path: root/src/or/main.c
diff options
authorNick Mathewson <nickm@torproject.org>2003-10-09 18:45:14 +0000
committerNick Mathewson <nickm@torproject.org>2003-10-09 18:45:14 +0000
commitecfb36823e2daadbf44fcb2c9f108acc2cfcd511 (patch)
tree9de870a21a9b5524e991123fc00f23153fb3bbab /src/or/main.c
parentc098d7769f564b635d979df40029d06117ae11a1 (diff)
Refactor, rename, and clarify
Diffstat (limited to 'src/or/main.c')
1 files changed, 120 insertions, 94 deletions
diff --git a/src/or/main.c b/src/or/main.c
index 83a979e0c..11bbe3396 100644
--- a/src/or/main.c
+++ b/src/or/main.c
@@ -103,6 +103,10 @@ void connection_set_poll_socket(connection_t *conn) {
poll_array[conn->poll_index].fd = conn->s;
+/* Remove the current function from the global list, and remove the
+ * corresponding poll entry. Calling this function will shift the last
+ * connection (if any) into the position occupied by conn.
+ */
int connection_remove(connection_t *conn) {
int current_index;
@@ -185,10 +189,8 @@ static void conn_read(int i) {
/* see http://www.greenend.org.uk/rjk/2001/06/poll.html for
* discussion of POLLIN vs POLLHUP */
if(!(poll_array[i].revents & (POLLIN|POLLHUP|POLLERR)))
- if(!connection_speaks_cells(conn) ||
- conn->state != OR_CONN_STATE_OPEN ||
- !connection_is_reading(conn) ||
- !tor_tls_get_pending_bytes(conn->tls))
+ if(!connection_is_reading(conn) ||
+ !connection_has_pending_tls_data(conn))
return; /* this conn should not read */
log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"socket %d wants to read.",conn->s);
@@ -233,7 +235,7 @@ static void conn_write(int i) {
} else assert_connection_ok(conn, time(NULL));
-static void check_conn_marked(int i) {
+static void conn_close_if_marked(int i) {
connection_t *conn;
conn = connection_array[i];
@@ -255,115 +257,139 @@ static void check_conn_marked(int i) {
if(i<nfds) { /* we just replaced the one at i with a new one.
process it too. */
- check_conn_marked(i);
+ conn_close_if_marked(i);
-static int prepare_for_poll(void) {
- int i;
- connection_t *conn;
- struct timeval now;
- static long current_second = 0; /* from previous calls to gettimeofday */
+/* Perform regulare maintenance tasks for a single connection. This
+ * function gets run once per second per connection by run_housekeeping.
+ */
+static void run_connection_housekeeping(int i, time_t now) {
+ cell_t cell;
+ connection_t *conn = connection_array[i];
+ if(connection_receiver_bucket_should_increase(conn)) {
+ conn->receiver_bucket += conn->bandwidth;
+ // log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"Receiver bucket %d now %d.", i, conn->receiver_bucket);
+ }
+ if(conn->wants_to_read == 1 /* it's marked to turn reading back on now */
+ && global_read_bucket > 0 /* and we're allowed to read */
+ && (!connection_speaks_cells(conn) || conn->receiver_bucket > 0)) {
+ /* and either a non-cell conn or a cell conn with non-empty bucket */
+ conn->wants_to_read = 0;
+ connection_start_reading(conn);
+ if(conn->wants_to_write == 1) {
+ conn->wants_to_write = 0;
+ connection_start_writing(conn);
+ }
+ }
+ /* check connections to see whether we should send a keepalive, expire, or wait */
+ if(!connection_speaks_cells(conn))
+ return;
+ if(now >= conn->timestamp_lastwritten + options.KeepalivePeriod) {
+ if((!options.OnionRouter && !circuit_get_by_conn(conn)) ||
+ (!connection_state_is_open(conn))) {
+ /* we're an onion proxy, with no circuits; or our handshake has expired. kill it. */
+ log_fn(LOG_INFO,"Expiring connection to %d (%s:%d).",
+ i,conn->address, conn->port);
+ conn->marked_for_close = 1;
+ } else {
+ /* either a full router, or we've got a circuit. send a padding cell. */
+ log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"Sending keepalive to (%s:%d)",
+ conn->address, conn->port);
+ memset(&cell,0,sizeof(cell_t));
+ cell.command = CELL_PADDING;
+ connection_or_write_cell_to_buf(&cell, conn);
+ }
+ }
+/* Perform regular maintenance tasks. This function gets run once per
+ * second by prepare_for_poll.
