diff options
authorKarsten Loesing <karsten.loesing@gmx.net>2009-07-12 16:33:31 +0200
committerKarsten Loesing <karsten.loesing@gmx.net>2009-07-15 16:12:45 +0200
commit3c051325758c0aeeeb44054715e16d8b8717948c (patch)
parent72c5a46b43c6d89c773a99240a95301b91b1f269 (diff)
Directories now also measure download times of network statuses.
7 files changed, 326 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 30a776c29..6b4f65182 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ Changes in version - 2009-??-??
Estimated shares of v2 and v3 requests are determined as averages,
not at the end of a measurement period. Also, unresolved requests
are listed with country code '??'.
+ Directories now also measure download times of network statuses.
- Exit nodes can write statistics on the number of exit streams and
transferred bytes per port to disk every 24 hours. To enable this,
run configure with the --enable-exit-stats option, and set
diff --git a/src/or/connection.c b/src/or/connection.c
index 0897eb4a5..309421051 100644
--- a/src/or/connection.c
+++ b/src/or/connection.c
@@ -2302,6 +2302,13 @@ connection_handle_write(connection_t *conn, int force)
/* else open, or closing */
result = flush_buf_tls(or_conn->tls, conn->outbuf,
max_to_write, &conn->outbuf_flushlen);
+ /* If we just flushed the last bytes, check if this tunneled dir
+ * request is done. */
+ if (buf_datalen(conn->outbuf) == 0 && conn->request_id)
+ geoip_change_dirreq_state(conn->request_id, REQUEST_TUNNELED,
switch (result) {
diff --git a/src/or/connection_edge.c b/src/or/connection_edge.c
index 560a2433d..f32563bcd 100644
--- a/src/or/connection_edge.c
+++ b/src/or/connection_edge.c
@@ -2551,6 +2551,11 @@ connection_exit_begin_conn(cell_t *cell, circuit_t *circ)
log_debug(LD_EXIT,"Creating new exit connection.");
n_stream = edge_connection_new(CONN_TYPE_EXIT, AF_INET);
+ /* Remember the tunneled request ID in the new edge connection, so that
+ * we can measure download times. */
+ TO_CONN(n_stream)->request_id = circ->request_id;
n_stream->_base.purpose = EXIT_PURPOSE_CONNECT;
n_stream->stream_id = rh.stream_id;
@@ -2787,6 +2792,11 @@ connection_exit_connect_dir(edge_connection_t *exitconn)
dirconn->_base.purpose = DIR_PURPOSE_SERVER;
dirconn->_base.state = DIR_CONN_STATE_SERVER_COMMAND_WAIT;
+ /* Note that the new dir conn belongs to the same tunneled request as
+ * the edge conn, so that we can measure download times. */
+ TO_CONN(dirconn)->request_id = TO_CONN(exitconn)->request_id;
connection_link_connections(TO_CONN(dirconn), TO_CONN(exitconn));
if (connection_add(TO_CONN(exitconn))<0) {
diff --git a/src/or/directory.c b/src/or/directory.c
index cf9f5543d..e5230c2cb 100644
--- a/src/or/directory.c
+++ b/src/or/directory.c
@@ -2565,9 +2565,18 @@ directory_handle_command_get(dir_connection_t *conn, const char *headers,
struct in_addr in;
- if (tor_inet_aton((TO_CONN(conn))->address, &in))
+ if (tor_inet_aton((TO_CONN(conn))->address, &in)) {
geoip_note_client_seen(act, ntohl(in.s_addr), time(NULL));
geoip_note_ns_response(act, GEOIP_SUCCESS);
+ /* Note that a request for a network status has started, so that we
+ * can measure the download time later on. */
+ if (TO_CONN(conn)->request_id)
+ geoip_start_dirreq(TO_CONN(conn)->request_id, dlen, act,
+ else
+ geoip_start_dirreq(TO_CONN(conn)->global_identifier, dlen, act,
+ }
@@ -3201,6 +3210,17 @@ connection_dir_finished_flushing(dir_connection_t *conn)
tor_assert(conn->_base.type == CONN_TYPE_DIR);
+ /* Note that we have finished writing the directory response. For direct
+ * connections this means we're done, for tunneled connections its only
+ * an intermediate step. */
+ if (TO_CONN(conn)->request_id)
+ geoip_change_dirreq_state(TO_CONN(conn)->request_id, REQUEST_TUNNELED,
+ else
+ geoip_change_dirreq_state(TO_CONN(conn)->global_identifier,
switch (conn->_base.state) {
log_debug(LD_DIR,"client finished sending command.");
diff --git a/src/or/geoip.c b/src/or/geoip.c
index 14b5f6626..a7e46c0b8 100644
--- a/src/or/geoip.c
+++ b/src/or/geoip.c
@@ -570,6 +570,204 @@ _c_hist_compare(const void **_a, const void **_b)
