path: root/src/or/circuitbuild.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/or/circuitbuild.c')
1 files changed, 744 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/or/circuitbuild.c b/src/or/circuitbuild.c
index ef9d24c85..177852f91 100644
--- a/src/or/circuitbuild.c
+++ b/src/or/circuitbuild.c
@@ -9,9 +9,49 @@
* \brief The actual details of building circuits.
#include "or.h"
+#include "crypto.h"
+ * This madness is needed because if we simply #undef log
+ * before including or.h or log.h, we get linker collisions
+ * and random segfaults due to memory corruption (and
+ * not even at calls to log() either!)
+ */
+ /* XXX022 somebody should rename Tor's log() function, so we can
+ * remove this wart. -RD */
+#undef log
+ * Linux doesn't provide lround in math.h by default, but mac os does...
+ * It's best just to leave math.h out of the picture entirely.
+ */
+//#define log math_h_log
+//#include <math.h>
+//#undef log
+long int lround(double x);
+double ln(double x);
+double log(double x);
+double pow(double x, double y);
+ln(double x)
+ return log(x);
+#define log _log
/********* START VARIABLES **********/
+/** Global list of circuit build times */
+// FIXME: Add this as a member for entry_guard_t instead of global?
+// Then we could do per-guard statistics, as guards are likely to
+// vary in their own latency. The downside of this is that guards
+// can change frequently, so we'd be building a lot more circuits
+// most likely.
+circuit_build_times_t circ_times;
/** A global list of all circuits at this hop. */
extern circuit_t *global_circuitlist;
@@ -47,6 +87,10 @@ static smartlist_t *entry_guards = NULL;
* and those changes need to be flushed to disk. */
static int entry_guards_dirty = 0;
+/** If set, we're running the unit tests: we should avoid clobbering
+ * our state file or accessing get_options() or get_or_state() */
+static int unit_tests = 0;
/********* END VARIABLES ************/
static int circuit_deliver_create_cell(circuit_t *circ,
@@ -60,6 +104,698 @@ static int onion_append_hop(crypt_path_t **head_ptr, extend_info_t *choice);
static void entry_guards_changed(void);
static time_t start_of_month(time_t when);
+/** Make a note that we're running unit tests (rather than running Tor
+ * itself), so we avoid clobbering our state file. */
+ unit_tests = 1;
+ * Reset the build time state.
+ *
+ * Leave estimated paramters, timeout, and network liveness in tact
+ * for future use.
+ */
+circuit_build_times_reset(circuit_build_times_t *cbt)
+ memset(cbt->circuit_build_times, 0, sizeof(cbt->circuit_build_times));
+ cbt->pre_timeouts = 0;
+ cbt->total_build_times = 0;
+ cbt->build_times_idx = 0;
+ cbt->have_computed_timeout = 0;
+ * Initialize the buildtimes structure for first use.
+ *
+ * Sets the initial timeout value based to either the
+ * config setting or BUILD_TIMEOUT_INITIAL_VALUE.
+ */
+circuit_build_times_init(circuit_build_times_t *cbt)
+ memset(cbt, 0, sizeof(*cbt));
+ if (!unit_tests && get_options()->CircuitBuildTimeout) {
+ cbt->timeout = get_options()->CircuitBuildTimeout;
+ if (cbt->timeout < BUILD_TIMEOUT_MIN_VALUE) {
+ log_warn(LD_CIRC, "Config CircuitBuildTimeout too low. Setting to %d",
+ cbt->timeout = BUILD_TIMEOUT_MIN_VALUE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ }
+ * Add a timeoutout value to the set of build times. Time units
+ * are milliseconds
+ *
+ * circuit_build_times is a circular array, so loop around when
+ * array is full.
+ */
+circuit_build_times_add_time(circuit_build_times_t *cbt, build_time_t time)
+ if (time > BUILD_TIME_MAX) {
+ log_notice(LD_CIRC,
+ "Circuit build time of %ums exceeds max. Capping at 65536ms", time);
+ time = BUILD_TIME_MAX;
+ } else if (time <= 0) {
+ log_err(LD_CIRC, "Circuit build time is %u!", time);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // XXX: Probably want to demote this to debug for the release.
