path: root/js
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Diffstat (limited to 'js')
8 files changed, 1779 insertions, 1661 deletions
diff --git a/js/controllers/autoanimate.js b/js/controllers/autoanimate.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9204524
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/controllers/autoanimate.js
@@ -0,0 +1,548 @@
+import { extend, toArray, createStyleSheet } from '../utils/util.js'
+ * Automatically animates matching elements across
+ * slides with the [data-auto-animate] attribute.
+ */
+export default class AutoAnimate {
+ constructor( Reveal ) {
+ this.Reveal = Reveal;
+ // Counter used to generate unique IDs for auto-animated elements
+ this.autoAnimateCounter = 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Runs an auto-animation between the given slides.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement} fromSlide
+ * @param {HTMLElement} toSlide
+ */
+ run( fromSlide, toSlide ) {
+ // Clean up after prior animations
+ this.reset();
+ // Ensure that both slides are auto-animate targets
+ if( fromSlide.hasAttribute( 'data-auto-animate' ) && toSlide.hasAttribute( 'data-auto-animate' ) ) {
+ // Create a new auto-animate sheet
+ this.autoAnimateStyleSheet = this.autoAnimateStyleSheet || createStyleSheet();
+ let animationOptions = this.getAutoAnimateOptions( toSlide );
+ // Set our starting state
+ fromSlide.dataset.autoAnimate = 'pending';
+ toSlide.dataset.autoAnimate = 'pending';
+ // Inject our auto-animate styles for this transition
+ let css = this.getAutoAnimatableElements( fromSlide, toSlide ).map( elements => {
+ return this.getAutoAnimateCSS( elements.from, elements.to, elements.options || {}, animationOptions, this.autoAnimateCounter++ );
+ } );
+ // Animate unmatched elements, if enabled
+ if( toSlide.dataset.autoAnimateUnmatched !== 'false' && this.Reveal.getConfig().autoAnimateUnmatched === true ) {
+ this.getUnmatchedAutoAnimateElements( toSlide ).forEach( unmatchedElement => {
+ unmatchedElement.dataset.autoAnimateTarget = 'unmatched';
+ } );
+ css.push( `[data-auto-animate="running"] [data-auto-animate-target="unmatched"] { transition: opacity ${animationOptions.duration*0.8}s ease ${animationOptions.duration*0.2}s; }` );
+ }
+ // Setting the whole chunk of CSS at once is the most
+ // efficient way to do this. Using sheet.insertRule
+ // is multiple factors slower.
+ this.autoAnimateStyleSheet.innerHTML = css.join( '' );
+ // Start the animation next cycle
+ requestAnimationFrame( () => {
+ if( this.autoAnimateStyleSheet ) {
+ // This forces our newly injected styles to be applied in Firefox
+ getComputedStyle( this.autoAnimateStyleSheet ).fontWeight;
+ toSlide.dataset.autoAnimate = 'running';
+ }
+ } );
+ this.Reveal.dispatchEvent( 'autoanimate', { fromSlide: fromSlide, toSlide: toSlide, sheet: this.autoAnimateStyleSheet } );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Rolls back all changes that we've made to the DOM so
+ * that as part of animating.
+ */
+ reset() {
+ // Reset slides
+ toArray( this.Reveal.getRevealElement().querySelectorAll( '[data-auto-animate]:not([data-auto-animate=""])' ) ).forEach( element => {
+ element.dataset.autoAnimate = '';
+ } );
+ // Reset elements
+ toArray( this.Reveal.getRevealElement().querySelectorAll( '[data-auto-animate-target]' ) ).forEach( element => {
+ delete element.dataset.autoAnimateTarget;
+ } );
+ // Remove the animation sheet
+ if( this.autoAnimateStyleSheet && this.autoAnimateStyleSheet.parentNode ) {
+ this.autoAnimateStyleSheet.parentNode.removeChild( this.autoAnimateStyleSheet );
+ this.autoAnimateStyleSheet = null;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Auto-animates the properties of an element from their original
+ * values to their new state.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement} from
+ * @param {HTMLElement} to
+ * @param {Object} elementOptions Options for this element pair
+ * @param {Object} animationOptions Options set at the slide level
+ * @param {String} id Unique ID that we can use to identify this
+ * auto-animate element in the DOM
+ */
+ getAutoAnimateCSS( from, to, elementOptions, animationOptions, id ) {
+ // 'from' elements are given a data-auto-animate-target with no value,
+ // 'to' elements are are given a data-auto-animate-target with an ID
+ from.dataset.autoAnimateTarget = '';
+ to.dataset.autoAnimateTarget = id;
+ // Each element may override any of the auto-animate options
+ // like transition easing, duration and delay via data-attributes
+ let options = this.getAutoAnimateOptions( to, animationOptions );
+ // If we're using a custom element matcher the element options
+ // may contain additional transition overrides
+ if( typeof elementOptions.delay !== 'undefined' ) options.delay = elementOptions.delay;
+ if( typeof elementOptions.duration !== 'undefined' ) options.duration = elementOptions.duration;
+ if( typeof elementOptions.easing !== 'undefined' ) options.easing = elementOptions.easing;
+ let fromProps = this.getAutoAnimatableProperties( 'from', from, elementOptions ),
+ toProps = this.getAutoAnimatableProperties( 'to', to, elementOptions );
+ // If translation and/or scaling are enabled, css transform
+ // the 'to' element so that it matches the position and size
+ // of the 'from' element
+ if( elementOptions.translate !== false || elementOptions.scale !== false ) {
+ let presentationScale = this.Reveal.getScale();
+ let delta = {
+ x: ( fromProps.x - toProps.x ) / presentationScale,
+ y: ( fromProps.y - toProps.y ) / presentationScale,
+ scaleX: fromProps.width / toProps.width,
+ scaleY: fromProps.height / toProps.height
+ };
+ // Limit decimal points to avoid 0.0001px blur and stutter
+ delta.x = Math.round( delta.x * 1000 ) / 1000;
+ delta.y = Math.round( delta.y * 1000 ) / 1000;
+ delta.scaleX = Math.round( delta.scaleX * 1000 ) / 1000;
+ delta.scaleX = Math.round( delta.scaleX * 1000 ) / 1000;
+ let translate = elementOptions.translate !== false && ( delta.x !== 0 || delta.y !== 0 ),
+ scale = elementOptions.scale !== false && ( delta.scaleX !== 0 || delta.scaleY !== 0 );
+ // No need to transform if nothing's changed
+ if( translate || scale ) {
+ let transform = [];
+ if( translate ) transform.push( `translate(${delta.x}px, ${delta.y}px)` );
+ if( scale ) transform.push( `scale(${delta.scaleX}, ${delta.scaleY})` );
+ fromProps.styles['transform'] = transform.join( ' ' );
+ fromProps.styles['transform-origin'] = 'top left';
+ toProps.styles['transform'] = 'none';
+ }
+ }
+ // Delete all unchanged 'to' styles
+ for( let propertyName in toProps.styles ) {
+ const toValue = toProps.styles[propertyName];
+ const fromValue = fromProps.styles[propertyName];
+ if( toValue === fromValue ) {
+ delete toProps.styles[propertyName];
+ }
+ else {
+ // If these property values were set via a custom matcher providing
+ // an explicit 'from' and/or 'to' value, we always inject those values.
+ if( toValue.explicitValue === true ) {
+ toProps.styles[propertyName] = toValue.value;
+ }
+ if( fromValue.explicitValue === true ) {
+ fromProps.styles[propertyName] = fromValue.value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let css = '';
+ let toStyleProperties = Object.keys( toProps.styles );
+ // Only create animate this element IF at least one style
+ // property has changed
+ if( toStyleProperties.length > 0 ) {
+ // Instantly move to the 'from' state
+ fromProps.styles['transition'] = 'none';
+ // Animate towards the 'to' state
+ toProps.styles['transition'] = `all ${options.duration}s ${options.easing} ${options.delay}s`;
+ toProps.styles['transition-property'] = toStyleProperties.join( ', ' );
+ toProps.styles['will-change'] = toStyleProperties.join( ', ' );
+ // Build up our custom CSS. We need to override inline styles
+ // so we need to make our styles vErY IMPORTANT!1!!
+ let fromCSS = Object.keys( fromProps.styles ).map( propertyName => {
+ return propertyName + ': ' + fromProps.styles[propertyName] + ' !important;';
+ } ).join( '' );
+ let toCSS = Object.keys( toProps.styles ).map( propertyName => {
+ return propertyName + ': ' + toProps.styles[propertyName] + ' !important;';
+ } ).join( '' );
+ css = '[data-auto-animate-target="'+ id +'"] {'+ fromCSS +'}' +
+ '[data-auto-animate="running"] [data-auto-animate-target="'+ id +'"] {'+ toCSS +'}';
+ }
+ return css;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the auto-animate options for the given element.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement} element Element to pick up options
+ * from, either a slide or an animation target
+ * @param {Object} [inheritedOptions] Optional set of existing
+ * options
+ */
+ getAutoAnimateOptions( element, inheritedOptions ) {
+ let options = {
+ easing: this.Reveal.getConfig().autoAnimateEasing,
+ duration: this.Reveal.getConfig().autoAnimateDuration,
+ delay: 0
+ };
+ options = extend( options, inheritedOptions );
+ // Inherit options from parent elements
+ if( element.closest && element.parentNode ) {
+ let autoAnimatedParent = element.parentNode.closest( '[data-auto-animate-target]' );
+ if( autoAnimatedParent ) {
+ options = this.getAutoAnimateOptions( autoAnimatedParent, options );
+ }
+ }
+ if( element.dataset.autoAnimateEasing ) {
+ options.easing = element.dataset.autoAnimateEasing;
+ }
+ if( element.dataset.autoAnimateDuration ) {
+ options.duration = parseFloat( element.dataset.autoAnimateDuration );
+ }
+ if( element.dataset.autoAnimateDelay ) {
+ options.delay = parseFloat( element.dataset.autoAnimateDelay );
+ }
+ return options;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns an object containing all of the properties
+ * that can be auto-animated for the given element and
+ * their current computed values.
+ *
+ * @param {String} direction 'from' or 'to'
+ */
+ getAutoAnimatableProperties( direction, element, elementOptions ) {
+ let properties = { styles: [] };
+ // Position and size
+ if( elementOptions.translate !== false || elementOptions.scale !== false ) {
+ let bounds;
+ // Custom auto-animate may optionally return a custom tailored
+ // measurement function
+ if( typeof elementOptions.measure === 'function' ) {
+ bounds = elementOptions.measure( element );
+ }
+ else {
+ bounds = element.getBoundingClientRect();
+ }
+ properties.x = bounds.x;
+ properties.y = bounds.y;
+ properties.width = bounds.width;
+ properties.height = bounds.height;
+ }
+ const computedStyles = getComputedStyle( element );
+ // CSS styles
+ ( elementOptions.styles || this.Reveal.getConfig().autoAnimateStyles ).forEach( style => {
+ let value;
+ // `style` is either the property name directly, or an object
+ // definition of a style property
+ if( typeof style === 'string' ) style = { property: style };
+ if( typeof style.from !== 'undefined' && direction === 'from' ) {
+ value = { value: style.from, explicitValue: true };
+ }
+ else if( typeof style.to !== 'undefined' && direction === 'to' ) {
+ value = { value: style.to, explicitValue: true };
+ }
+ else {
+ value = computedStyles[style.property];
+ }
+ if( value !== '' ) {
+ properties.styles[style.property] = value;
+ }
+ } );
+ return properties;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get a list of all element pairs that we can animate
+ * between the given slides.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement} fromSlide
+ * @param {HTMLElement} toSlide
+ *
+ * @return {Array} Each value is an array where [0] is
+ * the element we're animating from and [1] is the
+ * element we're animating to
+ */
+ getAutoAnimatableElements( fromSlide, toSlide ) {
+ let matcher = typeof this.Reveal.getConfig().autoAnimateMatcher === 'function' ? this.Reveal.getConfig().autoAnimateMatcher : this.getAutoAnimatePairs;
+ let pairs = matcher.call( this, fromSlide, toSlide );
+ let reserved = [];
+ // Remove duplicate pairs
+ return pairs.filter( ( pair, index ) => {
+ if( reserved.indexOf( pair.to ) === -1 ) {
+ reserved.push( pair.to );
+ return true;
+ }
+ } );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Identifies matching elements between slides.
+ *
+ * You can specify a custom matcher function by using
+ * the `autoAnimateMatcher` config option.
+ */
+ getAutoAnimatePairs( fromSlide, toSlide ) {
+ let pairs = [];
+ const codeNodes = 'pre';
+ const textNodes = 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, li';
+ const mediaNodes = 'img, video, iframe';
+ // Eplicit matches via data-id
+ this.findAutoAnimateMatches( pairs, fromSlide, toSlide, '[data-id]', node => {
+ return node.nodeName + ':::' + node.getAttribute( 'data-id' );
+ } );
+ // Text
+ this.findAutoAnimateMatches( pairs, fromSlide, toSlide, textNodes, node => {
+ return node.nodeName + ':::' + node.innerText;
+ } );
+ // Media
+ this.findAutoAnimateMatches( pairs, fromSlide, toSlide, mediaNodes, node => {
+ return node.nodeName + ':::' + ( node.getAttribute( 'src' ) || node.getAttribute( 'data-src' ) );
+ } );
+ // Code
+ this.findAutoAnimateMatches( pairs, fromSlide, toSlide, codeNodes, node => {
+ return node.nodeName + ':::' + node.innerText;
+ } );
+ pairs.forEach( pair => {
+ // Disable scale transformations on text nodes, we transiition
+ // each individual text property instead
+ if( pair.from.matches( textNodes ) ) {
+ pair.options = { scale: false };
+ }
+ // Animate individual lines of code
+ else if( pair.from.matches( codeNodes ) ) {
+ // Transition the code block's width and height instead of scaling
+ // to prevent its content from being squished
+ pair.options = { scale: false, styles: [ 'width', 'height' ] };
+ // Lines of code
+ this.findAutoAnimateMatches( pairs, pair.from, pair.to, '.hljs .hljs-ln-code', node => {
+ return node.textContent;
+ }, {
+ scale: false,
+ styles: [],
+ measure: this.getLocalBoundingBox.bind( this )
+ } );
+ // Line numbers
+ this.findAutoAnimateMatches( pairs, pair.from, pair.to, '.hljs .hljs-ln-line[data-line-number]', node => {
+ return node.getAttribute( 'data-line-number' );
+ }, {
+ scale: false,
+ styles: [ 'width' ],
+ measure: this.getLocalBoundingBox.bind( this )
+ } );
+ }
+ }, this );
+ return pairs;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Helper method which returns a bounding box based on
+ * the given elements offset coordinates.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement} element
+ * @return {Object} x, y, width, height
+ */
+ getLocalBoundingBox( element ) {
+ const presentationScale = this.Reveal.getScale();
+ return {
+ x: Math.round( ( element.offsetLeft * presentationScale ) * 100 ) / 100,
+ y: Math.round( ( element.offsetTop * presentationScale ) * 100 ) / 100,
+ width: Math.round( ( element.offsetWidth * presentationScale ) * 100 ) / 100,
+ height: Math.round( ( element.offsetHeight * presentationScale ) * 100 ) / 100
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Finds matching elements between two slides.
