path: root/css/theme
diff options
authorHakim El Hattab <hakim.elhattab@gmail.com>2020-03-06 19:58:40 +0100
committerHakim El Hattab <hakim.elhattab@gmail.com>2020-03-06 19:58:40 +0100
commit608a7577bd47b626b51ba1e922a549a31fa4f458 (patch)
tree9e8c00fa9954308cc9c3d92599738e7a1ad00a84 /css/theme
parent027dc259da986363a0c5a5294bcce35404c1c521 (diff)
:rotating_light: breaking change; move all compiled assets to /dist
Diffstat (limited to 'css/theme')
11 files changed, 0 insertions, 3327 deletions
diff --git a/css/theme/beige.css b/css/theme/beige.css
deleted file mode 100644
index f608f8d..0000000
--- a/css/theme/beige.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
- * Beige theme for reveal.js.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Hakim El Hattab, http://hakim.se
- */
-@import url(../../lib/font/league-gothic/league-gothic.css);
-@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:400,700,400italic,700italic);
- *********************************************/
-:root {
- --background-color: #f7f3de;
- --main-font: Lato, sans-serif;
- --main-font-size: 40px;
- --main-color: #333;
- --block-margin: 20px;
- --heading-margin: 0 0 20px 0;
- --heading-font: League Gothic, Impact, sans-serif;
- --heading-color: #333;
- --heading-line-height: 1.2;
- --heading-letter-spacing: normal;
- --heading-text-transform: uppercase;
- --heading-text-shadow: none;
- --heading-font-weight: normal;
- --heading1-text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #ccc, 0 2px 0 #c9c9c9, 0 3px 0 #bbb, 0 4px 0 #b9b9b9, 0 5px 0 #aaa, 0 6px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25), 0 20px 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
- --heading1-size: 3.77em;
- --heading2-size: 2.11em;
- --heading3-size: 1.55em;
- --heading4-size: 1em;
- --code-font: monospace;
- --link-color: #8b743d;
- --link-color-hover: #c0a86e;
- --selection-background-color: rgba(79, 64, 28, 0.99);
- --selection-color: #fff; }
-body {
- background: #f7f2d3;
- background: -moz-radial-gradient(center, circle cover, white 0%, #f7f2d3 100%);
- background: -webkit-gradient(radial, center center, 0px, center center, 100%, color-stop(0%, white), color-stop(100%, #f7f2d3));
- background: -webkit-radial-gradient(center, circle cover, white 0%, #f7f2d3 100%);
- background: -o-radial-gradient(center, circle cover, white 0%, #f7f2d3 100%);
- background: -ms-radial-gradient(center, circle cover, white 0%, #f7f2d3 100%);
- background: radial-gradient(center, circle cover, white 0%, #f7f2d3 100%);
- background-color: #f7f3de; }
-.reveal {
- font-family: "Lato", sans-serif;
- font-size: 40px;
- font-weight: normal;
- color: #333; }
-::selection {
- color: #fff;
- background: rgba(79, 64, 28, 0.99);
- text-shadow: none; }
-::-moz-selection {
- color: #fff;
- background: rgba(79, 64, 28, 0.99);
- text-shadow: none; }
-.reveal .slides section,
-.reveal .slides section > section {
- line-height: 1.3;
- font-weight: inherit; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal h1,
-.reveal h2,
-.reveal h3,
-.reveal h4,
-.reveal h5,
-.reveal h6 {
- margin: 0 0 20px 0;
- color: #333;
- font-family: "League Gothic", Impact, sans-serif;
- font-weight: normal;
- line-height: 1.2;
- letter-spacing: normal;
- text-transform: uppercase;
- text-shadow: none;
- word-wrap: break-word; }
-.reveal h1 {
- font-size: 3.77em; }
-.reveal h2 {
- font-size: 2.11em; }
-.reveal h3 {
- font-size: 1.55em; }
-.reveal h4 {
- font-size: 1em; }
-.reveal h1 {
- text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #ccc, 0 2px 0 #c9c9c9, 0 3px 0 #bbb, 0 4px 0 #b9b9b9, 0 5px 0 #aaa, 0 6px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25), 0 20px 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal p {
- margin: 20px 0;
- line-height: 1.3; }
-/* Ensure certain elements are never larger than the slide itself */
-.reveal img,
-.reveal video,
-.reveal iframe {
- max-width: 95%;
- max-height: 95%; }
-.reveal strong,
-.reveal b {
- font-weight: bold; }
-.reveal em {
- font-style: italic; }
-.reveal ol,
-.reveal dl,
-.reveal ul {
- display: inline-block;
- text-align: left;
- margin: 0 0 0 1em; }
-.reveal ol {
- list-style-type: decimal; }
-.reveal ul {
- list-style-type: disc; }
-.reveal ul ul {
- list-style-type: square; }
-.reveal ul ul ul {
- list-style-type: circle; }
-.reveal ul ul,
-.reveal ul ol,
-.reveal ol ol,
-.reveal ol ul {
- display: block;
- margin-left: 40px; }
-.reveal dt {
- font-weight: bold; }
-.reveal dd {
- margin-left: 40px; }
-.reveal blockquote {
- display: block;
- position: relative;
- width: 70%;
- margin: 20px auto;
- padding: 5px;
- font-style: italic;
- background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05);
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); }
-.reveal blockquote p:first-child,
-.reveal blockquote p:last-child {
- display: inline-block; }
-.reveal q {
- font-style: italic; }
-.reveal pre {
- display: block;
- position: relative;
- width: 90%;
- margin: 20px auto;
- text-align: left;
- font-size: 0.55em;
- font-family: monospace;
- line-height: 1.2em;
- word-wrap: break-word;
- box-shadow: 0px 5px 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); }
-.reveal code {
- font-family: monospace;
- text-transform: none; }
-.reveal pre code {
- display: block;
- padding: 5px;
- overflow: auto;
- max-height: 400px;
- word-wrap: normal; }
-.reveal table {
- margin: auto;
- border-collapse: collapse;
- border-spacing: 0; }
-.reveal table th {
- font-weight: bold; }
-.reveal table th,
-.reveal table td {
- text-align: left;
- padding: 0.2em 0.5em 0.2em 0.5em;
- border-bottom: 1px solid; }
-.reveal table th[align="center"],
-.reveal table td[align="center"] {
- text-align: center; }
-.reveal table th[align="right"],
-.reveal table td[align="right"] {
- text-align: right; }
-.reveal table tbody tr:last-child th,
-.reveal table tbody tr:last-child td {
- border-bottom: none; }
-.reveal sup {
- vertical-align: super;
- font-size: smaller; }
-.reveal sub {
- vertical-align: sub;
- font-size: smaller; }
-.reveal small {
- display: inline-block;
- font-size: 0.6em;
- line-height: 1.2em;
- vertical-align: top; }
-.reveal small * {
- vertical-align: top; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal a {
- color: #8b743d;
- text-decoration: none;
- -webkit-transition: color .15s ease;
- -moz-transition: color .15s ease;
- transition: color .15s ease; }
-.reveal a:hover {
- color: #c0a86e;
- text-shadow: none;
- border: none; }
-.reveal .roll span:after {
- color: #fff;
- background: #564826; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal section img {
- margin: 15px 0px;
- background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12);
- border: 4px solid #333;
- box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); }
-.reveal section img.plain {
- border: 0;
- box-shadow: none; }
-.reveal a img {
- -webkit-transition: all .15s linear;
- -moz-transition: all .15s linear;
- transition: all .15s linear; }
-.reveal a:hover img {
- background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
- border-color: #8b743d;
- box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.55); }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal .controls {
- color: #8b743d; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal .progress {
- background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
- color: #8b743d; }
-.reveal .progress span {
- -webkit-transition: width 800ms cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.86, 0.44, 0.985);
- -moz-transition: width 800ms cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.86, 0.44, 0.985);
- transition: width 800ms cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.86, 0.44, 0.985); }
- *********************************************/
-@media print {
- .backgrounds {
- background-color: #f7f3de; } }
diff --git a/css/theme/black.css b/css/theme/black.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 67b21c9..0000000
--- a/css/theme/black.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
- * Black theme for reveal.js. This is the opposite of the 'white' theme.