+ log_info(LD_CIRC, "Adding circuit build time %u", time);
+ cbt->circuit_build_times[cbt->build_times_idx] = time;
+ cbt->build_times_idx = (cbt->build_times_idx + 1) % NCIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE;
+ if (cbt->total_build_times < NCIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE)
+ cbt->total_build_times++;
+ if ((cbt->total_build_times % BUILD_TIMES_SAVE_STATE_EVERY) == 0) {
+ /* Save state every 100 circuit builds */
+ if (!unit_tests && !get_options()->AvoidDiskWrites)
+ or_state_mark_dirty(get_or_state(), 0);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * Return maximum circuit build time
+ */
+static build_time_t
+circuit_build_times_max(circuit_build_times_t *cbt)
+ int i = 0;
+ build_time_t max_build_time = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < NCIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE; i++) {
+ if (cbt->circuit_build_times[i] > max_build_time)
+ max_build_time = cbt->circuit_build_times[i];
+ }
+ return max_build_time;
+/** Return minimum circuit build time */
+static build_time_t
+circuit_build_times_min(circuit_build_times_t *cbt)
+ int i = 0;
+ build_time_t min_build_time = BUILD_TIME_MAX;
+ for (i = 0; i < NCIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE; i++) {
+ if (cbt->circuit_build_times[i] && /* 0 <-> uninitialized */
+ cbt->circuit_build_times[i] < min_build_time)
+ min_build_time = cbt->circuit_build_times[i];
+ }
+ if (min_build_time == BUILD_TIME_MAX) {
+ log_warn(LD_CIRC, "No build times less than BUILD_TIME_MAX!");
+ }
+ return min_build_time;
+ * Calculate and return a histogram for the set of build times.
+ *
+ * Returns an allocated array of histrogram bins representing
+ * the frequency of index*BUILDTIME_BIN_WIDTH millisecond
+ * build times. Also outputs the number of bins in nbins.
+ *
+ * The return value must be freed by the caller.
+ */
+static uint32_t *
+circuit_build_times_create_histogram(circuit_build_times_t *cbt,
+ build_time_t *nbins)
+ uint32_t *histogram;
+ build_time_t max_build_time = circuit_build_times_max(cbt);
+ int i, c;
+ *nbins = 1 + (max_build_time / BUILDTIME_BIN_WIDTH);
+ histogram = tor_malloc_zero(*nbins * sizeof(build_time_t));
+ // calculate histogram
+ for (i = 0; i < NCIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE; i++) {
+ if (cbt->circuit_build_times[i] == 0) continue; /* 0 <-> uninitialized */
+ c = (cbt->circuit_build_times[i] / BUILDTIME_BIN_WIDTH);
+ histogram[c]++;
+ }
+ return histogram;
+ * Return the most frequent build time (rounded to BUILDTIME_BIN_WIDTH ms).
+ *
+ * Ties go in favor of the slower time.
+ */
+static build_time_t
+circuit_build_times_mode(circuit_build_times_t *cbt)
+ build_time_t i, nbins, max_bin=0;
+ uint32_t *histogram = circuit_build_times_create_histogram(cbt, &nbins);
+ for (i = 0; i < nbins; i++) {
+ if (histogram[i] >= histogram[max_bin]) {
+ max_bin = i;
+ }
+ }
+ tor_free(histogram);
+ * Output a histogram of current circuit build times to
+ * the or_state_t state structure.
+ */
+circuit_build_times_update_state(circuit_build_times_t *cbt,
+ or_state_t *state)
+ uint32_t *histogram;
+ build_time_t i = 0;
+ build_time_t nbins = 0;
+ config_line_t **next, *line;
+ histogram = circuit_build_times_create_histogram(cbt, &nbins);
+ // write to state
+ config_free_lines(state->BuildtimeHistogram);
+ next = &state->BuildtimeHistogram;
+ *next = NULL;
+ state->TotalBuildTimes = cbt->total_build_times;
+ for (i = 0; i < nbins; i++) {
+ // compress the histogram by skipping the blanks
+ if (histogram[i] == 0) continue;
+ *next = line = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(config_line_t));
+ line->key = tor_strdup("CircuitBuildTimeBin");
+ line->value = tor_malloc(25);
+ tor_snprintf(line->value, 25, "%d %d",
+ next = &(line->next);
+ }
+ if (!unit_tests) {
+ if (!get_options()->AvoidDiskWrites)
+ or_state_mark_dirty(get_or_state(), 0);
+ }
+ if (histogram) tor_free(histogram);
+ * Shuffle the build times array.
