# $Id$
# Last updated on $Date$
## This config file is divided into four sections.  They are:
## 1.  Global Options (clients and servers)
## 2.  Client Options Only
## 3.  Server Options Only
## 4.  Directory Server Options (for running your own Tor network)
## 5.  Hidden Service Options (clients and servers)
## The conventions used are:
## double hash (##) is for summary text about the config option;
## single hash (#) is for the config option; and,  
## the config option is always after the text.

## Section 1:  Global Options (clients and servers)

## A token bucket limits the average incoming bandwidth on this node 
## to the specified number of bytes per second. (Default: 2MB)
#BandwidthRate N bytes|KB|MB|GB|TB

## Limit the maximum token bucket size (also known as the burst) to 
## the given number of bytes. (Default: 5 MB)
#BandwidthBurst N bytes|KB|MB|GB|TB

## If set, we will not advertise more than this amount of bandwidth 
## for our BandwidthRate.  Server operators who want to reduce the 
## number of clients who ask to build circuits through them (since 
## this is proportional to advertised bandwidth rate) can thus 
## reduce the CPU demands on their server without impacting 
## network performance.
#MaxAdvertisedBandwidth N bytes|KB|MB|GB|TB

## If set, Tor will accept connections from the	same machine
## (localhost only) on this port, and allow those connections to
## control the Tor process using the Tor Control Protocol
## (described in control-spec.txt).  Note: unless you also specify
## one of HashedControlPassword or CookieAuthentication, setting
## this option will cause Tor to allow any process on the local
## host to control it.
#ControlPort Port

## Don’t allow any connections on the control port except when the
## other process knows the password whose one-way hash is
## hashed_password.  You can compute the hash of a password by
## running "tor --hash-password password".
#HashedControlPassword hashed_password

## If this option is set to 1, don’t allow any connections on the
## control port except when the connecting process knows the 
## contents of a file named "control_auth_cookie", which Tor will
## create in its data directory.  This authentication method
## should only be used on systems with good filesystem security.
## (Default: 0)
#CookieAuthentication 0|1

## Store working data in DIR (Default: /usr/local/var/lib/tor)
#DataDirectory DIR

## Every time the specified period elapses, Tor downloads a direc-
## tory.   A directory contains a signed list of all known servers
## as well as their current liveness status. A value of "0 sec-
## onds" tells Tor to choose an appropriate default. 
## (Default: 1 hour for clients, 20 minutes for servers)
#DirFetchPeriod N seconds|minutes|hours|days|weeks

## Tor only trusts directories signed with one of these keys, and
## uses the given addresses to connect to the trusted directory
## servers. If no DirServer lines are specified, Tor uses the built-in
## defaults (moria1, moria2, tor26), so you can leave this alone unless
## you need to change it.
## WARNING! Changing these options will make your Tor behave
## differently from everyone else's, and hurt your anonymity.  Even
## uncommenting these lines is a bad idea.  They are the defaults now,
## but the defaults may change in the future, leaving you behind.
#DirServer moria1 v1 FFCB 46DB 1339 DA84 674C 70D7 CB58 6434 C437 0441
#DirServer moria2 v1 719B E45D E224 B607 C537 07D0 E214 3E2D 423E 74CF
#DirServer tor26 v1 847B 1F85 0344 D787 6491 A548 92F9 0493 4E4E B85D

## On startup, setgid to this user.
#Group GID

## Tor will make all its directory requests through this host:port
## (or host:80 if port is not specified), rather than connecting
## directly to any directory servers.
#HttpProxy host[:port]

## If defined, Tor will use this username:password for Basic Http
## proxy authentication, as in RFC 2617. This is currently the
## only form of Http proxy authentication that Tor supports; feel
## free to submit a patch if you want it to support others.
#HttpProxyAuthenticator username:password

