path: root/gnu/build/linux-container.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'gnu/build/linux-container.scm')
1 files changed, 82 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gnu/build/linux-container.scm b/gnu/build/linux-container.scm
index 65e1325577..63c83902e4 100644
--- a/gnu/build/linux-container.scm
+++ b/gnu/build/linux-container.scm
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
+ start-child-in-container
@@ -210,6 +211,87 @@ corresponds to the symbols in NAMESPACES."
+(define* (start-child-in-container command
+ #:key read? write?
+ (root 'temporary)
+ (mounts '())
+ (namespaces %namespaces)
+ (host-uids 1)
+ (extra-environment-variables '()))
+ (define (with-root-directory f)
+ (if (eq? root 'temporary)
+ (call-with-temporary-directory f)
+ (f root)))
+ ;; (ice-9 popen) internals
+ (define make-rw-port (@@ (ice-9 popen) make-rw-port))
+ (define pipe-guardian (@@ (ice-9 popen) pipe-guardian))
+ (define make-pipe-info (@@ (ice-9 popen) make-pipe-info))
+ ;; car is the inport port, cdr is the output port. You write to the output
+ ;; port, and read from the input port.
+ (define child-to-parent-pipe
+ (if read?
+ (pipe)
+ #f))
+ (define parent-to-child-pipe
+ (if write?
+ (pipe)
+ #f))
+ (define (run-program)
+ (when read?
+ (match child-to-parent-pipe
+ ((input-port . output-port)
+ ;; close the output part of the child-to-parent-pipe, as this is used
+ ;; by the parent process
+ (close-port input-port)
+ ;; Make the input part of the child-to-parent-pipe the standard
+ ;; output of this process
+ (dup2 (fileno output-port) 1))))
+ (when write?
+ (match parent-to-child-pipe
+ ((input-port . output-port)
+ ;; close the input part of the parent-to-child-pipe, as this is used
+ ;; by the parent processs
+ (close-port output-port)
+ ;; Make the output part of the parent-to-child-pipe the standard
+ ;; input of this process
+ (dup2 (fileno input-port) 0))))
+ ;; TODO Maybe close all file descriptors, as start_child in Guile does?
+ (for-each putenv extra-environment-variables)
+ (apply execlp command))
+ (with-root-directory
+ (lambda (root)
+ (let ((pid (run-container root mounts namespaces host-uids run-program)))
+ ;; Catch SIGINT and kill the container process.
+ (sigaction SIGINT
+ (lambda (signum)
+ (false-if-exception
+ (kill pid SIGKILL))))
+ (let* ((read-port (and=> child-to-parent-pipe car))
+ (write-port (and=> parent-to-child-pipe cdr))
+ (port (or (and read-port write-port
+ (make-rw-port read-port write-port))
+ read-port
+ write-port))
+ (pipe-info (make-pipe-info pid)))
+ (pipe-guardian pipe-info)
+ (%set-port-property! port 'popen-pipe-info pipe-info)
+ port)))))
(define (run-container root mounts namespaces host-uids thunk)
"Run THUNK in a new container process and return its PID. ROOT specifies
the root directory for the container. MOUNTS is a list of <file-system>