+ *
+ * Stolen from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher\u2013Yates_shuffle
+ */
+static void
+circuit_build_times_shuffle_array(circuit_build_times_t *cbt)
+ int n = cbt->total_build_times;
+ /* This code can only be run on a compact array */
+ tor_assert(cbt->total_build_times == cbt->build_times_idx);
+ while (n-- > 1) {
+ int k = crypto_rand_int(n + 1); /* 0 <= k <= n. */
+ build_time_t tmp = cbt->circuit_build_times[k];
+ cbt->circuit_build_times[k] = cbt->circuit_build_times[n];
+ cbt->circuit_build_times[n] = tmp;
+ }
+ * Load histogram from <b>state</b>, shuffling the resulting array
+ * after we do so. Use this result to estimate parameters and
+ * calculate the timeout.
+ *
+ * Returns -1 and sets msg on error. Msg must be freed by the caller.
+ */
+circuit_build_times_parse_state(circuit_build_times_t *cbt,
+ or_state_t *state, char **msg)
+ int tot_values = 0, N = 0;
+ config_line_t *line;
+ int i;
+ *msg = NULL;
+ circuit_build_times_init(cbt);
+ /* We don't support decreasing the table size yet */
+ tor_assert(state->TotalBuildTimes <= NCIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE);
+ for (line = state->BuildtimeHistogram; line; line = line->next) {
+ smartlist_t *args = smartlist_create();
+ smartlist_split_string(args, line->value, " ",
+ if (smartlist_len(args) < 2) {
+ *msg = tor_strdup("Unable to parse circuit build times: "
+ "Too few arguments to CircuitBuildTime");
+ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(args, char*, cp, tor_free(cp));
+ smartlist_free(args);
+ break;
+ } else {
+ const char *ms_str = smartlist_get(args,0);
+ const char *count_str = smartlist_get(args,1);
+ uint32_t count, k;
+ build_time_t ms;
+ int ok;
+ ms = (build_time_t)tor_parse_ulong(ms_str, 0, 0,
+ if (!ok) {
+ *msg = tor_strdup("Unable to parse circuit build times: "
+ "Unparsable bin number");
+ break;
+ }
+ count = (uint32_t)tor_parse_ulong(count_str, 0, 0,
+ UINT32_MAX, &ok, NULL);
+ if (!ok) {
+ *msg = tor_strdup("Unable to parse circuit build times: "
+ "Unparsable bin count");
+ break;
+ }
+ for (k = 0; k < count; k++) {
+ circuit_build_times_add_time(cbt, ms);
+ }
+ N++;
+ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(args, char*, cp, tor_free(cp));
+ smartlist_free(args);
+ }
+ }
+ circuit_build_times_shuffle_array(cbt);
+ /* Verify that we didn't overwrite any indexes */
+ for (i=0; i < NCIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE; i++) {
+ if (!cbt->circuit_build_times[i])
+ break;
+ tot_values++;
+ }
+ log_info(LD_CIRC,
+ "Loaded %d/%d values from %d lines in circuit time histogram",
+ tot_values, cbt->total_build_times, N);
+ tor_assert(cbt->total_build_times == state->TotalBuildTimes);
+ tor_assert(tot_values == cbt->total_build_times);
+ circuit_build_times_set_timeout(cbt);
+ return *msg ? -1 : 0;
+ * Estimates the Xm and Alpha parameters using
+ * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_distribution#Parameter_estimation
+ *
+ * The notable difference is that we use mode instead of min to estimate Xm.
+ * This is because our distribution is frechet-like. We claim this is
+ * an acceptable approximation because we are only concerned with the
+ * accuracy of the CDF of the tail.
+ */
+circuit_build_times_update_alpha(circuit_build_times_t *cbt)
+ build_time_t *x=cbt->circuit_build_times;
+ double a = 0;
+ int n=0,i=0;
+ /* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_distribution#Parameter_estimation */
+ /* We sort of cheat here and make our samples slightly more pareto-like
+ * and less frechet-like. */
+ cbt->Xm = circuit_build_times_mode(cbt);
+ for (i=0; i< NCIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE; i++) {
+ if (!x[i]) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (x[i] < cbt->Xm) {
+ a += ln(cbt->Xm);
+ } else {
+ a += ln(x[i]);
+ }
+ n++;
+ }
+ if (n!=cbt->total_build_times) {
+ log_err(LD_CIRC, "Discrepancy in build times count: %d vs %d", n,
+ cbt->total_build_times);
+ }
+ tor_assert(n==cbt->total_build_times);
+ a -= n*ln(cbt->Xm);
+ a = n/a;
+ cbt->alpha = a;
+ * This is the Pareto Quantile Function. It calculates the point x
+ * in the distribution such that F(x) = quantile (ie quantile*100%
+ * of the mass of the density function is below x on the curve).
