diff options
authorRoger Dingledine <arma@torproject.org>2009-09-16 21:43:31 -0400
committerRoger Dingledine <arma@torproject.org>2009-09-16 21:43:31 -0400
commit4850a3a75f4fa7da10d0c2bce23f0a517c6a29cb (patch)
parent926ca5befda7d5ab2338905877a4f7bf4c656670 (diff)
parent43c18746bd4be9db4ad68312e9e62031f056bc10 (diff)
Merge commit 'mikeperry/circuitbuildtimeout-final'
9 files changed, 1077 insertions, 95 deletions
diff --git a/doc/spec/proposals/151-path-selection-improvements.txt b/doc/spec/proposals/151-path-selection-improvements.txt
index 3d5f07d3a..94e964b01 100644
--- a/doc/spec/proposals/151-path-selection-improvements.txt
+++ b/doc/spec/proposals/151-path-selection-improvements.txt
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ Filename: 151-path-selection-improvements.txt
Title: Improving Tor Path Selection
Author: Fallon Chen, Mike Perry
Created: 5-Jul-2008
-Status: Draft
+Status: Implemented
The performance of paths selected can be improved by adjusting the
CircuitBuildTimeout and avoiding failing guard nodes. This proposal
- describes a method of tracking buildtime statistics at the client, and
+ describes a method of tracking buildtime statistics at the client, and
using those statistics to adjust the CircuitBuildTimeout.
@@ -20,121 +20,120 @@ Motivation
- Storing Build Times
+ Gathering Build Times
- Circuit build times will be stored in the circular array
- 'circuit_build_times' consisting of uint16_t elements as milliseconds.
- The total size of this array will be based on the number of circuits
+ Circuit build times are stored in the circular array
+ 'circuit_build_times' consisting of uint32_t elements as milliseconds.
+ The total size of this array is based on the number of circuits
it takes to converge on a good fit of the long term distribution of
the circuit builds for a fixed link. We do not want this value to be
too large, because it will make it difficult for clients to adapt to
moving between different links.
- From our initial observations, this value appears to be on the order
- of 1000, but will be configurable in a #define NCIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE.
- The exact value for this #define will be determined by performing
- goodness of fit tests using measurments obtained from the shufflebt.py
- script from TorFlow.
+ From our observations, the minimum value for a reasonable fit appears
+ to be on the order of 500 (MIN_CIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE). However, to keep
+ a good fit over the long term, we store 5000 most recent circuits in
+ The Tor client will build test circuits at a rate of one per
+ minute (BUILD_TIMES_TEST_FREQUENCY) up to the point of
+ MIN_CIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE. This allows a fresh Tor to have
+ a CircuitBuildTimeout estimated within 8 hours after install,
+ upgrade, or network change (see below).
Long Term Storage
- The long-term storage representation will be implemented by storing a
- histogram with BUILDTIME_BIN_WIDTH millisecond buckets (default 50) when
- writing out the statistics to disk. The format of this histogram on disk
- is yet to be finalized, but it will likely be of the format
- 'CircuitBuildTime <bin> <count>', with the total specified as
- 'TotalBuildTimes <total>'
+ The long-term storage representation is implemented by storing a
+ histogram with BUILDTIME_BIN_WIDTH millisecond buckets (default 50) when
+ writing out the statistics to disk. The format this takes in the
+ state file is 'CircuitBuildTime <bin-ms> <count>', with the total
+ specified as 'TotalBuildTimes <total>'
TotalBuildTimes 100
- CircuitBuildTimeBin 1 50
- CircuitBuildTimeBin 2 25
- CircuitBuildTimeBin 3 13
+ CircuitBuildTimeBin 25 50
+ CircuitBuildTimeBin 75 25
+ CircuitBuildTimeBin 125 13
- Reading the histogram in will entail multiplying each bin by the
- BUILDTIME_BIN_WIDTH and then inserting <count> values into the
- circuit_build_times array each with the value of
- <bin>*BUILDTIME_BIN_WIDTH. In order to evenly distribute the
- values in the circular array, a form of index skipping must
- be employed. Values from bin #N with bin count C and total T
- will occupy indexes specified by N+((T/C)*k)-1, where k is the
- set of integers ranging from 0 to C-1.
- For example, this would mean that the values from bin 1 would
- occupy indexes 1+(100/50)*k-1, or 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and so on.
- The values for bin 2 would occupy positions 1, 5, 9, 13. Collisions
- will be inserted at the first empty position in the array greater
- than the selected index (which may requiring looping around the
- array back to index 0).
+ Reading the histogram in will entail inserting <count> values
+ into the circuit_build_times array each with the value of
+ <bin-ms> milliseconds. In order to evenly distribute the values
+ in the circular array, the Fisher-Yates shuffle will be performed
+ after reading values from the bins.
Learning the CircuitBuildTimeout
Based on studies of build times, we found that the distribution of
- circuit buildtimes appears to be a Pareto distribution.
+ circuit buildtimes appears to be a Frechet distribution. However,
+ estimators and quantile functions of the Frechet distribution are
+ difficult to work with and slow to converge. So instead, since we
+ are only interested in the accuracy of the tail, we approximate
+ the tail of the distribution with a Pareto curve starting at
+ the mode of the circuit build time sample set.
We will calculate the parameters for a Pareto distribution
fitting the data using the estimators at
- The timeout itself will be calculated by solving the CDF for the
- a percentile cutoff BUILDTIME_PERCENT_CUTOFF. This value
- represents the percentage of paths the Tor client will accept out of
- the total number of paths. We have not yet determined a good
- cutoff for this mathematically, but 85% seems a good choice for now.
+ The timeout itself is calculated by using the Quartile function (the
+ inverted CDF) to give us the value on the CDF such that
+ BUILDTIME_PERCENT_CUTOFF (80%) of the mass of the distribution is
+ below the timeout value.
+ Thus, we expect that the Tor client will accept the fastest 80% of
+ the total number of paths on the network.
+ Detecting Changing Network Conditions
- From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_distribution#Definition,
- the calculation we need is pow(BUILDTIME_PERCENT_CUTOFF/100.0, k)/Xm.
+ We attempt to detect both network connectivity loss and drastic
+ changes in the timeout characteristics.
+ If more than MAX_RECENT_TIMEOUT_RATE (80%) of the past
+ RECENT_CIRCUITS (20) time out, we assume the network connection
+ has changed, and we discard all buildtimes history and compute
+ a new timeout by estimating a new Pareto curve using the
+ position on the Pareto Quartile function for the ratio of
+ timeouts.
+ Network connectivity loss is detected by recording a timestamp every
+ time Tor either completes a TLS connection or receives a cell. If
+ this timestamp is more than CircuitBuildTimeout*RECENT_CIRCUITS/3
+ seconds in the past, circuit timeouts are no longer counted.
