path: root/doc
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authorNick Mathewson <nickm@torproject.org>2005-09-27 16:37:11 +0000
committerNick Mathewson <nickm@torproject.org>2005-09-27 16:37:11 +0000
commit2f53d86707200681f676f5c8b859d3759e2591d2 (patch)
treea2e353ebe3afd4cd712729603b3542a571ba2eda /doc
parent126a1e3e3283dcc13cd5dd38ec5ae80cb8b1e745 (diff)
remove historical stuff from dir-spec.txt
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 358 deletions
diff --git a/doc/dir-spec.txt b/doc/dir-spec.txt
index fadec9bfc..d337dc5df 100644
--- a/doc/dir-spec.txt
+++ b/doc/dir-spec.txt
@@ -381,361 +381,3 @@ $Id$
versa). But what about when the client connects to A and B but in a
different order? How bad can it be partitioned based on its knowledge?
-Everything below this line is obsolete.
- Tor network discovery protocol
-0. Scope
-This document proposes a way of doing more distributed network discovery
-while maintaining some amount of admission control. We don't recommend
-you implement this as-is; it needs more discussion.
- - Client: The Tor component that chooses paths.
- - Server: A relay node that passes traffic along.
-1. Goals.
-We want more decentralized discovery for network topology and status.
-In particular:
-1a. We want to let clients learn about new servers from anywhere
- and build circuits through them if they wish. This means that
- Tor nodes need to be able to Extend to nodes they don't already
- know about.
-1b. We want to let servers limit the addresses and ports they're
- willing to extend to. This is necessary e.g. for middleman nodes
- who have jerks trying to extend from them to badmafia.com:80 all
- day long and it's drawing attention.
-1b'. While we're at it, we also want to handle servers that *can't*
- extend to some addresses/ports, e.g. because they're behind NAT or
- otherwise firewalled. (See section 5 below.)
-1c. We want to provide a robust (available) and not-too-centralized
- mechanism for tracking network status (which nodes are up and working)
- and admission (which nodes are "recommended" for certain uses).
-2. Assumptions.
-2a. People get the code from us, and they trust us (or our gpg keys, or
- something down the trust chain that's equivalent).
-2b. Even if the software allows humans to change the client configuration,
- most of them will use the default that's provided. so we should
- provide one that is the right balance of robust and safe. That is,
- we need to hard-code enough "first introduction" locations that new
- clients will always have an available way to get connected.
-2c. Assume that the current "ask them to email us and see if it seems
- suspiciously related to previous emails" approach will not catch
- the strong Sybil attackers. Therefore, assume the Sybil attackers
- we do want to defend against can produce only a limited number of
- not-obviously-on-the-same-subnet nodes.
-2d. Roger has only a limited amount of time for approving nodes; shouldn't
- be the time bottleneck anyway; and is doing a poor job at keeping
- out some adversaries.
-2e. Some people would be willing to offer servers but will be put off
- by the need to send us mail and identify themselves.
-2e'. Some evil people will avoid doing evil things based on the perception
- (however true or false) that there are humans monitoring the network
- and discouraging evil behavior.
-2e''. Some people will trust the network, and the code, more if they
- have the perception that there are trustworthy humans guiding the
- deployed network.
-2f. We can trust servers to accurately report their characteristics
- (uptime, capacity, exit policies, etc), as long as we have some
- mechanism for notifying clients when we notice that they're lying.
-2g. There exists a "main" core Internet in which most locations can access
- most locations. We'll focus on it (first).
-3. Some notes on how to achieve.
-Piece one: (required)
- We ship with N (e.g. 20) directory server locations and fingerprints.
- Directory servers serve signed network-status pages, listing their
- opinions of network status and which routers are good (see 4a below).
- Dirservers collect and provide server descriptors as well. These don't
- need to be signed by the dirservers, since they're self-certifying
- and timestamped.
- (In theory the dirservers don't need to be the ones serving the
- descriptors, but in practice the dirservers would need to point people
- at the place that does, so for simplicity let's assume that they do.)
- Clients then get network-status pages from a threshold of dirservers,
- fetch enough of the corresponding server descriptors to make them happy,
- and proceed as now.
-Piece two: (optional)
- We ship with S (e.g. 3) seed keys (trust anchors), and ship with
- signed timestamped certs for each dirserver. Dirservers also serve a
- list of certs, maybe including a "publish all certs since time foo"
- functionality. If at least two seeds agree about something, then it
- is so.
- Now dirservers can be added, and revoked, without requiring users to
- upgrade to a new version. If we only ship with dirserver locations
- and not fingerprints, it also means that dirservers can rotate their
- signing keys transparently.
- But, keeping track of the seed keys becomes a critical security issue.
- And rotating them in a backward-compatible way adds complexity. Also,
- dirserver locations must be at least somewhere static, since each lost
- dirserver degrades reachability for old clients. So as the dirserver
- list rolls over we have no choice but to put out new versions.
