#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e GOPKG="libvirt" lint_pkg () { cd $1 echo "*** checking pkg $1 with gofmt" if [ -n "$(go fmt ./...)" ]; then echo "Go code on pkg $1 is not formatted well, run 'go fmt on pkg $1'" exit 1 fi echo " pkg $1 has no lint gofmt errors!" cd .. } lint_main () { echo '*** running gofmt on main.go' if [ -n "$(go fmt main.go)" ]; then echo "Go code on main.go is not formatted, please run 'go fmt main.go'" exit 1 fi } echo "==> Checking that code complies with gofmt requirements..." lint_pkg $GOPKG echo lint_main echo '==> go fmt OK !!! ***' exit 0