/* Copyright (c) 2003-2004, Roger Dingledine. * Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Roger Dingledine, Nick Mathewson. * Copyright (c) 2007-2013, The Tor Project, Inc. */ /* See LICENSE for licensing information */ /** * \file cpuworker.c * \brief Implements a farm of 'CPU worker' processes to perform * CPU-intensive tasks in another thread or process, to not * interrupt the main thread. * * Right now, we only use this for processing onionskins. **/ #include "or.h" #include "buffers.h" #include "channel.h" #include "channeltls.h" #include "circuitbuild.h" #include "circuitlist.h" #include "config.h" #include "connection.h" #include "cpuworker.h" #include "main.h" #include "onion.h" #include "router.h" /** The maximum number of cpuworker processes we will keep around. */ #define MAX_CPUWORKERS 16 /** The minimum number of cpuworker processes we will keep around. */ #define MIN_CPUWORKERS 1 /** The tag specifies which circuit this onionskin was from. */ #define TAG_LEN 10 /** How many cpuworkers we have running right now. */ static int num_cpuworkers=0; /** How many of the running cpuworkers have an assigned task right now. */ static int num_cpuworkers_busy=0; /** We need to spawn new cpuworkers whenever we rotate the onion keys * on platforms where execution contexts==processes. This variable stores * the last time we got a key rotation event. */ static time_t last_rotation_time=0; static void cpuworker_main(void *data) ATTR_NORETURN; static int spawn_cpuworker(void); static void spawn_enough_cpuworkers(void); static void process_pending_task(connection_t *cpuworker); /** Initialize the cpuworker subsystem. */ void cpu_init(void) { cpuworkers_rotate(); } /** Called when we're done sending a request to a cpuworker. */ int connection_cpu_finished_flushing(connection_t *conn) { tor_assert(conn); tor_assert(conn->type == CONN_TYPE_CPUWORKER); return 0; } /** Pack global_id and circ_id; set *tag to the result. (See note on * cpuworker_main for wire format.) */ static void tag_pack(uint8_t *tag, uint64_t chan_id, circid_t circ_id) { /*XXXX RETHINK THIS WHOLE MESS !!!! !NM NM NM NM*/ /*XXXX DOUBLEPLUSTHIS!!!! AS AS AS AS*/ set_uint64(tag, chan_id); set_uint16(tag+8, circ_id); } /** Unpack <b>tag</b> into addr, port, and circ_id. */ static void tag_unpack(const uint8_t *tag, uint64_t *chan_id, circid_t *circ_id) { *chan_id = get_uint64(tag); *circ_id = get_uint16(tag+8); } /** Magic numbers to make sure our cpuworker_requests don't grow any * mis-framing bugs. */ #define CPUWORKER_REQUEST_MAGIC 0xda4afeed #define CPUWORKER_REPLY_MAGIC 0x5eedf00d /** A request sent to a cpuworker. */ typedef struct cpuworker_request_t { /** Magic number; must be CPUWORKER_REQUEST_MAGIC. */ uint32_t magic; /** Opaque tag to identify the job */ uint8_t tag[TAG_LEN]; /** Task code. Must be one of CPUWORKER_TASK_* */ uint8_t task; /** Flag: Are we timing this request? */ unsigned timed : 1; /** If we're timing this request, when was it sent to the cpuworker? */ struct timeval started_at; /** A create cell for the cpuworker to process. */ create_cell_t create_cell; /* Turn the above into a tagged union if needed. */ } cpuworker_request_t; /** A reply sent by a cpuworker. */ typedef struct cpuworker_reply_t { /** Magic number; must be CPUWORKER_REPLY_MAGIC. */ uint32_t magic; /** Opaque tag to identify the job; matches the request's tag.