- *
- * By Hakim El Hattab, http://hakim.se
- */
-@import url(../../lib/font/source-sans-pro/source-sans-pro.css);
-section.has-light-background, section.has-light-background h1, section.has-light-background h2, section.has-light-background h3, section.has-light-background h4, section.has-light-background h5, section.has-light-background h6 {
- color: #222; }
- *********************************************/
-:root {
- --background-color: #191919;
- --main-font: Source Sans Pro, Helvetica, sans-serif;
- --main-font-size: 42px;
- --main-color: #fff;
- --block-margin: 20px;
- --heading-margin: 0 0 20px 0;
- --heading-font: Source Sans Pro, Helvetica, sans-serif;
- --heading-color: #fff;
- --heading-line-height: 1.2;
- --heading-letter-spacing: normal;
- --heading-text-transform: uppercase;
- --heading-text-shadow: none;
- --heading-font-weight: 600;
- --heading1-text-shadow: none;
- --heading1-size: 2.5em;
- --heading2-size: 1.6em;
- --heading3-size: 1.3em;
- --heading4-size: 1em;
- --code-font: monospace;
- --link-color: #42affa;
- --link-color-hover: #8dcffc;
- --selection-background-color: #bee4fd;
- --selection-color: #fff; }
-body {
- background: #191919;
- background-color: #191919; }
-.reveal {
- font-family: "Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, sans-serif;
- font-size: 42px;
- font-weight: normal;
- color: #fff; }
-::selection {
- color: #fff;
- background: #bee4fd;
- text-shadow: none; }
-::-moz-selection {
- color: #fff;
- background: #bee4fd;
- text-shadow: none; }
-.reveal .slides section,
-.reveal .slides section > section {
- line-height: 1.3;
- font-weight: inherit; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal h1,
-.reveal h2,
-.reveal h3,
-.reveal h4,
-.reveal h5,
-.reveal h6 {
- margin: 0 0 20px 0;
- color: #fff;
- font-family: "Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, sans-serif;
- font-weight: 600;
- line-height: 1.2;
- letter-spacing: normal;
- text-transform: uppercase;
- text-shadow: none;
- word-wrap: break-word; }
-.reveal h1 {
- font-size: 2.5em; }
-.reveal h2 {
- font-size: 1.6em; }
-.reveal h3 {
- font-size: 1.3em; }
-.reveal h4 {
- font-size: 1em; }
-.reveal h1 {
- text-shadow: none; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal p {
- margin: 20px 0;
- line-height: 1.3; }
-/* Ensure certain elements are never larger than the slide itself */
-.reveal img,
-.reveal video,
-.reveal iframe {
- max-width: 95%;
- max-height: 95%; }
-.reveal strong,
-.reveal b {
- font-weight: bold; }
-.reveal em {
- font-style: italic; }
-.reveal ol,
-.reveal dl,
-.reveal ul {
- display: inline-block;
- text-align: left;
- margin: 0 0 0 1em; }
-.reveal ol {
- list-style-type: decimal; }
-.reveal ul {
- list-style-type: disc; }
-.reveal ul ul {
- list-style-type: square; }
-.reveal ul ul ul {
- list-style-type: circle; }
-.reveal ul ul,
-.reveal ul ol,
-.reveal ol ol,
-.reveal ol ul {
- display: block;
- margin-left: 40px; }
-.reveal dt {
- font-weight: bold; }
-.reveal dd {
- margin-left: 40px; }
-.reveal blockquote {
- display: block;
- position: relative;
- width: 70%;
- margin: 20px auto;
- padding: 5px;
- font-style: italic;
- background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05);
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); }
-.reveal blockquote p:first-child,
-.reveal blockquote p:last-child {
- display: inline-block; }
-.reveal q {
- font-style: italic; }
-.reveal pre {
- display: block;
- position: relative;
- width: 90%;
- margin: 20px auto;
- text-align: left;
- font-size: 0.55em;
- font-family: monospace;
- line-height: 1.2em;
- word-wrap: break-word;
- box-shadow: 0px 5px 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); }
-.reveal code {
- font-family: monospace;
- text-transform: none; }
-.reveal pre code {
- display: block;
- padding: 5px;
- overflow: auto;
- max-height: 400px;
- word-wrap: normal; }
-.reveal table {
- margin: auto;
- border-collapse: collapse;
- border-spacing: 0; }
-.reveal table th {
- font-weight: bold; }
-.reveal table th,
-.reveal table td {
- text-align: left;
- padding: 0.2em 0.5em 0.2em 0.5em;
- border-bottom: 1px solid; }
-.reveal table th[align="center"],
-.reveal table td[align="center"] {
- text-align: center; }
-.reveal table th[align="right"],
-.reveal table td[align="right"] {
- text-align: right; }
-.reveal table tbody tr:last-child th,
-.reveal table tbody tr:last-child td {
- border-bottom: none; }
-.reveal sup {
- vertical-align: super;
- font-size: smaller; }
-.reveal sub {
- vertical-align: sub;
- font-size: smaller; }
-.reveal small {
- display: inline-block;
- font-size: 0.6em;
- line-height: 1.2em;
- vertical-align: top; }
-.reveal small * {
- vertical-align: top; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal a {
- color: #42affa;
- text-decoration: none;
- -webkit-transition: color .15s ease;
- -moz-transition: color .15s ease;
- transition: color .15s ease; }
-.reveal a:hover {
- color: #8dcffc;
- text-shadow: none;
- border: none; }
-.reveal .roll span:after {
- color: #fff;
- background: #068de9; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal section img {
- margin: 15px 0px;
- background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12);
- border: 4px solid #fff;
- box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); }
-.reveal section img.plain {
- border: 0;
- box-shadow: none; }
-.reveal a img {
- -webkit-transition: all .15s linear;
- -moz-transition: all .15s linear;
- transition: all .15s linear; }
-.reveal a:hover img {
- background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
- border-color: #42affa;
- box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.55); }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal .controls {
- color: #42affa; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal .progress {
- background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
- color: #42affa; }
-.reveal .progress span {
- -webkit-transition: width 800ms cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.86, 0.44, 0.985);
- -moz-transition: width 800ms cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.86, 0.44, 0.985);
- transition: width 800ms cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.86, 0.44, 0.985); }
- *********************************************/
-@media print {
- .backgrounds {
- background-color: #191919; } }
diff --git a/css/theme/blood.css b/css/theme/blood.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 342982c..0000000
--- a/css/theme/blood.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
- * Blood theme for reveal.js
- * Author: Walther http://github.com/Walther
- *
- * Designed to be used with highlight.js theme
- * "monokai_sublime.css" available from
- * https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js/
- *
- * For other themes, change $codeBackground accordingly.
- *
- */
-@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Ubuntu:300,700,300italic,700italic);
- *********************************************/
-:root {
- --background-color: #222;
- --main-font: Ubuntu, sans-serif;
- --main-font-size: 40px;
- --main-color: #eee;
- --block-margin: 20px;
- --heading-margin: 0 0 20px 0;
- --heading-font: Ubuntu, sans-serif;
- --heading-color: #eee;
- --heading-line-height: 1.2;
- --heading-letter-spacing: normal;
- --heading-text-transform: uppercase;
- --heading-text-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #222;
- --heading-font-weight: normal;
- --heading1-text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #ccc, 0 2px 0 #c9c9c9, 0 3px 0 #bbb, 0 4px 0 #b9b9b9, 0 5px 0 #aaa, 0 6px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25), 0 20px 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
- --heading1-size: 3.77em;
- --heading2-size: 2.11em;
- --heading3-size: 1.55em;
- --heading4-size: 1em;
- --code-font: monospace;
- --link-color: #a23;
- --link-color-hover: #dd5566;
- --selection-background-color: #a23;
- --selection-color: #fff; }
-body {
- background: #222;
- background-color: #222; }
-.reveal {
- font-family: Ubuntu, "sans-serif";
- font-size: 40px;
- font-weight: normal;
- color: #eee; }
-::selection {
- color: #fff;
- background: #a23;
- text-shadow: none; }
-::-moz-selection {
- color: #fff;
- background: #a23;
- text-shadow: none; }
-.reveal .slides section,
-.reveal .slides section > section {
- line-height: 1.3;
- font-weight: inherit; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal h1,
-.reveal h2,
-.reveal h3,
-.reveal h4,
-.reveal h5,
-.reveal h6 {
- margin: 0 0 20px 0;
- color: #eee;
- font-family: Ubuntu, "sans-serif";
- font-weight: normal;
- line-height: 1.2;
- letter-spacing: normal;
- text-transform: uppercase;
- text-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #222;
- word-wrap: break-word; }
-.reveal h1 {
- font-size: 3.77em; }
-.reveal h2 {
- font-size: 2.11em; }
-.reveal h3 {
- font-size: 1.55em; }
-.reveal h4 {
- font-size: 1em; }
-.reveal h1 {
- text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #ccc, 0 2px 0 #c9c9c9, 0 3px 0 #bbb, 0 4px 0 #b9b9b9, 0 5px 0 #aaa, 0 6px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25), 0 20px 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal p {
- margin: 20px 0;
- line-height: 1.3; }
-/* Ensure certain elements are never larger than the slide itself */
-.reveal img,
-.reveal video,
-.reveal iframe {
- max-width: 95%;
- max-height: 95%; }
-.reveal strong,
-.reveal b {
- font-weight: bold; }
-.reveal em {
- font-style: italic; }
-.reveal ol,
-.reveal dl,
-.reveal ul {
- display: inline-block;
- text-align: left;
- margin: 0 0 0 1em; }
-.reveal ol {
- list-style-type: decimal; }
-.reveal ul {
- list-style-type: disc; }
-.reveal ul ul {
- list-style-type: square; }
-.reveal ul ul ul {
- list-style-type: circle; }
-.reveal ul ul,
-.reveal ul ol,
-.reveal ol ol,
-.reveal ol ul {
- display: block;
- margin-left: 40px; }
-.reveal dt {
- font-weight: bold; }
-.reveal dd {
- margin-left: 40px; }
-.reveal blockquote {
- display: block;
- position: relative;
- width: 70%;
- margin: 20px auto;
- padding: 5px;
- font-style: italic;
- background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05);
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); }
-.reveal blockquote p:first-child,
-.reveal blockquote p:last-child {
- display: inline-block; }
-.reveal q {
- font-style: italic; }
-.reveal pre {
- display: block;
- position: relative;
- width: 90%;
- margin: 20px auto;
- text-align: left;
- font-size: 0.55em;
- font-family: monospace;
- line-height: 1.2em;
- word-wrap: break-word;
- box-shadow: 0px 5px 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); }
