--- layout: "libvirt" page_title: "Libvirt: libvirt_network" sidebar_current: "docs-libvirt-network" description: |- Manages a virtual machine (network) in libvirt --- # libvirt\_network Manages a VM network resource within libvirt. For more information see [the official documentation](https://libvirt.org/formatnetwork.html). ## Example Usage ```hcl resource "libvirt_network" "kube_network" { # the name used by libvirt name = "k8snet" # mode can be: "nat" (default), "none", "route", "bridge" mode = "nat" # the domain used by the DNS server in this network domain = "k8s.local" # the addresses allowed for domains connected and served by the DHCP server addresses = ["", "2001:db8:ca2:2::1/64"] # (optional) the bridge device defines the name of a bridge device # which will be used to construct the virtual network. # (only necessary in "bridge" mode) # bridge = "br7" # (Optional) DNS configuration dns { local_only = true # (Optional) one or more DNS forwarder entries. One or both of # "address" and "domain" must be specified. The format is: # forwarder { # address = "my address" # domain = "my domain" # } } } ``` ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `name` - (Required) A unique name for the resource, required by libvirt. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. * `domain` - (Optional) The domain used by the DNS server. * `addresses` - (Optional) A list of (0 or 1) IPv4 and (0 or 1) IPv6 subnets in CIDR notation format for being served by the DHCP server. Address of subnet should be used. No DHCP server will be started if this attributed is omitted. * `mode` - One of: - `none`: the guests can talk to each other and the host OS, but cannot reach any other machines on the LAN. - `nat`: it is the default network mode. This is a configuration that allows guest OS to get outbound connectivity regardless of whether the host uses ethernet, wireless, dialup, or VPN networking without requiring any specific admin configuration. In the absence of host networking, it at least allows guests to talk directly to each other. - `route`: this is a variant on the default network which routes traffic from the virtual network to the LAN **without applying any NAT**. It requires that the IP address range be pre-configured in the routing tables of the router on the host network. - `bridge`: use a pre-existing host bridge. The guests will effectively be directly connected to the physical network (i.e. their IP addresses will all be on the subnet of the physical network, and there will be no restrictions on inbound or outbound connections). The `bridge` network attribute is mandatory in this case. * `bridge` - (Optional) The bridge device defines the name of a bridge device which will be used to construct the virtual network (when not provided, it will be automatically obtained by libvirt in `none`, `nat` and `route` modes). * `autostart` - (Optional) Set to `true` to start the network on host boot up. If not specified `false` is assumed. * `dns` - (Optional) DNS configuration * `enabled` - (Optional) when false, disable the DNS server * `local_only` - (Optional) when set, then DNS requests for this domain will only be resolved by the virtual network's own DNS server (they will not be forwarded to the host's upstream DNS server) * `host` - (Optional) the host element within DNS is the definition of DNS hosts to be passed to the DNS service. The IP address is identified by the `address` attribute and the names for that IP address are identified in the `name` sub-elements of the host element. ```hcl resource "libvirt_network" "my_network" { ... dns { host { address = "" name = ["server1.com", "server2.com"] } } } ``` * `forwarder` - (Optional) a list of DNS forwarders, with entries following the `[Domain ->] Domain|IP` format. Each forwarder element defines an alternate DNS server to use for some, or all, DNS requests sent to this network's DNS server. There are two attributes: a `Domain` and/or an `IP` (at least one of these must be specified). - If both `Domain` and `IP` are specified, then all requests that match the given `Domain` will be forwarded to the DNS server at `IP`. - If only `Domain` is specified, then all matching domains will be resolved locally (or via the host's standard DNS forwarding if they can't be resolved locally) - If an `IP` is specified by itself, then all DNS requests to the network's DNS server will be forwarded to the DNS server at that address with no exceptions. For example: : ```hcl resource "libvirt_network" "my_network" { ... dns { forwarders = ["", "my.domain.com ->"] } } ``` * `dhcp` - (Optional) DHCP configuration * `enabled` - (Optional) when false, disable the DHCP server * `routes` - (Optional) List of static routes, as a list of `CIDR -> gateway`. For example: ```hcl resource "libvirt_network" "my_network" { ... routes = [ " ->", " ->", " ->", "2001:db9:4:1::/64 -> 2001:db8:ca2:2::3" ] } ``` ## Attributes Reference * `id` - a unique identifier for the resource