-Piece three: (optional)
- Notice that this doesn't preclude other approaches to discovering
- different concurrent Tor networks. For example, a Tor network inside
- China could ship Tor with a different torrc and poof, they're using
- a different set of dirservers. Some smarter clients could be made to
- learn about both networks, and be told which nodes bridge the networks.
- ...
-4. Unresolved issues.
-4a. How do the dirservers decide whether to recommend a server? We
- could have them do it based on contact from the human, but by
- assumptions 2c and 2d above, that's going to be less effective, and
- more of a hassle, as we scale up. Thus I propose that they simply
- do some basic automatic measuring themselves, starting with the
- current "are they connected to me" measurement, and that's all
- that is done.
- We could blacklist as we notice evil servers, but then we're in
- the same boat all the irc networks are in. We could whitelist as we
- notice new servers, and stop whitelisting (maybe rolling back a bit)
- once an attack is in progress. If we assume humans aren't particularly
- good at this anyway, we could just do automated delayed whitelisting,
- and have a "you're under attack" switch the human can enable for a
- while to start acting more conservatively.
- Once upon a time we collected contact info for servers, which was
- mainly used to remind people that their servers are down and could
- they please restart. Now that we have a critical mass of servers,
- I've stopped doing that reminding. So contact info is less important.
-4b. What do we do about recommended-versions? Do we need a threshold of
- dirservers to claim that your version is obsolete before you believe
- them? Or do we make it have less effect -- e.g. print a warning but
- never actually quit? Coordinating all the humans to upgrade their
- recommended-version strings at once seems bad. Maybe if we have
- seeds, the seeds can sign a recommended-version and upload it to
- the dirservers.
-4c. What does it mean to bind a nickname to a key? What if each dirserver
- does it differently, so one nickname corresponds to several keys?
- Maybe the solution is that nickname<=>key bindings should be
- individually configured by clients in their torrc (if they want to
- refer to nicknames in their torrc), and we stop thinking of nicknames
- as globally unique.
-4d. What new features need to be added to server descriptors so they
- remain compact yet support new functionality? Section 5 is a start
- of discussion of one answer to this.
-5. Regarding "Blossom: an unstructured overlay network for end-to-end
-SECTION 5A: Blossom Architecture
-Define "transport domain" as a set of nodes who can all mutually name each
-other directly, using transport-layer (e.g. HOST:PORT) naming.
-Define "clique" as a set of nodes who can all mutually contact each other directly,
-using transport-layer (e.g. HOST:PORT) naming.
-Neither transport domains and cliques form a partition of the set of all nodes.
-Just as cliques may overlap in theoretical graphs, transport domains and
-cliques may overlap in the context of Blossom.
-In this section we address possible solutions to the problem of how to allow
-Tor routers in different transport domains to communicate.
-First, we presume that for every interface between transport domains A and B,
-one Tor router T_A exists in transport domain A, one Tor router T_B exists in
-transport domain B, and (without loss of generality) T_A can open a persistent
-connection to T_B. Any Tor traffic between the two routers will occur over
-this connection, which effectively renders the routers equal partners in
-bridging between the two transport domains. We refer to the established link
-between two transport domains as a "bridge" (we use this term because there is
-no serious possibility of confusion with the notion of a layer 2 bridge).
-Next, suppose that the universe consists of transport domains connected by
-persistent connections in this manner. An individual router can open multiple
-connections to routers within the same foreign transport domain, and it can
-establish separate connections to routers within multiple foreign transport
-As in regular Tor, each Blossom router pushes its descriptor to directory
-servers. These directory servers can be within the same transport domain, but
-they need not be. The trick is that if a directory server is in another
-transport domain, then that directory server must know through which Tor
-routers to send messages destined for the Tor router in question.
-Blossom routers can advertise themselves to other transport domains in two
-(1) Directly push the descriptor to a directory server in the other transport
-domain. This probably works particularly well if the other transport domain is
-"the Internet", or if there are hard-coded directory servers in "the Internet".
-The router has the responsibility to inform the directory server about which
-routers can be used to reach it.
-(2) Push the descriptor to a directory server in the same transport domain.