-.reveal code {
- font-family: monospace;
- text-transform: none; }
-.reveal pre code {
- display: block;
- padding: 5px;
- overflow: auto;
- max-height: 400px;
- word-wrap: normal; }
-.reveal table {
- margin: auto;
- border-collapse: collapse;
- border-spacing: 0; }
-.reveal table th {
- font-weight: bold; }
-.reveal table th,
-.reveal table td {
- text-align: left;
- padding: 0.2em 0.5em 0.2em 0.5em;
- border-bottom: 1px solid; }
-.reveal table th[align="center"],
-.reveal table td[align="center"] {
- text-align: center; }
-.reveal table th[align="right"],
-.reveal table td[align="right"] {
- text-align: right; }
-.reveal table tbody tr:last-child th,
-.reveal table tbody tr:last-child td {
- border-bottom: none; }
-.reveal sup {
- vertical-align: super;
- font-size: smaller; }
-.reveal sub {
- vertical-align: sub;
- font-size: smaller; }
-.reveal small {
- display: inline-block;
- font-size: 0.6em;
- line-height: 1.2em;
- vertical-align: top; }
-.reveal small * {
- vertical-align: top; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal a {
- color: #a23;
- text-decoration: none;
- -webkit-transition: color .15s ease;
- -moz-transition: color .15s ease;
- transition: color .15s ease; }
-.reveal a:hover {
- color: #dd5566;
- text-shadow: none;
- border: none; }
-.reveal .roll span:after {
- color: #fff;
- background: #6a1520; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal section img {
- margin: 15px 0px;
- background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12);
- border: 4px solid #eee;
- box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); }
-.reveal section img.plain {
- border: 0;
- box-shadow: none; }
-.reveal a img {
- -webkit-transition: all .15s linear;
- -moz-transition: all .15s linear;
- transition: all .15s linear; }
-.reveal a:hover img {
- background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
- border-color: #a23;
- box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.55); }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal .controls {
- color: #a23; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal .progress {
- background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
- color: #a23; }
-.reveal .progress span {
- -webkit-transition: width 800ms cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.86, 0.44, 0.985);
- -moz-transition: width 800ms cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.86, 0.44, 0.985);
- transition: width 800ms cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.86, 0.44, 0.985); }
- *********************************************/
-@media print {
- .backgrounds {
- background-color: #222; } }
-.reveal p {
- font-weight: 300;
- text-shadow: 1px 1px #222; }
-.reveal h1,
-.reveal h2,
-.reveal h3,
-.reveal h4,
-.reveal h5,
-.reveal h6 {
- font-weight: 700; }
-.reveal p code {
- background-color: #23241f;
- display: inline-block;
- border-radius: 7px; }
-.reveal small code {
- vertical-align: baseline; }
diff --git a/css/theme/league.css b/css/theme/league.css
deleted file mode 100644
index a419955..0000000
--- a/css/theme/league.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
- * League theme for reveal.js.
- *
- * This was the default theme pre-3.0.0.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Hakim El Hattab, http://hakim.se
- */
-@import url(../../lib/font/league-gothic/league-gothic.css);
-@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:400,700,400italic,700italic);
- *********************************************/
-:root {
- --background-color: #2b2b2b;
- --main-font: Lato, sans-serif;
- --main-font-size: 40px;
- --main-color: #eee;
- --block-margin: 20px;
- --heading-margin: 0 0 20px 0;
- --heading-font: League Gothic, Impact, sans-serif;
- --heading-color: #eee;
- --heading-line-height: 1.2;
- --heading-letter-spacing: normal;
- --heading-text-transform: uppercase;
- --heading-text-shadow: 0px 0px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
- --heading-font-weight: normal;
- --heading1-text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #ccc, 0 2px 0 #c9c9c9, 0 3px 0 #bbb, 0 4px 0 #b9b9b9, 0 5px 0 #aaa, 0 6px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25), 0 20px 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
- --heading1-size: 3.77em;
- --heading2-size: 2.11em;
- --heading3-size: 1.55em;
- --heading4-size: 1em;
- --code-font: monospace;
- --link-color: #13DAEC;
- --link-color-hover: #71e9f4;
- --selection-background-color: #FF5E99;
- --selection-color: #fff; }
-body {
- background: #1c1e20;
- background: -moz-radial-gradient(center, circle cover, #555a5f 0%, #1c1e20 100%);
- background: -webkit-gradient(radial, center center, 0px, center center, 100%, color-stop(0%, #555a5f), color-stop(100%, #1c1e20));
- background: -webkit-radial-gradient(center, circle cover, #555a5f 0%, #1c1e20 100%);
- background: -o-radial-gradient(center, circle cover, #555a5f 0%, #1c1e20 100%);
- background: -ms-radial-gradient(center, circle cover, #555a5f 0%, #1c1e20 100%);
- background: radial-gradient(center, circle cover, #555a5f 0%, #1c1e20 100%);
- background-color: #2b2b2b; }
-.reveal {
- font-family: "Lato", sans-serif;
- font-size: 40px;
- font-weight: normal;
- color: #eee; }
-::selection {
- color: #fff;
- background: #FF5E99;
- text-shadow: none; }
-::-moz-selection {
- color: #fff;
- background: #FF5E99;
- text-shadow: none; }
-.reveal .slides section,
-.reveal .slides section > section {
- line-height: 1.3;
- font-weight: inherit; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal h1,
-.reveal h2,
-.reveal h3,
-.reveal h4,
-.reveal h5,
-.reveal h6 {
- margin: 0 0 20px 0;
- color: #eee;
- font-family: "League Gothic", Impact, sans-serif;
- font-weight: normal;
- line-height: 1.2;
- letter-spacing: normal;
- text-transform: uppercase;
- text-shadow: 0px 0px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
- word-wrap: break-word; }
-.reveal h1 {
- font-size: 3.77em; }
-.reveal h2 {
- font-size: 2.11em; }
-.reveal h3 {
- font-size: 1.55em; }
-.reveal h4 {
- font-size: 1em; }
-.reveal h1 {
- text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #ccc, 0 2px 0 #c9c9c9, 0 3px 0 #bbb, 0 4px 0 #b9b9b9, 0 5px 0 #aaa, 0 6px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25), 0 20px 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal p {
- margin: 20px 0;
- line-height: 1.3; }
-/* Ensure certain elements are never larger than the slide itself */
-.reveal img,
-.reveal video,
-.reveal iframe {
- max-width: 95%;
- max-height: 95%; }
-.reveal strong,
-.reveal b {
- font-weight: bold; }
-.reveal em {
- font-style: italic; }
-.reveal ol,
-.reveal dl,
-.reveal ul {
- display: inline-block;
- text-align: left;
- margin: 0 0 0 1em; }
-.reveal ol {
- list-style-type: decimal; }
-.reveal ul {
- list-style-type: disc; }
-.reveal ul ul {
- list-style-type: square; }
-.reveal ul ul ul {
- list-style-type: circle; }
-.reveal ul ul,
-.reveal ul ol,
-.reveal ol ol,
-.reveal ol ul {
- display: block;
- margin-left: 40px; }
-.reveal dt {
- font-weight: bold; }
-.reveal dd {
- margin-left: 40px; }
-.reveal blockquote {
- display: block;
- position: relative;
- width: 70%;
- margin: 20px auto;
- padding: 5px;
- font-style: italic;
- background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05);
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); }
-.reveal blockquote p:first-child,
-.reveal blockquote p:last-child {
- display: inline-block; }
-.reveal q {
- font-style: italic; }
-.reveal pre {
- display: block;
- position: relative;
- width: 90%;
- margin: 20px auto;
- text-align: left;
- font-size: 0.55em;
- font-family: monospace;
- line-height: 1.2em;
- word-wrap: break-word;
- box-shadow: 0px 5px 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); }
-.reveal code {
- font-family: monospace;
- text-transform: none; }
-.reveal pre code {
- display: block;
- padding: 5px;
- overflow: auto;
- max-height: 400px;
- word-wrap: normal; }
-.reveal table {
- margin: auto;
- border-collapse: collapse;
- border-spacing: 0; }
-.reveal table th {
- font-weight: bold; }
-.reveal table th,
-.reveal table td {
- text-align: left;
- padding: 0.2em 0.5em 0.2em 0.5em;
- border-bottom: 1px solid; }
-.reveal table th[align="center"],
-.reveal table td[align="center"] {
- text-align: center; }
-.reveal table th[align="right"],
-.reveal table td[align="right"] {
- text-align: right; }
-.reveal table tbody tr:last-child th,
-.reveal table tbody tr:last-child td {
- border-bottom: none; }
-.reveal sup {
- vertical-align: super;
- font-size: smaller; }
-.reveal sub {
- vertical-align: sub;
- font-size: smaller; }
-.reveal small {
- display: inline-block;
- font-size: 0.6em;
- line-height: 1.2em;
- vertical-align: top; }
-.reveal small * {
- vertical-align: top; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal a {
- color: #13DAEC;
- text-decoration: none;
- -webkit-transition: color .15s ease;
- -moz-transition: color .15s ease;
- transition: color .15s ease; }
-.reveal a:hover {
- color: #71e9f4;
- text-shadow: none;
- border: none; }
-.reveal .roll span:after {
- color: #fff;
- background: #0d99a5; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal section img {
- margin: 15px 0px;
- background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12);
- border: 4px solid #eee;
- box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); }
-.reveal section img.plain {
- border: 0;
- box-shadow: none; }
-.reveal a img {
- -webkit-transition: all .15s linear;
- -moz-transition: all .15s linear;
- transition: all .15s linear; }
-.reveal a:hover img {
- background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
- border-color: #13DAEC;
- box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.55); }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal .controls {
- color: #13DAEC; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal .progress {
- background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
- color: #13DAEC; }
-.reveal .progress span {
- -webkit-transition: width 800ms cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.86, 0.44, 0.985);
- -moz-transition: width 800ms cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.86, 0.44, 0.985);
- transition: width 800ms cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.86, 0.44, 0.985); }
- *********************************************/
-@media print {
- .backgrounds {
- background-color: #2b2b2b; } }
diff --git a/css/theme/moon.css b/css/theme/moon.css
deleted file mode 100644
index a84cd73..0000000
--- a/css/theme/moon.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
- * Solarized Dark theme for reveal.js.