return strcmp(a->country, b->country);
+/** When there are incomplete directory requests at the end of a 24-hour
+ * period, consider those requests running for longer than this timeout as
+ * failed, the others as still running. */
+#define DIRREQ_TIMEOUT (10*60)
+/** Entry in a map from either conn->global_identifier for direct requests
+ * or a unique circuit identifier for tunneled requests to request time,
+ * response size, and completion time of a network status request. Used to
+ * measure download times of requests to derive average client
+ * bandwidths. */
+typedef struct dirreqdlmap_entry_t {
+ directory_request_state_t state; /**< State of this directory request. */
+ /** Unique identifier for this network status request; this is either the
+ * conn->global_identifier of the dir conn (direct request) or a new
+ * locally unique identifier of a circuit (tunneled request). This ID is
+ * only unique among other direct or tunneled requests, respectively. */
+ uint64_t request_id;
+ /** Is this a direct or a tunneled request? */
+ directory_request_type_t type;
+ int completed:1; /**< Is this request complete? */
+ geoip_client_action_t action; /**< Is this a v2 or v3 request? */
+ /** When did we receive the request and started sending the response? */
+ struct timeval request_time;
+ size_t response_size; /**< What is the size of the response in bytes? */
+ struct timeval completion_time; /**< When did the request succeed? */
+} dirreqdlmap_entry_t;
+/** Map of all directory requests asking for v2 or v3 network statuses in
+ * the current geoip-stats interval. Keys are strings starting with either
+ * "dir" for direct requests or "tun" for tunneled requests, followed by
+ * a unique uint64_t identifier represented as decimal string. Values are
+ * of type *<b>dirreqdlmap_entry_t</b>. */
+static strmap_t *dirreqdlmap = NULL;
+/** Helper: Put <b>entry</b> into map of directory requests using
+ * <b>tunneled</b> and <b>request_id</b> as key parts. If there is
+ * already an entry for that key, print out a BUG warning and return. */
+static void
+_dirreqdlmap_put(dirreqdlmap_entry_t *entry,
+ directory_request_type_t type, uint64_t request_id)
+ char key[3+20+1]; /* dir|tun + -9223372036854775808 + \0 */
+ dirreqdlmap_entry_t *ent;
+ if (!dirreqdlmap)
+ dirreqdlmap = strmap_new();
+ tor_snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%s"U64_FORMAT,
+ type == REQUEST_TUNNELED ? "tun" : "dir",
+ U64_PRINTF_ARG(request_id));
+ ent = strmap_get(dirreqdlmap, key);
+ if (ent) {
+ log_warn(LD_BUG, "Error when putting directory request into local "
+ "map. There is already an entry for the same identifier.");
+ return;
+ }
+ strmap_set(dirreqdlmap, key, entry);
+/** Helper: Look up and return an entry in the map of directory requests
+ * using <b>tunneled</b> and <b>request_id</b> as key parts. If there
+ * is no such entry, return NULL. */
+static dirreqdlmap_entry_t *
+_dirreqdlmap_get(directory_request_type_t type, uint64_t request_id)
+ char key[3+20+1]; /* dir|tun + -9223372036854775808 + \0 */
+ if (!dirreqdlmap)
+ dirreqdlmap = strmap_new();
+ tor_snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%s"U64_FORMAT,
+ type == REQUEST_TUNNELED ? "tun" : "dir",
+ U64_PRINTF_ARG(request_id));
+ return strmap_get(dirreqdlmap, key);
+/** Note that an either direct or tunneled (see <b>type</b>) directory
+ * request for a network status with unique ID <b>request_id</b> of size
+ * <b>response_size</b> and action <b>action</b> (either v2 or v3) has
+ * started. */
+geoip_start_dirreq(uint64_t request_id, size_t response_size,
+ geoip_client_action_t action,
+ directory_request_type_t type)
+ dirreqdlmap_entry_t *ent = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(dirreqdlmap_entry_t));
+ ent->request_id = request_id;
+ tor_gettimeofday(&ent->request_time);
+ ent->response_size = response_size;
+ ent->action = action;
+ ent->type = type;
+ _dirreqdlmap_put(ent, type, request_id);
+/** Change the state of the either direct or tunneled (see <b>type</b>)
+ * directory request with <b>request_id</b> to <b>new_state</b> and
