osm: tag: Tag tags: Tags key: Key keys: Keys value: Value values: Values node: Node nodes: Nodes way: Way ways: Ways relation: Relation relations: Relations relation_type: Relation type relation_types: Relation types relation_member: Relation member relation_members: Relation members relation_member_nodes: Member nodes relation_member_ways: Member ways relation_member_relations: Member relations relation_member_role: Role relation_member_roles: Roles object: Object objects: Objects all: All user: User users: Users taginfo: source: Source sources: Sources download: Download about: About taginfo contact: Contact meta: Meta wiki: taginfo wiki page report: Report reports: Reports international: International apidoc: API Documentation test: Test map: Map maps: Maps relations: Relations combinations: Combinations key_combinations: Combinations comparison: Key/Tag Comparison overview: Overview data_from: Data from uses_data_from: | Uses data from: data_from_description: Last update of taginfo database instance: title: About this taginfo site other: See the OSM wiki for other sites. misc: values_less_than_one_percent: no values with more than 1% empty_string: empty string unknown: unknown count: Count image: Image no_image: no image all: All object_type: Type description: Description help: Help length: Length icon: Icon line: Line area: Area language: Language search_for: Search for objects_tooltip: Number of objects (as absolute value and as percentage of all nodes, ways, and relations). nodes_tooltip: Number of nodes (as absolute value and as percentage of tagged nodes, ie. nodes without any tags are ignored). ways_tooltip: Number of ways (as absolute value and as percentage of all ways). relations_tooltip: Number of relations (as absolute value and as percentage of all relations). values_tooltip: Number of different values for this key. users_tooltip: Number of distinct users who last changed objects with this key. prevalent_values: Prevalent values prevalent_values_tooltip: Up to ten of the most common values for this key (only if more than 1% of tags with this key have this value). in_wiki_tooltip: Has at least one wiki page. in_josm_tooltip: Key appears in JOSM config. help: search: title: Search intro: Use the search box in the upper right corner to search for tag keys and values. string: You can search for tag keys and values substring: Just part of the key/value also works complete_tags: You can search for complete tags values_only: You can also search for tag values only suggestions: | For your convenience popular keys and tags will be suggested while you type. Use your cursor keys to choose one and hit Enter. You will jump directly to that key or tag page. keyboard: title: Keyboard shortcuts site_navigation: Site navigation page_navigation: Page navigation table_navigation: Table navigation keys: home: Home end: End pageup: PgUp pagedown: PgDn esc: Esc tab: TAB home_page: Home page keys_page: Keys page tags_page: Tags page relations_page: Relations page compare_page: Comparison page first_page: First page prev_page: Previous page next_page: Next page last_page: Last page help_page: This help activate_search: Activate search input activate_filter: Activate filter input field prev_entry: Previous entry next_entry: Next entry enter_entry: Jump to entry switch_tab: Switch tab deactivate: Deactivate input fields up: Up in page hierarchy switch_input: Switch between input fields pages: not_found: title: Not found intro: Sorry, we could not find the page you were looking for. index: popular_keys: Some popular keys keys: listkeys: See all keys... tags: listtags: See most common tags... relations: listrelations: See all relation types... reports: listreports: See all reports... about: intro:

OpenStreetMap uses tags of the form key=value to add meaning to geographic objects. Taginfo collects information about these tags from several sources to help you understand what they mean and how they are used.

more: More about taginfo... international: see: See other taginfo sites... about: about_taginfo: title: About taginfo text: |

OpenStreetMap uses tags to add meaning to geographic objects. There is no fixed list of those tags. New tags can be invented and used as needed. Everybody can come up with a new tag and add it to new or existing objects. This makes OpenStreetMap enormously flexible, but sometimes also a bit hard to work with.

Whether you are contributing to OSM or using the OSM data, there are always questions like: What tags do people use for feature X? What tags can I use for feature Y so that it appears properly on the map? Is the tag Z described on the wiki actually in use and where?

Taginfo helps you by showing statistics about which tags are actually in the database, how many people use those tags, where they are used and so on. It also gets information about tags from the wiki and from other places. Taginfo tries to bring together all information about tags to help you understand how they are used and what they mean. See a list of sources taginfo uses.

about_site: title: About This Site building_on_taginfo: title: Building on taginfo text: |

You can use the data from taginfo in your own projects:


Taginfo data can be accessed through a REST API. See the API documentation for the details, some general information is on the OSM wiki. The servers running the taginfo API do not have unlimited resources. Please use the API responsibly. If in doubt contact the maintainers of the site you are using or talk to us on the mailing list.