- * Author: Achim Staebler
- */
-@import url(../../lib/font/league-gothic/league-gothic.css);
-@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:400,700,400italic,700italic);
- * Solarized colors by Ethan Schoonover
- */
-html * {
- color-profile: sRGB;
- rendering-intent: auto; }
- *********************************************/
-:root {
- --background-color: #002b36;
- --main-font: Lato, sans-serif;
- --main-font-size: 40px;
- --main-color: #93a1a1;
- --block-margin: 20px;
- --heading-margin: 0 0 20px 0;
- --heading-font: League Gothic, Impact, sans-serif;
- --heading-color: #eee8d5;
- --heading-line-height: 1.2;
- --heading-letter-spacing: normal;
- --heading-text-transform: uppercase;
- --heading-text-shadow: none;
- --heading-font-weight: normal;
- --heading1-text-shadow: none;
- --heading1-size: 3.77em;
- --heading2-size: 2.11em;
- --heading3-size: 1.55em;
- --heading4-size: 1em;
- --code-font: monospace;
- --link-color: #268bd2;
- --link-color-hover: #78b9e6;
- --selection-background-color: #d33682;
- --selection-color: #fff; }
-body {
- background: #002b36;
- background-color: #002b36; }
-.reveal {
- font-family: "Lato", sans-serif;
- font-size: 40px;
- font-weight: normal;
- color: #93a1a1; }
-::selection {
- color: #fff;
- background: #d33682;
- text-shadow: none; }
-::-moz-selection {
- color: #fff;
- background: #d33682;
- text-shadow: none; }
-.reveal .slides section,
-.reveal .slides section > section {
- line-height: 1.3;
- font-weight: inherit; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal h1,
-.reveal h2,
-.reveal h3,
-.reveal h4,
-.reveal h5,
-.reveal h6 {
- margin: 0 0 20px 0;
- color: #eee8d5;
- font-family: "League Gothic", Impact, sans-serif;
- font-weight: normal;
- line-height: 1.2;
- letter-spacing: normal;
- text-transform: uppercase;
- text-shadow: none;
- word-wrap: break-word; }
-.reveal h1 {
- font-size: 3.77em; }
-.reveal h2 {
- font-size: 2.11em; }
-.reveal h3 {
- font-size: 1.55em; }
-.reveal h4 {
- font-size: 1em; }
-.reveal h1 {
- text-shadow: none; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal p {
- margin: 20px 0;
- line-height: 1.3; }
-/* Ensure certain elements are never larger than the slide itself */
-.reveal img,
-.reveal video,
-.reveal iframe {
- max-width: 95%;
- max-height: 95%; }
-.reveal strong,
-.reveal b {
- font-weight: bold; }
-.reveal em {
- font-style: italic; }
-.reveal ol,
-.reveal dl,
-.reveal ul {
- display: inline-block;
- text-align: left;
- margin: 0 0 0 1em; }
-.reveal ol {
- list-style-type: decimal; }
-.reveal ul {
- list-style-type: disc; }
-.reveal ul ul {
- list-style-type: square; }
-.reveal ul ul ul {
- list-style-type: circle; }
-.reveal ul ul,
-.reveal ul ol,
-.reveal ol ol,
-.reveal ol ul {
- display: block;
- margin-left: 40px; }
-.reveal dt {
- font-weight: bold; }
-.reveal dd {
- margin-left: 40px; }
-.reveal blockquote {
- display: block;
- position: relative;
- width: 70%;
- margin: 20px auto;
- padding: 5px;
- font-style: italic;
- background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05);
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); }
-.reveal blockquote p:first-child,
-.reveal blockquote p:last-child {
- display: inline-block; }
-.reveal q {
- font-style: italic; }
-.reveal pre {
- display: block;
- position: relative;
- width: 90%;
- margin: 20px auto;
- text-align: left;
- font-size: 0.55em;
- font-family: monospace;
- line-height: 1.2em;
- word-wrap: break-word;
- box-shadow: 0px 5px 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); }
-.reveal code {
- font-family: monospace;
- text-transform: none; }
-.reveal pre code {
- display: block;
- padding: 5px;
- overflow: auto;
- max-height: 400px;
- word-wrap: normal; }
-.reveal table {
- margin: auto;
- border-collapse: collapse;
- border-spacing: 0; }
-.reveal table th {
- font-weight: bold; }
-.reveal table th,
-.reveal table td {
- text-align: left;
- padding: 0.2em 0.5em 0.2em 0.5em;
- border-bottom: 1px solid; }
-.reveal table th[align="center"],
-.reveal table td[align="center"] {
- text-align: center; }
-.reveal table th[align="right"],
-.reveal table td[align="right"] {
- text-align: right; }
-.reveal table tbody tr:last-child th,
-.reveal table tbody tr:last-child td {
- border-bottom: none; }
-.reveal sup {
- vertical-align: super;
- font-size: smaller; }
-.reveal sub {
- vertical-align: sub;
- font-size: smaller; }
-.reveal small {
- display: inline-block;
- font-size: 0.6em;
- line-height: 1.2em;
- vertical-align: top; }
-.reveal small * {
- vertical-align: top; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal a {
- color: #268bd2;
- text-decoration: none;
- -webkit-transition: color .15s ease;
- -moz-transition: color .15s ease;
- transition: color .15s ease; }
-.reveal a:hover {
- color: #78b9e6;
- text-shadow: none;
- border: none; }
-.reveal .roll span:after {
- color: #fff;
- background: #1a6091; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal section img {
- margin: 15px 0px;
- background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12);
- border: 4px solid #93a1a1;
- box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); }
-.reveal section img.plain {
- border: 0;
- box-shadow: none; }
-.reveal a img {
- -webkit-transition: all .15s linear;
- -moz-transition: all .15s linear;
- transition: all .15s linear; }
-.reveal a:hover img {
- background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
- border-color: #268bd2;
- box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.55); }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal .controls {
- color: #268bd2; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal .progress {
- background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
- color: #268bd2; }
-.reveal .progress span {
- -webkit-transition: width 800ms cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.86, 0.44, 0.985);
- -moz-transition: width 800ms cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.86, 0.44, 0.985);
- transition: width 800ms cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.86, 0.44, 0.985); }
- *********************************************/
-@media print {
- .backgrounds {
- background-color: #002b36; } }
diff --git a/css/theme/night.css b/css/theme/night.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 31a8db2..0000000
--- a/css/theme/night.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
- * Black theme for reveal.js.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Hakim El Hattab, http://hakim.se
- */
-@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Montserrat:700);
-@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400,700,400italic,700italic);
- *********************************************/
-:root {
- --background-color: #111;
- --main-font: Open Sans, sans-serif;
- --main-font-size: 40px;
- --main-color: #eee;
- --block-margin: 20px;
- --heading-margin: 0 0 20px 0;
- --heading-font: Montserrat, Impact, sans-serif;
- --heading-color: #eee;
- --heading-line-height: 1.2;
- --heading-letter-spacing: -0.03em;
- --heading-text-transform: none;
- --heading-text-shadow: none;
- --heading-font-weight: normal;
- --heading1-text-shadow: none;
- --heading1-size: 3.77em;
- --heading2-size: 2.11em;
- --heading3-size: 1.55em;
- --heading4-size: 1em;
- --code-font: monospace;
- --link-color: #e7ad52;
- --link-color-hover: #f3d7ac;
- --selection-background-color: #e7ad52;
- --selection-color: #fff; }
-body {
- background: #111;
- background-color: #111; }
-.reveal {
- font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif;
- font-size: 40px;
- font-weight: normal;
- color: #eee; }
-::selection {
- color: #fff;
- background: #e7ad52;
- text-shadow: none; }
-::-moz-selection {
- color: #fff;
- background: #e7ad52;
- text-shadow: none; }
-.reveal .slides section,
-.reveal .slides section > section {
- line-height: 1.3;
- font-weight: inherit; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal h1,
-.reveal h2,
-.reveal h3,
-.reveal h4,
-.reveal h5,
-.reveal h6 {
- margin: 0 0 20px 0;
- color: #eee;
- font-family: "Montserrat", Impact, sans-serif;
- font-weight: normal;
- line-height: 1.2;
- letter-spacing: -0.03em;
- text-transform: none;
- text-shadow: none;
- word-wrap: break-word; }
-.reveal h1 {
- font-size: 3.77em; }
-.reveal h2 {
- font-size: 2.11em; }
-.reveal h3 {
- font-size: 1.55em; }
-.reveal h4 {
- font-size: 1em; }
-.reveal h1 {
- text-shadow: none; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal p {
- margin: 20px 0;
- line-height: 1.3; }
-/* Ensure certain elements are never larger than the slide itself */
-.reveal img,
-.reveal video,
-.reveal iframe {
- max-width: 95%;
- max-height: 95%; }
-.reveal strong,
-.reveal b {
- font-weight: bold; }
-.reveal em {
- font-style: italic; }
-.reveal ol,
-.reveal dl,
-.reveal ul {
- display: inline-block;
- text-align: left;
- margin: 0 0 0 1em; }
-.reveal ol {
- list-style-type: decimal; }
-.reveal ul {
- list-style-type: disc; }
-.reveal ul ul {
- list-style-type: square; }
-.reveal ul ul ul {
- list-style-type: circle; }
-.reveal ul ul,
-.reveal ul ol,
-.reveal ol ol,
-.reveal ol ul {
- display: block;
- margin-left: 40px; }
-.reveal dt {
- font-weight: bold; }
-.reveal dd {
- margin-left: 40px; }
-.reveal blockquote {
- display: block;
- position: relative;
- width: 70%;
- margin: 20px auto;
- padding: 5px;
- font-style: italic;
- background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05);
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); }
-.reveal blockquote p:first-child,
-.reveal blockquote p:last-child {
- display: inline-block; }
-.reveal q {
- font-style: italic; }
-.reveal pre {
- display: block;
- position: relative;
- width: 90%;
