path: root/src
diff options
authorNick Mathewson <nickm@torproject.org>2007-04-16 04:18:21 +0000
committerNick Mathewson <nickm@torproject.org>2007-04-16 04:18:21 +0000
commitcf02ab6d39f677c7d3c7d7bde51d65fcf93c881f (patch)
treee9a35b98571da887df0c419b0e0604602073851a /src
parent108f1c255fff37188e7eebfc0f797b4301b04ac2 (diff)
r12387@catbus: nickm | 2007-04-16 00:06:40 -0400
Refactor router/directory parsing backend: use a separate token table for everything that we parse, and enforce the correct count of each item. svn:r9965
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 146 insertions, 94 deletions
diff --git a/src/or/routerparse.c b/src/or/routerparse.c
index f4294aa66..43d198c68 100644
--- a/src/or/routerparse.c
+++ b/src/or/routerparse.c
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ const char routerparse_c_id[] =
* not-a-token.
typedef enum {
+ K_ACCEPT = 0,
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ typedef struct directory_token_t {
int n_args; /**< Number of elements in args */
char **args; /**< Array of arguments from keyword line. */
char *object_type; /**< -----BEGIN [object_type]-----*/
- size_t object_size; /**< Bytes in object_body */
+ size_t object_size; /**< Bytes in object_body */
char *object_body; /**< Contents of object, base64-decoded. */
crypto_pk_env_t *key; /**< For public keys only. */
const char *error; /**< For _ERR tokens only. */
@@ -102,63 +102,105 @@ typedef enum {
OBJ_OK, /**< Object is optional. */
} obj_syntax;
-/** Rules for where a keyword can appear. */
-typedef enum {
- DIR = 1, /**< Appears only in directory. */
- RTR = 2, /**< Appears only in router descriptor or runningrouters. */
- NETSTATUS = 4, /**< v2 or later ("versioned") network status. */
- ANYSIGNED = 7, /**< Any "full" document (that is, not a router status.) */
- RTRSTATUS = 8, /**< Router-status portion of a versioned network status. */
- EXTRAINFO = 16, /**< DOCDOC */
- ANY = 31, /**< Appears in any document type. */
-} where_syntax;
-/** Table mapping keywords to token value and to argument rules. */
-static struct {
- const char *t; directory_keyword v; arg_syntax s; obj_syntax os; int ws;
-} token_table[] = {
- { "accept", K_ACCEPT, ARGS, NO_OBJ, RTR },
- { "directory-signature", K_DIRECTORY_SIGNATURE, ARGS, NEED_OBJ,
- { "r", K_R, ARGS, NO_OBJ, RTRSTATUS },
- { "s", K_S, ARGS, NO_OBJ, RTRSTATUS },
- { "reject", K_REJECT, ARGS, NO_OBJ, RTR },
- { "router", K_ROUTER, ARGS, NO_OBJ, RTR },
- { "recommended-software",K_RECOMMENDED_SOFTWARE,ARGS, NO_OBJ, DIR },
- { "signed-directory", K_SIGNED_DIRECTORY, NO_ARGS, NO_OBJ, DIR },
- { "signing-key", K_SIGNING_KEY, NO_ARGS, NEED_KEY,RTR },
- { "onion-key", K_ONION_KEY, NO_ARGS, NEED_KEY,RTR },
- { "running-routers", K_RUNNING_ROUTERS, ARGS, NO_OBJ, DIR },
- { "router-status", K_ROUTER_STATUS, ARGS, NO_OBJ, DIR },
- { "bandwidth", K_BANDWIDTH, ARGS, NO_OBJ, RTR },
- { "platform", K_PLATFORM, CONCAT_ARGS, NO_OBJ, RTR },
- { "opt", K_OPT, CONCAT_ARGS, OBJ_OK, ANY },
- { "network-status", K_NETWORK_STATUS, NO_ARGS, NO_OBJ, DIR },
- { "uptime", K_UPTIME, ARGS, NO_OBJ, RTR },
- { "dir-signing-key", K_DIR_SIGNING_KEY, ARGS, OBJ_OK,
- { "family", K_FAMILY, ARGS, NO_OBJ, RTR },
- { "hibernating", K_HIBERNATING, ARGS, NO_OBJ, RTR },
- { "read-history", K_READ_HISTORY, ARGS, NO_OBJ, RTR|EXTRAINFO },
- { "write-history", K_WRITE_HISTORY, ARGS, NO_OBJ, RTR|EXTRAINFO },
- { "network-status-version", K_NETWORK_STATUS_VERSION,
- { "dir-source", K_DIR_SOURCE, ARGS, NO_OBJ, NETSTATUS },
- { "dir-options", K_DIR_OPTIONS, ARGS, NO_OBJ, NETSTATUS },
- { "client-versions", K_CLIENT_VERSIONS, ARGS, NO_OBJ, NETSTATUS },
- { "server-versions", K_SERVER_VERSIONS, ARGS, NO_OBJ, NETSTATUS },
- { "eventdns", K_EVENTDNS, ARGS, NO_OBJ, RTR },
- { "extra-info", K_EXTRA_INFO, ARGS, NO_OBJ, EXTRAINFO },
- { "extra-info-digest", K_EXTRA_INFO_DIGEST, ARGS, NO_OBJ, RTR },
- { "caches-extra-info", K_CACHES_EXTRA_INFO, NO_ARGS, NO_OBJ, RTR },
+/** DOCDOC */
+typedef struct token_rule_t {
+ const char *t; directory_keyword v; arg_syntax s; obj_syntax os;
