/* Copyright 2004 Roger Dingledine, Nick Mathewson. */ /* See LICENSE for licensing information */ /* $Id$ */ const char rephist_c_id[] = "$Id$"; /** * \file rephist.c * \brief Basic history functionality for reputation module. **/ #include "or.h" static void bw_arrays_init(void); static void predicted_ports_init(void); /** History of an OR-\>OR link. */ typedef struct link_history_t { /** When did we start tracking this list? */ time_t since; /** When did we most recently note a change to this link */ time_t changed; /** How many times did extending from OR1 to OR2 succeed? */ unsigned long n_extend_ok; /** How many times did extending from OR1 to OR2 fail? */ unsigned long n_extend_fail; } link_history_t; /** History of an OR. */ typedef struct or_history_t { /** When did we start tracking this OR? */ time_t since; /** When did we most recently note a change to this OR? */ time_t changed; /** How many times did we successfully connect? */ unsigned long n_conn_ok; /** How many times did we try to connect and fail?*/ unsigned long n_conn_fail; /** How many seconds have we been connected to this OR before * 'up_since'? */ unsigned long uptime; /** How many seconds have we been unable to connect to this OR before * 'down_since'? */ unsigned long downtime; /** If nonzero, we have been connected since this time. */ time_t up_since; /** If nonzero, we have been unable to connect since this time. */ time_t down_since; /** Map from hex OR2 identity digest to a link_history_t for the link * from this OR to OR2. */ strmap_t *link_history_map; } or_history_t; /** Map from hex OR identity digest to or_history_t. */ static strmap_t *history_map = NULL; /** Return the or_history_t for the named OR, creating it if necessary. */ static or_history_t *get_or_history(const char* id) { or_history_t *hist; char hexid[HEX_DIGEST_LEN+1]; base16_encode(hexid, HEX_DIGEST_LEN+1, id, DIGEST_LEN); if (!strcmp(hexid, "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000")) return NULL; hist = (or_history_t*) strmap_get(history_map, hexid); if (!hist) { hist = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(or_history_t)); hist->link_history_map = strmap_new(); hist->since = hist->changed = time(NULL); strmap_set(history_map, hexid, hist); } return hist; } /** Return the link_history_t for the link from the first named OR to * the second, creating it if necessary. (ORs are identified by * identity digest) */ static link_history_t *get_link_history(const char *from_id, const char *to_id) { or_history_t *orhist; link_history_t *lhist; char to_hexid[HEX_DIGEST_LEN+1]; orhist = get_or_history(from_id); if (!orhist) return NULL; base16_encode(to_hexid, HEX_DIGEST_LEN+1, to_id, DIGEST_LEN); if (!strcmp(to_hexid, "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000")) return NULL; lhist = (link_history_t*) strmap_get(orhist->link_history_map, to_hexid); if (!lhist) { lhist = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(link_history_t)); lhist->since = lhist->changed = time(NULL); strmap_set(orhist->link_history_map, to_hexid, lhist); } return lhist; } static void _free_link_history(void *val) { tor_free(val); } static void free_or_history(or_history_t *hist) { strmap_free(hist->link_history_map, _free_link_history); tor_free(hist); } /** Update an or_history_t object <b>hist</b> so that its uptime/downtime * count is up-to-date as of <b>when</b>. */ static void update_or_history(or_history_t *hist, time_t when) { tor_assert(hist); if (hist->up_since) { tor_assert(!hist->down_since); hist->uptime += (when - hist->up_since); hist->up_since = when; } else if (hist->down_since) { hist->downtime += (when - hist->down_since); hist->down_since = when; } } /** Initialize the static data structures for tracking history. */ void rep_hist_init(void) { history_map = strmap_new(); bw_arrays_init(); predicted_ports_init(); } /** Remember that an attempt to connect to the OR with identity digest * <b>id</b> failed at <b>when</b>. */ void rep_hist_note_connect_failed(const char* id, time_t when) { or_history_t *hist; hist = get_or_history(id); if (!hist) return; ++hist->n_conn_fail; if (hist->up_since) { hist->uptime += (when - hist->up_since); hist->up_since = 0; } if (!hist->down_since) hist->down_since = when; hist->changed = when; } /** Remember that an attempt to connect to the OR with identity digest * <b>id</b> succeeded at <b>when</b>. */ void rep_hist_note_connect_succeeded(const char* id, time_t when) { or_history_t *hist; hist = get_or_history(id); if (!hist) return; ++hist->n_conn_ok; if (hist->down_since) { hist->downtime += (when - hist->down_since); hist->down_since = 0; } if (!hist->up_since) hist->up_since = when; hist->changed = when; } /** Remember that we intentionally closed our connection to the OR * with identity digest <b>id</b> at <b>when</b>. */ void rep_hist_note_disconnect(const char* id, time_t when) { or_history_t *hist; hist = get_or_history(id); if (!hist) return; ++hist->n_conn_ok; if (hist->up_since) { hist->uptime += (when - hist->up_since); hist->up_since = 0; } hist->changed = when; } /** Remember that our connection to the OR with identity digest * <b>id</b> had an error and stopped working at <b>when</b>. */ void rep_hist_note_connection_died(const char* id, time_t when) { or_history_t *hist; if (!id) { /* XXXX009 Well, everybody has an ID now. Hm. */ /* If conn has no nickname, it's either an OP, or it is an OR * which didn't complete its handshake (or did and was unapproved). * Ignore it. */ return; } hist = get_or_history(id); if (!hist) return; if (hist->up_since) { hist->uptime += (when - hist->up_since); hist->up_since = 0; } if (!hist->down_since) hist->down_since = when; hist->changed = when; } /** Remember that we successfully extended from the OR with identity * digest <b>from_id</b> to the OR with identity digest * <b>to_name</b>. */ void rep_hist_note_extend_succeeded(const char *from_id, const char *to_id) { link_history_t *hist; /* log_fn(LOG_WARN, "EXTEND SUCCEEDED: %s->%s",from_name,to_name); */ hist = get_link_history(from_id, to_id); if (!hist) return; ++hist->n_extend_ok; hist->changed = time(NULL); } /** Remember that we tried to extend from the OR with identity digest * <b>from_id</b> to the OR with identity digest <b>to_name</b>, but * failed. */ void rep_hist_note_extend_failed(const char *from_id, const char *to_id) { link_history_t *hist; /* log_fn(LOG_WARN, "EXTEND FAILED: %s->%s",from_name,to_name); */ hist = get_link_history(from_id, to_id); if (!hist) return; ++hist->n_extend_fail; hist->changed = time(NULL); } /** Log all the reliability data we have remembered, with the chosen * severity. */ void rep_hist_dump_stats(time_t now, int severity) { strmap_iter_t *lhist_it; strmap_iter_t *orhist_it; const char *name1, *name2, *hexdigest1, *hexdigest2; or_history_t *or_history; link_history_t *link_history; void *or_history_p, *link_history_p; double uptime; char buffer[2048]; size_t len; int ret; unsigned long upt, downt; routerinfo_t *r; rep_history_clean(now-24*60*60); log(severity, "--------------- Dumping history information:"); for (orhist_it = strmap_iter_init(history_map); !strmap_iter_done(orhist_it); orhist_it = strmap_iter_next(history_map,orhist_it)) { strmap_iter_get(orhist_it, &hexdigest1, &or_history_p); or_history = (or_history_t*) or_history_p; if ((r = router_get_by_hexdigest(hexdigest1))) name1 = r->nickname; else name1 = "(unknown)"; update_or_history(or_history, now); upt = or_history->uptime; downt = or_history->downtime; if (upt+downt) { uptime = ((double)upt) / (upt+downt); } else { uptime=1.0; } log(severity, "OR %s [%s]: %ld/%ld good connections; uptime %ld/%ld sec (%.2f%%)", name1, hexdigest1, or_history->n_conn_ok, or_history->n_conn_fail+or_history->n_conn_ok, upt, upt+downt, uptime*100.0); if (!strmap_isempty(or_history->link_history_map)) { strlcpy(buffer, " Extend attempts: ", sizeof(buffer)); len = strlen(buffer); for (lhist_it = strmap_iter_init(or_history->link_history_map); !strmap_iter_done(lhist_it); lhist_it = strmap_iter_next(or_history->link_history_map, lhist_it)) { strmap_iter_get(lhist_it, &hexdigest2, &link_history_p); if ((r = router_get_by_hexdigest(hexdigest2))) name2 = r->nickname; else