path: root/pypi/sdist-store/utils.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'pypi/sdist-store/utils.scm')
1 files changed, 233 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pypi/sdist-store/utils.scm b/pypi/sdist-store/utils.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..483e730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pypi/sdist-store/utils.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+(define-module (pypi sdist-store utils)
+ #:use-module (pyguile)
+ #:use-module (logging logger)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 binary-ports)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 pretty-print)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 ftw)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 regex)
+ #:use-module ((ice-9 rdelim) #:select (read-line))
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-34)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-35)
+ #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
+ #:use-module (json)
+ #:use-module (web uri)
+ #:use-module (guix ui)
+ #:use-module (guix utils)
+ #:use-module (guix import utils)
+ #:use-module ((guix download) #:prefix download:)
+ #:use-module (guix import json)
+ #:use-module (guix packages)
+ #:use-module (guix upstream)
+ #:use-module (guix licenses)
+ #:use-module (guix build-system python)
+ #:use-module (pypi api)
+ #:use-module (pypi sdist)
+ #:use-module (pypi sdist-store)
+ #:use-module (pypi requirement)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages python)
+ #:export (ensure-unpacked-sdist-exists
+ search-for-egg-info
+ find-cycle-in-graph
+ get-sdist-directory
+ read-rfc822
+ get-tmpdir))
+(define (get-tmpdir)
+ "/tmp/guix-pypi")
+(define (ensure-unpacked-sdist-exists name version api-root)
+ (let ((tmpdir (get-tmpdir))
+ (sdist-directory (get-sdist-directory name version)))
+ (begin
+ (unless (file-exists? tmpdir)
+ (mkdir tmpdir))
+ (unless (file-exists? sdist-directory)
+ (let* ((data (source-release (pypi-fetch name api-root) version))
+ (filename (assoc-ref* data "filename"))
+ (full-path (string-append tmpdir "/" filename))
+ (source-url (assoc-ref* data "url")))
+ (begin
+ (if (not (file-exists? full-path))
+ (url-fetch source-url full-path))
+ (if
+ (string-contains filename ".zip")
+ (let
+ ((exit-code
+ (system* "unzip" "-qq" full-path "-d" tmpdir)))
+ (if (not (zero? exit-code))
+ (begin
+ (log-msg 'ERROR "Attempted to unzip " full-path)
+ (error (_ "'unzip' failed with exit code ~a\n")
+ exit-code))
+ #f))
+ (let* ((compression-type
+ (cond
+ ((string-contains filename "gz") "z")
+ ((string-contains filename "bz2") "j")
+ ((begin
+ (error "unknown compression type")
+ #f))))
+ (exit-code
+ (system* "tar" (string-append compression-type "xf") full-path "--directory" tmpdir "--no-same-owner")))
+ (if (not (zero? exit-code))
+ (begin
+ (error (_ "'tar' failed with exit code ~a\n")
+ exit-code)
+ #f))))
+ (rename-file
+ (string-append tmpdir "/" (tarball-directory source-url))
+ sdist-directory)))))))
+(define (get-expected-sdist-name name version)
+ (string-append (string-downcase name) "-" version))
+(define (get-sdist-directory name version)
+ (string-append (get-tmpdir) "/" (get-expected-sdist-name name version)))
+(define (tarball-directory url)
+ ;; Given the URL of the package's tarball, return the name of the directory
+ ;; that will be created upon decompressing it. If the filetype is not
+ ;; supported, return #f.
+ ;; TODO: Support more archive formats.
