/* Copyright 2001-2003 Roger Dingledine, Matej Pfajfar. */
/* See LICENSE for licensing information */
/* $Id$ */
* \file routerparse.c
* \brief Code to parse and validate router descriptors and directories.
#include "or.h"
extern or_options_t options; /* command-line and config-file options */
/** Enumeration of possible token types. The ones starting with K_
* correspond to directory 'keywords'. _UNRECOGNIZED is for an
* unrecognized keyword; _ERR is an error in the tokenizing process,
* _EOF is an end-of-file marker, and _NIL is used to encode
* not-a-token.
typedef enum {
} directory_keyword;
/** Structure to hold a single directory token.
* We parse a directory by breaking it into "tokens", each consisting
* of a keyword, a line full of arguments, and a binary object. The
* arguments and object are both optional, depending on the keyword
* type.
typedef struct directory_token_t {
directory_keyword tp; /**< Type of the token. */
int n_args; /**< Number of elements in args */
char **args; /**< Array of arguments from keyword line. */
char *object_type; /**< -----BEGIN [object_type]-----*/
size_t object_size; /**< Bytes in object_body */
char *object_body; /**< Contents of object, base64-decoded. */
crypto_pk_env_t *key; /**< For public keys only. */
char *error; /**< For _ERR tokens only. */
} directory_token_t;
/* ********************************************************************** */
/** We use a table of rules to decide how to parse each token type. */
/** Rules for how many arguments a keyword can take. */
typedef enum {
NO_ARGS, /**< (1) no arguments, ever */
ARGS, /**< (2) a list of arguments separated by spaces */
CONCAT_ARGS, /**< or (3) the rest of the line, treated as a single argument. */
} arg_syntax;
/** Rules for whether the keyword needs an object. */
typedef enum {
NO_OBJ, /**< (1) no object, ever */
NEED_OBJ, /**< (2) object is required */
NEED_KEY, /**< (3) object is required, and must be a public key. */
OBJ_OK, /**< or (4) object is optional. */
} obj_syntax;
/** Rules for where a keyword can appear. */
typedef enum {
ANY = 0, /**< Appears in router descriptor or in directory sections. */
DIR_ONLY, /**< Appears only in directory. */
RTR_ONLY, /**< Appears only in router descriptor or runningrouters */
} where_syntax;
/** Table mapping keywords to token value and to argument rules. */
static struct {
char *t; int v; arg_syntax s; obj_syntax os; where_syntax ws;
} token_table[] = {
{ "accept", K_ACCEPT, ARGS, NO_OBJ, RTR_ONLY },
{ "reject", K_REJECT, ARGS, NO_OBJ, RTR_ONLY },
{ "router", K_ROUTER, ARGS, NO_OBJ, RTR_ONLY },
{ "recommended-software",K_RECOMMENDED_SOFTWARE,ARGS, NO_OBJ, DIR_ONLY },
{ "signed-directory", K_SIGNED_DIRECTORY, NO_ARGS, NO_OBJ, DIR_ONLY },
{ "running-routers", K_RUNNING_ROUTERS, ARGS, NO_OBJ, DIR_ONLY },
{ "router-status", K_ROUTER_STATUS, ARGS, NO_OBJ, DIR_ONLY },
{ "ports", K_PORTS, ARGS, NO_OBJ, RTR_ONLY },
{ "bandwidth", K_BANDWIDTH, ARGS, NO_OBJ, RTR_ONLY },
{ "dircacheport", K_DIRCACHEPORT, ARGS, NO_OBJ, RTR_ONLY },
{ "network-status", K_NETWORK_STATUS, NO_ARGS, NO_OBJ, DIR_ONLY },
{ "uptime", K_UPTIME, ARGS, NO_OBJ, RTR_ONLY },
{ "dir-signing-key", K_DIR_SIGNING_KEY, ARGS, OBJ_OK, DIR_ONLY },
{ "family", K_FAMILY, ARGS, NO_OBJ, RTR_ONLY },
/* static function prototypes */
static int router_add_exit_policy(routerinfo_t *router,directory_token_t *tok);
static struct exit_policy_t *router_parse_exit_policy(directory_token_t *tok);
static int router_get_hash_impl(const char *s, char *digest,
const char *start_str, const char *end_str);
static void token_free(directory_token_t *tok);
static smartlist_t *find_all_exitpolicy(smartlist_t *s);
static directory_token_t *find_first_by_keyword(smartlist_t *s,
directory_keyword keyword);
static int tokenize_string(const char *start, const char *end,
smartlist_t *out, int is_dir);
static directory_token_t *get_next_token(const char **s, where_syntax where);
static int check_directory_signature(const char *digest,
directory_token_t *tok,
crypto_pk_env_t *pkey,
crypto_pk_env_t *declared_key);
static crypto_pk_env_t *find_dir_signing_key(const char *str);
/** Set digest to the SHA-1 digest of the hash of the directory in
* s. Return 0 on success, nonzero on failure.
int router_get_dir_hash(const char *s, char *digest)
return router_get_hash_impl(s,digest,
/** Set digest to the SHA-1 digest of the hash of the first router in
* s. Return 0 on success, nonzero on failure.
int router_get_router_hash(const char *s, char *digest)
return router_get_hash_impl(s,digest,
"router ","\nrouter-signature");
/** Set digest to the SHA-1 digest of the hash of the running-routers
* string in s. Return 0 on success, nonzero on failure.
int router_get_runningrouters_hash(const char *s, char *digest)
return router_get_hash_impl(s,digest,
* Find the first instance of "recommended-software ...\n" at the start of
* a line; return a newly allocated string containing the "..." portion.
