/* Copyright 2001,2002,2003 Roger Dingledine. */ /* See LICENSE for licensing information */ /* $Id$ */ #include #ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H #include #endif #ifdef MS_WINDOWS /* For mkdir() */ #include #endif #include #include "or.h" #include "../common/test.h" #include "../common/torgzip.h" extern or_options_t options; int have_failed = 0; /* These functions are file-local, but are exposed so we can test. */ void add_fingerprint_to_dir(const char *nickname, const char *fp); void get_platform_str(char *platform, size_t len); int is_obsolete_version(const char *myversion, const char *start); static char temp_dir[256]; static void setup_directory(void) { static int is_setup = 0; int r; if (is_setup) return; tor_snprintf(temp_dir, sizeof(temp_dir), "/tmp/tor_test_%d", (int) getpid()); #ifdef MS_WINDOWS r = mkdir(temp_dir); #else r = mkdir(temp_dir, 0700); #endif if (r) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't create directory %s:", temp_dir); perror(""); exit(1); } is_setup = 1; } static const char * get_fname(const char *name) { static char buf[1024]; setup_directory(); tor_snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"%s/%s",temp_dir,name); return buf; } static void remove_directory(void) { DIR *dirp; struct dirent *de; setup_directory(); if (!(dirp = opendir(temp_dir))) { perror("Can't open temporary directory to remove files"); return; } while ((de = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) { /* Only "." and ".." start with ., since we don't create any dotfiles. */ if (de->d_name[0] == '.') continue; if (unlink(get_fname(de->d_name))) { perror("Error removing file"); } #if 0 printf("==%s\n", de->d_name); #endif } closedir(dirp); rmdir(temp_dir); } static void test_buffers(void) { #define MAX_BUF_SIZE 1024*1024 char str[256]; char str2[256]; buf_t *buf; buf_t *buf2; int s, i, j, eof; /**** * buf_new ****/ if (!(buf = buf_new())) test_fail(); test_eq(buf_capacity(buf), 512*1024); test_eq(buf_datalen(buf), 0); /**** * read_to_buf ****/ s = open(get_fname("data"), O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0600); for (j=0;j<256;++j) { str[j] = (char)j; } write(s, str, 256); close(s); s = open(get_fname("data"), O_RDONLY, 0); eof = 0; i = read_to_buf(s, 10, buf, &eof); test_eq(buf_capacity(buf), 512*1024); test_eq(buf_datalen(buf), 10); test_eq(eof, 0); test_eq(i, 10); test_memeq(str, (char*)_buf_peek_raw_buffer(buf), 10); /* Test reading 0 bytes. */ i = read_to_buf(s, 0, buf, &eof); test_eq(buf_capacity(buf), 512*1024); test_eq(buf_datalen(buf), 10); test_eq(eof, 0); test_eq(i, 0); /* Now test when buffer is filled exactly. */ buf2 = buf_new_with_capacity(6); i = read_to_buf(s, 6, buf2, &eof); test_eq(buf_capacity(buf2), 6); test_eq(buf_datalen(buf2), 6); test_eq(eof, 0); test_eq(i, 6); test_memeq(str+10, (char*)_buf_peek_raw_buffer(buf2), 6); buf_free(buf2); /* Now test when buffer is filled with more data to read. */ buf2 = buf_new_with_capacity(32); i = read_to_buf(s, 128, buf2, &eof); test_eq(buf_capacity(buf2), 128); test_eq(buf_datalen(buf2), 32); test_eq(eof, 0); test_eq(i, 32); buf_free(buf2); /* Now read to eof. */ test_assert(buf_capacity(buf) > 256); i = read_to_buf(s, 1024, buf, &eof); test_eq(i, (256-32-10-6)); test_eq(buf_capacity(buf), MAX_BUF_SIZE); test_eq(buf_datalen(buf), 256-6-32); test_memeq(str, (char*)_buf_peek_raw_buffer(buf), 10); /* XXX Check rest. */ test_eq(eof, 0); i = read_to_buf(s, 1024, buf, &eof); test_eq(i, 0); test_eq(buf_capacity(buf), MAX_BUF_SIZE); test_eq(buf_datalen(buf), 256-6-32); test_eq(eof, 1); close(s); /**** * fetch_from_buf ****/ memset(str2, 255, 256); test_eq(246, fetch_from_buf(str2, 10, buf)); test_memeq(str2, str, 10); test_memeq(str+10,(char*)_buf_peek_raw_buffer(buf),246); test_eq(buf_datalen(buf),246); test_eq(0, fetch_from_buf(str2, 246, buf)); test_memeq(str2, str+10, 