# web/lib/api/v4/keys.rb class Taginfo < Sinatra::Base @@filters = { :characters_space => { :expr => "characters='space'", :doc => 'Only show keys with spaces.' }, :characters_problematic => { :expr => "characters='problem'", :doc => 'Only show keys with problematic characters.' }, :in_wiki => { :expr => "in_wiki=1", :doc => 'Only show keys that appear in the wiki.' }, :not_in_db => { :expr => "count_all=0", :doc => 'Only show keys that do not appear in the database.' } } api(4, 'keys/all', { :description => 'Get list of all keys.', :parameters => { :query => 'Only show keys matching this query (substring match, optional).' }, :paging => :optional, :filter => @@filters, :sort => %w( key count_all count_nodes count_ways count_relations values_all users_all in_wiki in_josm in_potlatch length ), :result => paging_results([ [:key, :STRING, 'Key'], [:count_all, :INT, 'Number of objects in the OSM database with this key.'], [:count_all_fraction, :FLOAT, 'Number of objects in relation to all objects.'], [:count_nodes, :INT, 'Number of nodes in the OSM database with this key.'], [:count_nodes_fraction, :FLOAT, 'Number of nodes in relation to all tagged nodes.'], [:count_ways, :INT, 'Number of ways in the OSM database with this key.'], [:count_ways_fraction, :FLOAT, 'Number of ways in relation to all ways.'], [:count_relations, :INT, 'Number of relations in the OSM database with this key.'], [:count_relations_fraction, :FLOAT, 'Number of relations in relation to all relations.'], [:values_all, :INT, 'Number of different values for this key.'], [:users_all, :INT, 'Number of users owning objects with this key.'], [:in_wiki, :BOOL, 'Has this key at least one wiki page?'], [:in_josm, :BOOL, 'Is this key referenced in at least one JOSM style rule?'] ]), :example => { :page => 1, :rp => 10, :filter => 'in_wiki', :sortname => 'key', :sortorder => 'asc' }, :ui => '/keys' }) do if params[:filters] filters = params[:filters].split(',').map{ |f| @@filters[f.to_sym][:expr] }.compact else filters = [] end include_data = Hash.new if params[:include] params[:include].split(',').each{ |inc| include_data[inc.to_sym] = 1 } end total = @db.count('db.keys'). condition_if("key LIKE '%' || ? || '%'", params[:query]). conditions(filters). get_first_value().to_i res = @db.select('SELECT * FROM db.keys'). condition_if("key LIKE '%' || ? || '%'", params[:query]). conditions(filters). order_by(@ap.sortname, @ap.sortorder) { |o| o.key o.count_all o.count_nodes o.count_ways o.count_relations o.values_all o.users_all o.in_wiki o.in_josm o.in_potlatch o.length 'length(key)' o.length :key }. paging(@ap). execute() if include_data[:wikipages] reshash = Hash.new res.each do |row| reshash[row['key']] = row row['wikipages'] = Array.new end wikipages = @db.select('SELECT key, lang, title, type FROM wiki.wikipages'). condition("value IS NULL"). condition("key IN (#{ res.map{ |row| "'" + SQLite3::Database.quote(row['key']) + "'" }.join(',') })"). order_by([:key, :lang], 'ASC'). execute() wikipages.each do |wp| key = wp['key'] wp.delete_if{ |k,v| k.is_a?(Integer) || k == 'key' } reshash[key]['wikipages'] << wp end end if include_data[:prevalent_values] reshash = Hash.new res.each do |row| reshash[row['key']] = row row['prevalent_values'] = Array.new end prevvalues = @db.select('SELECT key, value, count, fraction FROM db.prevalent_values'). condition("key IN (#{ res.map{ |row| "'" + SQLite3::Database.quote(row['key']) + "'" }.join(',') })"). order_by([:count], 'DESC'). execute() prevvalues.each do |pv| key = pv['key'] pv.delete_if{ |k,v| k.is_a?(Integer) || k == 'key' } pv['count'] = pv['count'].to_i pv['fraction'] = pv['fraction'].to_f reshash[key]['prevalent_values'] << pv end end return { :page => @ap.page, :rp => @ap.results_per_page, :total => total, :url => request.url, :data => res.map{ |row| h = { :key => row['key'], :count_all => row['count_all'].to_i, :count_all_fraction => (row['count_all'].to_f / @db.stats('objects')).round_to(4), :count_nodes => row['count_nodes'].to_i, :count_nodes_fraction => (row['count_nodes'].to_f / @db.stats('nodes_with_tags')).round_to(4), :count_ways => row['count_ways'].to_i, :count_ways_fraction => (row['count_ways'].to_f / @db.stats('ways')).round_to(4), :count_relations => row['count_relations'].to_i, :count_relations_fraction => (row['count_relations'].to_f / @db.stats('relations')).round_to(4), :values_all => row['values_all'].to_i, :users_all => row['users_all'].to_i, :in_wiki => row['in_wiki'].to_i == 1 ? true : false, :in_josm => row['in_josm'].to_i == 1 ? true : false } h[:wikipages] = row['wikipages'] if row['wikipages'] h[:prevalent_values] = row['prevalent_values'][0,10] if row['prevalent_values'] h } }.to_json end api(4, 'keys/wiki_pages', { :description => 'Get list of wiki pages in different languages for all keys.', :parameters => { :query => 'Only show keys matching this query (substring match, optional).' }, :paging => :optional, :sort => %w( key ), :result => paging_results([ [:key, :STRING, 'Key'], [:lang, :HASH, 'Hash with language codes as keys and values showing what type of wiki pages are available.'] ]), :example => { :page => 1, :rp => 10, :sortname => 'key', :sortorder => 'asc' }, :ui => '/reports/language_comparison_table_for_keys_in_the_wiki' }) do languages = @db.execute('SELECT language FROM wiki.wiki_languages ORDER by language').map do |row| row['language'] end total = @db.count('wiki.wikipages_keys'). condition_if("key LIKE '%' || ? || '%'", params[:query]). get_first_value().to_i res = @db.select("SELECT key, coalesce(langs, '') AS langs FROM wiki.wikipages_keys"). condition_if("key LIKE '%' || ? || '%'", params[:query]). order_by(@ap.sortname, @ap.sortorder){ |o| o.key }. paging(@ap). execute() return { :page => @ap.page, :rp => @ap.results_per_page, :total => total, :url => request.url, :data => res.map{ |row| lang_hash = Hash.new row['langs'].split(',').each{ |l| (lang, status) = l.split(' ', 2) lang_hash[lang] = status } { :key => row['key'], :lang => lang_hash } } }.to_json end api(4, 'keys/without_wiki_page', { :description => 'Return frequently used tag keys that have no associated wiki page.', :parameters => { :min_count => 'How many tags with this key must there be at least to show up here? (default 10000).', :english => 'Check for key wiki pages in any language (0, default) or in the English language (1).', :query => 'Only show results where the key matches this query (substring match, optional).' }, :paging => :optional, :sort => %w( key count_all values_all users_all ), :result => paging_results([ [:key, :STRING, 'Key'], [:count_all, :INT, 'Number of objects in database with this key.'], [:count_all_fraction, :FLOAT, 'Fraction of objects in database with this key.'], [:values_all, :INT, 'Number of different values for this key.'], [:users_all, :INT, 'Number of different users who own objects with this key.'], [:prevalent_values, :HASH, 'Often used values.', [ [:value, :STRING, 'Value'], [:count, :INT, 'Number of occurances of this value.'], [:fraction, :FLOAT, 'Fraction of all values.'] ]] ]), :example => { :min_count => 1000, :english => '1', :page => 1, :rp => 10, :sortname => 'count_all', :sortorder => 'desc' }, :ui => '/reports/frequently_used_keys_without_wiki_page' }) do min_count = params[:min_count].to_i if min_count == 0 min_count = 10000 end english = (params[:english] == '1') ? '_en' : '' total = @db.count('db.keys'). condition('count_all > ?', min_count). condition("in_wiki#{english} = 0"). condition_if("key LIKE '%' || ? || '%'", params[:query]). get_first_value().to_i res = @db.select('SELECT * FROM db.keys'). condition('count_all > ?', min_count). condition("in_wiki#{english} = 0"). condition_if("key LIKE '%' || ? || '%'", params[:query]). order_by(@ap.sortname, @ap.sortorder) { |o| o.key o.count_all o.values_all o.users_all }. paging(@ap). execute() reshash = Hash.new res.each do |row| reshash[row['key']] = row row['prevalent_values'] = Array.new end prevvalues = @db.select('SELECT key, value, count, fraction FROM db.prevalent_values'). condition("key IN (#{ res.map{ |row| "'" + SQLite3::Database.quote(row['key']) + "'" }.join(',') })"). order_by([:count], 'DESC'). execute() prevvalues.each do |pv| key = pv['key'] pv.delete_if{ |k,v| k.is_a?(Integer) || k == 'key' } pv['count'] = pv['count'].to_i pv['fraction'] = pv['fraction'].to_f reshash[key]['prevalent_values'] << pv end return { :page => @ap.page, :rp => @ap.results_per_page, :total => total, :url => request.url, :data => res.map{ |row| { :key => row['key'], :count_all => row['count_all'].to_i, :count_all_fraction => row['count_all'].to_f / @db.stats('objects'), :values_all => row['values_all'].to_i, :users_all => row['users_all'].to_i, :prevalent_values => row['prevalent_values'] } } }.to_json end end