* Return NULL if no such instance was found.
static char *
get_recommended_software_from_directory(const char *str)
#define REC "recommended-software "
const char *cp = str, *eol;
size_t len = strlen(REC);
cp = str;
if (strcmpstart(str, REC)==0) {
cp += len;
} else {
cp = strstr(str, "\n"REC);
if (!cp)
return NULL;
cp += len+1;
eol = strchr(cp, '\n');
if (!eol)
return NULL;
return tor_strndup(cp, eol-cp);
#undef REC
/** Return 1 if myversion is not in versionlist, and if at least
* one version of Tor on versionlist is newer than myversion.
* Otherwise return 0.
* (versionlist is a comma-separated list of version strings,
* optionally prefixed with "Tor". Versions that can't be parsed are
* ignored.) */
/* static */ int is_obsolete_version(const char *myversion,
const char *versionlist) {
const char *vl;
tor_version_t mine, other;
int found_newer = 0, r, ret;
static int warned_too_new=0;
smartlist_t *version_sl;
vl = versionlist;
log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"checking '%s' in '%s'.", myversion, versionlist);
if (tor_version_parse(myversion, &mine)) {
log_fn(LOG_ERR, "I couldn't parse my own version (%s)", myversion);
version_sl = smartlist_create();
smartlist_split_string(version_sl, versionlist, ",", SPLIT_SKIP_SPACE, 0);
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(version_sl, const char *, cp, {
if (!strcmpstart(cp, "Tor "))
cp += 4;
if (tor_version_parse(cp, &other)) {
/* Couldn't parse other; it can't be a match. */
} else {
r = tor_version_compare(&mine, &other);
if (r==0) {
ret = 0;
goto done;
} else if (r<0) {
found_newer = 1;
if (!found_newer) {
if (!warned_too_new) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "This version of Tor (%s) is newer than any on the recommended list (%s)",
myversion, versionlist);
ret = 0;
} else {
ret = 1;
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(version_sl, char *, version, tor_free(version));
return ret;
/* Return 0 if myversion is supported; else log a message and return
* -1 (or exit if ignoreversions is false) */
int check_software_version_against_directory(const char *directory,
int ignoreversion)
char *v;
v = get_recommended_software_from_directory(directory);
if (!v) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "No recommended-versions string found in directory");
return -1;
if (!is_obsolete_version(VERSION, v)) {
return 0;
log(ignoreversion ? LOG_WARN : LOG_ERR,
"You are running Tor version %s, which will not work with this network.\n"
"Please use %s%s.",
VERSION, strchr(v,',') ? "one of " : "", v);
if(ignoreversion) {
log(LOG_WARN, "IgnoreVersion is set. If it breaks, we told you so.");
return -1;
} else {
return -1; /* never reached */
/** Parse a directory from str and, when done, store the
* resulting routerlist in *dest, freeing the old value if necessary.
* If pkey is provided, we check the directory signature with pkey.
int /* Should be static; exposed for unit tests */
router_parse_routerlist_from_directory(const char *str,
routerlist_t **dest,
crypto_pk_env_t *pkey,
int check_version)
directory_token_t *tok;
char digest[DIGEST_LEN];
routerlist_t *new_dir = NULL;
char *versions = NULL;
smartlist_t *good_nickname_list = NULL;
time_t published_on;
int i, r;
const char *end, *cp;
smartlist_t *tokens = NULL;
char dirnickname[MAX_NICKNAME_LEN+1];
crypto_pk_env_t *declared_key = NULL;
if (router_get_dir_hash(str, digest)) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Unable to compute digest of directory");
goto err;
log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"Received directory hashes to %s",hex_str(digest,4));
/* Check signature first, before we try to tokenize. */
cp = str;
while (cp && (end = strstr(cp+1, "\ndirectory-signature")))
cp = end;
if (cp == str || !cp) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "No signature found on directory."); goto err;
tokens = smartlist_create();
if (tokenize_string(cp,strchr(cp,'\0'),tokens,1)) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Error tokenizing directory signature"); goto err;
if (smartlist_len(tokens) != 1) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Unexpected number of tokens in signature"); goto err;
if(tok->tp != K_DIRECTORY_SIGNATURE) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN,"Expected a single directory signature"); goto err;
declared_key = find_dir_signing_key(str);
if (check_directory_signature(digest, tok, pkey, declared_key)<0)
goto err;
/* now we know tok->n_args == 1, so it's safe to access tok->args[0] */
strlcpy(dirnickname, tok->args[0], sizeof(dirnickname));
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(tokens, directory_token_t *, tok, token_free(tok));
tokens = NULL;
/* Now that we know the signature is okay, check the version. */
if (check_version)
check_software_version_against_directory(str, options.IgnoreVersion);
/* Now try to parse the first part of the directory. */
if ((end = strstr(str,"\nrouter "))) {
} else if ((end = strstr(str, "\ndirectory-signature"))) {
} else {
end = str + strlen(str);
tokens = smartlist_create();
if (tokenize_string(str,end,tokens,1)) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Error tokenizing directory"); goto err;
if (smartlist_len(tokens) < 1) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Impossibly short directory header"); goto err;
if ((tok = find_first_by_keyword(tokens, _UNRECOGNIZED))) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Unrecognized keyword \"%s\" in directory header; can't parse directory.",
goto err;
tok = smartlist_get(tokens,0);
if (tok->tp != K_SIGNED_DIRECTORY) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Directory doesn't start with signed-directory.");
goto err;
if (!(tok = find_first_by_keyword(tokens, K_PUBLISHED))) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Missing published time on directory.");
