<%= @key_pp %>

<%= @desc %>
<% if @count_all_values < 1000 %> <%= xapi_link('*', @key) %> <%= josm_link('*', @key) %> <% else %> XAPI JOSM <% end %>

Values used with this key

Other keys used together with this key

Geographical distribution of this key

Currently only tags on nodes are shown.

Wiki pages about this key

<% if @wiki_count > 0 %>
<% else %>

No wiki page available for this key.

[Create wiki page]

<% end %>

JOSM style rules with this key

<% javascript do JQuery.ready do JS.raw(<<"JAVASCRIPT") jQuery('#josm_button').bind('click', function() { jQuery('#josmiframe')[0].src = jQuery('#josm_button')[0].href; return false; }); jQuery('#filter').bind('change', function() { var value = this.value; var qs = jQuery.getQueryString; qs['filter'] = value; window.location.search = jQuery.param(qs); }); jQuery.getJSON('/api/2/db/keys/overview?key=#{ @key_uri }', function(data, textStatus) { var table_content = 'Number of objectsValues'; table_content += jQuery.map(['all', 'nodes', 'ways', 'relations'], function(obj, i) { var d = data[obj]; return '' + print_image(obj) + '' + print_value_with_percent(d.count, d.count_fraction) + '' + print_with_ts(d.values) + ''; }).join(''); jQuery('#overview').append(table_content); }); var tabs = jQuery('#tabs').tabs({ show: function(event, ui) { window.location.hash = ui.tab.hash; create_flexigrid_for.key[ui.tab.hash.substring(1)](#{ @key.to_json }, #{ @filter_type.to_json }); } }); var data = #{ @prevalent_values.to_json() }; var w=160, h=440; var vis = new pv.Panel() .canvas('canvas-values') .width(w) .height(h + 20); var scale = pv.Scale.linear(0, #{ @count_all_values }).range(0, h); vis.add(pv.Layout.Stack) .bottom(10) .order('reverse') .layers(data) .x(10) .y(function(d) { return scale(d.count); }) .layer.add(pv.Bar) .width(20) .cursor(function() { return this.data().value == '(other)' ? 'default' : 'pointer'; }) .event('click', function() { if (this.data().value != '(other)') { window.location = url_to_value(#{ @key_json }, this.data().value); } }) .anchor('left') .add(pv.Label) .left(30) .text(function(d) { return d.value; }); vis.render(); JAVASCRIPT end end %>