 0 ) {
+ #skip spaces; mark bad lines
+ unless ( &blank_line($current_line) ) {
+ push(@formatted, "<br />");
+ push(@formatted, &no_command($current_line));
+ }
+ $current_line = shift(@lines);
+ }
+ #Exit while loop if we're out of lines
+ last if (scalar(@lines) == 0);
+ #set command for chunk
+ $current_command = $current_line;
+ $current_line = shift(@lines);
+ #get chunk, i.e. all text up to next blank line or a dot command.
+ until (substr($current_line,0,1) eq '.' || $current_line =~ m// || $current_line =~ m/^\s*$/) {
+ push(@chunk,$current_line);
+ $current_line = shift(@lines);
+ last unless defined $current_line;
+ }
+ #Start with a blank line unless unneeded.
+ if (scalar(@formatted) > 0 ) {
+ push(@formatted, "<br />");
+ }
+ #remaining lines are not commands.
+ if (scalar(@chunk)) {
+ $current_chunk = shift(@chunk);
+ if ($current_command eq ".shot") {
+ push(@formatted, &indent(&chunk(uc($current_chunk),57),17));
+ while (scalar(@chunk)) {
+ $current_chunk = shift(@chunk);
+ push(@formatted, "<br />");
+ push(@formatted, &indent(&chunk($current_chunk,57),17));
+ }
+ } elsif ($current_command eq ".note") {
+ push(@formatted, "NOTE:<br />");
+ push(@formatted, &chunk($current_chunk,75));
+ while (scalar(@chunk)) {
+ $current_chunk = shift(@chunk);
+ push(@formatted, "<br />");
+ push(@formatted, &chunk($current_chunk,75));
+ }
+ } elsif ($current_command eq ".dir") {
+ push(@formatted, &indent(&chunk($current_chunk,57),17));
+ while (scalar(@chunk)) {
+ $current_chunk = shift(@chunk);
+ push(@formatted, "<br />");
+ push(@formatted, &indent(&chunk($current_chunk,57),17));
+ }
+ } elsif ($current_command eq ".d") {
+ push(@formatted, &indent(&chunk(uc($current_chunk),32),41));
+ $current_chunk = shift(@chunk);
+ push(@formatted, &indent(&chunk($current_chunk,34),27));
+ while (scalar(@chunk) / 2 >= 1 ) {
+ $current_chunk = shift(@chunk);
+ push(@formatted, &indent(&chunk(&pd($current_chunk),19),34));
+ $current_chunk = shift(@chunk);
+ push(@formatted, &indent(&chunk($current_chunk,34),27));
+ }
+ } elsif ($current_command eq ".pd") {
+ push(@formatted, &indent(&chunk(uc($current_chunk),32),41));
+ $current_chunk = shift(@chunk);
+ push(@formatted, &indent(&chunk(&pd($current_chunk),19),34));
+ $current_chunk = shift(@chunk);
+ push(@formatted, &indent(&chunk($current_chunk,34),27));
+ while (scalar(@chunk) / 2 >= 1 ) {
+ $current_chunk = shift(@chunk);
+ push(@formatted, &indent(&chunk(&pd($current_chunk),19),34));
+ $current_chunk = shift(@chunk);
+ push(@formatted, &indent(&chunk($current_chunk,34),27));
+ }
+ } elsif ($current_command =~ m/^\.(fi|fo|ct|hct|qct|tct|mct|dt|rdt)$/) {
+ if ($current_command eq ".fi") {
+ push(@formatted, &indent(&chunk(uc("FADE IN:"),20),17));
+ } elsif ($current_command eq ".fo") {
+ push(@formatted, &indent(&chunk(uc("FADE OUT:"),20),60));
+ } elsif ($current_command eq ".ct") {
+ push(@formatted, &indent(&chunk(uc("CUT TO:"),20),60));
+ } elsif ($current_command eq ".hct") {