goto err;
tor_assert(tok->n_args == 1);
if (parse_iso_time(tok->args[0], &published_on) < 0) {
goto err;
if (!(tok = find_first_by_keyword(tokens, K_RECOMMENDED_SOFTWARE))) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Missing recommended-software line from directory.");
goto err;
if (tok->n_args > 1) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Invalid recommended-software line");
goto err;
versions = tok->n_args ? tor_strdup(tok->args[0]) : tor_strdup("");
/* Prefer router-status, then running-routers. */
if (!(tok = find_first_by_keyword(tokens, K_ROUTER_STATUS))) {
if (!(tok = find_first_by_keyword(tokens, K_RUNNING_ROUTERS))) {
"Missing running-routers/router-status line from directory.");
goto err;
good_nickname_list = smartlist_create();
for (i=0; in_args; ++i) {
smartlist_add(good_nickname_list, tok->args[i]);
tok->n_args = 0; /* Don't free the strings in good_nickname_list yet. */
/* Read the router list from s, advancing s up past the end of the last
* router. */
str = end;
if (router_parse_list_from_string(&str, &new_dir,
published_on)) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Error reading routers from directory");
goto err;
/* Determine if my routerinfo is considered verified. */
static int have_warned_about_unverified_status = 0;
routerinfo_t *me = router_get_my_routerinfo();
if(me) {
if(router_update_status_from_smartlist(me, published_on,
tok->tp==K_RUNNING_ROUTERS)==1 &&
me->is_verified == 0 && !have_warned_about_unverified_status) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN,"Dirserver %s lists your server as unverified. Please consider sending your identity fingerprint to the tor-ops.", dirnickname);
have_warned_about_unverified_status = 1;
new_dir->software_versions = versions; versions = NULL;
new_dir->published_on = published_on;
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(tokens, directory_token_t *, tok, token_free(tok));
tokens = NULL;
if (*dest)
*dest = new_dir;
r = 0;
goto done;
r = -1;
if (new_dir)
if (declared_key) crypto_free_pk_env(declared_key);
if (tokens) {
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(tokens, directory_token_t *, tok, token_free(tok));
if (good_nickname_list) {
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(good_nickname_list, char *, n, tor_free(n));
return r;
running_routers_t *
router_parse_runningrouters(const char *str)
char digest[DIGEST_LEN];
running_routers_t *new_list = NULL;
directory_token_t *tok;
time_t published_on;
int i;
crypto_pk_env_t *declared_key = NULL;
smartlist_t *tokens = NULL;
if (router_get_runningrouters_hash(str, digest)) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Unable to compute digest of directory");
goto err;
tokens = smartlist_create();
if (tokenize_string(str,str+strlen(str),tokens,1)) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Error tokenizing directory"); goto err;
if ((tok = find_first_by_keyword(tokens, _UNRECOGNIZED))) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Unrecognized keyword \"%s\"; can't parse running-routers",
goto err;
tok = smartlist_get(tokens,0);
if (tok->tp != K_NETWORK_STATUS) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Network-status starts with wrong token");
goto err;
if (!(tok = find_first_by_keyword(tokens, K_PUBLISHED))) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Missing published time on directory.");
goto err;
tor_assert(tok->n_args == 1);
if (parse_iso_time(tok->args[0], &published_on) < 0) {
goto err;
if (!(tok = find_first_by_keyword(tokens, K_ROUTER_STATUS))) {
if (!(tok = find_first_by_keyword(tokens, K_RUNNING_ROUTERS))) {
"Missing running-routers/router-status line from directory.");
goto err;
new_list = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(running_routers_t));
new_list->published_on = published_on;
new_list->running_routers = smartlist_create();
new_list->is_running_routers_format = (tok->tp == K_RUNNING_ROUTERS);
for (i=0;in_args;++i) {
smartlist_add(new_list->running_routers, tok->args[i]);
if (!(tok = find_first_by_keyword(tokens, K_DIRECTORY_SIGNATURE))) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Missing signature on directory");
goto err;
declared_key = find_dir_signing_key(str);
if (check_directory_signature(digest, tok, NULL, declared_key) < 0)
goto err;
goto done;
new_list = NULL;
if (declared_key) crypto_free_pk_env(declared_key);
if (tokens) {
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(tokens, directory_token_t *, tok, token_free(tok));
return new_list;
/** Given a directory or running-routers string in str, try to
* find the its dir-signing-key token (if any). If this token is
* present, extract and return the key. Return NULL on failure. */
static crypto_pk_env_t *find_dir_signing_key(const char *str)
const char *cp;
directory_token_t *tok;
crypto_pk_env_t *key = NULL;
/* Is there a dir-signing-key in the directory? */
cp = strstr(str, "\nopt dir-signing-key");
if (!cp)
cp = strstr(str, "\ndir-signing-key");
if (!cp)
return NULL;
++cp; /* Now cp points to the start of the token. */
tok = get_next_token(&cp, DIR_ONLY);
if (!tok) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Unparseable dir-signing-key token");
return NULL;
if (tok->tp != K_DIR_SIGNING_KEY) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Dir-signing-key token did not parse as expected");
return NULL;
if (tok->key) {
key = tok->key;
tok->key = NULL; /* steal reference. */
} else if (tok->n_args >= 1) {
key = crypto_pk_DER64_decode_public_key(tok->args[0]);
if (!key) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Unparseable dir-signing-key argument");
return NULL;
} else {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Dir-signing-key token contained no key");
return NULL;
return key;
/** Return true iff key is allowed to sign directories.