+ (let ((basename (substring url (+ 1 (string-rindex url #\/)))))
+ (cond
+ ((string-suffix? ".tar.gz" basename)
+ (string-drop-right basename 7))
+ ((string-suffix? ".tar.bz2" basename)
+ (string-drop-right basename 8))
+ ((string-suffix? ".zip" basename)
+ (string-drop-right basename 4))
+ (else
+ (begin
+ (warning (_ "Unsupported archive format: \
+nnot determine package dependencies"))
+ #f)))))
+(define (search-for-egg-info startname depth)
+ (if (= depth 0)
+ '()
+ (let ((possibles (scandir
+ startname
+ (lambda (name) (string-contains name ".egg-info")))))
+ (if (> (length possibles) 0)
+ (map
+ (lambda (p) (string-append startname "/" p))
+ possibles)
+ (apply
+ append
+ (map
+ (lambda (sn) (search-for-egg-info
+ (string-append startname "/" sn) (- depth 1)))
+ (scandir
+ startname
+ (lambda (d) (eq?
+ 'directory
+ (stat:type
+ (stat (string-append startname "/" d))))))))))))
+(define-condition-type &missing-source-error &error
+ missing-source-error?
+ (package missing-source-error-package))
+(define (get-archive-suffix name)
+ (find
+ (lambda (suffix)
+ (string-suffix? suffix name))
+ archive-preference))
+(define archive-preference '(".tar.gz" ".tar.bz2" ".zip"))
+(define (source-release pypi-package version)
+ (let ((releases (assoc-ref* pypi-package "releases" version)))
+ (or (and
+ releases
+ (find (lambda (release)
+ (string=? "sdist" (assoc-ref release "packagetype")))
+ releases))
+ (raise (condition (&missing-source-error
+ (package pypi-package)))))))
+;;; RFC822 Parsing
+(define header-name-rx (make-regexp "^([^:]+):[ \t]*"))
+(define header-cont-rx (make-regexp "^[ \t]+"))
+(define (drain-message port)
+ (let loop ((line (read-line port)) (acc '()))
+ (cond ((eof-object? line)
+ (reverse acc))
+ (else
+ (loop (read-line port) (cons line acc))))))
+(define (parse-message port)
+ (let* ((body-lines #f)
+ (body #f)
+ (headers '())
+ (add-header! (lambda (reversed-hlines)
+ (let* ((hlines (reverse reversed-hlines))
+ (first (car hlines)))
+ (if (not (= (string-length first) 0))
+ (let* ((m (regexp-exec header-name-rx first))
+ (name (string->symbol (match:substring m 1)))
+ (data (string-join
+ (cons (substring first (match:end m))
+ (cdr hlines))
+ " ")))
+ (set! headers (acons name data headers))))))))
+ ;; "From " is only one line
+ (let loop ((line (read-line port)) (current-header #f))
+ (cond ((eof-object? line)
+ (and current-header (add-header! current-header))
+ (set! body-lines (drain-message port)))
+ ((regexp-exec header-cont-rx line)
+ => (lambda (m)
+ (loop (read-line port)
+ (cons (match:suffix m) current-header))))
+ (else
+ (and current-header (add-header! current-header))
+ (loop (read-line port) (list line)))))
+ (set! headers (reverse headers))
+ (lambda (component)
+ (case component
+ ((body-lines) body-lines)
+ ((headers) headers)
+ ((body) (or body
+ (begin (set! body (string-join body-lines "\n" 'suffix))
+ body)))
+ (else (error "bad component:" component))))))
+(define (read-rfc822 port)
+ (parse-message port))
+(define (display-rfc822 parse)
+ (cond ((parse 'from) => (lambda (from) (format #t "From ~A\n" from))))
+ (for-each (lambda (header)
+ (format #t "~A: ~A\n" (car header) (cdr header)))
+ (parse 'headers))
+ (format #t "\n~A" (parse 'body)))
+;; Graph utils
+(define (find-cycle-in-graph graph)
+ (recurse-and-return-cycle-if-found
+ graph
+ (car (hash-map->list
+ (lambda (k v) k)
+ graph))
+ '()))
+(define (recurse-and-return-cycle-if-found graph node visited-nodes)
+ (if (member node visited-nodes)
+ (memq node (reverse visited-nodes))
+ (let
+ ((links (hash-ref graph node)))
+ (if links
+ (any
+ (lambda (next-node)
+ (recurse-and-return-cycle-if-found
+ graph next-node (cons node visited-nodes)))
+ links)
+ #f))))