name2 = "(unknown)"; link_history = (link_history_t*) link_history_p; ret = tor_snprintf(buffer+len, 2048-len, "%s(%ld/%ld); ", name2, link_history->n_extend_ok, link_history->n_extend_ok+link_history->n_extend_fail); if (ret<0) break; else len += ret; } log(severity, "%s", buffer); } } } /** Remove history info for routers/links that haven't changed since * <b>before</b> */ void rep_history_clean(time_t before) { or_history_t *or_history; link_history_t *link_history; void *or_history_p, *link_history_p; strmap_iter_t *orhist_it, *lhist_it; const char *hd1, *hd2; orhist_it = strmap_iter_init(history_map); while (!strmap_iter_done(orhist_it)) { strmap_iter_get(orhist_it, &hd1, &or_history_p); or_history = or_history_p; if (or_history->changed < before) { free_or_history(or_history); orhist_it = strmap_iter_next_rmv(history_map, orhist_it); continue; } for (lhist_it = strmap_iter_init(or_history->link_history_map); !strmap_iter_done(lhist_it); ) { strmap_iter_get(lhist_it, &hd2, &link_history_p); link_history = link_history_p; if (link_history->changed < before) { tor_free(link_history); lhist_it = strmap_iter_next_rmv(or_history->link_history_map,lhist_it); continue; } lhist_it = strmap_iter_next(or_history->link_history_map,lhist_it); } orhist_it = strmap_iter_next(history_map, orhist_it); } } #if 0 void write_rep_history(const char *filename) { FILE *f = NULL; char *tmpfile; int completed = 0; or_history_t *or_history; link_history_t *link_history; strmap_iter_t *lhist_it; strmap_iter_t *orhist_it; void *or_history_p, *link_history_p; const char *name1; tmpfile = tor_malloc(strlen(filename)+5); tor_snprintf(tmpfile, strlen(filename)+5, "%s_tmp", filename); f = fopen(tmpfile, "w"); if (!f) goto done; for (orhist_it = strmap_iter_init(history_map); !strmap_iter_done(orhist_it); orhist_it = strmap_iter_next(history_map,orhist_it)) { strmap_iter_get(orhist_it, &name1, &or_history_p); or_history = (or_history_t*) or_history_p; fprintf(f, "link %s connected:u%ld failed:%uld uptime:%uld", name1, or_history->since1, } done: if (f) fclose(f); if (completed) replace_file(filename, tmpfile); else unlink(tmpfile); tor_free(tmpfile); } #endif #define NUM_SECS_ROLLING_MEASURE 10 #define NUM_SECS_BW_SUM_IS_VALID (24*60*60) /* one day */ #define NUM_SECS_BW_SUM_INTERVAL (15*60) #define NUM_TOTALS (NUM_SECS_BW_SUM_IS_VALID/NUM_SECS_BW_SUM_INTERVAL) /** * Structure to track bandwidth use, and remember the maxima for a given * time period. */ typedef struct bw_array_t { /** Observation array: Total number of bytes transferred in each of the last * NUM_SECS_ROLLING_MEASURE seconds. This is used as a circular array. */ int obs[NUM_SECS_ROLLING_MEASURE]; int cur_obs_idx; /**< Current position in obs. */ time_t cur_obs_time; /**< Time represented in obs[cur_obs_idx] */ int total_obs; /**< Total for all members of obs except obs[cur_obs_idx] */ int max_total; /**< Largest value that total_obs has taken on in the current * period. */ int total_in_period; /**< Total bytes transferred in the current period. */ /** When does the next period begin? */ time_t next_period; /** Where in 'maxima' should the maximum bandwidth usage for the current * period be stored? */ int next_max_idx; /** How many values in maxima/totals have been set ever? */ int num_maxes_set; /** Circular array of the maximum * bandwidth-per-NUM_SECS_ROLLING_MEASURE usage for the last * NUM_TOTALS periods */ int maxima[NUM_TOTALS]; /** Circular array of the total bandwidth usage for the last NUM_TOTALS * periods */ int totals[NUM_TOTALS]; } bw_array_t; /** Shift the current period of b forward by one. */ static void commit_max(bw_array_t *b) { /* Store total from current period. */ b->totals[b->next_max_idx] = b->total_in_period; /* Store maximum from current period. */ b->maxima[b->next_max_idx++] = b->max_total; /* Advance next_period and next_max_idx */ b->next_period += NUM_SECS_BW_SUM_INTERVAL; if (b->next_max_idx == NUM_TOTALS) b->next_max_idx = 0; if (b->num_maxes_set < NUM_TOTALS) ++b->num_maxes_set; /* Reset max_total. */ b->max_total = 0; /* Reset total_in_period. */ b->total_in_period = 0; } /** Shift the current observation time of 'b' forward by one second. */ static INLINE void advance_obs(bw_array_t *b) { int nextidx; int total; /* Calculate the total bandwidth for the last NUM_SECS_ROLLING_MEASURE * seconds; adjust max_total as needed.