/* Copyright 2001 Matej Pfajfar. * Copyright 2001-2004 Roger Dingledine. * Copyright 2004-2005 Roger Dingledine, Nick Mathewson. */ /* See LICENSE for licensing information */ /* $Id$ */ const char routerlist_c_id[] = "$Id$"; /** * \file routerlist.c * \brief Code to * maintain and access the global list of routerinfos for known * servers. **/ #include "or.h" /****************************************************************************/ static smartlist_t *trusted_dir_servers = NULL; /* static function prototypes */ static routerinfo_t * router_pick_directory_server_impl(int requireother, int fascistfirewall, int for_v2_directory); static trusted_dir_server_t * router_pick_trusteddirserver_impl(int need_v1_support, int requireother, int fascistfirewall); static void mark_all_trusteddirservers_up(void); static int router_nickname_is_in_list(routerinfo_t *router, const char *list); static int router_nickname_matches(routerinfo_t *router, const char *nickname); static void router_normalize_routerlist(routerlist_t *rl); /****************************************************************************/ /**** * Functions to manage and access our list of known routers. (Note: * dirservers maintain a separate, independent list of known router * descriptors.) ****/ /** Global list of all of the routers that we know about. */ static routerlist_t *routerlist = NULL; extern int has_fetched_directory; /**< from main.c */ /** Global list of all of the current network_status documents that we know * about. */ static smartlist_t *networkstatus_list = NULL; /** * Reload the most recent cached directory (if present). */ int router_reload_router_list(void) { char filename[512]; int is_recent; struct stat st; char *s; tor_assert(get_options()->DataDirectory); tor_snprintf(filename,sizeof(filename),"%s/cached-directory", get_options()->DataDirectory); s = read_file_to_str(filename,0); if (s) { stat(filename, &st); /* if s is true, stat probably worked */ log_fn(LOG_INFO, "Loading cached directory from %s", filename); is_recent = st.st_mtime > time(NULL) - 60*15; if (router_load_routerlist_from_directory(s, NULL, is_recent, 1) < 0) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Cached directory at '%s' was unparseable; ignoring.", filename); } if (routerlist && ((routerlist->published_on > time(NULL) - MIN_ONION_KEY_LIFETIME/2) || is_recent)) { directory_has_arrived(st.st_mtime, NULL); /* do things we've been waiting to do */ } tor_free(s); } return 0; } /** DOCDOC */ int router_reload_networkstatus(void) { char filename[512]; struct stat st; smartlist_t *entries, *bad_names; char *s; tor_assert(get_options()->DataDirectory); if (!networkstatus_list) networkstatus_list = smartlist_create(); tor_snprintf(filename,sizeof(filename),"%s/cached-status", get_options()->DataDirectory); entries = tor_listdir(filename); bad_names = smartlist_create(); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(entries, const char *, fn, { char buf[DIGEST_LEN]; if (strlen(fn) != HEX_DIGEST_LEN || base16_decode(buf, sizeof(buf), fn, strlen(fn))) { log_fn(LOG_INFO, "Skipping cached-status file with unexpected name \"%s\"",fn); continue; } tor_snprintf(filename,sizeof(filename),"%s/cached-status/%s", get_options()->DataDirectory, fn); s = read_file_to_str(filename, 0); if (s) { stat(filename, &st); if (router_set_networkstatus(s, st.st_mtime, NS_FROM_CACHE, NULL)<0) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Couldn't load networkstatus from \"%s\"",filename); } tor_free(s); } }); return 0; } /* Set *outp to a smartlist containing a list of * trusted_dir_server_t * for all known trusted dirservers. Callers * must not modify the list or its contents. */ void router_get_trusted_dir_servers(smartlist_t **outp) { if (!trusted_dir_servers) trusted_dir_servers = smartlist_create(); *outp = trusted_dir_servers; } /** Try to find a running dirserver. If there are no running dirservers * in our routerlist and retry_if_no_servers is non-zero, * set all the authoritative ones as running again, and pick one; * if there are then no dirservers at all in our routerlist, * reload the routerlist and try one last time. If for_runningrouters is * true, then only pick a dirserver that can answer runningrouters queries * (that is, a trusted dirserver, or one running 0.0.9rc5-cvs or later). * Other args are as in router_pick_directory_server_impl(). */ routerinfo_t * router_pick_directory_server(int requireother, int fascistfirewall, int for_v2_directory, int retry_if_no_servers) { routerinfo_t *choice; if (!routerlist) return NULL; choice = router_pick_directory_server_impl(requireother, fascistfirewall, for_v2_directory); if (choice || !retry_if_no_servers) return choice; log_fn(LOG_INFO,"No reachable router entries for dirservers. Trying them all again."); /* mark all authdirservers as up again */ mark_all_trusteddirservers_up(); /* try again */ choice = router_pick_directory_server_impl(requireother, fascistfirewall, for_v2_directory); if (choice) return choice; log_fn(LOG_INFO,"Still no %s router entries. Reloading and trying again.", firewall_is_fascist() ? "reachable" : "known"); has_fetched_directory=0; /* reset it */ if (router_reload_router_list()) { return NULL; } /* give it one last try */ choice = router_pick_directory_server_impl(requireother, 0, for_v2_directory); return choice; } trusted_dir_server_t * router_get_trusteddirserver_by_digest(const char *digest) { if (!trusted_dir_servers) return NULL; SMARTLIST_FOREACH(trusted_dir_servers, trusted_dir_server_t *, ds, { if (!memcmp(ds->digest, digest, DIGEST_LEN)) return ds; }); return NULL; } /** Try to find a running trusted dirserver. If there are no running * trusted dirservers and retry_if_no_servers is non-zero, * set them all as running again, and try again. * Other args are as in router_pick_trusteddirserver_impl(). * * DOCDOC need_v1_support */ trusted_dir_server_t * router_pick_trusteddirserver(int need_v1_support, int requireother, int fascistfirewall, int retry_if_no_servers) { trusted_dir_server_t *choice; choice = router_pick_trusteddirserver_impl(need_v1_support, requireother, fascistfirewall); if (choice || !retry_if_no_servers) return choice; log_fn(LOG_INFO,"No trusted dirservers are reachable. Trying them all again."); mark_all_trusteddirservers_up(); return router_pick_trusteddirserver_impl(need_v1_support, requireother, fascistfirewall); } /** Pick a random running verified directory server/mirror from our * routerlist. * If fascistfirewall and we're not using a proxy, * make sure the port we pick is allowed by options-\>firewallports. * If requireother, it cannot be us. * * DOCDOC need_v1_support, for_v2_directory */ static routerinfo_t * router_pick_directory_server_impl(int requireother, int fascistfirewall, int for_v2_directory) { int i; routerinfo_t *router; smartlist_t *sl; if (!routerlist) return NULL; if (get_options()->HttpProxy) fascistfirewall = 0; /* Find all the running dirservers we know about. */ sl = smartlist_create(); for (i=0;i < smartlist_len(routerlist->routers); i++) { router = smartlist_get(routerlist->routers, i); if (!router->is_running || !router->dir_port || !router->is_verified) continue; if (requireother && router_is_me(router)) continue; if (fascistfirewall) { if (!fascist_firewall_allows_address(router->addr, router->dir_port)) continue; } /* before, only trusted dirservers served status info. */ if (for_v2_directory && !(tor_version_as_new_as(router->platform,"") || router_digest_is_trusted_dir(router->identity_digest))) continue; smartlist_add(sl, router); } router = smartlist_choose(sl); smartlist_free(sl); return router; } /** Choose randomly from among the trusted dirservers that are up. * If fascistfirewall and we're not using a proxy, * make sure the port we pick is allowed by options-\>firewallports. * If requireother, it cannot be us. */ static trusted_dir_server_t * router_pick_trusteddirserver_impl(int need_v1_support, int requireother, int fascistfirewall) { smartlist_t *sl; routerinfo_t *me; trusted_dir_server_t *ds; sl = smartlist_create(); me = router_get_my_routerinfo(); if (!trusted_dir_servers) return NULL; if (get_options()->HttpProxy) fascistfirewall = 0; SMARTLIST_FOREACH(trusted_dir_servers, trusted_dir_server_t *, d, { if (!d->is_running) continue; if (need_v1_support && !d->supports_v1_protocol) continue; if (requireother && me && !memcmp(me->identity_digest, d->digest, DIGEST_LEN)) continue; if (fascistfirewall) { if (!fascist_firewall_allows_address(d->addr, d->dir_port)) continue; } smartlist_add(sl, d); }); ds = smartlist_choose(sl); smartlist_free(sl); return ds; } /** Go through and mark the authoritative dirservers as up. */ static void mark_all_trusteddirservers_up(void) { if (routerlist) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH(routerlist->routers, routerinfo_t *, router, if (router_digest_is_trusted_dir(router->identity_digest) && router->dir_port > 0) { router->is_running = 1; router->status_set_at = time(NULL); }); } if (trusted_dir_servers) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH(trusted_dir_servers, trusted_dir_server_t *, dir, dir->is_running = 1); } } /** Return 0 if \\exists an authoritative dirserver that's currently * thought to be running, else return 1. */ int all_trusted_directory_servers_down(void) { if (!trusted_dir_servers) return 1; SMARTLIST_FOREACH(trusted_dir_servers, trusted_dir_server_t *, dir, if (dir->is_running) return 0); return 1; } /** Add all the family of router to the smartlist sl. * This is used to make sure we don't pick siblings in a single path. */ void routerlist_add_family(smartlist_t *sl, routerinfo_t *router) { routerinfo_t *r; config_line_t *cl; if (!router->declared_family) return; /* Add every r such that router declares familyness with r, and r * declares familyhood with router. */ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(router->declared_family, const char *, n, { if (!(r = router_get_by_nickname(n))) continue; if (!r->declared_family) continue; SMARTLIST_FOREACH(r->declared_family, const char *, n2, { if (router_nickname_matches(router, n2)) smartlist_add(sl, r); }); }); /* If the user declared any families locally, honor those too. */ for (cl = get_options()->NodeFamilies; cl; cl = cl->next) { if (router_nickname_is_in_list(router, cl->value)) { add_nickname_list_to_smartlist(sl, cl->value, 0); } } } /** List of strings for nicknames we've already warned about and that are * still unknown / unavailable. */ static smartlist_t *warned_nicknames = NULL; /** Given a comma-and-whitespace separated list of nicknames, see which * nicknames in list name routers in our routerlist that are * currently running. Add the routerinfos for those routers to sl. */ void add_nickname_list_to_smartlist(smartlist_t *sl, const char *list, int warn_if_down) { routerinfo_t *router; smartlist_t *nickname_list; if (!list) return; /* nothing to do */ tor_assert(sl); nickname_list = smartlist_create(); if (!warned_nicknames) warned_nicknames = smartlist_create(); smartlist_split_string(nickname_list, list, ",", SPLIT_SKIP_SPACE|SPLIT_IGNORE_BLANK, 0); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(nickname_list, const char *, nick, { int warned; if (!is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest(nick)) { log_fn(LOG_WARN,"Nickname %s is misformed; skipping", nick); continue; } router = router_get_by_nickname(nick); warned = smartlist_string_isin(warned_nicknames, nick); if (router) { if (router->is_running) { smartlist_add(sl,router); if (warned) smartlist_string_remove(warned_nicknames, nick); } else { if (!warned) { log_fn(warn_if_down ? LOG_WARN : LOG_DEBUG, "Nickname list includes '%s' which is known but down.",nick); smartlist_add(warned_nicknames, tor_strdup(nick)); } } } else { if (!warned) { log_fn(has_fetched_directory ? LOG_WARN : LOG_INFO, "Nickname list includes '%s' which isn't a known router.",nick); smartlist_add(warned_nicknames, tor_strdup(nick)); } } }); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(nickname_list, char *, nick, tor_free(nick)); smartlist_free(nickname_list); } /** Return 1 iff any member of the comma-separated list list is an * acceptable nickname or hexdigest for router. Else return 0. */ static int router_nickname_is_in_list(routerinfo_t *router, const char *list) { smartlist_t *nickname_list; int v = 0; if (!list) return 0; /* definitely not */ tor_assert(router); nickname_list = smartlist_create(); smartlist_split_string(nickname_list, list, ",", SPLIT_SKIP_SPACE|SPLIT_IGNORE_BLANK, 0); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(nickname_list, const char *, cp, if (router_nickname_matches(router, cp)) {v=1;break;}); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(nickname_list, char *, cp, tor_free(cp)); smartlist_free(nickname_list); return v; } /** Add every router from our routerlist that is currently running to * sl. */ static void router_add_running_routers_to_smartlist(smartlist_t *sl, int allow_unverified, int need_uptime, int need_capacity) { routerinfo_t *router; int i; if (!routerlist) return; for (i=0;irouters);i++) { router = smartlist_get(routerlist->routers, i); if (router->is_running && (router->is_verified || (allow_unverified && !router_is_unreliable(router, need_uptime, need_capacity)))) { /* If it's running, and either it's verified or we're ok picking * unverified routers and this one is suitable. */ smartlist_add(sl, router); } } } /** Look through the routerlist until we find a router that has my key. Return it. */ routerinfo_t * routerlist_find_my_routerinfo(void) { routerinfo_t *router; int i; if (!routerlist) return NULL; for (i=0;irouters);i++) { router = smartlist_get(routerlist->routers, i); if (router_is_me(router)) return router; } return NULL; } /** Find a router that's up, that has this IP address, and * that allows exit to this address:port, or return NULL if there * isn't a good one. */ routerinfo_t * router_find_exact_exit_enclave(const char *address, uint16_t port) { int i; routerinfo_t *router; uint32_t addr; struct in_addr in; if (!tor_inet_aton(address, &in)) return NULL; /* it's not an IP already */ addr = ntohl(in.s_addr); for (i=0;i < smartlist_len(routerlist->routers); i++) { router = smartlist_get(routerlist->routers, i); log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"Considering %s: %d, %u==%u, %d.", router->nickname, router->is_running, router->addr, addr, router_compare_addr_to_addr_policy(addr, port, router->exit_policy)); if (router->is_running && router->addr == addr && router_compare_addr_to_addr_policy(addr, port, router->exit_policy) == ADDR_POLICY_ACCEPTED) return router; } return NULL; } /** Return 1 if router is not suitable for these parameters, else 0. * If need_uptime is non-zero, we require a minimum uptime. * If need_capacity is non-zero, we require a minimum advertised * bandwidth. */ int router_is_unreliable(routerinfo_t *router, int need_uptime, int need_capacity) { if (need_uptime && router->uptime < ROUTER_REQUIRED_MIN_UPTIME) return 1; if (need_capacity && router->bandwidthcapacity < ROUTER_REQUIRED_MIN_BANDWIDTH) return 1; return 0; } /** Remove from routerlist sl all routers who have a low uptime. */ static void routerlist_sl_remove_unreliable_routers(smartlist_t *sl) { int i; routerinfo_t *router; for (i = 0; i < smartlist_len(sl); ++i) { router = smartlist_get(sl, i); if (router_is_unreliable(router, 1, 0)) { // log(LOG_DEBUG, "Router '%s' has insufficient uptime; deleting.", // router->nickname); smartlist_del(sl, i--); } } } #define MAX_BELIEVABLE_BANDWIDTH 2000000 /* 2 MB/sec */ /** Choose a random element of router list sl, weighted by * the advertised bandwidth of each router. */ routerinfo_t * routerlist_sl_choose_by_bandwidth(smartlist_t *sl) { int i; routerinfo_t *router; smartlist_t *bandwidths; uint32_t this_bw, tmp, total_bw=0, rand_bw; uint32_t *p; /* First count the total bandwidth weight, and make a smartlist * of each value. */ bandwidths = smartlist_create(); for (i = 0; i < smartlist_len(sl); ++i) { router = smartlist_get(sl, i); this_bw = (router->bandwidthcapacity < router->bandwidthrate) ? router->bandwidthcapacity : router->bandwidthrate; /* if they claim something huge, don't believe it */ if (this_bw > MAX_BELIEVABLE_BANDWIDTH) this_bw = MAX_BELIEVABLE_BANDWIDTH; p = tor_malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)); *p = this_bw; smartlist_add(bandwidths, p); total_bw += this_bw; } if (!total_bw) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH(bandwidths, uint32_t*, p, tor_free(p)); smartlist_free(bandwidths); return smartlist_choose(sl); } /* Second, choose a random value from the bandwidth weights. */ rand_bw = crypto_pseudo_rand_int(total_bw); /* Last, count through sl until we get to the element we picked */ tmp = 0; for (i=0; ; i++) { tor_assert(i < smartlist_len(sl)); p = smartlist_get(bandwidths, i); tmp += *p; if (tmp >= rand_bw) break; } SMARTLIST_FOREACH(bandwidths, uint32_t*, p, tor_free(p)); smartlist_free(bandwidths); return (routerinfo_t *)smartlist_get(sl, i); } /** Return a random running router from the routerlist. If any node * named in preferred is available, pick one of those. Never * pick a node named in excluded, or whose routerinfo is in * excludedsmartlist, even if they are the only nodes * available. If strict is true, never pick any node besides * those in preferred. * If need_uptime is non-zero, don't return a router with less * than a minimum uptime. * If need_capacity is non-zero, weight your choice by the * advertised capacity of each router. */ routerinfo_t * router_choose_random_node(const char *preferred, const char *excluded, smartlist_t *excludedsmartlist, int need_uptime, int need_capacity, int allow_unverified, int strict) { smartlist_t *sl, *excludednodes; routerinfo_t *choice; excludednodes = smartlist_create(); add_nickname_list_to_smartlist(excludednodes,excluded,0); /* Try the preferred nodes first. Ignore need_uptime and need_capacity, * since the user explicitly asked for these nodes. */ sl = smartlist_create(); add_nickname_list_to_smartlist(sl,preferred,1); smartlist_subtract(sl,excludednodes); if (excludedsmartlist) smartlist_subtract(sl,excludedsmartlist); choice = smartlist_choose(sl); smartlist_free(sl); if (!choice && !strict) { /* Then give up on our preferred choices: any node * will do that has the required attributes. */ sl = smartlist_create(); router_add_running_routers_to_smartlist(sl, allow_unverified, need_uptime, need_capacity); smartlist_subtract(sl,excludednodes); if (excludedsmartlist) smartlist_subtract(sl,excludedsmartlist); if (need_uptime) routerlist_sl_remove_unreliable_routers(sl); if (need_capacity) choice = routerlist_sl_choose_by_bandwidth(sl); else choice = smartlist_choose(sl); smartlist_free(sl); } smartlist_free(excludednodes); if (!choice) log_fn(LOG_WARN,"No available nodes when trying to choose node. Failing."); return choice; } /** Return true iff the digest of router's identity key, * encoded in hexadecimal, matches hexdigest (which is * optionally prefixed with a single dollar sign). Return false if * hexdigest is malformed, or it doesn't match. */ static INLINE int router_hex_digest_matches(routerinfo_t *router, const char *hexdigest) { char digest[DIGEST_LEN]; tor_assert(hexdigest); if (hexdigest[0] == '$') ++hexdigest; if (strlen(hexdigest) != HEX_DIGEST_LEN || base16_decode(digest, DIGEST_LEN, hexdigest, HEX_DIGEST_LEN)<0) return 0; return (!memcmp(digest, router->identity_digest, DIGEST_LEN)); } /** Return true if router's nickname matches nickname * (case-insensitive), or if router's identity key digest * matches a hexadecimal value stored in nickname. Return * false otherwise. */ static int router_nickname_matches(routerinfo_t *router, const char *nickname) { if (nickname[0]!