+ */
+static void run_scheduled_events(time_t now) {
static long time_to_fetch_directory = 0;
static long time_to_new_circuit = 0;
- cell_t cell;
circuit_t *circ;
+ int i;
- tor_gettimeofday(&now);
+ /* 1. Every DirFetchPostPeriod seconds, we get a new directory and upload
+ * our descriptor (if any). */
+ if(time_to_fetch_directory < now) {
+ /* it's time to fetch a new directory and/or post our descriptor */
+ if(options.OnionRouter) {
+ router_rebuild_descriptor();
+ router_upload_desc_to_dirservers();
+ }
+ if(!options.DirPort) {
+ /* NOTE directory servers do not currently fetch directories.
+ * Hope this doesn't bite us later. */
+ directory_initiate_command(router_pick_directory_server(),
+ }
+ time_to_fetch_directory = now + options.DirFetchPostPeriod;
+ }
- if(now.tv_sec > current_second) { /* the second has rolled over. check more stuff. */
+ /* 2. Every NewCircuitPeriod seconds, we expire old ciruits and make a
+ * new one as needed.
+ */
+ if(options.APPort && time_to_new_circuit < now) {
+ circuit_expire_unused_circuits();
+ circuit_launch_new(-1); /* tell it to forget about previous failures */
+ circ = circuit_get_newest_open();
+ if(!circ || circ->dirty) {
+ log_fn(LOG_INFO,"Youngest circuit %s; launching replacement.", circ ? "dirty" : "missing");
+ circuit_launch_new(0); /* make an onion and lay the circuit */
+ }
+ time_to_new_circuit = now + options.NewCircuitPeriod;
+ }
+ /* 3. Every second, we check how much bandwidth we've consumed and
+ * increment global_read_bucket.
+ */
+ stats_n_bytes_read += stats_prev_global_read_bucket-global_read_bucket;
+ if(global_read_bucket < 9*options.TotalBandwidth) {
+ global_read_bucket += options.TotalBandwidth;
+ log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"global_read_bucket now %d.", global_read_bucket);
+ }
+ stats_prev_global_read_bucket = global_read_bucket;
- ++stats_n_seconds_reading;
+ /* 4. We do houskeeping for each connection... */
+ for(i=0;i<nfds;i++) {
+ run_connection_housekeeping(i, now);
+ }
- if(time_to_fetch_directory < now.tv_sec) {
- /* it's time to fetch a new directory and/or post our descriptor */
- if(options.OnionRouter) {
- router_rebuild_descriptor();
- router_upload_desc_to_dirservers();
- }
- if(!options.DirPort) {
- /* NOTE directory servers do not currently fetch directories.
- * Hope this doesn't bite us later. */
- directory_initiate_command(router_pick_directory_server(),
- }
- time_to_fetch_directory = now.tv_sec + options.DirFetchPostPeriod;
- }
+ /* 5. and blow away any connections that need to die. can't do this later
+ * because we might open up a circuit and not realize we're about to cull
+ * the connection it's running over.