*/ total = b->total_obs + b->obs[b->cur_obs_idx]; if (total > b->max_total) b->max_total = total; nextidx = b->cur_obs_idx+1; if (nextidx == NUM_SECS_ROLLING_MEASURE) nextidx = 0; b->total_obs = total - b->obs[nextidx]; b->obs[nextidx]=0; b->cur_obs_idx = nextidx; if (++b->cur_obs_time >= b->next_period) commit_max(b); } /** Add 'n' bytes to the number of bytes in b for second 'when'. */ static INLINE void add_obs(bw_array_t *b, time_t when, int n) { /* Don't record data in the past. */ if (when<b->cur_obs_time) return; /* If we're currently adding observations for an earlier second than * 'when', advance b->cur_obs_time and b->cur_obs_idx by an * appropriate number of seconds, and do all the other housekeeping */ while (when>b->cur_obs_time) advance_obs(b); b->obs[b->cur_obs_idx] += n; b->total_in_period += n; } /** Allocate, initialize, and return a new bw_array. */ static bw_array_t *bw_array_new(void) { bw_array_t *b; time_t start; b = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(bw_array_t)); start = time(NULL); b->cur_obs_time = start; b->next_period = start + NUM_SECS_BW_SUM_INTERVAL; return b; } static bw_array_t *read_array = NULL; static bw_array_t *write_array = NULL; /** Set up read_array and write_array */ static void bw_arrays_init(void) { read_array = bw_array_new(); write_array = bw_array_new(); } /** We read <b>num_bytes</b> more bytes in second <b>when</b>. * * Add num_bytes to the current running total for <b>when</b>. * * <b>when</b> can go back to time, but it's safe to ignore calls * earlier than the latest <b>when</b> you've heard of. */ void rep_hist_note_bytes_written(int num_bytes, time_t when) { /* Maybe a circular array for recent seconds, and step to a new point * every time a new second shows up. Or simpler is to just to have * a normal array and push down each item every second; it's short. */ /* When a new second has rolled over, compute the sum of the bytes we've * seen over when-1 to when-1-NUM_SECS_ROLLING_MEASURE, and stick it * somewhere. See rep_hist_bandwidth_assess() below. */ add_obs(write_array, when, num_bytes); } /** We wrote <b>num_bytes</b> more bytes in second <b>when</b>. * (like rep_hist_note_bytes_written() above) */ void rep_hist_note_bytes_read(int num_bytes, time_t when) { /* if we're smart, we can make this func and the one above share code */ add_obs(read_array, when, num_bytes); } /** Helper: Return the largest value in b->maxima. (This is equal to the * most bandwidth used in any NUM_SECS_ROLLING_MEASURE period for the last * NUM_SECS_BW_SUM_IS_VALID seconds.) */ static int find_largest_max(bw_array_t *b) { int i,max; max=0; for (i=0; i<NUM_TOTALS; ++i) { if (b->maxima[i]>max) max = b->maxima[i]; } return max; } /** * Find the largest sums in the past NUM_SECS_BW_SUM_IS_VALID (roughly) * seconds. Find one sum for reading and one for writing. They don't have * to be at the same time). * * Return the smaller of these sums, divided by NUM_SECS_ROLLING_MEASURE. */ int rep_hist_bandwidth_assess(void) { int w,r; r = find_largest_max(read_array); w = find_largest_max(write_array); if (r>w) return (int)(w/(double)NUM_SECS_ROLLING_MEASURE); else return (int)(r/(double)NUM_SECS_ROLLING_MEASURE); return 0; } /** * Allocate and return lines for representing this server's bandwidth * history in its descriptor. */ char * rep_hist_get_bandwidth_lines(void) { char *buf, *cp; char t[ISO_TIME_LEN+1]; int r, i, n; bw_array_t *b; size_t len; /* opt (read|write)-history yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS (n s) n,n,n,n,n... */ len = (60+12*NUM_TOTALS)*2; buf = tor_malloc_zero(len); cp = buf; for (r=0;r<2;++r) { b = r?read_array:write_array; tor_assert(b); format_iso_time(t, b->next_period-NUM_SECS_BW_SUM_INTERVAL); tor_snprintf(cp, len-(cp-buf), "opt %s %s (%d s) ", r?"read-history ":"write-history", t, NUM_SECS_BW_SUM_INTERVAL); cp += strlen(cp); if (b->num_maxes_set <= b->next_max_idx) /* We haven't been through the circular array yet; time starts at i=0.