*/ uint8_t tag[TAG_LEN]; /** True iff we got a successful request. */ uint8_t success; /** Are we timing this request? */ unsigned int timed : 1; /** What handshake type was the request? (Used for timing) */ uint16_t handshake_type; /** When did we send the request to the cpuworker? */ struct timeval started_at; /** Once the cpuworker received the request, how many microseconds did it * take? (This shouldn't overflow; 4 billion micoseconds is over an hour, * and we'll never have an onion handshake that takes so long.) */ uint32_t n_usec; /** Output of processing a create cell * * @{ */ /** The created cell to send back. */ created_cell_t created_cell; /** The keys to use on this circuit. */ uint8_t keys[CPATH_KEY_MATERIAL_LEN]; /** Input to use for authenticating introduce1 cells. */ uint8_t rend_auth_material[DIGEST_LEN]; } cpuworker_reply_t; /** Called when the onion key has changed and we need to spawn new * cpuworkers. Close all currently idle cpuworkers, and mark the last * rotation time as now. */ void cpuworkers_rotate(void) { connection_t *cpuworker; while ((cpuworker = connection_get_by_type_state(CONN_TYPE_CPUWORKER, CPUWORKER_STATE_IDLE))) { connection_mark_for_close(cpuworker); --num_cpuworkers; } last_rotation_time = time(NULL); if (server_mode(get_options())) spawn_enough_cpuworkers(); } /** If the cpuworker closes the connection, * mark it as closed and spawn a new one as needed. */ int connection_cpu_reached_eof(connection_t *conn) { log_warn(LD_GENERAL,"Read eof. CPU worker died unexpectedly."); if (conn->state != CPUWORKER_STATE_IDLE) { /* the circ associated with this cpuworker will have to wait until * it gets culled in run_connection_housekeeping(), since we have * no way to find out which circ it was. */ log_warn(LD_GENERAL,"...and it left a circuit queued; abandoning circ."); num_cpuworkers_busy--; } num_cpuworkers--; spawn_enough_cpuworkers(); /* try to regrow. hope we don't end up spinning. */ connection_mark_for_close(conn); return 0; } /** Indexed by handshake type: how many onionskins have we processed and * counted of that type? */ static uint64_t onionskins_n_processed[MAX_ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE+1]; /** Indexed by handshake type, corresponding to the onionskins counted in * onionskins_n_processed: how many microseconds have we spent in cpuworkers * processing that kind of onionskin? */ static uint64_t onionskins_usec_internal[MAX_ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE+1]; /** Indexed by handshake type, corresponding to onionskins counted in * onionskins_n_processed: how many microseconds have we spent waiting for * cpuworkers to give us answers for that kind of onionskin? */ static uint64_t onionskins_usec_roundtrip[MAX_ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE+1]; /** If any onionskin takes longer than this, we clip them to this * time. (microseconds) */ #define MAX_BELIEVABLE_ONIONSKIN_DELAY (2*1000*1000) /** Return true iff we'd like to measure a handshake of type * <b>onionskin_type</b>. */ static int should_time_request(uint16_t onionskin_type) { /* If we've never heard of this type, we shouldn't even be here. */ if (onionskin_type > MAX_ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE) return 0; /* Measure the first N handshakes of each type, to ensure we have a * sample */ if (onionskins_n_processed[onionskin_type] < 4096) return 1; /** Otherwise, measure with P=1/128. We avoid doing this for every * handshake, since the measurement itself can take a little time. */ return tor_weak_random() < (TOR_RAND_MAX/128); } /** Return an estimate of how many microseconds we will need for a single * cpuworker to to process <b>n_requests</b> onionskins