/* Copyright 2003 Roger Dingledine */ /* See LICENSE for licensing information */ /* $Id$ */ #ifndef __UTIL_H #define __UTIL_H #include "../or/or.h" #if _MSC_VER > 1300 #include #include #elif defined(_MSC_VER) #include #endif #ifndef HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY #ifdef HAVE_FTIME #define USING_FAKE_TIMEVAL #include #define timeval timeb #define tv_sec time #define tv_usec millitm #endif #endif #ifdef MS_WINDOWS /* Windows names string functions funnily. */ #define strncasecmp strnicmp #define strcasecmp stricmp #define INLINE __inline #else #define INLINE inline #endif size_t strlcat(char *dst, const char *src, size_t siz); size_t strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t siz); void *tor_malloc(size_t size); void *tor_malloc_zero(size_t size); void *tor_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size); char *tor_strdup(const char *s); char *tor_strndup(const char *s, size_t n); #define tor_free(p) do {if(p) {free(p); (p)=NULL;}} while(0) void tor_strlower(char *s); #ifdef UNALIGNED_INT_ACCESS_OK /* XXX Not actually used yet, but would probably be faster on non-sun * hardare. */ #define get_uint16(cp) (*(uint16_t*)(cp)) #define get_uint32(cp) (*(uint32_t*)(cp)) #define set_uint16(cp,v) do { *(uint16_t)(cp) = (v) } while (0) #define set_uint32(cp,v) do { *(uint32_t)(cp) = (v) } while (0) #else uint16_t get_uint16(char *cp); uint32_t get_uint32(char *cp); void set_uint16(char *cp, uint16_t v); void set_uint32(char *cp, uint32_t v); #endif typedef struct { void **list; int num_used; int capacity; } smartlist_t; smartlist_t *smartlist_create(int capacity); void smartlist_free(smartlist_t *sl); void smartlist_grow_capacity(smartlist_t *sl, int n); void smartlist_add(smartlist_t *sl, void *element); void smartlist_remove(smartlist_t *sl, void *element); int smartlist_isin(smartlist_t *sl, void *element); int smartlist_overlap(smartlist_t *sl1, smartlist_t *sl2); void smartlist_intersect(smartlist_t *sl1, smartlist_t *sl2); void smartlist_subtract(smartlist_t *sl1, smartlist_t *sl2); void *smartlist_choose(smartlist_t *sl); /* Map from const char * to void*. Implemented with a splay tree. */ typedef struct strmap_t strmap_t; typedef struct strmap_entry_t strmap_entry_t; typedef struct strmap_entry_t strmap_iter_t; strmap_t* strmap_new(void); void* strmap_set(strmap_t *map, const char *key, void *val); void* strmap_get(strmap_t *map, const char *key); void* strmap_remove(strmap_t *map, const char *key); void* strmap_set_lc(strmap_t *map, const char *key, void *val); void* strmap_get_lc(strmap_t *map, const char *key); void* strmap_remove_lc(strmap_t *map, const char *key); typedef void* (*strmap_foreach_fn)(const char *key, void *val, void *data); void strmap_foreach(strmap_t *map, strmap_foreach_fn fn, void *data); void strmap_free(strmap_t *map, void (*free_val)(void*)); strmap_iter_t *strmap_iter_init(strmap_t *map); strmap_iter_t *strmap_iter_next(strmap_t *map, strmap_iter_t *iter); strmap_iter_t *strmap_iter_next_rmv(strmap_t *map, strmap_iter_t *iter); void strmap_iter_get(strmap_iter_t *iter, const char **keyp, void **valp); int strmap_iter_done(strmap_iter_t *iter); const char *eat_whitespace(const char *s); const char *eat_whitespace_no_nl(const char *s); const char *find_whitespace(const char *s); void tor_gettimeofday(struct timeval *timeval); long tv_udiff(struct timeval *start, struct timeval *end); void tv_addms(struct timeval *a, long ms); void tv_add(struct timeval *a, struct timeval *b); int tv_cmp(struct timeval *a, struct timeval *b); time_t tor_timegm (struct tm *tm); int write_all(int fd, const char *buf, size_t count, int isSocket); int read_all(int fd, char *buf, size_t count, int isSocket); void set_socket_nonblocking(int socket); typedef enum { FN_ERROR, FN_NOENT, FN_FILE, FN_DIR} file_status_t; file_status_t file_status(const char *filename); int check_private_dir(const char *dirname, int create); int write_str_to_file(const char *fname, const char *str); char *read_file_to_str(const char *filename); int parse_line_from_file(char *line, int maxlen, FILE *f, char **key_out, char **value_out); int spawn_func(int (*func)(void *), void *data); void spawn_exit(); int tor_socketpair(int family, int type, int protocol, int fd[2]); int is_internal_IP(uint32_t ip); const char *get_uname(void); /* Start putting the process into daemon mode: fork and drop all resources * except standard fds. The parent process never returns, but stays around * until finish_daemon is called. (Note: it's safe to call this more * than once: calls after the first are ignored.) */ void start_daemon(char *desired_cwd); /* Finish putting the process into daemon mode: drop standard fds, and tell * the parent process to exit. (Note: it's safe to call this more than once: * calls after the first are ignored. Calls start_daemon first if it hasn't * been called already.) */ void finish_daemon(void); void write_pidfile(char *filename); int switch_id(char *user, char *group); struct in_addr; int tor_inet_aton(const char *cp, struct in_addr *addr); /* For stupid historical reasons, windows sockets have an independent set of * errnos which they use as the fancy strikes them. */ #ifdef MS_WINDOWS #define ERRNO_EAGAIN(e) ((e) == EAGAIN || (e) == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) #define ERRNO_EINPROGRESS(e) ((e) == WSAEINPROGRESS) #define ERRNO_CONN_EINPROGRESS(e) ((e) == WSAEINPROGRESS || (e) == WSAEINVAL) int correct_socket_errno(int s); #else #define ERRNO_EAGAIN(e) ((e) == EAGAIN) #define ERRNO_EINPROGRESS(e) ((e) == EINPROGRESS) #define ERRNO_CONN_EINPROGRESS(e) ((e) == EINPROGRESS) #define correct_socket_errno(s) (errno) #endif #endif