static int dir_signing_key_is_trusted(crypto_pk_env_t *key)
char digest[DIGEST_LEN];
if (!key) return 0;
if (crypto_pk_get_digest(key, digest) < 0) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Error computing dir-signing-key digest");
return 0;
if(!router_digest_is_trusted_dir(digest)) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Listed dir-signing-key is not trusted");
return 0;
return 1;
/** Check whether the K_DIRECTORY_SIGNATURE token in tok has a
* good signature for digest.
* If declared_key is set, the directory has declared what key
* was used to sign it, so we will use that key only if it is an
* authoritative directory signing key.
* Otherwise, if pkey is provided, try to use it.
* (New callers should always use declared_key when possible;
* pkey is only for debugging.)
static int check_directory_signature(const char *digest,
directory_token_t *tok,
crypto_pk_env_t *pkey,
crypto_pk_env_t *declared_key)
char signed_digest[PK_BYTES];
crypto_pk_env_t *_pkey = NULL;
if (tok->n_args != 1) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Too many or too few arguments to directory-signature");
return -1;
if (declared_key) {
if (dir_signing_key_is_trusted(declared_key))
_pkey = declared_key;
if (!_pkey && pkey) {
/* pkey provided for debugging purposes */
_pkey = pkey;
if (!_pkey) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Found directory in old (before 0.0.9pre3) format--rejecting.");
return -1;
if (strcmp(tok->object_type, "SIGNATURE") || tok->object_size != 128) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Bad object type or length on directory signature");
return -1;
if (crypto_pk_public_checksig(_pkey, tok->object_body, 128, signed_digest)
!= 20) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Error reading directory: invalid signature.");
return -1;
log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"Signed directory hash starts %s", hex_str(signed_digest,4));
if (memcmp(digest, signed_digest, 20)) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Error reading directory: signature does not match.");
return -1;
return 0;
/** Given a string *s containing a concatenated sequence of router
* descriptors, parses them and stores the result in *dest. If
* good_nickname_list is provided, then routers are marked as
* running/nonrunning and verified/unverified based on their status in the
* list. Otherwise, all routers are marked running and verified. Advances
* *s to a point immediately following the last router entry. Returns 0 on
* success and -1 on failure.
router_parse_list_from_string(const char **s, routerlist_t **dest,
smartlist_t *good_nickname_list,
int rr_format, time_t published_on)
routerinfo_t *router;
smartlist_t *routers;
const char *end;
routers = smartlist_create();
while (1) {
*s = eat_whitespace(*s);
/* Don't start parsing the rest of *s unless it contains a router. */
if (strcmpstart(*s, "router ")!=0)
if ((end = strstr(*s+1, "\nrouter "))) {
} else if ((end = strstr(*s+1, "\ndirectory-signature"))) {
} else {
end = *s+strlen(*s);
router = router_parse_entry_from_string(*s, end);
*s = end;
if (!router) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Error reading router; skipping");
if (!good_nickname_list) {
router->is_running = 1; /* start out assuming all dirservers are up */
router->is_verified = 1;
router->status_set_at = time(NULL);
smartlist_add(routers, router);
log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"just added router #%d.",smartlist_len(routers));
if (good_nickname_list) {
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(good_nickname_list, const char *, cp,
routers_update_status_from_entry(routers, published_on,
cp, rr_format));
if (*dest)
*dest = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(routerlist_t));
(*dest)->routers = routers;
return 0;
/** Helper function: reads a single router entry from *s ...
* *end. Mallocs a new router and returns it if all goes well, else
* returns NULL.