246); test_eq(buf_capacity(buf),MAX_BUF_SIZE); test_eq(buf_datalen(buf),0); /**** * write_to_buf ****/ memset((char *)_buf_peek_raw_buffer(buf), (int)'-', 256); i = write_to_buf("Hello world", 11, buf); test_eq(i, 11); test_eq(buf_datalen(buf), 11); test_memeq((char*)_buf_peek_raw_buffer(buf), "Hello world", 11); i = write_to_buf("XYZZY", 5, buf); test_eq(i, 16); test_eq(buf_datalen(buf), 16); test_memeq((char*)_buf_peek_raw_buffer(buf), "Hello worldXYZZY", 16); /* Test when buffer is overfull. */ #if 0 buflen = 18; test_eq(-1, write_to_buf("This string will not fit.", 25, &buf, &buflen, &buf_datalen)); test_eq(buf_datalen, 16); test_memeq(buf, "Hello worldXYZZY--", 18); buflen = MAX_BUF_SIZE; #endif /**** * flush_buf ****/ /* XXXX Needs tests. */ buf_free(buf); } static void test_crypto_dh(void) { crypto_dh_env_t *dh1, *dh2; char p1[DH_BYTES]; char p2[DH_BYTES]; char s1[DH_BYTES]; char s2[DH_BYTES]; int s1len, s2len; dh1 = crypto_dh_new(); dh2 = crypto_dh_new(); test_eq(crypto_dh_get_bytes(dh1), DH_BYTES); test_eq(crypto_dh_get_bytes(dh2), DH_BYTES); memset(p1, 0, DH_BYTES); memset(p2, 0, DH_BYTES); test_memeq(p1, p2, DH_BYTES); test_assert(! crypto_dh_get_public(dh1, p1, DH_BYTES)); test_memneq(p1, p2, DH_BYTES); test_assert(! crypto_dh_get_public(dh2, p2, DH_BYTES)); test_memneq(p1, p2, DH_BYTES); memset(s1, 0, DH_BYTES); memset(s2, 0xFF, DH_BYTES); s1len = crypto_dh_compute_secret(dh1, p2, DH_BYTES, s1, 50); s2len = crypto_dh_compute_secret(dh2, p1, DH_BYTES, s2, 50); test_assert(s1len > 0); test_eq(s1len, s2len); test_memeq(s1, s2, s1len); crypto_dh_free(dh1); crypto_dh_free(dh2); } static void test_crypto(void) { crypto_cipher_env_t *env1, *env2; crypto_pk_env_t *pk1, *pk2; char *data1, *data2, *data3, *cp; int i, j, p, len; size_t size; data1 = tor_malloc(1024); data2 = tor_malloc(1024); data3 = tor_malloc(1024); test_assert(data1 && data2 && data3); /* Try out RNG. */ test_assert(! crypto_seed_rng()); crypto_rand(data1, 100); crypto_rand(data2, 100); test_memneq(data1,data2,100); #if 0 /* Try out identity ciphers. */ env1 = crypto_new_cipher_env(CRYPTO_CIPHER_IDENTITY); test_neq(env1, 0); test_eq(crypto_cipher_generate_key(env1), 0); test_eq(crypto_cipher_encrypt_init_cipher(env1), 0); for(i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) { data1[i] = (char) i*73; } crypto_cipher_encrypt(env1, data2, data1, 1024); test_memeq(data1, data2, 1024); crypto_free_cipher_env(env1); #endif /* Now, test encryption and decryption with stream cipher. */ data1[0]='\0'; for(i = 1023; i>0; i -= 35) strncat(data1, "Now is the time for all good onions", i); memset(data2, 0, 1024); memset(data3, 0, 1024); env1 = crypto_new_cipher_env(); test_neq(env1, 0); env2 = crypto_new_cipher_env(); test_neq(env2, 0); j = crypto_cipher_generate_key(env1); crypto_cipher_set_key(env2, crypto_cipher_get_key(env1)); crypto_cipher_encrypt_init_cipher(env1); crypto_cipher_decrypt_init_cipher(env2); /* Try encrypting 512 chars. */ crypto_cipher_encrypt(env1, data2, data1, 512); crypto_cipher_decrypt(env2, data3, data2, 512); test_memeq(data1, data3, 512); test_memneq(data1, data2, 512); /* Now encrypt 1 at a time, and get 1 at a time. */ for (j = 512; j < 560; ++j) { crypto_cipher_encrypt(env1, data2+j, data1+j, 1); } for (j = 512; j < 560; ++j) { crypto_cipher_decrypt(env2, data3+j, data2+j, 1); } test_memeq(data1, data3, 560); /* Now encrypt 3 at a time, and get 5 at a time. */ for (j = 560; j < 1024-5; j += 3) { crypto_cipher_encrypt(env1, data2+j, data1+j, 3); } for (j = 560; j < 1024-5; j += 5) { crypto_cipher_decrypt(env2, data3+j, data2+j, 5); } test_memeq(data1, data3, 1024-5); /* Now make sure that when we encrypt with different chunk sizes, we get the same results. */ crypto_free_cipher_env(env2); memset(data3, 0, 1024); env2 = crypto_new_cipher_env(); test_neq(env2, 0); crypto_cipher_set_key(env2, crypto_cipher_get_key(env1)); crypto_cipher_encrypt_init_cipher(env2); for (j = 0; j < 1024-16; j += 