After circuit build times, storage, and learning are implemented,
the resulting histogram should be checked for consistency by
- verifying it persists across successive Tor invocations where
+ verifying it persists across successive Tor invocations where
no circuits are built. In addition, we can also use the existing
- buildtime scripts to record build times, and verify that the histogram
+ buildtime scripts to record build times, and verify that the histogram
the python produces matches that which is output to the state file in Tor,
and verify that the Pareto parameters and cutoff points also match.
- Soft timeout vs Hard Timeout
- At some point, it may be desirable to change the cutoff from a
- single hard cutoff that destroys the circuit to a soft cutoff and
- a hard cutoff, where the soft cutoff merely triggers the building
- of a new circuit, and the hard cutoff triggers destruction of the
- circuit.
- Good values for hard and soft cutoffs seem to be 85% and 65%
- respectively, but we should eventually justify this with observation.
- When to Begin Calculation
- The number of circuits to observe (NCIRCUITS_TO_CUTOFF) before
- changing the CircuitBuildTimeout will be tunable via a #define. From
- our measurements, a good value for NCIRCUITS_TO_CUTOFF appears to be
- on the order of 100.
+ We will also verify that there are no unexpected large deviations from
+ node selection, such as nodes from distant geographical locations being
+ completely excluded.
Dealing with Timeouts
- Timeouts should be counted as the expectation of the region of
- of the Pareto distribution beyond the cutoff. The proposal will
- be updated with this value soon.
+ Timeouts should be counted as the expectation of the region of
+ of the Pareto distribution beyond the cutoff. This is done by
+ generating a random sample for each timeout at points on the
+ curve beyond the current timeout cutoff.
- Also, in the event of network failure, the observation mechanism
- should stop collecting timeout data.
+ Future Work
- Client Hints
+ At some point, it may be desirable to change the cutoff from a
+ single hard cutoff that destroys the circuit to a soft cutoff and
+ a hard cutoff, where the soft cutoff merely triggers the building
+ of a new circuit, and the hard cutoff triggers destruction of the
+ circuit.
- Some research still needs to be done to provide initial values
- for CircuitBuildTimeout based on values learned from modem
- users, DSL users, Cable Modem users, and dedicated links. A
- radiobutton in Vidalia should eventually be provided that
- sets CircuitBuildTimeout to one of these values and also
- provide the option of purging all learned data, should any exist.
+ It may also be beneficial to learn separate timeouts for each
+ guard node, as they will have slightly different distributions.
+ This will take longer to generate initial values though.
- These values can either be published in the directory, or
- shipped hardcoded for a particular Tor version.
Impact on anonymity
diff --git a/src/or/Makefile.am b/src/or/Makefile.am
index 7d6c9eb0b..e9916d518 100644
--- a/src/or/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/or/Makefile.am
@@ -41,14 +41,14 @@ AM_CPPFLAGS = -DSHARE_DATADIR="\"$(datadir)\"" \
tor_LDFLAGS = @TOR_LDFLAGS_zlib@ @TOR_LDFLAGS_openssl@ @TOR_LDFLAGS_libevent@
tor_LDADD = ../common/libor.a ../common/libor-crypto.a \
../common/libor-event.a \
- -lz -levent -lssl -lcrypto @TOR_LIB_WS32@ @TOR_LIB_GDI@
+ -lz -lm -levent -lssl -lcrypto @TOR_LIB_WS32@ @TOR_LIB_GDI@
test_SOURCES = $(COMMON_SRC) test_data.c test.c
test_LDFLAGS = @TOR_LDFLAGS_zlib@ @TOR_LDFLAGS_openssl@ \
test_LDADD = ../common/libor.a ../common/libor-crypto.a \
../common/libor-event.a \
- -lz -levent -lssl -lcrypto @TOR_LIB_WS32@ @TOR_LIB_GDI@
+ -lz -lm -levent -lssl -lcrypto @TOR_LIB_WS32@ @TOR_LIB_GDI@
noinst_HEADERS = or.h eventdns.h eventdns_tor.h micro-revision.i
diff --git a/src/or/circuitbuild.c b/src/or/circuitbuild.c
index ef9d24c85..177852f91 100644
--- a/src/or/circuitbuild.c
+++ b/src/or/circuitbuild.c
@@ -9,9 +9,49 @@
* \brief The actual details of building circuits.
#include "or.h"
+#include "crypto.h"
+ * This madness is needed because if we simply #undef log
+ * before including or.h or log.h, we get linker collisions
+ * and random segfaults due to memory corruption (and
+ * not even at calls to log() either!)
+ */
+ /* XXX022 somebody should rename Tor's log() function, so we can
+ * remove this wart. -RD */
+#undef log
+ * Linux doesn't provide lround in math.h by default, but mac os does...
+ * It's best just to leave math.h out of the picture entirely.
+ */
+//#define log math_h_log
+//#include <math.h>
+//#undef log
+long int lround(double x);
+double ln(double x);
+double log(double x);
+double pow(double x, double y);
+ln(double x)
+ return log(x);
+#define log _log
/********* START VARIABLES **********/
+/** Global list of circuit build times */
+// FIXME: Add this as a member for entry_guard_t instead of global?
+// Then we could do per-guard statistics, as guards are likely to
+// vary in their own latency. The downside of this is that guards
+// can change frequently, so we'd be building a lot more circuits
+// most likely.
+circuit_build_times_t circ_times;
/** A global list of all circuits at this hop. */
extern circuit_t *global_circuitlist;
@@ -47,6 +87,10 @@ static smartlist_t *entry_guards = NULL;
* and those changes need to be flushed to disk. */
static int entry_guards_dirty = 0;
+/** If set, we're running the unit tests: we should avoid clobbering
+ * our state file or accessing get_options() or get_or_state() */
+static int unit_tests = 0;
/********* END VARIABLES ************/
static int circuit_deliver_create_cell(circuit_t *circ,
@@ -60,6 +104,698 @@ static int onion_append_hop(crypt_path_t **head_ptr, extend_info_t *choice);
static void entry_guards_changed(void);
static time_t start_of_month(time_t when);
+/** Make a note that we're running unit tests (rather than running Tor
+ * itself), so we avoid clobbering our state file. */
+ unit_tests = 1;
+ * Reset the build time state.
+ *
+ * Leave estimated paramters, timeout, and network liveness in tact
+ * for future use.
+ */
+circuit_build_times_reset(circuit_build_times_t *cbt)
+ memset(cbt->circuit_build_times, 0, sizeof(cbt->circuit_build_times));
+ cbt->pre_timeouts = 0;
+ cbt->total_build_times = 0;
+ cbt->build_times_idx = 0;
+ cbt->have_computed_timeout = 0;
+ * Initialize the buildtimes structure for first use.