routerinfo_t *router_parse_entry_from_string(const char *s,
const char *end) {
routerinfo_t *router = NULL;
char signed_digest[128];
char digest[128];
smartlist_t *tokens = NULL, *exit_policy_tokens = NULL;
directory_token_t *tok;
int t;
int ports_set, bw_set;
if (!end) {
end = s + strlen(s);
if (router_get_router_hash(s, digest) < 0) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Couldn't compute router hash.");
return NULL;
tokens = smartlist_create();
if (tokenize_string(s,end,tokens,0)) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Error tokeninzing router descriptor."); goto err;
if (smartlist_len(tokens) < 2) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Impossibly short router descriptor.");
goto err;
if ((tok = find_first_by_keyword(tokens, _UNRECOGNIZED))) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Unrecognized keyword \"%s\"; skipping descriptor.",
goto err;
tok = smartlist_get(tokens,0);
if (tok->tp != K_ROUTER) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN,"Entry does not start with \"router\"");
goto err;
router = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(routerinfo_t));
ports_set = bw_set = 0;
if (tok->n_args == 2 || tok->n_args == 5 || tok->n_args == 6) {
router->nickname = tor_strdup(tok->args[0]);
if (!is_legal_nickname(router->nickname)) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN,"Router nickname is invalid");
goto err;
router->address = tor_strdup(tok->args[1]);
router->addr = 0;
if (tok->n_args >= 5) {
router->or_port = (uint16_t) tor_parse_long(tok->args[2],10,0,65535,NULL,NULL);
router->socks_port = (uint16_t) tor_parse_long(tok->args[3],10,0,65535,NULL,NULL);
router->dir_port = (uint16_t) tor_parse_long(tok->args[4],10,0,65535,NULL,NULL);
ports_set = 1;
} else {
log_fn(LOG_WARN,"Wrong # of arguments to \"router\" (%d)",tok->n_args);
goto err;
tok = find_first_by_keyword(tokens, K_PORTS);
if (tok && ports_set) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN,"Redundant ports line");
goto err;
} else if (tok) {
if (tok->n_args != 3) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN,"Wrong # of arguments to \"ports\"");
goto err;
router->or_port = (uint16_t) tor_parse_long(tok->args[0],10,0,65535,NULL,NULL);
router->socks_port = (uint16_t) tor_parse_long(tok->args[1],10,0,65535,NULL,NULL);
router->dir_port = (uint16_t) tor_parse_long(tok->args[2],10,0,65535,NULL,NULL);
ports_set = 1;
tok = find_first_by_keyword(tokens, K_DIRCACHEPORT);
if (tok) {
if (router->dir_port)
log_fn(LOG_WARN,"Redundant dircacheport line");
if (tok->n_args != 1) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN,"Wrong # of arguments to \"dircacheport\"");
goto err;
router->dir_port = (uint16_t) tor_parse_long(tok->args[0],10,1,65535,NULL,NULL);
tok = find_first_by_keyword(tokens, K_BANDWIDTH);
if (tok && bw_set) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN,"Redundant bandwidth line");
goto err;
} else if (tok) {
if (tok->n_args < 3) {
/* XXXX Once 0.0.7 is *really* dead, restore this warning to its old form*/
log_fn(LOG_WARN,"Not enough arguments to \"bandwidth\": must be an obsolete server. Rejecting.");
goto err;
router->bandwidthrate = tor_parse_long(tok->args[0],10,0,INT_MAX,NULL,NULL);
router->bandwidthburst = tor_parse_long(tok->args[1],10,0,INT_MAX,NULL,NULL);
router->bandwidthcapacity = tor_parse_long(tok->args[2],10,0,INT_MAX,NULL,NULL);
bw_set = 1;
if ((tok = find_first_by_keyword(tokens, K_UPTIME))) {
if (tok->n_args != 1) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Unrecognized number of args on K_UPTIME; skipping.");
} else {
router->uptime = tor_parse_long(tok->args[0],10,0,LONG_MAX,NULL,NULL);
if (!(tok = find_first_by_keyword(tokens, K_PUBLISHED))) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Missing published time"); goto err;
tor_assert(tok->n_args == 1);
if (parse_iso_time(tok->args[0], &router->published_on) < 0)
goto err;
if (!(tok = find_first_by_keyword(tokens, K_ONION_KEY))) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Missing onion key"); goto err;
/* XXX Check key length */
router->onion_pkey = tok->key;
tok->key = NULL; /* Prevent free */
if (!(tok = find_first_by_keyword(tokens, K_SIGNING_KEY))) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Missing identity key"); goto err;
/* XXX Check key length */
router->identity_pkey = tok->key;
tok->key = NULL; /* Prevent free */
if (crypto_pk_get_digest(router->identity_pkey,router->identity_digest)){
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Couldn't calculate key digest"); goto err;
if ((tok = find_first_by_keyword(tokens, K_PLATFORM))) {
router->platform = tor_strdup(tok->args[0]);
exit_policy_tokens = find_all_exitpolicy(tokens);
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(exit_policy_tokens, directory_token_t *, t,
if (router_add_exit_policy(router,t)<0) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN,"Error in exit policy"); goto err;}
if ((tok = find_first_by_keyword(tokens, K_FAMILY)) && tok->n_args) {
int i;
router->declared_family = smartlist_create();
for (i=0;in_args;++i) {
if (!is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest(tok->args[i])) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Illegal nickname %s in family line", tok->args[i]);
goto err;
smartlist_add(router->declared_family, tor_strdup(tok->args[i]));
if (!(tok = find_first_by_keyword(tokens, K_ROUTER_SIGNATURE))) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Missing router signature"); goto err;
if (strcmp(tok->object_type, "SIGNATURE") || tok->object_size != 128) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Bad object type or length on router signature");
goto err;
if ((t=crypto_pk_public_checksig(router->identity_pkey, tok->object_body,
128, signed_digest)) != 20) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Invalid signature %d",t); goto err;
if (memcmp(digest, signed_digest, 20)) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Mismatched signature"); goto err;
if (!ports_set) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN,"No ports declared; failing."); goto err;
if (!bw_set) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN,"No bandwidth declared; failing."); goto err;
if(!router->or_port) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN,"or_port unreadable or 0. Failing.");
goto err;
if (!router->bandwidthrate) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN,"bandwidthrate unreadable or 0. Failing.");
goto err;
if (!router->platform) {
router->platform = tor_strdup("");
log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"or_port %d, socks_port %d, dir_port %d, bandwidthrate %u, bandwidthburst %u.",
router->or_port, router->socks_port, router->dir_port,
(unsigned) router->bandwidthrate, (unsigned) router->bandwidthburst);
goto done;
return router;
router = NULL;
if (tokens) {
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(tokens, directory_token_t *, tok, token_free(tok));
if (exit_policy_tokens) {
return router;
/** Parse the exit policy in the string s and return it.