='$' && !strcasecmp(router->nickname, nickname)) return 1; return router_hex_digest_matches(router, nickname); } /** Return the router in our routerlist whose (case-insensitive) * nickname or (case-sensitive) hexadecimal key digest is * nickname. Return NULL if no such router is known. */ routerinfo_t * router_get_by_nickname(const char *nickname) { int i, maybedigest; routerinfo_t *router; char digest[DIGEST_LEN]; tor_assert(nickname); if (!routerlist) return NULL; if (nickname[0] == '$') return router_get_by_hexdigest(nickname); if (server_mode(get_options()) && !strcasecmp(nickname, get_options()->Nickname)) return router_get_my_routerinfo(); maybedigest = (strlen(nickname) == HEX_DIGEST_LEN) && (base16_decode(digest,DIGEST_LEN,nickname,HEX_DIGEST_LEN) == 0); for (i=0;irouters);i++) { router = smartlist_get(routerlist->routers, i); if (0 == strcasecmp(router->nickname, nickname) || (maybedigest && 0 == memcmp(digest, router->identity_digest, DIGEST_LEN))) return router; } return NULL; } /** Return true iff digest is the digest of the identity key of * a trusted directory. */ int router_digest_is_trusted_dir(const char *digest) { if (!trusted_dir_servers) return 0; SMARTLIST_FOREACH(trusted_dir_servers, trusted_dir_server_t *, ent, if (!memcmp(digest, ent->digest, DIGEST_LEN)) return 1); return 0; } /** Return the router in our routerlist whose hexadecimal key digest * is hexdigest. Return NULL if no such router is known. */ routerinfo_t * router_get_by_hexdigest(const char *hexdigest) { char digest[DIGEST_LEN]; tor_assert(hexdigest); if (!routerlist) return NULL; if (hexdigest[0]=='$') ++hexdigest; if (strlen(hexdigest) != HEX_DIGEST_LEN || base16_decode(digest,DIGEST_LEN,hexdigest,HEX_DIGEST_LEN) < 0) return NULL; return router_get_by_digest(digest); } /** Return the router in our routerlist whose 20-byte key digest * is digest. Return NULL if no such router is known. */ routerinfo_t * router_get_by_digest(const char *digest) { int i; routerinfo_t *router; tor_assert(digest); if (!routerlist) return NULL; for (i=0;irouters);i++) { router = smartlist_get(routerlist->routers, i); if (0 == memcmp(router->identity_digest, digest, DIGEST_LEN)) return router; } return NULL; } /** Set *prouterlist to the current list of all known routers. */ void router_get_routerlist(routerlist_t **prouterlist) { *prouterlist = routerlist; } /** Return the publication time on the current routerlist, or 0 if we have no * routerlist. */ time_t routerlist_get_published_time(void) { return routerlist ? routerlist->published_on : 0; } /** Free all storage held by router. */ void routerinfo_free(routerinfo_t *router) { if (!router) return; tor_free(router->signed_descriptor); tor_free(router->address); tor_free(router->nickname); tor_free(router->platform); tor_free(router->contact_info); if (router->onion_pkey) crypto_free_pk_env(router->onion_pkey); if (router->identity_pkey) crypto_free_pk_env(router->identity_pkey); if (router->declared_family) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH(router->declared_family, char *, s, tor_free(s)); smartlist_free(router->declared_family); } addr_policy_free(router->exit_policy); tor_free(router); } /** Allocate a fresh copy of router */ routerinfo_t * routerinfo_copy(const routerinfo_t *router) { routerinfo_t *r; addr_policy_t **e, *tmp; r = tor_malloc(sizeof(routerinfo_t)); memcpy(r, router, sizeof(routerinfo_t)); r->address = tor_strdup(r->address); r->nickname = tor_strdup(r->nickname); r->platform = tor_strdup(r->platform); if (r->signed_descriptor) r->signed_descriptor = tor_strdup(r->signed_descriptor); if (r->onion_pkey) r->onion_pkey = crypto_pk_dup_key(r->onion_pkey); if (r->identity_pkey) r->identity_pkey = crypto_pk_dup_key(r->identity_pkey); e = &r->exit_policy; while (*e) { tmp = tor_malloc(sizeof(addr_policy_t)); memcpy(tmp,*e,sizeof(addr_policy_t)); *e = tmp; (*e)->string = tor_strdup((*e)->string); e = & ((*e)->next); } if (r->declared_family) { r->declared_family = smartlist_create(); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(router->declared_family, const char *, s, smartlist_add(r->declared_family, tor_strdup(s))); } return r; } /** Free all storage held by a routerlist rl */ void routerlist_free(routerlist_t *rl) { tor_assert(rl); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(rl->routers, routerinfo_t *, r, routerinfo_free(r)); smartlist_free(rl->routers); running_routers_free(rl->running_routers); tor_free(rl->software_versions); tor_free(rl); } /** Free all entries in the current router list. */ void routerlist_free_current(void) { if (routerlist) routerlist_free(routerlist); routerlist = NULL; if (warned_nicknames) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH(warned_nicknames, char *, cp, tor_free(cp)); smartlist_free(warned_nicknames); warned_nicknames = NULL; } } /** Free all storage held by the routerstatus object rs. */ void routerstatus_free(routerstatus_t *rs) { tor_free(rs); } /** Free all storage held by the networkstatus object ns. */ void networkstatus_free(networkstatus_t *ns) { tor_free(ns->source_address); tor_free(ns->contact); if (ns->signing_key) crypto_free_pk_env(ns->signing_key); tor_free(ns->client_versions); tor_free(ns->server_versions); if (ns->entries) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH(ns->entries, routerstatus_t *, rs, routerstatus_free(rs)); smartlist_free(ns->entries); } tor_free(ns); } /** Free all entries in the list of trusted directory servers. */ void free_trusted_dir_servers(void) { if (trusted_dir_servers) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH(trusted_dir_servers, trusted_dir_server_t *, ds, { tor_free(ds->address); tor_free(ds); }); smartlist_free(trusted_dir_servers); trusted_dir_servers = NULL; } } /** Mark the router with ID digest as non-running in our routerlist. */ void router_mark_as_down(const char *digest) { routerinfo_t *router; tor_assert(digest); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(trusted_dir_servers, trusted_dir_server_t *, d, if (!memcmp(d->digest, digest, DIGEST_LEN)) d->is_running = 0); router = router_get_by_digest(digest); if (!router) /* we don't seem to know about him in the first place */ return; log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"Marking router '%s' as down.",router->nickname); if (router_is_me(router) && !we_are_hibernating()) log_fn(LOG_WARN, "We just marked ourself as down. Are your external addresses reachable?"); router->is_running = 0; router->status_set_at = time(NULL); } /** Add router to the routerlist, if we don't already have it. Replace * older entries (if any) with the same name. Note: Callers should not hold * their pointers to router if this function fails; router * will either be inserted into the routerlist or freed. * * Returns >= 0 if the router was added; less than 0 if it was not. * * If we're returning non-zero, then assign to *msg a static string * describing the reason for not liking the routerinfo. * * If the return value is less than -1, there was a problem with the * routerinfo. If the return value is equal to -1, then the routerinfo was * fine, but out-of-date. If the return value is equal to 1, the * routerinfo was accepted, but we should notify the generator of the * descriptor using the message *msg. */ int router_add_to_routerlist(routerinfo_t *router, const char **msg) { int i; char id_digest[DIGEST_LEN]; int authdir = get_options()->AuthoritativeDir; int authdir_verified = 0; tor_assert(msg); if (!routerlist) { routerlist = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(routerlist_t)); routerlist->routers = smartlist_create(); } crypto_pk_get_digest(router->identity_pkey, id_digest); if (authdir) { if (dirserv_wants_to_reject_router(router, &authdir_verified, msg)) { tor_assert(*msg); routerinfo_free(router); return -2; } router->is_verified = authdir_verified; if (tor_version_as_new_as(router->platform,"")) router->is_verified = 1; } /* If we have a router with this name, and the identity key is the same, * choose the newer one. If the identity key has changed, drop the router. */ for (i = 0; i < smartlist_len(routerlist->routers); ++i) { routerinfo_t *old_router = smartlist_get(routerlist->routers, i); if (!crypto_pk_cmp_keys(router->identity_pkey,old_router->identity_pkey)) { if (router->published_on <= old_router->published_on) { log_fn(LOG_DEBUG, "Skipping not-new descriptor for router '%s'", router->nickname); if (authdir) { /* Update the is_verified status based on our lookup. */ old_router->is_verified = router->is_verified; } else { /* Update the is_running status to whatever we were told. */ old_router->is_running = router->is_running; } routerinfo_free(router); *msg = "Router descriptor was not new."; return -1; } else { int unreachable = 0; log_fn(LOG_DEBUG, "Replacing entry for router '%s/%s' [%s]", router->nickname, old_router->nickname, hex_str(id_digest,DIGEST_LEN)); if (router->addr == old_router->addr && router->or_port == old_router->or_port) { /* these carry over when the address and orport are unchanged.*/ router->last_reachable = old_router->last_reachable; router->testing_since = old_router->testing_since; router->num_unreachable_notifications = old_router->num_unreachable_notifications; } if (authdir && dirserv_thinks_router_is_blatantly_unreachable(router, time(NULL))) { if (router->num_unreachable_notifications >= 3) { unreachable = 1; log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Notifying server '%s' that it's unreachable. (ContactInfo '%s', platform '%s').", router->nickname, router->contact_info ? router->contact_info : "", router->platform ? router->platform : ""); } else { log_fn(LOG_NOTICE,"'%s' may be unreachable -- the %d previous descriptors were thought to be unreachable.", router->nickname, router->num_unreachable_notifications); router->num_unreachable_notifications++; } } routerinfo_free(old_router); smartlist_set(routerlist->routers, i, router); directory_set_dirty(); *msg = unreachable ? "Dirserver believes your ORPort is unreachable" : authdir_verified ? "Verified server updated" : "Unverified server updated. (Have you sent us your key fingerprint?)"; return unreachable ? 1 : 0; } } else if (!strcasecmp(router->nickname, old_router->nickname)) { /* nicknames match, keys don't. */ if (router->is_verified) { /* The new verified router replaces the old one; remove the * old one. And carry on to the end of the list, in case * there are more old unverified routers with this nickname */ /* mark-for-close connections using the old key, so we can * make new ones with the new key. */ connection_t *conn; while ((conn = connection_get_by_identity_digest( old_router->identity_digest, CONN_TYPE_OR))) { log_fn(LOG_INFO,"Closing conn to obsolete router '%s'", old_router->nickname); connection_mark_for_close(conn); } routerinfo_free(old_router); smartlist_del_keeporder(routerlist->routers, i--); } else if (old_router->is_verified) { /* Can't replace a verified router with an unverified one. */ log_fn(LOG_DEBUG, "Skipping unverified entry for verified router '%s'", router->nickname); routerinfo_free(router); *msg = "Already have verified router with same nickname and different key."; return -2; } } } /* We haven't seen a router with this name before. Add it to the end of * the list. */ smartlist_add(routerlist->routers, router); directory_set_dirty(); return 0; } /** Remove any routers from the routerlist that are more than age * seconds old. */ void routerlist_remove_old_routers(int age) { int i; time_t cutoff; routerinfo_t *router; if (!routerlist) return; cutoff = time(NULL) - age; for (i = 0; i < smartlist_len(routerlist->routers); ++i) { router = smartlist_get(routerlist->routers, i); if (router->published_on <= cutoff) { /* Too old. Remove it. */ log_fn(LOG_INFO,"Forgetting obsolete routerinfo for router '%s'", router->nickname); routerinfo_free(router); smartlist_del(routerlist->routers, i--); } } } /** * Code to parse a single router descriptor and insert it into the * routerlist. Return -1 if the descriptor was ill-formed; 0 if the * descriptor was well-formed but could not be added; and 1 if the * descriptor was added. * * If we don't add it and msg is not NULL, then assign to * *msg a static string describing the reason for refusing the * descriptor. * * This is used only by the controller. */ int router_load_single_router(const char *s, const char **msg) { routerinfo_t *ri; tor_assert(msg); *msg = NULL; if (!(ri = router_parse_entry_from_string(s, NULL))) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Error parsing router descriptor; dropping."); *msg = "Couldn't parse router descriptor."; return -1; } if (router_is_me(ri)) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Router's identity key matches mine; dropping."); *msg = "Router's identity key matches mine."; routerinfo_free(ri); return 0; } if (routerlist && routerlist->running_routers) { running_routers_t *rr = routerlist->running_routers; router_update_status_from_smartlist(ri, rr->published_on, rr->running_routers); } if (router_add_to_routerlist(ri, msg)<0) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Couldn't add router to list: %s Dropping.", *msg?*msg:"(No message)."); /* we've already assigned to *msg now, and ri is already freed */ return 0; } else { smartlist_t *changed = smartlist_create(); smartlist_add(changed, ri); control_event_descriptors_changed(changed); smartlist_free(changed); } log_fn(LOG_DEBUG, "Added router to list"); return 1; } /** Add to the current routerlist each router stored in the * signed directory s. If pkey is provided, check the signature * against pkey; else check against the pkey of the signing directory * server. * * If dir_is_recent is non-zero, then examine the * Recommended-versions line and take appropriate action. * * If dir_is_cached is non-zero, then we're reading it * from the cache so don't bother to re-write it to the cache. */ int router_load_routerlist_from_directory(const char *s, crypto_pk_env_t *pkey, int dir_is_recent, int dir_is_cached) { routerlist_t *new_list = NULL; if (router_parse_routerlist_from_directory(s, &new_list, pkey, dir_is_recent, !dir_is_cached)) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Couldn't parse directory."); return -1; } if (routerlist) { /* Merge the new_list into routerlist, then free new_list. Also * keep a list of changed descriptors to inform controllers. */ smartlist_t *changed = smartlist_create(); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(new_list->routers, routerinfo_t *, r, { const char *msg; if (router_add_to_routerlist(r,&msg)>=0) smartlist_add(changed, r); }); smartlist_clear(new_list->routers); routerlist->published_on = new_list->published_on; tor_free(routerlist->software_versions); routerlist->software_versions = new_list->software_versions; new_list->software_versions = NULL; routerlist_free(new_list); control_event_descriptors_changed(changed); smartlist_free(changed); } else { routerlist = new_list; control_event_descriptors_changed(routerlist->routers); } router_normalize_routerlist(routerlist); return 0; } /** DOCDOC returns 0 on no problems, -1 on problems. * requested fingerprints must be upcased. */ int router_set_networkstatus(const char *s, time_t arrived_at, networkstatus_source_t source, smartlist_t *requested_fingerprints) { networkstatus_t *ns; int i, found; time_t now; char fp[HEX_DIGEST_LEN+1]; ns = networkstatus_parse_from_string(s); if (!ns) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Couldn't parse network status."); return -1; } if (!router_digest_is_trusted_dir(ns->identity_digest)) { log_fn(LOG_INFO, "Network status was signed, but not by an authoritative directory we recognize."); networkstatus_free(ns); return -1; } now = time(NULL); if (arrived_at > now) arrived_at = now; ns->received_on = arrived_at; /*XXXX Check publishing skew. NM*/ if (!networkstatus_list) networkstatus_list = smartlist_create(); if (source == NS_FROM_DIR && router_digest_is_me(ns->identity_digest)) { /* Drop our own networkstatus when we get it from somebody else. */ networkstatus_free(ns); return 0; } base16_encode(fp, HEX_DIGEST_LEN+1, ns->identity_digest, DIGEST_LEN); if (requested_fingerprints && !smartlist_string_isin(requested_fingerprints, fp)) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "We received a network status with a fingerprint (%s) that we never requested. Dropping.", fp); return 0; } found = 0; for (i=0; i < smartlist_len(networkstatus_list); ++i) { networkstatus_t *old_ns = smartlist_get(networkstatus_list, i); if (!memcmp(old_ns->identity_digest, ns->identity_digest, DIGEST_LEN)) { if (!memcmp(old_ns->networkstatus_digest, ns->networkstatus_digest, DIGEST_LEN)) { /* Same one we had before. */ networkstatus_free(ns); if (old_ns->received_on < arrived_at) old_ns->received_on = arrived_at; return 0; } else if (old_ns->published_on >= ns->published_on) { log_fn(LOG_INFO, "Dropping network-status; we have a newer one for this authority."); networkstatus_free(ns); return 0; } else { networkstatus_free(old_ns); smartlist_set(networkstatus_list, i, ns); found = 1; break; } } } if (!found) smartlist_add(networkstatus_list, ns); if (source != NS_FROM_CACHE) { const char *datadir = get_options()->DataDirectory; size_t len = strlen(datadir)+64; char *fn = tor_malloc(len+1); tor_snprintf(fn, len, "%s/cached-status/%s",datadir,fp); if (write_str_to_file(fn, s, 0)<0) { log_fn(LOG_NOTICE, "Couldn't write cached network status to \"%s\"", fn); } tor_free(fn); } if (get_options()->DirPort) dirserv_set_cached_networkstatus_v2(s, fp, ns->published_on); return 0; } /* These should be configurable, perhaps. */ #define AUTHORITY_NS_CACHE_INTERVAL 10*60 #define NONAUTHORITY_NS_CACHE_INTERVAL 15*60 void update_networkstatus_cache_downloads(time_t now) { static time_t last_downloaded = 0; int authority = authdir_mode(get_options()); int interval = authority ? AUTHORITY_NS_CACHE_INTERVAL : NONAUTHORITY_NS_CACHE_INTERVAL; if (last_downloaded + interval >= now) return; if (!trusted_dir_servers) return; last_downloaded = now; if (authority) { /* An authority launches a separate connection for everybody. */ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(trusted_dir_servers, trusted_dir_server_t *, ds, { char resource[HEX_DIGEST_LEN+6]; if (router_digest_is_me(ds->digest)) continue; strlcpy(resource, "fp/", sizeof(resource)); base16_encode(resource+3, sizeof(resource)-3, ds->digest, DIGEST_LEN); strlcat(resource, ".z", sizeof(resource)); directory_get_from_dirserver(DIR_PURPOSE_FETCH_NETWORKSTATUS,resource,1); }); } else { /* A non-authority cache launches one connection to a random authority. */ directory_get_from_dirserver(DIR_PURPOSE_FETCH_NETWORKSTATUS,"all.z",1); } } #define ABOUT_TWO_DAYS (48*60*60) #define ABOUT_HALF_AN_HOUR (30*60) /** DOCDOC */ void update_networkstatus_client_downloads(time_t now) { /* XXX Yes, these constants are supposed to be dumb, so we can choose better * values. */ int n_live = 0, needed = 0, n_dirservers, i; int most_recent_idx = -1; trusted_dir_server_t *most_recent = NULL; time_t most_recent_received = 0; /* This is a little tricky. We want to download enough network-status * objects so that we have at least half of them under ABOUT_TWO_DAYS * publication time. We want to download a new *one* if the most recent * one's publication time is under ABOUT_HALF_AN_HOUR. */ if (!trusted_dir_servers || !smartlist_len(trusted_dir_servers)) return; n_dirservers = smartlist_len(trusted_dir_servers); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(trusted_dir_servers, trusted_dir_server_t *, ds, { networkstatus_t *ns = networkstatus_get_by_digest(ds->digest); if (!ns) continue; if (ns->published_on > now-ABOUT_TWO_DAYS) ++n_live; if (!most_recent || ns->received_on > most_recent_received) { most_recent_idx = ds_sl_idx; /* magic variable from FOREACH*/ most_recent = ds; most_recent_received = ns->received_on; } }); /* Download enough so we have at least half live, but no more than all the * trusted dirservers we know. */ if (n_live < (n_dirservers/2)+1) needed = (n_dirservers/2)+1-n_live; if (needed > n_dirservers) needed = n_dirservers; /* Also, download at least 1 every ABOUT_HALF_AN_HOUR. */ if (most_recent_received < now-ABOUT_HALF_AN_HOUR && needed < 1) needed = 1; /* If no networkstatus was found, choose a dirserver at random as "most * recent". */ if (most_recent_idx<0) most_recent_idx = crypto_pseudo_rand_int(n_dirservers); /* XXXX NM This could compress multiple downloads into a single request. * It could also be smarter on failures. */ for (i = most_recent_idx+1; needed; ++i) { char resource[HEX_DIGEST_LEN+6]; trusted_dir_server_t *ds; if (i >= n_dirservers) i = 0; ds = smartlist_get(trusted_dir_servers, i); strlcpy(resource, "fp/", sizeof(resource)); base16_encode(resource+3, sizeof(resource)-3, ds->digest, DIGEST_LEN); strlcat(resource, ".z", sizeof(resource)); directory_get_from_dirserver(DIR_PURPOSE_FETCH_NETWORKSTATUS, resource, 