+ *
+ * Sets the initial timeout value based to either the
+ * config setting or BUILD_TIMEOUT_INITIAL_VALUE.
+ */
+circuit_build_times_init(circuit_build_times_t *cbt)
+ memset(cbt, 0, sizeof(*cbt));
+ if (!unit_tests && get_options()->CircuitBuildTimeout) {
+ cbt->timeout = get_options()->CircuitBuildTimeout;
+ if (cbt->timeout < BUILD_TIMEOUT_MIN_VALUE) {
+ log_warn(LD_CIRC, "Config CircuitBuildTimeout too low. Setting to %d",
+ cbt->timeout = BUILD_TIMEOUT_MIN_VALUE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ }
+ * Add a timeoutout value to the set of build times. Time units
+ * are milliseconds
+ *
+ * circuit_build_times is a circular array, so loop around when
+ * array is full.
+ */
+circuit_build_times_add_time(circuit_build_times_t *cbt, build_time_t time)
+ if (time > BUILD_TIME_MAX) {
+ log_notice(LD_CIRC,
+ "Circuit build time of %ums exceeds max. Capping at 65536ms", time);
+ time = BUILD_TIME_MAX;
+ } else if (time <= 0) {
+ log_err(LD_CIRC, "Circuit build time is %u!", time);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // XXX: Probably want to demote this to debug for the release.
+ log_info(LD_CIRC, "Adding circuit build time %u", time);
+ cbt->circuit_build_times[cbt->build_times_idx] = time;
+ cbt->build_times_idx = (cbt->build_times_idx + 1) % NCIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE;
+ if (cbt->total_build_times < NCIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE)
+ cbt->total_build_times++;
+ if ((cbt->total_build_times % BUILD_TIMES_SAVE_STATE_EVERY) == 0) {
+ /* Save state every 100 circuit builds */
+ if (!unit_tests && !get_options()->AvoidDiskWrites)
+ or_state_mark_dirty(get_or_state(), 0);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * Return maximum circuit build time
+ */
+static build_time_t
+circuit_build_times_max(circuit_build_times_t *cbt)
+ int i = 0;
+ build_time_t max_build_time = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < NCIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE; i++) {
+ if (cbt->circuit_build_times[i] > max_build_time)
+ max_build_time = cbt->circuit_build_times[i];
+ }
+ return max_build_time;
+/** Return minimum circuit build time */
+static build_time_t
+circuit_build_times_min(circuit_build_times_t *cbt)
+ int i = 0;
+ build_time_t min_build_time = BUILD_TIME_MAX;
+ for (i = 0; i < NCIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE; i++) {
+ if (cbt->circuit_build_times[i] && /* 0 <-> uninitialized */
+ cbt->circuit_build_times[i] < min_build_time)
+ min_build_time = cbt->circuit_build_times[i];
+ }
+ if (min_build_time == BUILD_TIME_MAX) {
+ log_warn(LD_CIRC, "No build times less than BUILD_TIME_MAX!");
+ }
+ return min_build_time;
+ * Calculate and return a histogram for the set of build times.
+ *
+ * Returns an allocated array of histrogram bins representing
+ * the frequency of index*BUILDTIME_BIN_WIDTH millisecond
+ * build times. Also outputs the number of bins in nbins.
+ *
+ * The return value must be freed by the caller.
+ */
+static uint32_t *
+circuit_build_times_create_histogram(circuit_build_times_t *cbt,
+ build_time_t *nbins)
+ uint32_t *histogram;
+ build_time_t max_build_time = circuit_build_times_max(cbt);
+ int i, c;
+ *nbins = 1 + (max_build_time / BUILDTIME_BIN_WIDTH);
+ histogram = tor_malloc_zero(*nbins * sizeof(build_time_t));
+ // calculate histogram
+ for (i = 0; i < NCIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE; i++) {
+ if (cbt->circuit_build_times[i] == 0) continue; /* 0 <-> uninitialized */
+ c = (cbt->circuit_build_times[i] / BUILDTIME_BIN_WIDTH);
+ histogram[c]++;
+ }
+ return histogram;
+ * Return the most frequent build time (rounded to BUILDTIME_BIN_WIDTH ms).
+ *
+ * Ties go in favor of the slower time.
+ */
+static build_time_t
+circuit_build_times_mode(circuit_build_times_t *cbt)
+ build_time_t i, nbins, max_bin=0;
+ uint32_t *histogram = circuit_build_times_create_histogram(cbt, &nbins);
+ for (i = 0; i < nbins; i++) {
+ if (histogram[i] >= histogram[max_bin]) {
+ max_bin = i;
+ }
+ }
+ tor_free(histogram);
+ * Output a histogram of current circuit build times to
+ * the or_state_t state structure.
+ */
+circuit_build_times_update_state(circuit_build_times_t *cbt,
+ or_state_t *state)
+ uint32_t *histogram;
+ build_time_t i = 0;
+ build_time_t nbins = 0;
+ config_line_t **next, *line;
+ histogram = circuit_build_times_create_histogram(cbt, &nbins);
+ // write to state
+ config_free_lines(state->BuildtimeHistogram);
+ next = &state->BuildtimeHistogram;
+ *next = NULL;
+ state->TotalBuildTimes = cbt->total_build_times;
+ for (i = 0; i < nbins; i++) {
+ // compress the histogram by skipping the blanks
+ if (histogram[i] == 0) continue;
+ *next = line = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(config_line_t));
+ line->key = tor_strdup("CircuitBuildTimeBin");
+ line->value = tor_malloc(25);
+ tor_snprintf(line->value, 25, "%d %d",
+ next = &(line->next);
+ }
+ if (!unit_tests) {
+ if (!get_options()->AvoidDiskWrites)
+ or_state_mark_dirty(get_or_state(), 0);
+ }
+ if (histogram) tor_free(histogram);
+ * Shuffle the build times array.
+ *
+ * Stolen from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher\u2013Yates_shuffle
+ */
+static void
+circuit_build_times_shuffle_array(circuit_build_times_t *cbt)
+ int n = cbt->total_build_times;
+ /* This code can only be run on a compact array */
+ tor_assert(cbt->total_build_times == cbt->build_times_idx);
+ while (n-- > 1) {
+ int k = crypto_rand_int(n + 1); /* 0 <= k <= n. */
+ build_time_t tmp = cbt->circuit_build_times[k];
+ cbt->circuit_build_times[k] = cbt->circuit_build_times[n];
+ cbt->circuit_build_times[n] = tmp;
+ }
+ * Load histogram from <b>state</b>, shuffling the resulting array
+ * after we do so. Use this result to estimate parameters and
+ * calculate the timeout.
+ *
+ * Returns -1 and sets msg on error. Msg must be freed by the caller.