struct exit_policy_t *
router_parse_exit_policy_from_string(const char *s)
directory_token_t *tok = NULL;
const char *cp;
char *tmp;
struct exit_policy_t *r;
size_t len, idx;
/* *s might not end with \n, so we need to extend it with one. */
len = strlen(s);
cp = tmp = tor_malloc(len+2);
for (idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx) {
tmp[idx] = tolower(s[idx]);
tok = get_next_token(&cp, RTR_ONLY);
if (tok->tp == _ERR) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Error reading exit policy: %s", tok->error);
goto err;
if (tok->tp != K_ACCEPT && tok->tp != K_REJECT) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Expected 'accept' or 'reject'.");
goto err;
/* Now that we've gotten an exit policy, add it to the router. */
r = router_parse_exit_policy(tok);
goto done;
r = NULL;
return r;
int router_add_exit_policy_from_string(routerinfo_t *router, const char *s)
struct exit_policy_t *newe, *tmpe;
newe = router_parse_exit_policy_from_string(s);
if (!newe)
return -1;
for (tmpe = router->exit_policy; tmpe; tmpe=tmpe->next)
tmpe->next = newe;
return 0;
static int router_add_exit_policy(routerinfo_t *router,directory_token_t *tok)
struct exit_policy_t *newe, **tmpe;
newe = router_parse_exit_policy(tok);
if (!newe)
return -1;
for (tmpe = &router->exit_policy; *tmpe; tmpe=&((*tmpe)->next))
*tmpe = newe;
return 0;
/** Given a K_ACCEPT or K_REJECT token and a router, create and return
* a new exit_policy_t corresponding to the token. */
static struct exit_policy_t *
router_parse_exit_policy(directory_token_t *tok) {
struct exit_policy_t *newe;
struct in_addr in;
char *arg, *address;
tor_assert(tok->tp == K_REJECT || tok->tp == K_ACCEPT);
if (tok->n_args != 1)
return NULL;
arg = tok->args[0];
newe = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(struct exit_policy_t));
newe->string = tor_malloc(8+strlen(arg));
if (tok->tp == K_REJECT) {
strcpy(newe->string, "reject ");
newe->policy_type = EXIT_POLICY_REJECT;
} else {
strcpy(newe->string, "accept ");
newe->policy_type = EXIT_POLICY_ACCEPT;
strcat(newe->string, arg); /* can't overflow */
if (parse_addr_and_port_range(arg, &newe->addr, &newe->msk,
&newe->prt_min, &newe->prt_max))
goto policy_read_failed;
in.s_addr = htonl(newe->addr);
address = tor_strdup(inet_ntoa(in));
in.s_addr = htonl(newe->msk);
log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"%s %s/%s:%d-%d",
newe->policy_type == EXIT_POLICY_REJECT ? "reject" : "accept",
address, inet_ntoa(in), newe->prt_min, newe->prt_max);
return newe;
log_fn(LOG_WARN,"Couldn't parse line '%s'. Dropping", newe->string);
return NULL;
* Low-level tokenizer for router descriptors and directories.
/** Free all resources allocated for tok */
static void
token_free(directory_token_t *tok)
int i;
if (tok->args) {
for (i = 0; i < tok->n_args; ++i) {
if (tok->key)
/** Helper function: read the next token from *s, advance *s to the end
* of the token, and return the parsed token. If 'where' is DIR_ONLY
* or RTR_ONLY, reject all tokens of the wrong type.