- margin: 20px auto;
- text-align: left;
- font-size: 0.55em;
- font-family: monospace;
- line-height: 1.2em;
- word-wrap: break-word;
- box-shadow: 0px 5px 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); }
-.reveal code {
- font-family: monospace;
- text-transform: none; }
-.reveal pre code {
- display: block;
- padding: 5px;
- overflow: auto;
- max-height: 400px;
- word-wrap: normal; }
-.reveal table {
- margin: auto;
- border-collapse: collapse;
- border-spacing: 0; }
-.reveal table th {
- font-weight: bold; }
-.reveal table th,
-.reveal table td {
- text-align: left;
- padding: 0.2em 0.5em 0.2em 0.5em;
- border-bottom: 1px solid; }
-.reveal table th[align="center"],
-.reveal table td[align="center"] {
- text-align: center; }
-.reveal table th[align="right"],
-.reveal table td[align="right"] {
- text-align: right; }
-.reveal table tbody tr:last-child th,
-.reveal table tbody tr:last-child td {
- border-bottom: none; }
-.reveal sup {
- vertical-align: super;
- font-size: smaller; }
-.reveal sub {
- vertical-align: sub;
- font-size: smaller; }
-.reveal small {
- display: inline-block;
- font-size: 0.6em;
- line-height: 1.2em;
- vertical-align: top; }
-.reveal small * {
- vertical-align: top; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal a {
- color: #e7ad52;
- text-decoration: none;
- -webkit-transition: color .15s ease;
- -moz-transition: color .15s ease;
- transition: color .15s ease; }
-.reveal a:hover {
- color: #f3d7ac;
- text-shadow: none;
- border: none; }
-.reveal .roll span:after {
- color: #fff;
- background: #d08a1d; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal section img {
- margin: 15px 0px;
- background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12);
- border: 4px solid #eee;
- box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); }
-.reveal section img.plain {
- border: 0;
- box-shadow: none; }
-.reveal a img {
- -webkit-transition: all .15s linear;
- -moz-transition: all .15s linear;
- transition: all .15s linear; }
-.reveal a:hover img {
- background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
- border-color: #e7ad52;
- box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.55); }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal .controls {
- color: #e7ad52; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal .progress {
- background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
- color: #e7ad52; }
-.reveal .progress span {
- -webkit-transition: width 800ms cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.86, 0.44, 0.985);
- -moz-transition: width 800ms cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.86, 0.44, 0.985);
- transition: width 800ms cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.86, 0.44, 0.985); }
- *********************************************/
-@media print {
- .backgrounds {
- background-color: #111; } }
diff --git a/css/theme/serif.css b/css/theme/serif.css
deleted file mode 100644
index c277596..0000000
--- a/css/theme/serif.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
- * A simple theme for reveal.js presentations, similar
- * to the default theme. The accent color is brown.
- *
- * This theme is Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Owen Versteeg, http://owenversteeg.com - it is MIT licensed.
- */
-.reveal a {
- line-height: 1.3em; }
- *********************************************/
-:root {
- --background-color: #F0F1EB;
- --main-font: Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua, Palatino, FreeSerif, serif;
- --main-font-size: 40px;
- --main-color: #000;
- --block-margin: 20px;
- --heading-margin: 0 0 20px 0;
- --heading-font: Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua, Palatino, FreeSerif, serif;
- --heading-color: #383D3D;
- --heading-line-height: 1.2;
- --heading-letter-spacing: normal;
- --heading-text-transform: none;
- --heading-text-shadow: none;
- --heading-font-weight: normal;
- --heading1-text-shadow: none;
- --heading1-size: 3.77em;
- --heading2-size: 2.11em;
- --heading3-size: 1.55em;
- --heading4-size: 1em;
- --code-font: monospace;
- --link-color: #51483D;
- --link-color-hover: #8b7c69;
- --selection-background-color: #26351C;
- --selection-color: #fff; }
-body {
- background: #F0F1EB;
- background-color: #F0F1EB; }
-.reveal {
- font-family: "Palatino Linotype", "Book Antiqua", Palatino, FreeSerif, serif;
- font-size: 40px;
- font-weight: normal;
- color: #000; }
-::selection {
- color: #fff;
- background: #26351C;
- text-shadow: none; }
-::-moz-selection {
- color: #fff;
- background: #26351C;
- text-shadow: none; }
-.reveal .slides section,
-.reveal .slides section > section {
- line-height: 1.3;
- font-weight: inherit; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal h1,
-.reveal h2,
-.reveal h3,
-.reveal h4,
-.reveal h5,
-.reveal h6 {
- margin: 0 0 20px 0;
- color: #383D3D;
- font-family: "Palatino Linotype", "Book Antiqua", Palatino, FreeSerif, serif;
- font-weight: normal;
- line-height: 1.2;
- letter-spacing: normal;
- text-transform: none;
- text-shadow: none;
- word-wrap: break-word; }
-.reveal h1 {
- font-size: 3.77em; }
-.reveal h2 {
- font-size: 2.11em; }
-.reveal h3 {
- font-size: 1.55em; }
-.reveal h4 {
- font-size: 1em; }
-.reveal h1 {
- text-shadow: none; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal p {
- margin: 20px 0;
- line-height: 1.3; }
-/* Ensure certain elements are never larger than the slide itself */
-.reveal img,
-.reveal video,
-.reveal iframe {
- max-width: 95%;
- max-height: 95%; }
-.reveal strong,
-.reveal b {
- font-weight: bold; }
-.reveal em {
- font-style: italic; }
-.reveal ol,
-.reveal dl,
-.reveal ul {
- display: inline-block;
- text-align: left;
- margin: 0 0 0 1em; }
-.reveal ol {
- list-style-type: decimal; }
-.reveal ul {
- list-style-type: disc; }
-.reveal ul ul {
- list-style-type: square; }
-.reveal ul ul ul {
- list-style-type: circle; }
-.reveal ul ul,
-.reveal ul ol,
-.reveal ol ol,
-.reveal ol ul {
- display: block;
- margin-left: 40px; }
-.reveal dt {
- font-weight: bold; }
-.reveal dd {
- margin-left: 40px; }
-.reveal blockquote {
- display: block;
- position: relative;
- width: 70%;
- margin: 20px auto;
- padding: 5px;
- font-style: italic;
- background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05);
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); }
-.reveal blockquote p:first-child,
-.reveal blockquote p:last-child {
- display: inline-block; }
-.reveal q {
- font-style: italic; }
-.reveal pre {
- display: block;
- position: relative;
- width: 90%;
- margin: 20px auto;
- text-align: left;
- font-size: 0.55em;
- font-family: monospace;
- line-height: 1.2em;
- word-wrap: break-word;
- box-shadow: 0px 5px 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); }
-.reveal code {
- font-family: monospace;
- text-transform: none; }
-.reveal pre code {
- display: block;
- padding: 5px;
- overflow: auto;
- max-height: 400px;
- word-wrap: normal; }
-.reveal table {
- margin: auto;
- border-collapse: collapse;
- border-spacing: 0; }
-.reveal table th {
- font-weight: bold; }
-.reveal table th,
-.reveal table td {
- text-align: left;
- padding: 0.2em 0.5em 0.2em 0.5em;
- border-bottom: 1px solid; }
-.reveal table th[align="center"],
-.reveal table td[align="center"] {
- text-align: center; }
-.reveal table th[align="right"],
-.reveal table td[align="right"] {
- text-align: right; }
-.reveal table tbody tr:last-child th,
-.reveal table tbody tr:last-child td {
- border-bottom: none; }
-.reveal sup {
- vertical-align: super;
- font-size: smaller; }
-.reveal sub {
- vertical-align: sub;
- font-size: smaller; }
-.reveal small {
- display: inline-block;
- font-size: 0.6em;
- line-height: 1.2em;
- vertical-align: top; }
-.reveal small * {
- vertical-align: top; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal a {
- color: #51483D;
- text-decoration: none;
- -webkit-transition: color .15s ease;
- -moz-transition: color .15s ease;
- transition: color .15s ease; }
-.reveal a:hover {
- color: #8b7c69;
- text-shadow: none;
- border: none; }
-.reveal .roll span:after {
- color: #fff;
- background: #25211c; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal section img {
- margin: 15px 0px;
- background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12);
- border: 4px solid #000;
- box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); }
-.reveal section img.plain {
- border: 0;
- box-shadow: none; }
-.reveal a img {
- -webkit-transition: all .15s linear;
- -moz-transition: all .15s linear;
- transition: all .15s linear; }
-.reveal a:hover img {
- background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
- border-color: #51483D;
- box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.55); }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal .controls {
- color: #51483D; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal .progress {
- background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
- color: #51483D; }
-.reveal .progress span {
- -webkit-transition: width 800ms cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.86, 0.44, 0.985);
- -moz-transition: width 800ms cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.86, 0.44, 0.985);
- transition: width 800ms cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.86, 0.44, 0.985); }
- *********************************************/
-@media print {
- .backgrounds {
- background-color: #F0F1EB; } }
diff --git a/css/theme/simple.css b/css/theme/simple.css
deleted file mode 100644
index e34f521..0000000
--- a/css/theme/simple.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
- * A simple theme for reveal.js presentations, similar
- * to the default theme. The accent color is darkblue.
