diff options
authorThomas Hipp <>2017-11-27 16:52:07 +0100
committerThomas Hipp <>2017-11-27 16:52:07 +0100
commitc18ea2d3772fc16f7d4479d59a69becd3e81cba4 (patch)
parentc7cc7221d46e8fa7ee7d64c7eab64f5515980fc1 (diff)
tests: format hcl strings
Signed-off-by: Thomas Hipp <>
5 files changed, 251 insertions, 249 deletions
diff --git a/libvirt/cloudinit_def_test.go b/libvirt/cloudinit_def_test.go
index c2202a75..4f8091dc 100644
--- a/libvirt/cloudinit_def_test.go
+++ b/libvirt/cloudinit_def_test.go
@@ -2,15 +2,16 @@ package libvirt
import (
- ""
- ""
- libvirt ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ libvirt ""
+ ""
func TestNewCloudInitDef(t *testing.T) {
@@ -176,12 +177,12 @@ func TestCreateCloudIsoViaPlugin(t *testing.T) {
Steps: []resource.TestStep{
Config: fmt.Sprintf(`
- resource "libvirt_cloudinit" "test" {
- name = "test.iso"
- local_hostname = "tango1"
- pool = "default"
- user_data = "#cloud-config\nssh_authorized_keys: []\n"
- }`),
+ resource "libvirt_cloudinit" "test" {
+ name = "test.iso"
+ local_hostname = "tango1"
+ pool = "default"
+ user_data = "#cloud-config\nssh_authorized_keys: []\n"
+ }`),
Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
@@ -194,12 +195,12 @@ func TestCreateCloudIsoViaPlugin(t *testing.T) {
// 2nd tests Invalid userdata
Config: fmt.Sprintf(`
- resource "libvirt_cloudinit" "test" {
- name = "commoninit2.iso"
- local_hostname = "samba2"
- pool = "default"
- user_data = "invalidgino"
- }`),
+ resource "libvirt_cloudinit" "test" {
+ name = "commoninit2.iso"
+ local_hostname = "samba2"
+ pool = "default"
+ user_data = "invalidgino"
+ }`),
ExpectError: regexp.MustCompile("Error merging UserData with UserDataRaw: yaml: unmarshal errors"),
diff --git a/libvirt/resource_libvirt_coreos_ignition_test.go b/libvirt/resource_libvirt_coreos_ignition_test.go
index 027cbd3a..9330c3ea 100644
--- a/libvirt/resource_libvirt_coreos_ignition_test.go
+++ b/libvirt/resource_libvirt_coreos_ignition_test.go
@@ -12,21 +12,21 @@ import (
func TestAccLibvirtIgnition_Basic(t *testing.T) {
var volume libvirt.StorageVol
var config = fmt.Sprintf(`
- data "ignition_systemd_unit" "acceptance-test-systemd" {
- name = "example.service"
- content = "[Service]\nType=oneshot\nExecStart=/usr/bin/echo Hello World\n\n[Install]\"
- }
- data "ignition_config" "acceptance-test-config" {
- systemd = [
- "${}",
- ]
- }
- resource "libvirt_ignition" "ignition" {
- name = "ignition"
- content = "${data.ignition_config.acceptance-test-config.rendered}"
- }
+ data "ignition_systemd_unit" "acceptance-test-systemd" {
+ name = "example.service"
+ content = "[Service]\nType=oneshot\nExecStart=/usr/bin/echo Hello World\n\n[Install]\"
+ }
+ data "ignition_config" "acceptance-test-config" {
+ systemd = [
+ "${}",
+ ]
+ }
+ resource "libvirt_ignition" "ignition" {
+ name = "ignition"
+ content = "${data.ignition_config.acceptance-test-config.rendered}"
+ }
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
diff --git a/libvirt/resource_libvirt_domain_test.go b/libvirt/resource_libvirt_domain_test.go
index 055c67c4..47c99ef5 100644
--- a/libvirt/resource_libvirt_domain_test.go
+++ b/libvirt/resource_libvirt_domain_test.go
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ import (
func TestAccLibvirtDomain_Basic(t *testing.T) {
var domain libvirt.Domain
var config = fmt.Sprintf(`
- resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain-1" {
- name = "terraform-test"
- }`)
+ resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain-1" {
+ name = "terraform-test"
+ }`)
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ func TestAccLibvirtDomain_Basic(t *testing.T) {
func TestAccLibvirtDomain_Detailed(t *testing.T) {
var domain libvirt.Domain
