path: root/gnu/packages/patches/icecat-CVE-2016-1930-pt09.patch
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Diffstat (limited to 'gnu/packages/patches/icecat-CVE-2016-1930-pt09.patch')
1 files changed, 189 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/icecat-CVE-2016-1930-pt09.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/icecat-CVE-2016-1930-pt09.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e87b95f729
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/icecat-CVE-2016-1930-pt09.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+Copied from: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-esr38/rev/f31d643afd41
+Security advisory: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/security/advisories/mfsa2016-01/
+Mozilla Bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1233925
+# HG changeset patch
+# User Jan de Mooij <jdemooij@mozilla.com>
+# Date 1452110721 -3600
+# Node ID f31d643afd4159b5422ae5aebcbbea0a088e018e
+# Parent 4444e94a99cb9b00c0351cc8bf5459739cc036a5
+Bug 1233925 - Treat functions with rest more like functions with lazy arguments. r=nbp a=ritu
+diff --git a/js/src/jit/BacktrackingAllocator.cpp b/js/src/jit/BacktrackingAllocator.cpp
+--- a/js/src/jit/BacktrackingAllocator.cpp
++++ b/js/src/jit/BacktrackingAllocator.cpp
+@@ -201,20 +201,19 @@ BacktrackingAllocator::tryGroupRegisters
+ // constructor calling convention.
+ if (IsThisSlotDefinition(reg0->def()) || IsThisSlotDefinition(reg1->def())) {
+ if (*reg0->def()->output() != *reg1->def()->output())
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Registers which might spill to the frame's argument slots can only be
+ // grouped with other such registers if the frame might access those
+- // arguments through a lazy arguments object.
++ // arguments through a lazy arguments object or rest parameter.
+ if (IsArgumentSlotDefinition(reg0->def()) || IsArgumentSlotDefinition(reg1->def())) {
+- JSScript* script = graph.mir().entryBlock()->info().script();
+- if (script && script->argumentsAliasesFormals()) {
++ if (graph.mir().entryBlock()->info().mayReadFrameArgsDirectly()) {
+ if (*reg0->def()->output() != *reg1->def()->output())
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ VirtualRegisterGroup* group0 = reg0->group(), *group1 = reg1->group();
+ if (!group0 && group1)
+diff --git a/js/src/jit/CompileInfo.h b/js/src/jit/CompileInfo.h
+--- a/js/src/jit/CompileInfo.h
++++ b/js/src/jit/CompileInfo.h
+@@ -194,16 +194,17 @@ enum AnalysisMode {
+ class CompileInfo
+ {
+ public:
+ CompileInfo(JSScript* script, JSFunction* fun, jsbytecode* osrPc, bool constructing,
+ AnalysisMode analysisMode, bool scriptNeedsArgsObj,
+ InlineScriptTree* inlineScriptTree)
+ : script_(script), fun_(fun), osrPc_(osrPc), constructing_(constructing),
+ analysisMode_(analysisMode), scriptNeedsArgsObj_(scriptNeedsArgsObj),
++ mayReadFrameArgsDirectly_(script->mayReadFrameArgsDirectly()),
+ inlineScriptTree_(inlineScriptTree)
+ {
+ // The function here can flow in from anywhere so look up the canonical
+ // function to ensure that we do not try to embed a nursery pointer in
+ // jit-code. Precisely because it can flow in from anywhere, it's not
+ // guaranteed to be non-lazy. Hence, don't access its script!
+@@ -222,17 +223,17 @@ class CompileInfo
+ fixedLexicalBegin_ = script->fixedLexicalBegin();
+ nstack_ = script->nslots() - script->nfixed();
+ nslots_ = nimplicit_ + nargs_ + nlocals_ + nstack_;
+ }
+ explicit CompileInfo(unsigned nlocals)
+ : script_(nullptr), fun_(nullptr), osrPc_(nullptr), osrStaticScope_(nullptr),
+ constructing_(false), analysisMode_(Analysis_None), scriptNeedsArgsObj_(false),
+- inlineScriptTree_(nullptr)
++ mayReadFrameArgsDirectly_(false), inlineScriptTree_(nullptr)
+ {
+ nimplicit_ = 0;
+ nargs_ = 0;
+ nbodyfixed_ = 0;
+ nlocals_ = nlocals;
+ nstack_ = 1; /* For FunctionCompiler::pushPhiInput/popPhiOutput */
+ nslots_ = nlocals_ + nstack_;
+ fixedLexicalBegin_ = nlocals;
+@@ -539,16 +540,20 @@ class CompileInfo
+ return false;
+ if (needsArgsObj() && isObservableArgumentSlot(slot))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
++ bool mayReadFrameArgsDirectly() const {
++ return mayReadFrameArgsDirectly_;
++ }
+ private:
+ unsigned nimplicit_;
+ unsigned nargs_;
+ unsigned nbodyfixed_;
+ unsigned nlocals_;
+ unsigned nstack_;
+ unsigned nslots_;
+ unsigned fixedLexicalBegin_;
+@@ -559,15 +564,17 @@ class CompileInfo
+ bool constructing_;
+ AnalysisMode analysisMode_;
+ // Whether a script needs an arguments object is unstable over compilation
+ // since the arguments optimization could be marked as failed on the main
+ // thread, so cache a value here and use it throughout for consistency.
+ bool scriptNeedsArgsObj_;
++ bool mayReadFrameArgsDirectly_;
+ InlineScriptTree* inlineScriptTree_;
+ };
+ } // namespace jit
+ } // namespace js
+ #endif /* jit_CompileInfo_h */
+diff --git a/js/src/jit/JitFrames.cpp b/js/src/jit/JitFrames.cpp
+--- a/js/src/jit/JitFrames.cpp
++++ b/js/src/jit/JitFrames.cpp
+@@ -1002,17 +1002,17 @@ MarkThisAndArguments(JSTracer* trc, JitF
+ // formal arguments is taken care of by the frame's safepoint/snapshot,
+ // except when the script's lazy arguments object aliases those formals,
+ // in which case we mark them as well.
+ size_t nargs = layout->numActualArgs();
+ size_t nformals = 0;
+ if (CalleeTokenIsFunction(layout->calleeToken())) {
+ JSFunction* fun = CalleeTokenToFunction(layout->calleeToken());
+- nformals = fun->nonLazyScript()->argumentsAliasesFormals() ? 0 : fun->nargs();
++ nformals = fun->nonLazyScript()->mayReadFrameArgsDirectly() ? 0 : fun->nargs();
+ }
+ Value* argv = layout->argv();
+ // Trace |this|.
+ gc::MarkValueRoot(trc, argv, "ion-thisv");
+ // Trace actual arguments beyond the formals. Note + 1 for thisv.
+diff --git a/js/src/jsscript.cpp b/js/src/jsscript.cpp
+--- a/js/src/jsscript.cpp
++++ b/js/src/jsscript.cpp
+@@ -3894,16 +3894,22 @@ JSScript::hasLoops()
+ JSTryNote* tnlimit = tn + trynotes()->length;
+ for (; tn < tnlimit; tn++) {
+ if (tn->kind == JSTRY_FOR_IN || tn->kind == JSTRY_LOOP)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
++ return argumentsHasVarBinding() || (function_ && function_->hasRest());
+ static inline void
+ LazyScriptHash(uint32_t lineno, uint32_t column, uint32_t begin, uint32_t end,
+ HashNumber hashes[3])
+ {
+ HashNumber hash = lineno;
+ hash = RotateLeft(hash, 4) ^ column;
+ hash = RotateLeft(hash, 4) ^ begin;
+ hash = RotateLeft(hash, 4) ^ end;
+diff --git a/js/src/jsscript.h b/js/src/jsscript.h
+--- a/js/src/jsscript.h
++++ b/js/src/jsscript.h
+@@ -1397,16 +1397,20 @@ class JSScript : public js::gc::TenuredC
+ }
+ inline void setFunction(JSFunction* fun);
+ /*
+ * De-lazifies the canonical function. Must be called before entering code
+ * that expects the function to be non-lazy.
+ */
+ inline void ensureNonLazyCanonicalFunction(JSContext* cx);
++ // Returns true if the script may read formal arguments on the stack
++ // directly, via lazy arguments or a rest parameter.
++ bool mayReadFrameArgsDirectly();
+ JSFlatString* sourceData(JSContext* cx);
+ static bool loadSource(JSContext* cx, js::ScriptSource* ss, bool* worked);
+ void setSourceObject(JSObject* object);
+ JSObject* sourceObject() const {
+ return sourceObject_;
+ }