path: root/web
diff options
authorBathoryPeter <>2014-05-17 10:57:56 +0200
committerBathoryPeter <>2014-05-17 10:57:56 +0200
commit27ca75b00c4bf2797bce23ac794b671c70528383 (patch)
tree85d6dd5f2a654e90b7dc5a40fca3f8a829bfbd45 /web
parent82c16006d6204909c72711b3ecfb91a92e1288d2 (diff)
Hungarian translation added (but not complete yet)
Diffstat (limited to 'web')
1 files changed, 468 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/web/i18n/hu.yml b/web/i18n/hu.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..057d6d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/i18n/hu.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+ tag: Címke
+ tags: Címkék
+ key: Kulcs
+ keys: Kulcsok
+ value: Érték
+ values: Értékek
+ node: Pont
+ nodes: Pontok
+ way: Vonal
+ ways: Vonalak
+ relation: Kapcsolat
+ relations: Kapcsolatok
+ relation_type: Kapcsolat típus
+ relation_types: Kapcsolat típusok
+ relation_member: Kapcsolat tag
+ relation_members: Kapcsolat tagok
+ relation_member_nodes: Tag pontok
+ relation_member_ways: Tag vonalak
+ relation_member_relations: Tag kapcsolatok
+ relation_member_role: Szerep
+ relation_member_roles: Szerepek
+ object: Objektum
+ objects: Objektumok
+ all: Összes
+ user: Felhasználó
+ users: Felhasználók
+ source: Forrás
+ sources: Források
+ download: Letöltés
+ about: A taginfo névjegye
+ contact: Kapcsolat
+ meta: Meta
+ wiki: taginfo wiki oldal
+ report: Jelentés
+ reports: Jelentések
+ international: Nemzetközi
+ apidoc: API dokumentáció
+ test: Teszt
+ map: Térkép
+ maps: Térképek
+ relations: Kapcsolatok
+ combinations: Kombinációk
+ key_combinations: Kombinációk
+ comparison: Kulcs/Címke összehasonlítás
+ overview: Áttekintés
+ data_from: Adatok frissítve
+ uses_data_from: |
+ Felhasznált adatok dátuma:
+ data_from_description: A taginfo adatbázis utolsó frissítése Last update of taginfo database
+ instance:
+ title: Ezen taginfo webhely névjegye
+ other: A többi webhely listáját az <a href="">OSM wikiben</a> találod.
+ values_less_than_one_percent: nincs 1%-nál gyakoribb érték no values with more than 1%
+ empty_string: üres karakterlánc
+ unknown: ismeretlen
+ count: Darab
+ image: Kép
+ no_image: nincs kép
+ all: Összes
+ object_type: Típus
+ description: Leírás
+ help: Súgó
+ length: Hossz
+ icon: Ikon
+ line: Vonal
+ area: Terület
+ language: Nyelv
+ search_for: Keresés
+ objects_tooltip: Objektumok száma (abszolut értékként és minden pont, vonal és kapcsolat százalékában).
+ nodes_tooltip: Pontok száma (abszolut értékként és az összes felcímkézett pont százalékában (vagyis a címkézetlen pontok nem számítanak bele)).
+ ways_tooltip: Vonalak száma (abszolut értékként és az összes vonal százalékában).
+ relations_tooltip: Kapcsolatok száma (abszolut értékként és az összes kapcsolat százalékában).
+ values_tooltip: A kulcs különböző értékeinek a száma.
+ users_tooltip: Az adott kulcsú objektumot utoljára szerkesztő különböző felhasználók száma.
+ prevalent_values: Leggyakoribb értékek
+ prevalent_values_tooltip: A kulcs legfeljebb tíz leggyakoribb értéke (csak ha a címkékt több, mint 1% ilyen értékű).
+ in_wiki_tooltip: Van legalább egy wiki oldala.
+ in_josm_tooltip: A kulcs megjelenik a JOSM-ben.
