path: root/nix/libstore/build.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'nix/libstore/build.cc')
1 files changed, 110 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/nix/libstore/build.cc b/nix/libstore/build.cc
index c894d72bda..20d83fea4a 100644
--- a/nix/libstore/build.cc
+++ b/nix/libstore/build.cc
@@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ using std::map;
/* Forward definition. */
class Worker;
-struct Agent;
/* A pointer to a goal. */
@@ -263,6 +262,7 @@ public:
LocalStore & store;
std::shared_ptr<Agent> hook;
+ std::shared_ptr<Agent> substituter;
Worker(LocalStore & store);
@@ -1638,12 +1638,6 @@ void DerivationGoal::startBuilder()
getdents returns the inode of the mount point). */
env["PWD"] = tmpDirInSandbox;
- /* Compatibility hack with Nix <= 0.7: if this is a fixed-output
- derivation, tell the builder, so that for instance `fetchurl'
- can skip checking the output. On older Nixes, this environment
- variable won't be set, so `fetchurl' will do the check. */
- if (fixedOutput) env["NIX_OUTPUT_CHECKED"] = "1";
/* *Only* if this is a fixed-output derivation, propagate the
values of the environment variables specified in the
`impureEnvVars' attribute to the builder. This allows for
@@ -2780,15 +2774,6 @@ private:
/* Path info returned by the substituter's query info operation. */
SubstitutablePathInfo info;
- /* Pipe for the substituter's standard output. */
- Pipe outPipe;
- /* Pipe for the substituter's standard error. */
- Pipe logPipe;
- /* The process ID of the builder. */
- Pid pid;
/* Lock on the store path. */
std::shared_ptr<PathLocks> outputLock;
@@ -2802,6 +2787,13 @@ private:
typedef void (SubstitutionGoal::*GoalState)();
GoalState state;
+ /* The substituter. */
+ std::shared_ptr<Agent> substituter;
+ /* Either the empty string, or the status phrase returned by the
+ substituter. */
+ string status;
void tryNext();
@@ -2847,7 +2839,7 @@ SubstitutionGoal::SubstitutionGoal(const Path & storePath, Worker & worker, bool
- if (pid != -1) worker.childTerminated(pid);
+ if (substituter) worker.childTerminated(substituter->pid);
@@ -2855,9 +2847,9 @@ void SubstitutionGoal::timedOut()
if (settings.printBuildTrace)
printMsg(lvlError, format("@ substituter-failed %1% timeout") % storePath);
- if (pid != -1) {
- pid_t savedPid = pid;
- pid.kill();
+ if (substituter) {
+ pid_t savedPid = substituter->pid;
+ substituter.reset();
@@ -2984,44 +2976,34 @@ void SubstitutionGoal::tryToRun()
printMsg(lvlInfo, format("fetching path `%1%'...") % storePath);
- outPipe.create();
- logPipe.create();
destPath = repair ? storePath + ".tmp" : storePath;
/* Remove the (stale) output path if it exists. */
if (pathExists(destPath))
- worker.store.setSubstituterEnv();
- /* Fill in the arguments. */
- Strings args;
- args.push_back("guix");
- args.push_back("substitute");
- args.push_back("--substitute");
- args.push_back(storePath);
- args.push_back(destPath);
- /* Fork the substitute program. */
- pid = startProcess([&]() {
- commonChildInit(logPipe);
- if (dup2(outPipe.writeSide, STDOUT_FILENO) == -1)
- throw SysError("cannot dup output pipe into stdout");
+ if (!worker.substituter) {
+ const Strings args = { "substitute", "--substitute" };
+ const std::map<string, string> env = {
+ settings.pack() + "deduplicate="
+ + (settings.autoOptimiseStore ? "yes" : "no")
+ }
+ };
+ worker.substituter = std::make_shared<Agent>(settings.guixProgram, args, env);
+ }
- execv(settings.guixProgram.c_str(), stringsToCharPtrs(args).data());
+ /* Borrow the worker's substituter. */
+ if (!substituter) substituter.swap(worker.substituter);
- throw SysError(format("executing `%1% substitute'") % settings.guixProgram);
- });
+ /* Send the request to the substituter. */
+ writeLine(substituter->toAgent.writeSide,
+ (format("substitute %1% %2%") % storePath % destPath).str());
- pid.setSeparatePG(true);
- pid.setKillSignal(SIGTERM);
- outPipe.writeSide.close();
- logPipe.writeSide.close();
- worker.childStarted(shared_from_this(),
- pid, singleton<set<int> >(logPipe.readSide), true, true);
+ set<int> fds;
+ fds.insert(substituter->fromAgent.readSide);
+ fds.insert(substituter->builderOut.readSide);
+ worker.childStarted(shared_from_this(), substituter->pid, fds, true, true);
state = &SubstitutionGoal::finished;
@@ -3036,54 +3018,62 @@ void SubstitutionGoal::finished()
trace("substitute finished");
- /* Since we got an EOF on the logger pipe, the substitute is
- presumed to have terminated. */
- pid_t savedPid = pid;
- int status = pid.wait(true);
+ /* Remove the 'guix substitute' process from the list of children. */
+ worker.childTerminated(substituter->pid);
- /* So the child is gone now. */
- worker.childTerminated(savedPid);
- /* Close the read side of the logger pipe. */
- logPipe.readSide.close();
- /* Get the hash info from stdout. */