17) { crypto_cipher_encrypt(env2, data3+j, data1+j, 17); } for (j= 0; j < 1024-16; ++j) { if (data2[j] != data3[j]) { printf("%d: %d\t%d\n", j, (int) data2[j], (int) data3[j]); } } test_memeq(data2, data3, 1024-16); crypto_free_cipher_env(env1); crypto_free_cipher_env(env2); /* Test vectors for stream ciphers. */ /* XXXX Look up some test vectors for the ciphers and make sure we match. */ /* Test SHA-1 with a test vector from the specification. */ i = crypto_digest(data1, "abc", 3); test_memeq(data1, "\xA9\x99\x3E\x36\x47\x06\x81\x6A\xBA\x3E\x25\x71\x78" "\x50\xC2\x6C\x9C\xD0\xD8\x9D", 20); /* Public-key ciphers */ pk1 = crypto_new_pk_env(); pk2 = crypto_new_pk_env(); test_assert(pk1 && pk2); test_assert(! crypto_pk_generate_key(pk1)); test_assert(! crypto_pk_write_public_key_to_string(pk1, &cp, &size)); test_assert(! crypto_pk_read_public_key_from_string(pk2, cp, size)); test_eq(0, crypto_pk_cmp_keys(pk1, pk2)); tor_free(cp); /* Check DER encoding */ i=crypto_pk_DER64_encode_public_key(pk1, &cp); test_assert(i>0); test_assert(cp); test_assert(!strchr(cp, ' ')); test_assert(!strchr(cp, '\n')); test_eq(0, crypto_pk_cmp_keys(pk1, pk1)); crypto_free_pk_env(pk2); pk2 = crypto_pk_DER64_decode_public_key(cp); test_assert(pk2); test_eq(0, crypto_pk_cmp_keys(pk1, pk2)); tor_free(cp); test_eq(128, crypto_pk_keysize(pk1)); test_eq(128, crypto_pk_keysize(pk2)); test_eq(128, crypto_pk_public_encrypt(pk2, data1, "Hello whirled.", 15, PK_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING)); test_eq(128, crypto_pk_public_encrypt(pk1, data2, "Hello whirled.", 15, PK_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING)); /* oaep padding should make encryption not match */ test_memneq(data1, data2, 128); test_eq(15, crypto_pk_private_decrypt(pk1, data3, data1, 128, PK_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING,1)); test_streq(data3, "Hello whirled."); memset(data3, 0, 1024); test_eq(15, crypto_pk_private_decrypt(pk1, data3, data2, 128, PK_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING,1)); test_streq(data3, "Hello whirled."); /* Can't decrypt with public key. */ test_eq(-1, crypto_pk_private_decrypt(pk2, data3, data2, 128, PK_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING,1)); /* Try again with bad padding */ memcpy(data2+1, "XYZZY", 5); /* This has fails ~ once-in-2^40 */ test_eq(-1, crypto_pk_private_decrypt(pk1, data3, data2, 128, PK_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING,1)); /* File operations: save and load private key */ test_assert(! crypto_pk_write_private_key_to_filename(pk1, get_fname("pkey1"))); test_assert(! crypto_pk_read_private_key_from_filename(pk2, get_fname("pkey1"))); test_eq(15, crypto_pk_private_decrypt(pk2, data3, data1, 128, PK_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING,1)); /* Now try signing. */ strcpy(data1, "Ossifrage"); test_eq(128, crypto_pk_private_sign(pk1, data2, data1, 10)); test_eq(10, crypto_pk_public_checksig(pk1, data3, data2, 128)); test_streq(data3, "Ossifrage"); /* Try signing digests. */ test_eq(128, crypto_pk_private_sign_digest(pk1, data2, data1, 10)); test_eq(20, crypto_pk_public_checksig(pk1, data3, data2, 128)); test_eq(0, crypto_pk_public_checksig_digest(pk1, data1, 10, data2, 128)); test_eq(-1, crypto_pk_public_checksig_digest(pk1, data1, 11, data2, 128)); /*XXXX test failed signing*/ /* Try encoding */ crypto_free_pk_env(pk2); pk2 = NULL; i = crypto_pk_asn1_encode(pk1, data1, 1024); test_assert(i>0); pk2 = crypto_pk_asn1_decode(data1, i); test_assert(crypto_pk_cmp_keys(pk1,pk2) == 0); /* Try with hybrid encryption wrappers. */ crypto_rand(data1, 1024); for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { for (j = 85; j < 140; ++j) { memset(data2,0,1024); memset(data3,0,1024); if (i == 0 && j < 129) continue; p = (i==0)?PK_NO_PADDING: (i==1)?PK_PKCS1_PADDING:PK_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING; len = crypto_pk_public_hybrid_encrypt(pk1,data2,data1,j,p,0); test_assert(len>=0); len = crypto_pk_private_hybrid_decrypt(pk1,data3,data2,len,p,1); test_eq(len,j); test_memeq(data1,data3,j); } } crypto_free_pk_env(pk1); crypto_free_pk_env(pk2); /* Base64 tests */ strcpy(data1, "Test string that contains 35 chars."); strcat(data1, " 2nd string that contains 35 chars."); i = base64_encode(data2, 1024, data1, 71); j = base64_decode(data3, 1024, data2, i); test_streq(data3, data1); test_eq(j, 71); test_assert(data2[i] == '\0'); /* Base32 tests */ strcpy(data1, "5chrs"); /* bit pattern is: [35 63 68 72 73] -> * [00110101 01100011 01101000 01110010 01110011] * By 5s: [00110 10101 10001 10110 10000 11100 10011 10011] */ base32_encode(data2, 9, data1, 5); test_streq(data2, "gvrwq4tt"); strcpy(data1, "\xFF\xF5\x6D\x44\xAE\x0D\x5C\xC9\x62\xC4"); base32_encode(data2, 30, data1, 10); test_streq(data2, "772w2rfobvomsywe"); /* Base16 tests */ strcpy(data1, "6chrs\xff"); base16_encode(data2, 13, data1, 6); test_streq(data2, "3663687273FF"); strcpy(data1, "f0d678affc000100"); i = base16_decode(data2, 8, data1, 16); test_eq(i,0); test_memeq(data2, "\xf0\xd6\x78\xaf\xfc\x00\x01\x00",8); free(data1); free(data2); free(data3); } static void test_util(void) { struct timeval start, end; struct tm a_time; smartlist_t *sl; char timestr[RFC1123_TIME_LEN+1]; char buf[1024]; time_t t_res; int i; uint32_t u32; uint16_t u16; char *cp, *k, *v; start.tv_sec = 5; start.tv_usec = 5000; end.tv_sec = 5; end.tv_usec = 5000; test_eq(0L, tv_udiff(&start, &end)); end.tv_usec = 7000; test_eq(2000L, tv_udiff(&start, &end)); end.tv_sec = 6; test_eq(1002000L, tv_udiff(&start, &end)); end.tv_usec = 0; test_eq(995000L, tv_udiff(&start, &end)); end.tv_sec = 4; test_eq(0L, tv_udiff(&start, &end)); /* The test values here are confirmed to be correct on a platform * with a working timegm. */ a_time.tm_year = 2003-1900; a_time.tm_mon = 7; a_time.tm_mday = 30; a_time.tm_hour = 6; a_time.tm_min = 14; a_time.tm_sec = 55; test_eq((time_t) 1062224095UL, tor_timegm(&a_time)); a_time.tm_year = 2004-1900; /* Try a leap year, after feb. */ test_eq((time_t) 1093846495UL, tor_timegm(&a_time)); a_time.tm_mon = 1; /* Try a leap year, in feb. */ a_time.tm_mday = 10; test_eq((time_t) 1076393695UL, tor_timegm(&a_time)); format_rfc1123_time(timestr, 0); test_streq("Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT", timestr); format_rfc1123_time(timestr, (time_t)1091580502UL); test_streq("Wed, 04 Aug 2004 00:48:22 GMT", timestr); t_res = 0; i = parse_rfc1123_time(timestr, &t_res); test_eq(i,0); test_eq(t_res, (time_t)1091580502UL); /* Test smartlist */ sl = smartlist_create(); smartlist_add(sl, (void*)1); smartlist_add(sl, (void*)2); smartlist_add(sl, (void*)3); smartlist_add(sl, (void*)4); test_eq((void*)2, smartlist_del_keeporder(sl, 1)); smartlist_insert(sl, 1, (void*)22); smartlist_insert(sl, 0, (void*)0); smartlist_insert(sl, 5, (void*)555); test_eq((void*)0, smartlist_get(sl,0)); test_eq((void*)1, smartlist_get(sl,1)); test_eq((void*)22, smartlist_get(sl,2)); test_eq((void*)3, smartlist_get(sl,3)); test_eq((void*)4, smartlist_get(sl,4)); test_eq((void*)555, smartlist_get(sl,5)); smartlist_clear(sl); smartlist_split_string(sl, "abc", ":", 0, 0); test_eq(1, smartlist_len(sl)); test_streq("abc", smartlist_get(sl, 0)); smartlist_split_string(sl, "a::bc::", "::", 0, 0); test_eq(4, smartlist_len(sl)); test_streq("a", smartlist_get(sl, 1)); test_streq("bc", smartlist_get(sl, 2)); test_streq("", smartlist_get(sl, 3)); cp = smartlist_join_strings(sl, "", 0, NULL); test_streq(cp, "abcabc"); tor_free(cp); cp = smartlist_join_strings(sl, "!", 0, NULL); test_streq(cp, "abc!a!bc!"); tor_free(cp); cp = smartlist_join_strings(sl, "XY", 0, NULL); test_streq(cp, "abcXYaXYbcXY"); tor_free(cp); cp = smartlist_join_strings(sl, "XY", 1, NULL); test_streq(cp, "abcXYaXYbcXYXY"); tor_free(cp); cp = smartlist_join_strings(sl, "", 