+ *
+ * @param {Array} pairs List of pairs to push matches to
+ * @param {HTMLElement} fromScope Scope within the from element exists
+ * @param {HTMLElement} toScope Scope within the to element exists
+ * @param {String} selector CSS selector of the element to match
+ * @param {Function} serializer A function that accepts an element and returns
+ * a stringified ID based on its contents
+ * @param {Object} animationOptions Optional config options for this pair
+ */
+ findAutoAnimateMatches( pairs, fromScope, toScope, selector, serializer, animationOptions ) {
+ let fromMatches = {};
+ let toMatches = {};
+ [].slice.call( fromScope.querySelectorAll( selector ) ).forEach( ( element, i ) => {
+ const key = serializer( element );
+ if( typeof key === 'string' && key.length ) {
+ fromMatches[key] = fromMatches[key] || [];
+ fromMatches[key].push( element );
+ }
+ } );
+ [].slice.call( toScope.querySelectorAll( selector ) ).forEach( ( element, i ) => {
+ const key = serializer( element );
+ toMatches[key] = toMatches[key] || [];
+ toMatches[key].push( element );
+ let fromElement;
+ // Retrieve the 'from' element
+ if( fromMatches[key] ) {
+ const pimaryIndex = toMatches[key].length - 1;
+ const secondaryIndex = fromMatches[key].length - 1;
+ // If there are multiple identical from elements, retrieve
+ // the one at the same index as our to-element.
+ if( fromMatches[key][ pimaryIndex ] ) {
+ fromElement = fromMatches[key][ pimaryIndex ];
+ fromMatches[key][ pimaryIndex ] = null;
+ }
+ // If there are no matching from-elements at the same index,
+ // use the last one.
+ else if( fromMatches[key][ secondaryIndex ] ) {
+ fromElement = fromMatches[key][ secondaryIndex ];
+ fromMatches[key][ secondaryIndex ] = null;
+ }
+ }
+ // If we've got a matching pair, push it to the list of pairs
+ if( fromElement ) {
+ pairs.push({
+ from: fromElement,
+ to: element,
+ options: animationOptions
+ });
+ }
+ } );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a all elements within the given scope that should
+ * be considered unmatched in an auto-animate transition. If
+ * fading of unmatched elements is turned on, these elements
+ * will fade when going between auto-animate slides.
+ *
+ * Note that parents of auto-animate targets are NOT considerd
+ * unmatched since fading them would break the auto-animation.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement} rootElement
+ * @return {Array}
+ */
+ getUnmatchedAutoAnimateElements( rootElement ) {
+ return [].slice.call( rootElement.children ).reduce( ( result, element ) => {
+ const containsAnimatedElements = element.querySelector( '[data-auto-animate-target]' );
+ // The element is unmatched if
+ // - It is not an auto-animate target
+ // - It does not contain any auto-animate targets
+ if( !element.hasAttribute( 'data-auto-animate-target' ) && !containsAnimatedElements ) {
+ result.push( element );
+ }
+ if( element.querySelector( '[data-auto-animate-target]' ) ) {
+ result = result.concat( this.getUnmatchedAutoAnimateElements( element ) );
+ }
+ return result;
+ }, [] );
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/controllers/fragments.js b/js/controllers/fragments.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..008e5de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/controllers/fragments.js
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+import { extend, toArray } from '../utils/util.js'
+ * Handles sorting and navigation of slide fragments.
+ * Fragments are elements within a slide that are
+ * revealed/animated incrementally.
+ */
+export default class Fragments {
+ constructor( Reveal ) {
+ this.Reveal = Reveal;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Shows all fragments in the presentation. Used when
+ * fragments are disabled presentation-wide.
+ */
+ showAll() {
+ toArray( this.Reveal.getSlidesElement().querySelectorAll( '.fragment' ) ).forEach( element => {
+ element.classList.add( 'visible' );
+ element.classList.remove( 'current-fragment' );
+ } );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns an object describing the available fragment
+ * directions.
+ *
+ * @return {{prev: boolean, next: boolean}}
+ */
+ availableRoutes() {
+ let currentSlide = this.Reveal.getCurrentSlide();
+ if( currentSlide && this.Reveal.getConfig().fragments ) {
+ let fragments = currentSlide.querySelectorAll( '.fragment' );
+ let hiddenFragments = currentSlide.querySelectorAll( '.fragment:not(.visible)' );
+ return {
+ prev: fragments.length - hiddenFragments.length > 0,
+ next: !!hiddenFragments.length
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ return { prev: false, next: false };
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return a sorted fragments list, ordered by an increasing
+ * "data-fragment-index" attribute.
+ *
+ * Fragments will be revealed in the order that they are returned by
+ * this function, so you can use the index attributes to control the
+ * order of fragment appearance.
+ *
+ * To maintain a sensible default fragment order, fragments are presumed
+ * to be passed in document order. This function adds a "fragment-index"
+ * attribute to each node if such an attribute is not already present,
+ * and sets that attribute to an integer value which is the position of
+ * the fragment within the fragments list.
+ *
+ * @param {object[]|*} fragments
+ * @param {boolean} grouped If true the returned array will contain
+ * nested arrays for all fragments with the same index
+ * @return {object[]} sorted Sorted array of fragments
+ */
+ sort( fragments, grouped = false ) {
+ fragments = toArray( fragments );
+ let ordered = [],
+ unordered = [],
+ sorted = [];
+ // Group ordered and unordered elements
+ fragments.forEach( fragment => {
+ if( fragment.hasAttribute( 'data-fragment-index' ) ) {
+ let index = parseInt( fragment.getAttribute( 'data-fragment-index' ), 10 );
+ if( !ordered[index] ) {
+ ordered[index] = [];
+ }
+ ordered[index].push( fragment );
+ }
+ else {
+ unordered.push( [ fragment ] );
+ }
+ } );
+ // Append fragments without explicit indices in their
+ // DOM order
+ ordered = ordered.concat( unordered );
+ // Manually count the index up per group to ensure there
+ // are no gaps
+ let index = 0;
+ // Push all fragments in their sorted order to an array,
+ // this flattens the groups
+ ordered.forEach( group => {
+ group.forEach( fragment => {
+ sorted.push( fragment );
+ fragment.setAttribute( 'data-fragment-index', index );
+ } );
+ index ++;
+ } );
+ return grouped === true ? ordered : sorted;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sorts and formats all of fragments in the
+ * presentation.
+ */
+ sortAll() {
+ this.Reveal.getHorizontalSlides().forEach( horizontalSlide => {
+ let verticalSlides = toArray( horizontalSlide.querySelectorAll( 'section' ) );
+ verticalSlides.forEach( ( verticalSlide, y ) => {
+ this.sort( verticalSlide.querySelectorAll( '.fragment' ) );
+ }, this );
+ if( verticalSlides.length === 0 ) this.sort( horizontalSlide.querySelectorAll( '.fragment' ) );
+ } );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Refreshes the fragments on the current slide so that they
+ * have the appropriate classes (.visible + .current-fragment).
+ *
+ * @param {number} [index] The index of the current fragment
+ * @param {array} [fragments] Array containing all fragments
+ * in the current slide
+ *
+ * @return {{shown: array, hidden: array}}
+ */
+ update( index, fragments ) {
+ let changedFragments = {
+ shown: [],
+ hidden: []
+ };
+ let currentSlide = this.Reveal.getCurrentSlide();
+ if( currentSlide && this.Reveal.getConfig().fragments ) {
+ fragments = fragments || this.sort( currentSlide.querySelectorAll( '.fragment' ) );
+ if( fragments.length ) {
+ let maxIndex = 0;
+ if( typeof index !== 'number' ) {
+ let currentFragment = this.sort( currentSlide.querySelectorAll( '.fragment.visible' ) ).pop();
+ if( currentFragment ) {
+ index = parseInt( currentFragment.getAttribute( 'data-fragment-index' ) || 0, 10 );
+ }
+ }
+ toArray( fragments ).forEach( ( el, i ) => {
+ if( el.hasAttribute( 'data-fragment-index' ) ) {
+ i = parseInt( el.getAttribute( 'data-fragment-index' ), 10 );
+ }
+ maxIndex = Math.max( maxIndex, i );
+ // Visible fragments
+ if( i <= index ) {
+ if( !el.classList.contains( 'visible' ) ) changedFragments.shown.push( el );
+ el.classList.add( 'visible' );
+ el.classList.remove( 'current-fragment' );
+ // Announce the fragments one by one to the Screen Reader
+ this.Reveal.announceStatus( this.Reveal.getStatusText( el ) );
+ if( i === index ) {
+ el.classList.add( 'current-fragment' );
+ this.Reveal.slideContent.startEmbeddedContent( el );
+ }
+ }
+ // Hidden fragments
+ else {
+ if( el.classList.contains( 'visible' ) ) changedFragments.hidden.push( el );
+ el.classList.remove( 'visible' );
+ el.classList.remove( 'current-fragment' );
+ }
+ } );
+ // Write the current fragment index to the slide <section>.
+ // This can be used by end users to apply styles based on
+ // the current fragment index.
+ index = typeof index === 'number' ? index : -1;
+ index = Math.max( Math.min( index, maxIndex ), -1 );
+ currentSlide.setAttribute( 'data-fragment', index );
+ }
+ }
+ return changedFragments;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Navigate to the specified slide fragment.
+ *
+ * @param {?number} index The index of the fragment that
+ * should be shown, -1 means all are invisible
+ * @param {number} offset Integer offset to apply to the
+ * fragment index
+ *
+ * @return {boolean} true if a change was made in any
+ * fragments visibility as part of this call
+ */
+ goto( index, offset = 0 ) {
+ let currentSlide = this.Reveal.getCurrentSlide();
+ if( currentSlide && this.Reveal.getConfig().fragments ) {
+ let fragments = this.sort( currentSlide.querySelectorAll( '.fragment' ) );
+ if( fragments.length ) {
+ // If no index is specified, find the current
+ if( typeof index !== 'number' ) {
+ let lastVisibleFragment = this.sort( currentSlide.querySelectorAll( '.fragment.visible' ) ).pop();
+ if( lastVisibleFragment ) {
+ index = parseInt( lastVisibleFragment.getAttribute( 'data-fragment-index' ) || 0, 10 );
+ }
+ else {
+ index = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ // Apply the offset if there is one
+ index += offset;
+ let changedFragments = this.update( index, fragments );
+ if( changedFragments.hidden.length ) {
+ this.Reveal.dispatchEvent( 'fragmenthidden', { fragment: changedFragments.hidden[0], fragments: changedFragments.hidden } );
+ }
+ if( changedFragments.shown.length ) {
+ this.Reveal.dispatchEvent( 'fragmentshown', { fragment: changedFragments.shown[0], fragments: changedFragments.shown } );
+ }
+ this.Reveal.updateControls();
+ this.Reveal.updateProgress();
+ if( this.Reveal.getConfig().fragmentInURL ) {
+ this.Reveal.writeURL();
+ }
+ return !!( changedFragments.shown.length || changedFragments.hidden.length );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Navigate to the next slide fragment.
+ *
+ * @return {boolean} true if there was a next fragment,
+ * false otherwise
+ */
+ next() {
+ return this.goto( null, 1 );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Navigate to the previous slide fragment.
+ *
+ * @return {boolean} true if there was a previous fragment,
+ * false otherwise
+ */
+ prev() {
+ return this.goto( null, -1 );
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/controllers/overview.js b/js/controllers/overview.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08a2404
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/controllers/overview.js
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+import { SLIDES_SELECTOR } from '../utils/constants.js'
+import { extend, toArray, transformElement } from '../utils/util.js'
+ * Handles all logic related to the overview mode
+ * (birds-eye view of all slides).
+ */
+export default class Overview {
+ constructor( Reveal ) {
+ this.Reveal = Reveal;
+ this.active = false;
+ this.onSlideClicked = this.onSlideClicked.bind( this );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Displays the overview of slides (quick nav) by scaling
+ * down and arranging all slide elements.
+ */
+ activate() {
+ // Only proceed if enabled in config
+ if( this.Reveal.getConfig().overview && !this.isActive() ) {
+ this.active = true;
+ this.Reveal.getRevealElement().classList.add( 'overview' );
+ // Don't auto-slide while in overview mode
+ this.Reveal.cancelAutoSlide();
+ // Move the backgrounds element into the slide container to
+ // that the same scaling is applied
+ this.Reveal.getSlidesElement().appendChild( this.Reveal.getBackgroundsElement() );
+ // Clicking on an overview slide navigates to it
+ toArray( this.Reveal.getRevealElement().querySelectorAll( SLIDES_SELECTOR ) ).forEach( slide => {
+ if( !slide.classList.contains( 'stack' ) ) {
+ slide.addEventListener( 'click', this.onSlideClicked, true );
+ }
+ } );
+ // Calculate slide sizes
+ const margin = 70;
+ const slideSize = this.Reveal.getComputedSlideSize();
+ this.overviewSlideWidth = slideSize.width + margin;
+ this.overviewSlideHeight = slideSize.height + margin;
+ // Reverse in RTL mode
+ if( this.Reveal.getConfig().rtl ) {
+ this.overviewSlideWidth = -this.overviewSlideWidth;
+ }
+ this.Reveal.updateSlidesVisibility();
+ this.layout();
+ this.update();
+ this.Reveal.layout();
+ const indices = this.Reveal.getIndices();
+ // Notify observers of the overview showing
+ this.Reveal.dispatchEvent( 'overviewshown', {
+ 'indexh': indices.h,
+ 'indexv': indices.v,
+ 'currentSlide': this.Reveal.getCurrentSlide()
+ } );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Uses CSS transforms to position all slides in a grid for
+ * display inside of the overview mode.
+ */
+ layout() {
+ // Layout slides
+ this.Reveal.getHorizontalSlides().forEach( ( hslide, h ) => {
+ hslide.setAttribute( 'data-index-h', h );
+ transformElement( hslide, 'translate3d(' + ( h * this.overviewSlideWidth ) + 'px, 0, 0)' );
+ if( hslide.classList.contains( 'stack' ) ) {
+ toArray( hslide.querySelectorAll( 'section' ) ).forEach( ( vslide, v ) => {
+ vslide.setAttribute( 'data-index-h', h );
+ vslide.setAttribute( 'data-index-v', v );
+ transformElement( vslide, 'translate3d(0, ' + ( v * this.overviewSlideHeight ) + 'px, 0)' );
+ } );
+ }
+ } );
+ // Layout slide backgrounds
+ toArray( this.Reveal.getBackgroundsElement().childNodes ).forEach( ( hbackground, h ) => {
+ transformElement( hbackground, 'translate3d(' + ( h * this.overviewSlideWidth ) + 'px, 0, 0)' );
+ toArray( hbackground.querySelectorAll( '.slide-background' ) ).forEach( ( vbackground, v ) => {
+ transformElement( vbackground, 'translate3d(0, ' + ( v * this.overviewSlideHeight ) + 'px, 0)' );
+ } );
+ } );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Moves the overview viewport to the current slides.
+ * Called each time the current slide changes.
+ */
+ update() {
+ const vmin = Math.min( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
+ const scale = Math.max( vmin / 5, 150 ) / vmin;
+ const indices = this.Reveal.getIndices();
+ this.Reveal.transformSlides( {
+ overview: [
+ 'scale('+ scale +')',
+ 'translateX('+ ( -indices.h * this.overviewSlideWidth ) +'px)',
+ 'translateY('+ ( -indices.v * this.overviewSlideHeight ) +'px)'
+ ].join( ' ' )
+ } );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Exits the slide overview and enters the currently
+ * active slide.
