--- layout: "libvirt" page_title: "Libvirt: libvirt_domain" sidebar_current: "docs-libvirt-domain" description: |- Manages a virtual machine (domain) in libvirt --- # libvirt\_domain Manages a VM domain resource within libvirt. For more information see [the official documentation](https://libvirt.org/formatdomain.html). ## Example Usage ```hcl resource "libvirt_domain" "default" { name = "test" } ``` ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `name` - (Required) A unique name for the resource, required by libvirt. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. * `cpu` - (Optional) Configures CPU mode. See [below](#cpu-mode) for more details. * `vcpu` - (Optional) The amount of virtual CPUs. If not specified, a single CPU will be created. * `memory` - (Optional) The amount of memory in MiB. If not specified the domain will be created with 512 MiB of memory be used. * `running` - (Optional) Use `false` to turn off the instance. If not specified, true is assumed and the instance, if stopped, will be started at next apply. * `disk` - (Optional) An array of one or more disks to attach to the domain. The `disk` object structure is documented [below](#handling-disks). * `network_interface` - (Optional) An array of one or more network interfaces to attach to the domain. The `network_interface` object structure is documented [below](#handling-network-interfaces). * `cloudinit` - (Optional) The `libvirt_cloudinit` disk that has to be used by the domain. This is going to be attached as a CDROM ISO. Changing the cloud-init won't cause the domain to be recreated, however the change will have effect on the next reboot. * `autostart` - (Optional) Set to `true` to start the domain on host boot up. If not specified `false` is assumed. * `filesystem` - (Optional) An array of one or more host filesystems to attach to the domain. The `filesystem` object structure is documented [below](#sharing-filesystem-between-libvirt-host-and-guest). * `coreos_ignition` - (Optional) The [libvirt_ignition](/docs/providers/libvirt/r/coreos_ignition.html) resource that is to be used by the CoreOS domain. * `arch` - (Optional) The architecture for the VM (probably x86_64 or i686), you normally won't need to set this unless you are building a special VM * `machine` - (Optional) The machine type, you normally won't need to set this unless you are running on a platform that defaults to the wrong machine type for your template ### UEFI images Some extra arguments are also provided for using UEFI images: * `firmware` - (Optional) The UEFI rom images for exercising UEFI secure boot in a qemu environment. Users should usually specify one of the standard _Open Virtual Machine Firmware_ (_OVMF_) images available for their distributions. The file will be opened read-only. * `nvram` - (Optional) this block allows specifying the following attributes related to the _nvram_: * `file` - path to the file backing the NVRAM store for non-volatile variables. When provided, this file must be writable and specific to this domain, as it will be updated when running the domain. However, `libvirt` can manage this automatically (and this is the recommended solution) if a mapping for the firmware to a _variables file_ exists in `/etc/libvirt/qemu.conf:nvram`. In that case, `libvirt` will copy that variables file into a file specific for this domain. * `template` - (Optional) path to the file used to override variables from the master NVRAM store. So you should typically use the firmware as this, ```hcl resource "libvirt_domain" "my_machine" { name = "my_machine" firmware = "/usr/share/qemu/ovmf-x86_64-code.bin" memory = "2048" disk { volume_id = "${libvirt_volume.volume.id}" } ... } ``` and `/etc/libvirt/qemu.conf` should contain: ```hcl nvram = [ "/usr/share/qemu/ovmf-x86_64-code.bin:/usr/share/qemu/ovmf-x86_64-vars.bin" ] ``` In case you need (or want) to specify the path for the NVRAM store, the domain definition should look like this: ```hcl resource "libvirt_domain" "my_machine" { name = "my_machine" firmware = "/usr/share/qemu/ovmf-x86_64-code.bin" nvram { file = "/usr/local/share/qemu/custom-vars.bin" } memory = "2048" disk { volume_id = "${libvirt_volume.volume.id}" } ... } ``` Finally, if you want the initial values for the NVRAM to be overridden by custom initial values coming from a template, the domain definition should look like this: ```hcl resource "libvirt_domain" "my_machine" { name = "my_machine" firmware = "/usr/share/qemu/ovmf-x86_64-code.bin" nvram { file = "/usr/local/share/qemu/custom-vars.bin" template = "/usr/local/share/qemu/template-vars.bin" } memory = "2048" disk { volume_id = "${libvirt_volume.volume.id}" } ... } ``` ### Handling disks The `disk` block supports: * `volume_id` - (Required) The volume id to use for this disk. * `scsi` - (Optional) Use a scsi controller for this disk. The controller model is set to `virtio-scsi` * `wwn` - (Optional) Specify a WWN to use for the disk if the disk is using a scsi controller, if not specified then a random wwn is generated for the disk ```hcl resource "libvirt_volume" "leap" { name = "leap" source = "http://someurl/openSUSE_Leap-42.1.qcow2" } resource "libvirt_volume" "mydisk" { name = "mydisk" base_volume_id = "${libvirt_volume.leap.id}" } resource "libvirt_domain" "domain1" { name = "domain1" disk { volume_id = "${libvirt_volume.mydisk.id}" scsi = "yes" } } ``` Also note that the `disk` block is actually a list of maps, so it is possible to declare several of them by using either the literal list and map syntax as in the following examples: ```hcl resource "libvirt_domain" "my_machine" { ... disk { volume_id = "${libvirt_volume.volume1.id}" } disk { volume_id = "${libvirt_volume.volume2.id}" } } ``` ```hcl resource "libvirt_domain" "my_machine" { ... disk = [ { volume_id = "${libvirt_volume.volume1.id}" }, { volume_id = "${libvirt_volume.volume2.id}" } ] } ``` ```hcl resource "libvirt_domain" "my_machine" { ... disk = ["${var.disk_map_list}"] } ``` ### Handling network interfaces The `network_interface` specifies a network interface that can be connected either to a virtual network (the preferred method on hosts with dynamic / wireless networking configs) or directly to a LAN. ```hcl resource "libvirt_domain" "domain1" { name = "domain1" network_interface { network_id = "${libvirt_network.net1.id}" hostname = "master" addresses = [""] mac = "AA:BB:CC:11:22:22" wait_for_lease = 1 } } ``` When using a virtual network, users can specify: * `network_name` - (Optional) The name of an _existing_ network to attach this interface to. The network will _NOT_ be managed by the Terraform libvirt provider. * `network_id` - (Optional) The ID of a network resource to attach this interface to. This is a [network resource](/docs/providers/libvirt/r/network.html) managed by the Terraform libvirt provider. * `mac` - (Optional) The specific MAC address to use for this interface. * `addresses` - (Optional) An IP address for this domain in this network. * `hostname` - (Optional) A hostname that will be assigned to this domain resource in this network. * `wait_for_lease`- (Optional) When creating the domain resource, wait until the network interface gets a DHCP lease from libvirt, so that the computed IP addresses will be available when the domain is up and the plan applied. When connecting to a LAN, users can specify a target device with: * `bridge` - Provides a bridge from the VM directly to the LAN. This assumes there is a bridge device on the host which has one or more of the hosts physical NICs enslaved. The guest VM will have an associated _tun_ device created and enslaved to the bridge. The IP range / network configuration is whatever is used on the LAN. This provides the guest VM full incoming & outgoing net access just like a physical machine. * `vepa` - All VMs' packets are sent to the external bridge. Packets whose destination is a VM on the same host as where the packet originates from are sent back to the host by the VEPA capable bridge (today's bridges are typically not VEPA capable). * `macvtap` - Packets whose destination is on the same host as where they originate from are directly delivered to the target macvtap device. Both origin and destination devices need to be in bridge mode for direct delivery. If either one of them is in vepa mode, a VEPA capable bridge is required. * `passthrough` - This feature attaches a virtual function of a SRIOV capable NIC directly to a VM without losing the migration capability. All packets are sent to the VF/IF of the configured network device. Depending on the capabilities of the device additional prerequisites or limitations may apply; for example, on Linux this requires kernel 2.6.38 or newer. Example of a `macvtap` interface: ```hcl resource "libvirt_domain" "my-domain" { name = "master" ... network_interface { macvtap = "eth0" } } ``` **Warning:** the [Qemu guest agent](http://wiki.libvirt.org/page/Qemu_guest_agent) must be installed and running inside of the domain in order to discover the IP addresses of all the network interfaces attached to a LAN. ### Graphics devices The optional `graphics` block allows you to override the default graphics settings. The block supports: * `type` - the type of graphics emulation (default is "spice") * `autoport` - defaults to "yes" * `listen_type` - "listen type", defaults to "none" On occasion we have found it necessary to set a `type` of `vnc` and a `listen_type` of `address` with certain builds of QEMU. The `graphics` block will look as follows: ```hcl resource "libvirt_domain" "my_machine" { ... graphics { type = "vnc" listen_type = "address" } } ``` ~> **Note well:** the `graphics` block is ignored for the architectures `s390x` and `ppc64`. ### Console devices The optional `console` block allows you to define a console for the domain. The block looks as follows: ```hcl resource "libvirt_domain" "my_machine" { ... console { type = "pty" target_port = "0" target_type = <"serial" or "virtio"> source_path = "/dev/pts/4" } } ``` ~> **Note well:** See [libvirt Domain XML Console element](https://libvirt.org/formatdomain.html#elementsConsole) for more information. ### CPU mode The optional `cpu` block allows to configure CPU mode. Example: ```hcl resource "libvirt_domain" "my_machine" { ... cpu { mode = "host-passthrough" } } ``` To start the domain on host boot up set `autostart` to `true` like so: ``` resource "libvirt_domain" "my_machine" { ... autostart = true } ``` ### Sharing filesystem between libvirt host and guest The optional `filesystem` block allows to define one or more [filesytem](https://libvirt.org/formatdomain.html#elementsFilesystems) entries to be added to the domain. This allows to share a directory of the libvirtd host with the guest. Currently the following attributes are supported: * `accessmode`: specifies the security mode for accessing the source. By default the `mapped` mode is chosen. * `source`: the directory of the host to be shared with the guest. * `target`: an arbitrary string tag that is exported to the guest as a hint for where to mount the source. * `readonly`: enables exporting filesystem as a readonly mount for guest, by default read-only access is given. Example: ```hcl filesystem { source = "/tmp" target = "tmp" readonly = false } filesystem { source = "/proc" target = "proc" readonly = true } ``` The exported filesystems can be mounted inside of the guest in this way: ```hcl sudo mount -t 9p -o trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L,rw tmp /host/tmp sudo mount -t 9p -o trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L,r proc /host/proc ``` This can be automated inside of `/etc/fstab`: ```hcl tmp /host/tmp 9p trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L,rw 0 0 proc /host/proc 9p trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L,r 0 0 ``` ## Attributes Reference * `id` - a unique identifier for the resource. * `network_interface..addresses.` - M-th IP address assigned to the N-th network interface.