+ * possibly mark it as completed. If no entry can be found for the given
+ * key parts (e.g., if this is a directory request that we are not
+ * measuring, or one that was started in the previous measurement period),
+ * or if the state cannot be advanced to <b>new_state</b>, do nothing. */
+geoip_change_dirreq_state(uint64_t request_id,
+ directory_request_type_t type,
+ directory_request_state_t new_state)
+ dirreqdlmap_entry_t *ent = _dirreqdlmap_get(type, request_id);
+ if (!ent)
+ return;
+ return;
+ if (new_state - 1 != ent->state)
+ return;
+ ent->state = new_state;
+ if ((type == REQUEST_DIRECT && new_state == FLUSHING_DIR_CONN_FINISHED) ||
+ (type == REQUEST_TUNNELED && new_state == OR_CONN_BUFFER_FLUSHED)) {
+ tor_gettimeofday(&ent->completion_time);
+ ent->completed = 1;
+ }
+/** Return a newly allocated comma-separated string containing statistics
+ * on network status downloads. The string contains the number of completed
+ * requests, timeouts, and still running requests as well as the download
+ * times by deciles and quartiles. Return NULL if we have not observed
+ * requests for long enough. */
+static char *
+geoip_get_dirreqdl_history(geoip_client_action_t action,
+ directory_request_type_t type)
+ char *result = NULL;
+ smartlist_t *dirreqdl_times = NULL;
+ uint32_t complete = 0, timeouts = 0, running = 0;
+ int i = 0, bufsize = 1024, written;
+ struct timeval now;
+ tor_gettimeofday(&now);
+ if (!dirreqdlmap)
+ return NULL;
+ return NULL;
+ dirreqdl_times = smartlist_create();
+ STRMAP_FOREACH_MODIFY(dirreqdlmap, key, dirreqdlmap_entry_t *, ent) {
+ if (ent->action == action && type == ent->type) {
+ if (ent->completed) {
+ uint32_t *bytes_per_second = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(uint32_t));
+ uint32_t time_diff = (uint32_t) tv_udiff(&ent->request_time,
+ &ent->completion_time);
+ if (time_diff == 0)
+ time_diff = 1; /* Avoid DIV/0; "instant" answers are impossible
+ * anyway by law of nature or something.. */
+ *bytes_per_second = 1000000 * ent->response_size / time_diff;
+ smartlist_add(dirreqdl_times, bytes_per_second);
+ complete++;
+ } else {
+ if (tv_udiff(&ent->request_time, &now) / 1000000 > DIRREQ_TIMEOUT)
+ timeouts++;
+ else
+ running++;
+ }
+ tor_free(ent);
+ }
+ result = tor_malloc_zero(bufsize);
+ written = tor_snprintf(result, bufsize, "complete=%d,timeout=%d,"
+ "running=%d", complete, timeouts, running);
+ if (written < 0)
+ return NULL;
+ if (complete >= MIN_DIR_REQ_RESPONSES) {
+ uint32_t *dltimes = tor_malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * complete);
+ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(dirreqdl_times, uint32_t *, dlt, {
+ dltimes[i++] = *dlt;
+ tor_free(dlt);
+ });
+ median_uint32(dltimes, complete); /* sort */
+ written = tor_snprintf(result + written, bufsize - written,
+ ",min=%d,d1=%d,d2=%d,q1=%d,d3=%d,d4=%d,md=%d,"
+ "d6=%d,d7=%d,q3=%d,d8=%d,d9=%d,max=%d",
+ dltimes[0],
+ dltimes[1*complete/10-1],
+ dltimes[2*complete/10-1],
+ dltimes[1*complete/4-1],
+ dltimes[3*complete/10-1],
+ dltimes[4*complete/10-1],
+ dltimes[5*complete/10-1],
+ dltimes[6*complete/10-1],
+ dltimes[7*complete/10-1],
+ dltimes[3*complete/4-1],
+ dltimes[8*complete/10-1],
+ dltimes[9*complete/10-1],
+ dltimes[complete-1]);
+ tor_free(dltimes);
+ }
+ if (written < 0)
+ result = NULL;
+ smartlist_free(dirreqdl_times);
+ return result;
/** How long do we have to have observed per-country request history before we
* are willing to talk about it? */
@@ -785,6 +983,23 @@ dump_geoip_stats(void)
goto done;
+ data_v2 = geoip_get_dirreqdl_history(GEOIP_CLIENT_NETWORKSTATUS_V2,
+ data_v3 = geoip_get_dirreqdl_history(GEOIP_CLIENT_NETWORKSTATUS,
+ if (fprintf(out, "ns-direct-dl %s\nns-v2-direct-dl %s\n",
+ data_v3 ? data_v3 : "", data_v2 ? data_v2 : "") < 0)
+ goto done;
+ tor_free(data_v2);
+ tor_free(data_v3);
+ data_v2 = geoip_get_dirreqdl_history(GEOIP_CLIENT_NETWORKSTATUS_V2,
+ data_v3 = geoip_get_dirreqdl_history(GEOIP_CLIENT_NETWORKSTATUS,
+ if (fprintf(out, "ns-tunneled-dl %s\nns-v2-tunneled-dl %s\n",
+ data_v3 ? data_v3 : "", data_v2 ? data_v2 : "") < 0)
+ goto done;
open_file = NULL;