- string dummy = readLine(outPipe.readSide);
- string expectedHashStr = statusOk(status) ? readLine(outPipe.readSide) : "";
- outPipe.readSide.close();
+ /* If max-jobs > 1, the worker might have created a new 'substitute'
+ process in the meantime. If that is the case, terminate ours;
+ otherwise, give it back to the worker. */
+ if (worker.substituter) {
+ substituter.reset ();
+ } else {
+ worker.substituter.swap(substituter);
+ }
/* Check the exit status and the build result. */
HashResult hash;
try {
- if (!statusOk(status))
- throw SubstError(format("fetching path `%1%' %2%")
- % storePath % statusToString(status));
- if (!pathExists(destPath))
- throw SubstError(format("substitute did not produce path `%1%'") % destPath);
- hash = hashPath(htSHA256, destPath);
- /* Verify the expected hash we got from the substituer. */
- if (expectedHashStr != "") {
- size_t n = expectedHashStr.find(':');
- if (n == string::npos)
- throw Error(format("bad hash from substituter: %1%") % expectedHashStr);
- HashType hashType = parseHashType(string(expectedHashStr, 0, n));
- if (hashType == htUnknown)
- throw Error(format("unknown hash algorithm in `%1%'") % expectedHashStr);
- Hash expectedHash = parseHash16or32(hashType, string(expectedHashStr, n + 1));
- Hash actualHash = hashType == htSHA256 ? hash.first : hashPath(hashType, destPath).first;
- if (expectedHash != actualHash) {
- if (settings.printBuildTrace)
- printMsg(lvlError, format("@ hash-mismatch %1% %2% %3% %4%")
- % storePath % "sha256"
- % printHash16or32(expectedHash)
- % printHash16or32(actualHash));
- throw SubstError(format("hash mismatch for substituted item `%1%'") % storePath);
+ auto statusList = tokenizeString<vector<string> >(status);
+ if (statusList.empty()) {
+ throw SubstError(format("fetching path `%1%' (empty status: '%2%')")
+ % storePath % status);
+ } else if (statusList[0] == "hash-mismatch") {
+ if (settings.printBuildTrace) {
+ auto hashType = statusList[1];
+ auto expectedHash = statusList[2];
+ auto actualHash = statusList[3];
+ printMsg(lvlError, format("@ hash-mismatch %1% %2% %3% %4%")
+ % storePath
+ % hashType % expectedHash % actualHash);
- }
+ throw SubstError(format("hash mismatch for substituted item `%1%'") % storePath);
+ } else if (statusList[0] == "success") {
+ if (!pathExists(destPath))
+ throw SubstError(format("substitute did not produce path `%1%'") % destPath);
+ std::string hashStr = statusList[1];
+ size_t n = hashStr.find(':');
+ if (n == string::npos)
+ throw Error(format("bad hash from substituter: %1%") % hashStr);
+ HashType hashType = parseHashType(string(hashStr, 0, n));
+ switch (hashType) {
+ case htUnknown:
+ throw Error(format("unknown hash algorithm in `%1%'") % hashStr);
+ case htSHA256:
+ hash.first = parseHash16or32(hashType, string(hashStr, n + 1));
+ hash.second = std::atoi(statusList[2].c_str());
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* The database only stores SHA256 hashes, so compute it. */
+ hash = hashPath(htSHA256, destPath);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ throw SubstError(format("fetching path `%1%' (status: '%2%')")
+ % storePath % status);
} catch (SubstError & e) {
@@ -3100,9 +3090,8 @@ void SubstitutionGoal::finished()
if (repair) replaceValidPath(storePath, destPath);
- canonicalisePathMetaData(storePath, -1);
- worker.store.optimisePath(storePath); // FIXME: combine with hashPath()
+ /* Note: 'guix substitute' takes care of resetting timestamps and of
+ deduplicating 'destPath', so no need to do it here. */
ValidPathInfo info2;
info2.path = storePath;
@@ -3129,16 +3118,38 @@ void SubstitutionGoal::finished()
void SubstitutionGoal::handleChildOutput(int fd, const string & data)
- assert(fd == logPipe.readSide);
- if (verbosity >= settings.buildVerbosity) writeToStderr(data);
- /* Don't write substitution output to a log file for now. We
- probably should, though. */
+ if (verbosity >= settings.buildVerbosity
+ && fd == substituter->builderOut.readSide) {
+ writeToStderr(data);
+ /* Don't write substitution output to a log file for now. We
+ probably should, though. */
+ }
+ if (fd == substituter->fromAgent.readSide) {
+ /* DATA may consist of several lines. Process them one by one. */
+ string input = data;
+ while (!input.empty()) {
+ /* Process up to the first newline. */
+ size_t end = input.find_first_of("\n");
+ string trimmed = (end != string::npos) ? input.substr(0, end) : input;
+ /* Update the goal's state accordingly. */
+ if (status == "") {
+ status = trimmed;
+ worker.wakeUp(shared_from_this());
+ } else {
+ printMsg(lvlError, format("unexpected substituter message '%1%'") % input);
+ }
+ input = (end != string::npos) ? input.substr(end + 1) : "";
+ }
+ }
void SubstitutionGoal::handleEOF(int fd)
- if (fd == logPipe.readSide) worker.wakeUp(shared_from_this());
+ worker.wakeUp(shared_from_this());