*/ i = 0; else /* We've been around the array at least once. The next i to be overwritten is the oldest. */ i = b->next_max_idx; for (n=0; n<b->num_maxes_set; ++n,++i) { while (i >= NUM_TOTALS) i -= NUM_TOTALS; if (n==(b->num_maxes_set-1)) tor_snprintf(cp, len-(cp-buf), "%d", b->totals[i]); else tor_snprintf(cp, len-(cp-buf), "%d,", b->totals[i]); cp += strlen(cp); } strlcat(cp, "\n", len-(cp-buf)); ++cp; } return buf; } /** A list of port numbers that have been used recently. */ static smartlist_t *predicted_ports_list=NULL; /** The corresponding most recently used time for each port. */ static smartlist_t *predicted_ports_times=NULL; static void add_predicted_port(uint16_t port, time_t now) { uint16_t *tmp_port = tor_malloc(sizeof(uint16_t)); time_t *tmp_time = tor_malloc(sizeof(time_t)); *tmp_port = port; *tmp_time = now; smartlist_add(predicted_ports_list, tmp_port); smartlist_add(predicted_ports_times, tmp_time); } static void predicted_ports_init(void) { predicted_ports_list = smartlist_create(); predicted_ports_times = smartlist_create(); add_predicted_port(80, time(NULL)); /* add one to kickstart us */ } /** Remember that <b>port</b> has been asked for as of time <b>now</b>. * This is used for predicting what sorts of streams we'll make in the * future and making circuits to anticipate that. */ void rep_hist_note_used_port(uint16_t port, time_t now) { int i; uint16_t *tmp_port; time_t *tmp_time; tor_assert(predicted_ports_list); tor_assert(predicted_ports_times); if (!port) /* record nothing */ return; for (i = 0; i < smartlist_len(predicted_ports_list); ++i) { tmp_port = smartlist_get(predicted_ports_list, i); tmp_time = smartlist_get(predicted_ports_times, i); if (*tmp_port == port) { *tmp_time = now; return; } } /* it's not there yet; we need to add it */ add_predicted_port(port, now); } #define PREDICTED_CIRCS_RELEVANCE_TIME (3600) /* 1 hour */ /** Return a pointer to the list of port numbers that * are likely to be asked for in the near future. * * The caller promises not to mess with it. */ smartlist_t *rep_hist_get_predicted_ports(time_t now) { int i; uint16_t *tmp_port; time_t *tmp_time; tor_assert(predicted_ports_list); tor_assert(predicted_ports_times); /* clean out obsolete entries */ for (i = 0; i < smartlist_len(predicted_ports_list); ++i) { tmp_time = smartlist_get(predicted_ports_times, i); if (*tmp_time + PREDICTED_CIRCS_RELEVANCE_TIME < now) { tmp_port = smartlist_get(predicted_ports_list, i); log_fn(LOG_DEBUG, "Expiring predicted port %d", *tmp_port); smartlist_del(predicted_ports_list, i); smartlist_del(predicted_ports_times, i); tor_free(tmp_port); tor_free(tmp_time); i--; } } return predicted_ports_list; } /** The last time at which we needed an internal circ. */ static time_t predicted_hidserv_time = 0; /** The last time we needed an internal circ with good uptime. */ static time_t predicted_hidserv_uptime_time = 0; /** The last time we needed an internal circ with good capacity. */ static time_t predicted_hidserv_capacity_time = 0; /** Remember that we used an internal circ at time <b>now</b>. */ void rep_hist_note_used_hidserv(time_t now, int need_uptime, int need_capacity) { predicted_hidserv_time = now; if (need_uptime) predicted_hidserv_uptime_time = now; if (need_capacity) predicted_hidserv_capacity_time = now; } /** Return 1 if we've used an internal circ recently; else return 0. */ int rep_hist_get_predicted_hidserv(time_t now, int *need_uptime, int *need_capacity) { if (!predicted_hidserv_time) /* initialize it */ predicted_hidserv_time = now; if (predicted_hidserv_time + PREDICTED_CIRCS_RELEVANCE_TIME < now) return 0; /* too long ago */ if (predicted_hidserv_uptime_time + PREDICTED_CIRCS_RELEVANCE_TIME < now) *need_uptime = 1; if (predicted_hidserv_capacity_time + PREDICTED_CIRCS_RELEVANCE_TIME < now) *need_capacity = 1; return 1; } /* not used yet */ void rep_hist_note_used_resolve(time_t now) { } int rep_hist_get_predicted_resolve(time_t now) { return 0; }