# web/lib/javascript.rb def javascript(url=nil, &block) @javascript ||= Array.new @javascript << Javascript.new(url, &block) end def javascript_tags @javascript.flatten.uniq.map{ |js| js.to_html }.join("\n") end def javascript_for(*ids) (@javascript ||= [] ) << Javascript.init(ids) end class Javascript @@js_files = { # :common => [ 'jquery-1.11.1.min', 'jquery-ui-1.9.2.custom.min', 'customSelect.jquery.min', 'jquery.tipsy-minified', 'jquery.cookie-minified' ], :common => [ 'common', 'jquery.slicknav.min' ], :taginfo => [ 'taginfo' ], :flexigrid => [ 'jquery-migrate-1.2.1.min', 'flexigrid-minified' ], :d3 => [ 'd3/d3.v3.min' ], :d3_cloud => [ 'd3/d3.layout.cloud' ], } def self.init(ids) js = [] ids.each do |id| @@js_files[id].each do |file| js << self.new(file) end end js end def initialize(file) if file.nil? c = '' r = yield c @content = (c == '' ? r : c) else @file = file end end def to_html if @file.nil? %Q{ } else %Q{ } end end end class JQuery # "include" the convenience methods from R18n::Helpers. # Uses extend instead of include, because we want this # to work not with instances of JQuery but they should # show up as JQuery class methods. extend R18n::Helpers def self.flexigrid(id, options) defaults = { :method => 'GET', :dataType => 'json', :pagetext => t.flexigrid.pagetext, :pagestat => t.flexigrid.pagestat, :outof => t.flexigrid.outof, :findtext => t.flexigrid.findtext, :procmsg => t.flexigrid.procmsg, :nomsg => t.flexigrid.nomsg, :errormsg => t.flexigrid.errormsg, :showToggleBtn => false, :usepager => true, :useRp => true, :rp => 15, :rpOptions => [10,15,20,25,50,100], } "jQuery('##{id}').flexigrid(" + defaults.merge(options).to_json + ");\n" end end class JS # # Careful, deep magic! # # We redefine the to_json method of the String argument to return # the raw string. This way we can do JS.raw("foo").to_json and get "foo". # def self.raw(code) code.instance_eval do def to_json(state=nil) to_s end end code end end