+ *
+ * We use it to calculate the timeout and also to generate synthetic
+ * values of time for circuits that timeout before completion.
+ *
+ * See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantile_function,
+ * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_transform_sampling and
+ * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_distribution#Generating_a_
+ * random_sample_from_Pareto_distribution
+ * That's right. I'll cite wikipedia all day long.
+ */
+circuit_build_times_calculate_timeout(circuit_build_times_t *cbt,
+ double quantile)
+ double ret;
+ tor_assert(quantile >= 0);
+ tor_assert(1.0-quantile > 0);
+ tor_assert(cbt->Xm > 0);
+ ret = cbt->Xm/pow(1.0-quantile,1.0/cbt->alpha);
+ if (ret > INT32_MAX) {
+ ret = INT32_MAX;
+ }
+ tor_assert(ret > 0);
+ return ret;
+/** Pareto CDF */
+circuit_build_times_cdf(circuit_build_times_t *cbt, double x)
+ double ret;
+ tor_assert(cbt->Xm > 0);
+ ret = 1.0-pow(cbt->Xm/x,cbt->alpha);
+ tor_assert(0 <= ret && ret <= 1.0);
+ return ret;
+ * Generate a synthetic time using our distribution parameters.
+ *
+ * The return value will be between q_lo and q_hi quantile points
+ * on the CDF.
+ */
+circuit_build_times_generate_sample(circuit_build_times_t *cbt,
+ double q_lo, double q_hi)
+ uint64_t r = crypto_rand_uint64(UINT64_MAX-1);
+ build_time_t ret;
+ double u;
+ tor_assert(q_lo >= 0);
+ tor_assert(q_hi < 1);
+ u = q_lo + ((q_hi-q_lo)*r)/(1.0*UINT64_MAX);
+ tor_assert(0 <= u && u < 1.0);
+ /* circuit_build_times_calculate_timeout returns <= INT32_MAX */
+ ret = (uint32_t)lround(circuit_build_times_calculate_timeout(cbt, u));
+ tor_assert(ret > 0);
+ return ret;
+/** Generate points in [cutoff, 1.0) on the CDF. */
+circuit_build_times_add_timeout_worker(circuit_build_times_t *cbt,
+ double quantile_cutoff)
+ build_time_t gentime = circuit_build_times_generate_sample(cbt,
+ quantile_cutoff, MAX_SYNTHETIC_QUANTILE);
+ if (gentime < (build_time_t)cbt->timeout*1000) {
+ log_warn(LD_CIRC,
+ "Generated a synthetic timeout LESS than the current timeout: "
+ "%u vs %d using Xm: %d a: %lf, q: %lf",
+ gentime, cbt->timeout*1000, cbt->Xm, cbt->alpha, quantile_cutoff);
+ } else if (gentime > BUILD_TIME_MAX) {
+ gentime = BUILD_TIME_MAX;
+ log_info(LD_CIRC,
+ "Generated a synthetic timeout larger than the max: %u",
+ gentime);
+ } else {
+ log_info(LD_CIRC, "Generated synthetic circuit build time %u for timeout",
+ gentime);
+ }
+ circuit_build_times_add_time(cbt, gentime);
+ * Estimate an initial alpha parameter by solving the quantile
+ * function with a quantile point and a specific timeout value.
+ */
+circuit_build_times_initial_alpha(circuit_build_times_t *cbt,
+ double quantile, build_time_t timeout)
+ // Q(u) = Xm/((1-u)^(1/a))
+ // Q(0.8) = Xm/((1-0.8))^(1/a)) = CircBuildTimeout
+ // CircBuildTimeout = Xm/((1-0.8))^(1/a))
+ // CircBuildTimeout = Xm*((1-0.8))^(-1/a))
+ // ln(CircBuildTimeout) = ln(Xm)+ln(((1-0.8)))*(-1/a)
+ // -ln(1-0.8)/(ln(CircBuildTimeout)-ln(Xm))=a
+ tor_assert(quantile > 0);
+ tor_assert(cbt->Xm > 0);
+ cbt->alpha = ln(1.0-quantile)/(ln(cbt->Xm)-ln(timeout));
+ tor_assert(cbt->alpha > 0);
+ * Generate synthetic timeout values for the timeouts
+ * that have happened before we estimated our parameters.