If you want to play around with the data used by taginfo, you can download the regularly updated Sqlite database files. All the preprocessing is done for you. See the download page for a list of files. Note that some of these files can get quite large. If you want to download them regularly, contact the maintainers of the site you are using or talk to us on the mailing list.


The data available through taginfo is licenced under ODbL, the same license as the OpenStreetMap data.

software: title: The taginfo software text: |

The taginfo software was created and is maintained by Jochen Topf. The web design was created by Christian Topf.


We need translators for the taginfo user interface. See the translations overview for languages that need some work. More information on how to help is on the OSM wiki.


All the software behind the taginfo sites is Open Source. You can get it on GitHub. For an overview see the page about the taginfo architecture on the OSM wiki.

Running your own instance

You can run your own taginfo site, for instance with data for just your own country. Instructions are on the OSM wiki.

Bug reports and feature requests

Bug reports and feature requests should be directed to the GitHub issue tracker. Or you can come talk to us on the mailing list.

Contact/Mailing list

Contact us on the taginfo-dev mailing list if you have questions or want to help.

sources: intro: |

Taginfo collects data about OSM tags from several sources and brings them together for easy browsing and discovery.

Note that taginfo only displays this data. If you want to change it, you have to go back to the source.

list: title: List of Sources intro: Here is a list of currently used sources. More sources might be integrated in the future. description: db: |

Statistics about keys, tags, and relation types are generated from the OSM database (or an extract) as well as the maps that show the geographic distribution of nodes and ways.

wiki: |

The OSM Wiki is read and all Key:*, Tag:*, and Relation:* pages (in all the different languages) are analyzed. Descriptions, images, related tags, etc. are extracted from them.

languages: |

Taginfo gets information about the different languages of the world, their codes, names, etc. from several IANA and Unicode registries.

josm: |

Icons and styles are taken from the JOSM editor configuration.

updates: title: Updates intro: The taginfo data is updated regularly from the sources. data_until: Data until last_update_run: Last update run data_until_explanation: All edits until this time will be in the data, later edits might be. to: to download: intro: |

Here you can download the databases used by taginfo. All the data is stored in Sqlite databases. The database files are then packed with bzip2.

If you don't want to download these databases, but need automated access to the data, you can also use the API.