## Tor will make all its OR (SSL) connections through this
## host:port (or host:443 if port is not specified), via HTTP CON-
## NECT rather than connecting directly to servers.  You may want
## to set FascistFirewall to restrict the set of ports you might
## try to connect to, if your Https proxy only allows connecting
## to certain ports.
#HttpsProxy host[:port]

## If defined, Tor will use this username:password for Basic Https
## proxy authentication, as in RFC 2617. This is currently the
## only form of Https proxy authentication that Tor supports; feel
## free to submit a patch if you want it to support others.
#HttpsProxyAuthenticator username:password

## To keep firewalls from expiring connections, send a padding
## keepalive cell every NUM seconds on open connections that are
## in use. If the connection has no open circuits, it will instead
## be closed after NUM seconds of idleness. (Default: 5 minutes)
#KeepalivePeriod NUM

## Send all messages between minSeverity and maxSeverity to the
## standard output stream, the standard error stream, or to the
## system log. (The "syslog" value is only supported on Unix.)
## Recognized severity levels are debug, info, notice, warn, and
## err.  If only one severity level is given, all messages of that
## level or higher will be sent to the listed destination.
#Log minSeverity[-maxSeverity] stderr|stdout|syslog

## As above, but send log messages to the listed filename.  The
## "Log" option may appear more than once in a configuration file.
## Messages are sent to all the logs that match their severity
## level.
#Log minSeverity[-maxSeverity] file FILENAME

## Maximum number of simultaneous sockets allowed.  You probably
## don’t need to adjust this. (Default: 1024)
#MaxConn NUM

## Make all outbound connections originate from the IP address
## specified.  This is only useful when you have multiple network
## interfaces, and you want all of Tor’s outgoing connections to
## use a single one.
#OutboundBindAddress IP

## On startup, write our PID to FILE. On clean shutdown, remove
## FILE.

## If 1, Tor forks and daemonizes to the background. (Default: 0)
#RunAsDaemon 0|1

## If 1, Tor replaces potentially sensitive strings in the logs
## (e.g. addresses) with the string [scrubbed]. This way logs  can
## still be useful, but they don’t leave behind personally identi-
## fying information about what sites a user might have visited.
## (Default: 1)
#SafeLogging 0|1

## Every time the specified period elapses, Tor downloads signed
## status information about the current state of known servers.  A
## value of "0 seconds" tells Tor to choose an appropriate
## default. (Default: 30 minutes for clients, 15 minutes for
## servers)
#StatusFetchPeriod N seconds|minutes|hours|days|weeks

## On startup, setuid to this user.
#User UID

## If non-zero, try to use crypto hardware acceleration when
## available. (Default: 1)
#HardwareAccel 0|1

## Section 2: Client Options Only

## Where on our circuits should	we allow Tor servers that the
## directory servers haven’t authenticated as "verified"?
## (Default: middle,rendezvous)
#AllowUnverifiedNodes entry|exit|middle|introduction|rendezvous|...

## If set to 1, Tor will under no circumstances run as a server.
## The default is to run as a client unless ORPort is configured.
## (Usually, you don’t need to set this; Tor is pretty smart at
## figuring out whether you are reliable and high-bandwidth enough
## to be a useful server.)
## This option will likely be deprecated in the future; see the
## NoPublish option below. (Default: 0)
#ClientOnly 0|1

## A list of preferred nodes to use for the first hop in the 
## circuit, if possible.
#EntryNodes nickname,nickname,...

## A list of preferred nodes to use for the last hop in the 
## circuit, if possible.
#ExitNodes nickname,nickname,...

## A list of nodes to never use when building a circuit.
#ExcludeNodes nickname,nickname,...

## If 1, Tor will never use any nodes besides those listed in
## "exitnodes" for the last hop of a circuit.
#StrictExitNodes 0|1

## If 1, Tor will never	use any nodes besides those listed in
## "entrynodes" for the first hop of a circuit.
#StrictEntryNodes 0|1