+ push(@formatted, &indent(&chunk(uc("HARD CUT TO:"),20),60));
+ } elsif ($current_command eq ".qct") {
+ push(@formatted, &indent(&chunk(uc("QUICK CUT TO:"),20),60));
+ } elsif ($current_command eq ".tct") {
+ push(@formatted, &indent(&chunk(uc("TIME CUT TO:"),20),60));
+ } elsif ($current_command eq ".mct") {
+ push(@formatted, &indent(&chunk(uc("MATCH CUT TO:"),20),60));
+ } elsif ($current_command eq ".dt") {
+ push(@formatted, &indent(&chunk(uc("DISSOLVE TO:"),20),60));
+ } elsif ($current_command eq ".rdt") {
+ push(@formatted, &indent(&chunk(uc("RIPPLE DISSOLVE TO:"),20),60));
+ } elsif ($current_command eq ".wt") {
+ push(@formatted, &indent(&chunk(uc("WIPE TO:"),20),60));
+ }
+ push(@formatted, &indent(&chunk(uc($current_chunk),57),17));
+ while (scalar(@chunk)) {
+ $current_chunk = shift(@chunk);
+ push(@formatted, "<br />");
+ push(@formatted, &indent(&chunk($current_chunk,57),17));
+ }
+ }
+ #mark the rest of the chunk as 'no command'
+ if (scalar(@chunk)) {
+ $current_chunk = shift(@chunk);
+ push(@formatted, &no_command($current_chunk));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my @content;
+ my $i = 0;
+ $current_line = "";
+ while (scalar(@formatted)) {
+ $i++;
+ $current_line = shift(@formatted);
+ if ( $i % 60 == 0 ) {
+ push(@content, &indent($i/60 . ".<br />",72) );
+ }
+ push(@content, $current_line);
+ }
+ $content = join("\r\n",@content);
+ return $content;
+ }
+ sub blank_line {
+ my $line = shift(@_);
+ my $ret = 0;
+ if ($line =~ m// || $line =~ m/^\s*$/) {
+ $ret = 1;
+ } else {
+ $ret = 0;
+ }
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ sub chunk () {
+ my $unchunked = shift(@_);
+ my $columns = shift(@_);
+ my $text = new Text::Format;
+ $text->rightFill(1);
+ $text->columns($columns);
+ $text->firstIndent(0);
+ $text->tabstop(0);
+ $text->extraSpace(1);
+ my @chunked = split /\n/, $text->format($unchunked);
+ my @formatted;
+ foreach (@chunked) {
+ push(@formatted, $_ . "<br />");
+ }
+ return @formatted;
+ }
+ sub dot_command {
+ my $line = shift(@_);
+ my $ret = 0;
+ if ($line =~ m/^\.(ct|dir|dt|d|fi|fo|hct|mct|note|pd|qct|rdt|shot|tct)$/) {
+ $ret = 1;
+ } else {
+ $ret = 0;
+ }
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ sub indent () {
+ my @unindented = @_;
+ my $spaces = pop @unindented;
+ my @indented;
+ foreach (@unindented) {
+ push(@indented, "&nbsp;" x $spaces . $_);
+ }
+ return @indented;
+ }
+ sub no_command () {
+ my $line = shift(@_);
+ my $text = new Text::Format;
+ $text->rightFill(1);
+ $text->columns(68);
+ $text->firstIndent(0);
+ $text->tabstop(0);
+ $text->extraSpace(1);
+ my @chunked = split /\n/, $text->format($line);
+ my @formatted;
+ push(@formatted, ("NO COMMAND: "));
+ foreach (@chunked) {
+ push(@formatted, ( $_ . "<br />" ));
+ }
+ return @formatted;
+ }
+ sub pd () {
+ my @chunk = @_;
+ # add '(' to top item
+ my $line = "(" . shift(@chunk);
+ unshift(@chunk, $line);
+ # add ')' to bottom item
+ $line = pop(@chunk) . ")";
+ push(@chunk, $line);
+ return @chunk;
+ }
+ 1