+ int min_cnt; int max_cnt;
+} token_rule_t;
+/** DOCDOC */
+#define T(s,t,a,o) { s, t, a, o, 0, INT_MAX }
+#define T0N(s,t,a,o) { s, t, a, o, 0, INT_MAX }
+#define T1(s,t,a,o) { s, t, a, o, 1, 1 }
+#define T01(s,t,a,o) { s, t, a, o, 0, 1 }
+/** DOCDOC */
+static token_rule_t routerdesc_token_table[] = {
+ T0N("accept", K_ACCEPT, ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T0N("reject", K_REJECT, ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T1( "router", K_ROUTER, ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T1( "signing-key", K_SIGNING_KEY, NO_ARGS, NEED_KEY ),
+ T1( "onion-key", K_ONION_KEY, NO_ARGS, NEED_KEY ),
+ T1( "router-signature", K_ROUTER_SIGNATURE, NO_ARGS, NEED_OBJ ),
+ T1( "published", K_PUBLISHED, CONCAT_ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T0N("opt", K_OPT, CONCAT_ARGS, OBJ_OK ),
+ T01("contact", K_CONTACT, CONCAT_ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T01("uptime", K_UPTIME, ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T01("family", K_FAMILY, ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T01("fingerprint", K_FINGERPRINT, CONCAT_ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T01("hibernating", K_HIBERNATING, ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T01("read-history", K_READ_HISTORY, ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T01("write-history", K_WRITE_HISTORY, ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T01("eventdns", K_EVENTDNS, ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T01("extra-info-digest", K_EXTRA_INFO_DIGEST, ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T01("caches-extra-info", K_CACHES_EXTRA_INFO, NO_ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T1("bandwidth", K_BANDWIDTH, ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T01("platform", K_PLATFORM, CONCAT_ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+static token_rule_t extrainfo_token_table[] = {
+ T1( "router-signature", K_ROUTER_SIGNATURE, NO_ARGS, NEED_OBJ ),
+ T1( "published", K_PUBLISHED, CONCAT_ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T0N("opt", K_OPT, CONCAT_ARGS, OBJ_OK ),
+ T01("read-history", K_READ_HISTORY, ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T01("write-history", K_WRITE_HISTORY, ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T1( "extra-info", K_EXTRA_INFO, ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+static token_rule_t rtrstatus_token_table[] = {
+ T1( "r", K_R, ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T1( "s", K_S, ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T01("v", K_V, CONCAT_ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T0N("opt", K_OPT, CONCAT_ARGS, OBJ_OK ),
+static token_rule_t netstatus_token_table[] = {
+ T1( "published", K_PUBLISHED, CONCAT_ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T0N("opt", K_OPT, CONCAT_ARGS, OBJ_OK ),
+ T1( "contact", K_CONTACT, CONCAT_ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T1( "dir-signing-key", K_DIR_SIGNING_KEY, ARGS, OBJ_OK ),
+ T1( "fingerprint", K_FINGERPRINT, CONCAT_ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T1( "network-status-version", K_NETWORK_STATUS_VERSION,
+ T1( "dir-source", K_DIR_SOURCE, ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T01("dir-options", K_DIR_OPTIONS, ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T01("client-versions", K_CLIENT_VERSIONS, ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T01("server-versions", K_SERVER_VERSIONS, ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+static token_rule_t dir_footer_token_table[] = {
+ T1( "directory-signature", K_DIRECTORY_SIGNATURE, ARGS, NEED_OBJ ),
+static token_rule_t dir_token_table[] = {
+ /* don't enforce counts; this is obsolete. */
+ T( "network-status", K_NETWORK_STATUS, NO_ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T( "directory-signature", K_DIRECTORY_SIGNATURE, ARGS, NEED_OBJ ),
