/* Copyright 2003 Roger Dingledine. */ /* See LICENSE for licensing information */ /* $Id$ */ /* See http://elvin.dstc.com/ListArchive/elvin-dev/archive/2001/09/msg00027.html * for some approaches to asynchronous dns. We will want to switch once one of * them becomes more commonly available. */ #include "or.h" #include "tree.h" extern or_options_t options; /* command-line and config-file options */ #define MAX_ADDRESSLEN 256 #define MAX_DNSWORKERS 50 #define MIN_DNSWORKERS 3 #define MAX_IDLE_DNSWORKERS 10 #define DNS_RESOLVE_FAILED_TRANSIENT 1 #define DNS_RESOLVE_FAILED_PERMANENT 2 #define DNS_RESOLVE_SUCCEEDED 3 int num_dnsworkers=0; int num_dnsworkers_busy=0; struct pending_connection_t { struct connection_t *conn; struct pending_connection_t *next; }; struct cached_resolve { SPLAY_ENTRY(cached_resolve) node; char address[MAX_ADDRESSLEN]; /* the hostname to be resolved */ uint32_t addr; /* in host order. I know I'm horrible for assuming ipv4 */ char state; /* 0 is pending; 1 means answer is valid; 2 means resolve failed */ #define CACHE_STATE_PENDING 0 #define CACHE_STATE_VALID 1 #define CACHE_STATE_FAILED 2 uint32_t expire; /* remove untouched items from cache after some time? */ struct pending_connection_t *pending_connections; struct cached_resolve *next; }; static void purge_expired_resolves(uint32_t now); static int assign_to_dnsworker(connection_t *exitconn); static void dns_purge_resolve(struct cached_resolve *resolve); static void dns_found_answer(char *address, uint32_t addr, char outcome); int dnsworker_main(void *data); static int spawn_dnsworker(void); static void spawn_enough_dnsworkers(void); static SPLAY_HEAD(cache_tree, cached_resolve) cache_root; static int compare_cached_resolves(struct cached_resolve *a, struct cached_resolve *b) { /* make this smarter one day? */ return strncasecmp(a->address, b->address, MAX_ADDRESSLEN); } SPLAY_PROTOTYPE(cache_tree, cached_resolve, node, compare_cached_resolves); SPLAY_GENERATE(cache_tree, cached_resolve, node, compare_cached_resolves); static void init_cache_tree(void) { SPLAY_INIT(&cache_root); } void dns_init(void) { init_cache_tree(); spawn_enough_dnsworkers(); } static struct cached_resolve *oldest_cached_resolve = NULL; /* linked list, */ static struct cached_resolve *newest_cached_resolve = NULL; /* oldest to newest */ static void purge_expired_resolves(uint32_t now) { struct cached_resolve *resolve; /* this is fast because the linked list * oldest_cached_resolve is ordered by when they came in. */ while(oldest_cached_resolve && (oldest_cached_resolve->expire < now)) { resolve = oldest_cached_resolve; log(LOG_DEBUG,"Forgetting old cached resolve (expires %lu)", (unsigned long)resolve->expire); if(resolve->state == CACHE_STATE_PENDING) { log_fn(LOG_WARN,"Expiring a dns resolve that's still pending. Forgot to cull it?"); /* XXX if resolve->pending_connections is used, then we're probably * introducing bugs by closing resolve without notifying those streams. */ } oldest_cached_resolve = resolve->next; if(!oldest_cached_resolve) /* if there are no more, */ newest_cached_resolve = NULL; /* then make sure the list's tail knows that too */ SPLAY_REMOVE(cache_tree, &cache_root, resolve); tor_free(resolve); } } /* See if we have a cache entry for 'exitconn->address'. if so, * if resolve valid, put it into exitconn->addr and return 1. * If resolve failed, return -1. * * Else, if seen before and pending, add conn to the pending list, * and return 0. * * Else, if not seen before, add conn to pending list, hand to * dns