file: File packed: Packed unpacked: Unpacked description: Description reports: intro: | Reports show the tag data from different angles. They often bring together data from several sources in interesting ways. Some of the reports can help with finding specific errors. list: List of all reports data_sources: Data sources used search: title: Search results you_were_searching_for: You were searching for fulltext: Full text no_keys: No keys found. no_values: No values found. no_tags: No tags found. no_match: No matches. compare: nothing_to_compare: There are no keys/tags to compare. Go to any key or tag page and add them. keys: intro: | This table shows all tag keys that exist in the database or in any of the other sources. tags: intro: | This table shows the most common tags in the database. relations: name: Relation types intro: Information about the different types of relations (indicated by the type tag). relations_of_type_tooltip: Number of relations of this type (and as percentage of all relations). prevalent_roles: Prevalent roles prevalent_roles_tooltip: Prevalent roles for this type of relation. no_information: No information roles_less_than_one_percent: no roles with more than 1% empty_role: empty role key: description_from_wiki: Description of this key from the wiki (if available in your chosen language, otherwise in English). no_description_in_wiki: No English language description for this key in the wiki. (See also the "Wiki" tab.) filter: label: | Filter: none: No filter nodes: Nodes only ways: Ways only relations: Relations only button_disabled: Button disabled, because there are too many objects with this key. number_objects: Number of objects number_values: Number of values values_used: Values used with this key tag_description_from_wiki: Description of the tag from the wiki (if available in your chosen language, otherwise in English). overview: objects_last_edited_by: Objects with this key were last edited by %1 different users. no_endorsement: (This does not mean that all those users endorse this key.) distribution_of_values: Distribution of values other_keys_used: title: Other keys used together with this key other: Other keys to_count_tooltip: Number of objects with this key that also have the other key. other_key_tooltip: Key used together with this key. from_count_tooltip: Number of objects with other key that also have this key. geographic_distribution: title: Geographical distribution of this key relations: Relations do not have a geographical location, so no map can be shown. wiki_pages: title: Wiki pages about this key none_found: No wiki page available for this key. create: Create wiki page for this key wiki_page: Wiki page implied_tags: Implied Tags combined_tags: Combined Tags linked_tags: Linked Tags josm: title: JOSM style rules with this key choice: | Choose style: no_styles: No JOSM styles for this key. tag: description_from_wiki: Description of this tag from the wiki (if available in your chosen language, otherwise in English). no_description_in_wiki: No English language description for this tag in the wiki. (See also the "Wiki" tab.) button_disabled: Button disabled, because there are too many objects with this tag. number_objects: Number of objects overview: see_also: See also the relation type page other_tags_used: title: Other tags used together with this tag other: Other tags to_count_tooltip: Number of objects with this tag that also have the other tag/key. other_key_tooltip: Tags/Keys used together with this tag. from_count_tooltip: Number of objects with other tag/key that also have this tag. combinations: title: Combinations description: This table shows only the most common combinations of the most common tags. geographic_distribution: title: Geographical distribution of this tag relations: Relations do not have a geographical location, so no map can be shown. no_map: Sorry. The map can only be created for the most frequent tags. Try the overpass turbo link. wiki_pages: title: Wiki pages about this tag none_found: No wiki page available for this tag. create: Create wiki page for this tag suggest_key_wiki_page: Maybe you can find some more information on the wiki page for the key %1. wiki_page: Wiki page implied_tags: Implied Tags combined_tags: Combined Tags linked_tags: Linked Tags josm: title: JOSM style rules with this tag choice: | Choose style: no_styles: No JOSM styles for this tag. relation: name: Relation type description_from_wiki: Description of this relation type from the wiki (if available in your chosen language, otherwise in English). no_description_in_wiki: No English language description for this relation type in the wiki. (See also the "Wiki" tab.) button_disabled: Button disabled, because there are too many objects with this relation type. overview: tab: Overview title: Overview member_type: Member type member_count: Number of members see_also: See also the tag page roles: tab: Roles title: Member roles objects_tooltip: Relation members with this role (and as percentage of all members) for this relation type. nodes_tooltip: Relation members of type node with this role (and as percentage of all members of type node) for this relation type. ways_tooltip: Relation members of type way with this role (and as percentage of all members of type way) for this relation type. relations_tooltip: Relation members of type relation with this role (and as percentage of all members of type relation) for this relation type. no_roles_info: There is no information about roles for this relation type (most likely because there are only very few of those relations). graph: tab: Roles Graph title: Roles Graph wiki_pages: title: Wiki pages about this relation type none_found: No wiki page available for this relation type. create: Create wiki page for this relation type wiki_page: Wiki page flexigrid: pagetext: Page pagestat: Displaying {from} to {to} of {total} items outof: of findtext: Find procmsg: Processing, please wait... nomsg: No items errormsg: Connection Error comparison: list: Comparison list items: items add_key: Add this key to list add_tag: Add this tag to list clear: Clear comparison list compare: Compare keys/tags sources: master: name: Master description: Aggregate statistics and miscellaneous data needed for the taginfo user interface. db: name: Database description: Statistics about each key and each tag from the main OSM database (planet file). wiki: name: Wiki description: Data from the tag and key pages of the OSM wiki. josm: name: JOSM description: Configuration data from the JOSM OSM editor. potlatch: name: Potlatch description: Configuration data from the Potlatch2 OSM editor. languages: name: Languages description: Language names, codes, etc. from IANA and Unicode registries. reports: characters_in_keys: name: Characters in keys intro: |

Any valid Unicode character can appear in an OSM key but usually only lower case latin letters (a-z) and the underscore (_) are used. Sometimes the colon (:) is added as a separator character.

statistics: tab: Statistics title: Statistics overview fraction: Fraction characters: Characters in key characters_in_keys: plain: Only latin lowercase letters (a to z) and underscore (_), first and last characters are letters. colon: Like A but with one or more colons (:) inside. letters: Like B but with uppercase latin letters or letters from other alphabets. space: Like C but contains at least one whitespace character (space, tab, new line, carriage return, or from other alphabets). problem: Like C but contains possibly problematic characters =+/&<>;'"?%#@\,. rest: Everything else. total: Total whitespace: tab: Whitespace title: Keys with whitespace intro: |