- *
- * This theme is Copyright (C) 2012 Owen Versteeg, https://github.com/StereotypicalApps. It is MIT licensed.
- * reveal.js is Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Hakim El Hattab, http://hakim.se
- */
-@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=News+Cycle:400,700);
-@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:400,700,400italic,700italic);
-section.has-dark-background, section.has-dark-background h1, section.has-dark-background h2, section.has-dark-background h3, section.has-dark-background h4, section.has-dark-background h5, section.has-dark-background h6 {
- color: #fff; }
- *********************************************/
-:root {
- --background-color: #fff;
- --main-font: Lato, sans-serif;
- --main-font-size: 40px;
- --main-color: #000;
- --block-margin: 20px;
- --heading-margin: 0 0 20px 0;
- --heading-font: News Cycle, Impact, sans-serif;
- --heading-color: #000;
- --heading-line-height: 1.2;
- --heading-letter-spacing: normal;
- --heading-text-transform: none;
- --heading-text-shadow: none;
- --heading-font-weight: normal;
- --heading1-text-shadow: none;
- --heading1-size: 3.77em;
- --heading2-size: 2.11em;
- --heading3-size: 1.55em;
- --heading4-size: 1em;
- --code-font: monospace;
- --link-color: #00008B;
- --link-color-hover: #0000f1;
- --selection-background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.99);
- --selection-color: #fff; }
-body {
- background: #fff;
- background-color: #fff; }
-.reveal {
- font-family: "Lato", sans-serif;
- font-size: 40px;
- font-weight: normal;
- color: #000; }
-::selection {
- color: #fff;
- background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.99);
- text-shadow: none; }
-::-moz-selection {
- color: #fff;
- background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.99);
- text-shadow: none; }
-.reveal .slides section,
-.reveal .slides section > section {
- line-height: 1.3;
- font-weight: inherit; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal h1,
-.reveal h2,
-.reveal h3,
-.reveal h4,
-.reveal h5,
-.reveal h6 {
- margin: 0 0 20px 0;
- color: #000;
- font-family: "News Cycle", Impact, sans-serif;
- font-weight: normal;
- line-height: 1.2;
- letter-spacing: normal;
- text-transform: none;
- text-shadow: none;
- word-wrap: break-word; }
-.reveal h1 {
- font-size: 3.77em; }
-.reveal h2 {
- font-size: 2.11em; }
-.reveal h3 {
- font-size: 1.55em; }
-.reveal h4 {
- font-size: 1em; }
-.reveal h1 {
- text-shadow: none; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal p {
- margin: 20px 0;
- line-height: 1.3; }
-/* Ensure certain elements are never larger than the slide itself */
-.reveal img,
-.reveal video,
-.reveal iframe {
- max-width: 95%;
- max-height: 95%; }
-.reveal strong,
-.reveal b {
- font-weight: bold; }
-.reveal em {
- font-style: italic; }
-.reveal ol,
-.reveal dl,
-.reveal ul {
- display: inline-block;
- text-align: left;
- margin: 0 0 0 1em; }
-.reveal ol {
- list-style-type: decimal; }
-.reveal ul {
- list-style-type: disc; }
-.reveal ul ul {
- list-style-type: square; }
-.reveal ul ul ul {
- list-style-type: circle; }
-.reveal ul ul,
-.reveal ul ol,
-.reveal ol ol,
-.reveal ol ul {
- display: block;
- margin-left: 40px; }
-.reveal dt {
- font-weight: bold; }
-.reveal dd {
- margin-left: 40px; }
-.reveal blockquote {
- display: block;
- position: relative;
- width: 70%;
- margin: 20px auto;
- padding: 5px;
- font-style: italic;
- background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05);
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); }
-.reveal blockquote p:first-child,
-.reveal blockquote p:last-child {
- display: inline-block; }
-.reveal q {
- font-style: italic; }
-.reveal pre {
- display: block;
- position: relative;
- width: 90%;
- margin: 20px auto;
- text-align: left;
- font-size: 0.55em;
- font-family: monospace;
- line-height: 1.2em;
- word-wrap: break-word;
- box-shadow: 0px 5px 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); }
-.reveal code {
- font-family: monospace;
- text-transform: none; }
-.reveal pre code {
- display: block;
- padding: 5px;
- overflow: auto;
- max-height: 400px;
- word-wrap: normal; }
-.reveal table {
- margin: auto;
- border-collapse: collapse;
- border-spacing: 0; }
-.reveal table th {
- font-weight: bold; }
-.reveal table th,
-.reveal table td {
- text-align: left;
- padding: 0.2em 0.5em 0.2em 0.5em;
- border-bottom: 1px solid; }
-.reveal table th[align="center"],
-.reveal table td[align="center"] {
- text-align: center; }
-.reveal table th[align="right"],
-.reveal table td[align="right"] {
- text-align: right; }
-.reveal table tbody tr:last-child th,
-.reveal table tbody tr:last-child td {
- border-bottom: none; }
-.reveal sup {
- vertical-align: super;
- font-size: smaller; }
-.reveal sub {
- vertical-align: sub;
- font-size: smaller; }
-.reveal small {
- display: inline-block;
- font-size: 0.6em;
- line-height: 1.2em;
- vertical-align: top; }
-.reveal small * {
- vertical-align: top; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal a {
- color: #00008B;
- text-decoration: none;
- -webkit-transition: color .15s ease;
- -moz-transition: color .15s ease;
- transition: color .15s ease; }
-.reveal a:hover {
- color: #0000f1;
- text-shadow: none;
- border: none; }
-.reveal .roll span:after {
- color: #fff;
- background: #00003f; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal section img {
- margin: 15px 0px;
- background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12);
- border: 4px solid #000;
- box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); }
-.reveal section img.plain {
- border: 0;
- box-shadow: none; }
-.reveal a img {
- -webkit-transition: all .15s linear;
- -moz-transition: all .15s linear;
- transition: all .15s linear; }
-.reveal a:hover img {
- background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
- border-color: #00008B;
- box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.55); }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal .controls {
- color: #00008B; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal .progress {
- background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
- color: #00008B; }
-.reveal .progress span {
- -webkit-transition: width 800ms cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.86, 0.44, 0.985);
- -moz-transition: width 800ms cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.86, 0.44, 0.985);
- transition: width 800ms cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.86, 0.44, 0.985); }
- *********************************************/
-@media print {
- .backgrounds {
- background-color: #fff; } }
diff --git a/css/theme/sky.css b/css/theme/sky.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 744783d..0000000
--- a/css/theme/sky.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
- * Sky theme for reveal.js.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Hakim El Hattab, http://hakim.se
- */
-@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Quicksand:400,700,400italic,700italic);
-@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400italic,700italic,400,700);
-.reveal a {
- line-height: 1.3em; }
- *********************************************/
-:root {
- --background-color: #f7fbfc;
- --main-font: Open Sans, sans-serif;
- --main-font-size: 40px;
- --main-color: #333;
- --block-margin: 20px;
- --heading-margin: 0 0 20px 0;
- --heading-font: Quicksand, sans-serif;
- --heading-color: #333;
- --heading-line-height: 1.2;
- --heading-letter-spacing: -0.08em;
- --heading-text-transform: uppercase;
- --heading-text-shadow: none;
- --heading-font-weight: normal;
- --heading1-text-shadow: none;
- --heading1-size: 3.77em;
- --heading2-size: 2.11em;
- --heading3-size: 1.55em;
- --heading4-size: 1em;
- --code-font: monospace;
- --link-color: #3b759e;
- --link-color-hover: #74a7cb;
- --selection-background-color: #134674;
- --selection-color: #fff; }
-body {
- background: #add9e4;
- background: -moz-radial-gradient(center, circle cover, #f7fbfc 0%, #add9e4 100%);
- background: -webkit-gradient(radial, center center, 0px, center center, 100%, color-stop(0%, #f7fbfc), color-stop(100%, #add9e4));
- background: -webkit-radial-gradient(center, circle cover, #f7fbfc 0%, #add9e4 100%);
- background: -o-radial-gradient(center, circle cover, #f7fbfc 0%, #add9e4 100%);
- background: -ms-radial-gradient(center, circle cover, #f7fbfc 0%, #add9e4 100%);
- background: radial-gradient(center, circle cover, #f7fbfc 0%, #add9e4 100%);
- background-color: #f7fbfc; }
-.reveal {
- font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif;
- font-size: 40px;
- font-weight: normal;
- color: #333; }
-::selection {
- color: #fff;
- background: #134674;
- text-shadow: none; }
-::-moz-selection {
- color: #fff;
- background: #134674;
- text-shadow: none; }
-.reveal .slides section,
-.reveal .slides section > section {
- line-height: 1.3;
