path: root/src/or/config.c
diff options
authorRoger Dingledine <arma@torproject.org>2007-05-08 11:28:05 +0000
committerRoger Dingledine <arma@torproject.org>2007-05-08 11:28:05 +0000
commit07bf274d98e9543317406347ced616a7bc1162cc (patch)
tree98c1a8d0f8d566e59e1e4cf4317a38bd5dff8d4a /src/or/config.c
parentd136f2a7b2754d4c7e5dd3395c9f4bcd2acaca94 (diff)
Interim commit: new config options Bridge and UseBridges.
It is becoming increasingly clear to me that bridges should be a special case of entry guards, not a whole separate pile of nearly identical functions. svn:r10141
Diffstat (limited to 'src/or/config.c')
1 files changed, 88 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/or/config.c b/src/or/config.c
index c00399b93..9fedfa600 100644
--- a/src/or/config.c
+++ b/src/or/config.c
@@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ static config_var_t _option_vars[] = {
VAR("BandwidthBurst", MEMUNIT, BandwidthBurst, "6 MB"),
VAR("BandwidthRate", MEMUNIT, BandwidthRate, "3 MB"),
VAR("BridgeAuthoritativeDir", BOOL, BridgeAuthoritativeDir, "0"),
+ VAR("Bridge", LINELIST, Bridges, NULL),
VAR("CircuitBuildTimeout", INTERVAL, CircuitBuildTimeout, "1 minute"),
VAR("CircuitIdleTimeout", INTERVAL, CircuitIdleTimeout, "1 hour"),
VAR("ClientOnly", BOOL, ClientOnly, "0"),
@@ -254,6 +255,7 @@ static config_var_t _option_vars[] = {
VAR("TransListenAddress", LINELIST, TransListenAddress, NULL),
VAR("TransPort", UINT, TransPort, "0"),
VAR("TunnelDirConns", BOOL, TunnelDirConns, "0"),
+ VAR("UseBridges", BOOL, UseBridges, "0"),
VAR("UseEntryGuards", BOOL, UseEntryGuards, "1"),
VAR("User", STRING, User, NULL),
VAR("V1AuthoritativeDirectory",BOOL, V1AuthoritativeDir, "0"),
@@ -570,6 +572,7 @@ static int options_transition_affects_descriptor(or_options_t *old_options,
static int check_nickname_list(const char *lst, const char *name, char **msg);
static void config_register_addressmaps(or_options_t *options);
+static int parse_bridge_line(const char *line, int validate_only);
static int parse_dir_server_line(const char *line, int validate_only);
static int parse_redirect_line(smartlist_t *result,
config_line_t *line, char **msg);
@@ -905,6 +908,17 @@ options_act(or_options_t *old_options)
+ clear_bridge_list();
+ if (options->Bridges) {
+ for (cl = options->Bridges; cl; cl = cl->next) {
+ if (parse_bridge_line(cl->value, 0)<0) {
+ log_err(LD_BUG,
+ "Previously validated Bridge line could not be added!");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
if (running_tor && rend_config_services(options, 0)<0) {
"Previously validated hidden services line could not be added!");
@@ -2833,6 +2847,13 @@ options_validate(or_options_t *old_options, or_options_t *options,
+ if (options->Bridges) {
+ for (cl = options->Bridges; cl; cl = cl->next) {
+ if (parse_bridge_line(cl->value, 1)<0)
+ REJECT("Bridge line did not parse. See logs for details.");
+ }
+ }
if (rend_config_services(options, 1) < 0)
REJECT("Failed to configure rendezvous options. See logs for details.");
@@ -3465,10 +3486,76 @@ parse_redirect_line(smartlist_t *result, config_line_t *line, char **msg)
+/** Read the contents of a Bridge line from <b>line</b>. Return 0
+ * if the line is well-formed, and -1 if it isn't. If
+ * <b>validate_only</b> is 0, and the line is well-formed, then add
+ * the bridge described in the line to our internal bridge list. */
+static int
+parse_bridge_line(const char *line, int validate_only)
+ smartlist_t *items = NULL;
+ int r;
+ char *addrport=NULL, *address=NULL, *fingerprint=NULL;
+ uint32_t addr = 0;
+ uint16_t port = 0;
+ char digest[DIGEST_LEN];
+ items = smartlist_create();
+ smartlist_split_string(items, line, NULL,
+ if (smartlist_len(items) < 1) {
+ log_warn(LD_CONFIG, "Too few arguments to Bridge line.");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ addrport = smartlist_get(items, 0);
+ smartlist_del_keeporder(items, 0);
+ if (parse_addr_port(LOG_WARN, addrport, &address, &addr, &port)<0) {
+ log_warn(LD_CONFIG, "Error parsing Bridge address '%s'", addrport);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ if (!port) {
+ log_warn(LD_CONFIG, "Missing port in Bridge address '%s'",addrport);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ if (smartlist_len(items)) {
+ fingerprint = smartlist_join_strings(items, "", 0, NULL);
+ if (strlen(fingerprint) != HEX_DIGEST_LEN) {
+ log_warn(LD_CONFIG, "Key digest for Bridge is wrong length.");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ if (base16_decode(digest, DIGEST_LEN, fingerprint, HEX_DIGEST_LEN)<0) {
+ log_warn(LD_CONFIG, "Unable to decode Bridge key digest.");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!validate_only) {
+ log_debug(LD_DIR, "Bridge at %s:%d (%s)", address,
+ (int)port,
+ fingerprint ? fingerprint : "no key listed");
+ bridge_add_from_config(addr, port, fingerprint ? digest : NULL);
+ }
+ r = 0;
+ goto done;
+ err:
+ r = -1;
+ done:
+ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(items, char*, s, tor_free(s));
+ smartlist_free(items);
+ tor_free(addrport);
+ tor_free(address);
+ tor_free(fingerprint);
+ return r;
/** Read the contents of a DirServer line from <b>line</b>. Return 0
* if the line is well-formed, and -1 if it isn't. If
* <b>validate_only</b> is 0, and the line is well-formed, then add
- * the dirserver described in the line as a valid server. */
+ * the dirserver described in the line as a valid authority. */
static int
parse_dir_server_line(const char *line, int validate_only)