Keys that contain whitespace characters such as space, tab, new line, carriage return, or whitespace characters from other alphabets.
Whitespace in keys can be confusing, especially at the beginning or end of the key, because they are invisible. Generally the underscore (_) should be used instead.

problematic: tab: Problematic title: Keys with possibly problematic characters intro: |

Keys that contain possibly problematic characters: =+/&<>;'"?%#@\, or control characters. These characters can be problematic, because they are used to quote strings in different programming languages or have special meanings in XML, HTML, URLs, and other places. The equal sign is used often as separator between tag keys and values.
Keys that appear in this list are not necessarily wrong though. But in many cases they are just results of some error.

database_statistics: name: Database statistics objects_in_db: Number of objects in the database tags_in_db: Number of tags in the database distinct_keys: Number of distinct keys distinct_tags: Number of distinct tags nodes_in_db: Number of nodes in the database nodes_with_tags_in_db: Number of nodes with at least one tag nodes_with_tags_in_db_percent: Percentage of nodes with at least one tag tags_on_nodes: Number of tags on nodes avg_tags_per_tagged_node: Average number of tags per tagged node ways_in_db: Number of ways in the database closed_ways_in_db: Number of closed ways tags_on_ways: Number of tags on ways avg_tags_per_way: Average number of tags per way relations_in_db: Number of relations in the database tags_on_relations: Number of tags on relations avg_tags_per_relation: Average number of tags per relation frequently_used_keys_without_wiki_page: name: Frequently used keys without wiki page intro: |

This table shows keys that appear more than 10 000 times in the OSM database but have no wiki page describing them. If you know anything about one of these keys, please create the wiki page by clicking on the link in the leftmost column and describe the key. Sometimes it might make sense to create a redirect to a different wiki page instead. To do this put just one line with #REDIRECT [[page name]] in the wiki page.

also_show_keys: Also show keys that have no English language wiki page but a page in some other language. table: create_wiki_page: Create wiki page... josm_styles: name: JOSM styles key_lengths: name: Key lengths intro: |

Tag keys can be between 0 and 255 (Unicode) characters long. Very short or very long keys are often, but not always, errors.

table: number_of_objects: Number of objects histogram: name: Histogram intro: This histogram shows how many keys there are of each length. key_length: Key length number_of_keys: Number of keys language_comparison_table_for_keys_in_the_wiki: name: Language comparison table for keys in the wiki icons: template: Page in wiki available and contains standard template. error: Page in wiki available and contains standard template, but couldn't be parsed. page: Page in wiki available but doesn't contain standard template. redirect: Page is a redirect. intro: |

This table shows all tag keys for which there are wiki pages available and in what languages they are.

languages: name: Languages intro: |

OpenStreetMap is an international project. Tags and their descriptions can be in any language. This table lists the languages taginfo knows about and how many wiki pages there are in these languages documenting keys and tags, respectively.

code: Code native_name: Native name english_name: English name wiki_key_pages: Wiki key pages wiki_tag_pages: Wiki tag pages wiki_pages_about_non_existing_keys: name: Wiki pages about non-existing keys intro: |

This table shows keys for which a wiki page exists but there is not a single instance in the database. This is not necessarily an error (maybe somebody added the documentation in the wiki as preparation for using a key or the wiki page documents a now obsolete key), but it can also be a typo or other error.

wiki_pages: Wiki pages name_tags: name: Variants of name tags intro: |

This report shows information related to the naming of objects in OSM using the name tag and its variants.

overview: tab: Overview title: Overview bcp47: tab: BCP47 Subtags title: BCP47 Subtags filter: label: Show only subtags of type all: All language: Language script: Script region: Region variant: Variant intro: |

The IETF defines language tags in its standard Tags for Identifying Languages (BCP47). Language tags consist of one or more subtags describing the language, script, variants, etc. The following list shows the subtags currently registered that are relevant for OSM. For more information see also the Wikipedia entry on IETF language tags and the langtag.net site.

Note that the data shown in this table is not from OpenStreetMap, it just shows the building blocks that can be used to describe languages irrespective of whether they are actually used in OSM.