static directory_token_t *
get_next_token(const char **s, where_syntax where) {
const char *next, *obstart;
int i, done, allocated, is_opt;
directory_token_t *tok;
arg_syntax a_syn;
obj_syntax o_syn = NO_OBJ;
#define RET_ERR(msg) \
do { if (tok) token_free(tok); \
tok = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(directory_token_t));\
tok->tp = _ERR; \
tok->error = msg; \
goto done_tokenizing; } while (0)
tok = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(directory_token_t));
tok->tp = _ERR;
*s = eat_whitespace(*s);
if (!**s) {
tok->tp = _EOF;
return tok;
next = find_whitespace(*s);
if (!next) {
tok->error = "Unexpected EOF"; return tok;
/* It's a keyword... but which one? */
is_opt = !strncmp("opt", *s, next-*s);
if (is_opt) {
*s = eat_whitespace(next);
next = NULL;
if (**s)
next = find_whitespace(*s);
if (!**s || !next) {
RET_ERR("opt without keyword");
for (i = 0; token_table[i].t ; ++i) {
if (!strncmp(token_table[i].t, *s, next-*s)) {
/* We've found the keyword. */
tok->tp = token_table[i].v;
a_syn = token_table[i].s;
o_syn = token_table[i].os;
if (token_table[i].ws != ANY && token_table[i].ws != where) {
if (where == DIR_ONLY) {
RET_ERR("Found a router-only token in a directory section");
} else {
RET_ERR("Found a directory-only token in a router descriptor");
if (a_syn == ARGS) {
/* This keyword takes multiple arguments. */
i = 0;
done = (*next == '\n');
allocated = 32;
tok->args = tor_malloc(sizeof(char*)*32);
*s = eat_whitespace_no_nl(next);
while (**s != '\n' && !done) {
next = find_whitespace(*s);
if (*next == '\n')
done = 1;
if (i == allocated) {
allocated *= 2;
tok->args = tor_realloc(tok->args,sizeof(char*)*allocated);
tok->args[i++] = tor_strndup(*s,next-*s);
*s = eat_whitespace_no_nl(next+1);
tok->n_args = i;
} else if (a_syn == CONCAT_ARGS) {
/* The keyword takes the line as a single argument */
*s = eat_whitespace_no_nl(next);
next = strchr(*s, '\n');
if (!next)
RET_ERR("Unexpected EOF");
tok->args = tor_malloc(sizeof(char*));
tok->args[0] = tor_strndup(*s,next-*s);
tok->n_args = 1;
*s = eat_whitespace_no_nl(next+1);
} else {
/* The keyword takes no arguments. */
tor_assert(a_syn == NO_ARGS);
*s = eat_whitespace_no_nl(next);
if (**s != '\n') {
RET_ERR("Unexpected arguments");
tok->n_args = 0;
*s = eat_whitespace_no_nl(*s+1);
if (tok->tp == _ERR) {
if (is_opt) {
tok->tp = K_OPT;
*s = eat_whitespace_no_nl(next);
next = strchr(*s,'\n');
if (!next)
RET_ERR("Unexpected EOF");
tok->args = tor_malloc(sizeof(char*));
tok->args[0] = tor_strndup(*s,next-*s);
tok->n_args = 1;
*s = eat_whitespace_no_nl(next+1);
o_syn = OBJ_OK;
} else {
tok->tp = _UNRECOGNIZED;
next = strchr(*s, '\n');
if (!next) {
RET_ERR("Unexpected EOF");
tok->args = tor_malloc(sizeof(char*));
tok->args[0] = tor_strndup(*s,next-*s);
tok->n_args = 1;
*s = next+1;
o_syn = OBJ_OK;
*s = eat_whitespace(*s);
if (strcmpstart(*s, "-----BEGIN ")) {
goto done_tokenizing;
obstart = *s;
*s += 11; /* length of "-----BEGIN ". */
next = strchr(*s, '\n');
if (next-*s < 6 || strcmpstart(next-5, "-----\n")) {
RET_ERR("Malformed object: bad begin line");
tok->object_type = tor_strndup(*s, next-*s-5);
*s = next+1;
next = strstr(*s, "-----END ");
if (!next) {
RET_ERR("Malformed object: missing end line");
if (!strcmp(tok->object_type, "RSA PUBLIC KEY")) {
if (strcmpstart(next, "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"))
RET_ERR("Malformed object: mismatched end line");
next = strchr(next,'\n')+1;
tok->key = crypto_new_pk_env();
if (crypto_pk_read_public_key_from_string(tok->key, obstart, next-obstart))
RET_ERR("Couldn't parse public key.");
*s = next;
} else {
tok->object_body = tor_malloc(next-*s); /* really, this is too much RAM. */
i = base64_decode(tok->object_body, 256, *s, next-*s);
if (i<0) {
RET_ERR("Malformed object: bad base64-encoded data");
tok->object_size = i;
*s = next + 9; /* length of "-----END ". */
i = strlen(tok->object_type);
if (strncmp(*s, tok->object_type, i) || strcmpstart(*s+i, "-----\n")) {
RET_ERR("Malformed object: mismatched end tag");
*s += i+6;
case NO_OBJ:
if (tok->object_body)
RET_ERR("Unexpected object for keyword");
if (tok->key)
RET_ERR("Unexpected public key for keyword");
case NEED_OBJ:
if (!tok->object_body)
RET_ERR("Missing object for keyword");
case NEED_KEY:
if (!tok->key)
RET_ERR("Missing public key for keyword");
case OBJ_OK:
#if 0
for (i = 0; token_table[i].t ; ++i) {
if (token_table[i].v == tok->tp) {
fputs(token_table[i].t, stdout);
i = -1;
if (i) {
if (tok->tp == _UNRECOGNIZED) fputs("UNRECOGNIZED", stdout);
if (tok->tp == _ERR) fputs("ERR",stdout);
if (tok->tp == _EOF) fputs("EOF",stdout);
if (tok->tp == _NIL) fputs("_NIL",stdout);
for(i = 0; i < tok->n_args; ++i) {
fprintf(stdout," \"%s\"", tok->args[i]);
if (tok->error) { fprintf(stdout," *%s*", tok->error); }
return tok;
#undef RET_ERR
/** Read all tokens from a string between start and end, and add
* them to out. If is_dir is true, reject all non-directory
* tokens; else reject all non-routerdescriptor tokens.