+ T( "recommended-software",K_RECOMMENDED_SOFTWARE,ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T( "signed-directory", K_SIGNED_DIRECTORY, NO_ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T( "running-routers", K_RUNNING_ROUTERS, ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T( "router-status", K_ROUTER_STATUS, ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T( "published", K_PUBLISHED, CONCAT_ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T( "opt", K_OPT, CONCAT_ARGS, OBJ_OK ),
+ T( "contact", K_CONTACT, CONCAT_ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+ T( "dir-signing-key", K_DIR_SIGNING_KEY, ARGS, OBJ_OK ),
+ T( "fingerprint", K_FINGERPRINT, CONCAT_ARGS, NO_OBJ ),
+#undef T
/* static function prototypes */
static int router_add_exit_policy(routerinfo_t *router,directory_token_t *tok);
static addr_policy_t *router_parse_addr_policy(directory_token_t *tok);
@@ -171,8 +213,10 @@ static smartlist_t *find_all_exitpolicy(smartlist_t *s);
static directory_token_t *find_first_by_keyword(smartlist_t *s,
directory_keyword keyword);
static int tokenize_string(const char *start, const char *end,
- smartlist_t *out, where_syntax where);
-static directory_token_t *get_next_token(const char **s, where_syntax where);
+ smartlist_t *out,
+ struct token_rule_t *table);
+static directory_token_t *get_next_token(const char **s,
+ struct token_rule_t *table);
static int check_directory_signature(const char *digest,
directory_token_t *tok,
crypto_pk_env_t *pkey,
@@ -402,7 +446,7 @@ router_parse_directory(const char *str)
tokens = smartlist_create();
- if (tokenize_string(cp,strchr(cp,'\0'),tokens,DIR)) {
+ if (tokenize_string(cp,strchr(cp,'\0'),tokens,dir_token_table)) {
log_warn(LD_DIR, "Error tokenizing directory signature"); goto err;
if (smartlist_len(tokens) != 1) {
@@ -431,7 +475,7 @@ router_parse_directory(const char *str)
tokens = smartlist_create();
- if (tokenize_string(str,end,tokens,DIR)) {
+ if (tokenize_string(str,end,tokens,dir_token_table)) {
log_warn(LD_DIR, "Error tokenizing directory"); goto err;
@@ -481,7 +525,7 @@ router_parse_runningrouters(const char *str)
goto err;
tokens = smartlist_create();
- if (tokenize_string(str,str+strlen(str),tokens,DIR)) {
+ if (tokenize_string(str,str+strlen(str),tokens,dir_token_table)) {
log_warn(LD_DIR, "Error tokenizing running-routers"); goto err;
tok = smartlist_get(tokens,0);
@@ -540,7 +584,7 @@ find_dir_signing_key(const char *str)
return NULL;
++cp; /* Now cp points to the start of the token. */
- tok = get_next_token(&cp, DIR);
+ tok = get_next_token(&cp, dir_token_table);
if (!tok) {
log_warn(LD_DIR, "Unparseable dir-signing-key token");
return NULL;
@@ -772,7 +816,7 @@ router_parse_entry_from_string(const char *s, const char *end,
return NULL;
tokens = smartlist_create();
- if (tokenize_string(s,end,tokens,RTR)) {
+ if (tokenize_string(s,end,tokens,routerdesc_token_table)) {
log_warn(LD_DIR, "Error tokeninzing router descriptor.");
goto err;
@@ -1038,7 +1082,7 @@ extrainfo_parse_entry_from_string(const char *s, const char *end,
return NULL;
tokens = smartlist_create();
- if (tokenize_string(s,end,tokens,EXTRAINFO)) {
+ if (tokenize_string(s,end,tokens,extrainfo_token_table)) {
log_warn(LD_DIR, "Error tokeninzing router descriptor.");
goto err;
@@ -1162,7 +1206,7 @@ routerstatus_parse_entry_from_string(const char **s, smartlist_t *tokens)
eos = find_start_of_next_routerstatus(*s);
- if (tokenize_string(*s, eos, tokens, RTRSTATUS)) {
+ if (tokenize_string(*s, eos, tokens, rtrstatus_token_table)) {
log_warn(LD_DIR, "Error tokenizing router status");
goto err;
@@ -1297,6 +1341,7 @@ networkstatus_parse_from_string(const char *s)
const char *eos;
smartlist_t *tokens = smartlist_create();
+ smartlist_t *footer_tokens = smartlist_create();
networkstatus_t *ns = NULL;
char ns_digest[DIGEST_LEN];
char tmp_digest[DIGEST_LEN];
@@ -1310,7 +1355,7 @@ networkstatus_parse_from_string(const char *s)
eos = find_start_of_next_routerstatus(s);
- if (tokenize_string(s, eos, tokens, NETSTATUS)) {
+ if (tokenize_string(s, eos, tokens, netstatus_token_table)) {
log_warn(LD_DIR, "Error tokenizing network-status header.");
goto err;