farm, and return 0. */ int dns_resolve(connection_t *exitconn) { struct cached_resolve *resolve; struct cached_resolve search; struct pending_connection_t *pending_connection; struct in_addr in; uint32_t now = time(NULL); assert_connection_ok(exitconn, 0); /* first check if exitconn->address is an IP. If so, we already * know the answer. */ if (tor_inet_aton(exitconn->address, &in) != 0) { exitconn->addr = ntohl(in.s_addr); return 1; } /* then take this opportunity to see if there are any expired * resolves in the tree. */ purge_expired_resolves(now); /* now check the tree to see if 'address' is already there. */ strncpy(search.address, exitconn->address, MAX_ADDRESSLEN); search.address[MAX_ADDRESSLEN-1] = 0; resolve = SPLAY_FIND(cache_tree, &cache_root, &search); if(resolve) { /* already there */ switch(resolve->state) { case CACHE_STATE_PENDING: /* add us to the pending list */ pending_connection = tor_malloc(sizeof(struct pending_connection_t)); pending_connection->conn = exitconn; pending_connection->next = resolve->pending_connections; resolve->pending_connections = pending_connection; log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"Connection (fd %d) waiting for pending DNS resolve of '%s'", exitconn->s, exitconn->address); exitconn->state = EXIT_CONN_STATE_RESOLVING; return 0; case CACHE_STATE_VALID: exitconn->addr = resolve->addr; log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"Connection (fd %d) found cached answer for '%s'", exitconn->s, exitconn->address); return 1; case CACHE_STATE_FAILED: return -1; } tor_assert(0); } /* not there, need to add it */ resolve = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(struct cached_resolve)); resolve->state = CACHE_STATE_PENDING; resolve->expire = now + MAX_DNS_ENTRY_AGE; strncpy(resolve->address, exitconn->address, MAX_ADDRESSLEN); resolve->address[MAX_ADDRESSLEN-1] = 0; /* add us to the pending list */ pending_connection = tor_malloc(sizeof(struct pending_connection_t)); pending_connection->conn = exitconn; pending_connection->next = NULL; resolve->pending_connections = pending_connection; exitconn->state = EXIT_CONN_STATE_RESOLVING; /* add us to the linked list of resolves */ if (!oldest_cached_resolve) { oldest_cached_resolve = resolve; } else { newest_cached_resolve->next = resolve; } newest_cached_resolve = resolve; SPLAY_INSERT(cache_tree, &cache_root, resolve); return assign_to_dnsworker(exitconn); } static int assign_to_dnsworker(connection_t *exitconn) { connection_t *dnsconn; unsigned char len; tor_assert(exitconn->state == EXIT_CONN_STATE_RESOLVING); spawn_enough_dnsworkers(); /* respawn here, to be sure there are enough */ dnsconn = connection_get_by_type_state(CONN_TYPE_DNSWORKER, DNSWORKER_STATE_IDLE); if(!dnsconn) { log_fn(LOG_WARN,"no idle dns workers. Failing."); dns_cancel_pending_resolve(exitconn->address); return -1; } log_fn(LOG_DEBUG, "Connection (fd %d) needs to resolve '%s'; assigning to DNSWorker (fd %d)", exitconn->s, exitconn->address, dnsconn->s); tor_free(dnsconn->address); dnsconn->address = tor_strdup(exitconn->address); dnsconn->state = DNSWORKER_STATE_BUSY; num_dnsworkers_busy++; len = strlen(dnsconn->address); connection_write_to_buf(&len, 1, dnsconn); connection_write_to_buf(dnsconn->address, len, dnsconn); // log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"submitted '%s'", exitconn->address); return 0; } void connection_dns_remove(connection_t *conn) { struct pending_connection_t *pend, *victim; struct cached_resolve search; struct cached_resolve *resolve; strncpy(search.address, conn->address, MAX_ADDRESSLEN); search.address[MAX_ADDRESSLEN-1] = 0; resolve = SPLAY_FIND(cache_tree, &cache_root, &search); if(!resolve) { log_fn(LOG_WARN,"Address '%s' is not pending. Dropping.", conn->address); return; } tor_assert(resolve->pending_connections); assert_connection_ok(conn,0); pend = resolve->pending_connections; if(pend->conn == conn) { resolve->pending_connections = pend->next; tor_free(pend); log_fn(LOG_DEBUG, "First connection (fd %d) no longer waiting for resolve of '%s'", conn->s, conn->address); return; } else { for( ; pend->next; pend = pend->next) { if(pend->next->conn == conn) { victim = pend->next; pend->next = victim->next; tor_free(victim); log_fn(LOG_DEBUG, "Connection (fd %d) no longer waiting for resolve of '%s'", conn->s, conn->address); return; /* more are pending */ } } tor_assert(0); /* not reachable unless onlyconn not in pending list */ } } void assert_connection_edge_not_dns_pending(connection_t *conn) { struct pending_connection_t *pend; struct cached_resolve *resolve; SPLAY_FOREACH(resolve, cache_tree, &cache_root) { for(pend = resolve->pending_connections; pend; pend = pend->next) { tor_assert(pend->conn != conn); } } } void assert_all_pending_dns_resolves_ok(void) { struct pending_connection_t *pend; struct cached_resolve *resolve; SPLAY_FOREACH(resolve, cache_tree, &cache_root) { for(pend = resolve->pending_connections; pend; pend = pend->next) { assert_connection_ok(pend->conn, 0); } } } /* Cancel all pending connections. Then cancel the resolve itself, * and remove the 'struct cached_resolve' from the cache. */ void dns_cancel_pending_resolve(char *address) { struct pending_connection_t *pend; struct cached_resolve search; struct cached_resolve *resolve; connection_t *pendconn; strncpy(search.address, address, MAX_ADDRESSLEN); search.address[MAX_ADDRESSLEN-1] = 0; resolve = SPLAY_FIND(cache_tree, &cache_root, &search); if(!resolve) { log_fn(LOG_WARN,"Address '%s' is not pending. Dropping.", address); return; } tor_assert(resolve->pending_connections); /* mark all pending connections to fail */ log_fn(LOG_DEBUG, "Failing all connections waiting on DNS resolve of '%s'", address); while(resolve->pending_connections) { pend = resolve->pending_connections; /* So that mark_for_close doesn't double-remove the connection. */ pend->conn->state = EXIT_CONN_STATE_RESOLVEFAILED; pendconn = pend->conn; /* don't pass complex things to the connection_mark_for_close macro */ connection_mark_for_close(pendconn, END_STREAM_REASON_MISC); resolve->pending_connections = pend->next; tor_free(pend); } dns_purge_resolve(resolve); } static void dns_purge_resolve(struct cached_resolve *resolve) { struct cached_resolve *tmp; /* remove resolve from the linked list */ if(resolve == oldest_cached_resolve) { oldest_cached_resolve = resolve->next; if(oldest_cached_resolve == NULL) newest_cached_resolve = NULL; } else { /* FFFF make it a doubly linked list if this becomes too slow */ for(tmp=oldest_cached_resolve; tmp && tmp->next != resolve; tmp=tmp->next) ; tor_assert(tmp); /* it's got to be in the list, or we screwed up somewhere else */ tmp->next = resolve->next; /* unlink it */ if(newest_cached_resolve == resolve) newest_cached_resolve = tmp; } /* remove resolve from the tree */ SPLAY_REMOVE(cache_tree, &cache_root, resolve); tor_free(resolve); } static void dns_found_answer(char *address, uint32_t addr, char outcome) { struct pending_connection_t *pend; struct cached_resolve search; struct cached_resolve *resolve; connection_t *pendconn; strncpy(search.address, address, MAX_ADDRESSLEN); search.address[MAX_ADDRESSLEN-1] = 0; resolve = SPLAY_FIND(cache_tree, &cache_root, &search); if(!resolve) { log_fn(LOG_INFO,"Resolved unasked address '%s'? Dropping.", address); /* XXX Why drop? Just because we don't care now doesn't mean we shouldn't * XXX cache the result for later. */ return; } if (resolve->state != CACHE_STATE_PENDING) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Resolved '%s' which was already resolved; ignoring", address); tor_assert(resolve->pending_connections == NULL); return; } /* Removed this assertion: in fact, we'll sometimes get a double answer * to the same question. This can happen when we ask one worker to resolve * X.Y.Z., then we cancel the request, and then we ask another worker to * resolve X.Y.Z. */ /* tor_assert(resolve->state == CACHE_STATE_PENDING); */ resolve->addr = ntohl(addr); if(outcome == DNS_RESOLVE_SUCCEEDED) resolve->state = CACHE_STATE_VALID; else resolve->state = CACHE_STATE_FAILED; while(resolve->pending_connections) { pend = resolve->pending_connections; assert_connection_ok(pend->conn,time(NULL)); pend->conn->addr = resolve->addr; if(resolve->state == CACHE_STATE_FAILED) { pendconn = pend->conn; /* don't pass complex things to the connection_mark_for_close macro */ /* prevent double-remove. */ pend->conn->state = EXIT_CONN_STATE_RESOLVEFAILED; connection_mark_for_close(pendconn, END_STREAM_REASON_RESOLVEFAILED); } else { /* prevent double-remove. */ pend->conn->state = EXIT_CONN_STATE_CONNECTING; connection_exit_connect(pend->conn); } resolve->pending_connections = pend->next; tor_free(pend); } if(outcome == DNS_RESOLVE_FAILED_TRANSIENT) { /* remove from cache */ dns_purge_resolve(resolve); } } /******************************************************************/ int connection_dns_finished_flushing(connection_t *conn) { tor_assert(conn && conn->type == CONN_TYPE_DNSWORKER); connection_stop_writing(conn); return 0; } int connection_dns_process_inbuf(connection_t *conn) { char success; uint32_t addr; tor_assert(conn && conn->type == CONN_TYPE_DNSWORKER); if(conn->inbuf_reached_eof) { log_fn(LOG_WARN,"Read eof. Worker died unexpectedly."); if(conn->state == DNSWORKER_STATE_BUSY) { dns_cancel_pending_resolve(conn->address); num_dnsworkers_busy--; } num_dnsworkers--; connection_mark_for_close(conn,0); return 0; } tor_assert(conn->state == DNSWORKER_STATE_BUSY); if(buf_datalen(conn->inbuf) < 5) /* entire answer available? */ return 0; /* not yet */ tor_assert(buf_datalen(conn->inbuf) == 5); connection_fetch_from_buf(&success,1,conn); connection_fetch_from_buf((char *)&addr,sizeof(uint32_t),conn); log_fn(LOG_DEBUG, "DNSWorker (fd %d) returned answer for '%s'", conn->s, conn->address); tor_assert(success >= DNS_RESOLVE_FAILED_TRANSIENT); tor_assert(success <= DNS_RESOLVE_SUCCEEDED); dns_found_answer(conn->address, addr, success); tor_free(conn->address); conn->address = tor_strdup(""); conn->state = DNSWORKER_STATE_IDLE; num_dnsworkers_busy--; return 0; } int dnsworker_main(void *data) { char address[MAX_ADDRESSLEN]; unsigned char address_len; char answer[5]; uint32_t ip; int *fdarray = data; int fd; tor_close_socket(fdarray[0]); /* this is the side of the socketpair the parent uses */ fd = fdarray[1]; /* this side is ours */ #ifndef MS_WINDOWS connection_free_all(); /* so the child doesn't hold the parent's fd's open */ #endif for(;;) { if(recv(fd, &address_len, 1, 0) != 1) { log_fn(LOG_INFO,"dnsworker exiting because tor process