static int
tokenize_string(const char *start, const char *end, smartlist_t *out,
int is_dir)
const char **s;
directory_token_t *tok = NULL;
where_syntax where = is_dir ? DIR_ONLY : RTR_ONLY;
s = &start;
while (*s < end && (!tok || tok->tp != _EOF)) {
tok = get_next_token(s, where);
if (tok->tp == _ERR) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "parse error: %s", tok->error);
return -1;
smartlist_add(out, tok);
*s = eat_whitespace(*s);
return 0;
/** Find the first token in s whose keyword is keyword; return
* NULL if no such keyword is found.
static directory_token_t *
find_first_by_keyword(smartlist_t *s, directory_keyword keyword)
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(s, directory_token_t *, t, if (t->tp == keyword) return t);
return NULL;
/** Return a newly allocated smartlist of all accept or reject tokens in
* s.
static smartlist_t *
find_all_exitpolicy(smartlist_t *s)
smartlist_t *out = smartlist_create();
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(s, directory_token_t *, t,
if (t->tp == K_ACCEPT || t->tp == K_REJECT)
return out;
/** Compute the SHA digest of the substring of s taken from the first
* occurrence of start_str through the first newline after the first
* subsequent occurrence of end_str; store the 20-byte result in
* digest; return 0 on success.
* If no such substring exists, return -1.
static int router_get_hash_impl(const char *s, char *digest,
const char *start_str,
const char *end_str)
char *start, *end;
start = strstr(s, start_str);
if (!start) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN,"couldn't find \"%s\"",start_str);
return -1;
if (start != s && *(start-1) != '\n') {
log_fn(LOG_WARN, "first occurrence of \"%s\" is not at the start of a line",
return -1;
end = strstr(start+strlen(start_str), end_str);
if (!end) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN,"couldn't find \"%s\"",end_str);
return -1;
end = strchr(end+strlen(end_str), '\n');
if (!end) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN,"couldn't find EOL");
return -1;
if (crypto_digest(start, end-start, digest)) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN,"couldn't compute digest");
return -1;
return 0;
/** Parse the Tor version of the platform string platform,
* and compare it to the version in cutoff. Return 1 if
* the router is at least as new as the cutoff, else return 0.
int tor_version_as_new_as(const char *platform, const char *cutoff) {
tor_version_t cutoff_version, router_version;
char *s, *start;
char tmp[128];
if(tor_version_parse(cutoff, &cutoff_version)<0) {
log_fn(LOG_WARN,"Bug: cutoff version '%s' unparsable.",cutoff);
return 0;
if(strcmpstart(platform,"Tor ")) /* nonstandard Tor; be safe and say yes */
return 1;
start = (char *)eat_whitespace(platform+3);
if (!*start) return 0;
s = (char *)find_whitespace(start); /* also finds '\0', which is fine */
if((size_t)(s-start+1) >= sizeof(tmp)) /* too big, no */
return 0;
strlcpy(tmp, start, s-start+1);
if(tor_version_parse(tmp, &router_version)<0) {
log_fn(LOG_INFO,"Router version '%s' unparsable.",tmp);
return 1; /* be safe and say yes */
return tor_version_compare(&router_version, &cutoff_version) >= 0;
/** DOCDOC */
int tor_version_parse(const char *s, tor_version_t *out)
char *eos=NULL, *cp=NULL;
/* Format is:
* NUM dot NUM dot NUM [ ( pre | rc | dot ) NUM [ -cvs ] ]
memset(out, 0, sizeof(tor_version_t));
/* Get major. */
out->major = strtol(s,&eos,10);
if (!eos || eos==s || *eos != '.') return -1;
cp = eos+1;
/* Get minor */
out->minor = strtol(cp,&eos,10);
if (!eos || eos==cp || *eos != '.') return -1;
cp = eos+1;
/* Get micro */
out->micro = strtol(cp,&eos,10);
if (!eos || eos==cp) return -1;
if (!*eos) {
out->status = VER_RELEASE;
out->patchlevel = 0;
out->cvs = IS_NOT_CVS;
return 0;
cp = eos;
/* Get status */
if (*cp == '.') {
out->status = VER_RELEASE;
} else if (0==strncmp(cp, "pre", 3)) {
out->status = VER_PRE;
cp += 3;
} else if (0==strncmp(cp, "rc", 2)) {
out->status = VER_RC;
cp += 2;
} else {
return -1;
/* Get patchlevel */
out->patchlevel = strtol(cp,&eos,10);
if (!eos || eos==cp) return -1;
cp = eos;
/* Get cvs status. */
if (!*eos) {
out->cvs = IS_NOT_CVS;
} else if (0==strcmp(cp, "-cvs")) {
out->cvs = IS_CVS;
} else {
return -1;
return 0;
/** Compare two tor versions; Return <0 if a < b; 0 if a ==b, >0 if a >
* b. */
int tor_version_compare(tor_version_t *a, tor_version_t *b)
int i;
if ((i = a->major - b->major))
return i;
else if ((i = a->minor - b->minor))
return i;
else if ((i = a->micro - b->micro))
return i;
else if ((i = a->status - b->status))
return i;
else if ((i = a->patchlevel - b->patchlevel))
return i;
else if ((i = a->cvs - b->cvs))
return i;
return 0;
Local Variables: