/* Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Roger Dingledine, Nick Mathewson. * Copyright (c) 2007-2009, The Tor Project, Inc. */ /* See LICENSE for licensing information */ /** * \file rephist.c * \brief Basic history and "reputation" functionality to remember * which servers have worked in the past, how much bandwidth we've * been using, which ports we tend to want, and so on. **/ #include "or.h" #include "ht.h" static void bw_arrays_init(void); static void predicted_ports_init(void); static void hs_usage_init(void); /** Total number of bytes currently allocated in fields used by rephist.c. */ uint64_t rephist_total_alloc=0; /** Number of or_history_t objects currently allocated. */ uint32_t rephist_total_num=0; /** If the total weighted run count of all runs for a router ever falls * below this amount, the router can be treated as having 0 MTBF. */ #define STABILITY_EPSILON 0.0001 /** Value by which to discount all old intervals for MTBF purposes. This * is compounded every STABILITY_INTERVAL. */ #define STABILITY_ALPHA 0.95 /** Interval at which to discount all old intervals for MTBF purposes. */ #define STABILITY_INTERVAL (12*60*60) /* (This combination of ALPHA, INTERVAL, and EPSILON makes it so that an * interval that just ended counts twice as much as one that ended a week ago, * 20X as much as one that ended a month ago, and routers that have had no * uptime data for about half a year will get forgotten.) */ /** History of an OR-\>OR link. */ typedef struct link_history_t { /** When did we start tracking this list? */ time_t since; /** When did we most recently note a change to this link */ time_t changed; /** How many times did extending from OR1 to OR2 succeed? */ unsigned long n_extend_ok; /** How many times did extending from OR1 to OR2 fail? */ unsigned long n_extend_fail; } link_history_t; /** History of an OR. */ typedef struct or_history_t { /** When did we start tracking this OR? */ time_t since; /** When did we most recently note a change to this OR? */ time_t changed; /** How many times did we successfully connect? */ unsigned long n_conn_ok; /** How many times did we try to connect and fail?*/ unsigned long n_conn_fail; /** How many seconds have we been connected to this OR before * 'up_since'? */ unsigned long uptime; /** How many seconds have we been unable to connect to this OR before * 'down_since'? */ unsigned long downtime; /** If nonzero, we have been connected since this time. */ time_t up_since; /** If nonzero, we have been unable to connect since this time. */ time_t down_since; /* === For MTBF tracking: */ /** Weighted sum total of all times that this router has been online. */ unsigned long weighted_run_length; /** If the router is now online (according to stability-checking rules), * when did it come online? */ time_t start_of_run; /** Sum of weights for runs in weighted_run_length. */ double total_run_weights; /* === For fractional uptime tracking: */ time_t start_of_downtime; unsigned long weighted_uptime; unsigned long total_weighted_time; /** Map from hex OR2 identity digest to a link_history_t for the link * from this OR to OR2. */ digestmap_t *link_history_map; } or_history_t; /** When did we last multiply all routers' weighted_run_length and * total_run_weights by STABILITY_ALPHA? */ static time_t stability_last_downrated = 0; /** */ static time_t started_tracking_stability = 0; /** Map from hex OR identity digest to or_history_t. */ static digestmap_t *history_map = NULL; /** Return the or_history_t for the OR with identity digest id, * creating it if necessary. */ static or_history_t * get_or_history(const char* id) { or_history_t *hist; if (tor_mem_is_zero(id, DIGEST_LEN)) return NULL; hist = digestmap_get(history_map, id); if (!hist) { hist = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(or_history_t)); rephist_total_alloc += sizeof(or_history_t); rephist_total_num++; hist->link_history_map = digestmap_new(); hist->since = hist->changed = time(NULL); digestmap_set(history_map, id, hist); } return hist; } /** Return the link_history_t for the link from the first named OR to * the second, creating it if necessary. (ORs are identified by * identity digest.) */ static link_history_t * get_link_history(const char *from_id, const char *to_id) { or_history_t *orhist; link_history_t *lhist; orhist = get_or_history(from_id); if (!orhist) return NULL; if (tor_mem_is_zero(to_id, DIGEST_LEN)) return NULL; lhist = (link_history_t*) digestmap_get(orhist->link_history_map, to_id); if (!lhist) { lhist = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(link_history_t)); rephist_total_alloc += sizeof(link_history_t); lhist->since = lhist->changed = time(NULL); digestmap_set(orhist->link_history_map, to_id, lhist); } return lhist; } /** Helper: free storage held by a single link history entry. */ static void _free_link_history(void *val) { rephist_total_alloc -= sizeof(link_history_t); tor_free(val); } /** Helper: free storage held by a single OR history entry. */ static void free_or_history(void *_hist) { or_history_t *hist = _hist; digestmap_free(hist->link_history_map, _free_link_history); rephist_total_alloc -= sizeof(or_history_t); rephist_total_num--; tor_free(hist); } /** Update an or_history_t object hist so that its uptime/downtime * count is up-to-date as of when. */ static void update_or_history(or_history_t *hist, time_t when) { tor_assert(hist); if (hist->up_since) { tor_assert(!hist->down_since); hist->uptime += (when - hist->up_since); hist->up_since = when; } else if (hist->down_since) { hist->downtime += (when - hist->down_since); hist->down_since = when; } } /** Initialize the static data structures for tracking history. */ void rep_hist_init(void) { history_map = digestmap_new(); bw_arrays_init(); predicted_ports_init(); hs_usage_init(); } /** Helper: note that we are no longer connected to the router with history * hist. If failed, the connection failed; otherwise, it was * closed correctly. */ static void mark_or_down(or_history_t *hist, time_t when, int failed) { if (hist->up_since) { hist->uptime += (when - hist->up_since); hist->up_since = 0; } if (failed && !hist->down_since) { hist->down_since = when; } } /** Helper: note that we are connected to the router with history * hist. */ static void mark_or_up(or_history_t *hist, time_t when) { if (hist->down_since) { hist->downtime += (when - hist->down_since); hist->down_since = 0; } if (!hist->up_since) { hist->up_since = when; } } /** Remember that an attempt to connect to the OR with identity digest * id failed at when. */ void rep_hist_note_connect_failed(const char* id, time_t when) { or_history_t *hist; hist = get_or_history(id); if (!hist) return; ++hist->n_conn_fail; mark_or_down(hist, when, 1); hist->changed = when; } /** Remember that an attempt to connect to the OR with identity digest * id succeeded at when. */ void rep_hist_note_connect_succeeded(const char* id, time_t when) { or_history_t *hist; hist = get_or_history(id); if (!hist) return; ++hist->n_conn_ok; mark_or_up(hist, when); hist->changed = when; } /** Remember that we intentionally closed our connection to the OR * with identity digest id at when. */ void rep_hist_note_disconnect(const char* id, time_t when) { or_history_t *hist; hist = get_or_history(id); if (!hist) return; mark_or_down(hist, when, 0); hist->changed = when; } /** Remember that our connection to the OR with identity digest * id had an error and stopped working at when. */ void rep_hist_note_connection_died(const char* id, time_t when) { or_history_t *hist; if (!id) { /* If conn has no identity, it didn't complete its handshake, or something * went wrong. Ignore it. */ return; } hist = get_or_history(id); if (!hist) return; mark_or_down(hist, when, 1); hist->changed = when; } /** We have just decided that this router with identity digest id is * reachable, meaning we will give it a "Running" flag for the next while. */ void rep_hist_note_router_reachable(const char *id, time_t when) { or_history_t *hist = get_or_history(id); int was_in_run = 1; char tbuf[ISO_TIME_LEN+1]; tor_assert(hist); if (!started_tracking_stability) started_tracking_stability = time(NULL); if (!hist->start_of_run) { hist->start_of_run = when; was_in_run = 0; } if (hist->start_of_downtime) { long down_length; format_local_iso_time(tbuf, hist->start_of_downtime); log_info(LD_HIST, "Router %s is now Running; it had been down since %s.", hex_str(id, DIGEST_LEN), tbuf); if (was_in_run) log_info(LD_HIST, " (Paradoxically, it was already Running too.)"); down_length = when - hist->start_of_downtime; hist->total_weighted_time += down_length; hist->start_of_downtime = 0; } else { format_local_iso_time(tbuf, hist->start_of_run); if (was_in_run) log_debug(LD_HIST, "Router %s is still Running; it has been Running " "since %s", hex_str(id, DIGEST_LEN), tbuf); else log_info(LD_HIST,"Router %s is now Running; it was previously untracked", hex_str(id, DIGEST_LEN)); } } /** We have just decided that this router is unreachable, meaning * we are taking away its "Running" flag. */ void rep_hist_note_router_unreachable(const char *id, time_t when) { or_history_t *hist = get_or_history(id); char tbuf[ISO_TIME_LEN+1]; int was_running = 0; if (!started_tracking_stability) started_tracking_stability = time(NULL); tor_assert(hist); if (hist->start_of_run) { /*XXXX We could treat failed connections differently from failed * connect attempts. */ long run_length = when - hist->start_of_run; format_local_iso_time(tbuf, hist->start_of_run); hist->weighted_run_length += run_length; hist->total_run_weights += 1.0; hist->start_of_run = 0; hist->weighted_uptime += run_length; hist->total_weighted_time += run_length; was_running = 1; log_info(LD_HIST, "Router %s is now non-Running: it had previously been " "Running since %s. Its total weighted uptime is %lu/%lu.", hex_str(id, DIGEST_LEN), tbuf, hist->weighted_uptime, hist->total_weighted_time); } if (!hist->start_of_downtime) { hist->start_of_downtime = when; if (!was_running) log_info(LD_HIST, "Router %s is now non-Running; it was previously " "untracked.", hex_str(id, DIGEST_LEN)); } else { if (!was_running) { format_local_iso_time(tbuf, hist->start_of_downtime); log_info(LD_HIST, "Router %s is still non-Running; it has been " "non-Running since %s.", hex_str(id, DIGEST_LEN), tbuf); } } } /** Helper: Discount all old MTBF data, if it is time to do so. Return * the time at which we should next discount MTBF data. */ time_t rep_hist_downrate_old_runs(time_t now) { digestmap_iter_t *orhist_it; const char *digest1; or_history_t *hist; void *hist_p; double alpha = 1.0; if (!history_map) history_map = digestmap_new(); if (!stability_last_downrated) stability_last_downrated = now; if (stability_last_downrated + STABILITY_INTERVAL > now) return stability_last_downrated + STABILITY_INTERVAL; /* Okay, we should downrate the data. By how much? */ while (stability_last_downrated + STABILITY_INTERVAL < now) { stability_last_downrated += STABILITY_INTERVAL; alpha *= STABILITY_ALPHA; } log_info(LD_HIST, "Discounting all old stability info by a factor of %lf", alpha); /* Multiply every w_r_l, t_r_w pair by alpha. */ for (orhist_it = digestmap_iter_init(history_map); !digestmap_iter_done(orhist_it); orhist_it = digestmap_iter_next(history_map,orhist_it)) { digestmap_iter_get(orhist_it, &digest1, &hist_p); hist = hist_p; hist->weighted_run_length = (unsigned long)(hist->weighted_run_length * alpha); hist->total_run_weights *= alpha; hist->weighted_uptime = (unsigned long)(hist->weighted_uptime * alpha); hist->total_weighted_time = (unsigned long) (hist->total_weighted_time * alpha); } return stability_last_downrated + STABILITY_INTERVAL; } /** Helper: Return the weighted MTBF of the router with history hist. */ static double get_stability(or_history_t *hist, time_t when) { unsigned long total = hist->weighted_run_length; double total_weights = hist->total_run_weights; if (hist->start_of_run) { /* We're currently in a run. Let total and total_weights hold the values * they would hold if the current run were to end now. */ total += (when-hist->start_of_run); total_weights += 1.0; } if (total_weights < STABILITY_EPSILON) { /* Round down to zero, and avoid divide-by-zero. */ return 0.0; } return total / total_weights; } /** Return the total amount of time we've been observing, with each run of * time downrated by the appropriate factor. */ static long get_total_weighted_time(or_history_t *hist, time_t when) { long total = hist->total_weighted_time; if (hist->start_of_run) { total += (when - hist->start_of_run); } else if (hist->start_of_downtime) { total += (when - hist->start_of_downtime); } return total; } /** Helper: Return the weighted percent-of-time-online of the router with * history hist. */ static double get_weighted_fractional_uptime(or_history_t *hist, time_t when) { unsigned long total = hist->total_weighted_time; unsigned long up = hist->weighted_uptime; if (hist->start_of_run) { long run_length = (when - hist->start_of_run); up += run_length; total += run_length; } else if (hist->start_of_downtime) { total += (when - hist->start_of_downtime); } if (!total) { /* Avoid calling anybody's uptime infinity (which should be impossible if * the code is working), or NaN (which can happen for any router we haven't * observed up or down yet). */ return 0.0; } return ((double) up) / total; } /** Return an estimated MTBF for the router whose identity digest is * id. Return 0 if the router is unknown. */ double rep_hist_get_stability(const char *id, time_t when) { or_history_t *hist = get_or_history(id); if (!hist) return 0.0; return get_stability(hist, when); } /** Return an estimated percent-of-time-online for the router whose identity * digest is id. Return 0 if the router is unknown. */ double rep_hist_get_weighted_fractional_uptime(const char *id, time_t when) { or_history_t *hist = get_or_history(id); if (!hist) return 0.0; return get_weighted_fractional_uptime(hist, when); } /** Return a number representing how long we've known about the router whose * digest is id. Return 0 if the router is unknown. * * Be careful: this measure increases monotonically as we know the router for * longer and longer, but it doesn't increase linearly. */ long rep_hist_get_weighted_time_known(const char *id, time_t when) { or_history_t *hist = get_or_history(id); if (!hist) return 0; return get_total_weighted_time(hist, when); } /** Return true if we've been measuring MTBFs for long enough to * pronounce on Stability. */ int rep_hist_have_measured_enough_stability(void) { /* XXXX021 This doesn't do so well when we change our opinion * as to whether we're tracking router stability. */ return started_tracking_stability < time(NULL) - 4*60*60; } /** Remember that we successfully extended from the OR with identity * digest from_id to the OR with identity digest * to_name. */ void rep_hist_note_extend_succeeded(const char *from_id, const char *to_id) { link_history_t *hist; /* log_fn(LOG_WARN, "EXTEND SUCCEEDED: %s->%s",from_name,to_name); */ hist = get_link_history(from_id, to_id); if (!hist) return; ++hist->n_extend_ok; hist->changed = time(NULL); } /** Remember that we tried to extend from the OR with identity digest * from_id to the OR with identity digest to_name, but * failed. */ void rep_hist_note_extend_failed(const char *from_id, const char *to_id) { link_history_t *hist; /* log_fn(LOG_WARN, "EXTEND FAILED: %s->%s",from_name,to_name); */ hist = get_link_history(from_id, to_id); if (!hist) return; ++hist->n_extend_fail; hist->changed = time(NULL); } /** Log all the reliability data we have remembered, with the chosen * severity. */ void rep_hist_dump_stats(time_t now, int severity) { digestmap_iter_t *lhist_it; digestmap_iter_t *orhist_it; const char *name1, *name2, *digest1, *digest2; char hexdigest1[HEX_DIGEST_LEN+1]; or_history_t *or_history; link_history_t *link_history; void *or_history_p, *link_history_p; double uptime; char buffer[2048]; size_t len; int ret; unsigned long upt, downt; routerinfo_t *r; rep_history_clean(now - get_options()->RephistTrackTime); log(severity, LD_HIST, "--------------- Dumping history information:"); for (orhist_it = digestmap_iter_init(history_map); !digestmap_iter_done(orhist_it); orhist_it = digestmap_iter_next(history_map,orhist_it)) { double s; long stability; digestmap_iter_get(orhist_it, &digest1, &or_history_p); or_history = (or_history_t*) or_history_p; if ((r = router_get_by_digest(digest1))) name1 = r->nickname; else name1 = "(unknown)"; base16_encode(hexdigest1, sizeof(hexdigest1), digest1, DIGEST_LEN); update_or_history(or_history, now); upt = or_history->uptime; downt = or_history->downtime; s = get_stability(or_history, now); stability = (long)s; if (upt+downt) { uptime = ((double)upt) / (upt+downt); } else { uptime=1.0; } log(severity, LD_HIST, "OR %s [%s]: %ld/%ld good connections; uptime %ld/%ld sec (%.2f%%); " "wmtbf %lu:%02lu:%02lu", name1, hexdigest1, or_history->n_conn_ok, or_history->n_conn_fail+or_history->n_conn_ok, upt, upt+downt, uptime*100.0, stability/3600, (stability/60)%60, stability%60); if (!digestmap_isempty(or_history->link_history_map)) { strlcpy(buffer, " Extend attempts: ", sizeof(buffer)); len = strlen(buffer); for (lhist_it = digestmap_iter_init(or_history->link_history_map); !digestmap_iter_done(lhist_it); lhist_it = digestmap_iter_next(or_history->link_history_map, lhist_it)) { digestmap_iter_get(lhist_it, &digest2, &link_history_p); if ((r = router_get_by_digest(digest2))) name2 = r->nickname; else name2 = "(unknown)"; link_history = (link_history_t*) link_history_p; ret = tor_snprintf(buffer+len, 2048-len, "%s(%ld/%ld); ", name2, link_history->n_extend_ok, link_history->n_extend_ok+link_history->n_extend_fail); if (ret<0) break; else len += ret; } log(severity, LD_HIST, "%s", buffer); } } } /** Remove history info for routers/links that haven't changed since * before. */ void rep_history_clean(time_t before) { int authority = authdir_mode(get_options()); or_history_t *or_history; link_history_t *link_history; void *or_history_p, *link_history_p; digestmap_iter_t *orhist_it, *lhist_it; const char *d1, *d2; orhist_it = digestmap_iter_init(history_map); while (!digestmap_iter_done(orhist_it)) { int remove; digestmap_iter_get(orhist_it, &d1, &or_history_p); or_history = or_history_p; remove = authority ? (or_history->total_run_weights < STABILITY_EPSILON && !or_history->start_of_run) : (or_history->changed < before); if (remove) { orhist_it = digestmap_iter_next_rmv(history_map, orhist_it); free_or_history(or_history); continue; } for (lhist_it = digestmap_iter_init(or_history->link_history_map); !digestmap_iter_done(lhist_it); ) { digestmap_iter_get(lhist_it, &d2, &link_history_p); link_history = link_history_p; if (link_history->changed < before) { lhist_it = digestmap_iter_next_rmv(or_history->link_history_map, lhist_it); rephist_total_alloc -= sizeof(link_history_t); tor_free(link_history); continue; } lhist_it = digestmap_iter_next(or_history->link_history_map,lhist_it); } orhist_it = digestmap_iter_next(history_map, orhist_it); } } /** Write MTBF data to disk. Return 0 on success, negative on failure. * * If missing_means_down, then if we're about to write an entry * that is still considered up but isn't in our routerlist, consider it * to be down. */ int rep_hist_record_mtbf_data(time_t now, int missing_means_down) { char time_buf[ISO_TIME_LEN+1]; digestmap_iter_t *orhist_it; const char *digest; void *or_history_p; or_history_t *hist; open_file_t *open_file = NULL; FILE *f; { char *filename = get_datadir_fname("router-stability"); f = start_writing_to_stdio_file(filename, OPEN_FLAGS_REPLACE|O_TEXT, 0600, &open_file); tor_free(filename); if (!f) return -1; } /* File format is: * FormatLine *KeywordLine Data * * FormatLine = "format 1" NL * KeywordLine = Keyword SP Arguments NL * Data = "data" NL *RouterMTBFLine "." NL * RouterMTBFLine = Fingerprint SP WeightedRunLen SP * TotalRunWeights [SP S=StartRunTime] NL */ #define PUT(s) STMT_BEGIN if (fputs((s),f)<0) goto err; STMT_END #define PRINTF(args) STMT_BEGIN if (fprintf args <0) goto err; STMT_END PUT("format 2\n"); format_iso_time(time_buf, time(NULL)); PRINTF((f, "stored-at %s\n", time_buf)); if (started_tracking_stability) { format_iso_time(time_buf, started_tracking_stability); PRINTF((f, "tracked-since %s\n", time_buf)); } if (stability_last_downrated) { format_iso_time(time_buf, stability_last_downrated); PRINTF((f, "last-downrated %s\n", time_buf)); } PUT("data\n"); /* XXX Nick: now bridge auths record this for all routers too. * Should we make them record it only for bridge routers? -RD * Not for 0.2.0. -NM */ for (orhist_it = digestmap_iter_init(history_map); !digestmap_iter_done(orhist_it); orhist_it = digestmap_iter_next(history_map,orhist_it)) { char dbuf[HEX_DIGEST_LEN+1]; const char *t = NULL; digestmap_iter_get(orhist_it, &digest, &or_history_p); hist = (or_history_t*) or_history_p; base16_encode(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), digest, DIGEST_LEN); if (missing_means_down && hist->start_of_run && !router_get_by_digest(digest)) { /* We think this relay is running, but it's not listed in our * routerlist. Somehow it fell out without telling us it went * down. Complain and also correct it. */ log_info(LD_HIST, "Relay '%s' is listed as up in rephist, but it's not in " "our routerlist. Correcting.", dbuf); rep_hist_note_router_unreachable(digest, now); } PRINTF((f, "R %s\n", dbuf)); if (hist->start_of_run > 0) { format_iso_time(time_buf, hist->start_of_run); t = time_buf; } PRINTF((f, "+MTBF %lu %.5lf%s%s\n", hist->weighted_run_length, hist->total_run_weights, t ? " S=" : "", t ? t : "")); t = NULL; if (hist->start_of_downtime > 0) { format_iso_time(time_buf, hist->start_of_downtime); t = time_buf; } PRINTF((f, "+WFU %lu %lu%s%s\n", hist->weighted_uptime, hist->total_weighted_time, t ? " S=" : "", t ? t : "")); } PUT(".