+ */
+static void
+circuit_build_times_count_pretimeouts(circuit_build_times_t *cbt)
+ /* Store a timeout as a random position past the current
+ * cutoff on the pareto curve */
+ if (cbt->pre_timeouts) {
+ double timeout_quantile = 1.0-
+ ((double)cbt->pre_timeouts)/
+ (cbt->pre_timeouts+cbt->total_build_times);
+ cbt->Xm = circuit_build_times_min(cbt);
+ tor_assert(cbt->Xm > 0);
+ // Use current timeout to get an estimate on alpha
+ circuit_build_times_initial_alpha(cbt, timeout_quantile,
+ cbt->timeout*1000);
+ while (cbt->pre_timeouts-- != 0) {
+ circuit_build_times_add_timeout_worker(cbt, timeout_quantile);
+ }
+ cbt->pre_timeouts = 0;
+ }
+ * Returns true if we need circuits to be built
+ */
+circuit_build_times_needs_circuits(circuit_build_times_t *cbt)
+ /* Return true if < MIN_CIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE */
+ if (cbt->total_build_times < MIN_CIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ * Returns true if we should build a timeout test circuit
+ * right now.
+ */
+circuit_build_times_needs_circuits_now(circuit_build_times_t *cbt)
+ return circuit_build_times_needs_circuits(cbt) &&
+ approx_time()-cbt->last_circ_at > BUILD_TIMES_TEST_FREQUENCY;
+ * Called to indicate that the network showed some signs of liveness.
+ */
+circuit_build_times_network_is_live(circuit_build_times_t *cbt)
+ cbt->network_last_live = approx_time();
+ * Returns true if the network showed some sign of liveness
+ * in the past NETWORK_LIVE_MULTIPLIER*cbt->timeout seconds.
+ */
+circuit_build_times_is_network_live(circuit_build_times_t *cbt)
+ time_t now = approx_time();
+ if (now - cbt->network_last_live >
+ (cbt->timeout*NETWORK_LIVE_MULTIPLIER)) {
+ log_info(LD_CIRC, "Network is no longer live. Dead for %ld seconds.",
+ now - cbt->network_last_live);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ * Returns true if we have seen more than MAX_RECENT_TIMEOUT_RATE of
+ * the past RECENT_CIRCUITS time out. Used to detect if the network
+ * connection has changed significantly.
+ *
+ * Also resets the entire timeout history in this case and causes us
+ * to restart the process of building test circuits and estimating a
+ * new timeout.
+ */
+circuit_build_times_check_too_many_timeouts(circuit_build_times_t *cbt)
+ double timeout_rate=0;
+ build_time_t Xm = BUILD_TIME_MAX;
+ double timeout;
+ int i;
+ if ((cbt->pre_timeouts + cbt->total_build_times) < RECENT_CIRCUITS) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Get timeout rate and Xm for recent circs */
+ for (i = (cbt->build_times_idx - RECENT_CIRCUITS) % NCIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE;
+ i != cbt->build_times_idx;
+ i = (i + 1) % NCIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE) {
+ if (cbt->circuit_build_times[i] && cbt->circuit_build_times[i] < Xm) {
+ Xm = cbt->circuit_build_times[i];
+ }
+ if (cbt->circuit_build_times[i] > (build_time_t)cbt->timeout*1000) {
+ timeout_rate++;
+ }
+ }
+ timeout_rate += cbt->pre_timeouts;
+ timeout_rate /= RECENT_CIRCUITS;
+ /* If more than 80% of our recent circuits are timing out,
+ * we need to re-estimate a new initial alpha and timeout */
+ if (timeout_rate < MAX_RECENT_TIMEOUT_RATE) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ log_notice(LD_CIRC,
+ "Network connection speed appears to have changed. "
+ "Resetting timeouts after %d pretimouts and %d buildtimes",
+ cbt->pre_timeouts, cbt->total_build_times);
+ if (Xm >= (build_time_t)cbt->timeout*1000) {
+ Xm = circuit_build_times_min(cbt);
+ if (Xm >= (build_time_t)cbt->timeout*1000) {