+ */
+ deactivate() {
+ // Only proceed if enabled in config
+ if( this.Reveal.getConfig().overview ) {
+ this.active = false;
+ this.Reveal.getRevealElement().classList.remove( 'overview' );
+ // Temporarily add a class so that transitions can do different things
+ // depending on whether they are exiting/entering overview, or just
+ // moving from slide to slide
+ this.Reveal.getRevealElement().classList.add( 'overview-deactivating' );
+ setTimeout( () => {
+ this.Reveal.getRevealElement().classList.remove( 'overview-deactivating' );
+ }, 1 );
+ // Move the background element back out
+ this.Reveal.getRevealElement().appendChild( this.Reveal.getBackgroundsElement() );
+ // Clean up changes made to slides
+ toArray( this.Reveal.getRevealElement().querySelectorAll( SLIDES_SELECTOR ) ).forEach( slide => {
+ transformElement( slide, '' );
+ slide.removeEventListener( 'click', this.onSlideClicked, true );
+ } );
+ // Clean up changes made to backgrounds
+ toArray( this.Reveal.getBackgroundsElement().querySelectorAll( '.slide-background' ) ).forEach( background => {
+ transformElement( background, '' );
+ } );
+ this.Reveal.transformSlides( { overview: '' } );
+ const indices = this.Reveal.getIndices();
+ this.Reveal.slide( indices.h, indices.v );
+ this.Reveal.layout();
+ this.Reveal.cueAutoSlide();
+ // Notify observers of the overview hiding
+ this.Reveal.dispatchEvent( 'overviewhidden', {
+ 'indexh': indices.h,
+ 'indexv': indices.v,
+ 'currentSlide': this.Reveal.getCurrentSlide()
+ } );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Toggles the slide overview mode on and off.
+ *
+ * @param {Boolean} [override] Flag which overrides the
+ * toggle logic and forcibly sets the desired state. True means
+ * overview is open, false means it's closed.
+ */
+ toggle( override ) {
+ if( typeof override === 'boolean' ) {
+ override ? this.activate() : this.deactivate();
+ }
+ else {
+ this.isActive() ? this.deactivate() : this.activate();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks if the overview is currently active.
+ *
+ * @return {Boolean} true if the overview is active,
+ * false otherwise
+ */
+ isActive() {
+ return this.active;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Invoked when a slide is and we're in the overview.
+ *
+ * @param {object} event
+ */
+ onSlideClicked( event ) {
+ if( this.isActive() ) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ let element = event.target;
+ while( element && !element.nodeName.match( /section/gi ) ) {
+ element = element.parentNode;
+ }
+ if( element && !element.classList.contains( 'disabled' ) ) {
+ this.deactivate();
+ if( element.nodeName.match( /section/gi ) ) {
+ let h = parseInt( element.getAttribute( 'data-index-h' ), 10 ),
+ v = parseInt( element.getAttribute( 'data-index-v' ), 10 );
+ this.Reveal.slide( h, v );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/controllers/plugins.js b/js/controllers/plugins.js
index 94077f7..00b0c5e 100644
--- a/js/controllers/plugins.js
+++ b/js/controllers/plugins.js
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ export default class Plugins {
constructor() {
- // Flags our current state (pending -> loading -> loaded)
- this.state = 'pending';
+ // Flags our current state (idle -> loading -> loaded)
+ this.state = 'idle';
// An id:instance map of currently registed plugins
this.registeredPlugins = {};
diff --git a/js/controllers/slidecontent.js b/js/controllers/slidecontent.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f85be49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/controllers/slidecontent.js
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+import { HORIZONTAL_SLIDES_SELECTOR, VERTICAL_SLIDES_SELECTOR } from '../utils/constants.js'
+import { extend, toArray, closestParent } from '../utils/util.js'
+import { isMobile } from '../utils/device.js'
+ * Handles loading, unloading and playback of slide
+ * content such as images, videos and iframes.
+ */
+export default class SlideContent {
+ constructor( Reveal ) {
+ this.Reveal = Reveal;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Should the given element be preloaded?
+ * Decides based on local element attributes and global config.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement} element
+ */
+ shouldPreload( element ) {
+ // Prefer an explicit global preload setting
+ let preload = this.Reveal.getConfig().preloadIframes;
+ // If no global setting is available, fall back on the element's
+ // own preload setting
+ if( typeof preload !== 'boolean' ) {
+ preload = element.hasAttribute( 'data-preload' );
+ }
+ return preload;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Called when the given slide is within the configured view
+ * distance. Shows the slide element and loads any content
+ * that is set to load lazily (data-src).
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement} slide Slide to show
+ */
+ load( slide, options = {} ) {
+ // Show the slide element
+ slide.style.display = this.Reveal.getConfig().display;
+ // Media elements with data-src attributes
+ toArray( slide.querySelectorAll( 'img[data-src], video[data-src], audio[data-src], iframe[data-src]' ) ).forEach( element => {
+ if( element.tagName !== 'IFRAME' || this.shouldPreload( element ) ) {
+ element.setAttribute( 'src', element.getAttribute( 'data-src' ) );
+ element.setAttribute( 'data-lazy-loaded', '' );
+ element.removeAttribute( 'data-src' );
+ }
+ } );
+ // Media elements with <source> children
+ toArray( slide.querySelectorAll( 'video, audio' ) ).forEach( media => {
+ let sources = 0;
+ toArray( media.querySelectorAll( 'source[data-src]' ) ).forEach( source => {
+ source.setAttribute( 'src', source.getAttribute( 'data-src' ) );
+ source.removeAttribute( 'data-src' );
+ source.setAttribute( 'data-lazy-loaded', '' );
+ sources += 1;
+ } );
+ // If we rewrote sources for this video/audio element, we need
+ // to manually tell it to load from its new origin
+ if( sources > 0 ) {
+ media.load();
+ }
+ } );
+ // Show the corresponding background element
+ let background = slide.slideBackgroundElement;
+ if( background ) {
+ background.style.display = 'block';
+ let backgroundContent = slide.slideBackgroundContentElement;
+ let backgroundIframe = slide.getAttribute( 'data-background-iframe' );
+ // If the background contains media, load it
+ if( background.hasAttribute( 'data-loaded' ) === false ) {
+ background.setAttribute( 'data-loaded', 'true' );
+ let backgroundImage = slide.getAttribute( 'data-background-image' ),
+ backgroundVideo = slide.getAttribute( 'data-background-video' ),
+ backgroundVideoLoop = slide.hasAttribute( 'data-background-video-loop' ),
+ backgroundVideoMuted = slide.hasAttribute( 'data-background-video-muted' );
+ // Images
+ if( backgroundImage ) {
+ backgroundContent.style.backgroundImage = 'url('+ encodeURI( backgroundImage ) +')';
+ }
+ // Videos
+ else if ( backgroundVideo && !this.Reveal.isSpeakerNotes() ) {
+ let video = document.createElement( 'video' );
+ if( backgroundVideoLoop ) {
+ video.setAttribute( 'loop', '' );
+ }
+ if( backgroundVideoMuted ) {
+ video.muted = true;
+ }
+ // Inline video playback works (at least in Mobile Safari) as
+ // long as the video is muted and the `playsinline` attribute is
+ // present
+ if( isMobile ) {
+ video.muted = true;
+ video.autoplay = true;
+ video.setAttribute( 'playsinline', '' );
+ }
+ // Support comma separated lists of video sources
+ backgroundVideo.split( ',' ).forEach( source => {
+ video.innerHTML += '<source src="'+ source +'">';
+ } );
+ backgroundContent.appendChild( video );
+ }
+ // Iframes
+ else if( backgroundIframe && options.excludeIframes !== true ) {
+ let iframe = document.createElement( 'iframe' );
+ iframe.setAttribute( 'allowfullscreen', '' );
+ iframe.setAttribute( 'mozallowfullscreen', '' );
+ iframe.setAttribute( 'webkitallowfullscreen', '' );
+ iframe.setAttribute( 'allow', 'autoplay' );
+ iframe.setAttribute( 'data-src', backgroundIframe );
+ iframe.style.width = '100%';
+ iframe.style.height = '100%';
+ iframe.style.maxHeight = '100%';
+ iframe.style.maxWidth = '100%';
+ backgroundContent.appendChild( iframe );
+ }
+ }
+ // Start loading preloadable iframes
+ let backgroundIframeElement = backgroundContent.querySelector( 'iframe[data-src]' );
+ if( backgroundIframeElement ) {
+ // Check if this iframe is eligible to be preloaded
+ if( this.shouldPreload( background ) && !/autoplay=(1|true|yes)/gi.test( backgroundIframe ) ) {
+ if( backgroundIframeElement.getAttribute( 'src' ) !== backgroundIframe ) {
+ backgroundIframeElement.setAttribute( 'src', backgroundIframe );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Unloads and hides the given slide. This is called when the
+ * slide is moved outside of the configured view distance.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement} slide
+ */
+ unload( slide ) {
+ // Hide the slide element
+ slide.style.display = 'none';
+ // Hide the corresponding background element
+ let background = this.Reveal.getSlideBackground( slide );
+ if( background ) {
+ background.style.display = 'none';
+ // Unload any background iframes
+ toArray( background.querySelectorAll( 'iframe[src]' ) ).forEach( element => {
+ element.removeAttribute( 'src' );
+ } );
+ }
+ // Reset lazy-loaded media elements with src attributes
+ toArray( slide.querySelectorAll( 'video[data-lazy-loaded][src], audio[data-lazy-loaded][src], iframe[data-lazy-loaded][src]' ) ).forEach( element => {
+ element.setAttribute( 'data-src', element.getAttribute( 'src' ) );
+ element.removeAttribute( 'src' );
+ } );
+ // Reset lazy-loaded media elements with <source> children
+ toArray( slide.querySelectorAll( 'video[data-lazy-loaded] source[src], audio source[src]' ) ).forEach( source => {
+ source.setAttribute( 'data-src', source.getAttribute( 'src' ) );
+ source.removeAttribute( 'src' );
+ } );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Enforces origin-specific format rules for embedded media.
+ */
+ formatEmbeddedContent() {
+ let _appendParamToIframeSource = ( sourceAttribute, sourceURL, param ) => {
+ toArray( this.Reveal.getSlidesElement().querySelectorAll( 'iframe['+ sourceAttribute +'*="'+ sourceURL +'"]' ) ).forEach( el => {
+ let src = el.getAttribute( sourceAttribute );
+ if( src && src.indexOf( param ) === -1 ) {
+ el.setAttribute( sourceAttribute, src + ( !/\?/.test( src ) ? '?' : '&' ) + param );
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ // YouTube frames must include "?enablejsapi=1"
+ _appendParamToIframeSource( 'src', 'youtube.com/embed/', 'enablejsapi=1' );
+ _appendParamToIframeSource( 'data-src', 'youtube.com/embed/', 'enablejsapi=1' );
+ // Vimeo frames must include "?api=1"
+ _appendParamToIframeSource( 'src', 'player.vimeo.com/', 'api=1' );
+ _appendParamToIframeSource( 'data-src', 'player.vimeo.com/', 'api=1' );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Start playback of any embedded content inside of
+ * the given element.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement} element
+ */
+ startEmbeddedContent( element ) {
+ if( element && !this.Reveal.isSpeakerNotes() ) {
+ // Restart GIFs
+ toArray( element.querySelectorAll( 'img[src$=".gif"]' ) ).forEach( el => {
+ // Setting the same unchanged source like this was confirmed
+ // to work in Chrome, FF & Safari
+ el.setAttribute( 'src', el.getAttribute( 'src' ) );
+ } );
+ // HTML5 media elements
+ toArray( element.querySelectorAll( 'video, audio' ) ).forEach( el => {
+ if( closestParent( el, '.fragment' ) && !closestParent( el, '.fragment.visible' ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Prefer an explicit global autoplay setting
+ let autoplay = this.Reveal.getConfig().autoPlayMedia;
+ // If no global setting is available, fall back on the element's
+ // own autoplay setting
+ if( typeof autoplay !== 'boolean' ) {
+ autoplay = el.hasAttribute( 'data-autoplay' ) || !!closestParent( el, '.slide-background' );
+ }
+ if( autoplay && typeof el.play === 'function' ) {
+ // If the media is ready, start playback
+ if( el.readyState > 1 ) {
+ this.startEmbeddedMedia( { target: el } );
+ }
+ // Mobile devices never fire a loaded event so instead
+ // of waiting, we initiate playback
+ else if( isMobile ) {
+ let promise = el.play();
+ // If autoplay does not work, ensure that the controls are visible so
+ // that the viewer can start the media on their own
+ if( promise && typeof promise.catch === 'function' && el.controls === false ) {
+ promise.catch( () => {
+ el.controls = true;
+ // Once the video does start playing, hide the controls again
+ el.addEventListener( 'play', () => {
+ el.controls = false;
+ } );
+ } );
+ }
+ }
+ // If the media isn't loaded, wait before playing
+ else {
+ el.removeEventListener( 'loadeddata', this.startEmbeddedMedia ); // remove first to avoid dupes
+ el.addEventListener( 'loadeddata', this.startEmbeddedMedia );
+ }
+ }
+ } );
+ // Normal iframes
+ toArray( element.querySelectorAll( 'iframe[src]' ) ).forEach( el => {
+ if( closestParent( el, '.fragment' ) && !closestParent( el, '.fragment.visible' ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.startEmbeddedIframe( { target: el } );
+ } );
+ // Lazy loading iframes
+ toArray( element.querySelectorAll( 'iframe[data-src]' ) ).forEach( el => {
+ if( closestParent( el, '.fragment' ) && !closestParent( el, '.fragment.visible' ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if( el.getAttribute( 'src' ) !== el.getAttribute( 'data-src' ) ) {
+ el.removeEventListener( 'load', this.startEmbeddedIframe ); // remove first to avoid dupes
+ el.addEventListener( 'load', this.startEmbeddedIframe );
+ el.setAttribute( 'src', el.getAttribute( 'data-src' ) );
+ }
+ } );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Starts playing an embedded video/audio element after
+ * it has finished loading.
+ *
+ * @param {object} event
+ */
+ startEmbeddedMedia( event ) {
+ let isAttachedToDOM = !!closestParent( event.target, 'html' ),
+ isVisible = !!closestParent( event.target, '.present' );
+ if( isAttachedToDOM && isVisible ) {
+ event.target.currentTime = 0;
+ event.target.play();
+ }
+ event.target.removeEventListener( 'loadeddata', this.startEmbeddedMedia );
+ }
+ /**
+ * "Starts" the content of an embedded iframe using the
+ * postMessage API.