1, NULL); test_streq(cp, "abcabc"); tor_free(cp); smartlist_split_string(sl, "/def/ /ghijk", "/", 0, 0); test_eq(8, smartlist_len(sl)); test_streq("", smartlist_get(sl, 4)); test_streq("def", smartlist_get(sl, 5)); test_streq(" ", smartlist_get(sl, 6)); test_streq("ghijk", smartlist_get(sl, 7)); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(sl, char *, cp, tor_free(cp)); smartlist_clear(sl); smartlist_split_string(sl, "a,bbd,cdef", ",", SPLIT_SKIP_SPACE, 0); test_eq(3, smartlist_len(sl)); test_streq("a", smartlist_get(sl,0)); test_streq("bbd", smartlist_get(sl,1)); test_streq("cdef", smartlist_get(sl,2)); smartlist_split_string(sl, " z <> zhasd <> <> bnud<> ", "<>", SPLIT_SKIP_SPACE, 0); test_eq(8, smartlist_len(sl)); test_streq("z", smartlist_get(sl,3)); test_streq("zhasd", smartlist_get(sl,4)); test_streq("", smartlist_get(sl,5)); test_streq("bnud", smartlist_get(sl,6)); test_streq("", smartlist_get(sl,7)); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(sl, char *, cp, tor_free(cp)); smartlist_clear(sl); smartlist_split_string(sl, " z <> zhasd <> <> bnud<> ", "<>", SPLIT_SKIP_SPACE|SPLIT_IGNORE_BLANK, 0); test_eq(3, smartlist_len(sl)); test_streq("z", smartlist_get(sl, 0)); test_streq("zhasd", smartlist_get(sl, 1)); test_streq("bnud", smartlist_get(sl, 2)); smartlist_split_string(sl, " z <> zhasd <> <> bnud<> ", "<>", SPLIT_SKIP_SPACE|SPLIT_IGNORE_BLANK, 2); test_eq(5, smartlist_len(sl)); test_streq("z", smartlist_get(sl, 3)); test_streq("zhasd <> <> bnud<>", smartlist_get(sl, 4)); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(sl, char *, cp, tor_free(cp)); smartlist_clear(sl); /* Test tor_strstrip() */ strcpy(buf, "Testing 1 2 3"); test_eq(0, tor_strstrip(buf, ",!")); test_streq(buf, "Testing 1 2 3"); strcpy(buf, "!Testing 1 2 3?"); test_eq(5, tor_strstrip(buf, "!? ")); test_streq(buf, "Testing123"); /* Test tor_strpartition() */ test_assert(! tor_strpartition(buf, sizeof(buf), "abcdefg", "##", 3, TERMINATE_IF_EVEN)); test_streq(buf, "abc##def##g"); test_assert(! tor_strpartition(buf, sizeof(buf), "abcdefg", "##", 3, ALWAYS_TERMINATE)); test_streq(buf, "abc##def##g##"); test_assert(! tor_strpartition(buf, sizeof(buf), "abcdefghi", "##", 3, TERMINATE_IF_EVEN)); test_streq(buf, "abc##def##ghi##"); test_assert(! tor_strpartition(buf, sizeof(buf), "abcdefghi", "##", 3, NEVER_TERMINATE)); test_streq(buf, "abc##def##ghi"); /* Test parse_addr_port */ cp = NULL; u32 = 3; u16 = 3; test_assert(!parse_addr_port("", &cp, &u32, &u16)); test_streq(cp, ""); test_eq(u32, 0x01020304u); test_eq(u16, 0); tor_free(cp); test_assert(!parse_addr_port("", &cp, &u32, &u16)); test_streq(cp, ""); test_eq(u32, 0x04030201u); test_eq(u16, 99); tor_free(cp); test_assert(!parse_addr_port("nonexistent.address:4040", &cp, NULL, &u16)); test_streq(cp, "nonexistent.address"); test_eq(u16, 4040); tor_free(cp); test_assert(!parse_addr_port("localhost:9999", &cp, &u32, &u16)); test_streq(cp, "localhost"); test_eq(u32, 0x7f000001u); test_eq(u16, 9999); tor_free(cp); u32 = 3; test_assert(!parse_addr_port("localhost", NULL, &u32, &u16)); test_eq(cp, NULL); test_eq(u32, 0x7f000001u); test_eq(u16, 0); tor_free(cp); /* Test tor_parse_long. */ test_eq(10L, tor_parse_long("10",10,0,100,NULL,NULL)); test_eq(0L, tor_parse_long("10",10,50,100,NULL,NULL)); /* Test parse_line_from_str */ strlcpy(buf, "k v\n" " key value with spaces \n" "keykey val\n" "k2\n" "k3 \n" "\n" " \n" "#comment\n" "k4#a\n" "k5#abc\n" "k6 val #with comment\n", sizeof(buf)); cp = buf; cp = parse_line_from_str(cp, &k, &v); test_streq(k, "k"); test_streq(v, "v"); test_assert(!strcmpstart(cp, " key value with")); cp = parse_line_from_str(cp, &k, &v); test_streq(k, "key"); test_streq(v, "value with spaces"); test_assert(!strcmpstart(cp, "keykey")); cp = parse_line_from_str(cp, &k, &v); test_streq(k, "keykey"); test_streq(v, "val"); test_assert(!strcmpstart(cp, "k2\n")); cp = parse_line_from_str(cp, &k, &v); test_streq(k, "k2"); test_streq(v, ""); test_assert(!strcmpstart(cp, "k3 \n")); cp = parse_line_from_str(cp, &k, &v); test_streq(k, "k3"); test_streq(v, ""); test_assert(!strcmpstart(cp, "\n \n")); cp = parse_line_from_str(cp, &k, &v); test_streq(k, "k4"); test_streq(v, ""); test_assert(!strcmpstart(cp, "k5#abc")); cp = parse_line_from_str(cp, &k, &v); test_streq(k, "k5"); test_streq(v, ""); test_assert(!strcmpstart(cp, "k6")); cp = parse_line_from_str(cp, &k, &v); test_streq(k, "k6"); test_streq(v, "val"); test_streq(cp, ""); /* XXXX test older functions. */ smartlist_free(sl); } static void test_gzip(void) { char *buf1, *buf2=NULL, *buf3=NULL; size_t len1, len2; buf1 = tor_strdup("AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"); if (is_gzip_supported()) { test_assert(!tor_gzip_compress(&buf2, &len1, buf1, strlen(buf1)+1, GZIP_METHOD)); test_assert(buf2); test_assert(!memcmp(buf2, "\037\213", 2)); /* Gzip magic. */ test_assert(!tor_gzip_uncompress(&buf3, &len2, buf2, len1, GZIP_METHOD)); test_assert(buf3); test_streq(buf1,buf3); tor_free(buf2); tor_free(buf3); } test_assert(!tor_gzip_compress(&buf2, &len1, buf1, strlen(buf1)+1, ZLIB_METHOD)); test_assert(buf2); test_assert(!memcmp(buf2, "\x78\xDA", 2)); /* deflate magic. */ test_assert(!tor_gzip_uncompress(&buf3, &len2, buf2, len1, ZLIB_METHOD)); test_assert(buf3); test_streq(buf1,buf3); tor_free(buf2); tor_free(buf3); tor_free(buf1); } static void * _squareAndRemoveK4(const char *key, void*val, void *data) { int *ip = (int*)data; intptr_t v; if (strcmp(key,"K4") == 0) { ++(*ip); return NULL; } v = (intptr_t)val; return (void*)(v*v); } static void test_strmap(void) { strmap_t *map; strmap_iter_t *iter; const char *k; void *v; int count; map = strmap_new(); v = strmap_set(map, "K1", (void*)99); test_eq(v, NULL); v = strmap_set(map, "K2", (void*)101); test_eq(v, NULL); v = strmap_set(map, "K1", (void*)100); test_eq(v, (void*)99); test_eq(strmap_get(map,"K1"), (void*)100); test_eq(strmap_get(map,"K2"), (void*)101); test_eq(strmap_get(map,"K-not-there"), NULL); v = strmap_remove(map,"K2"); test_eq(v, (void*)101); test_eq(strmap_get(map,"K2"), NULL); test_eq(strmap_remove(map,"K2"), NULL); strmap_set(map, "K2", (void*)101); strmap_set(map, "K3", (void*)102); strmap_set(map, "K4", (void*)103); strmap_set(map, "K5", (void*)104); strmap_set(map, "K6", (void*)105); count = 0; strmap_foreach(map, _squareAndRemoveK4, &count); test_eq(count, 1); test_eq(strmap_get(map, "K4"), NULL); test_eq(strmap_get(map, "K1"), (void*)10000); test_eq(strmap_get(map, "K6"), (void*)11025); iter = strmap_iter_init(map); strmap_iter_get(iter,&k,&v); test_streq(k, "K1"); test_eq(v, (void*)10000); iter = strmap_iter_next(map,iter); strmap_iter_get(iter,&k,&v); test_streq(k, "K2"); test_eq(v, (void*)10201); iter = strmap_iter_next_rmv(map,iter); strmap_iter_get(iter,&k,&v); test_streq(k, "K3"); test_eq(v, (void*)10404); iter = strmap_iter_next(map,iter); /* K5 */ test_assert(!strmap_iter_done(iter)); iter = strmap_iter_next(map,iter); /* K6 */ test_assert(!strmap_iter_done(iter)); iter = strmap_iter_next(map,iter); /* done */ test_assert(strmap_iter_done(iter)); /* Make sure we removed K2, but not the others. */ test_eq(strmap_get(map, "K2"), NULL); test_eq(strmap_get(map, "K5"), (void*)10816); /* Clean up after ourselves. */ strmap_free(map, NULL); /* Now try some lc functions. */ map = strmap_new(); strmap_set_lc(map,"Ab.C", (void*)1); test_eq(strmap_get(map,"ab.c"), (void*)1); test_eq(strmap_get_lc(map,"AB.C"), (void*)1); test_eq(strmap_get(map,"AB.C"), NULL); test_eq(strmap_remove_lc(map,"aB.C"), (void*)1); test_eq(strmap_get_lc(map,"AB.C"), NULL); strmap_free(map,NULL); } static void test_onion(void) { #if 0 char **names; int i,num; names = parse_nickname_list(" foo bar\t baz quux ", &num); test_eq(num,4); test_streq(names[0],"foo"); test_streq(names[1],"bar"); test_streq(names[2],"baz"); test_streq(names[3],"quux"); for(i=0;i0); strcpy(buf2, "router