+ */
+circuit_build_times_parse_state(circuit_build_times_t *cbt,
+ or_state_t *state, char **msg)
+ int tot_values = 0, N = 0;
+ config_line_t *line;
+ int i;
+ *msg = NULL;
+ circuit_build_times_init(cbt);
+ /* We don't support decreasing the table size yet */
+ tor_assert(state->TotalBuildTimes <= NCIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE);
+ for (line = state->BuildtimeHistogram; line; line = line->next) {
+ smartlist_t *args = smartlist_create();
+ smartlist_split_string(args, line->value, " ",
+ if (smartlist_len(args) < 2) {
+ *msg = tor_strdup("Unable to parse circuit build times: "
+ "Too few arguments to CircuitBuildTime");
+ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(args, char*, cp, tor_free(cp));
+ smartlist_free(args);
+ break;
+ } else {
+ const char *ms_str = smartlist_get(args,0);
+ const char *count_str = smartlist_get(args,1);
+ uint32_t count, k;
+ build_time_t ms;
+ int ok;
+ ms = (build_time_t)tor_parse_ulong(ms_str, 0, 0,
+ if (!ok) {
+ *msg = tor_strdup("Unable to parse circuit build times: "
+ "Unparsable bin number");
+ break;
+ }
+ count = (uint32_t)tor_parse_ulong(count_str, 0, 0,
+ UINT32_MAX, &ok, NULL);
+ if (!ok) {
+ *msg = tor_strdup("Unable to parse circuit build times: "
+ "Unparsable bin count");
+ break;
+ }
+ for (k = 0; k < count; k++) {
+ circuit_build_times_add_time(cbt, ms);
+ }
+ N++;
+ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(args, char*, cp, tor_free(cp));
+ smartlist_free(args);
+ }
+ }
+ circuit_build_times_shuffle_array(cbt);
+ /* Verify that we didn't overwrite any indexes */
+ for (i=0; i < NCIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE; i++) {
+ if (!cbt->circuit_build_times[i])
+ break;
+ tot_values++;
+ }
+ log_info(LD_CIRC,
+ "Loaded %d/%d values from %d lines in circuit time histogram",
+ tot_values, cbt->total_build_times, N);
+ tor_assert(cbt->total_build_times == state->TotalBuildTimes);
+ tor_assert(tot_values == cbt->total_build_times);
+ circuit_build_times_set_timeout(cbt);
+ return *msg ? -1 : 0;
+ * Estimates the Xm and Alpha parameters using
+ * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_distribution#Parameter_estimation
+ *
+ * The notable difference is that we use mode instead of min to estimate Xm.
+ * This is because our distribution is frechet-like. We claim this is
+ * an acceptable approximation because we are only concerned with the
+ * accuracy of the CDF of the tail.
+ */
+circuit_build_times_update_alpha(circuit_build_times_t *cbt)
+ build_time_t *x=cbt->circuit_build_times;
+ double a = 0;
+ int n=0,i=0;
+ /* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_distribution#Parameter_estimation */
+ /* We sort of cheat here and make our samples slightly more pareto-like
+ * and less frechet-like. */
+ cbt->Xm = circuit_build_times_mode(cbt);
+ for (i=0; i< NCIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE; i++) {
+ if (!x[i]) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (x[i] < cbt->Xm) {
+ a += ln(cbt->Xm);
+ } else {
+ a += ln(x[i]);
+ }
+ n++;
+ }
+ if (n!=cbt->total_build_times) {
+ log_err(LD_CIRC, "Discrepancy in build times count: %d vs %d", n,
+ cbt->total_build_times);
+ }
+ tor_assert(n==cbt->total_build_times);
+ a -= n*ln(cbt->Xm);
+ a = n/a;
+ cbt->alpha = a;
+ * This is the Pareto Quantile Function. It calculates the point x
+ * in the distribution such that F(x) = quantile (ie quantile*100%
+ * of the mass of the density function is below x on the curve).
+ *
+ * We use it to calculate the timeout and also to generate synthetic
+ * values of time for circuits that timeout before completion.
+ *
+ * See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantile_function,
+ * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_transform_sampling and
+ * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_distribution#Generating_a_
+ * random_sample_from_Pareto_distribution
+ * That's right. I'll cite wikipedia all day long.
+ */
+circuit_build_times_calculate_timeout(circuit_build_times_t *cbt,
+ double quantile)
+ double ret;
+ tor_assert(quantile >= 0);
+ tor_assert(1.0-quantile > 0);
+ tor_assert(cbt->Xm > 0);
+ ret = cbt->Xm/pow(1.0-quantile,1.0/cbt->alpha);
+ if (ret > INT32_MAX) {
+ ret = INT32_MAX;
+ }
+ tor_assert(ret > 0);
+ return ret;
+/** Pareto CDF */
+circuit_build_times_cdf(circuit_build_times_t *cbt, double x)
+ double ret;
+ tor_assert(cbt->Xm > 0);
+ ret = 1.0-pow(cbt->Xm/x,cbt->alpha);
+ tor_assert(0 <= ret && ret <= 1.0);
+ return ret;
+ * Generate a synthetic time using our distribution parameters.
+ *
+ * The return value will be between q_lo and q_hi quantile points
+ * on the CDF.
+ */
+circuit_build_times_generate_sample(circuit_build_times_t *cbt,
+ double q_lo, double q_hi)
+ uint64_t r = crypto_rand_uint64(UINT64_MAX-1);
+ build_time_t ret;
+ double u;
+ tor_assert(q_lo >= 0);
+ tor_assert(q_hi < 1);
+ u = q_lo + ((q_hi-q_lo)*r)/(1.0*UINT64_MAX);
+ tor_assert(0 <= u && u < 1.0);
+ /* circuit_build_times_calculate_timeout returns <= INT32_MAX */
+ ret = (uint32_t)lround(circuit_build_times_calculate_timeout(cbt, u));
+ tor_assert(ret > 0);
+ return ret;
+/** Generate points in [cutoff, 1.0) on the CDF. */
+circuit_build_times_add_timeout_worker(circuit_build_times_t *cbt,
+ double quantile_cutoff)
+ build_time_t gentime = circuit_build_times_generate_sample(cbt,
+ quantile_cutoff, MAX_SYNTHETIC_QUANTILE);
+ if (gentime < (build_time_t)cbt->timeout*1000) {
+ log_warn(LD_CIRC,
+ "Generated a synthetic timeout LESS than the current timeout: "
+ "%u vs %d using Xm: %d a: %lf, q: %lf",
+ gentime, cbt->timeout*1000, cbt->Xm, cbt->alpha, quantile_cutoff);
+ } else if (gentime > BUILD_TIME_MAX) {
+ gentime = BUILD_TIME_MAX;
+ log_info(LD_CIRC,
+ "Generated a synthetic timeout larger than the max: %u",
+ gentime);
+ } else {
+ log_info(LD_CIRC, "Generated synthetic circuit build time %u for timeout",
+ gentime);
+ }
+ circuit_build_times_add_time(cbt, gentime);
+ * Estimate an initial alpha parameter by solving the quantile
+ * function with a quantile point and a specific timeout value.