- font-weight: inherit; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal h1,
-.reveal h2,
-.reveal h3,
-.reveal h4,
-.reveal h5,
-.reveal h6 {
- margin: 0 0 20px 0;
- color: #333;
- font-family: "Quicksand", sans-serif;
- font-weight: normal;
- line-height: 1.2;
- letter-spacing: -0.08em;
- text-transform: uppercase;
- text-shadow: none;
- word-wrap: break-word; }
-.reveal h1 {
- font-size: 3.77em; }
-.reveal h2 {
- font-size: 2.11em; }
-.reveal h3 {
- font-size: 1.55em; }
-.reveal h4 {
- font-size: 1em; }
-.reveal h1 {
- text-shadow: none; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal p {
- margin: 20px 0;
- line-height: 1.3; }
-/* Ensure certain elements are never larger than the slide itself */
-.reveal img,
-.reveal video,
-.reveal iframe {
- max-width: 95%;
- max-height: 95%; }
-.reveal strong,
-.reveal b {
- font-weight: bold; }
-.reveal em {
- font-style: italic; }
-.reveal ol,
-.reveal dl,
-.reveal ul {
- display: inline-block;
- text-align: left;
- margin: 0 0 0 1em; }
-.reveal ol {
- list-style-type: decimal; }
-.reveal ul {
- list-style-type: disc; }
-.reveal ul ul {
- list-style-type: square; }
-.reveal ul ul ul {
- list-style-type: circle; }
-.reveal ul ul,
-.reveal ul ol,
-.reveal ol ol,
-.reveal ol ul {
- display: block;
- margin-left: 40px; }
-.reveal dt {
- font-weight: bold; }
-.reveal dd {
- margin-left: 40px; }
-.reveal blockquote {
- display: block;
- position: relative;
- width: 70%;
- margin: 20px auto;
- padding: 5px;
- font-style: italic;
- background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05);
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); }
-.reveal blockquote p:first-child,
-.reveal blockquote p:last-child {
- display: inline-block; }
-.reveal q {
- font-style: italic; }
-.reveal pre {
- display: block;
- position: relative;
- width: 90%;
- margin: 20px auto;
- text-align: left;
- font-size: 0.55em;
- font-family: monospace;
- line-height: 1.2em;
- word-wrap: break-word;
- box-shadow: 0px 5px 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); }
-.reveal code {
- font-family: monospace;
- text-transform: none; }
-.reveal pre code {
- display: block;
- padding: 5px;
- overflow: auto;
- max-height: 400px;
- word-wrap: normal; }
-.reveal table {
- margin: auto;
- border-collapse: collapse;
- border-spacing: 0; }
-.reveal table th {
- font-weight: bold; }
-.reveal table th,
-.reveal table td {
- text-align: left;
- padding: 0.2em 0.5em 0.2em 0.5em;
- border-bottom: 1px solid; }
-.reveal table th[align="center"],
-.reveal table td[align="center"] {
- text-align: center; }
-.reveal table th[align="right"],
-.reveal table td[align="right"] {
- text-align: right; }
-.reveal table tbody tr:last-child th,
-.reveal table tbody tr:last-child td {
- border-bottom: none; }
-.reveal sup {
- vertical-align: super;
- font-size: smaller; }
-.reveal sub {
- vertical-align: sub;
- font-size: smaller; }
-.reveal small {
- display: inline-block;
- font-size: 0.6em;
- line-height: 1.2em;
- vertical-align: top; }
-.reveal small * {
- vertical-align: top; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal a {
- color: #3b759e;
- text-decoration: none;
- -webkit-transition: color .15s ease;
- -moz-transition: color .15s ease;
- transition: color .15s ease; }
-.reveal a:hover {
- color: #74a7cb;
- text-shadow: none;
- border: none; }
-.reveal .roll span:after {
- color: #fff;
- background: #264c66; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal section img {
- margin: 15px 0px;
- background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12);
- border: 4px solid #333;
- box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); }
-.reveal section img.plain {
- border: 0;
- box-shadow: none; }
-.reveal a img {
- -webkit-transition: all .15s linear;
- -moz-transition: all .15s linear;
- transition: all .15s linear; }
-.reveal a:hover img {
- background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
- border-color: #3b759e;
- box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.55); }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal .controls {
- color: #3b759e; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal .progress {
- background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
- color: #3b759e; }
-.reveal .progress span {
- -webkit-transition: width 800ms cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.86, 0.44, 0.985);
- -moz-transition: width 800ms cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.86, 0.44, 0.985);
- transition: width 800ms cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.86, 0.44, 0.985); }
- *********************************************/
-@media print {
- .backgrounds {
- background-color: #f7fbfc; } }
diff --git a/css/theme/solarized.css b/css/theme/solarized.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 430ccee..0000000
--- a/css/theme/solarized.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
- * Solarized Light theme for reveal.js.
- * Author: Achim Staebler
- */
-@import url(../../lib/font/league-gothic/league-gothic.css);
-@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:400,700,400italic,700italic);
- * Solarized colors by Ethan Schoonover
- */
-html * {
- color-profile: sRGB;
- rendering-intent: auto; }
- *********************************************/
-:root {
- --background-color: #fdf6e3;
- --main-font: Lato, sans-serif;
- --main-font-size: 40px;
- --main-color: #657b83;
- --block-margin: 20px;
- --heading-margin: 0 0 20px 0;
- --heading-font: League Gothic, Impact, sans-serif;
- --heading-color: #586e75;
- --heading-line-height: 1.2;
- --heading-letter-spacing: normal;
- --heading-text-transform: uppercase;
- --heading-text-shadow: none;
- --heading-font-weight: normal;
- --heading1-text-shadow: none;
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- --heading4-size: 1em;
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- --link-color-hover: #78b9e6;
- --selection-background-color: #d33682;
- --selection-color: #fff; }
-body {
- background: #fdf6e3;
- background-color: #fdf6e3; }
-.reveal {
- font-family: "Lato", sans-serif;
- font-size: 40px;
- font-weight: normal;
- color: #657b83; }
-::selection {
- color: #fff;
- background: #d33682;
- text-shadow: none; }
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- text-shadow: none; }
-.reveal .slides section,
-.reveal .slides section > section {
- line-height: 1.3;
- font-weight: inherit; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal h1,
-.reveal h2,
-.reveal h3,
-.reveal h4,
-.reveal h5,
-.reveal h6 {
- margin: 0 0 20px 0;
- color: #586e75;
- font-family: "League Gothic", Impact, sans-serif;
- font-weight: normal;
- line-height: 1.2;
- letter-spacing: normal;
- text-transform: uppercase;
- text-shadow: none;
- word-wrap: break-word; }
-.reveal h1 {
- font-size: 3.77em; }
-.reveal h2 {
- font-size: 2.11em; }
-.reveal h3 {
- font-size: 1.55em; }
-.reveal h4 {
- font-size: 1em; }
-.reveal h1 {
- text-shadow: none; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal p {
- margin: 20px 0;
- line-height: 1.3; }
-/* Ensure certain elements are never larger than the slide itself */
-.reveal img,
-.reveal video,
-.reveal iframe {
- max-width: 95%;
- max-height: 95%; }
-.reveal strong,
-.reveal b {
- font-weight: bold; }
-.reveal em {
- font-style: italic; }
-.reveal ol,
-.reveal dl,
-.reveal ul {
- display: inline-block;
- text-align: left;
- margin: 0 0 0 1em; }
-.reveal ol {
- list-style-type: decimal; }
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- list-style-type: disc; }
-.reveal ul ul {
- list-style-type: square; }
-.reveal ul ul ul {
- list-style-type: circle; }
-.reveal ul ul,
-.reveal ul ol,
-.reveal ol ol,
-.reveal ol ul {
- display: block;
- margin-left: 40px; }
-.reveal dt {
- font-weight: bold; }
-.reveal dd {
- margin-left: 40px; }
-.reveal blockquote {
- display: block;
- position: relative;
- width: 70%;
- margin: 20px auto;
- padding: 5px;
- font-style: italic;
- background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05);
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); }
-.reveal blockquote p:first-child,
-.reveal blockquote p:last-child {
- display: inline-block; }
-.reveal q {
- font-style: italic; }
-.reveal pre {
- display: block;
- position: relative;
- width: 90%;
- margin: 20px auto;
- text-align: left;
- font-size: 0.55em;
- font-family: monospace;
- line-height: 1.2em;
- word-wrap: break-word;
- box-shadow: 0px 5px 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); }
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- text-transform: none; }
-.reveal pre code {
- display: block;
- padding: 5px;
- overflow: auto;
- max-height: 400px;
- word-wrap: normal; }
-.reveal table {
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- border-collapse: collapse;
- border-spacing: 0; }
-.reveal table th {
- font-weight: bold; }
-.reveal table th,
-.reveal table td {
- text-align: left;
- padding: 0.2em 0.5em 0.2em 0.5em;