+ search:
+ title: Keresés
+ intro: Kulcsok és értékek kereséséhez használd a jobb felső sarokban található keresődobozt.
+ string: Kereshetsz címkekulcsokra és -értékekre
+ substring: A kulcs/érték szótöredékek is működnek
+ complete_tags: Kereshetsz teljes címkékre
+ values_only: Kereshetsz csak a címke értékére
+ suggestions: |
+ A kényelem érdekében gépelés közben javaslatok jelennek meg
+ a népszerű kulcsokra és címkékre. Használd a nyílbillentyűket
+ az egyik kiválasztásához, majd nyomj <span class="key">Enter</span>t.
+ Közvetlenül a címke vagy kulcs lapjára fogsz jutni.
+ keyboard:
+ title: Gyorsbillentyűk
+ site_navigation: Webhely navigáció
+ page_navigation: Oldal navigáció
+ table_navigation: Táblázat navigáció
+ keys:
+ home: Home
+ end: End
+ pageup: PgUp
+ pagedown: PgDn
+ esc: Esc
+ tab: TAB
+ home_page: Kezdőlap
+ keys_page: Kulcs lap
+ tags_page: Címke lap
+ relations_page: Kapcsolat lap
+ first_page: Első oldal
+ prev_page: Előző oldal
+ next_page: Következő oldal
+ last_page: Utolsó oldal
+ help_page: Ez a súgó
+ activate_search: Keresőmező aktiválása
+ activate_filter: Szűrő beviteli mező aktiválása
+ prev_entry: Előző elem
+ next_entry: Következő elem
+ enter_entry: Elemre ugrás
+ switch_tab: Fülváltás
+ deactivate: Beviteli mezők inaktiválása
+ up: Feljebb az oldalhierarhiában
+ switch_input: Váltás a beviteli mezők között
+ not_found:
+ title: Nem található
+ intro: Sajnálom, nem található az általad keresett lap.
+ index:
+ popular_keys: Néhány népszerű kulcs
+ keys:
+ listkeys: Összes kulcs megtekintése...
+ tags:
+ listtags: Leggyakoribb címkék megtekintése...
+ relations:
+ listrelations: Leggyakoribb kapcsolatok megtekintése...
+ reports:
+ listreports: Összes jelentés megtekintése...
+ about:
+ intro:
+ <p>OpenStreetMap uses <b>tags</b> of the form <b>key=value</b>
+ to add meaning to geographic objects. Taginfo collects information
+ about these tags from several sources to help you understand what
+ they mean and how they are used.</p>
+ more: More about taginfo...
+ international:
+ see: See other taginfo sites...
+ sources:
+ intro: |
+ <p>Taginfo takes data about OSM tags from several sources and brings them
+ together for easy browsing and discovery.</p>
+ <p>Note that taginfo only displays this data. If you want to change it, you
+ have to go back to the source.</p>
+ data_until: Data until
+ last_update_run: Last update run
+ data_until_explanation: All edits until this time will be in the data, later edits might be.
+ to: to
+ download:
+ intro: |
+ <p>Here you can download the databases used by taginfo. All the data is stored
+ in <a class="extlink" href="">Sqlite</a> databases.
+ The database files are then packed with <a class="extlink" href="">bzip2</a>.</p>
+ <p>If you don't want to download these databases, but need automated access to
+ the data, you can also use the <a href="/about">API</a>.</p>
+ file: File
+ packed: Packed
+ unpacked: Unpacked
+ description: Description
+ reports:
+ intro: |
+ Reports show the tag data from different angles.
+ They often bring together data from several sources in interesting ways. Some
+ of the reports can help with finding specific errors.
+ list: List of all reports
+ data_sources: Data sources used
+ search:
+ title: Search results
+ you_were_searching_for: You were searching for
+ fulltext: Full text
+ no_keys: No keys found.
+ no_values: No values found.