+ */
+circuit_build_times_initial_alpha(circuit_build_times_t *cbt,
+ double quantile, build_time_t timeout)
+ // Q(u) = Xm/((1-u)^(1/a))
+ // Q(0.8) = Xm/((1-0.8))^(1/a)) = CircBuildTimeout
+ // CircBuildTimeout = Xm/((1-0.8))^(1/a))
+ // CircBuildTimeout = Xm*((1-0.8))^(-1/a))
+ // ln(CircBuildTimeout) = ln(Xm)+ln(((1-0.8)))*(-1/a)
+ // -ln(1-0.8)/(ln(CircBuildTimeout)-ln(Xm))=a
+ tor_assert(quantile > 0);
+ tor_assert(cbt->Xm > 0);
+ cbt->alpha = ln(1.0-quantile)/(ln(cbt->Xm)-ln(timeout));
+ tor_assert(cbt->alpha > 0);
+ * Generate synthetic timeout values for the timeouts
+ * that have happened before we estimated our parameters.
+ */
+static void
+circuit_build_times_count_pretimeouts(circuit_build_times_t *cbt)
+ /* Store a timeout as a random position past the current
+ * cutoff on the pareto curve */
+ if (cbt->pre_timeouts) {
+ double timeout_quantile = 1.0-
+ ((double)cbt->pre_timeouts)/
+ (cbt->pre_timeouts+cbt->total_build_times);
+ cbt->Xm = circuit_build_times_min(cbt);
+ tor_assert(cbt->Xm > 0);
+ // Use current timeout to get an estimate on alpha
+ circuit_build_times_initial_alpha(cbt, timeout_quantile,
+ cbt->timeout*1000);
+ while (cbt->pre_timeouts-- != 0) {
+ circuit_build_times_add_timeout_worker(cbt, timeout_quantile);
+ }
+ cbt->pre_timeouts = 0;
+ }
+ * Returns true if we need circuits to be built
+ */
+circuit_build_times_needs_circuits(circuit_build_times_t *cbt)
+ /* Return true if < MIN_CIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE */
+ if (cbt->total_build_times < MIN_CIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ * Returns true if we should build a timeout test circuit
+ * right now.
+ */
+circuit_build_times_needs_circuits_now(circuit_build_times_t *cbt)
+ return circuit_build_times_needs_circuits(cbt) &&
+ approx_time()-cbt->last_circ_at > BUILD_TIMES_TEST_FREQUENCY;
+ * Called to indicate that the network showed some signs of liveness.
+ */
+circuit_build_times_network_is_live(circuit_build_times_t *cbt)
+ cbt->network_last_live = approx_time();
+ * Returns true if the network showed some sign of liveness
+ * in the past NETWORK_LIVE_MULTIPLIER*cbt->timeout seconds.
+ */
+circuit_build_times_is_network_live(circuit_build_times_t *cbt)
+ time_t now = approx_time();
+ if (now - cbt->network_last_live >
+ (cbt->timeout*NETWORK_LIVE_MULTIPLIER)) {
+ log_info(LD_CIRC, "Network is no longer live. Dead for %ld seconds.",
+ now - cbt->network_last_live);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ * Returns true if we have seen more than MAX_RECENT_TIMEOUT_RATE of
+ * the past RECENT_CIRCUITS time out. Used to detect if the network
+ * connection has changed significantly.
+ *
+ * Also resets the entire timeout history in this case and causes us
+ * to restart the process of building test circuits and estimating a
+ * new timeout.
+ */
+circuit_build_times_check_too_many_timeouts(circuit_build_times_t *cbt)
+ double timeout_rate=0;
+ build_time_t Xm = BUILD_TIME_MAX;
+ double timeout;
+ int i;
+ if ((cbt->pre_timeouts + cbt->total_build_times) < RECENT_CIRCUITS) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Get timeout rate and Xm for recent circs */
+ for (i = (cbt->build_times_idx - RECENT_CIRCUITS) % NCIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE;
+ i != cbt->build_times_idx;
+ i = (i + 1) % NCIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE) {
+ if (cbt->circuit_build_times[i] && cbt->circuit_build_times[i] < Xm) {
+ Xm = cbt->circuit_build_times[i];
+ }
+ if (cbt->circuit_build_times[i] > (build_time_t)cbt->timeout*1000) {
+ timeout_rate++;
+ }
+ }
+ timeout_rate += cbt->pre_timeouts;
+ timeout_rate /= RECENT_CIRCUITS;
+ /* If more than 80% of our recent circuits are timing out,
+ * we need to re-estimate a new initial alpha and timeout */
+ if (timeout_rate < MAX_RECENT_TIMEOUT_RATE) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ log_notice(LD_CIRC,
+ "Network connection speed appears to have changed. "
+ "Resetting timeouts after %d pretimouts and %d buildtimes",
+ cbt->pre_timeouts, cbt->total_build_times);
+ if (Xm >= (build_time_t)cbt->timeout*1000) {
+ Xm = circuit_build_times_min(cbt);
+ if (Xm >= (build_time_t)cbt->timeout*1000) {
+ /* No circuits have completed */
+ cbt->timeout *= 2;
+ log_warn(LD_CIRC,
+ "Adjusting CircuitBuildTimeout to %d in the hopes that "
+ "some connections will succeed", cbt->timeout);
+ goto reset;
+ }
+ }
+ tor_assert(Xm > 0);
+ cbt->Xm = Xm;
+ circuit_build_times_initial_alpha(cbt, 1.0-timeout_rate,
+ cbt->timeout*1000);
+ timeout = circuit_build_times_calculate_timeout(cbt,
+ /* timeout is INT32_MAX at most */
+ cbt->timeout = (uint32_t)lround(timeout/1000.0);
+ if (cbt->timeout < BUILD_TIMEOUT_MIN_VALUE) {
+ log_warn(LD_CIRC, "Reset buildtimeout to low value %lf. Setting to %d",
+ cbt->timeout = BUILD_TIMEOUT_MIN_VALUE;
+ }
+ log_notice(LD_CIRC,
+ "Reset circuit build timeout to %d (%lf, Xm: %d, a: %lf) based "
+ "on %d recent circuit times", cbt->timeout, timeout, cbt->Xm,
+ cbt->alpha, RECENT_CIRCUITS);
+ /* Reset all data */
+ circuit_build_times_reset(cbt);
+ return 1;
+ * Store a timeout as a synthetic value
+ */
+circuit_build_times_add_timeout(circuit_build_times_t *cbt)
+ /* Only count timeouts if network is live.. */
+ if (!circuit_build_times_is_network_live(cbt)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ /* If there are a ton of timeouts, we should reduce
+ * the circuit build timeout */
+ if (circuit_build_times_check_too_many_timeouts(cbt)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!cbt->have_computed_timeout) {
+ /* Store a timeout before we have enough data as special */
+ cbt->pre_timeouts++;
+ return;
+ }
+ circuit_build_times_count_pretimeouts(cbt);
+ circuit_build_times_add_timeout_worker(cbt, BUILDTIMEOUT_QUANTILE_CUTOFF);
+ * Estimate a new timeout based on history and set our timeout
+ * variable accordingly.