diff --git a/src/or/or.h b/src/or/or.h
index c18ef15fa..035d4edc0 100644
--- a/src/or/or.h
+++ b/src/or/or.h
@@ -970,6 +970,10 @@ typedef struct connection_t {
* to the evdns_server_port is uses to listen to and answer connections. */
struct evdns_server_port *dns_server_port;
+ /** Unique ID for measuring tunneled network status requests. */
+ uint64_t request_id;
} connection_t;
/** Stores flags and information related to the portion of a v2 Tor OR
@@ -1956,6 +1960,10 @@ typedef struct circuit_t {
* linked to an OR connection. */
struct circuit_t *prev_active_on_n_conn;
struct circuit_t *next; /**< Next circuit in linked list of all circuits. */
+ /** Unique ID for measuring tunneled network status requests. */
+ uint64_t request_id;
} circuit_t;
/** Largest number of relay_early cells that we can send on a given
@@ -3672,6 +3680,42 @@ int getinfo_helper_geoip(control_connection_t *control_conn,
const char *question, char **answer);
void geoip_free_all(void);
+/** Directory requests that we are measuring can be either direct or
+ * tunneled. */
+typedef enum {
+} directory_request_type_t;
+/** Possible states for either direct or tunneled directory requests that
+ * are relevant for determining network status download times. */
+typedef enum {
+ /** Found that the client requests a network status; applies to both
+ * direct and tunneled requests; initial state of a request that we are
+ * measuring. */
+ /** Finished writing a network status to the directory connection;
+ * applies to both direct and tunneled requests; completes a direct
+ * request. */
+ /** END cell sent to circuit that initiated a tunneled request. */
+ /** Flushed last cell from queue of the circuit that initiated a
+ * tunneled request to the outbuf of the OR connection. */
+ /** Flushed last byte from buffer of the OR connection belonging to the
+ * circuit that initiated a tunneled request; completes a tunneled
+ * request. */
+} directory_request_state_t;
+void geoip_start_dirreq(uint64_t request_id, size_t response_size,
+ geoip_client_action_t action,
+ directory_request_type_t type);
+void geoip_change_dirreq_state(uint64_t request_id,
+ directory_request_type_t type,
+ directory_request_state_t new_state);
/********************************* hibernate.c **********************/
int accounting_parse_options(or_options_t *options, int validate_only);
diff --git a/src/or/relay.c b/src/or/relay.c
index eb18bbaad..580048be7 100644
--- a/src/or/relay.c
+++ b/src/or/relay.c
@@ -532,6 +532,14 @@ relay_send_command_from_edge(uint16_t stream_id, circuit_t *circ,
log_debug(LD_OR,"delivering %d cell %s.", relay_command,
cell_direction == CELL_DIRECTION_OUT ? "forward" : "backward");
+ /* If we are sending an END cell and this circuit is used for a tunneled
+ * directory request, advance its state. */
+ if (relay_command == RELAY_COMMAND_END && circ->request_id)
+ geoip_change_dirreq_state(circ->request_id, REQUEST_TUNNELED,
if (cell_direction == CELL_DIRECTION_OUT && circ->n_conn) {
/* if we're using relaybandwidthrate, this conn wants priority */
circ->n_conn->client_used = approx_time();
@@ -1032,6 +1040,18 @@ connection_edge_process_relay_cell(cell_t *cell, circuit_t *circ,
"Begin cell for known stream. Dropping.");
return 0;
+ if (rh.command == RELAY_COMMAND_BEGIN_DIR) {
+ /* Assign this circuit and its app-ward OR connection a unique ID,
+ * so that we can measure download times. The local edge and dir
+ * connection will be assigned the same ID when they are created
+ * and linked. */
+ static uint64_t next_id = 0;
+ circ->request_id = ++next_id;
+ TO_CONN(TO_OR_CIRCUIT(circ)->p_conn)->request_id = circ->request_id;
+ }
return connection_exit_begin_conn(cell, circ);
@@ -1821,6 +1841,14 @@ connection_or_flush_from_first_active_circuit(or_connection_t *conn, int max,
+ /* If we just flushed our queue and this circuit is used for a
+ * tunneled directory request, possibly advance its state. */
+ if (queue->n == 0 && TO_CONN(conn)->request_id)
+ geoip_change_dirreq_state(TO_CONN(conn)->request_id,
connection_write_to_buf(cell->body, CELL_NETWORK_SIZE, TO_CONN(conn));