died."); spawn_exit(); } tor_assert(address_len > 0); if(read_all(fd, address, address_len, 1) != address_len) { log_fn(LOG_ERR,"read hostname failed. Child exiting."); spawn_exit(); } address[address_len] = 0; /* null terminate it */ switch (tor_lookup_hostname(address, &ip)) { case 1: log_fn(LOG_INFO,"Could not resolve dest addr %s (transient).",address); answer[0] = DNS_RESOLVE_FAILED_TRANSIENT; break; case -1: log_fn(LOG_INFO,"Could not resolve dest addr %s (permanent).",address); answer[0] = DNS_RESOLVE_FAILED_PERMANENT; break; case 0: log_fn(LOG_INFO,"Resolved address '%s'.",address); answer[0] = DNS_RESOLVE_SUCCEEDED; break; } set_uint32(answer+1, ip); if(write_all(fd, answer, 5, 1) != 5) { log_fn(LOG_ERR,"writing answer failed. Child exiting."); spawn_exit(); } } return 0; /* windows wants this function to return an int */ } static int spawn_dnsworker(void) { int fd[2]; connection_t *conn; if(tor_socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, fd) < 0) { log(LOG_ERR, "Couldn't construct socketpair: %s", tor_socket_strerror(tor_socket_errno(-1))); exit(1); } spawn_func(dnsworker_main, (void*)fd); log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"just spawned a worker."); tor_close_socket(fd[1]); /* we don't need the worker's side of the pipe */ conn = connection_new(CONN_TYPE_DNSWORKER); set_socket_nonblocking(fd[0]); /* set up conn so it's got all the data we need to remember */ conn->s = fd[0]; conn->address = tor_strdup(""); if(connection_add(conn) < 0) { /* no space, forget it */ log_fn(LOG_WARN,"connection_add failed. Giving up."); connection_free(conn); /* this closes fd[0] */ return -1; } conn->state = DNSWORKER_STATE_IDLE; connection_start_reading(conn); return 0; /* success */ } static void spawn_enough_dnsworkers(void) { int num_dnsworkers_needed; /* aim to have 1 more than needed, * but no less than min and no more than max */ connection_t *dnsconn; /* XXX This may not be the best strategy. Maybe we should queue pending * requests until the old ones finish or time out: otherwise, if * the connection requests come fast enough, we never get any DNS done. -NM * XXX But if we queue them, then the adversary can pile even more * queries onto us, blocking legitimate requests for even longer. * Maybe we should compromise and only kill if it's been at it for * more than, e.g., 2 seconds. -RD */ if(num_dnsworkers_busy == MAX_DNSWORKERS) { /* We always want at least one worker idle. * So find the oldest busy worker and kill it. */ dnsconn = connection_get_by_type_state_lastwritten(CONN_TYPE_DNSWORKER, DNSWORKER_STATE_BUSY); tor_assert(dnsconn); log_fn(LOG_WARN, "%d DNS workers are spawned; all are busy. Killing one.", MAX_DNSWORKERS); connection_mark_for_close(dnsconn,0); num_dnsworkers_busy--; num_dnsworkers--; } if(num_dnsworkers_busy >= MIN_DNSWORKERS) num_dnsworkers_needed = num_dnsworkers_busy+1; else num_dnsworkers_needed = MIN_DNSWORKERS; while(num_dnsworkers < num_dnsworkers_needed) { if(spawn_dnsworker() < 0) { log(LOG_WARN,"spawn_enough_dnsworkers(): spawn failed!"); return; } num_dnsworkers++; } while(num_dnsworkers > num_dnsworkers_busy+MAX_IDLE_DNSWORKERS) { /* too many idle? */ /* cull excess workers */ log_fn(LOG_WARN,"%d of %d dnsworkers are idle. Killing one.", num_dnsworkers-num_dnsworkers_needed, num_dnsworkers); dnsconn = connection_get_by_type_state(CONN_TYPE_DNSWORKER, DNSWORKER_STATE_IDLE); tor_assert(dnsconn); connection_mark_for_close(dnsconn,0); num_dnsworkers--; } } /* Local Variables: mode:c indent-tabs-mode:nil c-basic-offset:2 End: */