+ *
+ * @param {object} event
+ */
+ startEmbeddedIframe( event ) {
+ let iframe = event.target;
+ if( iframe && iframe.contentWindow ) {
+ let isAttachedToDOM = !!closestParent( event.target, 'html' ),
+ isVisible = !!closestParent( event.target, '.present' );
+ if( isAttachedToDOM && isVisible ) {
+ // Prefer an explicit global autoplay setting
+ let autoplay = this.Reveal.getConfig().autoPlayMedia;
+ // If no global setting is available, fall back on the element's
+ // own autoplay setting
+ if( typeof autoplay !== 'boolean' ) {
+ autoplay = iframe.hasAttribute( 'data-autoplay' ) || !!closestParent( iframe, '.slide-background' );
+ }
+ // YouTube postMessage API
+ if( /youtube\.com\/embed\//.test( iframe.getAttribute( 'src' ) ) && autoplay ) {
+ iframe.contentWindow.postMessage( '{"event":"command","func":"playVideo","args":""}', '*' );
+ }
+ // Vimeo postMessage API
+ else if( /player\.vimeo\.com\//.test( iframe.getAttribute( 'src' ) ) && autoplay ) {
+ iframe.contentWindow.postMessage( '{"method":"play"}', '*' );
+ }
+ // Generic postMessage API
+ else {
+ iframe.contentWindow.postMessage( 'slide:start', '*' );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Stop playback of any embedded content inside of
+ * the targeted slide.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement} element
+ */
+ stopEmbeddedContent( element, options = {} ) {
+ options = extend( {
+ // Defaults
+ unloadIframes: true
+ }, options );
+ if( element && element.parentNode ) {
+ // HTML5 media elements
+ toArray( element.querySelectorAll( 'video, audio' ) ).forEach( el => {
+ if( !el.hasAttribute( 'data-ignore' ) && typeof el.pause === 'function' ) {
+ el.setAttribute('data-paused-by-reveal', '');
+ el.pause();
+ }
+ } );
+ // Generic postMessage API for non-lazy loaded iframes
+ toArray( element.querySelectorAll( 'iframe' ) ).forEach( el => {
+ if( el.contentWindow ) el.contentWindow.postMessage( 'slide:stop', '*' );
+ el.removeEventListener( 'load', this.startEmbeddedIframe );
+ });
+ // YouTube postMessage API
+ toArray( element.querySelectorAll( 'iframe[src*="youtube.com/embed/"]' ) ).forEach( el => {
+ if( !el.hasAttribute( 'data-ignore' ) && el.contentWindow && typeof el.contentWindow.postMessage === 'function' ) {
+ el.contentWindow.postMessage( '{"event":"command","func":"pauseVideo","args":""}', '*' );
+ }
+ });
+ // Vimeo postMessage API
+ toArray( element.querySelectorAll( 'iframe[src*="player.vimeo.com/"]' ) ).forEach( el => {
+ if( !el.hasAttribute( 'data-ignore' ) && el.contentWindow && typeof el.contentWindow.postMessage === 'function' ) {
+ el.contentWindow.postMessage( '{"method":"pause"}', '*' );
+ }
+ });
+ if( options.unloadIframes === true ) {
+ // Unload lazy-loaded iframes
+ toArray( element.querySelectorAll( 'iframe[data-src]' ) ).forEach( el => {
+ // Only removing the src doesn't actually unload the frame
+ // in all browsers (Firefox) so we set it to blank first
+ el.setAttribute( 'src', 'about:blank' );
+ el.removeAttribute( 'src' );
+ } );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/reveal.js b/js/reveal.js
index a48377b..717a0d6 100644
--- a/js/reveal.js
+++ b/js/reveal.js
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+import SlideContent from './controllers/slidecontent.js'
+import AutoAnimate from './controllers/autoanimate.js'
+import Fragments from './controllers/fragments.js'
+import Overview from './controllers/overview.js'
import Plugins from './controllers/plugins.js'
import Playback from './components/playback.js'
import defaultConfig from './config.js'
@@ -13,10 +17,11 @@ import {
- injectStyleSheet,
+ createStyleSheet,
} from './utils/util.js'
+import { isMobile, isChrome, isAndroid, supportsZoom } from './utils/device.js'
import { colorToRgb, colorBrightness } from './utils/color.js'
@@ -24,30 +29,21 @@ import { colorToRgb, colorBrightness } from './utils/color.js'
* http://revealjs.com
* MIT licensed
- * Copyright (C) 2020 Hakim El Hattab, http://hakim.se
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 Hakim El Hattab, https://hakim.se
export default function( revealElement, options ) {
- let Reveal;
+ const Reveal = {};
// The reveal.js version
const VERSION = '4.0.0-dev';
- const UA = navigator.userAgent;
// Configuration defaults, can be overridden at initialization time
let config,
// Flags if reveal.js is loaded (has dispatched the 'ready' event)
ready = false,
- // Flags if the overview mode is currently active
- overview = false,
- // Holds the dimensions of our overview slides, including margins
- overviewSlideWidth = null,
- overviewSlideHeight = null,
// The horizontal and vertical index of the currently active slide
@@ -77,20 +73,22 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
// Cached references to DOM elements
dom = {},
- // An instance of the Plugins controller
+ // Controller for plugin loading
plugins = new Plugins(),
- // List of asynchronously loaded reveal.js dependencies
- asyncDependencies = [],
+ // Controls loading and playback of slide content
+ slideContent = new SlideContent( Reveal ),
+ // Controls auto-animations between slides
+ autoAnimate = new AutoAnimate( Reveal ),
- // Features supported by the browser, see #checkCapabilities()
- features = {},
+ // Controls navigation between slide fragments
+ fragments = new Fragments( Reveal ),
- // Client is a mobile device, see #checkCapabilities()
- isMobileDevice,
+ overview = new Overview( Reveal ),
- // Client is a desktop Chrome, see #checkCapabilities()
- isChrome,
+ // List of asynchronously loaded reveal.js dependencies
+ asyncDependencies = [],
// Throttles mouse wheel navigation
lastMouseWheelStep = 0,
@@ -107,12 +105,6 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
// Flags if the interaction event listeners are bound
eventsAreBound = false,
- // <style> element used to apply auto-animations
- autoAnimateStyleSheet,
- // Counter used to generate unique IDs for auto-animated elements
- autoAnimateCounter = 0,
// The current auto-slide duration
autoSlide = 0,
@@ -148,8 +140,6 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
- checkCapabilities();
// Cache references to key DOM elements
dom.wrapper = revealElement;
dom.slides = revealElement.querySelector( '.slides' );
@@ -168,25 +158,6 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
- * Inspect the client to see what features it supports.
- */
- function checkCapabilities() {
- isMobileDevice = /(iphone|ipod|ipad|android)/gi.test( UA ) ||
- ( navigator.platform === 'MacIntel' && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1 ); // iPadOS
- isChrome = /chrome/i.test( UA ) && !/edge/i.test( UA );
- let testElement = document.createElement( 'div' );
- // Flags if we should use zoom instead of transform to scale
- // up slides. Zoom produces crisper results but has a lot of
- // xbrowser quirks so we only use it in white-listed browsers.
- features.zoom = 'zoom' in testElement.style && !isMobileDevice &&
- ( isChrome || /Version\/[\d\.]+.*Safari/.test( UA ) );
- }
- /**
* Starts up reveal.js by binding input events and navigating
* to the current URL deeplink if there is one.
@@ -256,20 +227,13 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
// Prevent transitions while we're loading
dom.slides.classList.add( 'no-transition' );
- if( isMobileDevice ) {
+ if( isMobile ) {
dom.wrapper.classList.add( 'no-hover' );
else {
dom.wrapper.classList.remove( 'no-hover' );
- if( /iphone/gi.test( UA ) ) {
- dom.wrapper.classList.add( 'ua-iphone' );
- }
- else {
- dom.wrapper.classList.remove( 'ua-iphone' );
- }
// Background element
dom.background = createSingletonNode( dom.wrapper, 'div', 'backgrounds', null );
@@ -310,7 +274,7 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
dom.controlsLeftArrow = dom.controls.querySelector( '.navigate-left' );
dom.controlsDownArrow = dom.controls.querySelector( '.navigate-down' );
- dom.statusDiv = createStatusDiv();
+ dom.statusElement = createStatusElement();
@@ -320,22 +284,31 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
* @return {HTMLElement}
- function createStatusDiv() {
- let statusDiv = dom.wrapper.querySelector( '.aria-status' );
- if( !statusDiv ) {
- statusDiv = document.createElement( 'div' );
- statusDiv.style.position = 'absolute';
- statusDiv.style.height = '1px';
- statusDiv.style.width = '1px';
- statusDiv.style.overflow = 'hidden';
- statusDiv.style.clip = 'rect( 1px, 1px, 1px, 1px )';
- statusDiv.classList.add( 'aria-status' );
- statusDiv.setAttribute( 'aria-live', 'polite' );
- statusDiv.setAttribute( 'aria-atomic','true' );
- dom.wrapper.appendChild( statusDiv );
- }
- return statusDiv;
+ function createStatusElement() {
+ let statusElement = dom.wrapper.querySelector( '.aria-status' );
+ if( !statusElement ) {
+ statusElement = document.createElement( 'div' );
+ statusElement.style.position = 'absolute';
+ statusElement.style.height = '1px';
+ statusElement.style.width = '1px';
+ statusElement.style.overflow = 'hidden';
+ statusElement.style.clip = 'rect( 1px, 1px, 1px, 1px )';
+ statusElement.classList.add( 'aria-status' );
+ statusElement.setAttribute( 'aria-live', 'polite' );
+ statusElement.setAttribute( 'aria-atomic','true' );
+ dom.wrapper.appendChild( statusElement );
+ }
+ return statusElement;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Announces the given text to screen readers.
+ */
+ function announceStatus( value ) {
+ dom.statusElement.textContent = value;
@@ -390,10 +363,10 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
slideHeight = slideSize.height;
// Let the browser know what page size we want to print
- injectStyleSheet( '@page{size:'+ pageWidth +'px '+ pageHeight +'px; margin: 0px;}' );
+ createStyleSheet( '@page{size:'+ pageWidth +'px '+ pageHeight +'px; margin: 0px;}' );
// Limit the size of certain elements to the dimensions of the slide
- injectStyleSheet( '.reveal section>img, .reveal section>video, .reveal section>iframe{max-width: '+ slideWidth +'px; max-height:'+ slideHeight +'px}' );
+ createStyleSheet( '.reveal section>img, .reveal section>video, .reveal section>iframe{max-width: '+ slideWidth +'px; max-height:'+ slideHeight +'px}' );
document.body.classList.add( 'print-pdf' );
document.body.style.width = pageWidth + 'px';
@@ -490,7 +463,7 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
// Each fragment 'group' is an array containing one or more
// fragments. Multiple fragments that appear at the same time
// are part of the same group.
- let fragmentGroups = sortFragments( page.querySelectorAll( '.fragment' ), true );
+ let fragmentGroups = fragments.sort( page.querySelectorAll( '.fragment' ), true );
let previousFragmentStep;
let previousPage;
@@ -931,17 +904,8 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
enablePreviewLinks( '[data-preview-link]:not([data-preview-link=false])' );
- // Reset all auto animated elements
- toArray( dom.slides.querySelectorAll( '[data-auto-animate]:not([data-auto-animate=""])' ) ).forEach( element => {
- element.dataset.autoAnimate = '';
- } );
- removeEphemeralAutoAnimateAttributes();
- if( autoAnimateStyleSheet && autoAnimateStyleSheet.parentNode ) {
- autoAnimateStyleSheet.parentNode.removeChild( autoAnimateStyleSheet );
- autoAnimateStyleSheet = null;
- }
+ // Reset all changes made by auto-animations
+ autoAnimate.reset();
// Remove existing auto-slide controls
if( autoSlidePlayer ) {
@@ -961,10 +925,7 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
// When fragments are turned off they should be visible
if( config.fragments === false ) {
- toArray( dom.slides.querySelectorAll( '.fragment' ) ).forEach( element => {
- element.classList.add( 'visible' );
- element.classList.remove( 'current-fragment' );
- } );
+ fragments.showAll();
// Slide numbers
@@ -1064,7 +1025,7 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
// Only support touch for Android, fixes double navigations in
// stock browser
- if( UA.match( /android/gi ) ) {
+ if( isAndroid ) {
pointerEvents = [ 'touchstart' ];
@@ -1425,7 +1386,7 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
// property where 100x adds up to the correct height.
// https://css-tricks.com/the-trick-to-viewport-units-on-mobile/
- if( isMobileDevice ) {
+ if( isMobile ) {
document.documentElement.style.setProperty( '--vh', ( window.innerHeight * 0.01 ) + 'px' );
@@ -1461,7 +1422,7 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
// effects are minor differences in text layout and iframe
// viewports changing size. A 200x200 iframe viewport in a
// 2x zoomed presentation ends up having a 400x400 viewport.
- if( scale > 1 && features.zoom && window.devicePixelRatio < 2 ) {
+ if( scale > 1 && supportsZoom && window.devicePixelRatio < 2 ) {
dom.slides.style.zoom = scale;
dom.slides.style.left = '';
dom.slides.style.top = '';
@@ -1522,8 +1483,8 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
- if( isOverview() ) {
- updateOverview();
+ if( overview.isActive() ) {
+ overview.update();
@@ -1640,199 +1601,6 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
- * Displays the overview of slides (quick nav) by scaling
- * down and arranging all slide elements.
- */
- function activateOverview() {
- // Only proceed if enabled in config
- if( config.overview && !isOverview() ) {
- overview = true;
- dom.wrapper.classList.add( 'overview' );
- // Don't auto-slide while in overview mode
- cancelAutoSlide();
- // Move the backgrounds element into the slide container to
- // that the same scaling is applied
- dom.slides.appendChild( dom.background );
- // Clicking on an overview slide navigates to it
- toArray( dom.wrapper.querySelectorAll( SLIDES_SELECTOR ) ).forEach( slide => {
- if( !slide.classList.contains( 'stack' ) ) {
- slide.addEventListener( 'click', onOverviewSlideClicked, true );
- }
- } );
- // Calculate slide sizes
- const margin = 70;
- const slideSize = getComputedSlideSize();
- overviewSlideWidth = slideSize.width + margin;
- overviewSlideHeight = slideSize.height + margin;
- // Reverse in RTL mode
- if( config.rtl ) {
- overviewSlideWidth = -overviewSlideWidth;
- }
- updateSlidesVisibility();
- layoutOverview();
- updateOverview();
- layout();
- // Notify observers of the overview showing
- dispatchEvent( 'overviewshown', {
- 'indexh': indexh,
- 'indexv': indexv,
- 'currentSlide': currentSlide
- } );
- }
- }
- /**
- * Uses CSS transforms to position all slides in a grid for
- * display inside of the overview mode.
- */
- function layoutOverview() {
- // Layout slides
- toArray( dom.wrapper.querySelectorAll( HORIZONTAL_SLIDES_SELECTOR ) ).forEach( ( hslide, h ) => {
- hslide.setAttribute( 'data-index-h', h );
- transformElement( hslide, 'translate3d(' + ( h * overviewSlideWidth ) + 'px, 0, 0)' );
- if( hslide.classList.contains( 'stack' ) ) {
- toArray( hslide.querySelectorAll( 'section' ) ).forEach( ( vslide, v ) => {
- vslide.setAttribute( 'data-index-h', h );
- vslide.setAttribute( 'data-index-v', v );
- transformElement( vslide, 'translate3d(0, ' + ( v * overviewSlideHeight ) + 'px, 0)' );
- } );
- }
- } );
- // Layout slide backgrounds
- toArray( dom.background.childNodes ).forEach( ( hbackground, h ) => {
- transformElement( hbackground, 'translate3d(' + ( h * overviewSlideWidth ) + 'px, 0, 0)' );
- toArray( hbackground.querySelectorAll( '.slide-background' ) ).forEach( ( vbackground, v ) => {
- transformElement( vbackground, 'translate3d(0, ' + ( v * overviewSlideHeight ) + 'px, 0)' );
- } );
- } );
- }
- /**
- * Moves the overview viewport to the current slides.
- * Called each time the current slide changes.
- */
- function updateOverview() {
- const vmin = Math.min( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
- const scale = Math.max( vmin / 5, 150 ) / vmin;
- transformSlides( {
- overview: [
- 'scale('+ scale +')',
- 'translateX('+ ( -indexh * overviewSlideWidth ) +'px)',
- 'translateY('+ ( -indexv * overviewSlideHeight ) +'px)'
- ].join( ' ' )
- } );
- }
- /**
- * Exits the slide overview and enters the currently
- * active slide.
