// This is an example of a taginfo config file. // Copy it to the directory above and name it 'taginfo-config.json', then change your local settings. { // You probably want to change all these. "instance": { // URL prefix for the site. "url": "http://localhost:4567", // Used in the title of all HTML pages. "name": "OpenStreetMap Taginfo", // Description of this taginfo instance. "description": "This is a taginfo test instance. Change this text in your taginfo-config.json.", // URL path to instance icon in the upper left. "icon": "/img/logo/test.png", // Contact name and email address. "contact": "Anonymous", // Geographical area this taginfo instance covers. "area": "World" }, // For the geodistribution map. See the wiki documentation about these settings. "geodistribution": { "left": -180, "bottom": -90, "right": 180, "top": 90, "width": 360, "height": 180, "scale_image": 2, "background_image": "/img/mapbg/world.png" }, "xapi": { // XAPI/JOSM buttons are disabled if more than this many results are expected "max_results": 1000, // URL prefix for the XAPI/JOSM links on the key and tag pages. // "url_prefix": "http://www.informationfreeway.org/api/0.6/" // "url_prefix": "http://open.mapquestapi.com/xapi/api/0.6/" "url_prefix": "http://overpass-api.de/api/xapi_meta?" }, // "overpass turbo" button on key/tag pages "turbo": { // if there are more objects than this with a key/tag, the normal Overpass Turbo // will be called, if less the Wizard will be used with autorun and autozoom "max_auto": 100, "url_prefix": "http://overpass-turbo.eu/?", "wizard_url_prefix": "http://overpass-turbo.eu/master?", // set this to "global" or "in " where is a country name or other region found by Nominatim "wizard_area": "global" }, // "Level0 Editor" button on key/tag pages "level0": { // disable Level0 Editor button if there are more than this many objects with a key/tag "max_results": 50, "overpass_url_prefix": "http://overpass.osm.rambler.ru/cgi/interpreter?", "level0_url_prefix": "http://level0.osmz.ru/?" }, "opensearch": { // For the OpenSearchDescription. You have to change at least the shortname and the contact for your instance. "shortname": "Taginfo Test Instance", "contact": "somebody@example.com", "description": "Find metadata about OpenStreetMap tags", "tags": "osm openstreetmap tag tags taginfo" }, "sources": { // These sources will be downloaded from http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/download/ // Note that this will NOT work for the "db" source! Well, you can download it, // but it will fail later, because the database is changed by the master.sql // scripts. "download": "languages josm potlatch wiki", // These sources will be created from the actual sources. "create": "db", "db": { // Path to the 'tagstats' program (absolute path or relative to sources/db directory). "tagstats": "../../tagstats/tagstats", // The OSM planet file or extract where we read the OSM data from. "planetfile": "/osm/planet/var/current-planet.osm.pbf" }, "master": { // Minimum number of occurances of a tag to make it // potentially "interesting", ie. create tag combination // statistics for it. "min_count_tags": 10000, // Tag combinations not appearing this often are not written to database. "min_tag_combination_count": 1000, // Minimum number of tag occurances for creating a map "min_count_for_map": 1000, // Minimum number of relations per type to make this // relation type "interesting", ie. to make it show // up as a relation type. "min_count_relations_per_type": 100 } }, "logging": { // directory for log files "directory": "/osm/taginfo/var/log", // SQL queries longer than this many seconds are logged "min_duration": 0.01 }, // For compiling tagstats. "tagstats": { // Extra compilerflags, for instance to find Osmium. "cxxflags": "-I../../../osmium/osmium/include", // Node location store. For really large OSM files (whole planet or large continent) // this should be "MmapAnon", otherwise "SparseTable". "geodistribution": "SparseTable", // C++ type used for geodistribution "geodistribution_int": "uint16_t" } }