## If 1, Tor will only create outgoing connections to ORs running
## on ports that your firewall allows (defaults to 80 and 443; see
## FirewallPorts).  This will allow you to run Tor as a client
## behind a firewall with restrictive policies, but will not allow
## you to run as a server behind such a firewall.
#FascistFirewall 0|1

## A list of ports that your firewall allows you to connect to.
## Only used when FascistFirewall is set. (Default: 80, 443)
#FirewallPorts PORTS

## A comma-separated list of IPs that your firewall allows you to
## connect to.  Only used when FascistFirewall is set.  The format
## is as for the addresses in ExitPolicy.  
## For example, ’FirewallIPs, *:80’ means that your 
## firewall allows connections to everything inside net 99, and 
## to port 80 outside.
#FirewallIPs ADDR[/MASK][:PORT]...

## A list of ports for services that tend to have long-running
## connections (e.g. chat and interactive  shells).  Circuits for
## streams that use these ports	will contain only high-uptime
## nodes, to reduce the chance that a node will go down before the
## stream is finished.  (Default: 21, 22, 706, 1863, 5050, 5190,
## 5222, 5223, 6667, 8300, 8888)
#LongLivedPorts PORTS

## When a request for address arrives to Tor, it will rewrite it
## to newaddress before processing it. For example, if you always
## want connections to www.indymedia.org  to exit via torserver
## (where torserver is the nickname of the server), 
## use "MapAddress www.indymedia.org www.indymedia.org.torserver.exit".
#MapAddress address newaddress

## Every NUM seconds consider whether to build a new circuit.
## (Default: 30 seconds)
#NewCircuitPeriod NUM

## Feel free to reuse a circuit that was first used at most NUM
## seconds ago, but never attach a new stream to a circuit that is
## too old. (Default: 10 minutes)
#MaxCircuitDirtiness NUM

## The named Tor servers constitute a "family" of similar or co-
## administered servers, so never use any two of them in the same
## circuit.  Defining a NodeFamily is only needed when a server
## doesn’t list the family itself (with MyFamily). This option can
## be used multiple times.
#NodeFamily nickname,nickname,...

## A list of preferred nodes to use for the rendezvous point, if
## possible.
#RendNodes nickname,nickname,...

## A list of nodes to never use when choosing a rendezvous point.
#RendExcludeNodes nickname,nickname,...

## Advertise this port to listen for connections from SOCKS-speak-
## ing applications.  Set this to 0 if you don’t want to allow
## application connections. (Default: 9050)

## Bind to this address to listen for connections from SOCKS-
## speaking applications. (Default: You can also spec-
## ify a port (e.g. This directive can be spec-
## ified multiple times to bind to multiple addresses/ports.
#SOCKSBindAddress IP[:PORT]

## Set an entrance policy for this server, to limit who can con-
## nect to the SOCKS ports.  The policies have the same form as
## exit policies below.
#SOCKSPolicy policy,policy,...

## For each value in the comma separated list, Tor will	track
## recent connections to hosts that match this value and attempt
## to reuse the same exit node for each. If the value is prepended
## with a ’.’, it is treated as matching an entire domain. If one
## of the values is just a ’.’, it means match everything.  This
## option is useful if you frequently connect to sites that will
## expire all your authentication cookies (ie log you out) if your
## IP address changes. Note that this option does have the disad-
## vantage of making it more clear that a given history is associ-
## ated with a single user. However, most people who would wish to
## observe this will observe it through cookies or other protocol-
## specific means anyhow.
#TrackHostExits host,.domain,...