- */
- function deactivateOverview() {
- // Only proceed if enabled in config
- if( config.overview ) {
- overview = false;
- dom.wrapper.classList.remove( 'overview' );
- // Temporarily add a class so that transitions can do different things
- // depending on whether they are exiting/entering overview, or just
- // moving from slide to slide
- dom.wrapper.classList.add( 'overview-deactivating' );
- setTimeout( () => {
- dom.wrapper.classList.remove( 'overview-deactivating' );
- }, 1 );
- // Move the background element back out
- dom.wrapper.appendChild( dom.background );
- // Clean up changes made to slides
- toArray( dom.wrapper.querySelectorAll( SLIDES_SELECTOR ) ).forEach( slide => {
- transformElement( slide, '' );
- slide.removeEventListener( 'click', onOverviewSlideClicked, true );
- } );
- // Clean up changes made to backgrounds
- toArray( dom.background.querySelectorAll( '.slide-background' ) ).forEach( background => {
- transformElement( background, '' );
- } );
- transformSlides( { overview: '' } );
- slide( indexh, indexv );
- layout();
- cueAutoSlide();
- // Notify observers of the overview hiding
- dispatchEvent( 'overviewhidden', {
- 'indexh': indexh,
- 'indexv': indexv,
- 'currentSlide': currentSlide
- } );
- }
- }
- /**
- * Toggles the slide overview mode on and off.
- *
- * @param {Boolean} [override] Flag which overrides the
- * toggle logic and forcibly sets the desired state. True means
- * overview is open, false means it's closed.
- */
- function toggleOverview( override ) {
- if( typeof override === 'boolean' ) {
- override ? activateOverview() : deactivateOverview();
- }
- else {
- isOverview() ? deactivateOverview() : activateOverview();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Checks if the overview is currently active.
- *
- * @return {Boolean} true if the overview is active,
- * false otherwise
- */
- function isOverview() {
- return overview;
- }
- /**
* Return a hash URL that will resolve to the given slide location.
* @param {HTMLElement} [slide=currentSlide] The slide to link to
@@ -1885,6 +1653,55 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
+ * Returns true if we're on the last slide in the current
+ * vertical stack.
+ */
+ function isLastVerticalSlide() {
+ if( currentSlide && isVerticalSlide( currentSlide ) ) {
+ // Does this slide have a next sibling?
+ if( currentSlide.nextElementSibling ) return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if we're currently on the first slide in
+ * the presentation.
+ */
+ function isFirstSlide() {
+ return indexh === 0 && indexv === 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if we're currently on the last slide in
+ * the presenation. If the last slide is a stack, we only
+ * consider this the last slide if it's at the end of the
+ * stack.
+ */
+ function isLastSlide() {
+ if( currentSlide ) {
+ // Does this slide have a next sibling?
+ if( currentSlide.nextElementSibling ) return false;
+ // If it's vertical, does its parent have a next sibling?
+ if( isVerticalSlide( currentSlide ) && currentSlide.parentNode.nextElementSibling ) return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
* Shows the mouse pointer after it has been hidden with
* #hideCursor.
@@ -2024,7 +1841,7 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
// If no vertical index is specified and the upcoming slide is a
// stack, resume at its previous vertical index
- if( v === undefined && !isOverview() ) {
+ if( v === undefined && !overview.isActive() ) {
v = getPreviousVerticalIndex( horizontalSlides[ h ] );
@@ -2053,8 +1870,8 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
// Update the overview if it's currently active
- if( isOverview() ) {
- updateOverview();
+ if( overview.isActive() ) {
+ overview.update();
// Find the current horizontal slide and any possible vertical slides
@@ -2067,7 +1884,7 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
// Show fragment, if specified
if( typeof f !== 'undefined' ) {
- navigateFragment( f );
+ fragments.goto( f );
// Dispatch an event if the slide changed
@@ -2085,7 +1902,7 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
previousSlide.setAttribute( 'aria-hidden', 'true' );
// Reset all slides upon navigate to home
- if( Reveal.isFirstSlide() ) {
+ if( isFirstSlide() ) {
// Launch async task
setTimeout( () => {
getVerticalStacks().forEach( slide => {
@@ -2129,12 +1946,12 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
// Handle embedded content
if( slideChanged || !previousSlide ) {
- stopEmbeddedContent( previousSlide );
- startEmbeddedContent( currentSlide );
+ slideContent.stopEmbeddedContent( previousSlide );
+ slideContent.startEmbeddedContent( currentSlide );
- // Announce the current slide contents, for screen readers
- dom.statusDiv.textContent = getStatusText( currentSlide );
+ // Announce the current slide contents to screen readers
+ announceStatus( getStatusText( currentSlide ) );
@@ -2142,7 +1959,8 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
- updateFragments();
+ fragments.update();
// Update the URL hash
@@ -2150,7 +1968,7 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
// Auto-animation
- if( slideChanged && previousSlide && currentSlide && !isOverview() ) {
+ if( slideChanged && previousSlide && currentSlide && !overview.isActive() ) {
// Skip the slide transition between our two slides
// when auto-animating individual elements
@@ -2163,7 +1981,7 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
if( config.autoAnimate ) {
// Run the auto-animation between our slides
- autoAnimate( previousSlide, currentSlide );
+ autoAnimate.run( previousSlide, currentSlide );
@@ -2197,7 +2015,7 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
// Write the current hash to the URL
- sortAllFragments();
+ fragments.sortAll();
@@ -2207,18 +2025,18 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
- formatEmbeddedContent();
+ slideContent.formatEmbeddedContent();
// Start or stop embedded content depending on global config
if( config.autoPlayMedia === false ) {
- stopEmbeddedContent( currentSlide, { unloadIframes: false } );
+ slideContent.stopEmbeddedContent( currentSlide, { unloadIframes: false } );
else {
- startEmbeddedContent( currentSlide );
+ slideContent.startEmbeddedContent( currentSlide );
- if( isOverview() ) {
- layoutOverview();
+ if( overview.isActive() ) {
+ overview.layout();
@@ -2238,7 +2056,7 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
syncBackground( slide );
syncFragments( slide );
- loadSlide( slide );
+ slideContent.load( slide );
@@ -2255,7 +2073,7 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
function syncFragments( slide = currentSlide ) {
- return sortFragments( slide.querySelectorAll( '.fragment' ) );
+ return config.sort( slide.querySelectorAll( '.fragment' ) );
@@ -2283,27 +2101,6 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
- * Sorts and formats all of fragments in the
- * presentation.
- */
- function sortAllFragments() {
- getHorizontalSlides().forEach( horizontalSlide => {
- let verticalSlides = toArray( horizontalSlide.querySelectorAll( 'section' ) );
- verticalSlides.forEach( ( verticalSlide, y ) => {
- sortFragments( verticalSlide.querySelectorAll( '.fragment' ) );
- } );
- if( verticalSlides.length === 0 ) sortFragments( horizontalSlide.querySelectorAll( '.fragment' ) );
- } );
- }
- /**
* Randomly shuffles all slides in the deck.
function shuffle() {
@@ -2441,12 +2238,12 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
// The number of steps away from the present slide that will
// be visible
- let viewDistance = isOverview() ? 10 : config.viewDistance;
+ let viewDistance = overview.isActive() ? 10 : config.viewDistance;
// Shorten the view distance on devices that typically have
// less resources
- if( isMobileDevice ) {
- viewDistance = isOverview() ? 6 : config.mobileViewDistance;
+ if( isMobile ) {
+ viewDistance = overview.isActive() ? 6 : config.mobileViewDistance;
// All slides need to be visible when exporting to PDF
@@ -2471,10 +2268,10 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
// Show the horizontal slide if it's within the view distance
if( distanceX < viewDistance ) {
- loadSlide( horizontalSlide );
+ slideContent.load( horizontalSlide );
else {
- unloadSlide( horizontalSlide );
+ slideContent.unload( horizontalSlide );
if( verticalSlidesLength ) {
@@ -2487,10 +2284,10 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
distanceY = x === ( indexh || 0 ) ? Math.abs( ( indexv || 0 ) - y ) : Math.abs( y - oy );
if( distanceX + distanceY < viewDistance ) {
- loadSlide( verticalSlide );
+ slideContent.load( verticalSlide );
else {
- unloadSlide( verticalSlide );
+ slideContent.unload( verticalSlide );
@@ -2664,7 +2461,7 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
function updateControls() {
let routes = availableRoutes();
- let fragments = availableFragments();
+ let fragmentsRoutes = fragments.availableRoutes();
// Remove the 'enabled' class from all directions
[...dom.controlsLeft, ...dom.controlsRight, ...dom.controlsUp, ...dom.controlsDown, ...dom.controlsPrev, ...dom.controlsNext].forEach( node => {
@@ -2688,23 +2485,22 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
if( currentSlide ) {
// Always apply fragment decorator to prev/next buttons
- if( fragments.prev ) dom.controlsPrev.forEach( el => { el.classList.add( 'fragmented', 'enabled' ); el.removeAttribute( 'disabled' ); } );
- if( fragments.next ) dom.controlsNext.forEach( el => { el.classList.add( 'fragmented', 'enabled' ); el.removeAttribute( 'disabled' ); } );
+ if( fragmentsRoutes.prev ) dom.controlsPrev.forEach( el => { el.classList.add( 'fragmented', 'enabled' ); el.removeAttribute( 'disabled' ); } );
+ if( fragmentsRoutes.next ) dom.controlsNext.forEach( el => { el.classList.add( 'fragmented', 'enabled' ); el.removeAttribute( 'disabled' ); } );
// Apply fragment decorators to directional buttons based on
// what slide axis they are in
if( isVerticalSlide( currentSlide ) ) {
- if( fragments.prev ) dom.controlsUp.forEach( el => { el.classList.add( 'fragmented', 'enabled' ); el.removeAttribute( 'disabled' ); } );
- if( fragments.next ) dom.controlsDown.forEach( el => { el.classList.add( 'fragmented', 'enabled' ); el.removeAttribute( 'disabled' ); } );
+ if( fragmentsRoutes.prev ) dom.controlsUp.forEach( el => { el.classList.add( 'fragmented', 'enabled' ); el.removeAttribute( 'disabled' ); } );
+ if( fragmentsRoutes.next ) dom.controlsDown.forEach( el => { el.classList.add( 'fragmented', 'enabled' ); el.removeAttribute( 'disabled' ); } );
else {
- if( fragments.prev ) dom.controlsLeft.forEach( el => { el.classList.add( 'fragmented', 'enabled' ); el.removeAttribute( 'disabled' ); } );
- if( fragments.next ) dom.controlsRight.forEach( el => { el.classList.add( 'fragmented', 'enabled' ); el.removeAttribute( 'disabled' ); } );
+ if( fragmentsRoutes.prev ) dom.controlsLeft.forEach( el => { el.classList.add( 'fragmented', 'enabled' ); el.removeAttribute( 'disabled' ); } );
+ if( fragmentsRoutes.next ) dom.controlsRight.forEach( el => { el.classList.add( 'fragmented', 'enabled' ); el.removeAttribute( 'disabled' ); } );
if( config.controlsTutorial ) {
// Highlight control arrows with an animation to ensure
@@ -2797,14 +2593,14 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
// Stop content inside of previous backgrounds
if( previousBackground ) {
- stopEmbeddedContent( previousBackground, { unloadIframes: !shouldPreload( previousBackground ) } );
+ slideContent.stopEmbeddedContent( previousBackground, { unloadIframes: !slideContent.shouldPreload( previousBackground ) } );
// Start content in the current background
if( currentBackground ) {
- startEmbeddedContent( currentBackground );
+ slideContent.startEmbeddedContent( currentBackground );
let currentBackgroundContent = currentBackground.querySelector( '.slide-background-content' );
if( currentBackgroundContent ) {
@@ -2909,712 +2705,6 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
- * Runs an auto-animation between the given slides.
- *
- * @param {HTMLElement} fromSlide
- * @param {HTMLElement} toSlide
- */
- function autoAnimate( fromSlide, toSlide ) {
- // Clean up after prior animations
- removeEphemeralAutoAnimateAttributes();
- if( autoAnimateStyleSheet && autoAnimateStyleSheet.parentNode ) {
- autoAnimateStyleSheet.parentNode.removeChild( autoAnimateStyleSheet );
- autoAnimateStyleSheet = null;
- }
- // Ensure that both slides are auto-animate targets
- if( fromSlide.hasAttribute( 'data-auto-animate' ) && toSlide.hasAttribute( 'data-auto-animate' ) ) {
- // Create a new auto-animate sheet
- autoAnimateStyleSheet = autoAnimateStyleSheet || document.createElement( 'style' );
- autoAnimateStyleSheet.type = 'text/css';
- document.head.appendChild( autoAnimateStyleSheet );
- let animationOptions = getAutoAnimateOptions( toSlide );
- // Set our starting state
- fromSlide.dataset.autoAnimate = 'pending';
- toSlide.dataset.autoAnimate = 'pending';
- // Inject our auto-animate styles for this transition
- let css = getAutoAnimatableElements( fromSlide, toSlide ).map( elements => {
- return getAutoAnimateCSS( elements.from, elements.to, elements.options || {}, animationOptions, autoAnimateCounter++ );
- } );
- // Animate unmatched elements, if enabled
- if( toSlide.dataset.autoAnimateUnmatched !== 'false' && config.autoAnimateUnmatched === true ) {
- getUnmatchedAutoAnimateElements( toSlide ).forEach( unmatchedElement => {
- unmatchedElement.dataset.autoAnimateTarget = 'unmatched';
- } );
- css.push( `[data-auto-animate="running"] [data-auto-animate-target="unmatched"] { transition: opacity ${animationOptions.duration*0.8}s ease ${animationOptions.duration*0.2}s; }` );
- }
- // Setting the whole chunk of CSS at once is the most
- // efficient way to do this. Using sheet.insertRule
- // is multiple factors slower.
- autoAnimateStyleSheet.innerHTML = css.join( '' );
- // Start the animation next cycle
- requestAnimationFrame( () => {
- if( autoAnimateStyleSheet ) {
- // This forces our newly injected styles to be applied in Firefox
- getComputedStyle( autoAnimateStyleSheet ).fontWeight;
- toSlide.dataset.autoAnimate = 'running';
- }
- } );
- dispatchEvent( 'autoanimate', { fromSlide: fromSlide, toSlide: toSlide, sheet: autoAnimateStyleSheet } );
- }
- }
- /**
- * Removes all attributes that we temporarily add to slide
- * elements in order to carry out auto-animation.
- */
- function removeEphemeralAutoAnimateAttributes() {
- toArray( dom.wrapper.querySelectorAll( '[data-auto-animate-target]' ) ).forEach( element => {
- delete element.dataset.autoAnimateTarget;
- } );
- }
- /**
- * Auto-animates the properties of an element from their original
- * values to their new state.