\n"); #undef PUT #undef PRINTF return finish_writing_to_file(open_file); err: abort_writing_to_file(open_file); return -1; } /** Format the current tracked status of the router in hist at time * now for analysis; return it in a newly allocated string. */ static char * rep_hist_format_router_status(or_history_t *hist, time_t now) { char buf[1024]; char sor_buf[ISO_TIME_LEN+1]; char sod_buf[ISO_TIME_LEN+1]; double wfu; double mtbf; int up = 0, down = 0; if (hist->start_of_run) { format_iso_time(sor_buf, hist->start_of_run); up = 1; } if (hist->start_of_downtime) { format_iso_time(sod_buf, hist->start_of_downtime); down = 1; } wfu = get_weighted_fractional_uptime(hist, now); mtbf = get_stability(hist, now); tor_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s%s" "%s%s%s" "wfu %0.3lf\n" " weighted-time %lu\n" " weighted-uptime %lu\n" "mtbf %0.1lf\n" " weighted-run-length %lu\n" " total-run-weights %lf\n", up?"uptime-started ":"", up?sor_buf:"", up?" UTC\n":"", down?"downtime-started ":"", down?sod_buf:"", down?" UTC\n":"", wfu, hist->total_weighted_time, hist->weighted_uptime, mtbf, hist->weighted_run_length, hist->total_run_weights ); return tor_strdup(buf); } /** The last stability analysis document that we created, or NULL if we never * have created one. */ static char *last_stability_doc = NULL; /** The last time we created a stability analysis document, or 0 if we never * have created one. */ static time_t built_last_stability_doc_at = 0; /** Shortest allowable time between building two stability documents. */ #define MAX_STABILITY_DOC_BUILD_RATE (3*60) /** Return a pointer to a NUL-terminated document describing our view of the * stability of the routers we've been tracking. Return NULL on failure. */ const char * rep_hist_get_router_stability_doc(time_t now) { char *result; smartlist_t *chunks; if (built_last_stability_doc_at + MAX_STABILITY_DOC_BUILD_RATE > now) return last_stability_doc; if (!history_map) return NULL; tor_free(last_stability_doc); chunks = smartlist_create(); if (rep_hist_have_measured_enough_stability()) { smartlist_add(chunks, tor_strdup("we-have-enough-measurements\n")); } else { smartlist_add(chunks, tor_strdup("we-do-not-have-enough-measurements\n")); } DIGESTMAP_FOREACH(history_map, id, or_history_t *, hist) { routerinfo_t *ri; char dbuf[BASE64_DIGEST_LEN+1]; char header_buf[512]; char *info; digest_to_base64(dbuf, id); ri = router_get_by_digest(id); if (ri) { char *ip = tor_dup_ip(ri->addr); char tbuf[ISO_TIME_LEN+1]; format_iso_time(tbuf, ri->cache_info.published_on); tor_snprintf(header_buf, sizeof(header_buf), "router %s %s %s\n" "published %s\n" "relevant-flags %s%s%s\n" "declared-uptime %ld\n", dbuf, ri->nickname, ip, tbuf, ri->is_running ? "Running " : "", ri->is_valid ? "Valid " : "", ri->is_hibernating ? "Hibernating " : "", ri->uptime); tor_free(ip); } else { tor_snprintf(header_buf, sizeof(header_buf), "router %s {no descriptor}\n", dbuf); } smartlist_add(chunks, tor_strdup(header_buf)); info = rep_hist_format_router_status(hist, now); if (info) smartlist_add(chunks, info); } DIGESTMAP_FOREACH_END; result = smartlist_join_strings(chunks, "", 0, NULL); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(chunks, char *, cp, tor_free(cp)); smartlist_free(chunks); last_stability_doc = result; built_last_stability_doc_at = time(NULL); return result; } /** Helper: return the first j >= i such that !strcmpstart(sl[j], prefix) and * such that no line sl[k] with i <= k < j starts with "R ". Return -1 if no * such line exists. */ static int find_next_with(smartlist_t *sl, int i, const char *prefix) { for ( ; i < smartlist_len(sl); ++i) { const char *line = smartlist_get(sl, i); if (!strcmpstart(line, prefix)) return i; if (!strcmpstart(line, "R ")) return -1; } return -1; } /** How many bad times has parse_possibly_bad_iso_time parsed? */ static int n_bogus_times = 0; /** Parse the ISO-formatted time in s into *time_out, but * rounds any pre-1970 date to Jan 1, 1970. */ static int parse_possibly_bad_iso_time(const char *s, time_t *time_out) { int year; char b[5]; strlcpy(b, s, sizeof(b)); b[4] = '\0'; year = (int)tor_parse_long(b, 10, 0, INT_MAX, NULL, NULL); if (year < 1970) { *time_out = 0; ++n_bogus_times; return 0; } else return parse_iso_time(s, time_out); } /** We've read a time t from a file stored at stored_at, which * says we started measuring at started_measuring. Return a new number * that's about as much before now as t was before * stored_at. */ static INLINE time_t correct_time(time_t t, time_t now, time_t stored_at, time_t started_measuring) { if (t < started_measuring - 24*60*60*365) return 0; else if (t < started_measuring) return started_measuring; else if (t > stored_at) return 0; else { long run_length = stored_at - t; t = now - run_length; if (t < started_measuring) t = started_measuring; return t; } } /** Load MTBF data from disk. Returns 0 on success or recoverable error, -1 * on failure. */ int rep_hist_load_mtbf_data(time_t now) { /* XXXX won't handle being called while history is already populated. */ smartlist_t *lines; const char *line = NULL; int r=0, i; time_t last_downrated = 0, stored_at = 0, tracked_since = 0; time_t latest_possible_start = now; long format = -1; { char *filename = get_datadir_fname("router-stability"); char *d = read_file_to_str(filename, RFTS_IGNORE_MISSING, NULL); tor_free(filename); if (!d) return -1; lines = smartlist_create(); smartlist_split_string(lines, d, "\n", SPLIT_SKIP_SPACE, 0); tor_free(d); } { const char *firstline; if (smartlist_len(lines)>4) { firstline = smartlist_get(lines, 0); if (!strcmpstart(firstline, "format ")) format = tor_parse_long(firstline+strlen("format "), 10, -1, LONG_MAX, NULL, NULL); } } if (format != 1 && format != 2) { log_warn(LD_HIST, "Unrecognized format in mtbf history file. Skipping."); goto err; } for (i = 1; i < smartlist_len(lines); ++i) { line = smartlist_get(lines, i); if (!strcmp(line, "data")) break; if (!strcmpstart(line, "last-downrated ")) { if (parse_iso_time(line+strlen("last-downrated "), &last_downrated)<0) log_warn(LD_HIST,"Couldn't parse downrate time in mtbf " "history file."); } if (!strcmpstart(line, "stored-at ")) { if (parse_iso_time(line+strlen("stored-at "), &stored_at)<0) log_warn(LD_HIST,"Couldn't parse stored time in mtbf " "history file."); } if (!strcmpstart(line, "tracked-since ")) { if (parse_iso_time(line+strlen("tracked-since "), &tracked_since)<0) log_warn(LD_HIST,"Couldn't parse started-tracking time in mtbf " "history file."); } } if (last_downrated > now) last_downrated = now; if (tracked_since > now) tracked_since = now; if (!stored_at) { log_warn(LD_HIST, "No stored time recorded."); goto err; } if (line && !strcmp(line, "data")) ++i; n_bogus_times = 0; for (; i < smartlist_len(lines); ++i) { char digest[DIGEST_LEN]; char hexbuf[HEX_DIGEST_LEN+1]; char mtbf_timebuf[ISO_TIME_LEN+1]; char wfu_timebuf[ISO_TIME_LEN+1]; time_t start_of_run = 0; time_t start_of_downtime = 0; int have_mtbf = 0, have_wfu = 0; long wrl = 0; double trw = 0; long wt_uptime = 0, total_wt_time = 0; int n; or_history_t *hist; line = smartlist_get(lines, i); if (!strcmp(line, ".")) break; mtbf_timebuf[0] = '\0'; wfu_timebuf[0] = '\0'; if (format == 1) { n = sscanf(line, "%40s %ld %lf S=%10s %8s", hexbuf, &wrl, &trw, mtbf_timebuf, mtbf_timebuf+11); if (n != 3 && n != 5) { log_warn(LD_HIST, "Couldn't scan line %s", escaped(line)); continue; } have_mtbf = 1; } else { // format == 2. int mtbf_idx, wfu_idx; if (strcmpstart(line, "R ") || strlen(line) < 2+HEX_DIGEST_LEN) continue; strlcpy(hexbuf, line+2, sizeof(hexbuf)); mtbf_idx = find_next_with(lines, i+1, "+MTBF "); wfu_idx = find_next_with(lines, i+1, "+WFU "); if (mtbf_idx >= 0) { const char *mtbfline = smartlist_get(lines, mtbf_idx); n = sscanf(mtbfline, "+MTBF %lu %lf S=%10s %8s", &wrl, &trw, mtbf_timebuf, mtbf_timebuf+11); if (n == 2 || n == 4) { have_mtbf = 1; } else { log_warn(LD_HIST, "Couldn't scan +MTBF line %s", escaped(mtbfline)); } } if (wfu_idx >= 0) { const char *wfuline = smartlist_get(lines, wfu_idx); n = sscanf(wfuline, "+WFU %lu %lu S=%10s %8s", &wt_uptime, &total_wt_time, wfu_timebuf, wfu_timebuf+11); if (n == 2 || n == 4) { have_wfu = 1; } else { log_warn(LD_HIST, "Couldn't scan +WFU line %s", escaped(wfuline)); } } if (wfu_idx > i) i = wfu_idx; if (mtbf_idx > i) i = mtbf_idx; } if (base16_decode(digest, DIGEST_LEN, hexbuf, HEX_DIGEST_LEN) < 0) { log_warn(LD_HIST, "Couldn't hex string %s", escaped(hexbuf)); continue; } hist = get_or_history(digest); if (!hist) continue; if (have_mtbf) { if (mtbf_timebuf[0]) { mtbf_timebuf[10] = ' '; if (parse_possibly_bad_iso_time(mtbf_timebuf, &start_of_run)<0) log_warn(LD_HIST, "Couldn't parse time %s", escaped(mtbf_timebuf)); } hist->start_of_run = correct_time(start_of_run, now, stored_at, tracked_since); if (hist->start_of_run < latest_possible_start + wrl) latest_possible_start = hist->start_of_run - wrl; hist->weighted_run_length = wrl; hist->total_run_weights = trw; } if (have_wfu) { if (wfu_timebuf[0]) { wfu_timebuf[10] = ' '; if (parse_possibly_bad_iso_time(wfu_timebuf, &start_of_downtime)<0) log_warn(LD_HIST, "Couldn't parse time %s", escaped(wfu_timebuf)); } } hist->start_of_downtime = correct_time(start_of_downtime, now, stored_at, tracked_since); hist->weighted_uptime = wt_uptime; hist->total_weighted_time = total_wt_time; } if (strcmp(line, ".")) log_warn(LD_HIST, "Truncated MTBF file."); if (tracked_since < 86400*365) /* Recover from insanely early value. */ tracked_since = latest_possible_start; stability_last_downrated = last_downrated; started_tracking_stability = tracked_since; goto done; err: r = -1; done: SMARTLIST_FOREACH(lines, char *, cp, tor_free(cp)); smartlist_free(lines); return r; } /** For how many seconds do we keep track of individual per-second bandwidth * totals? */ #define NUM_SECS_ROLLING_MEASURE 10 /** How large are the intervals for which we track and report bandwidth use? */ #define NUM_SECS_BW_SUM_INTERVAL (15*60) /** How far in the past do we remember and publish bandwidth use? */ #define NUM_SECS_BW_SUM_IS_VALID (24*60*60) /** How many bandwidth usage intervals do we remember? (derived) */ #define NUM_TOTALS (NUM_SECS_BW_SUM_IS_VALID/NUM_SECS_BW_SUM_INTERVAL) /** Structure to track bandwidth use, and remember the maxima for a given * time period. */ typedef struct bw_array_t { /** Observation array: Total number of bytes transferred in each of the last * NUM_SECS_ROLLING_MEASURE seconds. This is used as a circular array. */ uint64_t obs[NUM_SECS_ROLLING_MEASURE]; int cur_obs_idx; /**< Current position in obs. */ time_t cur_obs_time; /**< Time represented in obs[cur_obs_idx] */ uint64_t total_obs; /**< Total for all members of obs except * obs[cur_obs_idx] */ uint64_t max_total; /**< Largest value that total_obs has taken on in the * current period. */ uint64_t total_in_period; /**< Total bytes transferred in the current * period. */ /** When does the next period begin? */ time_t next_period; /** Where in 'maxima' should the maximum bandwidth usage for the current * period be stored? */ int next_max_idx; /** How many values in maxima/totals have been set ever? */ int num_maxes_set; /** Circular array of the maximum * bandwidth-per-NUM_SECS_ROLLING_MEASURE usage for the last * NUM_TOTALS periods */ uint64_t maxima[NUM_TOTALS]; /** Circular array of the total bandwidth usage for the last NUM_TOTALS * periods */ uint64_t totals[NUM_TOTALS]; } bw_array_t; /** Shift the current period of b forward by one. */ static void commit_max(bw_array_t *b) { /* Store total from current period. */ b->totals[b->next_max_idx] = b->total_in_period; /* Store maximum from current period. */ b->maxima[b->next_max_idx++] = b->max_total; /* Advance next_period and next_max_idx */ b->next_period += NUM_SECS_BW_SUM_INTERVAL; if (b->next_max_idx == NUM_TOTALS) b->next_max_idx = 0; if (b->num_maxes_set < NUM_TOTALS) ++b->num_maxes_set; /* Reset max_total. */ b->max_total = 0; /* Reset total_in_period. */ b->total_in_period = 0; } /** Shift the current observation time of 'b' forward by one second. */ static INLINE void advance_obs(bw_array_t *b) { int nextidx; uint64_t total; /* Calculate the total bandwidth for the last NUM_SECS_ROLLING_MEASURE * seconds; adjust max_total as needed.*/ total = b->total_obs + b->obs[b->cur_obs_idx]; if (total > b->max_total) b->max_total = total; nextidx = b->cur_obs_idx+1; if (nextidx == NUM_SECS_ROLLING_MEASURE) nextidx = 0; b->total_obs = total - b->obs[nextidx]; b->obs[nextidx]=0; b->cur_obs_idx = nextidx; if (++b->cur_obs_time >= b->next_period) commit_max(b); } /** Add n bytes to the number of bytes in b for second * when. */ static INLINE void add_obs(bw_array_t *b, time_t when, uint64_t n) { /* Don't record data in the past. */ if (whencur_obs_time) return; /* If we're currently adding observations for an earlier second than * 'when', advance b->cur_obs_time and b->cur_obs_idx by an * appropriate number of seconds, and do all the other housekeeping */ while (when>b->cur_obs_time) advance_obs(b); b->obs[b->cur_obs_idx] += n; b->total_in_period += n; } /** Allocate, initialize, and return a new bw_array. */ static bw_array_t * bw_array_new(void) { bw_array_t *b; time_t start; b = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(bw_array_t)); rephist_total_alloc += sizeof(bw_array_t); start = time(NULL); b->cur_obs_time = start; b->next_period = start + NUM_SECS_BW_SUM_INTERVAL; return b; } /** Recent history of bandwidth observations for read operations. */ static bw_array_t *read_array = NULL; /** Recent history of bandwidth observations for write operations. */ static bw_array_t *write_array = NULL; /** Set up read_array and write_array. */ static void bw_arrays_init(void) { read_array = bw_array_new(); write_array = bw_array_new(); } /** We read num_bytes more bytes in second when. * * Add num_bytes to the current running total for when. * * when can go back to time, but it's safe to ignore calls * earlier than the latest when you've heard of. */ void rep_hist_note_bytes_written(size_t num_bytes, time_t when) { /* Maybe a circular array for recent seconds, and step to a new point * every time a new second shows up. Or simpler is to just to have * a normal array and push down each item every second; it's short. */ /* When a new second has rolled over, compute the sum of the bytes we've * seen over when-1 to when-1-NUM_SECS_ROLLING_MEASURE, and stick it * somewhere. See rep_hist_bandwidth_assess() below. */ add_obs(write_array, when, num_bytes); } /** We wrote num_bytes more bytes in second when. * (like rep_hist_note_bytes_written() above) */ void rep_hist_note_bytes_read(size_t num_bytes, time_t when) { /* if we're smart, we can make this func and the one above share code */ add_obs(read_array, when, num_bytes); } /* Some constants */ /** To what multiple should byte numbers be rounded up? */ #define EXIT_STATS_ROUND_UP_BYTES 1024 /** To what multiple should stream counts be rounded up? */ #define EXIT_STATS_ROUND_UP_STREAMS 4 /** Number of TCP ports */ #define EXIT_STATS_NUM_PORTS 65536 /** Reciprocal of threshold (= 0.01%) of total bytes that a port needs to * see in order to be included in exit stats. */ #define EXIT_STATS_THRESHOLD_RECIPROCAL 10000 /* The following data structures are arrays and no fancy smartlists or maps, * so that all write operations can be done in constant time. This comes at * the price of some memory (1.25 MB) and linear complexity when writing * stats for measuring relays. */ /** Number of bytes read in current period by exit port */ static uint64_t *exit_bytes_read = NULL; /** Number of bytes written in current period by exit port */ static uint64_t *exit_bytes_written = NULL; /** Number of streams opened in current period by exit port */ static uint32_t *exit_streams = NULL; /** When does the current exit stats period end? */ static time_t start_of_exit_stats_interval; /** Initialize exit port stats. */ void rep_hist_exit_stats_init(time_t now) { start_of_exit_stats_interval = now; exit_bytes_read = tor_malloc_zero(EXIT_STATS_NUM_PORTS * sizeof(uint64_t)); exit_bytes_written = tor_malloc_zero(EXIT_STATS_NUM_PORTS * sizeof(uint64_t)); exit_streams = tor_malloc_zero(EXIT_STATS_NUM_PORTS * sizeof(uint32_t)); } /** Write exit stats to $DATADIR/stats/exit-stats and reset counters. */ void rep_hist_exit_stats_write(time_t now) { char t[ISO_TIME_LEN+1]; int r, i, comma; uint64_t *b, total_bytes, threshold_bytes, other_bytes; uint32_t other_streams; char *statsdir = NULL, *filename = NULL; open_file_t *open_file = NULL; FILE *out = NULL; if (!exit_streams) return; /* Not initialized */ statsdir = get_datadir_fname("stats"); if (check_private_dir(statsdir, CPD_CREATE) < 0) goto done; filename = get_datadir_fname2("stats", "exit-stats"); format_iso_time(t, now); log_info(LD_HIST, "Writing exit port statistics to disk for period " "ending at %s.", t); if (!open_file) { out = start_writing_to_stdio_file(filename, OPEN_FLAGS_APPEND, 0600, &open_file); if (!out) { log_warn(LD_HIST, "Couldn't open '%s'.", filename); goto done; } } /* written yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS (n s) */ if (fprintf(out, "exit-stats-end %s (%d s)\n", t, (unsigned) (now - start_of_exit_stats_interval)) < 0) goto done; /* Count the total number of bytes, so that we can attribute all * observations below a threshold of 1 / EXIT_STATS_THRESHOLD_RECIPROCAL * of all bytes to a special port 'other'. */ total_bytes = 0; for (i = 1; i < EXIT_STATS_NUM_PORTS; i++) { total_bytes += exit_bytes_read[i]; total_bytes += exit_bytes_written[i]; } threshold_bytes = total_bytes / EXIT_STATS_THRESHOLD_RECIPROCAL; /* exit-kibibytes-(read|written) port=kibibytes,.. */ for (r = 0; r < 2; r++) { b = r ? exit_bytes_read : exit_bytes_written; tor_assert(b); if (fprintf(out, "%s ", r ? "exit-kibibytes-read" : "exit-kibibytes-written") < 0) goto done; comma = 0; other_bytes = 0; for (i = 1; i < EXIT_STATS_NUM_PORTS; i++) { if (b[i] > 0) { if (exit_bytes_read[i] + exit_bytes_written[i] > threshold_bytes) { uint64_t num = round_uint64_to_next_multiple_of(b[i], EXIT_STATS_ROUND_UP_BYTES); num /= 1024; if (fprintf(out, "%s%d="U64_FORMAT, comma++ ? "," : "", i, U64_PRINTF_ARG(num)) < 0) goto done; } else other_bytes += b[i]; } } other_bytes = round_uint64_to_next_multiple_of(other_bytes, EXIT_STATS_ROUND_UP_BYTES); other_bytes /= 1024; if (fprintf(out, "%sother="U64_FORMAT"\n", comma ? "," : "", U64_PRINTF_ARG(other_bytes))<0) goto done; } /* exit-streams-opened port=num,.. */ if (fprintf(out, "exit-streams-opened ") < 0) goto done; comma = 0; other_streams = 0; for (i = 1; i < EXIT_STATS_NUM_PORTS; i++) { if (exit_streams[i] > 0) { if (exit_bytes_read[i] + exit_bytes_written[i] > threshold_bytes) { uint32_t num = round_uint32_to_next_multiple_of(exit_streams[i], EXIT_STATS_ROUND_UP_STREAMS); if (fprintf(out, "%s%d=%u", comma++ ? "," : "", i, num)<0) goto done; } else other_streams += exit_streams[i]; } } other_streams = round_uint32_to_next_multiple_of(other_streams, EXIT_STATS_ROUND_UP_STREAMS); if (fprintf(out, "%sother=%u\n", comma ? "," : "", other_streams)<0) goto done; /* Reset counters */ memset(exit_bytes_read, 0, EXIT_STATS_NUM_PORTS * sizeof(uint64_t)); memset(exit_bytes_written, 0, EXIT_STATS_NUM_PORTS * sizeof(uint64_t)); memset(exit_streams, 0, EXIT_STATS_NUM_PORTS * sizeof(uint32_t)); start_of_exit_stats_interval = now; if (open_file) finish_writing_to_file(open_file); open_file = NULL; done: if (open_file) abort_writing_to_file(open_file); tor_free(filename); tor_free(statsdir); } /** Note that we wrote num_bytes to an exit connection to * port. */ void rep_hist_note_exit_bytes_written(uint16_t port, size_t num_bytes) { if (!get_options()->ExitPortStatistics) return; if (!exit_bytes_written) return; /* Not initialized */ exit_bytes_written[port] += num_bytes; log_debug(LD_HIST, "Written %lu bytes to exit connection to port %d.", (unsigned long)num_bytes, port); } /** Note that we read num_bytes from an exit connection to * port. */ void rep_hist_note_exit_bytes_read(uint16_t port, size_t num_bytes) { if (!get_options()->ExitPortStatistics) return; if (!exit_bytes_read) return; /* Not initialized */ exit_bytes_read[port] += num_bytes; log_debug(LD_HIST, "Read %lu bytes from exit connection to port %d.", (unsigned long)num_bytes, port); } /** Note that we opened an exit stream to port. */ void rep_hist_note_exit_stream_opened(uint16_t port) { if (!get_options()->ExitPortStatistics) return; if (!exit_streams) return; /* Not initialized */ exit_streams[port]++; log_debug(LD_HIST, "Opened exit stream to port %d", port); } /** Helper: Return the largest value in b->maxima. (This is equal to the * most bandwidth used in any NUM_SECS_ROLLING_MEASURE period for the last * NUM_SECS_BW_SUM_IS_VALID seconds.) */ static uint64_t find_largest_max(bw_array_t *b) { int i; uint64_t max; max=0; for (i=0; imaxima[i]>max) max = b->maxima[i]; } return max; } /** Find the largest sums in the past NUM_SECS_BW_SUM_IS_VALID (roughly) * seconds. Find one sum for reading and one for writing. They don't have * to be at the same time. * * Return the smaller of these sums, divided by NUM_SECS_ROLLING_MEASURE. */ int rep_hist_bandwidth_assess(void) { uint64_t w,r; r = find_largest_max(read_array); w = find_largest_max(write_array); if (r>w) return (int)(U64_TO_DBL(w)/NUM_SECS_ROLLING_MEASURE); else return (int)(U64_TO_DBL(r)/NUM_SECS_ROLLING_MEASURE); } /** Print the bandwidth history of b (either read_array or write_array) * into the buffer pointed to by buf. The format is simply comma * separated numbers, from oldest to newest. * * It returns the number of bytes written. */ static size_t rep_hist_fill_bandwidth_history(char *buf, size_t len, bw_array_t *b) { char *cp = buf; int i, n; or_options_t *options = get_options(); uint64_t cutoff; if (b->num_maxes_set <= b->next_max_idx) { /* We haven't been through the circular array yet; time starts at i=0.*/ i = 0; } else { /* We've been around the array at least once. The next i to be overwritten is the oldest. */ i = b->next_max_idx; } if (options->RelayBandwidthRate) { /* We don't want to report that we used more bandwidth than the max we're * willing to relay; otherwise everybody will know how much traffic * we used ourself. */ cutoff = options->RelayBandwidthRate * NUM_SECS_BW_SUM_INTERVAL; } else { cutoff = UINT64_MAX; } for (n=0; nnum_maxes_set; ++n,++i) { uint64_t total; if (i >= NUM_TOTALS) i -= NUM_TOTALS; tor_assert(i < NUM_TOTALS); /* Round the bandwidth used down to the nearest 1k. */ total = b->totals[i] & ~0x3ff; if (total > cutoff) total = cutoff; if (n==(b->num_maxes_set-1)) tor_snprintf(cp, len-(cp-buf), U64_FORMAT, U64_PRINTF_ARG(total)); else tor_snprintf(cp, len-(cp-buf), U64_FORMAT",", U64_PRINTF_ARG(total)); cp += strlen(cp); } return cp-buf; } /** Allocate and return lines for representing this server's bandwidth * history in its descriptor. */ char * rep_hist_get_bandwidth_lines(int for_extrainfo) { char *buf, *cp; char t[ISO_TIME_LEN+1]; int r; bw_array_t *b; size_t len; /* opt (read|write)-history yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS (n s) n,n,n,n,n... */ len = (60+20*NUM_TOTALS)*2; buf = tor_malloc_zero(len); cp = buf; for (r=0;r<2;++r) { b = r?read_array:write_array; tor_assert(b); format_iso_time(t, b->next_period-NUM_SECS_BW_SUM_INTERVAL); tor_snprintf(cp, len-(cp-buf), "%s%s %s (%d s) ", for_extrainfo ? "" : "opt ", r ? "read-history" : "write-history", t, NUM_SECS_BW_SUM_INTERVAL); cp += strlen(cp); cp += rep_hist_fill_bandwidth_history(cp, len-(cp-buf), b); strlcat(cp, "\n", len-(cp-buf)); ++cp; } return buf; } /** Update state with the newest bandwidth history. */ void rep_hist_update_state(or_state_t *state) { int len, r; char *buf, *cp; smartlist_t **s_values; time_t *s_begins; int *s_interval; bw_array_t *b; len = 20*NUM_TOTALS+1; buf = tor_malloc_zero(len); for (r=0;r<2;++r) { b = r?read_array:write_array; s_begins = r?&state->BWHistoryReadEnds :&state->BWHistoryWriteEnds; s_interval= r?&state->BWHistoryReadInterval:&state->BWHistoryWriteInterval; s_values = r?&state->BWHistoryReadValues :&state->BWHistoryWriteValues; if (*s_values) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH(*s_values, char *, val, tor_free(val)); smartlist_free(*s_values); } if (! server_mode(get_options())) { /* Clients don't need to store bandwidth history persistently; * force these values to the defaults. */ /* FFFF we should pull the default out of config.c's state table, * so we don't have two defaults. */ if (*s_begins != 0 || *s_interval != 900) { time_t now = time(NULL); time_t save_at = get_options()->AvoidDiskWrites ? now+3600 : now+600; or_state_mark_dirty(state, save_at); } *s_begins = 0; *s_interval = 900; *s_values = smartlist_create(); continue; } *s_begins = b->next_period; *s_interval = NUM_SECS_BW_SUM_INTERVAL; cp = buf; cp += rep_hist_fill_bandwidth_history(cp, len, b); tor_snprintf(cp, len-(cp-buf), cp == buf ? U64_FORMAT : ","U64_FORMAT, U64_PRINTF_ARG(b->total_in_period)); *s_values = smartlist_create(); if (server_mode(get_options())) smartlist_split_string(*s_values, buf, ",", SPLIT_SKIP_SPACE, 0); } tor_free(buf); if (server_mode(get_options())) { or_state_mark_dirty(get_or_state(), time(NULL)+(2*3600)); } } /** Set bandwidth history from our saved state. */ int rep_hist_load_state(or_state_t *state, char **err) { time_t s_begins, start; time_t now = time(NULL); uint64_t v; int r,i,ok; int all_ok = 1; int s_interval; smartlist_t *s_values; bw_array_t *b; /* Assert they already have been malloced */ tor_assert(read_array && write_array); for (r=0;r<2;++r) { b = r?read_array:write_array; s_begins = r?state->BWHistoryReadEnds:state->BWHistoryWriteEnds; s_interval = r?state->BWHistoryReadInterval:state->BWHistoryWriteInterval; s_values = r?state->BWHistoryReadValues:state->BWHistoryWriteValues; if (s_values && s_begins >= now - NUM_SECS_BW_SUM_INTERVAL*NUM_TOTALS) { start = s_begins - s_interval*(smartlist_len(s_values)); if (start > now) continue; b->cur_obs_time = start; b->next_period = start + NUM_SECS_BW_SUM_INTERVAL; SMARTLIST_FOREACH(s_values, char *, cp, { v = tor_parse_uint64(cp, 10, 0, UINT64_MAX, &ok, NULL); if (!ok) { all_ok=0; log_notice(LD_HIST, "Could not parse '%s' into a number.'", cp); } if (start < now) { add_obs(b, start, v); start += NUM_SECS_BW_SUM_INTERVAL; } }); } /* Clean up maxima and observed */ /* Do we really want to zero this for the purpose of max capacity? */ for (i=0; iobs[i] = 0; } b->total_obs = 0; for (i=0; imaxima[i] = 0; } b->max_total = 0; } if (!all_ok) { *err = tor_strdup("Parsing of bandwidth history values failed"); /* and create fresh arrays */ tor_free(read_array); tor_free(write_array); read_array = bw_array_new(); write_array = bw_array_new(); return -1; } return 0; } /*********************************************************************/ /** A list of port numbers that have been used recently. */ static smartlist_t *predicted_ports_list=NULL; /** The corresponding most recently used time for each port. */ static smartlist_t *predicted_ports_times=NULL; /** We just got an application request for a connection with * port port. Remember it for the future, so we can keep * some circuits open that will exit to this port. */ static void add_predicted_port(time_t now, uint16_t port) { /* XXXX we could just use uintptr_t here, I think. */ uint16_t *tmp_port = tor_malloc(sizeof(uint16_t)); time_t *tmp_time = tor_malloc(sizeof(time_t)); *tmp_port = port; *tmp_time = now; rephist_total_alloc += sizeof(uint16_t) + sizeof(time_t); smartlist_add(predicted_ports_list, tmp_port); smartlist_add(predicted_ports_times, tmp_time); } /** Initialize whatever memory and structs are needed for predicting * which ports will be used. Also seed it with port 80, so we'll build * circuits on start-up. */ static void predicted_ports_init(void) { predicted_ports_list = smartlist_create(); predicted_ports_times = smartlist_create(); add_predicted_port(time(NULL), 80); /* add one to kickstart us */ } /** Free whatever memory is needed for predicting which ports will * be used. */ static void predicted_ports_free(void) { rephist_total_alloc -= smartlist_len(predicted_ports_list)*sizeof(uint16_t); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(predicted_ports_list, char *, cp, tor_free(cp)); smartlist_free(predicted_ports_list); rephist_total_alloc -= smartlist_len(predicted_ports_times)*sizeof(time_t); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(predicted_ports_times, char *, cp, tor_free(cp)); smartlist_free(predicted_ports_times); } /** Remember that port has been asked for as of time now. * This is used for predicting what sorts of streams we'll make in the * future and making exit circuits to anticipate that. */ void rep_hist_note_used_port(time_t now, uint16_t port) { int i; uint16_t *tmp_port; time_t *tmp_time; tor_assert(predicted_ports_list); tor_assert(predicted_ports_times); if (!port) /* record nothing */ return; for (i = 0; i < smartlist_len(predicted_ports_list); ++i) { tmp_port = smartlist_get(predicted_ports_list, i); tmp_time = smartlist_get(predicted_ports_times, i); if (*tmp_port == port) { *tmp_time = now; return; } } /* it's not there yet; we need to add it */ add_predicted_port(now, port); } /** For this long after