--- layout: "libvirt" page_title: "Libvirt: libvirt_ignition" sidebar_current: "docs-libvirt-ignition" description: |- Manages a CoreOS Ignition file to supply to a domain --- # libvirt\_ignition Manages a [CoreOS Ignition](https://coreos.com/ignition/docs/latest/supported-platforms.html) file written as a volume to a libvirt storage pool that can be used to customize a CoreOS Domain during first boot. ~> **Note:** to make use of Ignition files with CoreOS the host must be running QEMU v2.6 or greater. ## Example Usage ```hcl resource "libvirt_ignition" "ignition" { name = "example.ign" content = } ``` ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `name` - (Required) A unique name for the resource, required by libvirt. * `pool` - (Optional) The pool where the resource will be created. If not given, the `default` pool will be used. * `content` - (Required) This points to the source of the Ignition configuration information that will be used to create the Ignition file in the libvirt storage pool. The `content` can be * The name of file that contains Ignition configuration data, or its contents * A rendered terraform Ignition object Any change of the above fields will cause a new resource to be created. ## Integration with Ignition provider The `libvirt_ignition` resource can be integrated with terraform [Ignition Provider](https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/ignition/index.html). An example where a terraform ignition provider object is used: ```hcl # Systemd unit data source containing the unit definition data "ignition_systemd_unit" "example" { name = "example.service" content = "[Service]\nType=oneshot\nExecStart=/usr/bin/echo Hello World\n\n[Install]\nWantedBy=multi-user.target" } # Ignition config include the previous defined systemd unit data source data "ignition_config" "example" { systemd = [ "${data.ignition_systemd_unit.example.id}", ] } resource "libvirt_ignition" "ignition" { name = "ignition" content = "${data.ignition_config.example.rendered}" } resource "libvirt_domain" "my_machine" { coreos_ignition = "${libvirt_ignition.ignition.id}" ... } ```