+ */
+circuit_build_times_set_timeout(circuit_build_times_t *cbt)
+ double timeout;
+ if (cbt->total_build_times < MIN_CIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE) {
+ log_info(LD_CIRC,
+ "Not enough circuits yet to calculate a new build timeout."
+ " Need %d more.",
+ MIN_CIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE-cbt->total_build_times);
+ return;
+ }
+ circuit_build_times_count_pretimeouts(cbt);
+ circuit_build_times_update_alpha(cbt);
+ timeout = circuit_build_times_calculate_timeout(cbt,
+ cbt->have_computed_timeout = 1;
+ /* timeout is INT32_MAX at most */
+ cbt->timeout = (uint32_t)lround(timeout/1000.0);
+ if (cbt->timeout < BUILD_TIMEOUT_MIN_VALUE) {
+ log_warn(LD_CIRC, "Set buildtimeout to low value %lf. Setting to %d",
+ cbt->timeout = BUILD_TIMEOUT_MIN_VALUE;
+ }
+ log_info(LD_CIRC,
+ "Set circuit build timeout to %d (%lf, Xm: %d, a: %lf) based on "
+ "%d circuit times", cbt->timeout, timeout, cbt->Xm, cbt->alpha,
+ cbt->total_build_times);
/** Iterate over values of circ_id, starting from conn-\>next_circ_id,
* and with the high bit specified by conn-\>circ_id_type, until we get
* a circ_id that is not in use by any other circuit on that conn.
@@ -641,8 +1377,16 @@ circuit_send_next_onion_skin(origin_circuit_t *circ)
log_debug(LD_CIRC,"starting to send subsequent skin.");
hop = onion_next_hop_in_cpath(circ->cpath);
if (!hop) {
+ struct timeval end;
+ long timediff;
+ tor_gettimeofday(&end);
+ timediff = tv_mdiff(&circ->_base.highres_created, &end);
+ if (timediff > INT32_MAX)
+ timediff = INT32_MAX;
/* done building the circuit. whew. */
circuit_set_state(TO_CIRCUIT(circ), CIRCUIT_STATE_OPEN);
+ circuit_build_times_add_time(&circ_times, (uint32_t)timediff);
+ circuit_build_times_set_timeout(&circ_times);
log_info(LD_CIRC,"circuit built!");
if (circ->build_state->onehop_tunnel)
diff --git a/src/or/circuitlist.c b/src/or/circuitlist.c
index e1da11716..259666732 100644
--- a/src/or/circuitlist.c
+++ b/src/or/circuitlist.c
@@ -379,6 +379,7 @@ static void
init_circuit_base(circuit_t *circ)
circ->timestamp_created = time(NULL);
+ tor_gettimeofday(&circ->highres_created);
circ->package_window = circuit_initial_package_window();
circ->deliver_window = CIRCWINDOW_START;
@@ -407,6 +408,8 @@ origin_circuit_new(void)
+ circ_times.last_circ_at = approx_time();
return circ;
diff --git a/src/or/circuituse.c b/src/or/circuituse.c
index ee2d0bbab..7ca65bcc5 100644
--- a/src/or/circuituse.c
+++ b/src/or/circuituse.c
@@ -264,8 +264,8 @@ void
circuit_expire_building(time_t now)
circuit_t *victim, *circ = global_circuitlist;
- time_t general_cutoff = now - get_options()->CircuitBuildTimeout;
- time_t begindir_cutoff = now - get_options()->CircuitBuildTimeout/2;
+ time_t general_cutoff = now - circ_times.timeout;
+ time_t begindir_cutoff = now - circ_times.timeout/2;
time_t introcirc_cutoff = begindir_cutoff;
cpath_build_state_t *build_state;
@@ -358,6 +358,8 @@ circuit_expire_building(time_t now)
circuit_mark_for_close(victim, END_CIRC_REASON_TIMEOUT);
+ circuit_build_times_add_timeout(&circ_times);
+ circuit_build_times_set_timeout(&circ_times);
@@ -517,6 +519,16 @@ circuit_predict_and_launch_new(void)
circuit_launch_by_router(CIRCUIT_PURPOSE_C_GENERAL, NULL, flags);
+ /* Finally, check to see if we still need more circuits to learn
+ * a good build timeout */
+ if (circuit_build_times_needs_circuits_now(&circ_times)) {
+ log_info(LD_CIRC,
+ "Have %d clean circs need another buildtime test circ.", num);
+ circuit_launch_by_router(CIRCUIT_PURPOSE_C_GENERAL, NULL, flags);
+ return;
+ }
/** Build a new test circuit every 5 minutes */
@@ -631,7 +643,15 @@ static void
circuit_expire_old_circuits(time_t now)
circuit_t *circ;
- time_t cutoff = now - get_options()->CircuitIdleTimeout;
+ time_t cutoff;
+ if (circuit_build_times_needs_circuits(&circ_times)) {
+ /* Circuits should be shorter lived if we need them
+ * for build time testing */
+ cutoff = now - get_options()->MaxCircuitDirtiness;
+ } else {
+ cutoff = now - get_options()->CircuitIdleTimeout;
+ }
for (circ = global_circuitlist; circ; circ = circ->next) {
if (circ->marked_for_close || ! CIRCUIT_IS_ORIGIN(circ))
diff --git a/src/or/config.c b/src/or/config.c
index d830229d3..0712fbee7 100644
--- a/src/or/config.c
+++ b/src/or/config.c
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ static config_var_t _option_vars[] = {
V(BridgeRecordUsageByCountry, BOOL, "1"),
V(BridgeRelay, BOOL, "0"),
V(CellStatistics, BOOL, "0"),
- V(CircuitBuildTimeout, INTERVAL, "1 minute"),
+ V(CircuitBuildTimeout, INTERVAL, "0"),
V(CircuitIdleTimeout, INTERVAL, "1 hour"),
V(ClientDNSRejectInternalAddresses, BOOL,"1"),
V(ClientOnly, BOOL, "0"),
@@ -409,6 +409,10 @@ static config_var_t _state_vars[] = {
V(LastRotatedOnionKey, ISOTIME, NULL),
V(LastWritten, ISOTIME, NULL),
+ V(TotalBuildTimes, UINT, NULL),
+ VAR("CircuitBuildTimeBin", LINELIST_S, BuildtimeHistogram, NULL),
+ VAR("BuildtimeHistogram", LINELIST_V, BuildtimeHistogram, NULL),
@@ -597,6 +601,10 @@ static config_var_description_t options_description[] = {
