Taginfo ======= Brings together information about OpenStreetMap tags and makes it searchable and browsable. Documentation: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Taginfo Live System: http://taginfo.openstreetmap.de/ FILES ----- * sources - import scripts * web - Web User Interface and API * examples - script to use the API * tagstats - C++ program to create database statistics PREREQUISITES ------------- Uses * Mongrel * Sinatra web framework http://www.sinatrarb.com/ * Rack Contrib Gem (for Rack::JSONP) * JSON gem (install with gem, Debian/Ubuntu packages are too old and buggy) * jQuery (www.jquery.com), necessary files are included * Flexigrid (Originally from http://code.google.com/p/flexigrid/ http://www.flexigrid.info/ , the version used and included is the one from http://github.com/joto/flexigrid with some bugfixes.) Debian/Ubuntu packages: rubygems Gems: gem install mongrel rack rack-contrib sinatra json There is a developer mailing list at http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/taginfo-dev DATA IMPORT ----------- See http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Taginfo/Running WEB USER INTERFACE ------------------ You need a 'data' directory in the parent directory of the directory where this README is. It must contain the sqlite database files created in the data import step or downloaded from http://taginfo.openstreetmap.de/download . To start the web user interface: cd web ./taginfo.rb THANKS ------ Stefano Tampieri - for the Italian translation Ilya Zverev - for the Russion translation Jocelyn Jaubert - for the French translation AUTHOR ------ Jochen Topf http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User:Joto