diff options
authorNick Mathewson <nickm@torproject.org>2009-05-22 02:57:54 -0400
committerNick Mathewson <nickm@torproject.org>2009-05-22 02:57:54 -0400
commit047bc09565eff6a699b4ce0a608b6ecec1de2c8f (patch)
parent4e1b20b1d3761d3d9199287ea5697b6ea6f7d088 (diff)
New short proposal about detecting if a node is a client.
2 files changed, 117 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/spec/proposals/000-index.txt b/doc/spec/proposals/000-index.txt
index ab681acc4..8c8b0ab5d 100644
--- a/doc/spec/proposals/000-index.txt
+++ b/doc/spec/proposals/000-index.txt
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ Proposals by number:
160 Authorities vote for bandwidth offsets in consensus [OPEN]
161 Computing Bandwidth Adjustments [OPEN]
162 Publish the consensus in multiple flavors [OPEN]
+163 Detecting whether a connection comes from a client [OPEN]
Proposals by status:
@@ -107,6 +108,7 @@ Proposals by status:
160 Authorities vote for bandwidth offsets in consensus [for 0.2.2.x]
161 Computing Bandwidth Adjustments [for 0.2.2.x]
162 Publish the consensus in multiple flavors [for 0.2.2]
+ 163 Detecting whether a connection comes from a client [for 0.2.2]
110 Avoiding infinite length circuits [for 0.2.1.x] [in]
117 IPv6 exits [for 0.2.1.x]
diff --git a/doc/spec/proposals/163-detecting-clients.txt b/doc/spec/proposals/163-detecting-clients.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d838b1706
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/spec/proposals/163-detecting-clients.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+Filename: 163-detecting-clients.txt
+Title: Detecting whether a connection comes from a client
+Author: Nick Mathewson
+Created: 22-May-2009
+Target: 0.2.2
+Status: Open
+ Some aspects of Tor's design require relays to distinguish
+ connections from clients from connections that come from relays.
+ The existing means for doing this is easy to spoof. We propose
+ a better approach.
+ There are at least two reasons for which Tor servers want to tell
+ which connections come from clients and which come from other
+ servers:
+ 1) Some exits, proposal 152 notwithstanding, want to disallow
+ their use as single-hop proxies.
+ 2) Some performance-related proposals involve prioritizing
+ traffic from relays, or limiting traffic per client (but not
+ per relay).
+ Right now, we detect client vs server status based on how the
+ client opens circuits. (Check out the code that implements the
+ AllowSingleHopExits option if you want all the details.) This
+ method is depressingly easy to fake, though. This document
+ proposes better means.
+ To make grabbing relay privileges at least as difficult as just
+ running a relay.
+ In the analysis below, "using server privileges" means taking any
+ action that only servers are supposed to do, like delivering a
+ BEGIN cell to an exit node that doesn't allow single hop exits,
+ or claiming server-like amounts of bandwidth.
+Passive detection:
+ A connection is definitely a client connection if it takes one of
+ the TLS methods during setup that does not establish an identity
+ key.
+ A circuit is definitely a client circuit if it is initiated with
+ a CREATE_FAST cell, though the node could be a client or a server.
+ A node that's listed in a recent consensus is probably a server.
+ A node to which we have successfully extended circuits from
+ multiple origins is probably a server.
+Active detection:
+ If a node doesn't try to use server privileges at all, we never
+ need to care whether it's a server.
+ When a node or circuit tries to use server privileges, if it is
+ "definitely a client" as per above, we can refuse it immediately.
+ If it's "probably a server" as per above, we can accept it.
+ Otherwise, we have either a client, or a server that is neither
+ listed in any consensus or used by any other clients -- in other
+ words, a new or private server.
+ For these servers, we should attempt to build one or more test
+ circuits through them. If enough of the circuits succeed, the
+ node is a real relay. If not, it is probably a client.
+ While we are waiting for the test circuits to succeed, we should
+ allow a short grace period in which server privileges are
+ permitted. When a test is done, we should remember its outcome
+ for a while, so we don't need to do it again.
+Why it's hard to do good testing:
+ Doing a test circuit starting with an unlisted router requires
+ only that we have an open connection for it. Doing a test
+ circuit starting elsewhere _through_ an unlisted router--though
+ more reliable-- would require that we have a known address, port,
+ identity key, and onion key for the router. Only the address and
+ identity key are easily available via the current Tor protocol in
+ all cases.
+ We could fix this part by requiring that all servers support
+ BEGIN_DIR and support downloading at least a current descriptor
+ for themselves.
+Open questions:
+ What are the thresholds for the needed numbers of circuits
+ for us to decide that a node is a relay?
+ [Suggested answer: two circuits from two distinct hosts.]
+ How do we pick grace periods? How long do we remember the
+ outcome of a test?
+ [Suggested answer: 10 minute grace period; 48 hour memory of
+ test outcomes.]
+ If we can build circuits starting at a suspect node, but we don't
+ have enough information to try extending circuits elsewhere
+ through the node, should we conclude that the node is
+ "server-like" or not?
+ [Suggested answer: for now, just try making circuits through
+ the node. Extend this to extending circuits as needed.]