-This is the easiest solution for the router, but it relies upon the existence
-of a directory server in the same transport domain that is capable of
-communicating with directory servers in the remote transport domain. In order
-for this to work, some individual Tor routers must have published their
-descriptors in remote transport domains (i.e. followed the first option) in
-order to provide a link by which directory servers can communiate
-If all directory servers are within the same transport domain, then approach
-(1) is sufficient: routers can exist within multiple transport domains, and as
-long as the network of transport domains is fully connected by bridges, any
-router will be able to access any other router in a foreign transport domain
-simply by extending along the path specified by the directory server. However,
-we want the system to be truly decentralized, which means not electing any
-particular transport domain to be the master domain in which entries are
-This is the explanation for (2): in order for a directory server to share
-information with a directory server in a foreign transport domain to which it
-cannot speak directly, it must use Tor, which means referring to the other
-directory server by using a router in the foreign transport domain. However,
-in order to use Tor, it must be able to reach that router, which means that a
-descriptor for that router must exist in its table, along with a means of
-reaching it. Therefore, in order for a mutual exchange of information between
-routers in transport domain A and those in transport domain B to be possible,
-when routers in transport domain A cannot establish direct connections with
-routers in transport domain B, then some router in transport domain B must have
-pushed its descriptor to a directory server in transport domain A, so that the
-directory server in transport domain A can use that router to reach the
-directory server in transport domain B.
-Descriptors for Blossom routers are read-only, as for regular Tor routers, so
-directory servers cannot modify them. However, Tor directory servers also
-publish a "network-status" page that provide information about which nodes are
-up and which are not. Directory servers could provide an additional field for
-Blossom nodes. For each Blossom node, the directory server specifies a set of
-paths (may be only one) through the overlay (i.e. an ordered list of router
-names/IDs) to a router in a foreign transport domain. (This field may be a set
-of paths rather than a single path.)
-A new router publishing to a directory server in a foreign transport should
-include a list of routers. This list should be either:
-a. ...a list of routers to which the router has persistent connections, or, if
-the new router does not have any persistent connections,
-b. ...a (not necessarily exhaustive) list of fellow routers that are in the
-same transport domain.
-The directory server will be able to use this information to derive a path to
-the new router, as follows. If the new router used approach (a), then the
-directory server will define the set of paths to the new router as union of the
-set of paths to the routers on the list with the name of the last hop appended
-to each path. If the new router used approach (b), then the directory server
-will define the paths to the new router as the union of the set of paths to the
-routers specified in the list. The directory server will then insert the newly
-defined path into the field in the network-status page from the router.
-When confronted with the choice of multiple different paths to reach the same
-router, the Blossom nodes may use a route selection protocol similar in design
-to that used by BGP (may be a simple distance-vector route selection procedure
-that only takes into account path length, or may be more complex to avoid
-loops, cache results, etc.) in order to choose the best one.
-If a .exit name is not provided, then a path will be chosen whose nodes are all
-among the set of nodes provided by the directory server that are believed to be
-in the same transport domain (i.e. no explicit path). Thus, there should be no
-surprises to the client. All routers should be careful to define their exit
-policies carefully, with the knowledge that clients from potentially any
-transport domain could access that which is not explicitly restricted.
-SECTION 5B: Tor+Blossom desiderata
-The interests of Blossom would be best served by implementing the following
-modifications to Tor:
-Objectives: Ultimately, we want Blossom requests to be indistinguishable in
-format from non-Blossom .exit requests, i.e. hostname.forwarder.exit.
-Proposal: Blossom is a process that manipulates Tor, so it should be
-implemented as a Tor Control, extending control-spec.txt. For each request,
-Tor uses the control protocol to ask the Blossom process whether it (the
-Blossom process) wants to build or assign a particular circuit to service the
-request. Blossom chooses one of the following responses:
-a. (Blossom exit node, circuit cached) "use this circuit" -- provides a circuit
-b. (Blossom exit node, circuit not cached) "I will build one" -- provides a
-list of routers, gets a circuit ID.
-c. (Regular (non-Blossom) exit node) "No, do it yourself" -- provides nothing.
-Objectives: Blossom routers are like regular Tor routers, except that Blossom
-routers need these features as well:
-a. the ability to open peresistent connections,
-b. the ability to know whwther they should use a persistent connection to reach
-another router,
-c. the ability to define a set of routers to which to establish persistent
-connections, as readable from a configuration file, and
-d. the ability to tell a directory server that (1) it is Blossom-enabled, and
-(2) it can be reached by some set of routers to which it explicitly establishes
-persistent connections.
-Proposal: Address the aforementioned points as follows.
-a. need the ability to open a specified number of persistent connections. This
-can be accomplished by implementing a generic should_i_close_this_conn() and
-b. The Tor design already supports this, but we must be sure to establish the
-persistent connections explicitly, re-establish them when they are lost, and
-not close them unnecessarily.
-c. We must modify Tor to add a new configuration option, allowing either (a)
-explicit specification of the set of routers to which to establish persistent
-connections, or (b) a random choice of some nodes to which to establish
-persistent connections, chosen from the set of nodes local to the transport
-domain of the specified directory server (for example).
-Objective: Blossom directory servers may provide extra
-fields in their network-status pages. Blossom directory servers may
-communicate with Blossom clients/routers in nonstandard ways in addition to
-standard ways.
-Proposal: Geoff should be able to implement a directory server according to the
-Tor specification (dir-spec.txt).