+ no_tags: No tags found.
+ no_match: No matches.
+ keys:
+ intro: |
+ This table shows all tag keys that exist in the database or in any of the other sources.
+ tags:
+ intro: |
+ This table shows the most common tags in the database.
+ relations:
+ name: Relation types
+ intro: Information about the different types of relations (indicated by the <a href="/keys/type?filter=relations">type</a> tag).
+ relations_of_type_tooltip: Number of relations of this type (and as percentage of all relations).
+ prevalent_roles: Prevalent roles
+ prevalent_roles_tooltip: Prevalent roles for this type of relation.
+ no_information: No information
+ roles_less_than_one_percent: no roles with more than 1%
+ empty_role: empty role
+ key:
+ description_from_wiki: Description of this key from the wiki (if available in your chosen language, otherwise in English).
+ no_description_in_wiki: No English language description for this key in the wiki. (See also the "Wiki" tab.)
+ filter:
+ label: |
+ Filter:
+ none: No filter
+ nodes: Nodes only
+ ways: Ways only
+ relations: Relations only
+ button_disabled: Button disabled, because there are too many objects with this key.
+ number_objects: Number of objects
+ number_values: Number of values
+ values_used: Values used with this key
+ tag_description_from_wiki: Description of the tag from the wiki (if available in your chosen language, otherwise in English).
+ overview:
+ objects_last_edited_by: Objects with this key were last edited by %1 different users.
+ no_endorsement: (This does not mean that all those users endorse this key.)
+ distribution_of_values: Distribution of values
+ other_keys_used:
+ title: Other keys used together with this key
+ other: Other keys
+ to_count_tooltip: Number of objects with this key that also have the other key.
+ other_key_tooltip: Key used together with this key.
+ from_count_tooltip: Number of objects with other key that also have this key.
+ geographic_distribution:
+ title: Geographical distribution of this key
+ relations: Relations do not have a geographical location, so no map can be shown.
+ wiki_pages:
+ title: Wiki pages about this key
+ none_found: No wiki page available for this key.
+ create: Create wiki page for this key
+ wiki_page: Wiki page
+ implied_tags: Implied Tags
+ combined_tags: Combined Tags
+ linked_tags: Linked Tags
+ josm:
+ title: JOSM style rules with this key
+ choice: |
+ Choose style:
+ no_styles: No JOSM styles for this key.
+ tag:
+ description_from_wiki: Description of this tag from the wiki (if available in your chosen language, otherwise in English).
+ no_description_in_wiki: No English language description for this tag in the wiki. (See also the "Wiki" tab.)
+ button_disabled: Button disabled, because there are too many objects with this tag.
+ number_objects: Number of objects
+ overview:
+ see_also: See also the relation type page
+ other_tags_used:
+ title: Other tags used together with this tag
+ other: Other tags
+ to_count_tooltip: Number of objects with this tag that also have the other tag/key.
+ other_key_tooltip: Tags/Keys used together with this tag.
+ from_count_tooltip: Number of objects with other tag/key that also have this tag.
+ combinations:
+ title: Combinations
+ description: This table shows only the most common combinations of the most common tags.
+ geographic_distribution:
+ title: Geographical distribution of this tag
+ relations: Relations do not have a geographical location, so no map can be shown.
+ no_map: Sorry. The map can only be created for the most frequent tags. Try the overpass turbo link.
+ wiki_pages:
+ title: Wiki pages about this tag
+ none_found: No wiki page available for this tag.
+ create: Create wiki page for this tag
+ suggest_key_wiki_page: Maybe you can find some more information on the wiki page for the key %1.
+ wiki_page: Wiki page
+ implied_tags: Implied Tags
+ combined_tags: Combined Tags
+ linked_tags: Linked Tags
+ josm:
+ title: JOSM style rules with this tag
+ choice: |
+ Choose style:
+ no_styles: No JOSM styles for this tag.