Magri testaddr1.foo.bar 9000 9002 9003\n" "platform Tor "VERSION" on "); strcat(buf2, get_uname()); strcat(buf2, "\n" "published 1970-01-01 00:00:00\n" "opt fingerprint "); test_assert(!crypto_pk_get_fingerprint(pk2, fingerprint, 1)); strcat(buf2, fingerprint); strcat(buf2, "\nopt uptime 0\n" /* XXX the "0" above is hardcoded, but even if we made it reflect * uptime, that still wouldn't make it right, because the two * descriptors might be made on different seconds... hm. */ "bandwidth 1000 5000 10000\n" "onion-key\n"); strcat(buf2, pk1_str); strcat(buf2, "signing-key\n"); strcat(buf2, pk2_str); strcat(buf2, bw_lines); strcat(buf2, "router-signature\n"); buf[strlen(buf2)] = '\0'; /* Don't compare the sig; it's never the same twice*/ test_streq(buf, buf2); tor_free(bw_lines); test_assert(router_dump_router_to_string(buf, 2048, &r1, pk2)>0); cp = buf; rp1 = router_parse_entry_from_string((const char*)cp,NULL); test_assert(rp1); test_streq(rp1->address, r1.address); test_eq(rp1->or_port, r1.or_port); test_eq(rp1->socks_port, r1.socks_port); test_eq(rp1->dir_port, r1.dir_port); test_eq(rp1->bandwidthrate, r1.bandwidthrate); test_eq(rp1->bandwidthburst, r1.bandwidthburst); test_eq(rp1->bandwidthcapacity, r1.bandwidthcapacity); test_assert(crypto_pk_cmp_keys(rp1->onion_pkey, pk1) == 0); test_assert(crypto_pk_cmp_keys(rp1->identity_pkey, pk2) == 0); test_assert(rp1->exit_policy == NULL); #if 0 /* XXX Once we have exit policies, test this again. XXX */ strcpy(buf2, "router tor.tor.tor 9005 0 0 3000\n"); strcat(buf2, pk2_str); strcat(buf2, "signing-key\n"); strcat(buf2, pk1_str); strcat(buf2, "accept *:80\nreject 18.*:24\n\n"); test_assert(router_dump_router_to_string(buf, 2048, &r2, pk2)>0); test_streq(buf, buf2); cp = buf; rp2 = router_parse_entry_from_string(&cp); test_assert(rp2); test_streq(rp2->address, r2.address); test_eq(rp2->or_port, r2.or_port); test_eq(rp2->socks_port, r2.socks_port); test_eq(rp2->dir_port, r2.dir_port); test_eq(rp2->bandwidth, r2.bandwidth); test_assert(crypto_pk_cmp_keys(rp2->onion_pkey, pk2) == 0); test_assert(crypto_pk_cmp_keys(rp2->identity_pkey, pk1) == 0); test_eq(rp2->exit_policy->policy_type, EXIT_POLICY_ACCEPT); test_streq(rp2->exit_policy->string, "accept *:80"); test_streq(rp2->exit_policy->address, "*"); test_streq(rp2->exit_policy->port, "80"); test_eq(rp2->exit_policy->next->policy_type, EXIT_POLICY_REJECT); test_streq(rp2->exit_policy->next->string, "reject 18.*:24"); test_streq(rp2->exit_policy->next->address, "18.*"); test_streq(rp2->exit_policy->next->port, "24"); test_assert(rp2->exit_policy->next->next == NULL); #endif /* Okay, now for the directories. */ crypto_pk_get_fingerprint(pk2, buf, 1); add_fingerprint_to_dir("Magri", buf); crypto_pk_get_fingerprint(pk1, buf, 1); add_fingerprint_to_dir("Fred", buf); /* Make sure routers aren't too far in the past any more. */ r1.published_on = time(NULL); r2.published_on = time(NULL)-3*60*60; test_assert(router_dump_router_to_string(buf, 2048, &r1, pk2)>0); cp = buf; test_eq(dirserv_add_descriptor((const char**)&cp), 1); test_assert(router_dump_router_to_string(buf, 2048, &r2, pk1)>0); cp = buf; test_eq(dirserv_add_descriptor((const char**)&cp), 1); options.Nickname = tor_strdup("DirServer"); test_assert(!dirserv_dump_directory_to_string(buf,8192,pk3)); cp = buf; test_assert(!router_parse_routerlist_from_directory(buf, &dir1, pk3, 1)); test_eq(2, smartlist_len(dir1->routers)); dirserv_free_fingerprint_list(); tor_free(pk1_str); tor_free(pk2_str); if (pk1) crypto_free_pk_env(pk1); if (pk2) crypto_free_pk_env(pk2); if (rp1) routerinfo_free(rp1); if (rp2) routerinfo_free(rp2); tor_free(dir1); /* XXXX And more !*/ tor_free(dir2); /* And more !