@@ -1433,15 +1478,15 @@ networkstatus_parse_from_string(const char *s)
smartlist_uniq(ns->entries, _compare_routerstatus_entries,
- if (tokenize_string(s, NULL, tokens, NETSTATUS)) {
+ if (tokenize_string(s, NULL, footer_tokens, dir_footer_token_table)) {
log_warn(LD_DIR, "Error tokenizing network-status footer.");
goto err;
- if (smartlist_len(tokens) < 1) {
+ if (smartlist_len(footer_tokens) < 1) {
log_warn(LD_DIR, "Too few items in network-status footer.");
goto err;
- tok = smartlist_get(tokens, smartlist_len(tokens)-1);
+ tok = smartlist_get(footer_tokens, smartlist_len(footer_tokens)-1);
if (tok->tp != K_DIRECTORY_SIGNATURE) {
"Expected network-status footer to end with a signature.");
@@ -1460,6 +1505,8 @@ networkstatus_parse_from_string(const char *s)
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(tokens, directory_token_t *, t, token_free(t));
+ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(footer_tokens, directory_token_t *, t, token_free(t));
+ smartlist_free(footer_tokens);
return ns;
@@ -1494,7 +1541,7 @@ router_parse_addr_policy_from_string(const char *s, int assume_action)
cp = tmp = new_str;
- tok = get_next_token(&cp, RTR);
+ tok = get_next_token(&cp, routerdesc_token_table);
if (tok->tp == _ERR) {
log_warn(LD_DIR, "Error reading address policy: %s", tok->error);
goto err;
@@ -1668,11 +1715,10 @@ token_free(directory_token_t *tok)
/** Helper function: read the next token from *s, advance *s to the end
- * of the token, and return the parsed token. If 'where' is DIR
- * or RTR, reject all tokens of the wrong type.
+ * of the token, and return the parsed token. DOCDOC table
static directory_token_t *
-get_next_token(const char **s, where_syntax where)
+get_next_token(const char **s, struct token_rule_t *table)
const char *next, *obstart;
int i, done, allocated, is_opt;
@@ -1710,23 +1756,12 @@ get_next_token(const char **s, where_syntax where)
RET_ERR("opt without keyword");
- for (i = 0; token_table[i].t ; ++i) {
- if (!strncmp(token_table[i].t, *s, next-*s)) {
+ for (i = 0; table[i].t ; ++i) {
+ if (!strncmp(table[i].t, *s, next-*s)) {
/* We've found the keyword. */
- tok->tp = token_table[i].v;
- a_syn = token_table[i].s;
- o_syn = token_table[i].os;
- if (!(token_table[i].ws & where)) {
- if (where == DIR) {
- RET_ERR("Found an out-of-place token in a directory section");
- } else if (where == RTR) {
- RET_ERR("Found an out-of-place token in a router descriptor");
- } else if (where == NETSTATUS) {
- RET_ERR("Found an out-of-place token in a network-status header");
- } else {
- RET_ERR("Found an out-of-place token in a router status body");
- }
- }
+ tok->tp = table[i].v;
+ a_syn = table[i].s;
+ o_syn = table[i].os;
if (a_syn == ARGS) {
/* This keyword takes multiple arguments. */
i = 0;
@@ -1846,28 +1881,45 @@ get_next_token(const char **s, where_syntax where)
/** Read all tokens from a string between <b>start</b> and <b>end</b>, and add
- * them to <b>out</b>. If <b>is_dir</b> is true, reject all non-directory
- * tokens; else reject all non-routerdescriptor tokens.
+ * them to <b>out</b>. DOCDOC table.
static int
tokenize_string(const char *start, const char *end, smartlist_t *out,
- where_syntax where)
+ token_rule_t *table)
const char **s;
directory_token_t *tok = NULL;
+ int counts[_NIL];
+ int i;
s = &start;
if (!end)
end = start+strlen(start);
+ memset(counts, 0, sizeof(counts));
+ for (i = 0; i < _NIL; ++i)
+ counts[i] = 0;
while (*s < end && (!tok || tok->tp != _EOF)) {
- tok = get_next_token(s, where);
+ tok = get_next_token(s, table);
if (tok->tp == _ERR) {
log_warn(LD_DIR, "parse error: %s", tok->error);
return -1;
+ ++counts[tok->tp];
smartlist_add(out, tok);
*s = eat_whitespace(*s);
+ for (i = 0; table[i].t; ++i) {
+ if (counts[table[i].v] < table[i].min_cnt) {
+ log_warn(LD_DIR, "Parse error: missing %s element.", table[i].t);
+ tor_assert(0);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (counts[table[i].v] > table[i].max_cnt) {
+ log_warn(LD_DIR, "Parse error: too many %s elements.", table[i].t);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
return 0;