- *
- * @param {HTMLElement} from
- * @param {HTMLElement} to
- * @param {Object} elementOptions Options for this element pair
- * @param {Object} animationOptions Options set at the slide level
- * @param {String} id Unique ID that we can use to identify this
- * auto-animate element in the DOM
- */
- function getAutoAnimateCSS( from, to, elementOptions, animationOptions, id ) {
- // 'from' elements are given a data-auto-animate-target with no value,
- // 'to' elements are are given a data-auto-animate-target with an ID
- from.dataset.autoAnimateTarget = '';
- to.dataset.autoAnimateTarget = id;
- // Each element may override any of the auto-animate options
- // like transition easing, duration and delay via data-attributes
- let options = getAutoAnimateOptions( to, animationOptions );
- // If we're using a custom element matcher the element options
- // may contain additional transition overrides
- if( typeof elementOptions.delay !== 'undefined' ) options.delay = elementOptions.delay;
- if( typeof elementOptions.duration !== 'undefined' ) options.duration = elementOptions.duration;
- if( typeof elementOptions.easing !== 'undefined' ) options.easing = elementOptions.easing;
- let fromProps = getAutoAnimatableProperties( 'from', from, elementOptions ),
- toProps = getAutoAnimatableProperties( 'to', to, elementOptions );
- // If translation and/or scaling are enabled, css transform
- // the 'to' element so that it matches the position and size
- // of the 'from' element
- if( elementOptions.translate !== false || elementOptions.scale !== false ) {
- let presentationScale = Reveal.getScale();
- let delta = {
- x: ( fromProps.x - toProps.x ) / presentationScale,
- y: ( fromProps.y - toProps.y ) / presentationScale,
- scaleX: fromProps.width / toProps.width,
- scaleY: fromProps.height / toProps.height
- };
- // Limit decimal points to avoid 0.0001px blur and stutter
- delta.x = Math.round( delta.x * 1000 ) / 1000;
- delta.y = Math.round( delta.y * 1000 ) / 1000;
- delta.scaleX = Math.round( delta.scaleX * 1000 ) / 1000;
- delta.scaleX = Math.round( delta.scaleX * 1000 ) / 1000;
- let translate = elementOptions.translate !== false && ( delta.x !== 0 || delta.y !== 0 ),
- scale = elementOptions.scale !== false && ( delta.scaleX !== 0 || delta.scaleY !== 0 );
- // No need to transform if nothing's changed
- if( translate || scale ) {
- let transform = [];
- if( translate ) transform.push( `translate(${delta.x}px, ${delta.y}px)` );
- if( scale ) transform.push( `scale(${delta.scaleX}, ${delta.scaleY})` );
- fromProps.styles['transform'] = transform.join( ' ' );
- fromProps.styles['transform-origin'] = 'top left';
- toProps.styles['transform'] = 'none';
- }
- }
- // Delete all unchanged 'to' styles
- for( let propertyName in toProps.styles ) {
- const toValue = toProps.styles[propertyName];
- const fromValue = fromProps.styles[propertyName];
- if( toValue === fromValue ) {
- delete toProps.styles[propertyName];
- }
- else {
- // If these property values were set via a custom matcher providing
- // an explicit 'from' and/or 'to' value, we always inject those values.
- if( toValue.explicitValue === true ) {
- toProps.styles[propertyName] = toValue.value;
- }
- if( fromValue.explicitValue === true ) {
- fromProps.styles[propertyName] = fromValue.value;
- }
- }
- }
- let css = '';
- let toStyleProperties = Object.keys( toProps.styles );
- // Only create animate this element IF at least one style
- // property has changed
- if( toStyleProperties.length > 0 ) {
- // Instantly move to the 'from' state
- fromProps.styles['transition'] = 'none';
- // Animate towards the 'to' state
- toProps.styles['transition'] = `all ${options.duration}s ${options.easing} ${options.delay}s`;
- toProps.styles['transition-property'] = toStyleProperties.join( ', ' );
- toProps.styles['will-change'] = toStyleProperties.join( ', ' );
- // Build up our custom CSS. We need to override inline styles
- // so we need to make our styles vErY IMPORTANT!1!!
- let fromCSS = Object.keys( fromProps.styles ).map( propertyName => {
- return propertyName + ': ' + fromProps.styles[propertyName] + ' !important;';
- } ).join( '' );
- let toCSS = Object.keys( toProps.styles ).map( propertyName => {
- return propertyName + ': ' + toProps.styles[propertyName] + ' !important;';
- } ).join( '' );
- css = '[data-auto-animate-target="'+ id +'"] {'+ fromCSS +'}' +
- '[data-auto-animate="running"] [data-auto-animate-target="'+ id +'"] {'+ toCSS +'}';
- }
- return css;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the auto-animate options for the given element.
- *
- * @param {HTMLElement} element Element to pick up options
- * from, either a slide or an animation target
- * @param {Object} [inheritedOptions] Optional set of existing
- * options
- */
- function getAutoAnimateOptions( element, inheritedOptions ) {
- let options = {
- easing: config.autoAnimateEasing,
- duration: config.autoAnimateDuration,
- delay: 0
- };
- options = extend( options, inheritedOptions );
- // Inherit options from parent elements
- if( element.closest && element.parentNode ) {
- let autoAnimatedParent = element.parentNode.closest( '[data-auto-animate-target]' );
- if( autoAnimatedParent ) {
- options = getAutoAnimateOptions( autoAnimatedParent, options );
- }
- }
- if( element.dataset.autoAnimateEasing ) {
- options.easing = element.dataset.autoAnimateEasing;
- }
- if( element.dataset.autoAnimateDuration ) {
- options.duration = parseFloat( element.dataset.autoAnimateDuration );
- }
- if( element.dataset.autoAnimateDelay ) {
- options.delay = parseFloat( element.dataset.autoAnimateDelay );
- }
- return options;
- }
- /**
- * Returns an object containing all of the properties
- * that can be auto-animated for the given element and
- * their current computed values.
- *
- * @param {String} direction 'from' or 'to'
- */
- function getAutoAnimatableProperties( direction, element, elementOptions ) {
- let properties = { styles: [] };
- // Position and size
- if( elementOptions.translate !== false || elementOptions.scale !== false ) {
- let bounds;
- // Custom auto-animate may optionally return a custom tailored
- // measurement function
- if( typeof elementOptions.measure === 'function' ) {
- bounds = elementOptions.measure( element );
- }
- else {
- bounds = element.getBoundingClientRect();
- }
- properties.x = bounds.x;
- properties.y = bounds.y;
- properties.width = bounds.width;
- properties.height = bounds.height;
- }
- const computedStyles = getComputedStyle( element );
- // CSS styles
- ( elementOptions.styles || config.autoAnimateStyles ).forEach( style => {
- let value;
- // `style` is either the property name directly, or an object
- // definition of a style property
- if( typeof style === 'string' ) style = { property: style };
- if( typeof style.from !== 'undefined' && direction === 'from' ) {
- value = { value: style.from, explicitValue: true };
- }
- else if( typeof style.to !== 'undefined' && direction === 'to' ) {
- value = { value: style.to, explicitValue: true };
- }
- else {
- value = computedStyles[style.property];
- }
- if( value !== '' ) {
- properties.styles[style.property] = value;
- }
- } );
- return properties;
- }
- /**
- * Get a list of all element pairs that we can animate
- * between the given slides.
- *
- * @param {HTMLElement} fromSlide
- * @param {HTMLElement} toSlide
- *
- * @return {Array} Each value is an array where [0] is
- * the element we're animating from and [1] is the
- * element we're animating to
- */
- function getAutoAnimatableElements( fromSlide, toSlide ) {
- let matcher = typeof config.autoAnimateMatcher === 'function' ? config.autoAnimateMatcher : getAutoAnimatePairs;
- let pairs = matcher( fromSlide, toSlide );
- let reserved = [];
- // Remove duplicate pairs
- return pairs.filter( ( pair, index ) => {
- if( reserved.indexOf( pair.to ) === -1 ) {
- reserved.push( pair.to );
- return true;
- }
- } );
- }
- /**
- * Identifies matching elements between slides.
- *
- * You can specify a custom matcher function by using
- * the `autoAnimateMatcher` config option.
- */
- function getAutoAnimatePairs( fromSlide, toSlide ) {
- let pairs = [];
- const codeNodes = 'pre';
- const textNodes = 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, li';
- const mediaNodes = 'img, video, iframe';
- // Eplicit matches via data-id
- findAutoAnimateMatches( pairs, fromSlide, toSlide, '[data-id]', node => {
- return node.nodeName + ':::' + node.getAttribute( 'data-id' );
- } );
- // Text
- findAutoAnimateMatches( pairs, fromSlide, toSlide, textNodes, node => {
- return node.nodeName + ':::' + node.innerText;
- } );
- // Media
- findAutoAnimateMatches( pairs, fromSlide, toSlide, mediaNodes, node => {
- return node.nodeName + ':::' + ( node.getAttribute( 'src' ) || node.getAttribute( 'data-src' ) );
- } );
- // Code
- findAutoAnimateMatches( pairs, fromSlide, toSlide, codeNodes, node => {
- return node.nodeName + ':::' + node.innerText;
- } );
- pairs.forEach( pair => {
- // Disable scale transformations on text nodes, we transiition
- // each individual text property instead
- if( pair.from.matches( textNodes ) ) {
- pair.options = { scale: false };
- }
- // Animate individual lines of code
- else if( pair.from.matches( codeNodes ) ) {
- // Transition the code block's width and height instead of scaling
- // to prevent its content from being squished
- pair.options = { scale: false, styles: [ 'width', 'height' ] };
- // Lines of code
- findAutoAnimateMatches( pairs, pair.from, pair.to, '.hljs .hljs-ln-code', node => {
- return node.textContent;
- }, {
- scale: false,
- styles: [],
- measure: getLocalBoundingBox
- } );
- // Line numbers
- findAutoAnimateMatches( pairs, pair.from, pair.to, '.hljs .hljs-ln-line[data-line-number]', node => {
- return node.getAttribute( 'data-line-number' );
- }, {
- scale: false,
- styles: [ 'width' ],
- measure: getLocalBoundingBox
- } );
- }
- } );
- return pairs;
- }
- /**
- * Helper method which returns a bounding box based on
- * the given elements offset coordinates.
- *
- * @param {HTMLElement} element
- * @return {Object} x, y, width, height
- */
- function getLocalBoundingBox( element ) {
- const presentationScale = Reveal.getScale();
- return {
- x: Math.round( ( element.offsetLeft * presentationScale ) * 100 ) / 100,
- y: Math.round( ( element.offsetTop * presentationScale ) * 100 ) / 100,
- width: Math.round( ( element.offsetWidth * presentationScale ) * 100 ) / 100,
- height: Math.round( ( element.offsetHeight * presentationScale ) * 100 ) / 100
- };
- }
- /**
- * Finds matching elements between two slides.
- *
- * @param {Array} pairs List of pairs to push matches to
- * @param {HTMLElement} fromScope Scope within the from element exists
- * @param {HTMLElement} toScope Scope within the to element exists
- * @param {String} selector CSS selector of the element to match
- * @param {Function} serializer A function that accepts an element and returns
- * a stringified ID based on its contents
- * @param {Object} animationOptions Optional config options for this pair
- */
- function findAutoAnimateMatches( pairs, fromScope, toScope, selector, serializer, animationOptions ) {
- let fromMatches = {};
- let toMatches = {};
- [].slice.call( fromScope.querySelectorAll( selector ) ).forEach( ( element, i ) => {
- const key = serializer( element );
- if( typeof key === 'string' && key.length ) {
- fromMatches[key] = fromMatches[key] || [];
- fromMatches[key].push( element );
- }
- } );
- [].slice.call( toScope.querySelectorAll( selector ) ).forEach( ( element, i ) => {
- const key = serializer( element );
- toMatches[key] = toMatches[key] || [];
- toMatches[key].push( element );
- let fromElement;
- // Retrieve the 'from' element
- if( fromMatches[key] ) {
- const pimaryIndex = toMatches[key].length - 1;
- const secondaryIndex = fromMatches[key].length - 1;
- // If there are multiple identical from elements, retrieve
- // the one at the same index as our to-element.
- if( fromMatches[key][ pimaryIndex ] ) {
- fromElement = fromMatches[key][ pimaryIndex ];
- fromMatches[key][ pimaryIndex ] = null;
- }
- // If there are no matching from-elements at the same index,
- // use the last one.
- else if( fromMatches[key][ secondaryIndex ] ) {
- fromElement = fromMatches[key][ secondaryIndex ];
- fromMatches[key][ secondaryIndex ] = null;
- }
- }
- // If we've got a matching pair, push it to the list of pairs
- if( fromElement ) {
- pairs.push({
- from: fromElement,
- to: element,
- options: animationOptions
- });
- }
- } );
- }
- /**
- * Returns a all elements within the given scope that should
- * be considered unmatched in an auto-animate transition. If
- * fading of unmatched elements is turned on, these elements
- * will fade when going between auto-animate slides.
- *
- * Note that parents of auto-animate targets are NOT considerd
- * unmatched since fading them would break the auto-animation.
- *
- * @param {HTMLElement} rootElement
- * @return {Array}
- */
- function getUnmatchedAutoAnimateElements( rootElement ) {
- return [].slice.call( rootElement.children ).reduce( ( result, element ) => {
- const containsAnimatedElements = element.querySelector( '[data-auto-animate-target]' );
- // The element is unmatched if
- // - It is not an auto-animate target
- // - It does not contain any auto-animate targets
- if( !element.hasAttribute( 'data-auto-animate-target' ) && !containsAnimatedElements ) {
- result.push( element );
- }
- if( element.querySelector( '[data-auto-animate-target]' ) ) {
- result = result.concat( getUnmatchedAutoAnimateElements( element ) );
- }
- return result;
- }, [] );
- }
- /**
- * Should the given element be preloaded?
- * Decides based on local element attributes and global config.
- *
- * @param {HTMLElement} element
- */
- function shouldPreload( element ) {
- // Prefer an explicit global preload setting
- let preload = config.preloadIframes;
- // If no global setting is available, fall back on the element's
- // own preload setting
- if( typeof preload !== 'boolean' ) {
- preload = element.hasAttribute( 'data-preload' );
- }
- return preload;
- }
- /**
- * Called when the given slide is within the configured view
- * distance. Shows the slide element and loads any content
- * that is set to load lazily (data-src).