of type * <b>onionskin_type</b>. */ uint64_t estimated_usec_for_onionskins(uint32_t n_requests, uint16_t onionskin_type) { if (onionskin_type > MAX_ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE) /* should be impossible */ return 1000 * n_requests; if (PREDICT_UNLIKELY(onionskins_n_processed[onionskin_type] < 100)) { /* Until we have 100 data points, just asssume everything takes 1 msec. */ return 1000 * n_requests; } else { /* This can't overflow: we'll never have more than 500000 onionskins * measured in onionskin_usec_internal, and they won't take anything near * 1 sec each, and we won't have anything like 1 million queued * onionskins. But that's 5e5 * 1e6 * 1e6, which is still less than * UINT64_MAX. */ return (onionskins_usec_internal[onionskin_type] * n_requests) / onionskins_n_processed[onionskin_type]; } } /** Compute the absolute and relative overhead of using the cpuworker * framework for onionskins of type <b>onionskin_type</b>.*/ static int get_overhead_for_onionskins(uint32_t *usec_out, double *frac_out, uint16_t onionskin_type) { uint64_t overhead; *usec_out = 0; *frac_out = 0.0; if (onionskin_type > MAX_ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE) /* should be impossible */ return -1; if (onionskins_n_processed[onionskin_type] == 0 || onionskins_usec_internal[onionskin_type] == 0 || onionskins_usec_roundtrip[onionskin_type] == 0) return -1; overhead = onionskins_usec_roundtrip[onionskin_type] - onionskins_usec_internal[onionskin_type]; *usec_out = (uint32_t)(overhead / onionskins_n_processed[onionskin_type]); *frac_out = U64_TO_DBL(overhead) / onionskins_usec_internal[onionskin_type]; return 0; } /** If we've measured overhead for onionskins of type <b>onionskin_type</b>, * log it. */ void cpuworker_log_onionskin_overhead(int severity, int onionskin_type, const char *onionskin_type_name) { uint32_t overhead; double relative_overhead; int r; r = get_overhead_for_onionskins(&overhead, &relative_overhead, onionskin_type); if (!overhead || r<0) return; log_fn(severity, LD_OR, "%s onionskins have averaged %u usec overhead (%.2f%%) in " "cpuworker code ", onionskin_type_name, (unsigned)overhead, relative_overhead*100); } /** Called when we get data from a cpuworker. If the answer is not complete, * wait for a complete answer. If the answer is complete, * process it as appropriate. */ int connection_cpu_process_inbuf(connection_t *conn) { uint64_t chan_id; circid_t circ_id; channel_t *p_chan = NULL; circuit_t *circ; tor_assert(conn); tor_assert(conn->type == CONN_TYPE_CPUWORKER); if (!connection_get_inbuf_len(conn)) return 0; if (conn->state == CPUWORKER_STATE_BUSY_ONION) { cpuworker_reply_t rpl; if (connection_get_inbuf_len(conn) < sizeof(cpuworker_reply_t)) return 0; /* not yet */ tor_assert(connection_get_inbuf_len(conn) == sizeof(cpuworker_reply_t)); connection_fetch_from_buf((void*)&rpl,sizeof(cpuworker_reply_t),conn); tor_assert(rpl.magic == CPUWORKER_REPLY_MAGIC); if (rpl.timed && rpl.success && rpl.handshake_type <= MAX_ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE) { /* Time how long this request took. The handshake_type check should be needless, but let's leave it in to be safe. */ struct timeval tv_end, tv_diff; int64_t usec_roundtrip; tor_gettimeofday(&tv_end); timersub(&tv_end, &rpl.started_at, &tv_diff); usec_roundtrip = ((int64_t)tv_diff.tv_sec)*1000000 + tv_diff.tv_usec; if (usec_roundtrip >= 0 && usec_roundtrip < MAX_BELIEVABLE_ONIONSKIN_DELAY) { ++onionskins_n_processed[rpl.handshake_type]; onionskins_usec_internal[rpl.handshake_type] += rpl.n_usec; onionskins_usec_roundtrip[rpl.handshake_type] += usec_roundtrip; if (onionskins_n_processed[rpl.handshake_type] >= 500000) { /* Scale down every 500000 handshakes. On a busy server, that's * less impressive than it sounds. */ onionskins_n_processed[rpl.handshake_type] /= 2; onionskins_usec_internal[rpl.handshake_type] /= 2; onionskins_usec_roundtrip[rpl.handshake_type] /= 2; } } } /* parse out the circ it was talking about */ tag_unpack(rpl.tag, &chan_id, &circ_id); circ = NULL; log_debug(LD_OR, "Unpacking cpuworker reply, chan_id is " U64_FORMAT ", circ_id is %d", U64_PRINTF_ARG(chan_id), circ_id); p_chan = channel_find_by_global_id(chan_id); if (p_chan) circ = circuit_get_by_circid_channel(circ_id, p_chan); if (rpl.success == 0) { log_debug(LD_OR, "decoding onionskin failed. " "(Old key or bad software.) Closing."); if (circ) circuit_mark_for_close(circ, END_CIRC_REASON_TORPROTOCOL); goto done_processing; } if (!circ) { /* This happens because somebody sends us a destroy cell and the * circuit goes away, while the cpuworker is working. This is also * why our tag doesn't include a pointer to the circ, because we'd * never know if it's still valid. */ log_debug(LD_OR,"processed onion for a circ that's gone. Dropping."); goto done_processing; } tor_assert(! CIRCUIT_IS_ORIGIN(circ)); if (onionskin_answer(TO_OR_CIRCUIT(circ), &rpl.created_cell, (const char*)rpl.keys, rpl.rend_auth_material) < 0) { log_warn(LD_OR,"onionskin_answer failed. Closing."); circuit_mark_for_close(circ, END_CIRC_REASON_INTERNAL); goto done_processing; } log_debug(LD_OR,"onionskin_answer succeeded. Yay."); } else { tor_assert(0); /* don't ask me to do handshakes yet */ } done_processing: conn->state = CPUWORKER_STATE_IDLE; num_cpuworkers_busy--; if (conn->timestamp_created < last_rotation_time) { connection_mark_for_close(conn); num_cpuworkers--; spawn_enough_cpuworkers(); } else { process_pending_task(conn); } return 0; } /** Implement a cpuworker. 'data' is an fdarray as returned by socketpair. * Read and writes from fdarray[1]. Reads requests, writes answers. * * Request format: * cpuworker_request_t. * Response format: * cpuworker_reply_t */ static void cpuworker_main(void *data) { /* For talking to the parent thread/process */ tor_socket_t *fdarray = data; tor_socket_t fd; /* variables for onion processing */ server_onion_keys_t onion_keys; cpuworker_request_t req; cpuworker_reply_t rpl; fd = fdarray[1]; /* this side is ours */ #ifndef TOR_IS_MULTITHREADED tor_close_socket(fdarray[0]); /* this is the side of the socketpair the * parent uses */ tor_free_all(1); /* so the child doesn't hold the parent's fd's open */ handle_signals(0); /* ignore interrupts from the keyboard, etc */ #endif tor_free(data); setup_server_onion_keys(&onion_keys); for (;;) { if (read_all(fd, (void *)&req, sizeof(req), 1) != sizeof(req)) { log_info(LD_OR, "read request failed. Exiting."); goto end; } tor_assert(req.magic == CPUWORKER_REQUEST_MAGIC); memset(&rpl, 0, sizeof(rpl)); if (req.task == CPUWORKER_TASK_ONION) { const create_cell_t *cc = &req.create_cell; created_cell_t *cell_out = &rpl.created_cell; struct timeval tv_start, tv_end; int n; rpl.timed = req.timed; rpl.started_at = req.started_at; rpl.handshake_type = cc->handshake_type; if (req.timed) tor_gettimeofday(&tv_start); n = onion_skin_server_handshake(cc->handshake_type, cc->onionskin, cc->handshake_len, &onion_keys, cell_out->reply, rpl.keys, CPATH_KEY_MATERIAL_LEN, rpl.rend_auth_material); if (n < 0) { /* failure */ log_debug(LD_OR,"onion_skin_server_handshake failed."); memset(&rpl, 0, sizeof(rpl)); memcpy(rpl.tag, req.tag, TAG_LEN); rpl.success = 0; } else { /* success */ log_debug(LD_OR,"onion_skin_server_handshake succeeded."); memcpy(rpl.tag, req.tag, TAG_LEN); cell_out->handshake_len = n; switch (cc->cell_type) { case CELL_CREATE: cell_out->cell_type = CELL_CREATED; break; case CELL_CREATE2: cell_out->cell_type = CELL_CREATED2; break; case CELL_CREATE_FAST: cell_out->cell_type = CELL_CREATED_FAST; break; default: tor_assert(0); goto end; } rpl.success = 1; } rpl.magic = CPUWORKER_REPLY_MAGIC; if (req.timed) { struct timeval tv_diff; int64_t usec; tor_gettimeofday(&tv_end); timersub(&tv_end, &tv_start, &tv_diff); usec = ((int64_t)tv_diff.tv_sec)*1000000 + tv_diff.tv_usec; if (usec < 0 || usec > MAX_BELIEVABLE_ONIONSKIN_DELAY) rpl.n_usec = MAX_BELIEVABLE_ONIONSKIN_DELAY; else rpl.n_usec = (uint32_t) usec; } if (write_all(fd, (void*)&rpl, sizeof(rpl), 1) != sizeof(rpl)) { log_err(LD_BUG,"writing response buf failed. Exiting."); goto end; } log_debug(LD_OR,"finished writing response."); } else if (req.task == CPUWORKER_TASK_SHUTDOWN) { log_info(LD_OR,"Clean shutdown: exiting"); goto end; } memwipe(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); memwipe(&rpl, 0, sizeof(req)); } end: memwipe(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); memwipe(&rpl, 0, sizeof(req)); release_server_onion_keys(&onion_keys); tor_close_socket(fd); crypto_thread_cleanup(); spawn_exit(); } /** Launch a new cpuworker. Return 0 if we're happy, -1 if we failed. */ static int spawn_cpuworker(void) { tor_socket_t *fdarray; tor_socket_t fd; connection_t *conn; int err; fdarray = tor_malloc(sizeof(tor_socket_t)*2); if ((err = tor_socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, fdarray)) < 0) { log_warn(LD_NET, "Couldn't construct socketpair for cpuworker: %s", tor_socket_strerror(-err)); tor_free(fdarray); return -1; } tor_assert(SOCKET_OK(fdarray[0])); tor_assert(SOCKET_OK(fdarray[1])); fd = fdarray[0]; spawn_func(cpuworker_main, (void*)fdarray); log_debug(LD_OR,"just spawned a cpu worker."); #ifndef TOR_IS_MULTITHREADED tor_close_socket(fdarray[1]); /* don't need the worker's side of the pipe */ tor_free(fdarray); #endif conn = connection_new(CONN_TYPE_CPUWORKER, AF_UNIX); set_socket_nonblocking(fd); /* set up conn so it's got all the data we need to remember */ conn->s = fd; conn->address = tor_strdup("localhost"); tor_addr_make_unspec(&conn->addr); if (connection_add(conn) < 0) { /* no space, forget it */ log_warn(LD_NET,"connection_add for cpuworker failed. Giving up."); connection_free(conn); /* this closes fd */ return -1; } conn->state = CPUWORKER_STATE_IDLE; connection_start_reading(conn); return 0; /* success */ } /** If we have too few or too many active cpuworkers, try to spawn new ones * or kill idle ones. */ static void spawn_enough_cpuworkers(void) { int num_cpuworkers_needed = get_num_cpus(get_options()); if (num_cpuworkers_needed < MIN_CPUWORKERS) num_cpuworkers_needed = MIN_CPUWORKERS; if (num_cpuworkers_needed > MAX_CPUWORKERS) num_cpuworkers_needed = MAX_CPUWORKERS; while (num_cpuworkers < num_cpuworkers_needed) { if (spawn_cpuworker() < 0) { log_warn(LD_GENERAL,"Cpuworker spawn failed. Will try again later."); return; } num_cpuworkers++; } } /** Take a pending task from the queue and assign it to 'cpuworker'. */ static void process_pending_task(connection_t *cpuworker) { or_circuit_t *circ; create_cell_t *onionskin = NULL; tor_assert(cpuworker); /* for now only process