## Since exit servers go up and down, it is desirable to expire
## the association between host and exit server after NUM seconds.
## The default is 1800 seconds (30 minutes).
#TrackHostExitsExpire NUM

## If this option is set to 1, we pick a few entry servers as our
## "helpers", and try to use only those fixed entry servers.  This
## is desirable, because constantly changing servers increases the
## odds that an adversary who owns some servers will observe a
## fraction of your paths.  (Defaults to 0; will eventually
## default to 1.)
#UseHelperNodes 0|1

## If UseHelperNodes is set to 1, we will try to pick a total of
## NUM helper nodes as entries for our circuits.  (Defaults to 3.)
#NumHelperNodes NUM

## Section 3:  Server Options Only

## The IP or fqdn of this server (e.g. moria.mit.edu). You can
## leave this unset, and Tor will guess your IP.
#Address address

## Administrative contact information for server.
#ContactInfo email_address

## Set an exit policy for this server. Each policy is of the form
## "accept|reject ADDR[/MASK][:PORT]".  If /MASK is omitted then
## this policy just applies to the host given.  Instead of giving
## a host or network you can also use "*" to denote the universe
## (  PORT can be a single port number, an interval of
## ports "FROM_PORT-TO_PORT", or "*".  If PORT is omitted, that
## means "*".
## For example, "reject*,reject*,accept
## *:*" would reject any traffic destined for localhost and any
## 192.168.1.* address, but accept anything else.
## This directive can be specified multiple times so you don’t
## have to put it all on one line.
## See RFC 3330 for more details about internal and reserved IP
## address space. Policies are considered first to last, and the
## first match wins.  If you want to _replace_ the default exit
## policy, end your exit policy with either a reject *:* or an
## accept *:*. Otherwise, you’re _augmenting_ (prepending to) the
## default exit policy. The default exit policy is:
## reject
## reject
## reject
## reject
## reject
## reject
## reject *:25
## reject *:119
## reject *:135-139
## reject *:445
## reject *:1214
## reject *:4661-4666
## reject *:6346-6429
## reject *:6699
## reject *:6881-6999
## accept *:*
#ExitPolicy policy,policy,...

## If you have more than this number of onionskins queued for
## decrypt, reject new ones. (Default: 100)
#MaxOnionsPending NUM

## Declare that this Tor server is controlled or administered by a
## group or organization identical or similar to that of the other
## named servers.  When two servers both declare that they are in
## the same ’family’, Tor clients will not use them in the same
## circuit.  (Each server only needs to list the other servers in
## its family; it doesn’t need to list itself, but it won’t hurt.)
#MyFamily nickname,nickname,...

## Set the server’s nickname to ’name’.
#Nickname name

## If you set NoPublish 1, Tor will act as a server if you have an
## ORPort defined, but it will not publish its descriptor to the
## dirservers.  This option is useful if you’re testing out your
## server, or if you’re using alternate dirservers (e.g. for other
## Tor networks such as Blossom).  (Default: 0)
#NoPublish 0|1

## How many processes to use at once for decrypting onionskins.
## (Default: 1)
NumCPUs num

## Advertise this port to listen for connections from Tor clients
## and servers.

## Bind to this IP address to listen for connections from Tor
## clients and servers. If you specify a port, bind to this port
## rather than the one specified in ORPort. (Default:
#ORBindAddress IP[:PORT]

## Whenever an outgoing connection tries to connect to one of a
## given set of addresses, connect to target (an address:port
## pair) instead.  The address pattern is given in the same format
## as for an exit policy.  The address translation applies after
## exit policies  are applied.  Multiple RedirectExit options can
## be used: once any one has matched successfully, no subsequent
## rules are considered.  You can specify that no redirection is
## to be performed on a given set of addresses by using the spe-
## cial target string "pass", which prevents subsequent rules from
## being considered.
#RedirectExit pattern target

## When we get a SIGINT and we’re a server, we begin shutting
## down: we close listeners and start refusing new circuits.  After
## NUM seconds, we exit. If we get a second SIGINT, we exit imme-
## diately.  (Default: 30 seconds)

## Every time the specified period elapses, Tor uploads its server
## descriptors to the directory servers.  This information is also
## uploaded whenever it changes.  (Default: 20 minutes)
#DirPostPeriod N seconds|minutes|hours|days|weeks