we've seen a request for a given port, assume that * we'll want to make connections to the same port in the future. */ #define PREDICTED_CIRCS_RELEVANCE_TIME (60*60) /** Return a pointer to the list of port numbers that * are likely to be asked for in the near future. * * The caller promises not to mess with it. */ smartlist_t * rep_hist_get_predicted_ports(time_t now) { int i; uint16_t *tmp_port; time_t *tmp_time; tor_assert(predicted_ports_list); tor_assert(predicted_ports_times); /* clean out obsolete entries */ for (i = 0; i < smartlist_len(predicted_ports_list); ++i) { tmp_time = smartlist_get(predicted_ports_times, i); if (*tmp_time + PREDICTED_CIRCS_RELEVANCE_TIME < now) { tmp_port = smartlist_get(predicted_ports_list, i); log_debug(LD_CIRC, "Expiring predicted port %d", *tmp_port); smartlist_del(predicted_ports_list, i); smartlist_del(predicted_ports_times, i); rephist_total_alloc -= sizeof(uint16_t)+sizeof(time_t); tor_free(tmp_port); tor_free(tmp_time); i--; } } return predicted_ports_list; } /** The user asked us to do a resolve. Rather than keeping track of * timings and such of resolves, we fake it for now by treating * it the same way as a connection to port 80. This way we will continue * to have circuits lying around if the user only uses Tor for resolves. */ void rep_hist_note_used_resolve(time_t now) { rep_hist_note_used_port(now, 80); } /** The last time at which we needed an internal circ. */ static time_t predicted_internal_time = 0; /** The last time we needed an internal circ with good uptime. */ static time_t predicted_internal_uptime_time = 0; /** The last time we needed an internal circ with good capacity. */ static time_t predicted_internal_capacity_time = 0; /** Remember that we used an internal circ at time now. */ void rep_hist_note_used_internal(time_t now, int need_uptime, int need_capacity) { predicted_internal_time = now; if (need_uptime) predicted_internal_uptime_time = now; if (need_capacity) predicted_internal_capacity_time = now; } /** Return 1 if we've used an internal circ recently; else return 0. */ int rep_hist_get_predicted_internal(time_t now, int *need_uptime, int *need_capacity) { if (!predicted_internal_time) { /* initialize it */ predicted_internal_time = now; predicted_internal_uptime_time = now; predicted_internal_capacity_time = now; } if (predicted_internal_time + PREDICTED_CIRCS_RELEVANCE_TIME < now) return 0; /* too long ago */ if (predicted_internal_uptime_time + PREDICTED_CIRCS_RELEVANCE_TIME >= now) *need_uptime = 1; if (predicted_internal_capacity_time + PREDICTED_CIRCS_RELEVANCE_TIME >= now) *need_capacity = 1; return 1; } /** Any ports used lately? These are pre-seeded if we just started * up or if we're running a hidden service. */ int any_predicted_circuits(time_t now) { return smartlist_len(predicted_ports_list) || predicted_internal_time + PREDICTED_CIRCS_RELEVANCE_TIME >= now; } /** Return 1 if we have no need for circuits currently, else return 0. */ int rep_hist_circbuilding_dormant(time_t now) { if (any_predicted_circuits(now)) return 0; /* see if we'll still need to build testing circuits */ if (server_mode(get_options()) && (!check_whether_orport_reachable() || !circuit_enough_testing_circs())) return 0; if (!check_whether_dirport_reachable()) return 0; return 1; } /** Structure to track how many times we've done each public key operation. */ static struct { /** How many directory objects have we signed? */ unsigned long n_signed_dir_objs; /** How many routerdescs have we signed? */ unsigned long n_signed_routerdescs; /** How many directory objects have we verified? */ unsigned long n_verified_dir_objs; /** How many routerdescs have we verified */ unsigned long n_verified_routerdescs; /** How many onionskins have we encrypted to build circuits? */ unsigned long n_onionskins_encrypted; /** How many onionskins have we decrypted to do circuit build requests? */ unsigned long n_onionskins_decrypted; /** How many times have we done the TLS handshake as a client? */ unsigned long n_tls_client_handshakes; /** How many times have we done the TLS handshake as a server? */ unsigned long n_tls_server_handshakes; /** How many PK operations have we done as a hidden service client? */ unsigned long n_rend_client_ops; /** How many PK operations have we done as a hidden service midpoint? */ unsigned long n_rend_mid_ops; /** How many PK operations have we done as a hidden service provider? */ unsigned long n_rend_server_ops; } pk_op_counts = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; /** Increment the count of the number of times we've done operation. */ void note_crypto_pk_op(pk_op_t operation) { switch (operation) { case SIGN_DIR: pk_op_counts.n_signed_dir_objs++; break; case SIGN_RTR: pk_op_counts.n_signed_routerdescs++; break; case VERIFY_DIR: pk_op_counts.n_verified_dir_objs++; break; case VERIFY_RTR: pk_op_counts.n_verified_routerdescs++; break; case ENC_ONIONSKIN: pk_op_counts.n_onionskins_encrypted++; break; case DEC_ONIONSKIN: pk_op_counts.n_onionskins_decrypted++; break; case TLS_HANDSHAKE_C: pk_op_counts.n_tls_client_handshakes++; break; case TLS_HANDSHAKE_S: pk_op_counts.n_tls_server_handshakes++; break; case REND_CLIENT: pk_op_counts.n_rend_client_ops++; break; case REND_MID: pk_op_counts.n_rend_mid_ops++; break; case REND_SERVER: pk_op_counts.n_rend_server_ops++; break; default: log_warn(LD_BUG, "Unknown pk operation %d", operation); } } /** Log the number of times we've done each public/private-key operation. */ void dump_pk_ops(int severity) { log(severity, LD_HIST, "PK operations: %lu directory objects signed, " "%lu directory objects verified, " "%lu routerdescs signed, " "%lu routerdescs verified, " "%lu onionskins encrypted, " "%lu onionskins decrypted, " "%lu client-side TLS handshakes, " "%lu server-side TLS handshakes, " "%lu rendezvous client operations, " "%lu rendezvous middle operations, " "%lu rendezvous server operations.", pk_op_counts.n_signed_dir_objs, pk_op_counts.n_verified_dir_objs, pk_op_counts.n_signed_routerdescs, pk_op_counts.n_verified_routerdescs, pk_op_counts.n_onionskins_encrypted, pk_op_counts.n_onionskins_decrypted, pk_op_counts.n_tls_client_handshakes, pk_op_counts.n_tls_server_handshakes, pk_op_counts.n_rend_client_ops, pk_op_counts.n_rend_mid_ops, pk_op_counts.n_rend_server_ops); } /** Free all storage held by the OR/link history caches, by the * bandwidth history arrays, or by the port history. */ void rep_hist_free_all(void) { digestmap_free(history_map, free_or_history); tor_free(read_array); tor_free(write_array); tor_free(last_stability_doc); tor_free(exit_bytes_read); tor_free(exit_bytes_written); tor_free(exit_streams); built_last_stability_doc_at = 0; predicted_ports_free(); } /****************** hidden service usage statistics ******************/ /** How large are the intervals for which we track and report hidden service * use? */ #define NUM_SECS_HS_USAGE_SUM_INTERVAL (15*60) /** How far in the past do we remember and publish hidden service use? */ #define NUM_SECS_HS_USAGE_SUM_IS_VALID (24*60*60) /** How many hidden service usage intervals do we remember? (derived) */ #define NUM_TOTALS_HS_USAGE (NUM_SECS_HS_USAGE_SUM_IS_VALID/ \ NUM_SECS_HS_USAGE_SUM_INTERVAL) /** List element containing a service id and the count. */ typedef struct hs_usage_list_elem_t { /** Service id of this elem. */ char service_id[REND_SERVICE_ID_LEN_BASE32+1]; /** Number of occurrences for the given service id. */ uint32_t count; /* Pointer to next list elem */ struct hs_usage_list_elem_t *next; } hs_usage_list_elem_t; /** Ordered list that stores service ids and the number of observations. It is * ordered by the number of occurrences in descending order. Its purpose is to * calculate the frequency distribution when the period is over. */ typedef struct hs_usage_list_t { /* Pointer to the first element in the list. */ hs_usage_list_elem_t *start; /* Number of total occurrences for all list elements. */ uint32_t total_count; /* Number of service ids, i.e. number of list elements. */ uint32_t total_service_ids; } hs_usage_list_t; /** Tracks service-related observations in the current period and their * history. */ typedef struct hs_usage_service_related_observation_t { /** Ordered list that stores service ids and the number of observations in * the current period. It is ordered by the number of occurrences in * descending order. Its purpose is to calculate the frequency distribution * when the period is over. */ hs_usage_list_t *list; /** Circular arrays that store the history of observations. totals stores all * observations, twenty (ten, five) the number of observations related to a * service id being accounted for the top 20 (10, 5) percent of all * observations. */ uint32_t totals[NUM_TOTALS_HS_USAGE]; uint32_t five[NUM_TOTALS_HS_USAGE]; uint32_t ten[NUM_TOTALS_HS_USAGE]; uint32_t twenty[NUM_TOTALS_HS_USAGE]; } hs_usage_service_related_observation_t; /** Tracks the history of general period-related observations, i.e. those that * cannot be related to a specific service id. */ typedef struct hs_usage_general_period_related_observations_t { /** Circular array that stores the history of observations. */ uint32_t totals[NUM_TOTALS_HS_USAGE]; } hs_usage_general_period_related_observations_t; /** Keeps information about the current observation period and its relation to * the histories of observations. */ typedef struct hs_usage_current_observation_period_t { /** Where do we write the next history entry? */ int next_idx; /** How many values in history have been set ever? (upper bound!) */ int num_set; /** When did this period begin? */ time_t start_of_current_period; /** When does the next period begin? */ time_t start_of_next_period; } hs_usage_current_observation_period_t; /** Usage statistics for the current observation period. */ static hs_usage_current_observation_period_t *current_period = NULL; /** Total number of descriptor publish requests in the current observation * period. */ static hs_usage_service_related_observation_t *publish_total = NULL; /** Number of descriptor publish requests for services that have not been * seen before in the current observation period. */ static hs_usage_service_related_observation_t *publish_novel = NULL; /** Total