var config = fmt.Sprintf(`
- resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain-2" {
- name = "terraform-test"
- memory = 384
- vcpu = 2
- }`)
+ resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain-2" {
+ name = "terraform-test"
+ memory = 384
+ vcpu = 2
+ }`)
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
@@ -77,21 +77,21 @@ func TestAccLibvirtDomain_Volume(t *testing.T) {
var volume libvirt.StorageVol
var configVolAttached = fmt.Sprintf(`
- resource "libvirt_volume" "acceptance-test-volume" {
- name = "terraform-test"
- }
+ resource "libvirt_volume" "acceptance-test-volume" {
+ name = "terraform-test"
+ }
- resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
- name = "terraform-test"
- disk {
- volume_id = "${}"
- }
- }`)
+ resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
+ name = "terraform-test"
+ disk {
+ volume_id = "${}"
+ }
+ }`)
var configVolDettached = fmt.Sprintf(`
- resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
- name = "terraform-test"
- }`)
+ resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
+ name = "terraform-test"
+ }`)
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
@@ -121,29 +121,29 @@ func TestAccLibvirtDomain_VolumeTwoDisks(t *testing.T) {
var volume libvirt.StorageVol
var configVolAttached = fmt.Sprintf(`
- resource "libvirt_volume" "acceptance-test-volume1" {
- name = "terraform-test-vol1"
- }
+ resource "libvirt_volume" "acceptance-test-volume1" {
+ name = "terraform-test-vol1"
+ }
- resource "libvirt_volume" "acceptance-test-volume2" {
- name = "terraform-test-vol2"
- }
+ resource "libvirt_volume" "acceptance-test-volume2" {
+ name = "terraform-test-vol2"
+ }
- resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
- name = "terraform-test-domain"
- disk {
- volume_id = "${}"
- }
+ resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
+ name = "terraform-test-domain"
+ disk {
+ volume_id = "${}"
+ }
- disk {
- volume_id = "${}"
- }
- }`)
+ disk {
+ volume_id = "${}"
+ }
+ }`)
var configVolDettached = fmt.Sprintf(`
- resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
- name = "terraform-test-domain"
- }`)
+ resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
+ name = "terraform-test-domain"
+ }`)
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
@@ -173,18 +173,18 @@ func TestAccLibvirtDomain_VolumeTwoDisks(t *testing.T) {
func TestAccLibvirtDomain_ScsiDisk(t *testing.T) {
var domain libvirt.Domain
var configScsi = fmt.Sprintf(`
- resource "libvirt_volume" "acceptance-test-volume1" {
- name = "terraform-test-vol1"
- }
- resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
- name = "terraform-test-domain"
- disk {
- volume_id = "${}"
- scsi = "yes"
- wwn = "000000123456789a"
- }
- }`)
+ resource "libvirt_volume" "acceptance-test-volume1" {
+ name = "terraform-test-vol1"
+ }
+ resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
+ name = "terraform-test-domain"
+ disk {
+ volume_id = "${}"
+ scsi = "yes"
+ wwn = "000000123456789a"
+ }
+ }`)
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
@@ -211,12 +211,12 @@ func TestAccLibvirtDomainURLDisk(t *testing.T) {
var configURL = fmt.Sprintf(`
- resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
- name = "terraform-test-domain"
- disk {
- url = "%s"
- }
- }`, u.String())
+ resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
+ name = "terraform-test-domain"
+ disk {
+ url = "%s"
+ }
+ }`, u.String())
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
@@ -241,32 +241,32 @@ func TestAccLibvirtDomainKernelInitrdCmdline(t *testing.T) {
var initrd libvirt.StorageVol
var config = fmt.Sprintf(`
- resource "libvirt_volume" "kernel" {
- source = "testdata/tetris.elf"
- name = "kernel"