1); --needed; } } /** Ensure that our own routerinfo is at the front, and remove duplicates * of our routerinfo. */ static void router_normalize_routerlist(routerlist_t *rl) { int i=0; routerinfo_t *r; if ((r = router_get_my_routerinfo())) { smartlist_insert(rl->routers, 0, routerinfo_copy(r)); ++i; } for ( ; i < smartlist_len(rl->routers); ++i) { r = smartlist_get(rl->routers,i); if (router_is_me(r)) { routerinfo_free(r); smartlist_del_keeporder(rl->routers, i--); } } } /** Decide whether a given addr:port is definitely accepted, * definitely rejected, probably accepted, or probably rejected by a * given policy. If addr is 0, we don't know the IP of the * target address. If port is 0, we don't know the port of the * target address. * * For now, the algorithm is pretty simple: we look for definite and * uncertain matches. The first definite match is what we guess; if * it was preceded by no uncertain matches of the opposite policy, * then the guess is definite; otherwise it is probable. (If we * have a known addr and port, all matches are definite; if we have an * unknown addr/port, any address/port ranges other than "all" are * uncertain.) * * We could do better by assuming that some ranges never match typical * addresses (, and so on). But we'll try this for now. */ addr_policy_result_t router_compare_addr_to_addr_policy(uint32_t addr, uint16_t port, addr_policy_t *policy) { int maybe_reject = 0; int maybe_accept = 0; int match = 0; int maybe = 0; addr_policy_t *tmpe; for (tmpe=policy; tmpe; tmpe=tmpe->next) { maybe = 0; if (!addr) { /* Address is unknown. */ if ((port >= tmpe->prt_min && port <= tmpe->prt_max) || (!port && tmpe->prt_min<=1 && tmpe->prt_max>=65535)) { /* The port definitely matches. */ if (tmpe->msk == 0) { match = 1; } else { maybe = 1; } } else if (!port) { /* The port maybe matches. */ maybe = 1; } } else { /* Address is known */ if ((addr & tmpe->msk) == (tmpe->addr & tmpe->msk)) { if (port >= tmpe->prt_min && port <= tmpe->prt_max) { /* Exact match for the policy */ match = 1; } else if (!port) { maybe = 1; } } } if (maybe) { if (tmpe->policy_type == ADDR_POLICY_REJECT) maybe_reject = 1; else maybe_accept = 1; } if (match) { if (tmpe->policy_type == ADDR_POLICY_ACCEPT) { /* If we already hit a clause that might trigger a 'reject', than we * can't be sure of this certain 'accept'.*/ return maybe_reject ? ADDR_POLICY_PROBABLY_ACCEPTED : ADDR_POLICY_ACCEPTED; } else { return maybe_accept ? ADDR_POLICY_PROBABLY_REJECTED : ADDR_POLICY_REJECTED; } } } /* accept all by default. */ return maybe_reject ? ADDR_POLICY_PROBABLY_ACCEPTED : ADDR_POLICY_ACCEPTED; } /** Return 1 if all running sufficiently-stable routers will reject * addr:port, return 0 if any might accept it. */ int router_exit_policy_all_routers_reject(uint32_t addr, uint16_t port, int need_uptime) { int i; routerinfo_t *router; addr_policy_result_t r; if (!routerlist) return 1; for (i=0;irouters);i++) { router = smartlist_get(routerlist->routers, i); if (router->is_running && !router_is_unreliable(router, need_uptime, 0)) { r = router_compare_addr_to_addr_policy(addr, port, router->exit_policy); if (r != ADDR_POLICY_REJECTED && r != ADDR_POLICY_PROBABLY_REJECTED) return 0; /* this one could be ok. good enough. */ } } return 1; /* all will reject. */ } /** * If policy implicitly allows connections to any port in the * IP set addr/mask, then set *policy_out to the * part of the policy that allows it, and return 1. Else return 0. * * A policy allows an IP:Port combination implicitly if * it is included in a *: pattern, or in a fallback pattern. */ static int policy_includes_addr_mask_implicitly(addr_policy_t *policy, uint32_t addr, uint32_t mask, addr_policy_t **policy_out) { uint32_t addr2; tor_assert(policy_out); addr &= mask; addr2 = addr | ~mask; for (; policy; policy=policy->next) { /* Does this policy cover all of the address range we're looking at? */ /* Boolean logic time: range X is contained in range Y if, for * each bit B, all possible values of B in X are values of B in Y. * In "addr", we have every fixed bit set to its value, and every * free bit set to 0. In "addr2", we have every fixed bit set to * its value, and every free bit set to 1. So if addr and addr2 are * both in the policy, the range is covered by the policy. */ uint32_t p_addr = policy->addr & policy->msk; if (p_addr == (addr & policy->msk) && p_addr == (addr2 & policy->msk) && (policy->prt_min <= 1 && policy->prt_max == 65535)) { return 0; } /* Does this policy cover some of the address range we're looking at? */ /* Boolean logic time: range X and range Y intersect if there is * some z such that z & Xmask == Xaddr and z & Ymask == Yaddr. * This is FALSE iff there is some bit b where Xmask == yMask == 1 * and Xaddr != Yaddr. So if X intersects with Y iff at every * place where Xmask&Ymask==1, Xaddr == Yaddr, or equivalently, * Xaddr&Xmask&Ymask == Yaddr&Xmask&Ymask. */ if ((policy->addr & policy->msk & mask) == (addr & policy->msk) && policy->policy_type == ADDR_POLICY_ACCEPT) { *policy_out = policy; return 1; } } *policy_out = NULL; return 1; } /** If policy implicitly allows connections to any port on * 127.*, 192.168.*, etc, then warn (if warn is set) and return * true. Else return false. **/ int exit_policy_implicitly_allows_local_networks(addr_policy_t *policy, int warn) { addr_policy_t *p; int r=0,i; static struct { uint32_t addr; uint32_t mask; const char *network; } private_networks[] = { { 0x7f000000, 0xff000000, "localhost (" }, { 0x0a000000, 0xff000000, "addresses in private network" }, { 0xa9fe0000, 0xffff0000, "addresses in private network" }, { 0xac100000, 0xfff00000, "addresses in private network" }, { 0xc0a80000, 0xffff0000, "addresses in private network" }, { 0,0,NULL}, }; for (i=0; private_networks[i].addr; ++i) { p = NULL; /* log_fn(LOG_INFO,"Checking network %s", private_networks[i].network); */ if (policy_includes_addr_mask_implicitly( policy, private_networks[i].addr, private_networks[i].mask, &p)) { if (warn) log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Exit policy %s implicitly accepts %s", p?p->string:"(default)", private_networks[i].network); r = 1; } } return r; } /** Return true iff router does not permit exit streams. */ int router_exit_policy_rejects_all(routerinfo_t *router) { return router_compare_addr_to_addr_policy(0, 0, router->exit_policy) == ADDR_POLICY_REJECTED; } /** Release all space held in rr. */ void running_routers_free(running_routers_t *rr) { if (!rr) return; if (rr->running_routers) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH(rr->running_routers, char *, s, tor_free(s)); smartlist_free(rr->running_routers); } tor_free(rr); } /** Update the running/not-running status of every router in list, based * on the contents of rr. */ static void routerlist_update_from_runningrouters(routerlist_t *list, running_routers_t *rr) { routerinfo_t *me = router_get_my_routerinfo(); smartlist_t *all_routers; if (!list) return; if (list->published_on >= rr->published_on) return; if (list->running_routers_updated_on >= rr->published_on) return; all_routers = smartlist_create(); if (me) /* learn if the dirservers think I'm verified */ smartlist_add(all_routers, me); smartlist_add_all(all_routers,list->routers); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(rr->running_routers, const char *, cp, routers_update_status_from_entry(all_routers, rr->published_on, cp)); smartlist_free(all_routers); list->running_routers_updated_on = rr->published_on; } /** We've just got a running routers list in rr; update the * status of the routers in list, and cache rr */ void routerlist_set_runningrouters(routerlist_t *list, running_routers_t *rr) { routerlist_update_from_runningrouters(list,rr); if (list->running_routers != rr) { running_routers_free(list->running_routers); list->running_routers = rr; } } /** Update the is_running and is_verified fields of the router router, * based in its status in the list of strings stored in running_list. * All entries in running_list follow one of these formats: *
  1. nickname -- router is running and verified. * (running-routers format) *
  2. !nickname -- router is not-running and verified. * (running-routers format) *
  3. nickname=$hexdigest -- router is running and * verified. (router-status format) * (router-status format) *
  4. !nickname=$hexdigest -- router is running and * verified. (router-status format) *
  5. !nickname -- router is not-running and verified. *
  6. $hexdigest -- router is running and unverified. *
  7. !$hexdigest -- router is not-running and unverified. *
* * Return 1 if we found router in running_list, else return 0. */ int routers_update_status_from_entry(smartlist_t *routers, time_t list_time, const char *s) { int authdir = get_options()->AuthoritativeDir; int is_running = 1; int is_verified = 0; int hex_digest_set = 0; char nickname[MAX_NICKNAME_LEN+1]; char hexdigest[HEX_DIGEST_LEN+1]; char digest[DIGEST_LEN]; const char *cp, *end; /* First, parse the entry. */ cp = s; if (*cp == '!') { is_running = 0; ++cp; } if (*cp != '$') { /* It starts with a non-dollar character; that's a nickname. The nickname * entry will either extend to a NUL (old running-routers format) or to an * equals sign (new router-status format). */ is_verified = 1; end = strchr(cp, '='); if (!end) end = strchr(cp,'\0'); tor_assert(end); /* 'end' now points on character beyond the end of the nickname */ if (end == cp || end-cp > MAX_NICKNAME_LEN) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Bad nickname length (%d) in router status entry (%s)", (int)(end-cp), s); return -1; } memcpy(nickname, cp, end-cp); nickname[end-cp]='\0'; if (!is_legal_nickname(nickname)) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Bad nickname (%s) in router status entry (%s)", nickname, s); return -1; } cp = end; if (*cp == '=') ++cp; } /* 'end' now points to the start of a hex digest, or EOS. */ /* Parse the hexdigest portion of the status. */ if (*cp == '$') { hex_digest_set = 1; ++cp; if (strlen(cp) != HEX_DIGEST_LEN) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Bad length (%d) on digest in router status entry (%s)", (int)strlen(cp), s); return -1; } strlcpy(hexdigest, cp, sizeof(hexdigest)); if (base16_decode(digest, DIGEST_LEN, hexdigest, HEX_DIGEST_LEN)<0) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Invalid digest in router status entry (%s)", s); return -1; } } /* Make sure that the entry was in the right format. */ if (!hex_digest_set) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Invalid syntax for router-status member (%s)", s); return -1; } /* Okay, we're done parsing. For all routers that match, update their status. */ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(routers, routerinfo_t *, r, { int nickname_matches = is_verified && !strcasecmp(r->nickname, nickname); int digest_matches = !memcmp(digest, r->identity_digest, DIGEST_LEN); if (!authdir) { /* If we're not an authoritative directory, update verified status. */ if (nickname_matches && digest_matches) r->is_verified = 1; else if (digest_matches) r->is_verified = 0; } if (digest_matches) if (r->status_set_at < list_time) { if (!authdir || is_running) /* If we're an authoritative directory, only believe that servers * are down when we hear it ourselves. Otherwise, believe * what we're told. */ r->is_running = is_running; r->status_set_at = time(NULL); } }); return 0; } /** As router_update_status_from_entry, but consider all entries in * running_list. */ int router_update_status_from_smartlist(routerinfo_t *router, time_t list_time, smartlist_t *running_list) { smartlist_t *rl; rl = smartlist_create(); smartlist_add(rl,router); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(running_list, const char *, cp, routers_update_status_from_entry(rl,list_time,cp)); smartlist_free(rl); return 0; } /** Add to the list of authorized directory servers one at * address:port, with identity key digest. If * address is NULL, add ourself. */ void add_trusted_dir_server(const char *address, uint16_t port, const char *digest, int supports_v1) { trusted_dir_server_t *ent; uint32_t a; char *hostname = NULL; if (!trusted_dir_servers) trusted_dir_servers = smartlist_create(); if (!address) { /* The address is us; we should guess. */ if (resolve_my_address(get_options(), &a, &hostname) < 0) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Couldn't find a suitable address. Returning."); return; } } else { if (tor_lookup_hostname(address, &a)) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Unable to lookup address for directory server at %s", address); return; } hostname = tor_strdup(address); a = ntohl(a); } ent = tor_malloc(sizeof(trusted_dir_server_t)); ent->address = hostname; ent->addr = a; ent->dir_port = port; ent->is_running = 1; ent->supports_v1_protocol = supports_v1; memcpy(ent->digest, digest, DIGEST_LEN); smartlist_add(trusted_dir_servers, ent); } /** Remove all members from the list of trusted dir servers. */ void clear_trusted_dir_servers(void) { if (trusted_dir_servers) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH(trusted_dir_servers, trusted_dir_server_t *, ent, { tor_free(ent->address); tor_free(ent); }); smartlist_clear(trusted_dir_servers); } else { trusted_dir_servers = smartlist_create(); } } networkstatus_t * networkstatus_get_by_digest(const char *digest) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH(networkstatus_list, networkstatus_t *, ns, { if (!memcmp(ns->identity_digest, digest, DIGEST_LEN)) return ns; }); return NULL; }