- *
- * @param {HTMLElement} slide Slide to show
- */
- function loadSlide( slide, options = {} ) {
- // Show the slide element
- slide.style.display = config.display;
- // Media elements with data-src attributes
- toArray( slide.querySelectorAll( 'img[data-src], video[data-src], audio[data-src], iframe[data-src]' ) ).forEach( element => {
- if( element.tagName !== 'IFRAME' || shouldPreload( element ) ) {
- element.setAttribute( 'src', element.getAttribute( 'data-src' ) );
- element.setAttribute( 'data-lazy-loaded', '' );
- element.removeAttribute( 'data-src' );
- }
- } );
- // Media elements with <source> children
- toArray( slide.querySelectorAll( 'video, audio' ) ).forEach( media => {
- let sources = 0;
- toArray( media.querySelectorAll( 'source[data-src]' ) ).forEach( source => {
- source.setAttribute( 'src', source.getAttribute( 'data-src' ) );
- source.removeAttribute( 'data-src' );
- source.setAttribute( 'data-lazy-loaded', '' );
- sources += 1;
- } );
- // If we rewrote sources for this video/audio element, we need
- // to manually tell it to load from its new origin
- if( sources > 0 ) {
- media.load();
- }
- } );
- // Show the corresponding background element
- let background = slide.slideBackgroundElement;
- if( background ) {
- background.style.display = 'block';
- let backgroundContent = slide.slideBackgroundContentElement;
- let backgroundIframe = slide.getAttribute( 'data-background-iframe' );
- // If the background contains media, load it
- if( background.hasAttribute( 'data-loaded' ) === false ) {
- background.setAttribute( 'data-loaded', 'true' );
- let backgroundImage = slide.getAttribute( 'data-background-image' ),
- backgroundVideo = slide.getAttribute( 'data-background-video' ),
- backgroundVideoLoop = slide.hasAttribute( 'data-background-video-loop' ),
- backgroundVideoMuted = slide.hasAttribute( 'data-background-video-muted' );
- // Images
- if( backgroundImage ) {
- backgroundContent.style.backgroundImage = 'url('+ encodeURI( backgroundImage ) +')';
- }
- // Videos
- else if ( backgroundVideo && !isSpeakerNotes() ) {
- let video = document.createElement( 'video' );
- if( backgroundVideoLoop ) {
- video.setAttribute( 'loop', '' );
- }
- if( backgroundVideoMuted ) {
- video.muted = true;
- }
- // Inline video playback works (at least in Mobile Safari) as
- // long as the video is muted and the `playsinline` attribute is
- // present
- if( isMobileDevice ) {
- video.muted = true;
- video.autoplay = true;
- video.setAttribute( 'playsinline', '' );
- }
- // Support comma separated lists of video sources
- backgroundVideo.split( ',' ).forEach( source => {
- video.innerHTML += '<source src="'+ source +'">';
- } );
- backgroundContent.appendChild( video );
- }
- // Iframes
- else if( backgroundIframe && options.excludeIframes !== true ) {
- let iframe = document.createElement( 'iframe' );
- iframe.setAttribute( 'allowfullscreen', '' );
- iframe.setAttribute( 'mozallowfullscreen', '' );
- iframe.setAttribute( 'webkitallowfullscreen', '' );
- iframe.setAttribute( 'allow', 'autoplay' );
- iframe.setAttribute( 'data-src', backgroundIframe );
- iframe.style.width = '100%';
- iframe.style.height = '100%';
- iframe.style.maxHeight = '100%';
- iframe.style.maxWidth = '100%';
- backgroundContent.appendChild( iframe );
- }
- }
- // Start loading preloadable iframes
- let backgroundIframeElement = backgroundContent.querySelector( 'iframe[data-src]' );
- if( backgroundIframeElement ) {
- // Check if this iframe is eligible to be preloaded
- if( shouldPreload( background ) && !/autoplay=(1|true|yes)/gi.test( backgroundIframe ) ) {
- if( backgroundIframeElement.getAttribute( 'src' ) !== backgroundIframe ) {
- backgroundIframeElement.setAttribute( 'src', backgroundIframe );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Unloads and hides the given slide. This is called when the
- * slide is moved outside of the configured view distance.
- *
- * @param {HTMLElement} slide
- */
- function unloadSlide( slide ) {
- // Hide the slide element
- slide.style.display = 'none';
- // Hide the corresponding background element
- let background = getSlideBackground( slide );
- if( background ) {
- background.style.display = 'none';
- // Unload any background iframes
- toArray( background.querySelectorAll( 'iframe[src]' ) ).forEach( element => {
- element.removeAttribute( 'src' );
- } );
- }
- // Reset lazy-loaded media elements with src attributes
- toArray( slide.querySelectorAll( 'video[data-lazy-loaded][src], audio[data-lazy-loaded][src], iframe[data-lazy-loaded][src]' ) ).forEach( element => {
- element.setAttribute( 'data-src', element.getAttribute( 'src' ) );
- element.removeAttribute( 'src' );
- } );
- // Reset lazy-loaded media elements with <source> children
- toArray( slide.querySelectorAll( 'video[data-lazy-loaded] source[src], audio source[src]' ) ).forEach( source => {
- source.setAttribute( 'data-src', source.getAttribute( 'src' ) );
- source.removeAttribute( 'src' );
- } );
- }
- /**
* Determine what available routes there are for navigation.
* @return {{left: boolean, right: boolean, up: boolean, down: boolean}}
@@ -3657,264 +2747,6 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
- * Returns an object describing the available fragment
- * directions.
- *
- * @return {{prev: boolean, next: boolean}}
- */
- function availableFragments() {
- if( currentSlide && config.fragments ) {
- let fragments = currentSlide.querySelectorAll( '.fragment' );
- let hiddenFragments = currentSlide.querySelectorAll( '.fragment:not(.visible)' );
- return {
- prev: fragments.length - hiddenFragments.length > 0,
- next: !!hiddenFragments.length
- };
- }
- else {
- return { prev: false, next: false };
- }
- }
- /**
- * Enforces origin-specific format rules for embedded media.
- */
- function formatEmbeddedContent() {
- let _appendParamToIframeSource = ( sourceAttribute, sourceURL, param ) => {
- toArray( dom.slides.querySelectorAll( 'iframe['+ sourceAttribute +'*="'+ sourceURL +'"]' ) ).forEach( el => {
- let src = el.getAttribute( sourceAttribute );
- if( src && src.indexOf( param ) === -1 ) {
- el.setAttribute( sourceAttribute, src + ( !/\?/.test( src ) ? '?' : '&' ) + param );
- }
- });
- };
- // YouTube frames must include "?enablejsapi=1"
- _appendParamToIframeSource( 'src', 'youtube.com/embed/', 'enablejsapi=1' );
- _appendParamToIframeSource( 'data-src', 'youtube.com/embed/', 'enablejsapi=1' );
- // Vimeo frames must include "?api=1"
- _appendParamToIframeSource( 'src', 'player.vimeo.com/', 'api=1' );
- _appendParamToIframeSource( 'data-src', 'player.vimeo.com/', 'api=1' );
- }
- /**
- * Start playback of any embedded content inside of
- * the given element.
- *
- * @param {HTMLElement} element
- */
- function startEmbeddedContent( element ) {
- if( element && !isSpeakerNotes() ) {
- // Restart GIFs
- toArray( element.querySelectorAll( 'img[src$=".gif"]' ) ).forEach( el => {
- // Setting the same unchanged source like this was confirmed
- // to work in Chrome, FF & Safari
- el.setAttribute( 'src', el.getAttribute( 'src' ) );
- } );
- // HTML5 media elements
- toArray( element.querySelectorAll( 'video, audio' ) ).forEach( el => {
- if( closestParent( el, '.fragment' ) && !closestParent( el, '.fragment.visible' ) ) {
- return;
- }
- // Prefer an explicit global autoplay setting
- let autoplay = config.autoPlayMedia;
- // If no global setting is available, fall back on the element's
- // own autoplay setting
- if( typeof autoplay !== 'boolean' ) {
- autoplay = el.hasAttribute( 'data-autoplay' ) || !!closestParent( el, '.slide-background' );
- }
- if( autoplay && typeof el.play === 'function' ) {
- // If the media is ready, start playback
- if( el.readyState > 1 ) {
- startEmbeddedMedia( { target: el } );
- }
- // Mobile devices never fire a loaded event so instead
- // of waiting, we initiate playback
- else if( isMobileDevice ) {
- let promise = el.play();
- // If autoplay does not work, ensure that the controls are visible so
- // that the viewer can start the media on their own
- if( promise && typeof promise.catch === 'function' && el.controls === false ) {
- promise.catch( () => {
- el.controls = true;
- // Once the video does start playing, hide the controls again
- el.addEventListener( 'play', () => {
- el.controls = false;
- } );
- } );
- }
- }
- // If the media isn't loaded, wait before playing
- else {
- el.removeEventListener( 'loadeddata', startEmbeddedMedia ); // remove first to avoid dupes
- el.addEventListener( 'loadeddata', startEmbeddedMedia );
- }
- }
- } );
- // Normal iframes
- toArray( element.querySelectorAll( 'iframe[src]' ) ).forEach( el => {
- if( closestParent( el, '.fragment' ) && !closestParent( el, '.fragment.visible' ) ) {
- return;
- }
- startEmbeddedIframe( { target: el } );
- } );
- // Lazy loading iframes
- toArray( element.querySelectorAll( 'iframe[data-src]' ) ).forEach( el => {
- if( closestParent( el, '.fragment' ) && !closestParent( el, '.fragment.visible' ) ) {
- return;
- }
- if( el.getAttribute( 'src' ) !== el.getAttribute( 'data-src' ) ) {
- el.removeEventListener( 'load', startEmbeddedIframe ); // remove first to avoid dupes
- el.addEventListener( 'load', startEmbeddedIframe );
- el.setAttribute( 'src', el.getAttribute( 'data-src' ) );
- }
- } );
- }
- }
- /**
- * Starts playing an embedded video/audio element after
- * it has finished loading.
- *
- * @param {object} event
- */
- function startEmbeddedMedia( event ) {
- let isAttachedToDOM = !!closestParent( event.target, 'html' ),
- isVisible = !!closestParent( event.target, '.present' );
- if( isAttachedToDOM && isVisible ) {
- event.target.currentTime = 0;
- event.target.play();
- }
- event.target.removeEventListener( 'loadeddata', startEmbeddedMedia );
- }
- /**
- * "Starts" the content of an embedded iframe using the
- * postMessage API.
- *
- * @param {object} event
- */
- function startEmbeddedIframe( event ) {
- let iframe = event.target;
- if( iframe && iframe.contentWindow ) {
- let isAttachedToDOM = !!closestParent( event.target, 'html' ),
- isVisible = !!closestParent( event.target, '.present' );
- if( isAttachedToDOM && isVisible ) {
- // Prefer an explicit global autoplay setting
- let autoplay = config.autoPlayMedia;
- // If no global setting is available, fall back on the element's
- // own autoplay setting
- if( typeof autoplay !== 'boolean' ) {
- autoplay = iframe.hasAttribute( 'data-autoplay' ) || !!closestParent( iframe, '.slide-background' );
- }
- // YouTube postMessage API
- if( /youtube\.com\/embed\//.test( iframe.getAttribute( 'src' ) ) && autoplay ) {
- iframe.contentWindow.postMessage( '{"event":"command","func":"playVideo","args":""}', '*' );
- }
- // Vimeo postMessage API
- else if( /player\.vimeo\.com\//.test( iframe.getAttribute( 'src' ) ) && autoplay ) {
- iframe.contentWindow.postMessage( '{"method":"play"}', '*' );
- }
- // Generic postMessage API
- else {
- iframe.contentWindow.postMessage( 'slide:start', '*' );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Stop playback of any embedded content inside of
- * the targeted slide.
- *
- * @param {HTMLElement} element
- */
- function stopEmbeddedContent( element, options = {} ) {
- options = extend( {
- // Defaults
- unloadIframes: true
- }, options );
- if( element && element.parentNode ) {
- // HTML5 media elements
- toArray( element.querySelectorAll( 'video, audio' ) ).forEach( el => {
- if( !el.hasAttribute( 'data-ignore' ) && typeof el.pause === 'function' ) {
- el.setAttribute('data-paused-by-reveal', '');
- el.pause();
- }
- } );
- // Generic postMessage API for non-lazy loaded iframes
- toArray( element.querySelectorAll( 'iframe' ) ).forEach( el => {
- if( el.contentWindow ) el.contentWindow.postMessage( 'slide:stop', '*' );
- el.removeEventListener( 'load', startEmbeddedIframe );
- });
- // YouTube postMessage API
- toArray( element.querySelectorAll( 'iframe[src*="youtube.com/embed/"]' ) ).forEach( el => {
- if( !el.hasAttribute( 'data-ignore' ) && el.contentWindow && typeof el.contentWindow.postMessage === 'function' ) {
- el.contentWindow.postMessage( '{"event":"command","func":"pauseVideo","args":""}', '*' );
- }
- });
- // Vimeo postMessage API
- toArray( element.querySelectorAll( 'iframe[src*="player.vimeo.com/"]' ) ).forEach( el => {
- if( !el.hasAttribute( 'data-ignore' ) && el.contentWindow && typeof el.contentWindow.postMessage === 'function' ) {
- el.contentWindow.postMessage( '{"method":"pause"}', '*' );
- }
- });
- if( options.unloadIframes === true ) {
- // Unload lazy-loaded iframes
- toArray( element.querySelectorAll( 'iframe[data-src]' ) ).forEach( el => {
- // Only removing the src doesn't actually unload the frame
- // in all browsers (Firefox) so we set it to blank first
- el.setAttribute( 'src', 'about:blank' );
- el.removeAttribute( 'src' );
- } );
- }
- }
- }
- /**
* Returns the number of past slides. This can be used as a global
* flattened index for slides.
@@ -4331,7 +3163,7 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
indexv: indices.v,
indexf: indices.f,
paused: isPaused(),
- overview: isOverview()
+ overview: overview.isActive()
@@ -4354,239 +3186,11 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
togglePause( pausedFlag );
- if( typeof overviewFlag === 'boolean' && overviewFlag !== isOverview() ) {
- toggleOverview( overviewFlag );
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Return a sorted fragments list, ordered by an increasing
- * "data-fragment-index" attribute.
- *
- * Fragments will be revealed in the order that they are returned by
- * this function, so you can use the index attributes to control the
- * order of fragment appearance.
- *
- * To maintain a sensible default fragment order, fragments are presumed
- * to be passed in document order. This function adds a "fragment-index"
- * attribute to each node if such an attribute is not already present,
- * and sets that attribute to an integer value which is the position of
- * the fragment within the fragments list.
- *
- * @param {object[]|*} fragments
- * @param {boolean} grouped If true the returned array will contain
- * nested arrays for all fragments with the same index
- * @return {object[]} sorted Sorted array of fragments
- */
- function sortFragments( fragments, grouped = false ) {
- fragments = toArray( fragments );
- let ordered = [],
- unordered = [],
- sorted = [];
- // Group ordered and unordered elements
- fragments.forEach( fragment => {
- if( fragment.hasAttribute( 'data-fragment-index' ) ) {
- let index = parseInt( fragment.getAttribute( 'data-fragment-index' ), 10 );
- if( !ordered[index] ) {
- ordered[index] = [];
- }
- ordered[index].push( fragment );
- }
- else {
- unordered.push( [ fragment ] );
- }
- } );
- // Append fragments without explicit indices in their
- // DOM order
- ordered = ordered.concat( unordered );
- // Manually count the index up per group to ensure there
- // are no gaps
- let index = 0;
- // Push all fragments in their sorted order to an array,
- // this flattens the groups
- ordered.forEach( group => {
- group.forEach( fragment => {
- sorted.push( fragment );
- fragment.setAttribute( 'data-fragment-index', index );
- } );
- index ++;
- } );
- return grouped === true ? ordered : sorted;
- }
- /**
- * Refreshes the fragments on the current slide so that they
- * have the appropriate classes (.visible + .current-fragment).
- *
- * @param {number} [index] The index of the current fragment
- * @param {array} [fragments] Array containing all fragments
- * in the current slide
- *
- * @return {{shown: array, hidden: array}}
- */
- function updateFragments( index, fragments ) {
- let changedFragments = {
- shown: [],
- hidden: []
- };
- if( currentSlide && config.fragments ) {
- fragments = fragments || sortFragments( currentSlide.querySelectorAll( '.fragment' ) );
- if( fragments.length ) {
- let maxIndex = 0;
- if( typeof index !== 'number' ) {
- let currentFragment = sortFragments( currentSlide.querySelectorAll( '.fragment.visible' ) ).pop();
- if( currentFragment ) {
- index = parseInt( currentFragment.getAttribute( 'data-fragment-index' ) || 0, 10 );
- }
- }
- toArray( fragments ).forEach( ( el, i ) => {
- if( el.hasAttribute( 'data-fragment-index' ) ) {
- i = parseInt( el.getAttribute( 'data-fragment-index' ), 10 );
- }
- maxIndex = Math.max( maxIndex, i );
- // Visible fragments
- if( i <= index ) {
- if( !el.classList.contains( 'visible' ) ) changedFragments.shown.push( el );
- el.classList.add( 'visible' );
- el.classList.remove( 'current-fragment' );
- // Announce the fragments one by one to the Screen Reader
- dom.statusDiv.textContent = getStatusText( el );
- if( i === index ) {
- el.classList.add( 'current-fragment' );
- startEmbeddedContent( el );
- }
- }
- // Hidden fragments
- else {
- if( el.classList.contains( 'visible' ) ) changedFragments.hidden.push( el );
- el.classList.remove( 'visible' );
- el.classList.remove( 'current-fragment' );
- }
- } );
- // Write the current fragment index to the slide <section>.
- // This can be used by end users to apply styles based on
- // the current fragment index.
- index = typeof index === 'number' ? index : -1;
- index = Math.max( Math.min( index, maxIndex ), -1 );
- currentSlide.setAttribute( 'data-fragment', index );
- }
- }
- return changedFragments;
- }
- /**
- * Navigate to the specified slide fragment.
- *
- * @param {?number} index The index of the fragment that
- * should be shown, -1 means all are invisible
- * @param {number} offset Integer offset to apply to the
- * fragment index
- *
- * @return {boolean} true if a change was made in any
- * fragments visibility as part of this call
- */
- function navigateFragment( index, offset = 0 ) {
- if( currentSlide && config.fragments ) {
- let fragments = sortFragments( currentSlide.querySelectorAll( '.fragment' ) );
- if( fragments.length ) {
- // If no index is specified, find the current
- if( typeof index !== 'number' ) {
- let lastVisibleFragment = sortFragments( currentSlide.querySelectorAll( '.fragment.visible' ) ).pop();
- if( lastVisibleFragment ) {
- index = parseInt( lastVisibleFragment.getAttribute( 'data-fragment-index' ) || 0, 10 );
- }
- else {
- index = -1;
- }
- }
- // Apply the offset if there is one
- index += offset;
- let changedFragments = updateFragments( index, fragments );
- if( changedFragments.hidden.length ) {
- dispatchEvent( 'fragmenthidden', { fragment: changedFragments.hidden[0], fragments: changedFragments.hidden } );
- }
- if( changedFragments.shown.length ) {
- dispatchEvent( 'fragmentshown', { fragment: changedFragments.shown[0], fragments: changedFragments.shown } );
- }
- updateControls();
- updateProgress();
- if( config.fragmentInURL ) {
- writeURL();
- }
- return !!( changedFragments.shown.length || changedFragments.hidden.length );
+ if( typeof overviewFlag === 'boolean' && overviewFlag !== overview.isActive() ) {
+ overview.toggle( overviewFlag );
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Navigate to the next slide fragment.
- *
- * @return {boolean} true if there was a next fragment,
- * false otherwise
- */
- function nextFragment() {
- return navigateFragment( null, 1 );
- }
- /**
- * Navigate to the previous slide fragment.
- *
- * @return {boolean} true if there was a previous fragment,
- * false otherwise
- */
- function prevFragment() {
- return navigateFragment( null, -1 );
@@ -4647,7 +3251,7 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
// - The presentation isn't paused
// - The overview isn't active
// - The presentation isn't over
- if( autoSlide && !autoSlidePaused && !isPaused() && !isOverview() && ( !Reveal.isLastSlide() || availableFragments().next || config.loop === true ) ) {
+ if( autoSlide && !autoSlidePaused && !isPaused() && !overview.isActive() && ( !isLastSlide() || fragments.availableRoutes().next || config.loop === true ) ) {
autoSlideTimeout = setTimeout( () => {
if( typeof config.autoSlideMethod === 'function' ) {
@@ -4708,12 +3312,12 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
// Reverse for RTL
if( config.rtl ) {
- if( ( isOverview() || nextFragment() === false ) && availableRoutes().left ) {
+ if( ( overview.isActive() || fragments.next() === false ) && availableRoutes().left ) {
slide( indexh + 1, config.navigationMode === 'grid' ? indexv : undefined );
// Normal navigation
- else if( ( isOverview() || prevFragment() === false ) && availableRoutes().left ) {
+ else if( ( overview.isActive() || fragments.prev() === false ) && availableRoutes().left ) {
slide( indexh - 1, config.navigationMode === 'grid' ? indexv : undefined );
@@ -4725,12 +3329,12 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
// Reverse for RTL
if( config.rtl ) {
- if( ( isOverview() || prevFragment() === false ) && availableRoutes().right ) {
+ if( ( overview.isActive() || fragments.prev() === false ) && availableRoutes().right ) {
slide( indexh - 1, config.navigationMode === 'grid' ? indexv : undefined );
// Normal navigation
- else if( ( isOverview() || nextFragment() === false ) && availableRoutes().right ) {
+ else if( ( overview.isActive() || fragments.next() === false ) && availableRoutes().right ) {
slide( indexh + 1, config.navigationMode === 'grid' ? indexv : undefined );
@@ -4739,7 +3343,7 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
function navigateUp() {
// Prioritize hiding fragments
- if( ( isOverview() || prevFragment() === false ) && availableRoutes().up ) {
+ if( ( overview.isActive() || fragments.prev() === false ) && availableRoutes().up ) {
slide( indexh, indexv - 1 );
@@ -4750,7 +3354,7 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
hasNavigatedVertically = true;
// Prioritize revealing fragments
- if( ( isOverview() || nextFragment() === false ) && availableRoutes().down ) {
+ if( ( overview.isActive() || fragments.next() === false ) && availableRoutes().down ) {
slide( indexh, indexv + 1 );
@@ -4765,7 +3369,7 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
function navigatePrev() {
// Prioritize revealing fragments
- if( prevFragment() === false ) {
+ if( fragments.prev() === false ) {
if( availableRoutes().up ) {
@@ -4799,14 +3403,14 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
hasNavigatedVertically = true;
// Prioritize revealing fragments
- if( nextFragment() === false ) {
+ if( fragments.next() === false ) {
let routes = availableRoutes();
// When looping is enabled `routes.down` is always available
// so we need a separate check for when we've reached the
// end of a stack and should move horizontally
- if( routes.down && routes.right && config.loop && Reveal.isLastVerticalSlide( currentSlide ) ) {
+ if( routes.down && routes.right && config.loop && isLastVerticalSlide( currentSlide ) ) {
routes.down = false;
@@ -5019,7 +3623,7 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
if( firstSlideShortcut ) {
slide( 0 );
- else if( !isOverview() && useLinearMode ) {
+ else if( !overview.isActive() && useLinearMode ) {
else {
@@ -5031,7 +3635,7 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
if( lastSlideShortcut ) {
slide( Number.MAX_VALUE );
- else if( !isOverview() && useLinearMode ) {
+ else if( !overview.isActive() && useLinearMode ) {
else {
@@ -5040,7 +3644,7 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
// K, UP
else if( keyCode === 75 || keyCode === 38 ) {
- if( !isOverview() && useLinearMode ) {
+ if( !overview.isActive() && useLinearMode ) {
else {
@@ -5049,7 +3653,7 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
// J, DOWN
else if( keyCode === 74 || keyCode === 40 ) {
- if( !isOverview() && useLinearMode ) {
+ if( !overview.isActive() && useLinearMode ) {
else {
@@ -5066,8 +3670,8 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
else if( keyCode === 32 ) {
- if( isOverview() ) {
- deactivateOverview();
+ if( overview.isActive() ) {
+ overview.deactivate();
if( event.shiftKey ) {
@@ -5107,7 +3711,7 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
else {
- toggleOverview();
+ overview.toggle();
event.preventDefault && event.preventDefault();
@@ -5221,7 +3825,7 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
// There's a bug with swiping on some Android devices unless
// the default action is always prevented
- else if( UA.match( /android/gi ) ) {
+ else if( isAndroid ) {
@@ -5381,40 +3985,6 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
- * Invoked when a slide is and we're in the overview.
- *
- * @param {object} event
- */
- function onOverviewSlideClicked( event ) {
- // TODO There's a bug here where the event listeners are not
- // removed after deactivating the overview.
- if( eventsAreBound && isOverview() ) {
- event.preventDefault();
- let element = event.target;
- while( element && !element.nodeName.match( /section/gi ) ) {
- element = element.parentNode;
- }
- if( element && !element.classList.contains( 'disabled' ) ) {
- deactivateOverview();
- if( element.nodeName.match( /section/gi ) ) {
- let h = parseInt( element.getAttribute( 'data-index-h' ), 10 ),
- v = parseInt( element.getAttribute( 'data-index-v' ), 10 );
- slide( h, v );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
* Handles clicks on links that are set to preview in the
* iframe overlay.
@@ -5440,7 +4010,7 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
function onAutoSlidePlayerClick( event ) {
// Replay
- if( Reveal.isLastSlide() && config.loop === false ) {
+ if( isLastSlide() && config.loop === false ) {
slide( 0, 0 );
@@ -5461,7 +4031,7 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------//
- Reveal = {
+ return extend( Reveal, {
@@ -5490,9 +4060,9 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
navigateNext: navigateNext,
// Fragment methods
- navigateFragment,
- prevFragment,
- nextFragment,
+ navigateFragment: () => fragments.goto.bind( fragments ),
+ prevFragment: () => fragments.prev.bind( fragments ),
+ nextFragment: () => fragments.next.bind( fragments ),
// Forces an update in slide layout
@@ -5504,13 +4074,13 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
// Returns an object with the available fragments as booleans (prev/next)
- availableFragments,
+ availableFragments: fragments.availableRoutes.bind( fragments ),
// Toggles a help overlay with keyboard shortcuts
// Toggles the overview mode on/off
- toggleOverview,
+ toggleOverview: overview.toggle.bind( overview ),
// Toggles the "black screen" mode on/off
@@ -5518,19 +4088,25 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
// Toggles the auto slide mode on/off
+ // Slide navigation checks
+ isFirstSlide,
+ isLastSlide,
+ isLastVerticalSlide,
// State checks
- isOverview,
+ isOverview: () => overview.isActive.bind( overview ),
// Slide preloading
- loadSlide,
- unloadSlide,
+ loadSlide: () => slideContent.load.bind( slideContent ),
+ unloadSlide: () => slideContent.unload.bind( slideContent ),
// Adds or removes all internal event listeners (such as keyboard)
+ dispatchEvent,
// Facility for persisting and restoring the presentation state
@@ -5577,13 +4153,27 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
+ // Programmatically triggers a keyboard event
+ triggerKey: keyCode => onDocumentKeyDown( { keyCode } ),
+ // Registers a new shortcut to include in the help overlay
+ registerKeyboardShortcut: ( key, value ) => keyboardShortcuts[key] = value,
+ // Forward event binding to the reveal DOM element
+ addEventListener: ( type, listener, useCapture ) => {
+ Reveal.getRevealElement().addEventListener( type, listener, useCapture );
+ },
+ removeEventListener: ( type, listener, useCapture ) => {
+ Reveal.getRevealElement().removeEventListener( type, listener, useCapture );
+ },
// API for registering and retrieving plugins
- registerPlugin: (...args) => plugins.registerPlugin( ...args ),
- hasPlugin: (...args) => plugins.hasPlugin( ...args ),
- getPlugin: (...args) => plugins.getPlugin( ...args ),
+ registerPlugin: () => plugins.registerPlugin.bind( plugins ),
+ hasPlugin: () => plugins.hasPlugin.bind( plugins ),
+ getPlugin: () => plugins.getPlugin.bind( plugins ),
// Returns a hash with all registered plugins
- getPlugins: () => plugins.getRegisteredPlugins(),
+ getPlugins: () => plugins.getRegisteredPlugins.bind( plugins ),
@@ -5623,56 +4213,29 @@ export default function( revealElement, options ) {
// Returns the top-level DOM element
getRevealElement: () => dom.wrapper || document.querySelector( '.reveal' ),
- // Returns true if we're currently on the first slide
- isFirstSlide: () => indexh === 0 && indexv === 0,
- // Returns true if we're currently on the last slide
- isLastSlide: () => {
- if( currentSlide ) {
- // Does this slide have a next sibling?
- if( currentSlide.nextElementSibling ) return false;
- // If it's vertical, does its parent have a next sibling?
- if( isVerticalSlide( currentSlide ) && currentSlide.parentNode.nextElementSibling ) return false;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- // Returns true if we're on the last slide in the current
- // vertical stack
- isLastVerticalSlide: () => {
- if( currentSlide && isVerticalSlide( currentSlide ) ) {
- // Does this slide have a next sibling?
- if( currentSlide.nextElementSibling ) return false;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
+ getSlidesElement: () => dom.slides,
+ getBackgroundsElement: () => dom.background,
// Checks if reveal.js has been loaded and is ready for use
isReady: () => ready,
- // Forward event binding to the reveal DOM element
- addEventListener: ( type, listener, useCapture ) => {
- Reveal.getRevealElement().addEventListener( type, listener, useCapture );
- },
- removeEventListener: ( type, listener, useCapture ) => {
- Reveal.getRevealElement().removeEventListener( type, listener, useCapture );
- },
- // Programmatically triggers a keyboard event
- triggerKey: keyCode => onDocumentKeyDown( { keyCode } ),
+ // The following API methods are primarily intended for use
+ // by reveal.js controllers
- // Registers a new shortcut to include in the help overlay
- registerKeyboardShortcut: ( key, value ) => keyboardShortcuts[key] = value
- };
+ // Methods for announcing content to screen readers
+ announceStatus,
+ getStatusText,
+ slideContent,
+ updateControls,
+ updateProgress,
+ updateSlidesVisibility,
+ writeURL,
+ transformSlides,
+ cueAutoSlide,
+ cancelAutoSlide
- return Reveal;
+ } );
diff --git a/js/utils/device.js b/js/utils/device.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6b4095
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/utils/device.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+const UA = navigator.userAgent;
+const testElement = document.createElement( 'div' );
+export const isMobile = /(iphone|ipod|ipad|android)/gi.test( UA ) ||
+ ( navigator.platform === 'MacIntel' && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1 ); // iPadOS
+export const isChrome = /chrome/i.test( UA ) && !/edge/i.test( UA );
+export const isAndroid = /android/gi.test( UA );
+// Flags if we should use zoom instead of transform to scale
+// up slides. Zoom produces crisper results but has a lot of
+// xbrowser quirks so we only use it in whitelsited browsers.
+export const supportsZoom = 'zoom' in testElement.style && !isMobile &&
+ ( isChrome || /Version\/[\d\.]+.*Safari/.test( UA ) ); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/utils/util.js b/js/utils/util.js
index a7aae7b..868f02b 100644
--- a/js/utils/util.js
+++ b/js/utils/util.js
@@ -140,16 +140,22 @@ export const enterFullscreen = () => {
* @param {string} value
-export const injectStyleSheet = ( value ) => {
+export const createStyleSheet = ( value ) => {
let tag = document.createElement( 'style' );
tag.type = 'text/css';
- if( tag.styleSheet ) {
- tag.styleSheet.cssText = value;
- }
- else {
- tag.appendChild( document.createTextNode( value ) );
+ if( value && value.length > 0 ) {
+ if( tag.styleSheet ) {
+ tag.styleSheet.cssText = value;
+ }
+ else {
+ tag.appendChild( document.createTextNode( value ) );
+ }
- document.getElementsByTagName( 'head' )[0].appendChild( tag );
+ document.head.appendChild( tag );
+ return tag;
} \ No newline at end of file