#!/usr/bin/perl -w $CONFIGURE_IN = './configure.ac'; $ORCONFIG_H = './src/win32/orconfig.h'; $TOR_NSI = './contrib/tor-mingw.nsi.in'; $quiet = 1; sub demand { my $fn = shift; die "Missing file $fn" unless (-f $fn); } demand($CONFIGURE_IN); demand($ORCONFIG_H); demand($TOR_NSI); # extract version from configure.ac open(F, $CONFIGURE_IN) or die "$!"; $version = undef; while (<F>) { if (/AC_INIT\(\[tor\],\s*\[([^\]]*)\]\)/) { $version = $1; last; } } die "No version found" unless $version; print "Tor version is $version\n" unless $quiet; close F; sub correctversion { my ($fn, $defchar) = @_; undef $/; open(F, $fn) or die "$!"; my $s = <F>; close F; if ($s =~ /^$defchar(?:)define\s+VERSION\s+\"([^\"]+)\"/m) { $oldver = $1; if ($oldver ne $version) { print "Version mismatch in $fn: It thinks that the version is $oldver. I think it's $version. Fixing.\n"; $line = $defchar . "define VERSION \"$version\""; open(F, ">$fn.bak"); print F $s; close F; $s =~ s/^$defchar(?:)define\s+VERSION.*?$/$line/m; open(F, ">$fn"); print F $s; close F; } else { print "$fn has the correct version. Good.\n" unless $quiet; } } else { print "Didn't find a version line in $fn -- uh oh.\n"; } } correctversion($TOR_NSI, "!"); correctversion($ORCONFIG_H, "#");