+ */
+ for(i=0;i<nfds;i++)
+ conn_close_if_marked(i);
- if(options.APPort && time_to_new_circuit < now.tv_sec) {
- circuit_expire_unused_circuits();
- circuit_launch_new(-1); /* tell it to forget about previous failures */
- circ = circuit_get_newest_open();
- if(!circ || circ->dirty) {
- log_fn(LOG_INFO,"Youngest circuit %s; launching replacement.", circ ? "dirty" : "missing");
- circuit_launch_new(0); /* make an onion and lay the circuit */
- }
- time_to_new_circuit = now.tv_sec + options.NewCircuitPeriod;
- }
+static int prepare_for_poll(void) {
+ static long current_second = 0; /* from previous calls to gettimeofday */
+ connection_t *conn;
+ struct timeval now;
+ int i;
- stats_n_bytes_read += stats_prev_global_read_bucket-global_read_bucket;
- if(global_read_bucket < 9*options.TotalBandwidth) {
- global_read_bucket += options.TotalBandwidth;
- log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"global_read_bucket now %d.", global_read_bucket);
- }
- stats_prev_global_read_bucket = global_read_bucket;
- /* do housekeeping for each connection */
- for(i=0;i<nfds;i++) {
- conn = connection_array[i];
- if(connection_receiver_bucket_should_increase(conn)) {
- conn->receiver_bucket += conn->bandwidth;
-// log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"Receiver bucket %d now %d.", i, conn->receiver_bucket);
- }
+ tor_gettimeofday(&now);
- if(conn->wants_to_read == 1 /* it's marked to turn reading back on now */
- && global_read_bucket > 0 /* and we're allowed to read */
- && (!connection_speaks_cells(conn) || conn->receiver_bucket > 0)) {
- /* and either a non-cell conn or a cell conn with non-empty bucket */
- conn->wants_to_read = 0;
- connection_start_reading(conn);
- if(conn->wants_to_write == 1) {
- conn->wants_to_write = 0;
- connection_start_writing(conn);
- }
- }
+ if(now.tv_sec > current_second) { /* the second has rolled over. check more stuff. */
- /* check connections to see whether we should send a keepalive, expire, or wait */
- if(!connection_speaks_cells(conn))
- continue; /* this conn type doesn't send cells */
- if(now.tv_sec >= conn->timestamp_lastwritten + options.KeepalivePeriod) {
- if((!options.OnionRouter && !circuit_get_by_conn(conn)) ||
- (!connection_state_is_open(conn))) {
- /* we're an onion proxy, with no circuits; or our handshake has expired. kill it. */
- log_fn(LOG_INFO,"Expiring connection to %d (%s:%d).",
- i,conn->address, conn->port);
- conn->marked_for_close = 1;
- } else {
- /* either a full router, or we've got a circuit. send a padding cell. */
- log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"Sending keepalive to (%s:%d)",
- conn->address, conn->port);
- memset(&cell,0,sizeof(cell_t));
- cell.command = CELL_PADDING;
- connection_write_cell_to_buf(&cell, conn);
- }
- }
- }
- /* blow away any connections that need to die. can't do this later
- * because we might open up a circuit and not realize we're about to cull
- * the connection it's running over.
- */
- for(i=0;i<nfds;i++)
- check_conn_marked(i);
+ ++stats_n_seconds_reading;
+ run_scheduled_events(now.tv_sec);
current_second = now.tv_sec; /* remember which second it is, for next time */
for(i=0;i<nfds;i++) {
conn = connection_array[i];
- if(connection_speaks_cells(conn) &&
- connection_state_is_open(conn) &&
- tor_tls_get_pending_bytes(conn->tls)) {
+ if(connection_has_pending_tls_data(conn)) {
log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"sock %d has pending bytes.",conn->s);
return 0; /* has pending bytes to read; don't let poll wait. */
@@ -621,7 +647,7 @@ static int do_main_loop(void) {
/* any of the conns need to be closed now? */
- check_conn_marked(i);
+ conn_close_if_marked(i);
/* refilling buckets and sending cells happens at the beginning of the
* next iteration of the loop, inside prepare_for_poll()