- pool = "default"
- format = "raw"
- }
- resource "libvirt_volume" "initrd" {
- source = "testdata/initrd.img"
- name = "initrd"
- pool = "default"
- format = "raw"
- }
- resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
- name = "terraform-test-domain"
- kernel = "${}"
- initrd = "${}"
- cmdline {
- foo = 1
- bar = "bye"
- }
- cmdline {
- foo = 2
- }
- }`)
+ resource "libvirt_volume" "kernel" {
+ source = "testdata/tetris.elf"
+ name = "kernel"
+ pool = "default"
+ format = "raw"
+ }
+ resource "libvirt_volume" "initrd" {
+ source = "testdata/initrd.img"
+ name = "initrd"
+ pool = "default"
+ format = "raw"
+ }
+ resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
+ name = "terraform-test-domain"
+ kernel = "${}"
+ initrd = "${}"
+ cmdline {
+ foo = 1
+ bar = "bye"
+ }
+ cmdline {
+ foo = 2
+ }
+ }`)
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
@@ -291,23 +291,23 @@ func TestAccLibvirtDomain_NetworkInterface(t *testing.T) {
var domain libvirt.Domain
var config = fmt.Sprintf(`
- resource "libvirt_volume" "acceptance-test-volume" {
- name = "terraform-test"
- }
- resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
- name = "terraform-test"
- network_interface = {
- network_name = "default"
- }
- network_interface = {
- network_name = "default"
- mac = "52:54:00:A9:F5:17"
- }
- disk {
- volume_id = "${}"
- }
- }`)
+ resource "libvirt_volume" "acceptance-test-volume" {
+ name = "terraform-test"
+ }
+ resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
+ name = "terraform-test"
+ network_interface = {
+ network_name = "default"
+ }
+ network_interface = {
+ network_name = "default"
+ mac = "52:54:00:A9:F5:17"
+ }
+ disk {
+ volume_id = "${}"
+ }
+ }`)
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
@@ -332,18 +332,18 @@ func TestAccLibvirtDomain_Graphics(t *testing.T) {
var domain libvirt.Domain
var config = fmt.Sprintf(`
- resource "libvirt_volume" "acceptance-test-graphics" {
- name = "terraform-test"
- }
- resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
- name = "terraform-test"
- graphics {
- type = "spice"
- autoport = "yes"
- listen_type = "none"
- }
- }`)
+ resource "libvirt_volume" "acceptance-test-graphics" {
+ name = "terraform-test"
+ }
+ resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
+ name = "terraform-test"
+ graphics {
+ type = "spice"
+ autoport = "yes"
+ listen_type = "none"
+ }
+ }`)
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
@@ -371,26 +371,26 @@ func TestAccLibvirtDomain_IgnitionObject(t *testing.T) {
var volume libvirt.StorageVol
var config = fmt.Sprintf(`
- data "ignition_systemd_unit" "acceptance-test-systemd" {
- name = "example.service"
- content = "[Service]\nType=oneshot\nExecStart=/usr/bin/echo Hello World\n\n[Install]\"
- }
- data "ignition_config" "acceptance-test-config" {
- systemd = [
- "${}",
- ]
- }
- resource "libvirt_ignition" "ignition" {
- name = "ignition"
- content = "${data.ignition_config.acceptance-test-config.rendered}"
- }
- resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
- name = "terraform-test-domain"
+ data "ignition_systemd_unit" "acceptance-test-systemd" {
+ name = "example.service"
+ content = "[Service]\nType=oneshot\nExecStart=/usr/bin/echo Hello World\n\n[Install]\"
+ }
+ data "ignition_config" "acceptance-test-config" {
+ systemd = [
+ "${}",
+ ]
+ }
+ resource "libvirt_ignition" "ignition" {
+ name = "ignition"
+ content = "${data.ignition_config.acceptance-test-config.rendered}"
+ }
+ resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
+ name = "terraform-test-domain"
coreos_ignition = "${}"
- }
+ }
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
@@ -414,12 +414,12 @@ func TestAccLibvirtDomain_Cpu(t *testing.T) {