*/ /* Try out version parsing functionality */ test_eq(0, tor_version_parse("0.3.4pre2-cvs", &ver1)); test_eq(0, ver1.major); test_eq(3, ver1.minor); test_eq(4, ver1.micro); test_eq(VER_PRE, ver1.status); test_eq(2, ver1.patchlevel); test_eq(IS_CVS, ver1.cvs); test_eq(0, tor_version_parse("0.3.4rc1", &ver1)); test_eq(0, ver1.major); test_eq(3, ver1.minor); test_eq(4, ver1.micro); test_eq(VER_RC, ver1.status); test_eq(1, ver1.patchlevel); test_eq(IS_NOT_CVS, ver1.cvs); test_eq(0, tor_version_parse("1.3.4", &ver1)); test_eq(1, ver1.major); test_eq(3, ver1.minor); test_eq(4, ver1.micro); test_eq(VER_RELEASE, ver1.status); test_eq(0, ver1.patchlevel); test_eq(IS_NOT_CVS, ver1.cvs); test_eq(0, tor_version_parse("", &ver1)); test_eq(1, ver1.major); test_eq(3, ver1.minor); test_eq(4, ver1.micro); test_eq(VER_RELEASE, ver1.status); test_eq(999, ver1.patchlevel); test_eq(IS_NOT_CVS, ver1.cvs); /* make sure is_obsolete_version() works */ test_eq(1, is_obsolete_version("0.0.1", "Tor 0.0.2")); test_eq(1, is_obsolete_version("0.0.1", "0.0.2, Tor 0.0.3")); test_eq(1, is_obsolete_version("0.0.1", "0.0.2,Tor 0.0.3")); test_eq(1, is_obsolete_version("0.0.1", "0.0.3,BetterTor 0.0.1")); test_eq(0, is_obsolete_version("0.0.2", "Tor 0.0.2,Tor 0.0.3")); test_eq(1, is_obsolete_version("0.0.2", "Tor 0.0.2pre1,Tor 0.0.3")); test_eq(0, is_obsolete_version("0.1.0", "Tor 0.0.2,Tor 0.0.3")); test_eq(0, is_obsolete_version("0.0.7rc2", "0.0.7,Tor 0.0.7rc2,Tor 0.0.8")); test_eq(0, is_obsolete_version("0.0.5", "0.0.5-cvs")); test_eq(0, is_obsolete_version("", "0.0.5")); test_eq(0, tor_version_as_new_as("Tor 0.0.5", "0.0.9pre1-cvs")); test_eq(1, tor_version_as_new_as( "Tor 0.0.8 on Darwin 64-121-192-100.c3-0.sfpo-ubr1.sfrn-sfpo.ca.cable.rcn.com Power Macintosh", "0.0.8rc2")); test_eq(0, tor_version_as_new_as( "Tor 0.0.8 on Darwin 64-121-192-100.c3-0.sfpo-ubr1.sfrn-sfpo.ca.cable.rcn.com Power Macintosh", "")); } static void test_rend_fns(void) { char address1[] = "fooaddress.onion"; char address2[] = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.onion"; rend_service_descriptor_t *d1, *d2; char *encoded; size_t len; crypto_pk_env_t *pk1; time_t now; pk1 = crypto_new_pk_env(); test_assert(!crypto_pk_generate_key(pk1)); d1 = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(rend_service_descriptor_t)); d1->pk = pk1; now = time(NULL); d1->timestamp = now; d1->n_intro_points = 3; d1->intro_points = tor_malloc(sizeof(char*)*3); d1->intro_points[0] = tor_strdup("tom"); d1->intro_points[1] = tor_strdup("crow"); d1->intro_points[2] = tor_strdup("joel"); test_assert(! rend_encode_service_descriptor(d1, pk1, &encoded, &len)); d2 = rend_parse_service_descriptor(encoded, len); test_assert(d2); test_assert(!crypto_pk_cmp_keys(d1->pk, d2->pk)); test_eq(d2->timestamp, now); test_eq(d2->n_intro_points, 3); test_streq(d2->intro_points[0], "tom"); test_streq(d2->intro_points[1], "crow"); test_streq(d2->intro_points[2], "joel"); test_eq(-1, rend_parse_rendezvous_address(address1)); test_eq( 0, rend_parse_rendezvous_address(address2)); rend_service_descriptor_free(d1); rend_service_descriptor_free(d2); } int main(int c, char**v){ #if 0 or_options_t options; /* command-line and config-file options */ if(getconfig(c,v,&options)) exit(1); #endif crypto_seed_rng(); setup_directory(); rep_hist_init(); atexit(remove_directory); // puts("========================== Buffers ========================="); if (0) test_buffers(); puts("\n========================== Crypto =========================="); // add_stream_log(LOG_DEBUG, LOG_ERR, "", stdout); test_crypto(); test_crypto_dh(); puts("\n========================= Util ============================"); test_gzip(); test_util(); test_strmap(); puts("\n========================= Onion Skins ====================="); test_onion(); test_onion_handshake(); puts("\n========================= Directory Formats ==============="); test_dir_format(); puts("\n========================= Rendezvous functionality ========"); test_rend_fns(); puts(""); if (have_failed) return 1; else return 0; } /* Local Variables: mode:c indent-tabs-mode:nil c-basic-offset:2 End: */