onion tasks */ circ = onion_next_task(&onionskin); if (!circ) return; if (assign_onionskin_to_cpuworker(cpuworker, circ, onionskin)) log_warn(LD_OR,"assign_to_cpuworker failed. Ignoring."); } /** How long should we let a cpuworker stay busy before we give * up on it and decide that we have a bug or infinite loop? * This value is high because some servers with low memory/cpu * sometimes spend an hour or more swapping, and Tor starves. */ #define CPUWORKER_BUSY_TIMEOUT (60*60*12) /** We have a bug that I can't find. Sometimes, very rarely, cpuworkers get * stuck in the 'busy' state, even though the cpuworker process thinks of * itself as idle. I don't know why. But here's a workaround to kill any * cpuworker that's been busy for more than CPUWORKER_BUSY_TIMEOUT. */ static void cull_wedged_cpuworkers(void) { time_t now = time(NULL); smartlist_t *conns = get_connection_array(); SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(conns, connection_t *, conn) { if (!conn->marked_for_close && conn->type == CONN_TYPE_CPUWORKER && conn->state == CPUWORKER_STATE_BUSY_ONION && conn->timestamp_lastwritten + CPUWORKER_BUSY_TIMEOUT < now) { log_notice(LD_BUG, "closing wedged cpuworker. Can somebody find the bug?"); num_cpuworkers_busy--; num_cpuworkers--; connection_mark_for_close(conn); } } SMARTLIST_FOREACH_END(conn); } /** Try to tell a cpuworker to perform the public key operations necessary to * respond to <b>onionskin</b> for the circuit <b>circ</b>. * * If <b>cpuworker</b> is defined, assert that he's idle, and use him. Else, * look for an idle cpuworker and use him. If none idle, queue task onto the * pending onion list and return. Return 0 if we successfully assign the * task, or -1 on failure. */ int assign_onionskin_to_cpuworker(connection_t *cpuworker, or_circuit_t *circ, create_cell_t *onionskin) { cpuworker_request_t req; time_t now = approx_time(); static time_t last_culled_cpuworkers = 0; int should_time; /* Checking for wedged cpuworkers requires a linear search over all * connections, so let's do it only once a minute. */ #define CULL_CPUWORKERS_INTERVAL 60 if (last_culled_cpuworkers + CULL_CPUWORKERS_INTERVAL <= now) { cull_wedged_cpuworkers(); spawn_enough_cpuworkers(); last_culled_cpuworkers = now; } if (1) { if (num_cpuworkers_busy == num_cpuworkers) { log_debug(LD_OR,"No idle cpuworkers. Queuing."); if (onion_pending_add(circ, onionskin) < 0) { tor_free(onionskin); return -1; } return 0; } if (!cpuworker) cpuworker = connection_get_by_type_state(CONN_TYPE_CPUWORKER, CPUWORKER_STATE_IDLE); tor_assert(cpuworker); if (!circ->p_chan) { log_info(LD_OR,"circ->p_chan gone. Failing circ."); tor_free(onionskin); return -1; } should_time = should_time_request(onionskin->handshake_type); memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); req.magic = CPUWORKER_REQUEST_MAGIC; tag_pack(req.tag, circ->p_chan->global_identifier, circ->p_circ_id); req.timed = should_time; cpuworker->state = CPUWORKER_STATE_BUSY_ONION; /* touch the lastwritten timestamp, since that's how we check to * see how long it's been since we asked the question, and sometimes * we check before the first call to connection_handle_write(). */ cpuworker->timestamp_lastwritten = now; num_cpuworkers_busy++; req.task = CPUWORKER_TASK_ONION; memcpy(&req.create_cell, onionskin, sizeof(create_cell_t)); tor_free(onionskin); if (should_time) tor_gettimeofday(&req.started_at); connection_write_to_buf((void*)&req, sizeof(req), cpuworker); memwipe(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); } return 0; }