+ relation:
+ name: Relation type
+ description_from_wiki: Description of this relation type from the wiki (if available in your chosen language, otherwise in English).
+ no_description_in_wiki: No English language description for this relation type in the wiki. (See also the "Wiki" tab.)
+ button_disabled: Button disabled, because there are too many objects with this relation type.
+ overview:
+ tab: Overview
+ title: Overview
+ member_type: Member type
+ member_count: Number of members
+ see_also: See also the tag page
+ roles:
+ tab: Roles
+ title: Member roles
+ objects_tooltip: Relation members with this role (and as percentage of all members) for this relation type.
+ nodes_tooltip: Relation members of type node with this role (and as percentage of all members of type node) for this relation type.
+ ways_tooltip: Relation members of type way with this role (and as percentage of all members of type way) for this relation type.
+ relations_tooltip: Relation members of type relation with this role (and as percentage of all members of type relation) for this relation type.
+ no_roles_info: There is no information about roles for this relation type (most likely because there are only very few of those relations).
+ graph:
+ tab: Roles Graph
+ title: Roles Graph
+ wiki_pages:
+ title: Wiki pages about this relation type
+ none_found: No wiki page available for this relation type.
+ create: Create wiki page for this relation type
+ wiki_page: Wiki page
+ pagetext: Page
+ pagestat: Displaying {from} to {to} of {total} items
+ outof: of
+ findtext: Find
+ procmsg: Processing, please wait...
+ nomsg: No items
+ errormsg: Connection Error
+ master:
+ name: Master
+ description: Aggregate statistics and miscellaneous data needed for the taginfo user interface.
+ db:
+ name: Database
+ description: Statistics about each key and each tag from the main OSM database (planet file).
+ wiki:
+ name: Wiki
+ description: Data from the tag and key pages of the OSM wiki.
+ josm:
+ name: JOSM
+ description: Configuration data from the JOSM OSM editor.
+ potlatch:
+ name: Potlatch
+ description: Configuration data from the Potlatch2 OSM editor.
+ languages:
+ name: Languages
+ description: Language names, codes, etc. from IANA and Unicode registries.
+ characters_in_keys:
+ name: Characters in keys
+ intro: |
+ <p>Any valid Unicode character can appear in an OSM key but usually only lower
+ case latin letters (a-z) and the underscore (_) are used. Sometimes the colon
+ (:) is added as a separator character.</p>
+ statistics:
+ tab: Statistics
+ title: Statistics overview
+ fraction: Fraction
+ characters: Characters in key
+ characters_in_keys:
+ plain: Only latin lowercase letters (<span class="char">a</span> to <span class="char">z</span>) and underscore (<span class="char">_</span>), first and last characters are letters.
+ colon: Like A but with one or more colons (<span class="char">:</span>) inside.
+ letters: Like B but with uppercase latin letters or letters from other alphabets.
+ space: Like C but contains at least one whitespace character (space, tab, new line, carriage return, or from other alphabets).
+ problem: Like C but contains possibly problematic characters <span class="char">=+/&amp;&lt;&gt;;'"?%#@\,</span>.
+ rest: Everything else.