number of descriptor fetch requests in the current observation * period. */ static hs_usage_service_related_observation_t *fetch_total = NULL; /** Number of successful descriptor fetch requests in the current * observation period. */ static hs_usage_service_related_observation_t *fetch_successful = NULL; /** Number of descriptors stored in the current observation period. */ static hs_usage_general_period_related_observations_t *descs = NULL; /** Creates an empty ordered list element. */ static hs_usage_list_elem_t * hs_usage_list_elem_new(void) { hs_usage_list_elem_t *e; e = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(hs_usage_list_elem_t)); rephist_total_alloc += sizeof(hs_usage_list_elem_t); e->count = 1; e->next = NULL; return e; } /** Creates an empty ordered list. */ static hs_usage_list_t * hs_usage_list_new(void) { hs_usage_list_t *l; l = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(hs_usage_list_t)); rephist_total_alloc += sizeof(hs_usage_list_t); l->start = NULL; l->total_count = 0; l->total_service_ids = 0; return l; } /** Creates an empty structure for storing service-related observations. */ static hs_usage_service_related_observation_t * hs_usage_service_related_observation_new(void) { hs_usage_service_related_observation_t *h; h = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(hs_usage_service_related_observation_t)); rephist_total_alloc += sizeof(hs_usage_service_related_observation_t); h->list = hs_usage_list_new(); return h; } /** Creates an empty structure for storing general period-related * observations. */ static hs_usage_general_period_related_observations_t * hs_usage_general_period_related_observations_new(void) { hs_usage_general_period_related_observations_t *p; p = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(hs_usage_general_period_related_observations_t)); rephist_total_alloc+= sizeof(hs_usage_general_period_related_observations_t); return p; } /** Creates an empty structure for storing period-specific information. */ static hs_usage_current_observation_period_t * hs_usage_current_observation_period_new(void) { hs_usage_current_observation_period_t *c; time_t now; c = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(hs_usage_current_observation_period_t)); rephist_total_alloc += sizeof(hs_usage_current_observation_period_t); now = time(NULL); c->start_of_current_period = now; c->start_of_next_period = now + NUM_SECS_HS_USAGE_SUM_INTERVAL; return c; } /** Initializes the structures for collecting hidden service usage data. */ static void hs_usage_init(void) { current_period = hs_usage_current_observation_period_new(); publish_total = hs_usage_service_related_observation_new(); publish_novel = hs_usage_service_related_observation_new(); fetch_total = hs_usage_service_related_observation_new(); fetch_successful = hs_usage_service_related_observation_new(); descs = hs_usage_general_period_related_observations_new(); } /** Clears the given ordered list by resetting its attributes and releasing * the memory allocated by its elements. */ static void hs_usage_list_clear(hs_usage_list_t *lst) { /* walk through elements and free memory */ hs_usage_list_elem_t *current = lst->start; hs_usage_list_elem_t *tmp; while (current != NULL) { tmp = current->next; rephist_total_alloc -= sizeof(hs_usage_list_elem_t); tor_free(current); current = tmp; } /* reset attributes */ lst->start = NULL; lst->total_count = 0; lst->total_service_ids = 0; return; } /** Frees the memory used by the given list. */ static void hs_usage_list_free(hs_usage_list_t *lst) { if (!lst) return; hs_usage_list_clear(lst); rephist_total_alloc -= sizeof(hs_usage_list_t); tor_free(lst); } /** Frees the memory used by the given service-related observations. */ static void hs_usage_service_related_observation_free( hs_usage_service_related_observation_t *s) { if (!s) return; hs_usage_list_free(s->list); rephist_total_alloc -= sizeof(hs_usage_service_related_observation_t); tor_free(s); } /** Frees the memory used by the given period-specific observations. */ static void hs_usage_general_period_related_observations_free( hs_usage_general_period_related_observations_t *s) { if (!s) return; rephist_total_alloc-=sizeof(hs_usage_general_period_related_observations_t); tor_free(s); } /** Frees the memory used by period-specific information. */ static void hs_usage_current_observation_period_free( hs_usage_current_observation_period_t *s) { if (!s) return; rephist_total_alloc -= sizeof(hs_usage_current_observation_period_t); tor_free(s); } /** Frees all memory that was used for collecting hidden service usage data. */ void hs_usage_free_all(void) { hs_usage_general_period_related_observations_free(descs); descs = NULL; hs_usage_service_related_observation_free(fetch_successful); hs_usage_service_related_observation_free(fetch_total); hs_usage_service_related_observation_free(publish_novel); hs_usage_service_related_observation_free(publish_total); fetch_successful = fetch_total = publish_novel = publish_total = NULL; hs_usage_current_observation_period_free(current_period); current_period = NULL; } /** Inserts a new occurrence for the given service id to the given ordered * list. */ static void hs_usage_insert_value(hs_usage_list_t *lst, const char *service_id) { /* search if there is already an elem with same service_id in list */ hs_usage_list_elem_t *current = lst->start; hs_usage_list_elem_t *previous = NULL; while (current != NULL && strcasecmp(current->service_id,service_id)) { previous = current; current = current->next; } /* found an element with same service_id? */ if (current == NULL) { /* not found! append to end (which could also be the end of a zero-length * list), don't need to sort (1 is smallest value). */ /* create elem */ hs_usage_list_elem_t *e = hs_usage_list_elem_new(); /* update list attributes (one new elem, one new occurrence) */ lst->total_count++; lst->total_service_ids++; /* copy service id to elem */ strlcpy(e->service_id,service_id,sizeof(e->service_id)); /* let either l->start or previously last elem point to new elem */ if (lst->start == NULL) { /* this is the first elem */ lst->start = e; } else { /* there were elems in the list before */ previous->next = e; } } else { /* found! add occurrence to elem and consider resorting */ /* update list attributes (no new elem, but one new occurrence) */ lst->total_count++; /* add occurrence to elem */ current->count++; /* is it another than the first list elem? and has previous elem fewer * count than current? then we need to resort */ if (previous != NULL && previous->count < current->count) { /* yes! we need to resort */ /* remove current elem first */ previous->next = current->next; /* can we prepend elem to all other elements? */ if (lst->start->count <= current->count) { /* yes! prepend elem */ current->next = lst->start; lst->start = current; } else { /* no! walk through list a second time and insert at correct place */ hs_usage_list_elem_t *insert_current = lst->start->next; hs_usage_list_elem_t *insert_previous = lst->start; while (insert_current != NULL && insert_current->count > current->count) { insert_previous = insert_current; insert_current = insert_current->next; } /* insert here */ current->next = insert_current; insert_previous->next = current; } } } } /** Writes the current service-related observations to the history array and * clears the observations of the current period. */ static void hs_usage_write_service_related_observations_to_history( hs_usage_current_observation_period_t *p, hs_usage_service_related_observation_t *h) { /* walk through the first 20 % of list elements and calculate frequency * distributions */ /* maximum indices for the three frequencies */ int five_percent_idx = h->list->total_service_ids/20; int ten_percent_idx = h->list->total_service_ids/10; int twenty_percent_idx = h->list->total_service_ids/5; /* temp values */ uint32_t five_percent = 0; uint32_t ten_percent = 0; uint32_t twenty_percent = 0; /* walk through list */ hs_usage_list_elem_t *current = h->list->start; int i=0; while (current != NULL && i <= twenty_percent_idx) { twenty_percent += current->count; if (i <= ten_percent_idx) ten_percent += current->count; if (i <= five_percent_idx) five_percent += current->count; current = current->next; i++; } /* copy frequencies */ h->twenty[p->next_idx] = twenty_percent; h->ten[p->next_idx] = ten_percent; h->five[p->next_idx] = five_percent; /* copy total number of observations */ h->totals[p->next_idx] = h->list->total_count; /* free memory of old list */ hs_usage_list_clear(h->list); } /** Advances to next observation period. */ static void hs_usage_advance_current_observation_period(void) { /* aggregate observations to history, including frequency distribution * arrays */ hs_usage_write_service_related_observations_to_history( current_period, publish_total); hs_usage_write_service_related_observations_to_history( current_period, publish_novel); hs_usage_write_service_related_observations_to_history( current_period, fetch_total); hs_usage_write_service_related_observations_to_history( current_period, fetch_successful); /* write current number of descriptors to descs history */ descs->totals[current_period->next_idx] = rend_cache_size(); /* advance to next period */ current_period->next_idx++; if (current_period->next_idx == NUM_TOTALS_HS_USAGE) current_period->next_idx = 0; if (current_period->num_set < NUM_TOTALS_HS_USAGE) ++current_period->num_set; current_period->start_of_current_period=current_period->start_of_next_period; current_period->start_of_next_period += NUM_SECS_HS_USAGE_SUM_INTERVAL; } /** Checks if the current period is up to date, and if not, advances it. */ static void hs_usage_check_if_current_period_is_up_to_date(time_t now) { while (now > current_period->start_of_next_period) { hs_usage_advance_current_observation_period(); } } /** Adds a service-related observation, maybe after advancing to next * observation period. */ static void hs_usage_add_service_related_observation( hs_usage_service_related_observation_t *h, time_t now, const char *service_id) { if (now < current_period->start_of_current_period) { /* don't record old data */ return; } /* check if we are up-to-date */ hs_usage_check_if_current_period_is_up_to_date(now); /* add observation */ hs_usage_insert_value(h->list, service_id); } /** Adds the observation of storing a rendezvous service descriptor to our * cache in our role as HS authoritative directory. */ void hs_usage_note_publish_total(const char *service_id, time_t now) { hs_usage_add_service_related_observation(publish_total, now, service_id); } /** Adds the observation of storing a novel rendezvous service descriptor to * our cache in our role as HS authoritative directory. */ void hs_usage_note_publish_novel(const char *service_id, time_t now) { hs_usage_add_service_related_observation(publish_novel, now, service_id); } /** Adds the observation of being requested for a rendezvous service descriptor * in our role as HS authoritative directory. */ void hs_usage_note_fetch_total(const char *service_id, time_t now) { hs_usage_add_service_related_observation(fetch_total, now, service_id); } /** Adds the observation of being requested for a rendezvous service descriptor * in our role as HS authoritative directory and being able to answer that * request successfully. */ void hs_usage_note_fetch_successful(const char *service_id, time_t now) { hs_usage_add_service_related_observation(fetch_successful, now, service_id); } /** Writes the given circular array to a string. */ static size_t hs_usage_format_history(char *buf, size_t len, uint32_t *data) { char *cp = buf; /* pointer where we are in the buffer */ int i, n; if (current_period->num_set <= current_period->next_idx) { i = 0; /* not been through circular array */ } else { i = current_period->next_idx; } for (n = 0; n < current_period->num_set; ++n,++i) { if (i >= NUM_TOTALS_HS_USAGE) i -= NUM_TOTALS_HS_USAGE; tor_assert(i < NUM_TOTALS_HS_USAGE); if (n == (current_period->num_set-1)) tor_snprintf(cp, len-(cp-buf), "%d", data[i]); else tor_snprintf(cp, len-(cp-buf), "%d,", data[i]); cp += strlen(cp); } return cp-buf; } /** Writes the complete usage history as hidden service authoritative directory * to a string. */ static char * hs_usage_format_statistics(void) { char *buf, *cp, *s = NULL; char t[ISO_TIME_LEN+1]; int r; uint32_t *data = NULL; size_t len; len = (70+20*NUM_TOTALS_HS_USAGE)*11; buf = tor_malloc_zero(len); cp = buf; for (r = 0; r < 11; ++r) { switch (r) { case 0: s = (char*) "publish-total-history"; data = publish_total->totals; break; case 1: s = (char*) "publish-novel-history"; data = publish_novel->totals; break; case 2: s = (char*) "publish-top-5-percent-history"; data = publish_total->five; break; case 3: s = (char*) "publish-top-10-percent-history"; data = publish_total->ten; break; case 4: s = (char*) "publish-top-20-percent-history"; data = publish_total->twenty; break; case 5: s = (char*) "fetch-total-history"; data = fetch_total->totals; break; case 6: s = (char*) "fetch-successful-history"; data = fetch_successful->totals; break; case 7: s = (char*) "fetch-top-5-percent-history"; data = fetch_total->five; break; case 8: s = (char*) "fetch-top-10-percent-history"; data = fetch_total->ten; break; case 9: s = (char*) "fetch-top-20-percent-history"; data = fetch_total->twenty; break; case 10: s = (char*) "desc-total-history"; data = descs->totals; break; } format_iso_time(t, current_period->start_of_current_period); tor_snprintf(cp, len-(cp-buf), "%s %s (%d s) ", s, t, NUM_SECS_HS_USAGE_SUM_INTERVAL); cp += strlen(cp); cp += hs_usage_format_history(cp, len-(cp-buf), data); strlcat(cp, "\n", len-(cp-buf)); ++cp; } return buf; } /** Write current statistics about hidden service usage to file. */ void hs_usage_write_statistics_to_file(time_t now) { char *buf; size_t len; char *fname; or_options_t *options = get_options(); /* check if we are up-to-date */ hs_usage_check_if_current_period_is_up_to_date(now); buf = hs_usage_format_statistics(); len = strlen(options->DataDirectory) + 16; fname = tor_malloc(len); tor_snprintf(fname, len, "%s"PATH_SEPARATOR"hsusage", options->DataDirectory); write_str_to_file(fname,buf,0); tor_free(buf); tor_free(fname); } /*** cell statistics ***/ /** Start of the current buffer stats interval. */ static time_t start_of_buffer_stats_interval; /** Initialize buffer stats. */ void rep_hist_buffer_stats_init(time_t now) { start_of_buffer_stats_interval = now; } typedef struct circ_buffer_stats_t { uint32_t processed_cells; double mean_num_cells_in_queue; double mean_time_cells_in_queue; uint32_t local_circ_id; } circ_buffer_stats_t; /** Holds stats. */ smartlist_t *circuits_for_buffer_stats = NULL; /** Remember cell statistics for circuit circ at time * end_of_interval and reset cell counters in case the circuit * remains open in the next measurement interval. */ void rep_hist_buffer_stats_add_circ(circuit_t *circ, time_t end_of_interval) { circ_buffer_stats_t *stat; time_t start_of_interval; int interval_length; or_circuit_t *orcirc; if (CIRCUIT_IS_ORIGIN(circ)) return; orcirc = TO_OR_CIRCUIT(circ); if (!orcirc->processed_cells) return; if (!circuits_for_buffer_stats) circuits_for_buffer_stats = smartlist_create(); start_of_interval = circ->timestamp_created > start_of_buffer_stats_interval ? circ->timestamp_created : start_of_buffer_stats_interval; interval_length = (int) (end_of_interval - start_of_interval); stat = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(circ_buffer_stats_t)); stat->processed_cells = orcirc->processed_cells; /* 1000.0 for s -> ms; 2.0 because of app-ward and exit-ward queues */ stat->mean_num_cells_in_queue = interval_length == 0 ? 0.0 : (double) orcirc->total_cell_waiting_time / (double) interval_length / 1000.0 / 2.0; stat->mean_time_cells_in_queue = (double) orcirc->total_cell_waiting_time / (double) orcirc->processed_cells; smartlist_add(circuits_for_buffer_stats, stat); orcirc->total_cell_waiting_time = 0; orcirc->processed_cells = 0; } /** Sorting helper: return -1, 1, or 0 based on comparison of two * circ_buffer_stats_t */ static int _buffer_stats_compare_entries(const void **_a, const void **_b) { const circ_buffer_stats_t *a = *_a, *b = *_b; if (a->processed_cells < b->processed_cells) return 1; else if (a->processed_cells > b->processed_cells) return -1; else return 0; } /** Write buffer statistics to $DATADIR/stats/buffer-stats. */ void rep_hist_buffer_stats_write(time_t now) { char *statsdir = NULL, *filename = NULL; char written[ISO_TIME_LEN+1]; open_file_t *open_file = NULL; FILE *out; #define SHARES 10 int processed_cells[SHARES], circs_in_share[SHARES], number_of_circuits, i; double queued_cells[SHARES], time_in_queue[SHARES]; smartlist_t *str_build = smartlist_create(); char *str = NULL; char buf[32]; circuit_t *circ; /* add current circuits to stats */ for (circ = _circuit_get_global_list(); circ; circ = circ->next) rep_hist_buffer_stats_add_circ(circ, now); /* calculate deciles */ memset(processed_cells, 0, SHARES * sizeof(int)); memset(circs_in_share, 0, SHARES * sizeof(int)); memset(queued_cells, 0, SHARES * sizeof(double)); memset(time_in_queue, 0, SHARES * sizeof(double)); if (!circuits_for_buffer_stats) circuits_for_buffer_stats = smartlist_create(); smartlist_sort(circuits_for_buffer_stats, _buffer_stats_compare_entries); number_of_circuits = smartlist_len(circuits_for_buffer_stats); if (number_of_circuits < 1) { log_info(LD_HIST, "Attempt to write cell statistics to disk failed. " "We haven't seen a single circuit to report about."); goto done; } i = 0; SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(circuits_for_buffer_stats, circ_buffer_stats_t *, stat) { int share = i++ * SHARES / number_of_circuits; processed_cells[share] += stat->processed_cells; queued_cells[share] += stat->mean_num_cells_in_queue; time_in_queue[share] += stat->mean_time_cells_in_queue; circs_in_share[share]++; } SMARTLIST_FOREACH_END(stat); /* clear buffer stats history */ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(circuits_for_buffer_stats, circ_buffer_stats_t *, stat, tor_free(stat)); smartlist_clear(circuits_for_buffer_stats); /* write to file */ statsdir = get_datadir_fname("stats"); if (check_private_dir(statsdir, CPD_CREATE) < 0) goto done; filename = get_datadir_fname2("stats", "buffer-stats"); out = start_writing_to_stdio_file(filename, OPEN_FLAGS_APPEND, 0600, &open_file); if (!out) goto done; format_iso_time(written, now); if (fprintf(out, "cell-stats-end %s (%d s)\n", written, (unsigned) (now - start_of_buffer_stats_interval)) < 0) goto done; for (i = 0; i < SHARES; i++) { tor_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", !circs_in_share[i] ? 0 : processed_cells[i] / circs_in_share[i]); smartlist_add(str_build, tor_strdup(buf)); } str = smartlist_join_strings(str_build, ",", 0, NULL); if (fprintf(out, "cell-processed-cells %s\n", str) < 0) goto done; tor_free(str); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(str_build, char *, c, tor_free(c)); smartlist_clear(str_build); for (i = 0; i < SHARES; i++) { tor_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.2f", circs_in_share[i] == 0 ? 0.0 : queued_cells[i] / (double) circs_in_share[i]); smartlist_add(str_build, tor_strdup(buf)); } str = smartlist_join_strings(str_build, ",", 0, NULL); if (fprintf(out, "cell-queued-cells %s\n", str) < 0) goto done; tor_free(str); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(str_build, char *, c, tor_free(c)); smartlist_clear(str_build); for (i = 0; i < SHARES; i++) { tor_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.0f", circs_in_share[i] == 0 ? 0.0 : time_in_queue[i] / (double) circs_in_share[i]); smartlist_add(str_build, tor_strdup(buf)); } str = smartlist_join_strings(str_build, ",", 0, NULL); if (fprintf(out, "cell-time-in-queue %s\n", str) < 0) goto done; tor_free(str); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(str_build, char *, c, tor_free(c)); smartlist_free(str_build); str_build = NULL; if (fprintf(out, "cell-circuits-per-decile %d\n", (number_of_circuits + SHARES - 1) / SHARES) < 0) goto done; finish_writing_to_file(open_file); open_file = NULL; start_of_buffer_stats_interval = now; done: if (open_file) abort_writing_to_file(open_file); tor_free(filename); tor_free(statsdir); if (str_build) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH(str_build, char *, c, tor_free(c)); smartlist_free(str_build); } tor_free(str); #undef SHARES }