/* Hidden service options: HiddenService: dir,excludenodes, nodes,
* options, port. PublishHidServDescriptor */
+ /* Circuit build time histogram options */
+ { "CircuitBuildTimeBin", "Histogram of recent circuit build times"},
+ { "TotalBuildTimes", "Total number of buildtimes in histogram"},
/* Nonpersistent options: __LeaveStreamsUnattached, __AllDirActionsPrivate */
@@ -2911,11 +2919,6 @@ compute_publishserverdescriptor(or_options_t *options)
/** Highest allowable value for RendPostPeriod. */
-/** Lowest allowable value for CircuitBuildTimeout; values too low will
- * increase network load because of failing connections being retried, and
- * might prevent users from connecting to the network at all. */
/** Lowest allowable value for MaxCircuitDirtiness; if this is too low, Tor
* will generate too many circuits and potentially overload the network. */
@@ -3362,12 +3365,6 @@ options_validate(or_options_t *old_options, or_options_t *options,
options->RendPostPeriod = MAX_DIR_PERIOD;
- if (options->CircuitBuildTimeout < MIN_CIRCUIT_BUILD_TIMEOUT) {
- log(LOG_WARN, LD_CONFIG, "CircuitBuildTimeout option is too short; "
- "raising to %d seconds.", MIN_CIRCUIT_BUILD_TIMEOUT);
- options->CircuitBuildTimeout = MIN_CIRCUIT_BUILD_TIMEOUT;
- }
if (options->MaxCircuitDirtiness < MIN_MAX_CIRCUIT_DIRTINESS) {
log(LOG_WARN, LD_CONFIG, "MaxCircuitDirtiness option is too short; "
"raising to %d seconds.", MIN_MAX_CIRCUIT_DIRTINESS);
@@ -5060,6 +5057,10 @@ or_state_set(or_state_t *new_state)
log_warn(LD_GENERAL,"Unparseable bandwidth history state: %s",err);
+ if (circuit_build_times_parse_state(&circ_times, global_state, &err) < 0) {
+ log_warn(LD_GENERAL,"%s",err);
+ tor_free(err);
+ }
/** Reload the persistent state from disk, generating a new state as needed.
@@ -5192,6 +5193,7 @@ or_state_save(time_t now)
* to avoid redundant writes. */
+ circuit_build_times_update_state(&circ_times, global_state);
if (accounting_is_enabled(get_options()))
diff --git a/src/or/connection_or.c b/src/or/connection_or.c
index 8c8b5496a..aa26bf8f4 100644
--- a/src/or/connection_or.c
+++ b/src/or/connection_or.c
@@ -1036,6 +1036,8 @@ connection_tls_finish_handshake(or_connection_t *conn)
digest_rcvd) < 0)
return -1;
+ circuit_build_times_network_is_live(&circ_times);
if (tor_tls_used_v1_handshake(conn->tls)) {
conn->link_proto = 1;
if (!started_here) {
@@ -1087,6 +1089,7 @@ connection_or_set_state_open(or_connection_t *conn)
control_event_or_conn_status(conn, OR_CONN_EVENT_CONNECTED, 0);
if (started_here) {
+ circuit_build_times_network_is_live(&circ_times);
rep_hist_note_connect_succeeded(conn->identity_digest, now);
if (entry_guard_register_connect_status(conn->identity_digest,
1, 0, now) < 0) {
@@ -1187,6 +1190,7 @@ connection_or_process_cells_from_inbuf(or_connection_t *conn)
if (connection_fetch_var_cell_from_buf(conn, &var_cell)) {
if (!var_cell)
return 0; /* not yet. */
+ circuit_build_times_network_is_live(&circ_times);
command_process_var_cell(var_cell, conn);
} else {
@@ -1196,6 +1200,7 @@ connection_or_process_cells_from_inbuf(or_connection_t *conn)
available? */
return 0; /* not yet */
+ circuit_build_times_network_is_live(&circ_times);
connection_fetch_from_buf(buf, CELL_NETWORK_SIZE, TO_CONN(conn));
/* retrieve cell info from buf (create the host-order struct from the
diff --git a/src/or/or.h b/src/or/or.h
index 8587ea61f..bdb4d9792 100644
--- a/src/or/or.h
+++ b/src/or/or.h
@@ -1977,6 +1977,7 @@ typedef struct circuit_t {
time_t timestamp_created; /**< When was this circuit created? */
time_t timestamp_dirty; /**< When the circuit was first used, or 0 if the
* circuit is clean. */
+ struct timeval highres_created; /**< When exactly was the circuit created? */
uint16_t marked_for_close; /**< Should we close this circuit at the end of
* the main loop? (If true, holds the line number
@@ -2683,6 +2684,10 @@ typedef struct {
int BWHistoryWriteInterval;
smartlist_t *BWHistoryWriteValues;
+ /** Build time histogram */
+ config_line_t * BuildtimeHistogram;
+ uint16_t TotalBuildTimes;
/** What version of Tor wrote this state file? */
char *TorVersion;
@@ -2852,6 +2857,109 @@ void bridges_retry_all(void);
void entry_guards_free_all(void);
+/* Circuit Build Timeout "public" functions and structures. */
+/** How many circuits count as recent when deciding if the
+ * connection has changed. */
+/** Maximum fraction of timeouts to tolerate in the past
+ * RECENT_CIRCUITS before calculating a new timeout */
+#define MAX_RECENT_TIMEOUT_RATE 0.7999999
+/** Maximum quantile to use to generate synthetic timeouts.
+ * We want to stay a bit short of 1.0, because longtail is
+ * loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong. */
+/** Minimum circuits before estimating a timeout */
+/** Total size of the circuit timeout history to accumulate.
+ * 5000 is approx 1.5 weeks worth of continual-use circuits. */
+/** Width of the histogram bins in milliseconds */
+#define BUILDTIME_BIN_WIDTH ((build_time_t)50)
+/** Cuttof point on the CDF for our timeout estimation.