+ total: Total
+ whitespace:
+ tab: Whitespace
+ title: Keys with whitespace
+ intro: |
+ <p>Keys that contain whitespace characters such as space, tab, new
+ line, carriage return, or whitespace characters from other
+ alphabets.<br/>
+ Whitespace in keys can be confusing, especially at the
+ beginning or end of the key, because they are invisible. Generally
+ the underscore (_) should be used instead.</p>
+ problematic:
+ tab: Problematic
+ title: Keys with possibly problematic characters
+ intro: |
+ <p>Keys that contain possibly problematic characters: <span
+ class="char">=+/&amp;&lt;&gt;;'"?%#@\,</span> or control
+ characters. These characters
+ can be problematic, because they are used to quote strings in
+ different programming languages or have special meanings in XML, HTML,
+ URLs, and other places. The equal sign is used often as separator
+ between tag keys and values.<br/>
+ Keys that appear in this list are not necessarily wrong though. But
+ in many cases they are just results of some error.</p>
+ database_statistics:
+ name: Database statistics
+ frequently_used_keys_without_wiki_page:
+ name: Frequently used keys without wiki page
+ intro: |
+ <p>This table shows keys that appear more than 10&thinsp;000 times in the OSM
+ database but have no wiki page describing them. If you know anything about one
+ of these keys, please create the wiki page by clicking on the link in the
+ leftmost column and describe the key. Sometimes it might make sense to create a
+ redirect to a different wiki page instead. To do this put just one line with
+ <tt style="background-color: #f0f0f0; padding: 0 2px;">#REDIRECT [[<i>page name</i>]]</tt>
+ in the wiki page.</p>
+ also_show_keys: Also show keys that have no English language wiki page but a page in some other language.
+ table:
+ create_wiki_page: Create wiki page...
+ josm_styles:
+ name: JOSM styles
+ key_lengths:
+ name: Key lengths
+ intro: |
+ <p>Tag keys can be between 0 and 255 (Unicode) characters long. Very short or very long keys are often, but not always, errors.</p>
+ table:
+ number_of_objects: Number of objects
+ histogram:
+ intro: This histogram shows how many keys there are of each length.
+ key_length: Key length
+ number_of_keys: Number of keys
+ language_comparison_table_for_keys_in_the_wiki:
+ name: Language comparison table for keys in the wiki
+ icons:
+ template: Page in wiki available and contains standard template.
+ error: Page in wiki available and contains standard template, but couldn't be parsed.
+ page: Page in wiki available but doesn't contain standard template.
+ redirect: Page is a redirect.
+ intro: |
+ <p>This table shows all tag keys for which there are wiki pages available and in what languages they are.</p>
+ languages:
+ name: Languages
+ intro: |
+ <p>OpenStreetMap is an international project. Tags and their descriptions can
+ be in any language. This table lists the languages taginfo knows about and how
+ many wiki pages there are in these languages documenting keys and tags,
+ respectively.</p>
+ code: Code
+ native_name: Native name
+ english_name: English name
+ wiki_key_pages: Wiki key pages
+ wiki_tag_pages: Wiki tag pages
+ wiki_pages_about_non_existing_keys:
+ name: Wiki pages about non-existing keys
+ intro: |
+ <p>This table shows keys for which a wiki page exists but there is not a single
+ instance in the database. This is not necessarily an error (maybe somebody
+ added the documentation in the wiki as preparation for using a key or the wiki
+ page documents a now obsolete key), but it can also be a typo or other error.</p>
+ wiki_pages: Wiki pages
+ name_tags:
+ name: Variants of name tags
+ intro: |
+ <p>This report shows information related to the naming of objects in OSM
+ using the <tt>name</tt> tag and its variants.</p>
+ overview:
+ tab: Overview
+ title: Overview
+ bcp47:
+ tab: BCP47 Subtags
+ title: BCP47 Subtags
+ filter:
+ label: Show only subtags of type
+ all: All
+ language: Language
+ script: Script
+ region: Region
+ variant: Variant
+ intro: |
+ <p>The <a href="">IETF</a> defines <i>language
+ tags</i> in its standard
+ <a href="">Tags for Identifying Languages
+ (BCP47)</a>. Language
+ tags consist of one or more <i>subtags</i> describing the language,
+ script, variants, etc. The following list shows the subtags currently
+ registered that are relevant for OSM. For more information see also the
+ <a href="">Wikipedia
+ entry on IETF language tags</a> and the <a
+ href=""></a> site.</p>
+ <p>Note that the data shown in this table is <b>not</b> from OpenStreetMap,
+ it just shows the building blocks that can be used to describe languages
+ irrespective of whether they are actually used in OSM.
+ </p>