var domain libvirt.Domain
var config = fmt.Sprintf(`
- resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
- name = "terraform-test"
- cpu {
- mode = "custom"
- }
- }`)
+ resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
+ name = "terraform-test"
+ cpu {
+ mode = "custom"
+ }
+ }`)
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
@@ -442,10 +442,10 @@ func TestAccLibvirtDomain_Autostart(t *testing.T) {
var domain libvirt.Domain
var config = fmt.Sprintf(`
- resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
- name = "terraform-test"
- autostart = true
- }`)
+ resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
+ name = "terraform-test"
+ autostart = true
+ }`)
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
Providers: testAccProviders,
@@ -466,19 +466,19 @@ func TestAccLibvirtDomain_Filesystems(t *testing.T) {
var domain libvirt.Domain
var config = fmt.Sprintf(`
- resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
- name = "terraform-test"
- filesystem {
- source = "/tmp"
- target = "tmp"
- readonly = false
- }
- filesystem {
- source = "/proc"
- target = "proc"
- readonly = true
- }
- }`)
+ resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
+ name = "terraform-test"
+ filesystem {
+ source = "/tmp"
+ target = "tmp"
+ readonly = false
+ }
+ filesystem {
+ source = "/proc"
+ target = "proc"
+ readonly = true
+ }
+ }`)
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
@@ -511,20 +511,20 @@ func TestAccLibvirtDomain_Consoles(t *testing.T) {
var domain libvirt.Domain
var config = fmt.Sprintf(`
- resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
- name = "terraform-test"
- console {
- type = "pty"
- target_port = "0"
- source_path = "/dev/pts/1"
- }
- console {
- type = "pty"
- target_port = "0"
- target_type = "virtio"
- source_path = "/dev/pts/2"
- }
- }`)
+ resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
+ name = "terraform-test"
+ console {
+ type = "pty"
+ target_port = "0"
+ source_path = "/dev/pts/1"
+ }
+ console {
+ type = "pty"
+ target_port = "0"
+ target_type = "virtio"
+ source_path = "/dev/pts/2"
+ }
+ }`)
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
@@ -796,13 +796,13 @@ func TestAccLibvirtDomainFirmware(t *testing.T) {
func subtestAccLibvirtDomainFirmwareNoTemplate(t *testing.T, NVRAMPath string, firmware string) {
var domain libvirt.Domain
var config = fmt.Sprintf(`
- resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
- name = "terraform-test-firmware-no-template"
- firmware = "%s"
- nvram {
- file = "%s"
- }
- }`, firmware, NVRAMPath)
+ resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
+ name = "terraform-test-firmware-no-template"
+ firmware = "%s"
+ nvram {
+ file = "%s"
+ }
+ }`, firmware, NVRAMPath)
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
@@ -833,14 +833,14 @@ func subtestAccLibvirtDomainFirmwareTemplate(t *testing.T, NVRAMPath string, fir
var domain libvirt.Domain
var config = fmt.Sprintf(`
- resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
- name = "terraform-test-firmware-with-template"
- firmware = "%s"
- nvram {
- file = "%s"
- template = "%s"
- }
- }`, firmware, NVRAMPath, template)
+ resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
+ name = "terraform-test-firmware-with-template"
+ firmware = "%s"
+ nvram {
+ file = "%s"
+ template = "%s"
+ }
+ }`, firmware, NVRAMPath, template)
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
@@ -871,10 +871,10 @@ func TestAccLibvirtDomain_MachineType(t *testing.T) {
// Using machine type of pc as this is earliest QEMU target
// and so most likely to be available
var config = fmt.Sprintf(`
- resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
- name = "terraform-test"
