BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
awair-exporterWIPChristopher Baines7 months
channel-graft-controlself: Apply grafts to the outputs of the guix derivation.Christopher Baines14 months
commit-policy-tweaksdoc: contributing: Tweak the Commit Policy.Christopher Baines16 months
improve-download-narguix: Improve download-nar.Christopher Baines13 months
linux-module-cross-add-source-directorybuild-system/linux-module: Add #:source-directory to linux-module-build-cross.Christopher Baines17 months
mastergnu: make-gcc-toolchain: Add gcc:lib.John Kehayias2 days
r-minimal-fixgnu: r-minimal: Avoid referencing /gnu/store/[^-]+-glibc-[^-]+-static.Christopher Baines17 months
resolve-derivation-lint-warningsgnu: Resolve derivation lint warnings.Christopher Baines17 months
split-derivation-lint-checkerlint: Split the derivation lint checker by system.Christopher Baines17 months
use-gexps-in-gcc-boot0gnu: Use gexps for gcc-boot0 and related packages.Christopher Baines11 months
release_19guix-release_19.tar  guix-release_19.tar.gz  Christopher Baines6 years
release_16guix-release_16.tar  guix-release_16.tar.gz  Christopher Baines6 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2 daysgnu: make-gcc-toolchain: Add gcc:lib.HEADmasterJohn Kehayias
2 daysgnu: gcc-toolchain: Do not use gcc-final.Simon Tournier
2 daysMerge branch 'mesa-updates'John Kehayias
3 daysmaint: Use "ustar" format for tarball again.Janneke Nieuwenhuizen
3 daysgnu: emacs-nginx-mode: Update to 1.1.10.Tom Willemse
3 daysgnu: Add comment to the bottom of version-control.scm.Christopher Baines
3 daysgnu: Add fnc.Ashish SHUKLA
3 daysgnu: Add python-verde.Vinicius Monego
3 daysgnu: Add brillo.Giacomo Leidi
3 daysgnu: Add qmmp.Timotej Lazar