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-.reveal table th[align="center"],
-.reveal table td[align="center"] {
- text-align: center; }
-.reveal table th[align="right"],
-.reveal table td[align="right"] {
- text-align: right; }
-.reveal table tbody tr:last-child th,
-.reveal table tbody tr:last-child td {
- border-bottom: none; }
-.reveal sup {
- vertical-align: super;
- font-size: smaller; }
-.reveal sub {
- vertical-align: sub;
- font-size: smaller; }
-.reveal small {
- display: inline-block;
- font-size: 0.6em;
- line-height: 1.2em;
- vertical-align: top; }
-.reveal small * {
- vertical-align: top; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal a {
- color: #268bd2;
- text-decoration: none;
- -webkit-transition: color .15s ease;
- -moz-transition: color .15s ease;
- transition: color .15s ease; }
-.reveal a:hover {
- color: #78b9e6;
- text-shadow: none;
- border: none; }
-.reveal .roll span:after {
- color: #fff;
- background: #1a6091; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal section img {
- margin: 15px 0px;
- background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12);
- border: 4px solid #657b83;
- box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); }
-.reveal section img.plain {
- border: 0;
- box-shadow: none; }
-.reveal a img {
- -webkit-transition: all .15s linear;
- -moz-transition: all .15s linear;
- transition: all .15s linear; }
-.reveal a:hover img {
- background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
- border-color: #268bd2;
- box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.55); }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal .controls {
- color: #268bd2; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal .progress {
- background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
- color: #268bd2; }
-.reveal .progress span {
- -webkit-transition: width 800ms cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.86, 0.44, 0.985);
- -moz-transition: width 800ms cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.86, 0.44, 0.985);
- transition: width 800ms cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.86, 0.44, 0.985); }
- *********************************************/
-@media print {
- .backgrounds {
- background-color: #fdf6e3; } }
diff --git a/css/theme/white.css b/css/theme/white.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 97483be..0000000
--- a/css/theme/white.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
- * White theme for reveal.js. This is the opposite of the 'black' theme.
- *
- * By Hakim El Hattab, http://hakim.se
- */
-@import url(../../lib/font/source-sans-pro/source-sans-pro.css);
-section.has-dark-background, section.has-dark-background h1, section.has-dark-background h2, section.has-dark-background h3, section.has-dark-background h4, section.has-dark-background h5, section.has-dark-background h6 {
- color: #fff; }
- *********************************************/
-:root {
- --background-color: #fff;
- --main-font: Source Sans Pro, Helvetica, sans-serif;
- --main-font-size: 42px;
- --main-color: #222;
- --block-margin: 20px;
- --heading-margin: 0 0 20px 0;
- --heading-font: Source Sans Pro, Helvetica, sans-serif;
- --heading-color: #222;
- --heading-line-height: 1.2;
- --heading-letter-spacing: normal;
- --heading-text-transform: uppercase;
- --heading-text-shadow: none;
- --heading-font-weight: 600;
- --heading1-text-shadow: none;
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- --heading2-size: 1.6em;
- --heading3-size: 1.3em;
- --heading4-size: 1em;
- --code-font: monospace;
- --link-color: #2a76dd;
- --link-color-hover: #6ca0e8;
- --selection-background-color: #98bdef;
- --selection-color: #fff; }
-body {
- background: #fff;
- background-color: #fff; }
-.reveal {
- font-family: "Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, sans-serif;
- font-size: 42px;
- font-weight: normal;
- color: #222; }
-::selection {
- color: #fff;
- background: #98bdef;
- text-shadow: none; }
-::-moz-selection {
- color: #fff;
- background: #98bdef;
- text-shadow: none; }
-.reveal .slides section,
-.reveal .slides section > section {
- line-height: 1.3;
- font-weight: inherit; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal h1,
-.reveal h2,
-.reveal h3,
-.reveal h4,
-.reveal h5,
-.reveal h6 {
- margin: 0 0 20px 0;
- color: #222;
- font-family: "Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, sans-serif;
- font-weight: 600;
- line-height: 1.2;
- letter-spacing: normal;
- text-transform: uppercase;
- text-shadow: none;
- word-wrap: break-word; }
-.reveal h1 {
- font-size: 2.5em; }
-.reveal h2 {
- font-size: 1.6em; }
-.reveal h3 {
- font-size: 1.3em; }
-.reveal h4 {
- font-size: 1em; }
-.reveal h1 {
- text-shadow: none; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal p {
- margin: 20px 0;
- line-height: 1.3; }
-/* Ensure certain elements are never larger than the slide itself */
-.reveal img,
-.reveal video,
-.reveal iframe {
- max-width: 95%;
- max-height: 95%; }
-.reveal strong,
-.reveal b {
- font-weight: bold; }
-.reveal em {
- font-style: italic; }
-.reveal ol,
-.reveal dl,
-.reveal ul {
- display: inline-block;
- text-align: left;
- margin: 0 0 0 1em; }
-.reveal ol {
- list-style-type: decimal; }
-.reveal ul {
- list-style-type: disc; }
-.reveal ul ul {
- list-style-type: square; }
-.reveal ul ul ul {
- list-style-type: circle; }
-.reveal ul ul,
-.reveal ul ol,
-.reveal ol ol,
-.reveal ol ul {
- display: block;
- margin-left: 40px; }
-.reveal dt {
- font-weight: bold; }
-.reveal dd {
- margin-left: 40px; }
-.reveal blockquote {
- display: block;
- position: relative;
- width: 70%;
- margin: 20px auto;
- padding: 5px;
- font-style: italic;
- background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05);
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); }
-.reveal blockquote p:first-child,
-.reveal blockquote p:last-child {
- display: inline-block; }
-.reveal q {
- font-style: italic; }
-.reveal pre {
- display: block;
- position: relative;
- width: 90%;
- margin: 20px auto;
- text-align: left;
- font-size: 0.55em;
- font-family: monospace;
- line-height: 1.2em;
- word-wrap: break-word;
- box-shadow: 0px 5px 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); }
-.reveal code {
- font-family: monospace;
- text-transform: none; }
-.reveal pre code {
- display: block;
- padding: 5px;
- overflow: auto;
- max-height: 400px;
- word-wrap: normal; }
-.reveal table {
- margin: auto;
- border-collapse: collapse;
- border-spacing: 0; }
-.reveal table th {
- font-weight: bold; }
-.reveal table th,
-.reveal table td {
- text-align: left;
- padding: 0.2em 0.5em 0.2em 0.5em;
- border-bottom: 1px solid; }
-.reveal table th[align="center"],
-.reveal table td[align="center"] {
- text-align: center; }
-.reveal table th[align="right"],
-.reveal table td[align="right"] {
- text-align: right; }
-.reveal table tbody tr:last-child th,
-.reveal table tbody tr:last-child td {
- border-bottom: none; }
-.reveal sup {
- vertical-align: super;
- font-size: smaller; }
-.reveal sub {
- vertical-align: sub;
- font-size: smaller; }
-.reveal small {
- display: inline-block;
- font-size: 0.6em;
- line-height: 1.2em;
- vertical-align: top; }
-.reveal small * {
- vertical-align: top; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal a {
- color: #2a76dd;
- text-decoration: none;
- -webkit-transition: color .15s ease;
- -moz-transition: color .15s ease;
- transition: color .15s ease; }
-.reveal a:hover {
- color: #6ca0e8;
- text-shadow: none;
- border: none; }
-.reveal .roll span:after {
- color: #fff;
- background: #1a53a1; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal section img {
- margin: 15px 0px;
- background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12);
- border: 4px solid #222;
- box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); }
-.reveal section img.plain {
- border: 0;
- box-shadow: none; }
-.reveal a img {
- -webkit-transition: all .15s linear;
- -moz-transition: all .15s linear;
- transition: all .15s linear; }
-.reveal a:hover img {
- background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
- border-color: #2a76dd;
- box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.55); }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal .controls {
- color: #2a76dd; }
- *********************************************/
-.reveal .progress {
- background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
- color: #2a76dd; }
-.reveal .progress span {
- -webkit-transition: width 800ms cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.86, 0.44, 0.985);
- -moz-transition: width 800ms cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.86, 0.44, 0.985);
- transition: width 800ms cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.86, 0.44, 0.985); }
- *********************************************/
-@media print {
- .backgrounds {
- background-color: #fff; } }