## Never send more than the specified number of bytes in a given
## accounting period, or receive more than that number in the
## period.  For example, with AccountingMax set to 1 GB, a server
## could send 900 MB and receive 800 MB and continue running.  It
## will only hibernate once one of the two reaches 1 GB.  When the
## number of bytes is exhausted, Tor will hibernate until some
## time in the next  accounting period.  To prevent all servers
## from waking at the same time, Tor will also wait until a random
## point in each period before waking up.  If you have bandwidth
## cost issues, enabling hibernation is preferable to setting a
## low bandwidth, since it provides users with a collection of
## fast servers that are up some of the time, which is more useful
## than a set of slow servers that are always "available".
#AccountingMax N bytes|KB|MB|GB|TB

## Specify how long accounting periods last.  If month is given,
## each accounting period runs from the time HH:MM on the dayth
## day of one month to the same day and time of the next.  (The
## day must be between 1 and 28.) If week is given, each account-
## ing period runs from the time HH:MM of the dayth day of one
## week to the same day and time of the next week, with Monday as
## day 1 and Sunday as day 7.  If day is given, each accounting
## period runs from the time HH:MM each day to the same time on
## the next day.  All times are local, and given in 24-hour time.
## (Defaults to "month 1 0:00".)
#AccountingStart day|week|month [day] HH:MM

## Section 4: Directory Server Options (for running your own Tor
## network)

## When this option is set to 1, Tor operates as an authoritative
## directory server.  Instead of caching the directory, it gener-
## ates its own list of good servers, signs it, and sends that to
## the clients.  Unless the clients already have you listed as a
## trusted directory, you probably do not want to set this option.
## Please coordinate with the other admins at 
## tor-ops@freehaven.net if you think you should be a directory.
#AuthoritativeDirectory 0|1

## Advertise the directory service on this port.
#DirPort PORT

## Bind the directory service to this address. If you specify a
## port, bind to this port rather than the one specified in DirPort.
## (Default:
#DirBindAddress IP[:PORT]

## Set an entrance policy for this server, to limit who can con-
## nect to the directory ports.  The policies have the same form
## as exit policies above.
#DirPolicy policy,policy,...

## STRING is a command-separated list of Tor versions currently
## believed to be safe. The list is included in each directory,
## and nodes which pull down the directory learn whether they need
## to upgrade.  This option can appear multiple times: the values
## from multiple lines are spliced together.
#RecommendedVersions STRING

## If set to 1, Tor will accept router descriptors with arbitrary
## "Address" elements. Otherwise, if the address is not an IP or
## is a private IP, it will reject the router descriptor. Defaults
## to 0.
#DirAllowPrivateAddresses 0|1

## If set to 1, Tor tries to build circuits through all of the
## servers it knows about, so it can tell which are up and which
## are down.  This option is only useful for authoritative direc-
## tories, so you probably don’t want to use it.
#RunTesting 0|1

## Section 5: Hidden Service Options (clients and servers)

## Store data files for a hidden service in DIRECTORY.  Every hid-
## den service must have a separate directory.  You may use this
## option multiple times to specify multiple services.
#HiddenServiceDir DIRECTORY

## Configure a virtual port VIRTPORT for a hidden service.  You
## may use this option multiple times; each time applies to the
## service using the most recent hiddenservicedir.  By default,
## this option maps the virtual	port to the same port on
##  You may override the target port, address, or both
## by specifying a target of addr, port, or addr:port.
#HiddenServicePort VIRTPORT [TARGET]

## If possible, use the specified nodes as introduction points for
## the hidden service.  If this is left unset, Tor will be smart
## and pick some reasonable ones; most people can leave	this unset.
#HiddenServiceNodes nickname,nickname,...

## Do not use the specified nodes as introduction points for the
## hidden service. In normal use there is no reason to set this.
#HiddenServiceExcludeNodes nickname,nickname,...

## Every time the specified period elapses, Tor uploads any ren-
## dezvous service descriptors to the directory servers.  This
## information is also uploaded whenever it changes. 
## (Default: 20 minutes)
#RendPostPeriod N seconds|minutes|hours|days|weeks