+ * TODO: This should be moved to the consensus */
+/** A build_time_t is milliseconds */
+typedef uint32_t build_time_t;
+#define BUILD_TIME_MAX ((build_time_t)(INT32_MAX))
+/** Have we received a cell in the last N seconds? */
+/** Lowest allowable value for CircuitBuildTimeout */
+/** Initial circuit build timeout */
+/** How often in seconds should we build a test circuit */
+/** Save state every 10 circuits */
+typedef struct {
+ /** The circular array of recorded build times in milliseconds */
+ build_time_t circuit_build_times[NCIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE];
+ /** The timestamp we last completed a TLS handshake or received a cell */
+ time_t network_last_live;
+ /** Last time we built a circuit. Used to decide to build new test circs */
+ time_t last_circ_at;
+ /** Current index in the circuit_build_times circular array */
+ int build_times_idx;
+ /** Total number of build times accumulated. Maxes at NCIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE */
+ int total_build_times;
+ /** Number of timeouts that have happened before estimating pareto
+ * parameters */
+ int pre_timeouts;
+ /** "Minimum" value of our pareto distribution (actually mode) */
+ build_time_t Xm;
+ /** alpha exponent for pareto dist. */
+ double alpha;
+ /** Have we computed a timeout? */
+ int have_computed_timeout;
+ /** The value for that timeout in seconds, not milliseconds */
+ int timeout;
+} circuit_build_times_t;
+extern circuit_build_times_t circ_times;
+void circuit_build_times_update_state(circuit_build_times_t *cbt,
+ or_state_t *state);
+int circuit_build_times_parse_state(circuit_build_times_t *cbt,
+ or_state_t *state, char **msg);
+void circuit_build_times_add_timeout(circuit_build_times_t *cbt);
+void circuit_build_times_set_timeout(circuit_build_times_t *cbt);
+int circuit_build_times_add_time(circuit_build_times_t *cbt,
+ build_time_t time);
+void circuit_build_times_network_is_live(circuit_build_times_t *cbt);
+int circuit_build_times_is_network_live(circuit_build_times_t *cbt);
+int circuit_build_times_needs_circuits(circuit_build_times_t *cbt);
+int circuit_build_times_needs_circuits_now(circuit_build_times_t *cbt);
+void circuit_build_times_init(circuit_build_times_t *cbt);
+double circuit_build_times_calculate_timeout(circuit_build_times_t *cbt,
+ double quantile);
+build_time_t circuit_build_times_generate_sample(circuit_build_times_t *cbt,
+ double q_lo, double q_hi);
+void circuit_build_times_initial_alpha(circuit_build_times_t *cbt,
+ double quantile, build_time_t time);
+void circuit_build_times_update_alpha(circuit_build_times_t *cbt);
+double circuit_build_times_cdf(circuit_build_times_t *cbt, double x);
+int circuit_build_times_check_too_many_timeouts(circuit_build_times_t *cbt);
+void circuit_build_times_add_timeout_worker(circuit_build_times_t *cbt,
+ double quantile_cutoff);
+void circuitbuild_running_unit_tests(void);
+void circuit_build_times_reset(circuit_build_times_t *cbt);
/********************************* circuitlist.c ***********************/
circuit_t * _circuit_get_global_list(void);
diff --git a/src/or/test.c b/src/or/test.c
index f2cc7cc1f..cf00c080d 100644
--- a/src/or/test.c
+++ b/src/or/test.c
@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ const char tor_git_revision[] = "";
+#include <math.h>
#include "or.h"
#include "test.h"
@@ -3404,6 +3407,103 @@ test_dirutil_param_voting(void)
+ return;
+static void
+ /* Plan:
+ * 1. Generate 1000 samples
+ * 2. Estimate parameters
+ * 3. If difference, repeat
+ * 4. Save state
+ * 5. load state
+ * 6. Estimate parameters
+ * 7. compare differences
+ */
+ circuit_build_times_t initial;
+ circuit_build_times_t estimate;
+ circuit_build_times_t final;
+ or_state_t state;
+ int i;
+ char *msg;
+ double timeout1, timeout2;
+ circuit_build_times_init(&initial);
+ circuit_build_times_init(&estimate);
+ circuit_build_times_init(&final);
+ memset(&state, 0, sizeof(or_state_t));
+ circuitbuild_running_unit_tests();
+#define timeout0 (build_time_t)(30*1000.0)
+ initial.Xm = 750;
+ circuit_build_times_initial_alpha(&initial, BUILDTIMEOUT_QUANTILE_CUTOFF,
+ timeout0);
+ do {
+ int n = 0;
+ for (i=0; i < MIN_CIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE; i++) {
+ if (circuit_build_times_add_time(&estimate,
+ circuit_build_times_generate_sample(&initial, 0,
+ n++;
+ }
+ }
+ circuit_build_times_update_alpha(&estimate);
+ timeout1 = circuit_build_times_calculate_timeout(&estimate,
+ circuit_build_times_set_timeout(&estimate);
+ log_warn(LD_CIRC, "Timeout is %lf, Xm is %d", timeout1, estimate.Xm);
+ /* XXX: 5% distribution error may not be the right metric */
+ } while (fabs(circuit_build_times_cdf(&initial, timeout0) -
+ circuit_build_times_cdf(&initial, timeout1)) > 0.05
+ /* 5% error */
+ && estimate.total_build_times < NCIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE);
+ test_assert(estimate.total_build_times < NCIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE);
+ circuit_build_times_update_state(&estimate, &state);
+ test_assert(circuit_build_times_parse_state(&final, &state, &msg) == 0);
+ circuit_build_times_update_alpha(&final);
+ timeout2 = circuit_build_times_calculate_timeout(&final,
+ circuit_build_times_set_timeout(&final);
+ log_warn(LD_CIRC, "Timeout is %lf, Xm is %d", timeout2, final.Xm);
+ test_assert(fabs(circuit_build_times_cdf(&initial, timeout0) -
+ circuit_build_times_cdf(&initial, timeout2)) < 0.05);
+ * and 1-that regular values. Then check for timeout error
+ * Do the same for one less timeout */
+ for (i = 0; i < RECENT_CIRCUITS; i++) {
+ circuit_build_times_add_time(&estimate,
+ circuit_build_times_generate_sample(&estimate, 0,
+ circuit_build_times_add_time(&final,
+ circuit_build_times_generate_sample(&final, 0,
+ }
+ test_assert(!circuit_build_times_check_too_many_timeouts(&estimate));
+ test_assert(!circuit_build_times_check_too_many_timeouts(&final));
+ circuit_build_times_add_timeout_worker(&estimate,
+ circuit_build_times_add_timeout_worker(&final,
+ }
+ }
+ test_assert(circuit_build_times_check_too_many_timeouts(&estimate) == 1);
+ test_assert(!circuit_build_times_check_too_many_timeouts(&final));
+ return;
extern const char AUTHORITY_CERT_1[];
@@ -4931,6 +5031,7 @@ static struct {
SUBENT(dirutil, measured_bw),
SUBENT(dirutil, param_voting),
+ ENT(circuit_timeout),