- machine = "pc"
- }`)
+ resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
+ name = "terraform-test"
+ machine = "pc"
+ }`)
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
Providers: testAccProviders,
@@ -896,10 +896,10 @@ func TestAccLibvirtDomain_ArchType(t *testing.T) {
// Using i686 as architecture in case anyone running tests on an i686 only host
var config = fmt.Sprintf(`
- resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
- name = "terraform-test"
- arch = "i686"
- }`)
+ resource "libvirt_domain" "acceptance-test-domain" {
+ name = "terraform-test"
+ arch = "i686"
+ }`)
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
diff --git a/libvirt/resource_libvirt_network_test.go b/libvirt/resource_libvirt_network_test.go
index cedcc507..f3c0d211 100644
--- a/libvirt/resource_libvirt_network_test.go
+++ b/libvirt/resource_libvirt_network_test.go
@@ -2,10 +2,11 @@ package libvirt
import (
+ "testing"
- "testing"
func TestNetworkAutostart(t *testing.T) {
@@ -17,13 +18,13 @@ func TestNetworkAutostart(t *testing.T) {
Steps: []resource.TestStep{
Config: fmt.Sprintf(`
- resource "libvirt_network" "test_net" {
- name = "networktest"
- mode = "nat"
- domain = "k8s.local"
- addresses = [""]
- autostart = true
- }`),
+ resource "libvirt_network" "test_net" {
+ name = "networktest"
+ mode = "nat"
+ domain = "k8s.local"
+ addresses = [""]
+ autostart = true
+ }`),
Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
networkExists("libvirt_network.test_net", &network),
resource.TestCheckResourceAttr("libvirt_network.test_net", "autostart", "true"),
@@ -31,13 +32,13 @@ func TestNetworkAutostart(t *testing.T) {
Config: fmt.Sprintf(`
- resource "libvirt_network" "test_net" {
- name = "networktest"
- mode = "nat"
- domain = "k8s.local"
- addresses = [""]
- autostart = false
- }`),
+ resource "libvirt_network" "test_net" {
+ name = "networktest"
+ mode = "nat"
+ domain = "k8s.local"
+ addresses = [""]
+ autostart = false
+ }`),
Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
networkExists("libvirt_network.test_net", &network),
resource.TestCheckResourceAttr("libvirt_network.test_net", "autostart", "false"),
diff --git a/libvirt/resource_libvirt_volume_test.go b/libvirt/resource_libvirt_volume_test.go
index 277b2990..d185b65e 100644
--- a/libvirt/resource_libvirt_volume_test.go
+++ b/libvirt/resource_libvirt_volume_test.go
@@ -85,10 +85,10 @@ func TestAccLibvirtVolume_Basic(t *testing.T) {
var volume libvirt.StorageVol
const testAccCheckLibvirtVolumeConfigBasic = `
- resource "libvirt_volume" "terraform-acceptance-test-1" {
- name = "terraform-test"
- size = 1073741824
- }`
+ resource "libvirt_volume" "terraform-acceptance-test-1" {
+ name = "terraform-test"
+ size = 1073741824
+ }`
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
@@ -125,10 +125,10 @@ func TestAccLibvirtVolume_DownloadFromSource(t *testing.T) {
const testAccCheckLibvirtVolumeConfigSource = `
- resource "libvirt_volume" "terraform-acceptance-test-2" {
- name = "terraform-test"
- source = "%s"
- }`
+ resource "libvirt_volume" "terraform-acceptance-test-2" {
+ name = "terraform-test"
+ source = "%s"
+ }`
config := fmt.Sprintf(testAccCheckLibvirtVolumeConfigSource, url)
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
@@ -152,11 +152,11 @@ func TestAccLibvirtVolume_Format(t *testing.T) {
var volume libvirt.StorageVol
const testAccCheckLibvirtVolumeConfigFormat = `
- resource "libvirt_volume" "terraform-acceptance-test-3" {
- name = "terraform-test"
- format = "raw"
- size = 1073741824
- }`
+ resource "libvirt_volume" "terraform-acceptance-test-3" {
+ name = "terraform-test"
+ format = "raw"
+ size = 1073741824
+ }`
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },