# Terraform provider for libvirt [![experimental](http://badges.github.io/stability-badges/dist/experimental.svg)](http://github.com/badges/stability-badges) This provider is still experimental/in development. To see what is left or planned, see the [issues list](https://github.com/dmacvicar/terraform-provider-libvirt/issues). This is a terraform provider that lets you provision servers on a [libvirt](https://libvirt.org/) host via [Terraform](https://terraform.io/). Build status: [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/dmacvicar/terraform-provider-libvirt.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/dmacvicar/terraform-provider-libvirt) ## Installing [Copied from the Terraform documentation](https://www.terraform.io/docs/plugins/basics.html): > To install a plugin, put the binary somewhere on your filesystem, then configure Terraform to be able to find it. The configuration where plugins are defined is ~/.terraformrc for Unix-like systems and %APPDATA%/terraform.rc for Windows. The binary should be renamed to terraform-provider-libvirt You should update your .terraformrc and refer to the binary: ```hcl providers { libvirt = "/path/to/terraform-provider-libvirt" } ``` ## Using the provider Here is an example that will setup the following: + A virtual server resource (create this as libvirt.tf and run terraform commands from this directory): ```hcl provider "libvirt" { uri = "qemu:///system" } ``` You can also set the URI in the LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI environment variable. Now, define a libvirt domain: ```hcl resource "libvirt_domain" "terraform_test" { name = "terraform_test" } ``` Now you can see the plan, apply it, and then destroy the infrastructure: ```console $ terraform plan $ terraform apply $ terraform destroy ``` ## Building from source 1. [Install Go](https://golang.org/doc/install) on your machine 2. [Set up Gopath](https://golang.org/doc/code.html) 3. `git clone` this repository into `$GOPATH/src/github.com/dmacvicar/terraform-provider-libvirt` 4. Run `go get` to get dependencies 5. Run `go install` to build the binary. You will now find the binary at `$GOPATH/bin/terraform-provider-libvirt`. ## Running 1. create the example file libvirt.tf in your working directory 2. terraform plan 3. terraform apply ## Running acceptance tests You need to define the LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI and TF_ACC variables: ```console export LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI=qemu:///system export TF_ACC=1 go test ./... ``` ## Author * Duncan Mac-Vicar P. The structure and boilerplate is inspired from the [Softlayer](https://github.com/finn-no/terraform-provider-softlayer) and [Google](https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/tree/master/builtin/providers/google) Terraform provider sources. ## License * Apache 2.0, See LICENSE file