+ /* No circuits have completed */
+ cbt->timeout *= 2;
+ log_warn(LD_CIRC,
+ "Adjusting CircuitBuildTimeout to %d in the hopes that "
+ "some connections will succeed", cbt->timeout);
+ goto reset;
+ }
+ }
+ tor_assert(Xm > 0);
+ cbt->Xm = Xm;
+ circuit_build_times_initial_alpha(cbt, 1.0-timeout_rate,
+ cbt->timeout*1000);
+ timeout = circuit_build_times_calculate_timeout(cbt,
+ /* timeout is INT32_MAX at most */
+ cbt->timeout = (uint32_t)lround(timeout/1000.0);
+ if (cbt->timeout < BUILD_TIMEOUT_MIN_VALUE) {
+ log_warn(LD_CIRC, "Reset buildtimeout to low value %lf. Setting to %d",
+ cbt->timeout = BUILD_TIMEOUT_MIN_VALUE;
+ }
+ log_notice(LD_CIRC,
+ "Reset circuit build timeout to %d (%lf, Xm: %d, a: %lf) based "
+ "on %d recent circuit times", cbt->timeout, timeout, cbt->Xm,
+ cbt->alpha, RECENT_CIRCUITS);
+ /* Reset all data */
+ circuit_build_times_reset(cbt);
+ return 1;
+ * Store a timeout as a synthetic value
+ */
+circuit_build_times_add_timeout(circuit_build_times_t *cbt)
+ /* Only count timeouts if network is live.. */
+ if (!circuit_build_times_is_network_live(cbt)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ /* If there are a ton of timeouts, we should reduce
+ * the circuit build timeout */
+ if (circuit_build_times_check_too_many_timeouts(cbt)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!cbt->have_computed_timeout) {
+ /* Store a timeout before we have enough data as special */
+ cbt->pre_timeouts++;
+ return;
+ }
+ circuit_build_times_count_pretimeouts(cbt);
+ circuit_build_times_add_timeout_worker(cbt, BUILDTIMEOUT_QUANTILE_CUTOFF);
+ * Estimate a new timeout based on history and set our timeout
+ * variable accordingly.
+ */
+circuit_build_times_set_timeout(circuit_build_times_t *cbt)
+ double timeout;
+ if (cbt->total_build_times < MIN_CIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE) {
+ log_info(LD_CIRC,
+ "Not enough circuits yet to calculate a new build timeout."
+ " Need %d more.",
+ MIN_CIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE-cbt->total_build_times);
+ return;
+ }
+ circuit_build_times_count_pretimeouts(cbt);
+ circuit_build_times_update_alpha(cbt);
+ timeout = circuit_build_times_calculate_timeout(cbt,
+ cbt->have_computed_timeout = 1;
+ /* timeout is INT32_MAX at most */
+ cbt->timeout = (uint32_t)lround(timeout/1000.0);
+ if (cbt->timeout < BUILD_TIMEOUT_MIN_VALUE) {
+ log_warn(LD_CIRC, "Set buildtimeout to low value %lf. Setting to %d",
+ cbt->timeout = BUILD_TIMEOUT_MIN_VALUE;
+ }
+ log_info(LD_CIRC,
+ "Set circuit build timeout to %d (%lf, Xm: %d, a: %lf) based on "
+ "%d circuit times", cbt->timeout, timeout, cbt->Xm, cbt->alpha,
+ cbt->total_build_times);
/** Iterate over values of circ_id, starting from conn-\>next_circ_id,
* and with the high bit specified by conn-\>circ_id_type, until we get
* a circ_id that is not in use by any other circuit on that conn.
@@ -641,8 +1377,16 @@ circuit_send_next_onion_skin(origin_circuit_t *circ)
log_debug(LD_CIRC,"starting to send subsequent skin.");
hop = onion_next_hop_in_cpath(circ->cpath);
if (!hop) {
+ struct timeval end;
+ long timediff;
+ tor_gettimeofday(&end);
+ timediff = tv_mdiff(&circ->_base.highres_created, &end);
+ if (timediff > INT32_MAX)
+ timediff = INT32_MAX;
/* done building the circuit. whew. */
circuit_set_state(TO_CIRCUIT(circ), CIRCUIT_STATE_OPEN);
+ circuit_build_times_add_time(&circ_times, (uint32_t)timediff);
+ circuit_build_times_set_timeout(&circ_times);
log_info(LD_CIRC,"circuit built!");
if (circ->build_state->onehop_tunnel)